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 自己的学习及教学经历中的感悟



 国内外研究成果的启示  西方国家传统教学法的借鉴










(1)、Schneider, Roth & Ennemoser 三人在2000年的实验证明,将语音意识和字母拼音教学结合起来训练,使学生掌握英语单词的形和音的联系,帮助学生由单词的形知道单词的发音(即见形知音),或由单词的发音知道单词的拼写(即听音知形)利于学生掌握英语文字中的音形对应关系和音形转换规则,促进学生读写单词的能力.



字母拼音教学法(Phonics 即看字读音教学法,在词典中的解释也叫语音学),也中读音法,是西方国家儿童母语阅读的一种最为古老、传统的方法.教师通过直接、系统的方法,教儿童辨认字母与字母发音之音的关系。具体做法是先教儿童学会字母所代表的音值,然后逐个地学习和掌握字母及字母组合以及单词之间的关系.这种方法其实就是将单词的发音和书写联系起来,将抽象的音素转换成字母以及单词,从而提高学生认读、拼写单词和阅读的能力。







 我国的英语教学经历了较长的历程.近二十年,就我们小英语教学来说,也经历了由应试教学到语用教学的过程.但大多引用了现代欧美国家的教学理念.


 所以当然我国的英语教育特别是小学英语教学也出现了同样的问题。在运用整体教育理念以前,我们的应试教育虽然强调单词的记忆,也摸索出许多记忆方法,如利用艾宾浩斯记忆方法、图片刺激法、歌曲歌谣记忆法、活动游戏法等等,这些方法虽然也很大程度提高了学生记忆英语单词的能力,但也有一大部分孩子,活动时很快乐,但快乐过后,什么都没留下。一大部分孩子,能听,也能说,但不会读,更不会写。而且听说也只是大概会,所以现在很多学生把cat 读成car,farm读成 far反过来听时也出现同样的问题。 十三年前,南宁市刚普及小学英语课时,我们使用的马承教授的小学英语教材,提到了读音教学法,其它的教材大多没提到,更不用说进行读音训练了。


 一度占主导地位的整体语言教学法,使得象美国等以英语为母语或第二语言的国家学生基本读写能力普遍下降,广大教育研究者不得不重新使用字母拼音教学;

 目前国外最有影响的这类课题研究是BBC报导的苏格兰一间小学运用“全拼音”syntheticphonics, e.g.Jolly Phonics 教学,效果突出。2004年10月28日工业分散格兰教育部长推荐苏格兰所有小学全面推行此教法.2005年2月11日,Hull和 St.Andrew两所大学长达7年的研究报告显示,懂“全拼法”技巧的学童,阅读能力比同龄儿童高两年;  国内有俞红珍、刘淑安和厉园光采取“直接拼音入门”法,证明此法培养了学生见词能读、听音能写的能力,学生记单词直接、省时,高效;

 有报导说台湾李如云博士发明了《英语表音密码》,但因种种原因不见推广。






 理论基础:1994南宁市首次推广小学开设英语课,使用的马承教授编的小学英语教材,其中的掐头法、去尾法、对比法学读音,给我们的语音教学研究在理论上引了一个头;

 实践基础:多年教学已经积累一定的实验研究经验。



 研究出合适小学生的训练读写规则的方法;

 通过这种方法的训练,培养学生的语音意识,做到听音见形,见形知音,从而提



 理论研究:研究出字母及字母组合与单词发音的对应关系;

 实践研究:研究出一条培养学生运用字母及字母组合与单词发音的对应关系,初步掌握的单词认读和拼写方法的教学路子。





• 综合研究法:包括调查问卷法、观察法、资料收集法、对比法、归纳法等,这些


• 实验研究法:按假设的理论对学生进行训练的过程主要用实验研究法; • 评价研究法:对有关教学效果、有关实验结果的分析主要采用评价法;


学科代码:520101 学 号:050501060019

贵 州 师 范 大 学(本 科)

题 目:

毕 业 论 文

A Study of the Application of TPR Teaching Method in English Classroom of Primary School


学 院:外国语学院 专 业:英语教育 年 级:2005级3班 姓 名:令狐X 指导教师:郑XX(教授)完成时间:2009年4月


The completion of this thesis would not have been possible without the encouragement, the guidance, and the support of many other people.First of all, I would extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my supervisor Professor Zheng zhijin, who has given me valuable suggestions and insightful comments in the thesis writing.He has also spent much time going through brainstorming with me, put my work on the right track, read in great details every draft of every section of this thesis, and helped improve the appropriateness of English used.My gratitude to Professor Zheng knows no bound.Special thanks also go to my family for their unfailing support and love throughout my university study.CONTENTS

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Abstract(in English)………………………………………………………….5 Abstract(in Chinese)…....................................................................................5 I Introduction….................................................................................................5 1.1 The Definition of TPR....................................................................................6 1.2 Background of the Study……………………………………………………7 1.3 Significance of the Thesis…………………………………………………..7 1.4 Organization of the Thesis…………………………………………………..8 II Literature Review……………………………………………………………..9 2.1 The Benefits of TPR………………………………………………………....9 2.1.1 Success with Children‟s English Learning……………………………9 2.1.2 Three Obvious Features………………………………………………11 High-speed Understanding of Any Target Language………..11 Long-term Retention………………………………………....12 Zero Stress…………………………………………………...13 III Psychology of Children‟s Learning State………………………………..….14 3.1 Distraction of Children‟s Attention………………………………………....14 3.2 Use TPR to Solve the Problem of Distraction………………………………14 IV The Application of TPR Methods in Classroom…………………………….17 4.1 The Activities of TPR……………………………………………………….17 4.1.1 The Pointing Game…………………………………………………....18 4.1.2 Identifying Emotions………………………………………………….19 4.1.3 Following Recipes…………………………………………………….19 4.1.4 Information Gaps……………………………………………………...20 V Conclusion……………………………………………………………………21 5.1 Major Findings………………………………………………………….…...21 5.2 Implications………………………………………………………………….21 5.3 Limitations…………………………………………………………………22 5.4 Future Studies……………………………………………………………...23 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………..24


A Study of the Application of TPR Teaching Method in English

Classroom of Primary School


Abstract:This study based on the conclusion demonstrated in Asher's studies that display oral practice with actions brings considerable effectiveness.TPR would be an appropriate and effective teaching method that will promote acquisition of comprehensible input in a natural way;it is a good way to learn a second language, not just for children, but also for adults as well.At the same time, it‟s a great helper to the teachers, who can use it in their classes to make the studying environment active and dynamic.Thus it can help teachers solve many problems in English class.Help young children learning English, make them found English learning very interesting.They love English class.It‟s a good beginning to learn English in their future.Key Words:TPR(Total Physical Response);Long-term Memory;zero stress;developing interests.摘要:本文建立于美国著名心理学家詹姆斯·阿士尔(Dr.James J.Asher)提出的通过口语实施最有效的伴随肢体运动的全身学习法理论上。TPR是一种有效的教学方法,在自然的情况下通过可理解性输入习得语言。此方法,不仅适合于孩子同样适合成年人学习语言。同时对于老师的课堂教学起着很重要的作用,能使课堂更加生动活跃,从而使学生喜爱英语学习,有一个良好的开端,为今后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。

关键词:TPR全身直接式沟通教学法;长期记忆; 零压力;激发兴趣。

I Introduction TPR(Total Physical Response)is an effective and helpful method being used in primary school.It can be developed to reduce children‟ stress when they are studying foreign languages.Also it can arouse students‟ interests of learning English, and develop their intelligence.Meanwhile, TPR is an efficient and appropriate way that is a great helper for teachers in organizing classes, using TPR will make classes active and dynamic.In this article, the author will present advantages of TPR methods to readers, and then the author will demonstrate some effective teaching activities to them, and also illustrates how to use them in English classes.Following, the author analyzes children‟s learning psychology on children‟s learning English, which might help teachers understand what things influence children‟ studying are and improve the teaching quality.Finally, it will display some limitations in conclusion part.1.1 The Definition of TPR Total Physical Response(TPR)is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action;it attempts to teach language through physical(motor)activities.(Asher, 1966;79-84)Developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University, California, people can acquire a foreign language by acquisition of comprehensible input through reacting imperative drills and other activities in classes, which is just like babies learn their first language.(Asher, 1996)

In a developmental sense, Asher sees that this is almost the same thing between successful adults‟ second language learning and children first language acquisition.(Asher)He claims that speech directed to young children consists primarily of commands, which children respond to physically before they begin to produce verbal responses.Asher feels adults should repeat this processes by which children acquire their mother tongue.It is a very effective way to aid learning second language.………The method relies on the assumption that when learning a second or additional language that is internalized through a process of code breaking similar to first language development and that the process allows for a long period of listening and developing comprehension before production.……(Asher, 1969;13-17)

TPR is primarily intended for ESL(English as a Second Language)teacher, although the method is used in teaching other languages as well.(Asher)

……..TPR is when students initially hear commands in their second language, respond physically to the commands(like raising their hands, jumping in place, or walking to the door)and then later produce these commands orally and in writing.TPR lessons have student‟s complete activities by using physical motions or visual aids.They practice new material by seeing, touching, or performing the concepts taught.It seemed like a really fun way to learn English…….(Degregori and Trithart, 2004)

1.2 Background of the Study

Some educators believe that one of the most important aspects of foreign language acquisition depends on listening comprehension first.The importance of the language learning order was emphasized by Harold E.Palmer.He suggested that in order to acquire main speech skills, listening and speaking, learners should study step by step through the four phases: perception, recognition, imitation and reproduction.(Palmer, 1925)He further claimed that perception and recognition should come before imitation and reproduction.Imperative drills he proposed aimed at establishing the foundation for internalizing a foreign language through the first two phases.In this sense, some similarities can be found between imperative drills and TPR.(WATANABE and KAWABUCHI;p53-54)

Palmer also referred, such as subconscious comprehension, which is defined as 'the art of understanding connected speech(spoken or written)without conscious effort, analysis or translation' and 'the incubation period', during which time 'a vast number of units are cognized in all their aspects: sounds, combinations, and successions of sounds, and the semantic values represented by all of these.(Palmer, 1917)

More recently, Krashen could be seen to have agreed Palmer in proposing similar constructs: the input hypothesis and the silent period.Krashen assumed that learners can acquire the target language through large quantities of comprehensible input, which is slightly above the learner's present level of competence.(Krashen, 1982)

1.3 Significance of the Thesis 7 At first, the general objective of TPR is to teach oral competency at a beginning level, however after this method has been in practical for a long period time, many educators claimed that the most important thing of TPR is that a TPR course aims to produce learners who feel relaxed and pleasure when they are obtaining English, thereby they can become confident and relaxed communication with native speakers.TPR method can be developed to reduce peoples‟ stress when studying foreign languages and thereby encourage pupils to persist in their study beyond a beginning level of proficiency, and more effective in developing pupils‟ interest of learning English.In this thesis, the author tries to present how teachers use TPR method to help children in primary school classes.Many teaching activities are based on imperative drills.Teachers will set lots of task to let children finish, some of them look like sports‟ goals, arts‟ task.Whatever goals are set, it can be achievable through the use of action-based drills in the imperative forms, which always make students are very exciting in class.In another place, it can also help teachers make classes vivid and dynamic.Total Physical Response techniques are very useful for young children particularly before they begin to read and write.Helping young children learning English by making them found learning English is very appealing, and then loving their English classes.It‟s a good beginning to learn English in future studies.1.4 Organization of the Thesis In this thesis, the author tries to manage to illustrate a variety of teaching drills of TPR in details, which include types of TPR activities.The whole thesis includes four important parts, which are the definition of TPR,the literature review of TPR studies, psychology of children‟s learning state, and the application of TPR methods in classroom.At the end of the thesis, the writer makes a conclusion from the study of TPR teaching method, trying to reveal lots of advantages in using this pedagogy, the author also wants to show some disadvantages to the readers.II.Literature Review The previous researchers considered that TPR research opened up the concept for children and adults acquiring another foreign language, and comprehension is a key point to learn a new second foreign language and it‟ s also one of the most important things concluded from TPR method.Success can be assured if comprehension is developed before speaking.……One important reason: Everywhere on earth in all languages throughout history, there is no instance of infants acquiring speaking before comprehension.Comprehension always comes first with speaking following perhaps a year later……..(Asher, 1983)

TPR was developed to teach foreign languages for people of any and all age groups.With TPR students hear commands in their second language, respond physically to the commands(for example, raising their hands, jumping in place, or walking to the door)and then later produce the commands orally and in writing.It is linked to the theory of memory, which will form a long-term retention, if something is always repeating all the time.(Degregori and Trithart, 2004)

2.1 The Benefits of TPR

In the following context, many benefits of TPR will be shown in the three obvious features and some experiments, which will explain how students have accomplished in English study through using TPR method.2.1.1 Success with Children’s English Learning

Dr.James J.Asher first described the TPR method in his book “Learning Another Language through Actions”.He and other linguists observed the following Characteristics about successful language learners: 1.……Good language learners achieve fluency faster when they are immersed in activities that involve them in situational language use …

2.……Good language learners often start their language learning with a period of silence as they watch the effect of language on others……..3……Good language learners show comprehension by successfully accomplishing language-generated tasks……

4…… Good language learners focus on overall sentence meaning rather than a sentence‟s grammatical parts……

5…….Good language learners make faster progress when the language of instruction is consistent(though limited)on a daily basis, and……

6.......Good language learners make faster progress when the content involves language that is clearly usable or valuable outside the classroom…………….(Asher, 1977;117)

He also considered that these are similar things between the success of the Foreign Language Acquisition and children whose mother tongue is the process of acquisition.For children to learn in their native language when they initially through the actions of parents said that the response instructions, such as “Pick it up” and “Put it down”, children learn to speak before they understand the instruction from the adults, therefore, there has a long time called silence period, a language acquisition time, children just listening but not speaking during this time.And when children get through the period, and it is easy to learn the new target language.Believe that students who begin to learn using TPR do have better listening comprehension.(Asher, 1966)

……..One study by David Wolfe and Gwendolyn Jones(1982)fulfilled the same research the benefit of TPR has.Wolfe and Jones integrated the TPR strategy in a Level I Spanish class.For their experiment they divided the students into two groups to use this method.For one group was taught using the TPR strategy twenty minutes a day, while the other group was taught the usual traditional manner.Results showed that significant educational differences on the unit tests provided by the publisher.Experimental subjects also expressed greater satisfaction with their Spanish course and their Spanish teacher…….(Wolfe and Jones, 1982)

2.1.2 Three Obvious Features It is one of the main aims of English teaching in primary schools to stimulate pupils' interests in English and to develop their enthusiasm for learning English.TPR has three strong features for English learning, which are high-speed understanding of target language, long term retention, and zero stress, testifying TPR help students learn English successfully. High-speed Understanding of Any Target Language Some former experts claimed that talking and comprehension are located in different parts of the brain.TPR will input some new information into people‟s brain and then have reaction out immediately.Students understand what their teachers are saying by doing physical actions, which is a high-speed understanding of acquiring their target language.It‟s just like infants understanding their parents‟ imperative tasks.For instance, “baby, look at mom,” “baby, say mom, dad”.etc, which are real situation in people‟s life, so TPR aims to create classes that looks like in real life, thus it could accomplish high-speed understanding of English.Here is an example of how students‟ brains are processing information at lightning speed: [1] “Stand” means to rise up from their chairs;their bodies immediately go from sitting to standing when they heard the instructor say, “Stand”.Also, “walk” means to move forward, their bodies walk forward when the teacher said, “Walk.”.These strange utterances must be valid.11 Once they understand, they can use this skill to move over into the left brain with traditional exercises in speaking, reading, and writing.Then return to the right brain with more TPR to understand another sample.Then use that understanding to switch to speaking, reading, and writing. Long-term Retention This method claims to guarantee the long-term retention of English, since the use of physical actions while or after listening helps to gain sound and meaning most effectively.This study reveals that TPR is an effective method to promote long-term retention of the target language in Japanese 7th graders.TPR creates facts which make for long-term comprehension.At lightning pace, the student's brains process information like this: “I actually stood up when the teacher uttered the alien direction: 'Stand.' It is a fact.It is true.It actually happened;therefore, I can store this in long-term memory.” The result is TPR can achieve long-term retention.It can be found that some evidences are some former researcher‟s experiments from the following thesis.One study by Valerie Marsh described TPR as “the most effective method for teaching long-term retention of vocabulary”(Marsh, 1997;25).According to Marsh, one of the key components of TPR is “the low level of stress which enhances fluency, invites participation and increases motivation”(Marsh, 1997;25)

…..At Stockdale High School in Bakersfield, California over the past three years, 100 of the students learning through TPR have scored 3 or higher on the A.P.exam.Of these students, seventeen were true beginners who took the test in their third year of Spanish, and four were true beginners who took the test in their second year of 12 Spanish.Although formal grammar instruction in TPR is delayed, test results show that grammar was nevertheless successfully acquired early on in the program.……

In another place, the powerful feature about vocabulary retention, one of the reasons TPR interests so many researchers are because they had observed many students struggling with vocabulary retention.This is not good in any foreign language classroom because in order to complete lessons and move forward with subject material, students need to retain vocabulary.It just like as the author had mentioned, when a teacher said “stand” , students will raise their bodies from their chairs, thus they will probably understand and remember what “stand” means and know how to use this word in the same conditions. Zero Stress Dr.Asher believed that carrying out the activities of the body language teaching is a good way to make students acquire a new language in a harmonious atmosphere.Students respond to commands that require physical movement.It is also very efficient and quickly pedagogy.The aim is make learners first start hearing before speaking, and meanwhile reduce students‟ pressure in learning a second language.(Asher, 1974)

In TPR class, Student will find it is funny and easy, and then they will enjoy getting up out of their chairs and moving around.Simple TPR activities do not require a great number of preparations on the part of the teacher.“TPR is aptitude-free.”,according to Asher.It is inclusive working well with a mixed ability class.It is common that people probably can do a good job in a no stress atmosphere, so even are children when they are learning a new language.Fortunately, TPR make it come true.Students may acquire words, phrases, even sentences through physical actions, playing games, and storytelling.All in all, they feel happy when they are learning English;therefore they will become centered roles in classes.13

III Psychology of Children’s Learning State

Students who are at the age of 5 to 12 are very lively and vigorous;they never stop to listen to an English grammar class, because they are very easy to distract.If teachers still use a grammar teaching method in a primary school, they must be very difficult to complete lessons and move forward with subject material, and the worst thing is students will lose their interests in learning English, some of them even hate the English classes.However, if a teacher uses TPR in his or her classes, the problem must be solved.3.1 Distraction of Children’s Attention

It is easy to everyone to lose their attention in a boring lesson, especially children.Classroom distraction is a very ancient problem for many teachers.Students whispered, passed notes, and daydreamed during class;however whether teachers should think about why children are always like that, what can change this situation, how solve this problem.If they access TPR in the classroom, distraction problem must be getting far away from it.3.2 Use TPR to Solve the Problem of Distraction If teachers use activities of TPR in their classes, like this kind of problem may be solved easily.They can use the main theme is “Listen and Act”,that is imperative drills.Here some examples:

[2] Method one: Listen and act Procedure:

Target Language: stand up, sit down, warming up Target Grade: Kindergarten to Junior High 1

Have students do the following actions.Commands supporting vocabulary …Stand up, sit down.Hands up, hands down.Stand up, and bow.Sit down, sit down.And clap.Stand up, sit down.Hands up, hands down.Stand up, and bow.Sit down.Sit down.And cheer!

Come on, louder!

Stand up, sit down.Hands up, hands down.Stand up, and bow.Sit down, sit down.And cheer...(Graham)

Method two: Touch

Choose two students and add more vocabulary that are in the classroom---such as book, pencil, paper, desk, floor, teacher—and add to the commands put, place, scratch.Use the following type of commands repeatedly in arbitrary order, alternating pairs of students from time to time until all the students clearly understand what these commands and actions mean.For example: [3] Put the pencil on the desk.Scratch your head.Scratch your arm.Put the paper in the box.Put your hands on your head.Place the box on the teacher‟s desk.Scratch your head and arm.”

(Ren, 2001;11)

From these TPR methods, we can see that teachers will draw students‟ attention in classes.Because in order to finish their teachers‟ commands, students have to concentrate their attention on the command words, thus they are likely to remember those words by behaving them repeatedly.In the meanwhile, students probably think that learning English is such an easy and cheerful task, and they must be fond of English classes.Method three: Listen and draw

It is similar to acting out physically, but in this type, the students are drawing picture, diagrams on paper.“This sort of activity works is very well as an information gap activity between pairs of students.”(Wang, 2002;90)Here is an example:

[4] One student draws a simple picture and then tells his/her partner how to draw it in English.Neither partner can look at each other‟s drawing during the task.After they have completed the task, they can compare their pictures to see how similar they are.Other way: according to last example.“Introduce the word draw.This opens up a rich network of things a teachers can ask their students to do.Start very simply with the familiar words that the students have already internalized through TPR.For example:

[5] Draw a book

Draw a ball

Draw a hand

Draw a box

Draw a hand on a desk.Draw a window and a hand and book.”

The concrete staff is much easier to understand and remember than abstract staff for people, in particular, primary school students.The more detailed staff is, the easier students can memorize.So if teachers ask them to draw something, they are likely to have a brainstorm to figure out some interesting pictures, which may develop their imagination.After students finished their works, teachers may award some special works, which can raise students‟ interests of English Classes, and then they probably acquire English in nature way.In another place, it is a good start to students, enhancing their listening skill.It is very important of students to have a good state while listening.Students should get clear that listening is the first step of any language acquisition;they should pay more attention to learn it well at the very beginning.Listen carefully also can solve the problem of distraction.…“Psychological linguistics regards listening is involved with the perception of a language: Perception is to turn the voice into meanings,and it is an analysis of the language signal perception.The process of the language perception is an activity of the short--time memorization.”…(Zhang, 1996;1)

IV the Application of TPR Methods in Classroom 4.1 The Activities of TPR-Physical response Everyone learns to comprehend much faster than they learn to produce.At any stage in the learning process, comprehension is always the most significant in foreign languages acquisition.Children may not be able to give a linguistic response to teachers‟ instructions but they can give a physical response.For this reason, a teaching technique based on commands is often used with young children.4.1.1 The Pointing Game With a small group of students, use a collection of pictures(such as those one might find in a mail order catalog)to instruct concepts that have been taught.Ask students to point to various specific body parts, colors, clothing items, etc.now let‟s look at some examples.[6] Point to the window!Point to the book!Show me the book!Put the book on the desk!Put the blue book on the desk and the red book on the chair!Draw a cat under the tree!

Children will be willing to present their comprehension through a physical action long before they are willing to give a linguistic response.Moreover, the use of real objects in the classroom and the use of picture flashcards allow the teacher and children to respond to language long before they can respond linguistically.This method also can improve students‟ capability of response and develop their left brain, becoming more intelligent.Certainly, the most important thing is enhance those words teachers command repeatedly.Teachers can use this game in classes;first of all, they should tell their students some supporting words in this game.For instance, “point” means use your finger direct the staff that instructs commands, and “show” means have something a look at to everyone, etc.Tell students to give actions to their teachers when hearing commands.If they want to finish the tasks, they have to concentrate and listen carefully.4.1.2 Identifying Emotions

After students have acquired simple commands such as “cry” or “laugh,” pictures can be placed across the front of the room that clearly demonstrate such emotional reactions.Students can be asked to take the picture of a person displaying a specific reaction.Later, this same procedure can be extended to other kinds of descriptions of emotions.(Someone crying, someone laughing).Later this same procedure can be extended to other kinds of descriptions of emotions, perhaps more subtle ones(someone who is sad, someone who is angry).This game is like a role play some times, being difficult to understand emotional words which are too abstract;teacher will use this action game to give their students hand to grasp these untouched words.When students acting trainers‟ orders, they may comprehend what feelings are like.4.1.3 Following Recipes At much later stages, making birthday cakes, baking cookies, or preparing dishes can provide a TPR experience, and it can also involve students in the cultures of other countries and those within the United States.First of all, display all the ingredients for any given recipe and introduce each item, one by one.And then, show each student with a written recipe.An extra large version to which you and the students can refer can be placed at the front of the room.While you or a student reads the recipe, other students can measure, mix the ingredients, and so on.As a follow-up, students can bring in favorite recipes to share.These can be put together to form a class recipe book to which others can be added.TPR is a pedagogy applying to bring in a real English environment to ESL.In this game, students will pick up a great many of cooking technique, making cakes, baking cookies.They must have a wonderful time in English classes.In the meantime, they probably obtain the target language in the classes.However, the instructor maybe more hard-working, they have to organize students to tidy up the classroom after classes.4.1.4 Information Gaps Information gaps can be created in which one student has information that another does not have but needs.One student may give a set of directions or commands to another student, who will carry them out to meet some stated goal(e.g.making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich).There are many kinds of information gaps, which include shopping information gaps, direction information gaps, puzzle information gaps, etc.for example:

[7] Shopping Information Gaps: Step 1: Teachers let students make two sheets, one of is A sheet, the other one is B sheet.Step 2:

Giving them the supporting words and sentences:

What did he buy in the supermarket? He bought a box of chocolate.How much was it? It was 50yuan.Etc.Step3: Ask students to finish the sheets in pair.In this activity, students can practice capability of question arising.(Wh-questions...)They have to finish the two sheets by asking their partner many questions.Also, it trains them how to acquire information in their lives, and it reaches the main target of learning a foreign language-communication.V Conclusion TPR is an effective way to learn English for ESL, especially primary school students.It based that the first thing to learn a foreign language is comprehensible input, and then have a respond to do teachers‟ commands.And why this teaching pedagogy is so popular and successful? Because it will bring a zero stress atmosphere to children to learn English, they will not be afraid of speaking English, and then they are likely to be cheerful when they are in English classes.Nevertheless, the method also has some limitation in the process of teaching.5.1 Major Findings TPR(Total physical response)is a language teaching strategy which uses commands, either written or verbal, to introduce new language and concepts to students.Imperative drills are a typical method is in TPR lesson, a teacher will give a command and the student must follow the command with a physical response.For example, if the teacher says, “stand up and down three times” the students after hearing the command, they will raise their bodies from their chairs and down three times.Children will train listening skills and how to respond to directions given orally or visually through the Total Physical Response(TPR)method.It can also reach this end through teaching some songs, for instance, which is about human being‟s body 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' children will learn the parts of the body.TPR strategy has a large number of activities may be used in English classes of primary school, which can make students pleasure and fun in classes, consequently they have an interest in learning English and to be a leader and center role in training English.5.2 Implications TPR is totally physical.According to many former studies, it is a right-brain approach.And the key point is Comprehensible Input.TPR is not a complete method.According to current theory, TPR works because it is an excellent way of providing students with comprehensible input;the teacher's movement provides the background knowledge that makes the command more comprehensible.ESL students acquire the second language as they acquire their native language, which are almost like infants study how to speak their mother tongue.TPR also can provide a low-anxiety environment to the students through lots of comprehensible input in.Students will produce language when they are ready.It is a direct method for teaching language with real-life situations.It gives instant feed-back to the teacher.TPR is an astoundingly successful beginning language teaching method.TPR students have outperformed comparison students convincingly in method comparison studies, both in those done by Asher and his associates as well as those done by other scholars(Wolfe & Jones, 1982).It has been shown to be effective for both children and adults, and has been used for a variety of languages.5.3 Limitations The TPR method applies to the nature of children and matches the principle of happy-learning, which enables children to learn easily, to learn fast and finally to feel the happiness of English study.But its disadvantages are as follow:

1.This method just suits for the first period of language learning, especially beginners.Because most of its contents are gestures, through which children may not get further knowledge, and it has to be carried out with some other approaches.2.The TPR method contains of lots of game activities, role-playing and group competitions.But children will easily get excited when they are happy so it will be hard to accomplish the expected results even if they have good control of class, , in another place, it becomes a annoy to some shy students.Students are not generally given the opportunity to express their own thoughts in a creative way.The teacher may find that it is limited in terms of language scope.Certain target languages may not be suited to this method.5.4 Future Studies Many scholars determined that TPR can be used with a person of any age, TPR works with all levels of language learners.The author also has coincidence with them, if teachers combine TPR with other teaching pedagogies, such as interactive teaching methods, it will be more effective to make TPR work very well in a language classroom.Experienced teachers have the ability to cope when things go wrong.It„s useful when planning to build in some extra and alternative tasks and exercises.Also teachers need to be aware of what is happening in the classroom.Students may raise an interesting point and discussions could provide unexpected opportunities for language work and practice.In these cases, teachers should combine TPR with other teaching strategies to make TPR work very well in a language classroom.From studies such as these, the author concluded that the TPR method to teaching foreign languages is both beneficial and effective.Teachers can use both traditional method and TPR strategy in classes;they should try to have a good preparation and organize their classes, which is the most effective way.Giving them examples when instruct students to finish targets, which will not make the classes become noisy.Students can concentrate their attention while listening to English.BIBLIOGRAPH Danny, Brassell,(2007).Enhancing ESL Students’ Literacy Skills.DE Wolfe.(1982).Integrating Total Physical Response Strategy in a Level I Spanish Class, G JonesTPRS Publications Inc-ERIC EJ586008 Zink de Diaz, Laura.(2005).”TPR Foreign Language Instruction and Dyslexia".Retrieved on 2007-05-23.Ren Xiaoping.Listening Barriers Among Chinese Students And Training Tactics [J].延安教育学院学报,2001 Zhang Qi.Psychological analysis in listening teaching and radio programs teaching [J].云南教育学院学报,1996.10.p1 王蔷 A course in English language teaching [M].上海:高等教育出版社,2002.5.DECLARATION

Linghu jing, the undersigned, hereby declare that this thesis does not contain any material which has been accepted for the award of any other higher degree or graduate diploma in any tertiary institution and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this thesis does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the thesis.Signed: Dated:




【关键词】小学英语 学生 游戏教学 方法







3.提高学习兴趣的游戏教学。根据学生的年龄心理状况来看,学生在这阶段的天性就是好奇、爱动、集中不了注意力等,绝大多是靠自身的喜好来学习的。在小学英语课刚开之初,学生对于英语还是有一定兴趣的,但是随着时间的推移,教学内容的加深,让学生对英语学习失去了兴趣。因此,在培养学生兴趣上进行研究。在教材中,都有Let’s play内容,说明在教学中要添加游戏进行教学,进而调动学生学习的积极性,激发学习兴趣。比如,可以设计具有趣味性的游戏,如,猜一猜、听与画、传话等等有趣的活动。通过游戏调节课堂的学习气氛,让学生在愉快的环境下学习。


1.唱歌表演游戏。唱歌,是一种放松身心的活动。在小学英语教学中,利用唱歌游戏进行教学。例如,在上课是让学生一起唱《12345…stand up,sit down》,同时,让学生加入动作,一边唱,一边表演stand up,sit down……,通过这种方法,既活跃了课堂气氛,又让学生复习了单词。为整堂课奠定基础。







昆明市晋宁区晋城第四小学 陈永娇





教学环节主要有:Warming up-----Presentation----Practice------Consolidation-----Homework Warming up 阶段是充分调动孩子的学习兴趣,吸引他们注意力;Presentation 阶段主要是让学生接触语言目标,感知语音与语意;Practice 阶段主要是让学生通过一些简单活动进行机械操练;Consolidation 阶段是让学生在一些真实意义活动中运用语言目标。



1、Warming-up 歌谣引入法:比如学生十分熟悉的《ABC song》。复习导入法:复习就知引出新知。律动导入法:字母操




3、Practice 字母操练我们可以采用游戏的形式。例如: 1.“What's missing?”游戏 学了几个字母以后,把字母卡片放在一起让学生认读,然后抽去其中的一张,让学生寻找:“What's missing?”此时,学生注意力高度集中,急于表现自己,识记的效果就会很好。2.“左邻右舍”游戏

学生准备好已经学过的字母卡片,教师出示一个字母,让学生找出它的左邻右舍,请找到的几个学生快速把字母拿到讲台上站在相应的位置上,其余的学生一起认读这几个字母。3.“Make letters”游戏







4、Consolidation 1)律动:字母操 2)音素家族chant:

A、H、J、K 是A 家族,A,A是族长。E的家族有八位,BCDE,GPTV,E,E是族长。

/e/ 的家族没有族长,它的成员有七位,FLMN,SX 和Z。U 的家族有三位,UQW,U,U是族长。

I 的家族有两位,IY,I,I是族长。(手势指着自己)R 和O单独住,它们自己是族长。3)生活中的运用



(一)、字母读音教学 1.注重示范发音的正确性



尽管许多学生对字母有了一定程度的掌握,但大多数学生都没有进行过系统的字母学习,中间难免存在着许多似是而非的现象。例如 “G g”和“J j”强调[dэ]的发音。“H h”注意[ei]的发音。“Q q”和“R r”要让学生能辨清与语文音序表发音的区别。“U u”和“Ii”要让学生把音发到位。教师在教学中应针对这种情况加强这几个字母的训练。4.注重读音归类教学

把字母按读音进行分类是字母读音教学的一个重要任务,也是学生觉得有一定难度的一项内容。为了使学生能更好得掌握,教师可采用“分家”游戏的方法,按“家族”将26个字母进行分类记忆。首先将字母划分为七个家族,再对号入座,最终编成一首音素家族chant 帮助学生记忆:

A、H、J、K 是A 家族,A,A是族长。E的家族有八位,BCDE,GPTV,E,E是族长。

/e/ 的家族没有族长,它的成员有七位,FLMN,SX 和Z。U 的家族有三位,UQW,U,U是族长。

I 的家族有两位,IY,I,I是族长。(手势指着自己)R 和O单独住,它们自己是族长。5.注重语音暗线的铺垫























4.Phonics 在小学英语语音中的实践研究



8.巧用phonics教学法, 以“拼”带“读”,以“读”促“写”的实践与研究



11.Phonics 教学中简易直观教具的自制和使用研究













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