
时间:2019-05-12 18:23:32下载本文作者:会员上传


教学内容:Unit 8 We’re twins!教学目标:

1、通过全家福照片及纸偶的展示学习句型Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s….。

2、通过学习Story time,能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词aunt, twins, we’re。

3、.通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。

4、能在真实的情景中运用Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s….进行交流。

教学重难点:1、通过学习Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。

能在真实的情景中运用Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s….进行交流。教学过程: Step1: Warm up 1.(课前准备五个纸偶,画上不同的人物(分别代表自己和家庭中其他成员)。课堂上戴着纸偶现场操作,模拟出不同人物,与学生进行交流。)T: Look, this is a girl.This is a boy.This is a man.This is a woman.通过介绍纸偶学习girl, boy, man, woman T: Who are they? Let’s listen to a song.2.Listen to a song T: This is me.Welcome to my family.Look!Who’s he? 指着爸爸的纸偶 S1: He’s …

T: Yes, he’s my father.Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you too.Who’s this girl? 指着画有妹妹图像的纸偶 S1:She’s…

同法引出其他家庭成员,渗透文中主要句型 3.学生出示自己的全家福

T:This is the finger family.Who wants to show us your family photo?

(投影)Who’s this man / woman / boy / girl? S1: She’s / He’s my…

Ss:Who’s this man / woman / boy / girl? S1: She’s / He’s my… Step2 : Presentation


T: Today is Open Day.The children and their families are at school.Who are they? Look at the picturee and listen to the tape.Ss: 学生整体听录音初步理解课文内容

2.从学生已知人物入手,引导学生带着了解未知人物的目的,听课文录音,进一步理解课文内容,理清人物关系 T:(指着Mike)Who’s this boy? S1: He’s Mike.T:(指着Yang Ling)Who’s that girl? S2: She’s Yang Ling.T:(指着Su Hai)And who’s this girl? S3: She’s Su Hai.T:(指着Su Yang)Is this Su Hai? S4: No, she’s Su Yang.T: Yes, they’re twins.(Teach‘twins’)

T: 继续出示课文中另外两个成年人物图 Who’s she? Who’s he? Let’s listen and match Ss: 听录音,连线 T:Who is he? Ss:(引导学生回答)He’s Mike’s uncle.So Mike says’He’s my uncle.’ 此环节时,将人物图片贴在黑板上

3.引导学生认识理解man, woman, boy, girl等词 T: Who are in the playground? Ss: Mike, Yang Ling, …(看着黑板一一复述)T: I have some words here.Can you help them to find friends?(事先将单词也做好,让学生将单词及人物配对,Mike —— boy)

Step3 Consolidation 1.Read the dialogue after the tape Read in role Read in groups Act out the story 2.布置学生准备一些自己感兴趣的名人或卡通人物,小组之间讨论 A.Homework.1.Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2.Try to recite the dialogue.3.Copy the new words.4.Make the family tree(参照Fun time)

B.Homework.1.Recite the dialogue and the words.2.Using the sentence’ Who’s she / he? Who’s that girl / boy? He’s / She’s….’to talk about your family.3.Introduce your family This girl is my ….This man is….… 板书设计:

Unit 8 We’re twins!

Who’s this / that …?



Yang Ling

Su Hai Su Yang






第二篇:译林版3A Unit8教案

三年级英语上册教案Unit 8 Happy New Year 第一教时


Story time 教学目标:

1.能听懂、会说、会读、日常用语和句型Happy New Year!

What’s this/ that? It’s…

This is for you.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇uncle,doll,ball,robot,CD.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇happy,new,year,for,you,that,car.4.欣赏歌曲Happy New Year!教学重点:

1.句型:What’s this/that? It’s „ This is for you.2.词汇:happy,new,year,for, doll,ball,robot.教学难点

1.日常用语:What’s this/that?的语序

2.词汇:happy,new,year,doll,ball,robot等词的读音 教学准备

1.多媒体、挂图、生词卡片,服装类、食品类图片,本单元学习的玩具类的图片(多带几套做奖品)、玩具(用礼品盒包装),Uncle John像的头饰, 小红花等奖品。

2.黑板进行喜庆的装饰,并写上New Year’s Day(the first of January/1月1日)教学过程 A.Greetings B.Say a rhyme For you and me C.Free talk 1.教师出示Uncle John的头像介绍

T: Who’s this? He’s Uncle John.Now, I’m Uncle John.(戴上头饰).Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Uncle John.教师领读uncle, John.学生跟读


T: Look, there are some clothes.(把图片翻过去,抽一张)What’s this? Guess.S1: It’s a T-shirt.T: No.S2:It’s a jacket.T: Yes.Look at this jacket.It’s red.S2: How nice!T: This is for you.(作为奖励给学生,引导学生说Thank you)S2: Thank you.抽另一张

T: What’s this? Guess.S3: It’s a skirt.T: Yes.What colour is it? S3: It’s green.T: Good.This is for you.S3: Thank you.„ … 3.出示食品图片, 然后翻过去,抽一张让学生猜。

T: What’s this? Guess.S4: It’s a cake..T: Would you like a cake? S4: Yes, please.T: This cake is for you.Here you are.S4: Thank you.„ …

D.Story time 1.出示玩具类图片,师生对话,了解学生对这类单词的掌握情况,进行教学。

T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a doll.T: Great.It’s a doll.D-O-L-L, doll.Ss: D-O-L-L, doll.T: This is for you.(给学生相应图片做奖品)

S1: Thank you.教师把所学单词板书在黑板上

… …


2.集体认读玩具类单词,请学生把图片与黑板上的单词配对。3.出示装有这些玩具的礼品盒,并摆放在不同位置。T: What are they? Maybe it’s a doll…it’s a ball.Guess.T: What’s this? S1: It’s a doll.T: No.S2: It’s a car.T:Yes.This is for you.(给学生相应图片做奖品)

S2: Thank you.指远处的盒子问,让学生初步感知What’s this?与What’s that?的区别。T: What’s that?

S2: It’s a robot.T: Yes.You are right.This is for you.(给学生奖品)S2: Thank you.„ …

4.引导学生看黑板的日期,播放歌曲Happy New Year.T: It’s New Year’s Day.Happy New Year.(引导学生回答Happy New Year.)Ss: Happy New Year.教师走进学生中间,与学生用Happy New Year.互相问好。5.播放Story time动画,引导学生理解。

6.学生听录音跟读对话,提醒学生指着所读模仿语音语调 7.学生分组、分角色朗读

E.Consolidation 1.出示Story time部分的图片,师生、生生分角色看图说话。2.学生同桌用图片或卡片,互赠新年礼物,互致新年祝福 S1: Happy New Year.S2: Happy New Year.S1: This is for you.S2: Thank you.What’s this? S1: It’s a toy cae.S2: It’s nice.师生先示范,然后学生分组练习。

F.Homework 1.听录音,熟读Story time对话,拼读玩具类单词 2.抄写词汇happy,new,year,for, you,that,car,yes.义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册教案Unit 8 第二教时 教学内容

Fun time,Song time 教学目标: 复习巩固第一教时学习的日常用语和句型、单词,培养学生运用这些语句进行交流的能力。


1.多媒体、挂图,服装类、食品类、玩具类图片和单词卡片,写有Story time对话句子的条卡。

2.学生准备服装类、食品类、玩具类图片和单词卡片,组成扑克,准备游戏。教学过程 A.Greetings B.Sing a song 1)





C.Revison 1)


出示Story time部分图片,随着图片的出示让站在前面的学生相应举起卡片编对话领读,其余学生跟读。




Free talk 教师把一些物品(包括食物、玩具、衣服等)的字卡或图片组成扑克,让学生抽取,师生对话

T: What’s this? S1: It’s a cake.T: Would you like a cake.S1: Yes, please.T: This cake is for you.S1: Thank you.T: What’s this? S2: It’s a skirt.T: What colour is it? S2: It’s yellow.T: You’re right.This is for you.S2: Thank you „ …

D.Fun time 1.引导学生看课本P52,了解游戏规则 2.师生示范 T: What’s this? S1: It’s a CD.T: No, it isn’t.S2: It’s a robot.T: You’re right.This is for you.S2:Thank you.3.学生分组游戏。

E.Homework 1.课后继续Fun time部分的游戏。2.抄写本单元四会单词。

义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册教案 Unit 8 第三教时 教学内容

Cartoon time, Letter time 教学目标

1.复习巩固句型Happy New Year

What’s this/ that? It’s…

This is for you.2.能听懂、会说、会读Happy birthday!3.能听懂、会说、会读单词toy, ah,ha 4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写字母Xx,Yy,Zz.教学重点:

1.能看懂、会表演Cartoon time部分对话。2.



1.多媒体、挂图,生词卡片,字母卡片 2.在黑板上画好四线三格。教学过程 A.Greetings B.Revision 1)

出示Story time图片,学生看图说话


出示玩具类图片,遮住图片部分,让学生猜,师生对话 T: What’s this? S1: It’s a doll.T: No.S2: It’s a car.T: Yes, you’re right.This is for you.让这名学生把图片展示给其他学生看并领读。„ …

C.Song time 1.Sing the song Happy New Year 2.T: Can you sing song Happy birthday to you?(大部分学生会唱)Let’s sing Happy birthday to you together 师生齐唱生日歌

D.Cartoon time T: Today is Bobby’s birthday.Let’s watch a cartoon.播放Cartoon time部分动画。


T: Who’s this?

Ss: It’s Sam.T: Who’s this?

Ss: This is Bobby.T: Yes.This is Dog.And this is their friend, Monkey.What’s in the box? 3.检查学生的理解情况 T: Whose birthday is this? Ss: It’s Bobby’s birthday.T: Good.Look at Picture2.what’s this? Ss: It’s a toy car.(教学toy)T: Look at Picture.What’s this? Ss:…

T: It’s a clown.4.学生听录音跟读,模仿语音语调。5.学生分角色朗读表演。

E.Letter time 1.引导学生看P54图片,找出字母Xx,Yy,Zz.2.教师领读字母,学生注意观察老师口型跟读。3.朗读竞赛。教师观察学生口型,及时纠正。4.学习书写


F.Homework 1.试着默写本单元四会单词。2.抄写字母Xx,Yy,Zz.义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册教案Unit 8 第四教时 教学内容

Checkout time 教学目标



A.Greetings B.Song time 1.Sing the song Happy New Year 2.Sing the song Colour song 3.出示彩纸、颜色类单词卡片,复习颜色类单词 C.Say a rhyme

For you and me


A doll, a ball I can see.A dall, a ball For you and me

… …

C.Letter time 1.引导学生背字母Aa—Zz.2.教师拿出字母卡片,让学生抽一张,站到讲台前展示给大家,并大声读出来;全班一起“书空”写这个字母,继续请其他同学抽字母卡片,读写字母;站到台前的同学按字母顺序站好,全班按字母顺序再读字母。D.Cartoon time 出示Cartoon time部分图片,全班一起看图说话 E.Checkout time 1)

Look and say 出示Checkout time部分图片,师生对话 T:(指靠近自己身边的图)What’s this? Ss: It’s a robot.T: What colour is it? Ss: It’s white.T: Yes.It’s a white robot.T: What’s that? Ss: It’s a robot.T: Yes.It’s a robot, too.What colour is it? Ss: It’s black.T: Yes, you’re right.It’s a black.引导学生同桌一组,仿照老师的谈话,说说其它几组图片,教师巡视指导。

2)Listen and choose



3)Listen and repeat

学生跟读听力内容,注意模仿语音语调。F.Homework 抄写字母Aa—Zz.义务教育教科书(江苏)三年级英语上册Unit 8 第五教时 教学内容 《补充习题》中本单元的练习Ticking time 教学目标 复习巩固本单元的学习内容,能用英语进行新年的问候,能用本单元学习的语句进行交流,进一步培养学生综合运用语言的能力 教学过程 A.Greetings B.Revision 1.词汇:

1)三会:uncle, doll, ball, robot, CD, ah,ha(教师板书,学生认读)2)四会:happy, new,year,for, you,that,car,yes.(教师报,学生写,学生自我检查掌握的情况)2..字母Aa—Zz.(抽学生背,了解学生掌握的情况)3.语句


C.Practice 参照三年级英语教师用书《补充习题》教学建议,指导学生完成本单元练习。D.Ticking time 指导学生结合练习情况,对本单元的学习作自我评价。

第三篇:译林小学 英语3下Unit8第一课时教案


1.学生能听懂、会读boy ,girl , man,woman,twin,uncle , aunt , open day

2.学生能够听懂、会读:Who’s the woman/man/the girl/boy ? 以及回答He/She is …

3.学生能够分辨出Su Hai和Su Yang 的区别 4.学生能够理解课文,并准确朗读。学重难点:

1.学生能听懂、会读boy ,girl , man,woman,twin,uncle , aunt , wife 2.学生能够听懂、会读:Who’s the woman/man/the girl/boy ? 以及回答He/She is …


Enjoy Sound time Enjoy Rhyme time Free talk

1.What is your name ? 2.What are these ? 3.What time do you wake up ? 4.Where is your crayon ? 5.Who’s your friend ?

6.Is she a girl ? Is he a boy ? 新授girl


-----girl … is a girl.出现卡通人物,…is a girl.小雪

同时呈现boy , toy---boy … is a boy.出现卡通人物,…is a boy.刘星,喜洋洋…… 出现大耳朵图图的剧照。What is the picture about ? It’s about Wu’s family and Tutu’s friends.Who’s the girl? She’s Xiaomei.Why use she ?(为什么用she 呢?)Who is she ? Is she Su Hai ? No, she isn’t.a ? Who is she ? She is Su Yang ? 出示两个人同时的图片 Why they look the same ? Because they are twins.新授twin ,双胞胎之一 双胞胎姐妹 twin sisters

twin brothers.What are their differences(不同)? 苏海有蝴蝶结 苏洋是发圈

Today is Open Day.Many people come to school.Do you know open day ? 开放日,What does Open day “mean ”(意思)? Are there some one new ? Let’s watch.There are 2 people new.Who is the man ? man 男士

_____ man , man的复数是____ men.Who is the man ? ______ is a man.He’s Mike’s uncle.Do you know uncle ? your father’s brother , your mother’s brother.What does it mean(意思)in Chinese ? Who’s Mike’s uncle ? He’s Roy.boy----Roy.Look at their hair.It’s the same colour.Hair , 头发,不可数名词。

Who’s the woman ? 构词法 man,+wo

_____ is a woman.Who’s that woman ? Is she Su Hai’s mother ? No, she’s Yang Ling’s aunt.What does aunt mean(意思)in English ? What does aunt mean(意思)in Chinese ? Let’s read story time 标出重读 summary: 1.男孩的英文 boy


girl 3.男人的英文 man 4.女士的英文 woman 5.今天学习了两位新的家庭成员 uncle


第四篇:译林版牛津英语教材 4A Unit8 Dolls教案

译林版 4A Unit8 Dolls

Period 1 Story time Step1:Warming-up 1.Listen to a song:Heads Teacher and students sing and do the action together(arouse the ss interest by doing the action)2.Goals for this lesson Try to know some words about parts of the body Try to understand and act out the story Try to talk about the appearance of a person 3.Greetings T:Good morning,boys and girls S:Good morning,Miss Liao T:I like dogs,what do you like? S:......T:I like drawing pictures.Step2:Presentation 1.The teacher draws a circle on the bb and let the ss guess what is it.S:It’s...T:It’s a face.What are on the face.guess S:mouth.(teach mouth)T:What else on the face? S:nose,ears,eyes(big or small),hair(long or short)At the same time teach the words nose ,ear,hair(this part the teacher lets the ss use the words they have learned to describe the face ,its aim is to review the words and lead the ss to learn the new words about the body)2.Let’s play the teacher presents a picture and let the ss guess who she is and then practice the words they have learned through the quick response by when they saw the teacher says she is beautiful and saw the body part says the words.(this part the teacher uses her photos to train the ss’ quick response to speak the words about the body they have learned,its aim is to consolidate the new words)3.lead the title-----dolls The teacher presents a doll and ask the ss what is it and then lead the title of the class(teach doll,dolls)(this part the teacher presents a doll consists of the clear body the face and lead the ss to know today’s topic is doll)4.T:What’s it? S:It’s a doll.T:Yes,it’s a doll.I have many dolls,do you want to see it? T:in these dolls,I like it very much.why? S:beautiful.T:Look at her mouth.It’s..S:It’s small.(teach small)T:How about her nose? S:It’s small.T:How about her eyes? S:They are big.(teach big)T:How about her hair? S:Her hair is long.(teach long)T:How about sb’s hair? S:His hair is short.(teach short)The teacher presents different kinds of dolls and then choose one doll to ask ss why i like the doll very much and by describing the nose,eyes,hair to teach the words short and long,big and small.(Her..is.../Her..are...)5.Let’s watch Q:How many dolls do they have? S:Two T:Yes,a girl doll and a boy doll.(this part will teach the story,so the teacher gives a question before the ss watch the cartoon,its aim is to arouse the ss interest)6.Listen and circle out the key words T and ss check the answer and describe the dolls together(listen to the story and fill in the blanks,this part the teacher tries to review the words the ss have learned)7.Let’s imitate Read the story together.Read in roles(this part will help the ss consolidate the story)8.Show time Four ss a group choose one way to act the story.(read together,read in roles or act out the story)(this part will help the ss consolidate the story too)Step:Practice T:I have many characters.Do you like them?And let’s guess who is he/she? S:Tutu...Describe the characters in groups and the other groups guess(this part the teacher uses the cartoon character which the ss like best to activate ss speaking abilities to describe the characters)Step:Production Introduce your friends

Let the ss introduce their friends and others guess who she/he is.Eg:This is my friend

His/her...is..His/her...are..He is cool.She is beautiful.(this part the teacher goes back to the core of the lesson to describe a person to let the ss use the words they learned in daily life)Check I can say some words about body parts.I can understand and act out the story.I can talk about a person’s appearance.(this part by giving the stars to the ss and review the materials they have learned in class to check the ss whether they have learned)Homework 1.listen and read the story,try to recite it.2.Introduce your friends to your partner.这节课基本上体现了素质教育所提倡的以老师为主导,以学生为主体,以训练为主线的三为主的教学思想和民主教学思想,结合低年级学生喜欢做游戏的特点,通过Let’s play、Let’s sing Let’s guess、quick response、Let’s act等多种活动途径,进行愉快教学,充分调动了学生的积极性,课堂气氛活跃,目标达成率较高。


2.活动方式多样化,有group work、、play a guessing game、say and act 等一系列活动。







本册共有8个单元和2个project,每个单元有story time, fun time, cartoon time, sound time, rhyme/song time, checkout time, ticking time.教学时可不必拘泥于教材的编排,可根据班级的具体情况和实际教学课时,将各单元内容重新组合,科学合理的将单词教学,对话操练,复习巩固融为一体。三年级学生学英语已有一学期的,他们对英语有了浓厚的学习兴趣,在课堂上能积极参与各项活动,乐于用英语表达,这为课堂教学的成功创建了良好条件。当需注意的是由于学生年龄较小,因而缺乏一定的持久性与稳定性,教师所要做的就是通过多种灵活的教学方法和手段,将他们的学习兴趣转变为学习动机。




















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    译林版四年级英语下册Unit8 Story time教学设计

    译林版四年级英语下册Unit8 Story time教学设计 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:may,hear,take care,at school 2.能听懂、会说、会读单词词组:come to school,col......


    译林版英语四年级上册Unit 3 How many教案 一、 教材简析: 本单元由Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time, Ticking time七个部分组......



    译林小学英语 三年级 下册 复习总结(汇编)

    Unit 1 In class (在上课) 四会单词: open(打开) the(这个,这些,那个,那些)door(门), close(关上,合上) window(窗户)book (书) 短语: in class(在上课) good morning(早上好) Mr. Green(格......



    译林版四年级上册 Unit8 Dolls 教学反思

    译林版四年级上册 Unit8 Dolls 教学反思 本课时是第八单元的第一课时,教学内容主要是围绕五官hair, eyes, ears, mouth, nose 以及它们的长短大小展开。本课的重点句型是His/......


    Unit 3 A healthy diet Unit 3 一、教学内容: 1.字母组合ou在单词中的读音。 2.听得懂,会说,会读,会写a lot of, some, a little, a few,healthy, diet, need. 3.听得懂,会说,会......


    Unit 8 Our dreams 一 单元教学内容简析: 本册最后一个单元话题是“我的梦想",旨在通过此话题讨论,引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并为实现自己的梦想努力奋斗。本单元的目......