
时间:2019-05-15 05:53:23下载本文作者:会员上传



Lesson 41:www.xiexiebang.computer.(3)We forgot to connect the computer to the phone line.(4)What do Li Ming and Wang Mei use to connect the computer to the Internet?


How to use the computer? Can you describe the use of the computer in English?


一. 通过预习归纳本课的知识点: to …

connect …to(或with)… be glad to do sth turn on forget to do sth 二. 根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子


Li Ming ____ ____ ____Wang Mei’s new computer.2.我将很乐意帮助你。

I’d ___ ___ ___help you.3.让我们打开电脑。

Let’s ___ ___ ___the computer.4.”failed ”是什么意思?王梅问道。

“What _____’ failed ’____?”asks Wang Mei.5.请把这个连到电脑上。

Please ____ this ____ the computer.课堂学习



1)the key to sth




7)8)3.Have you found the key to the door of our classroom? enter: come or go into He entered(or come into)a room.shout : speak in a loud voice shout at …

Don’t shout at the old man!shout to…

He shouted to us ,”Come here!” search: look carefully at He searched and searched through all the drawers for the missing papers.be connected with…

I’m not connected with the matter.connect…to/with…

The workers connected two islands with a bridge.be glad to do sth =be glad+(that)从句=be glad for sth I am glad to hear of your success.=I am glad of your success.=I am glad(that)you have succeeded.turn on

turn off turn up turn down turn in 上交

turn over 翻身;翻转

turn(a)round 转身;向后转 fail to do sth 或 fail in doing sth Tom often fails to keep/in keeping his words.找出下列句子中写错的单词并改正

1.You can saerch the Internet to get what you want to know._____ If you try hard ,you will succed._____ Don’t shuot at the old man.____

We can click on the picture with the moues.____

When you press the “entre” key ,you begin a new line.____



1.We may find lots of information on the I______.2.The s_____of the computer looks like a TV.3.He f_____ to call me yesterday.My telephone doesn’t work..4.I think you must s______if you work hard.5.S______,I heard a big noise in the classroom.6.Don’t s______ at the boys, they are asleep.7.The soldiers are s______ for those thieves.8.What does Li Ming use to connect the computer t______ the Internet?

9.There are lots of m______ in the old house.10.W______ to the Internet.二、单词选择

()1.Yesterday morning, I ______ catch the train.A.failed to

B.failed in

C.fail to

D.failed with

()2.The machine is broken.Please ______ at once.A.turn on it B.turn it on

C.turn off it D.turn it off

()3.Tom, have you ______your answers in your exam paper?

A.checked out B.checked in C.checked of D.checked off

()4.Please _____her about it.A.say




()5.It’s going to rain.Don’t forger _____ your window.A.closed

B.have closed

C.to close


()6.That mountain is _____ metres high.A.five hundreds B.five hundreds of

C.five hundred D.five hundred of()7.Hurry up!There is _____time left.A.few

B.a few


D.a little()8.What do you usually do _____the Internet?




D.at()9.Welcome _____our class.A./




()10.– Have you ever ____an e-mail?

-Yes, I have.A.write





The Internet is becoming important in our life.How much do you know about it ?

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a large ,worldwide collection(聚集)of computer networks.A network is a small group of computer put together.The Internet is many different networks from all over the world.These networks are called the Internet.Once you have learned to use the Internet ,you can do a lot of interesting things on the Wide Web.What is the World Wide Web? The World Wide Web has been the most popular development of the Internet.The Web is like a big electronic(电子的)book with millions of pages.These pages are called homepages(主页).You can find information about almost anything in the world on these pages.For example, you can use the Internet instead of a library to find information for your homework..You can also find information about your favorite sport or film star, talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the pages.Most pages have words ,pictures and even sound or music.What is e-mail? Electronic mail(e-mail)is a way of sending messages to other people.It’s much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.If you want to use e-mail ,you must have an e-mail address.This address must have letters and dots and an “@”(meaning “at”).This is what an address looks like:Emily@star.net.Write a message , type in the person’s e-mail address, then send the message across the Internet.People don’t need to use stamps ,envelopes or go to the post

office since the invention of the Internet.Quick ,easy and interesting –that’s the Internet!

()1.The Internet is _____.A.a big computer

B.a small group of computers

C.lots of computer networks

D.the World Wide Web

()2.The World Wide Web is like ____.A.an electronic book


C.an electronic page

D.an interesting picture

()3.What does “talk to your friends on the pages” mean ?It means_____.A.you can talk to your friends face to face

B.you can type words in the computer and then send them to your friends across the Internet C.you talk to your friends through the same computer D.you go to your friends’ house to talk to them

()4.People like to use e-mail to send messages to their friends and family because ____.A.they don’t have to pay any money

B.it’s faster and cheaper

C.they don’t need to have stamps , envelopes or addresses

D.sending e-mail is interesting

()5.The “e” in e-mail means__.A easy





二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:

立春 Spring begins.雨水 The rains.惊蛰 Insects awaken.春分 Vernal Equinox 清明 Clear and bright.谷雨 Grain rain.立夏 Summer begins.小满 Grain buds.芒种 Grain in ear.夏至 Summer solstice.小暑 Slight heat.大暑 Great heat.立秋 Autumn begins.处暑 Stopping the heat.白露 White dews.秋分 Autumn Equinox.寒露 Cold dews.霜降 Hoar-frost falls.立冬 Winter begins.小雪 Light snow.大雪 Heavy snow.冬至 Winter Solstice.小寒 Slight cold.大寒 Great cold


Lesson41 巩固练习







7.searching 8.to


10.welcome 二.1—5 ADADC

6—10 CCACD 三.1—5 CABBC



Lesson 46: Mothers and Fathers Are Special



alive , whatever , hero , since , care , take care of , candy 2.会灵活运用下列句型

(1).Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May every year.(2).They also try to help their mothers all day.(3).In the United States ,a woman named Anna started Mother’s Day in the early 1900s.(4).He alone had taken care of his five children.重点难点

The Past Perfect Tense




1.What day is Mother’s Day ?

2.What day is Father’s Day?

3.Who started Mother’s Day ?

4.When did Mother’s Day start ?

5.who wanted a special day for her father?




(1)比较take care of 与 look after

常用短语: take care 注意,留意

take care of 照顾

with care 注意,留心

care of




adj.小心的 carefully adv.小心地

careless adj.粗心的carelessness n.粗心

carelessly adv.粗心地


(3)make +宾语+ 名词/形容词/动词原形/动词过去分词

(4)否定词not 与all ,both, every , everybody, everything 连用,表示部分否定

表示全部否定的词有:none , neither, no , nobody , nothing 等。



You should ______ _____ ______ _______ your little sister.(2)你是怎样为你的母亲庆祝母亲节的 ?

_____ did you celebrate ____ ____ for your mother.(3)这个名字叫海伦的女孩很特殊。

The girl _____ Helen is very _____.(4)你必须向你的老师说声抱歉。

You must ____ ____ _____ your teacher.(5)我有件重要的事情要告诉你。

I have _____ _____ to tell you.4.交流学习过程中发现的问题




1.P ____ always work hard for their children.2.Huang Jiguang is a famous h______.3.Oh, that strange old man is still a ____.4.On Father’s Day ,father can do w____ they want.5.Children are c_____ Father’s Day.B)用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。

6.I can’t find my English book.Have you seen it _____(somewhere)? 7.I’m _____(real)worried about my exams.8.Monday is the ______(two)day of a week ,not the first day.9.I______(hear)a noise.Did you make a noise ? 10.The computer is one of ____(important)inventions in the world.二、单项选择

()1.she likes reading books ____ animals.A.for



D.with()2.Can you ____an example to show the meaning of the word ? A.look over

B.think about

C.think over

D.think of()3.You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is ____ in it.A.something interesting

B.anything new

C.important thing

D.nothing special()4.There , far from here , you can find ____ island on which lives an old man living ____.A.a lonely;alone

B.an alone;lonely

C a lonely;lonely

D.an alone;alone()5.We have learnt ten songs ____ we got here.A.before



D.when()6.Can you ____ my child ? I must go to the hospital.A.take care

B.take care of

C.look at

D.care of()7.Please say “ I’m here ” when your name ____.A.has called

B.is calling

C.will call

D.is called()8.– Have you ever seen the film Hero?--Certainly.There are two ____ the film.A.hero in

B.heros in

C.heroes on

D.heroes in()9.____ she did was right.A.No matter what


C.No matter

D.What ever()10.– What would the woman in the picture say to the girl ? A.Help yourself to some fish

B.What can I do for you ? C.Would you like some soup ?

D.Do you want to take another cup of coffee?


Mother’s Day is a holiday for mothers.It is celebrated(庆祝)in the United States ,England , India and some other countries.In a short time , it becomes widely celebrated.Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May.On that Day ,many people send gifts of love to their mothers.Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation(康乃馨),while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one.The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia.As a result of her hard work , the celebration of the first American Mother’s Day was held in Philadelphia on May 10th,1908.Soon the holiday became popular all over the country and around the world.In China , people do the same on the day for mothers.And in some cities ,people sometimes ask a song to be broadcast(广播)for his or her mother only.This might cost a little money for some of them , but ,as it is said, “Love is invaluable.”

On May 8th,1999 , just the day before the Mother’s Day this year ,a Chinese mother was killed in a criminal bombing(罪恶轰炸).Her name is shao Yunhuan , a heroic(英雄的)mother.All the Chinese will remember her forever.1.Mother’s Day is celebrated in _____.A.America and England

B.the US and India

C.America ,the UK, and some other countries

D.the UK and India 2.The date of the Mother’s Day in 1999 was on _____.A.May 8th

B.May 9th

C.May 10th

D.May 12th

3.The idea of a day for mothers was first given by _____.A.Miss Anna Jarvis

B.Shao Yunhuan


D.an Englishwoman 4.The word “ invaluable ” means ______.A.永恒的 B.无私的 C.无价的 D.美好的 5.A heroic mother was killed in a criminal bombing on ______.A.May 10th 1908

B.May 8th 1908

C.May 8th 1999 D.May 9th 1999



1.People celebrate it in memory of the famous nurse , Florence Nightingale._____ 2.On that day , many families eat mooncakes outside in the open air.They often tell the story of Chang’e._____ 3.In western countries children often put stockings at the end of their beds because Father Christmas will come to fill the stockings with nice presents._____ 4.In October in Canada and in November in the United States, people celebrate the harvest by preparing a large meal.They usually taste turkeys.______ 5.Can you write down one of your favorite holidays or festivals ? Try please._____














课题:Lesson:22:Travel on the Internet 课型:新授


1.掌握的词汇短语:receive;cancer;blessing;pyramid;Egypt 2.Learn about some interesting stories on the Internet.学习重点:

1.How to make our dreams come true.学习难点:

How to make our dreams come true.What can we do ? 一.自主学习:英汉互译:



; 3.dream of ∕about doing …___________;

Change one’s mind ____________ all over the world____________ 用所给单词的正确形式填空:

1.It will be

(wind)tomorrow morning.2.Look , the students are __________(dig)a hole!3.It’s an __________(enjoy)film.4.This book is about __________(grow)flowers Please do your homework as__________________(care)as you can.This basket is ______________(fill)with apples.二.合作探究

★1.Her grandma had a terrible type of cancer.她的奶奶患上了一种很严重的癌症。

have cancer意为“患癌症”。have表示“患(病),得(病)”,与catch和get同义。have是延续性动词,表示状态;catch和get是瞬间动词,表示动作,所以这两个词不可跟一段时间连用。例如: I caught(=got)a bad cold three days ago我三天前得了重感冒。I have had a bad cold for three days.我患重感冒已经三天了。

★2.She asked people if they could help her grandma see the world through pictures.她问大家是否能够帮助奶奶通过图片看世界。if在句中作连词,意为“是否”,引导宾语从句。

例如:The teacher asked if everyone was here.老师问人是否到齐了。Please tell me if you know the answer.请告诉我你是否知道答案。★3.You have made my dream come true.你使我的梦想变成了现实。make one's dream come true意为“使某人的梦想成真”。come true表示“实现,成真;应验”。

例如:His dream will come true sooner or later.他的理想迟早会实现。I hope our dreams will come true.我希望我们的梦 想成真。三.当堂检测


1.What’s the weather like today?(改为同义句)

the weather today? 2.There will be a thunderstorm this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)

a thunderstorm this afternoon? 3.The temperature was twenty-one degrees this morning.(对画线部分提问)

this morning? 4.We have very bad weather during this week.(改为感叹句)

weather we have during this week!It was windy and cold yesterday.(对画线部分提问)


the weather yesterday? 6.We didn’t have a picnic because it rained heavily.(改为同义句)

We didn’t have a picnic

the heavy rain.7.Li Ming will show us his new bike.(改为同义句)

Li Ming will show his new _________ __________ _________.8.The Smiths went to Beijing to visit the Summer Palace by car.(改为同义句)

The Smiths

Beijing to visit the Summer Palace.四.课后反思


Unit 5 Feeling Happy

Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces?

SectionA 导学案





1、邀请 招待 _______

2、担心的 烦恼的 ________


4、向······道谢 _________

5、微笑 ________

6、失望的 沮丧的__________

7、有······味道 品尝________

8、残暴的 ______

9、不受欢迎 不得人心的 ______


11、地主 房东___________


1.很好________ 2.谢谢你 _______ 3.看起来兴奋 _________ 4.想要做某事 ________ 5.邀请某人做某事__________

6、去看电影 __________

7、我最喜爱的······之一 __________ 8.在我家___________ 9.过夜_________ 10.为···准备··· ___________ 11.一些美味的事物 ______________

12、太好了 ____________ 13.如此开心_____________ 14.向某人说谢谢________________ 15.Good morning__________ 16.this morning_________ 17.look very happy____________ 18.That`s very exciting_______ 18.go to the movie theater__________ 19.How nice!___________ 20.They are very lucky__________21 go to buy a ticket_____________ 22.Thete was none left.___________ 23.feel disappointed ___________ 24 What a shame!_______________

四、重点句子讲解 25 be popular with _______ 26 the poor_ ___ 27 a ticket to/ for sth._________ 1.You look excited.你看起来很兴奋。


(1)表示状态的连系动词 be 是 look 看起来 sound 听起来 taste 尝起来 smell闻起来

feel感觉 摸起来 seem似乎 keep 保持 stay保持 维持 其中,_____ _____ ______常用来表达人的情感。表语即形容词要用 ______ 来提问。

(2)表示转变或结果的连系动词有 get 变得 turn 转变 go变 fall变成 become变成


This song ______(sound)sweet.____________.The weather is ______(get)warm.The flowers ______(smell)sweet.The food ____(go)bad,you can`t eat it.2.My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.我父母想邀请你父母一起去看电影。

本句中含有两个重点短语(1)want to do sth.想去做某事(2)invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事

Tomorrow is Li Ming`s birthday.He will invite me______(take)part in his birthday party.But I don`t want ____(go)because I have too much homework to do.3.Oh it is one of my favorite movies.噢,它是我最喜欢的电影之一

one of`···意为 “···之一”,后常用最高级加名词复数的形式,有时可能没有最高级,只有复数形式。该短语作主语,谓语动词用单数。Beijing is one of___________(big)_______(city)in the world.One of the _________(student_)_____(be)is from China.Some of ···意为“···中的一些”谓语动词的单复数形式由 of 后面的名词或代词决定。Some of the boys ______(have)an English-Chinese dictionary.Some of the food______(go)bad.4.Please say thanks to your mom.请(代我)向你母亲表示感谢。

本句中有一个短语 say thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢 类似的还有(1)say___to sb.向某人问好(2)say_______to sb.向某人告别(3)say____to sb.向某人道歉 5.Why all the smiling faces? 为什么你们都满脸笑容?

(1)。此句是省略句。原句是Why do all of you have smiling faces? 与Why is everyone smiling? 同义(20 既可作动词,又可作名词 He always makes me smile.()She went with a big smile on her face.()6.I went to buy a ticket, but there was none left.我去买票,但已经售完了。

(1)none 可作主语。宾语。作主语时。谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。None of us_______(have)a car.(2)left 意为“剩下的“,作后置定语。I have some money ____(leave)我还剩一些钱。7.What a shame!真遗憾!主要用于向对方表示遗憾。类似的说法还有:

(1)That`s too bad!太糟糕了!(2)It`s a great pity!太遗憾了!(3 What a pity!真可惜!


1、________________________________ 2._______________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4._______________________________ 5.__________________________________ 六.习题巩固

()1.---How are you ____?---_____,thank y;ou.A going Good B getting Better C doing Fine D feeling Nicely()2.---Your father helps me a lot.Please_____your father.---I will.Thank you.A say hello to B say thanks to C say sorry to D say goodbye to()3.Lucy looked so____ when she heard the bad news.A happy B silly C cruel D sad()4.---Who cooked the chicken? It ____so nice.A looks B feels C tastes D sounds()5.---I want to see the movie, but I have no tickets.---________ A What shame!B What a shame!C How shame!D How a shame!()6.One of my friends ______from Fuzhou.A is B are C come D am()7.---Which book do you like best among these books?---_______.I like watching TV.A Nothing B Both C No one D None()8.---______was your trip?---________ A How, Well B How , It was great.C What , Great D How much , Great()9.We all felt _____ after we knew the _____news.A exciter excited B exciting exciting C excited exciting D exciting excited()10.My birthday is coming.I`ll invite all my friend ______.A come B to come C coming D comes 11.I want to go but I_____ _______(没有)ticket.12.We will ______ ______ _______(过夜)at Jim`s house this Sunday.13.You ______ _______ _______(看起来很开心)this morning.14.Why all the ______ _______(满脸笑容)15.That is ____ _____ _____ _____(我最喜爱的······之一)movies.16.Tickets for Friday? Sorry, we have ______ ______(一张也没有了)17.Miss Li ia _____ ______(受到······的喜爱)students because she is always kind and friendly.18.They are very lucky.(变感叹句)_____ _____ they are!19.Kangkang looks very sad.(对划线部分提问)_____ _____ Kangkang _____? 20.I don`t think he is poor.(写同义句)I _____ he is _____ 21.Let`s go to see a movie.(写反意疑问句)______ ______? 22.I felt so happy.(对划线部分提问)_____ ______ you ______?



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