牛津小学英语1B教案 unit4

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第一篇:牛津小学英语1B教案 unit4

Unit 4 My nice ruler

1、能听懂日常用语That′s my new ruler.It′s very nice.要求读音正确,语调自然。

2、能运用句型That′s my„ It′s very„对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。


4、培养学生的学习兴趣,能听懂日常用语That`s my new ruler.It`s very nice.等。


Unit 4 My nice ruler ——That′s my new ruler.——It′s very nice.A.greeting 继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk T:Class begins.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhou.T: Hi, What’s your name? S: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I′m fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you,too.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。C、Presentation 1)教师拿出一本新的英语书用Is this „?问学生,再指着远处讲台上的一把新的尺子,Is that „ ? 提问,从而呈现That’s my new „ T:Is this a book? Ss: Yes, it is.T: This is my new book.T:(指远处)Is that a ruler? Ss: Yes, it is.T: Good.That’s my new ruler.让学生通过This is my new book.和 That’s my new ruler.的对比。体会 this 和 that 的不同含义和用法。

2)教new 这个单词时,教师用新、旧物品作比较。T: Look, this is an old book.T: Look, that’s a new book.在学生操练new 之后,再让学生用new 进行组词操练:a new bag, a new book等。D、Learn to say 1)放录音让学生跟读的方式学习对话内容。在学生跟读时,要他们尽量模仿录音中的语音、语调。

2)引导学生采用分角色朗读、分组朗读等多种形式练习,进行课文对话操练。3)在班级中开展“小擂台”比赛,看谁领读得好,谁就成为“小擂主”。E、Practise 1)在学生听、读对话后,教室组织学生运用实物、图片、多媒体等直观手段,创设情境,进行多层次的操练。S1: That’s my new pencil.S2: It’s red.It’s very nice.F、Assign homework(1)回家读书,家长签字。

Unit 4 My nice ruler

1、能听懂日常用语That′s my new ruler.It′s very nice.要求读音正确,语调自然。能运用句型That′s my„ It′s very„对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。

2、能听懂、会说a pen, a crayon, a ruler和a rubber,发音准确。


Unit 4 My nice ruler ——That′s my new ruler/pen/crayon/rubber.——It′s very nice.A.greeting(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)T: hello.Ss: Hello.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk T:Class begins.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhou.T: Hi, What’s your name? S: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I′m fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you,too.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。C、Presentation 比较:

A.T:Is this a book? Ss: Yes, it is.T: This is my new book.B.T:(指远处)Is that a ruler? Ss: Yes, it is.T: Good.That’s my new ruler.D、Look an learn 1)教师可以结合本单元A部分的句子呈现学习用品类单词,使单词教学与交际用语、情境相结合。S1: That’s my new crayon.S2: It’s very nice.2)通过一些What’s missing? 等小游戏操练单词,以提高学生的学习兴趣。

S1:What’s this?/ Is this „? S2: It’s very nice.2)通过What’s missing 小游戏操练单词,以提高学生的学习兴趣。E、Look and read 1)学习Gg时, 结合以前学过字母的Bb, Cc, Dd,Ee来帮助学生发音。2)出示写有字母Hh的卡片,示范发音,引导学生眼看教师口型,听清发音。在静听几遍后,再模仿读音。教字母Hh时,采用分解因素的方法,帮助学生发好字母的音。

3)引导学生通过朗读例词bag和hand,进一步感受字母在单词中的发音。4)让学生尝试拼读单词dad, bag, hat等单词。F、Assign homework 回家读书,家长签字.Unit 4 My nice ruler

1、复习巩固新授新授a pen, a crayon, a ruler和a rubber等,要求读音正确,语调自然。复习巩固句型日常交际用语That′s my„ It′s very„对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。

2、激发学生英语学习兴趣,会唱歌曲My nice ruler.3、完成教学AB Uint4。


Unit 4 My nice ruler ——That′s my new ruler/pen/crayon/rubber.——It′s very nice.A.greeting T: hello.Ss: Hello.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。T:Class begins.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhou.(The teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.)

T: Hi, What’s your name? S: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I′m fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you,too.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。B、Presentation: S1: That’s my new crayon.S2: It’s very nice.C、sing a song 1)在教唱前,教师可先放录音,让学生熟悉旋律。



4)教师引导学生替换部分歌词演唱,如歌曲中的ruler, rubber可以换成其他学习用品。D、play a game 1)先讲解并演示游戏的做法。



4)鼓励学生拓展游戏的内容,让学生说出自己学过的单词。One, two, three, put the pear in the box.E、Assign homework(1)听录音。


第二篇:苏教版牛津小学英语1B unit2教案

Unit 2 How are you?

1、能听懂、会说问候语How are you?及其答语,语音准确、语调自然。

2、能听懂、会运用I`m„对他人的问候作回答,并获得运用所学进行交际的能力, 要求读音正确,语调自然。


1、培养学生的学习兴趣,能听懂、会说新授的问候语How are you?等。



Drills.Read words five times.Unit 2 How are you? ——How are you?

——I`m fine,thank you。

A.greeting 继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk: T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss and girls.T: What’s your name? S1: Hello, my name is „.T: What’s your name? S2: Hello, my name is „.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。C、Presentation:

1)让学生听英语歌曲How are you ? 然后教师说Hello, boys and girls.How are you today?直接引出新授问候语How are you ? 2)学习课文,请学生集体听录音,弄清Su Hai在向谁问候。3)让学生跟录音朗读课文,要求模仿语音、语调。4)让学生分角色朗读课文。D、Learn to say 引导学生使用所学语言。


T:(出示卡通动物dog, cat, pig, duck)Now, let`s say hello to them.T:(示范)Hello,Miss Dog.How are you ? S1: Hello, Miss Cat.How are you ? S2: Hello, Miss Pig.How are you ? S3: Hello, Miss Duck.How are you ? Ss:(引导学生回答)I’m fine, thank you.2)请四位学生戴上面具,并排站在讲台前,其中一个用How are you ,xxx? 向班级人一同学问好,被叫到名字的同学除了对问候作出应答外,还要问是谁在向他问好。

S1:(戴面具者)How are you , xxx? S2: I’m fine, thank you.What’s your name? S1: My name is xx.S2: How are you , xx? S1: I’m fine, thank you.3)引导学生将所学问候语在课外尝试运用,可要求学生回家用How are you ? 向家长问好,如果家长不会英语,可让其设法教会家长。E、Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。


Unit 2 How are you?

1、能听懂、会说问候语How are you?及其答语,语音准确、语调自然。






Drills.Read words five times.Unit 2 How are you? ——How are you?

——I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。Cc Dd

A.greeting(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)T: hello.Ss: Hello.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss and girls.T: What’s your name? S1: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I’m fine, thank you.开起小火车。C、Look and learn 1)带领学生读准每个单词。

2)可以利用所做的动物头饰,结合A部分的教学内容,进行多种应答,如: T:Hello, Miss Dog.How are you? S: I’m fine, thank you./ I’m well, thank you./ I’m good, thank you.3)利用课堂实际情景,鼓励学生用本部分新出现的教学内容进行灵活地应答。

D、Look and learn 1)先复习一学过的字母Bb。


4)引导学生通过朗读例词cat和dog,进一步感受字母在单词中的发音。5)组织学生进行大、小写字母配对游戏,将学生容易混淆的字母Bb和Dd放在一起比较、辨认。引导学生观察不同字母的形状,鼓励学生自己编顺口溜,加强记忆。E、Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。


Unit 2 How are you?

1、复习巩固问候语How are you?及其答语,要求读音正确,语调自然。

2、复习巩固句型: How are you?I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。

3、激发学生英语学习兴趣,会唱歌曲How are you?

4、完成教学AB Uint2。


2、复习巩固句型: How are you?I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。


Drills.Read words five times.Unit 2 How are you? ——How are you?

——I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。

A.greeting(The teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they come in the door.)T: Hello.Hi.(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)T: hello.Ss: Hello.T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss and girls.(The teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.)

T: What’s your name? S1: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I’m fine, thank you.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。B、Presentation:

When we meet someone, we should say “How are you?” Now, let’s watch and listen.C、sing a song 1)反复播放How are you ?让学生先熟悉曲调。


4)引导学生替换歌词,如fine 可替换成well, good等。D、play a game 1)课前布置学生找一个或者作一个自己喜爱的卡通形象的手偶。2)教师讲解游戏的做法,并进行示范。

3)小组内使用手偶开展对话游戏,用学过的语言进行交流: S1: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.What’s your name? S2: My name is „ S1: How are you? S2:I’m fine/ well/ good.Thank you.E、practise(1)活动1:Listen and judge.教师先向学生解释清楚题目的做法。——How are you,Helen? ——I’m fine , thank you.请学生听录音,要求学生根据录音判断对话内容是否与图画意思一致,相符则为笑脸,否则为哭脸。(2)活动2:listen and respond.录音中,画面上的某个人物正在和另一个人打招呼。根据图片所示内容用已学句型作出应答。

师生互问,生生练习问答。(3)学习活动3:listen and colour 要求学生在听录音后,根据录音内容将字母涂上合适的颜色。

(4)学习活动4:look and act 要求学生先看图,然后依据图意说英语并表演。教师组织学生操练句型。——Is this David? ——No./„

F、Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。




Unit 4 Time


本单元由五部分组成: A Learn to say ,B Look and learn , C Look and say ,D Look ,read and write , E Fun house.本单元Learn to say围绕“询问时间”这一功能项目按照时间顺序创设了一个个真实自然的场景,并由此展开了数词1-12的教学。本单元除要求学生比较熟练地掌握时刻表达法What’s the time? It's „o’clock以及数词1-12外,还出现了常用句型Shall we „? It’s time to„, You can „在加上Let’s„的复现,知识点较多,任务较重。在教学中教师应尽量利用情景帮助学生整体理解课文,把重点放在培养学生实际运用语言的能力上,而不要过多地讲解语言知识。


1、能正确地听、说、读,写单词one, two, three.2、能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意正确掌握数词 3,7,11和12 的发音。3、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s „.,Shall we watch TV? It's time to „, You can „”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。4、能背诵歌谣Jack has a clock.三、教学重点:

1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词one, two, three.2、能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意正确掌握数词 3,7,11和12 的发音。3、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s „.,Shall we watch TV? It's time to „,You can „”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。


1、能听懂、会说数词1-12。应特别注意掌握数词3,7,11,和12 的读音。2、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s „.,Shall we watch TV? It's time to „,You can „”并能灵活自如的运用于实际生活中去。



六、课时安排: 共四课时

第一课时: A Learn to say 中的部分内容以及B部分。

第二课时: A Learn to say 中的部分内容以及B部分E(1)。

第三课时: C Look and say : D Look , read and write;E

(3)Say a rhyme 第四课时: 活动课及做练习册。

The first period

一、教学内容:A Learn to say 图1,图3; B Look and learn 中的“1-7”。

二、教学目标:1.能听懂,会说数词1~7,及短语“ go to school , go home.”

2.能听懂,会说以下日常交际用语:What’s the time? It’s ~o’clock.三、教学过程:

Step1 Warm up 1.Greeting.2.Sing a song : Family song 3.Free talk.a.Duty report.b.师生交流(主要复习3A第四单元中的go to

school, go home 及其答语);(最好利用头饰进行表演)

Step2 Introduce new materials.1.学习七个数词:1~7。(将七个数词做成七条卡片鱼,进行“小猫钓鱼”游戏。教师按顺序钓出七个数词进行教学。)

A 学习单词:“one”师钓出“one” 并出示,示范发音,领读,检查学生朗读情况。B 同样方法学习“two~seven”(注意重点指导3,7的发音)2.介绍句型:What’s the time? It’s ~o’clock.教师出示挂钟图示(图1)并放铃声。T:What’s the time? 出示汉译指导朗读,练读。Ss: What’s the time? T: It’s seven o’clock.出示汉译指导朗读,练读。操练句型:(老师与全体学生,全体学生与老师,分组,同桌等形式。)A:What’s the time? B: It’s seven o’clock.A: Let’s go to school now.B: All right/OK.3.介绍句型:You can go home now.T 拔动指针指向4点钟。T:What’s the time? S1:It’s four.T: You can go home now.B出示句型卡片:You can go home now.及汉译指导读。C 操练(形式上注意点面结合)。

4.T 拔动指针询问时间复习3A 第四单元的句型。Step3 Have a rest : Sing ten Indian boys.Step4 Pl ay a game.“ Wolf ,wolf ,What’s the time?” Step5 Consolidation :

1.听录音,看挂图。2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the tapeT.4.表演对话

六 Home work :




Unit 4 Time What’s the time ? It’s ~

Let’s go to school now.You can go home now.The second period


A Learn to say 图2,图4; B Look and learn 中的“8~12”。



2.能听懂,会说以下日常交际用语:Shall we watch TV? It's time to have lunch.三、教学过程:

Step1、Warm up

1.Greeting.2.Sing a song :Family song.3.Free talk : a.on duty


二、Introduce new materials

1.学习数词 :8-12。(1)学习数词“8”,继续做游戏“Wolf, wolf ,What’s the time?”当老师把指针指到8时,师示范发音,并指导发音。

(2)同样方法学习:9-12。2.介绍句型:It’s time to have lunch.在游戏“Wolf ,wolf ,What’s the time ?”中学习“ It’s time to have lunch.”

A 教师出示挂钟图示拔动指针指向12点钟。Ss:What’s the time ? Wolf: It’s 12.Wolf: It’s time to have lunch.(师做要吃饭的动作帮助理解It’s time to have lunch.)B 出示It’s time to have lunch j.句型卡片指导朗读。C 操练(形式上注意点面结合)3.介绍句型: Shall we watch TV? A T 拔动指针指向8点钟。

T:What’s the time? S1: It’s 8.T: Shall we watch TV?边说边拿遥控器,打开电视。帮助学生理解Shall we watch TV? B 出示句型卡片:Shall we watch TV ?及汉译指导读。C 操练(形式上注意点面结合)

三、Have a rest : Play a game.随音乐传手表,音乐停,持表人与同桌进行操练。

四、Consolidation.1.听录音,看挂图。2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the tape.4.表演对话。

五、Practice :

1.Listen and draw.2.垂钓游戏。

六、Home work : 1.听磁带跟读A B部分5遍。2.自编对话。板书设计:

Unit 4

Time What’s the time?

It’s ~ It’s time to have lunch.Shall we watch TV?

The third period 教学内容:

C Look and say;D Look , read and write;E Say a rhyme.教学目的:

1.能正确地听,说,读,写单词one, two, three.2. 能背诵歌谣Jack has a clock.3. 能较熟练地在一定情景中运用以下交际用语。教学过程: Step1、Warm up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a song : Family song.3.Free talk.4.Say a rhyme : Jack has a clock.5.复习数词 1~12。

游戏——猜数字:一人在另一人身上写数字,大声说出,若对了可在另一人身上写。Step2、Look and say.1.指导学生看书上图:Think : What are they talking about ? 2.同桌讨论。3.集体评议。4.指导表演。

Step3、D Look ,read and write.1.学习“one, two, three.”

听发音,看口形,跟读。2.指导书写“one, two, three.” 3.生练读,写“one, two, three.” Step4.Say a rhyme.1.听录音。

2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the tape 4.练读。5.指名读。Step5、Home work:

1、抄写“one, two, three”5 遍。

2、背诵“one, two, three”。

The fourth period

一、教学内容: 1.做练习册。

2.复习本单元句型与单词。3.E部分2 Make and play.二、教学目标:


三、教学过程: Step1、Warm up 1.Greeting.2.Sing a song : Family song 3.Free talk : a.On duty.b.出示钟图示,师拨动指针。

T:What’s the time? S: It’s ~(Let’s go to ~Shall we ~It’s time to ~You can ~)操练本单元句型。

Step2、Practice : 1.出示幻灯片:What’s the time? 2.Say the next number.3.Say the number.4.Make and play.Step3、Have a rest.1.Say a rhyme: “Jack has a clock.” 2.Listen and say the next number.Step4、听力练习。


Unit 4 Time.Step5、Homework:

1.预习下单元内容: 看图听录音

2.背歌谣“Jack has a clock.”



第二学期 年级一年级 英语 学科教学计划 任课教师 教学重点、难点 课 教单元 教学要求 时 学 进 度Unit1 1.能听懂 What’s your name并能用此句 Hello.What’s your 型询问对方姓名,语音准确、语调自 name 课 第 然。Hi.My name is… 时 周 2.能听懂他人使用句型 My name is…介 字母 AaBb 至 绍名字,同时能使用该句型作自我介 第 绍,发音正确。周 3.能根据所听到的名字,正确辨认出本 单元中出现的NancyDavidSu Yanghe Liu Tao 四个人物形象。能看图说出这四 个人物的名字,发音正确。4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 AaBb。5.会唱歌曲 What’s your nameUnit2 1.能听懂、会说问候语 How are you及 How are you 及其 其三种应答语,语音准确、语调自然。三种应答语 课 第2.能听懂、会说 finewellgood并能用 字母 CcDd 时 周 I’m…对他人的问候作出应答。至 3.能听懂、会说、会读字母 CcDd。第 4.会唱歌曲 How are you 周Unit3 1.听懂他人使用 This is…介绍父母和其 This is my uncle.他家庭成员,并能用此句型向他人介 Nice to meet you.课 第 绍自己的家庭成员,语音语调正确。uncleauntgrandpa 时 至 2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Nice to grandma 单词 第 meet you.发音准确 字母 EeFf 周 3.能听懂、会说 uncleauntgrandpagrandma 这四个单 词,发音准确。4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 EeFf。5.会说歌谣 I love you.Unit4 1.能 听 懂 日 常 用 语 That’s my new That’s my new ruler.Its very nice.ruler.Its very nice.课 第 2.能运用句型 hat’s

my...Its very …对物 词 语 a pen a时 至 品进行简单描述,语音语调正

确。crayona rulera 第 2.能听懂、会说 a pen a crayona rulera rubber 周 rubber,发音准确。字母 GgHh 3.能听懂、会说、会读字母 GgHh。

4.会唱歌曲 My nice ruler。Unit5 1.能听懂 Is that a…并能根据实际情况 Is that a taxi 作出回答。Noit isn’t.2.能运用 Is that a…向他人询问和确认 单词 a busa cara 某件物品,语音语调正确。taxia bike 3.能听懂和会说 a busa cara taxia bike 字母 IiJjKk 四个单词,发音准确。4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 IiJjKk。5.会说歌谣 I like my bike.Unit6 1.能听懂特殊疑问句 What’s that并能 What’s that 根据使用情况用 It’s a …回答。It’s a bee.2.能使用特殊疑问句 What’s that向他 词语 a beea birda 人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正 kitea balloon 确。字母 LlMmNn 3.能 听 懂、学 会 a beea birda kitea balloon发音准确。4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 LlMmNn。5.能使用学过的句子开展对话,询问简 单的信息。6.会说歌谣 A bee。Unit7 1.能听懂祈使句 Open the doorplease.并 Open the 能用 All right.回答。doorplease.All 2.能使用祈使句 Open the doorplease.请 right.求他人完成特定动作,语音语调准 动词短语 open the 确。doorclose the 3.能 听 懂、学 会 动 词 短 语 open the windowstand upsit doorclose the windowstand

upsit down。down。字母 OoPpQq 4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 OoPpQq。

5.会说歌谣 Wait in a queue.Unit8 1.能听懂一般疑问句 Can you …并能 Can you swim 用 YesI can.作出应答,语音语调正 YesI can.确。swimskateplay 2.能用一般疑问句 Can you …向人询 football 和 play 问和确认他人是否会做某事,语音语 chess 调正确。字母 RrSsTt 3.能

听懂、学会 swimskateplay football 和 play chess,发音准确。4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 RrSsTt。5.能使用学过的句子开展对话,询问简 单的信息。6.会说歌谣 A star。Unit9 1.能听懂句子 Happy

birthday并能用 Happy birthday Thank you.应答。能听懂特殊疑问句 Thank you.How old are you并能根据实际情况 How old are you,回答。HelenI’m… 2.能使用 Happy birthday向别人表示生

onetwothreefourfi 日祝福,语音语调正确。vesixseven 词语 3.能 听 懂、学 会 字母 UuVvWw onetwothreefourfivesixseven 发 音 准确。

4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 UuVvWw。5.能使用学过的句子开展对话,交流简 单的信息。6.会唱歌曲 Happy birthdayUnit10 1.能听懂、会说 Let’s go to…及其应答 Let’s go to the park.OK.OK.2.能熟练运用 Let’s go to…表达自己的 单 词 parkzoo 和 意愿。cinema 3.能听懂、学会 parkzoo 和 cinema发音 字母 XxYyZz 准确。4.能听懂、会说、会读字母 XxYyZz。5.会唱歌曲 A B C Song。

第五篇:牛津小学英语3A Unit4 Goodbye教案


Unit 4:Goodbye 教案


Step1: Free talk T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Zheng.T: Hi, I’m Miss Zheng What’s your name? S1: I’m S1.T: Nice to meet you, S1.S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: S1, this is S2.S1: Nice to meet you, S2.S2: Nice to meet you, S1..Step2: New words.(教师手中拿一张课桌卡片,黑板上贴一张饭桌卡片)

1、T: Look, what’s this? What’s that? S:课桌、餐桌.T: Listen, this is a desk.A desk(升调)A desk(降调)(three times)S:A desk.T: Look, this is a table.A table, a table(three times)S:A table.T: Desk desk, this is a desk..Table table, this is a table.S…

2、同理教学:a bed, a sofa.3、巩固:快速闪动(两两-四张)

Step3: Presentation and practice.1、放录音,听歌曲“Goodbye”



T: Boys and girls, look, who is she?

S: Jojo.T:Yes,she’s Jojo.Look, Jojo is sleeping.(装Jojo脸朝下倒放装睡)(师拿出事先调好的闹钟,发出叮零零……)

Oh,it’s late.Get up,Jojo.(边说边用手摇醒Jojo)(多说几遍)(师用手让Jojo做出慢慢爬起,伸懒腰的动作。边做边模仿Jojo回答)All right.(多做几遍)

2、出示注有中文意思的词组卡片:Get up.(起床)All right.(好的)领读,个别读,开火车读,齐读。

3、Pair word: T—S S—S S—T


1、T: Jojo, it’s seven thirty in the morning.(拿闹钟给学生看)Go to school now, Jojo.(边给Jojo背上小书包,边用手指向贴有学校图样的方向,多说几遍)(模仿Jojo回答)


2、出示注有中文意思的词组卡片:Go to school now.(现在去上学)OK.(好的)Goodbye.(再见)领读,个别读,开火车读,齐读

3、Pair work: T—S S—S S--T C:


2、出示第二幅图,听,说,表演(介绍Mr.Black;He is Nancy’s Dad.教学Dad)


D: 听歌曲“Goodbye”(在歌声中下课)

Step4: Homework

1、读Learn to say第一、二幅图



Unit 4 Goodbye

图一 Get up.1 2

All right.a desk a table

图二 Go to school now.3 4

OK.Goodbye.a bed a sofa


Step 1: Revision T: Boys and girls, let’s act the dialogues.(让学生表演第一、第二幅图)S:…

Step 2: New words

1、(摆出玩具电话,发出嘟嘟的声音)T: Yes, this is a telephone.A telephone.A telephone.S:A telephone.(拿出一张冰箱的卡片)T:Look, what’s this? S:冰箱。

T:Yes,this is a fridge.A fridge.a fridge.S:A fridge.T:Look, what’s this? S:A fridge.(快速闪动,多问几遍)

2、同理教学:a bookcase, a chair.3、巩固:



3、游戏:What’s missing?

4、布置空房间:Here’s a…

Step 3: Presentation


1、T: Look, it’s four thirty in the afternoon..(出示闹钟)

Go home now.(边说边背上书包,做出推自行车的样子)

Go home now?(多问几遍)

S:All right./OK.T:See you,boys and girls.S:See you, Miss …/Goodbye,Miss…

2、出示注有中文意思的词组卡片:Go home now.(现在回家)See you.(再见)领读,个别读,开火车读,齐读

3、Pair work:T—S S—S S--T B1、(拉上窗帘,放录音,听歌曲“Goodbye”)(歌曲结束后)

T:Oh,it’s half past nice in the evening.(出示闹钟)It’s late.(打个哈欠,伸个懒腰)Go to bed now.(双手合十,做出睡觉样)Go to bed now?(多问几遍)S:All right./OK.T:OK.Good night,boys and girls.S:Good night./Miss …

2、出示注有中文意思的词组卡片:Go to bed now.(现在该睡觉了)Good night.(晚安)领读,个别读,开火车读,齐读

3、Pair work: T—S S—T S—S C:


2、出示第四幅图,听,说,表演(介绍Mrs.Black: She is Nancy’s Mum.教学Mum.)



Step 4:Homework:

1、听,说Learn to say 中内容,进行表演。



Goodbye 图3 Go home now.1 2 See you.a telephone a fridge 图4 Go to bed now.3 4 Good night.a bookcase a chair

牛津3A——Unit 4 Goodbye Unit 4 Goodbye

Unit 4 Goodbye The first period: A Learn to say TEACHING CONTENTS: Pattern : “Get up ,Go to school ,Go home, Go to bed ,Goodbye , See you ,Good night ” TEACHING AIMS: 1.The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance :“Get up ,Go to school ,Go home,Go to bed ,Good bye , See you, Good night.” 2.To encourage the Ss to talk in English.TEACHING AIDS: Cassette ,recorder ,masks(David ,Nancy , Mrs Black , Mr Black ,Miss Li)TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1 Warm-up :

1.Sing two songs :“Hello!Hi,Nancy!” 边唱边交际表演。2.Greetings: Hello!Hi!Good morning /afternoon /Nice to meet you.3.Free talk :

(1)T: Hi /Hello ,I’ m Miss Yan ,What ‘s your name? S: Hi/Hello,Miss Yan,I’m ××

T: Good morning/Good afternoon ,××,This is ×× S1: Nice to meet you ,××.S2: Nice to meet you ,too.(2)S1:Good morning /Good afternoon ,××,This is ××.S2: Nice to meet you ,××,S3:Nice to meet you , too.(3)S1:Hi, I’m Nancy,This is my father /mother /brother/sister.S2: Nice to meet you „ S3: Nict to meet you ,too.Step 2.Presentation and practice.1.Learn to say :“Get up ,××”,“All right ”

a.利用课件:一面钟:指针指向six;太阳慢慢升起,背景为野外的花香鸟语声。T: Oh, It’s six.The sun rises.“Get up ,Li Li ”

S1:“All right.”(say “All right ” ,do “Get up ”)b.Read after the T.“Get up ”“All right ” 利用情境,学生进行组组、男女生的练习。c.Sing “Get up ,Get up ” “All right,All right ” c.Practice : T—S, S—S,Group work.Work in pairs.d.Check.2.Learn to say :“Go to school now ,××”.“Ok ,××,Goodbye ”

a.T: LiLi,Look at the clock ,It’s seven ,Put up your schoolbag ,Go to school now ,LiLi.(帮 助学生背好书包,并作出手势,让学生意会该去上学了)S1:Ok,Miss Yan ,Goodbye.b.Read after the T.“Go to school ,now ”“Ok ”

c.Practice.(开火车练习:S1:Go to school, ××.S2: Ok,Go to school,××.S3:Ok.„„.)此时播放合适的音乐,渲染气氛。d.Check.3.Boys and girls,I’m tired ,Let’s have a rest.Play a game isten and do.(one student say “Get up ”,the others act it)2.Learn :“Go home,now ,××,All right,See you ,××” a.T: LiLi ,It’s five o’clock,school is over ,Go home,now,LiLi.S1:All right ,See you ,Miss Yan.(边说边背书包走出教室,准备回家)b.Read after the T “Go home.” “See you ” c.Practice要(练习时,把see you 和Goodbye 交换使用。)d.Check.Play a game :Guess:

(Teacher act “Get up。What am I doing ?” student guess.)3.Learn :“Go to bed now ,××,Ok ,Good night,××”

a.创设一个晚间情景,夜空黑乎乎,月亮挂在树梢,星星在眨眼。T :“LiLi,It’s nine,The moon rises ,Go to bed ,now ,LiLi.” S1:“Ok, Good night.”(边说边打着哈欠)b.Read after the T.“bed ” “Good night”

c.Practice and check.(小组内先自由练说,再进行组组之间的评比。)Step3.Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.(first only listen ,the second time repeat).2.Act the part A.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中)3.4.Workbook age 10 A Listen and judge.Step 4.Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A three times.Sing“Goodbye!” Design: Unit 4 Goodbye 图1 Get up ,××.All right 图2 Go to school now ,××.Ok,××,Goodbye.图3 Go home now ,××.All right,See you,××.图4 Go to bed now ,××.Ok ,Good night ,××.POSTSCRIPT.Phonetic symbol.bed/bed/ night/nait/ get/get/ right/rait/ school/sku:l/ home/h[Um/ now/naU/ see/si:/ sofa/5s[Uf[/ telephone/5telif[Un/ table/5teibl/ fridge/fridV/ chair/tFZ[/ desk/desk/ bookcase /buk-keis/ BACKSIGHT: The second period: B Look and learn.TEACHING CONTENTS: Vocabulary: a bookcase,a desk ,a bed ,a sofa , a fridge ,a chair ,a table ,a telephone.TEACHING AIMS: 1.To understand and say the words :a bookcase, a bed ,a sofa ,a fridge ,a chair ,a table,a telephone.2.To encourage the Ss to learn English.TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1.Warm-up : 1.Sing 《Hello》、《Hi,Nancy!》.师生共乐。2.Greetings: Hello, everyone!Good morning everyone„„.以及围绕上一节课所学句型。3.Freetalk.Step2 Presentation and practice.简单地自我介绍以及介绍家人。1.Learn to say new word: a.T: Boys and girls ,Let’s go to my home(Take out picture B Look and learn)今天你们将参观 我的家,从我家出来后,你们将学会许多有用的单词。S1: Miss Yan ? what's this? T: This is a fridge.b.Read after the T.a fridge ,This is a fridge.T: Boys and girls ,what colour? S: A green fridge „

c.T: Boys and girls ,Let’s sing it ,Ok?(Fridge ,fridge ,fredge ,I like fridge ,I like fridge)d.Practice in pairs and check , one say these one by one.2.Look and say the other words.(bed ,bookcase)The same method.Play a game: 1.guess.1)师用简笔画进行画,生根据教师的笔势进行猜测。2)采用多媒体,根据事物的一部分进行来猜全体。3.Check.Look at the picture and say “This is a fridge /chair/„„.” Step 3 Consolidation.1.Listen to the tape and repeat.2.Play a game assing a secret.3.Workbook: B Listen and circle.师生互动共同熟悉上面的事物。

4.Draw and guess: desk, table ,chair.以画简笔画的方式引入这三个单词的学习。5.Chant.以Chant 形式学习sofa , telephone ,sofa ,sofa ,I sit in the sofa.Telephone ,telephone ,I call you on the telephone.6.Practice and check.Step4 Homework.Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A and Part B(several times.)Step5 END.Sing“Goodbye!”

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