Volleyball, ball games project, one of the movement originated in the United States.On February 9, 1895, the Massachusetts Holly oak ymca director William Morgan invented.At first, people sat on either side of the net on the tennis court, basketball is held in the palm to go, to participate in any number, shot number.The first competition is 1.98 meters high.This is the prototype of the volleyball.排球,球类运动项目之一,运动起源于美国。1895年2月9日,由美国麻省霍利奥克基督教青年会干事威廉·摩根发明。起初,人们分站在网球场球网的两侧,将篮球托来托去,参加人数、击球次数不限。比赛中网高1.98米。这就是排球的雏形。
When I first saw the students play volleyball, I think volleyball is very fun, so I became interested in volleyball, now, I took part in the school volleyball team, study hard volleyball, now I play volleyball playing very well.当我第一次看到同学玩排球时,我就觉得排球很好玩,因此我对排球产生了兴趣,现在,我参加了学校的排球兴趣小组,努力学习排球,现在我打排球打得很好。
I learned many things from the volleyball, I know it is very inportant for a team unity , after is to have good skills.I like volleyball.我从排球中学到了一些,我知道对于一个团队来说团结很重要,之后就是有很好的技术,我很喜欢排球。
umpire主裁判 Net umpire副裁判 scorer记分员 linesmen司线员 Team doctor随队医生 referee’s platform裁判台 Match sheet
Volleyball court
Net cord
Net post
Own court
Service area
Opponents' court
Front number
Back number
Back right
Center court
Center player
Stroke analysis
Dead area
Loss of service
Change court
Change of position
Change of service
Rotational order
Choice of serve or court
Clockwise rotation
Time-out for substitution
Double elimination
Double round robin
Masters tournament
Veteran's event记分表排球场网眼网绳网柱本场区发球区对方场区胸前号码(上衣)后号码排后排左后排右中场,中圈附近前排中卫线,端线拾球人技术统计死角丢失发球权交换场区交换位置换发球轮流发球轮转顺序 选择发球权或场区顺时针方向轮转 换人暂停双淘汰制双循环制优秀选手赛预赛元老赛
Open tournament公开赛
Friendship invitational tournament友好邀请赛 Mass tournament群众比赛 Consolationg tournament安慰赛 Cross match system交叉比赛 Go five打满5分 psychologically handicapped心理素质差 Personal warning个人警告 Net ball擦网球 Net height
Net in
On line
Foot fault
Time-out for substitution
See-saw game
Marathon match
Take the spotlight
Request substitution
Right of service
Ace spiker
Chief spiker
Double attacker
Fake smasher
Back field player
First passer
Second pass
Special setter
Playing captain
Hand out
球网高度入网球压线球脚步犯规 换人暂停拉锯战时间拉得很长的比赛 大显身手决战请求换人发球权主攻手扣球手主扣球手两手都能扣球的队员好出风头的运动员佯攻队员后排队员前排队员拦网队员一传队员二传发球队员二传手主要二传手替补场上队长有发球权的一方无发球权的一方
Half-moon defense马蹄形防守阵式 Serve receive formation接发球阵式
Three-man deep defense三人纵深防守 Combination block集体拦网
Arm power
Arm swing
Explosive leg strength
Attack receive
Attacking attempts
Backhand service
Backhand pass
Backline offence
Bat the ball
Block point
Ceiling serve
Close set
Consecutive passes
Crosscourt smash
Crouched position
Dig pass
Dink spike
Direct smash
Distance attack
Diving save
Drive serve
Drop the ball
Drop service
Fake attack
Fall down pass
First pass臂力摆臂跳跃腿部爆发力接对方扣球扣球次数反手发球反手传球后排进攻背传手掌击球拦网得分发高吊球近网传球连续传球斜线扣球 下蹲姿势旋转球远网传球垫球垫传 轻扣一次扣球 扣远网球鱼跃救球 大力发球 吊球 发下坠球佯攻倒地传球 一传
Floating service发飘球 Flying receive腾空接球 Forearm pass前臂垫球 Get one's service in发球得分 Hard spike重扣 Heel of hand掌根 High set传高球 Hook service钩手发球 Hook float钩手飘球 Hook smash
Landing point
Low set
One-hand toss
Order of service
Overarm pass
Overhand float
Pass the ball
Pierce the block
Play into the net
Poor first pass
Punching ball
Quick kill
Receive miss
Repeated smash
Rolling receive
Running jump spike
Running pass
Running service
Safe service
Score a placement
Serve again
Serve point
Serving fault
Service reception
Set up
Shut out
Side-arm service
Side overhand service钩手扣球落点举球传低球单手托球发球次序上手传球上手飘球传球突破拦网 打球落网 一传不到位拳击球推球 快球扣杀回合,对攻接球失误连续扣球 滚翻救球助跑起跳扣球跑动传球跑动发球 发保险球击入空档得分重发球发球得分 发球失误接发球托球推球拦网成功侧身发球侧身上手发球
Side underhand service侧身下手发球 Skipping垫步 Sliding滑步
Slow response反应迟钝 Smash service扣球式发球 Smash over the block超手扣球 Spike扣球 Spike miss扣球失误 Spike out扣球出界 Spin service
Sprained finger
Squatting position
Standing jump spike
Standing spike
Straight ball
Straight smash
Take off
Touching the net
Underarm service
Underhand pass
Vertical jumping ability
Volley pass
Wall blocking
发旋转球手指扭伤倒地救球蹲姿原地起跳扣球原地扣球直线球直线扣线跨步起跳抛球擦网下手发球下手垫球 纵跳能力凌空传球严密封网
一上课,老师 便从操场的另一头捧着一个橘黄色的排球走过来。他让男生去跑步,然后对女生说:“今天女生练排球。”我好像得到了一份心仪已久的>礼物,既惊讶又开心。
我把排球抛起来,马上摆好姿势去接,可看起来那么可爱 的排球偏偏那么不听话,竟把我的大拇指当做跳板,刚落下,又跳起来飞到很远的地方去了。我不明白,在老师手中那么听话的排球,到了我手中怎么就读不懂我的意思呢?难不成老师给球施了魔法?于是,我决定向老师请教一番。
我认真 地按老师说的去做。接球的时候我把胳膊摆得直直的,球瞄准我的小臂落下来,我很默契地踮起脚尖接着它,它便有力地一跃而起,我连忙准备用胳膊做它的另一个起跳点„„
垫了几百下,我有些晕头转向了,加上太阳 光不断地抚摸,我早已大汗淋漓,但我依旧津津有味地垫着,因为这是一种享受。真正喜欢 做一件事时,汗水也是一种开心满足的表现。
Scene Ⅰ 场景 Ⅰ(裁判员与司线员对话)Dialogue 1 I am the first referee of this match.My name is Tom.And he is John, the second referee.Good morning!
You should judge the match just, correct and objective though it is for the host team.I have the following request: 虽然这是东道主的比赛,但你们仍要公正,准确的反映比赛结果。我有以下几点要求。
When the ball lands near your line(s), you should use the flag to show it “in” or “out”.当球落在线附近时,给予界内外旗示。
When the “out” ball touches the player of the receiving team, you should give the flag signal to show ball touched.当球触及接发球队队员后出界,请示意打手出界旗示。
When the ball crosses the net plane near the antenna, please judge it according to the Rules.当球从标志杆附近通过球网平面时,请按照规则规定处理。 When the server stands near the line judges, you should stand behind him/her along the extension of the sideline(s).当发球队员靠近司线员时,你们必须沿边线的延长线往后退,站在发球队员后边。I hope we can cooperate with each other and complete the refereeing work perfectly.希望我们大家共同配合,完成好这场比赛的裁判工作!Dialogue 2 R: Did you see clearly that the ball was ball touched?
L: Yes, I did.The ball didn’t touch the blocking players, but it touched the back row player.是的,球没有触及拦网队员,但它触及后排队员的身体了。R: Ok, please go back and repeat the flag signal.好的,请你回去再做一个打手出界旗示。L: OK.好的。
Dialogue 3 R: Why did you wave the flag?
L: Because the ball crossed the net plane to the opponent’s free zone totally through the internal space.So don’t allow to play it back.It’s “out”.这个球是从标志杆里面飞向对方无障碍区,不能往回救所以是界外。
R: Good job.Thank you.做的好,谢谢。Dialogue 4 R: Why didn’t you show the flag signal?
L: Sorry, I’m not sure, because the ball landed out of my sight behind the blocking players.对不起,我无法确定,因为防守队员挡住我的视线我看不清球的落点。
R: I saw the ball land on the line.So please go back and show the flag signal of ball “in”.我看清楚球是压线,所以请你回去出示界内球旗示。L: All right.好的。Dialogue 5 L: Referee, the coach of the Italy team insulted me just now.报告裁判,意大利队的教练刚才说脏话骂我。
R: I know, and I will give him a penalty.Don’t mind and keep on doing your work justly, please.我知道了,我会判罚他的,你继续公正执法。L: Ok.好的。Scene Ⅱ 场景 Ⅱ(裁判员与记录员对话)Dialogue 1 R: I am the first referee of this match and have the following request on the scorers:
a.Check the number and name list of the players registered on the
scoresheet when you get it.拿到记录表后核对记录表上登记的队员名单及号码。b.Check the service order before each service hit.每一次发球,都要核对发球队员是否符合发球秩序。
c.Record each substitution and punishment before you raise your both hands and write is not allowed after raising hands.每一次换人,判罚,都要登记完了以后再举手,举手后不允许再写。d.Substitutions more than one should be made one pair of players after another.First you raise one hand, then both after recording, and do it in turn.多人次换人,要一对一对进行,先举单手,登记完后举双手,再进行下一个,举单手,登记完举双手。
S: Ok, I will finish my work carefully according to the Rules.好的,我会按照规则要求认真完成我的工作。Dialogue 2 S: What’s the result of the toss?
R: The American team is Team A and the Chinese team is Team B.Team A is the serving team.美国队是A场区,中国队是B场区,A队发球。S: Thank you.谢谢。Dialogue 3 S: Referee, there is something wrong with the line-up sheet.裁判,位置表有错误。R: What’s wrong?
S: No.8 of Team A is not on the scoresheet.A队8号,记录表上没有这个人。
R: Once the line-up sheet has been delivered, no change in line-up may be authorized.I will inform the coach of Team A to request a substitution before the start of this set.位置表一旦上交就不能更改,开局时我会通知教练换人。S: Ok.好.Dialogue 4 S: Referee, it’s an illegal substitution.裁判,换人不合法。R: Yes?
S: Because team A has substituted No.6 for No.1, but they substitute No.1 for No.7 now, so it’s illegal.刚才A队是6号上,1号下,现在他用1号换7号,不合法。R: That’s right.I will inform the first referee to give Team A a delay warning.好的,我通知一裁,给予其延误警告。R: Have you recorded the delay warning of Team A?
判A队延误,你登记好了吗? S:
Yes, I have.登记好了。Dialogue 5 J: Excuse me!What is the time of the first set?
请问第一局比赛的局时间.S: Twenty-five minutes.第一局比赛用了25分钟。
J: Thank you.Tell me the time at the end of each set, please.谢谢,请在每局比赛后都告诉我比赛时间。S: OK!好的。Dialogue 6 S: Referee, Team A has 5 player substitutions in this set.裁判,A队这一局换人以达5人次了。R: I know.I will inform the first referee and the coach.知道了,我会通知一裁和教练。S: Referee, Team B has 2 time-outs in this set.裁判,B队这一局暂停2次了。R: OK!
S: Referee, Team A has 6 player substitutions in this set.(Team A has no more substitutions in this set.)裁判,A队这一局换人已满6次了(这局已经没有换人机会了)。R: OK!I will inform the first referee and the coach of Team A.好的,我通知一裁和A队教练。Dialogue 7 S: Referee.裁判。
R: What’s the matter?
S: The libero of Team A has just replaced by the player, after the technical time-out, he returned the court.A队自由防守队员刚从场上替换下来,技术暂停结束后,没有经过比赛过程,他又上去了。R: OK!Thank you.好的,谢谢。S: That’s all right.不客气。Dialogue 8 R: The first referee gave No.8 player of Team B a yellow card.裁判给了B队8号黄牌。
S: Team B.No.8.The second set.Yellow card.OK.B队,8号,第二局,黄牌,记录好了。R: Team A gains a point and the right to serve.A队得一分,由A队发球。
S: Yes.No.9 player of Team A is the server.是的,A队9号发球 R: Thank you!谢谢!Dialogue 9(The buzzer is ringing)
(蜂鸣器响)S: Referee.裁判。R: What’s wrong?
什么事? S: The service order of Team A was wrong.No.1 is the server, but No.8 served just now.A队发球秩序错误,应该是1号发球,而刚才是8号发球。R: Who is the server next round?
S: No.8.He/She is in the Position 2 now.该8号发球,8号现在站在2号位。
R: OK!I will correct their positions.Team B gains a point and the right to serve.好的,我把他们位置纠正过来,B队得一分并获得发球权。S:
Record finished.记录完毕。Dialogue 10(The final set.Change playing court.)
R: What are the positions now?
S: No.9 of Team A is the server.No.8 of Team B is in the Position 1.A队9号发球,B队8号在一号位。R: I have checked.How about you?
我已经核对完毕,你呢? S: So do I.核对完毕。Dialogue 11 S: Referee.There is something wrong with the first referee’s punishment.裁判,第一裁判的判罚有问题。R: Yes? 为什么?
S: Team A has received a delay warning in the first set.So it should be penalized this time.A队第一局已经有过一次延误警告,现在应该给予延误判罚。R: I will inform the first referee right now.我马上通知第一裁判。
S: Team B gained a point and No.9 should serve.I have recorded.B队得分,B队9号发球,我已经登记完毕。R: Very good.Thank you!好的,谢谢。Dialogue 12 R: The first referee gave No.7 of Japanese team a yellow card.Please record it.第一裁判给了日本队7号黄牌,请记录。
S: It’s wrong.No.7 of Japanese team has got a yellow card.So he/she should be sanctioned progressively this time.不对,日本队7号第一局已经有一张黄牌了,这一次要升级。R: I will inform the first referee right now.我马上通知一裁。
R: No.7 of Japanese team got a red card and expulsed.日本队7号红牌,判罚出场。S: OK!
好的。R: Thank you!谢谢。Dialogue 13 C:
Referee, which player of our team should serve?
Scorer, which player of team A should serve? 记录员,请问A队应该几号发球? S:
It is No.6’s turn.该6号发球。
Referee, there seems to be something wrong with our scores.裁判,我们的比分好像有问题。R: Is there anything wrong with the scores? 请问现在比分有没有问题?
S: No, there isn’t.There was something wrong with the electro-scoreboard just now and it was corrected.So the scores are correct now.比分是正确的,刚才电子记分牌有一点错误,现在已经改正过来了,场上比分是正确的。R: All right.Thank you.好的,谢谢。
Scene Ⅲ 场景 Ⅲ(第一裁判员与第二裁判员对话)Dialogue 1 1st referee: Mr.chen, please check the balls’ pressure, and I check the numbered paddles.第一裁判员:Mr.陈,你去检查球的气压,我来检查换人牌。2nd referee: OK, Tony.Have you had the pressure gauge? This one is likely to be inexact.第二裁判员:好的托尼。你带气压表没?这块表好像不太准 1stR: Here you are.Does Japanese Team have 4 officials? 给你。日本队应该是四个官员吧?
2ndR: Yes.There are 4 officials and 12 players on the Bulletin No.1 but there are only 11 players on the scoresheet.一号公报上确实是四个官员,十二名队员。但是记分表上只有十一名队员啊。
1stR: No.11 was injured and her name had been cancelled.Let her leave the competition control area, please.11号是受伤了,被划掉了。请她离开比赛场地吧。2ndR: Everything is ready now.Have you tried the referee’s stand? 一切就绪了,裁判台高度你试过没有?
1stR: Yes, I have.Let’s meet the line judges.Do a translation, please.没问题。我们见一下司线员吧,你来做翻译。2ndR: All right.好的。Dialogue 2 1stR: What’s the matter? 怎么回事?
2ndR: Team A’s service order was wrong and scored 2 points.Team B scored 3 points after changed the service.Now Team A gains a point and the right to serve.Team A should be ruled a “loss of rally”, and cancelled their 3 points.Team B’s scores are reserved, and it gains a point and the right to serve.A队上一轮就发球次序错误得了两分,换发球后B队共得三分,现在A队得发球权同时得一分。所以应该判A队失这一球,取消A队所得的三分。B队保留已得比分,得发球权同时得一分。1stR: Have Team A server? A队恢复正确位置没?下一轮几号发球? 2ndR: Yes, they did.And the next server is No.7.位置恢复了。下一轮应该由7号发球。1stR: OK, please check the scorer’s record.好,检查一下记录员登记准确无误否?
The second referee raises his hands to show that the record had finished and the first referee whistles to serve.二裁举手示意登记完毕,鸣哨开球。Dialogue 3 1stR: Was your hand signal the ball touched?
2ndR: Yes, it was.The returned ball was out of the court after it touched the spiker’s arm.是的,拦回来的球碰到了扣球队员的手臂后才出界的。1stR: But the line judge showed the flag signal of ball “out”.Are you sure? 但是司线员给的是界外旗示,你看准没?
2ndR: I’m sure.I’m afraid that the line judge couldn’t catch it on his position.确定无疑,司线员的角度恐怕看不到。1stR: OK.好的。Dialogue 4 2ndR: The assistant coach of the Italy team came and condemned my decision, and he insulted me just now.刚才巴西队的助理教练跑过来指责我的判断,而且有侮辱的语言。
1stR: OK, I will warn him.好的我来警告他。
2ndR: He had received a warning on the last set, so he should be penalized this time.上一局对他已经有一次警告了,应该是判罚。1stR: You are right.And what’s wrong with the libero just now? 你是对的。刚才自由人是怎么回事?
2ndR: The libero of Team A has just replaced by the player then replaced again after the time-out.The assistant scorer found it and corrected in time.自由人刚替换下来没有经过比赛过程,暂停后又上去了。助理记录员发现并及时纠正了。
1stR: OK, give a red card to the assistant coach of Brazil.好,给巴西助理教练员红牌判罚。Dialogue 5 1stR: Did the ball touch the antenna? 球触及标志杆了?
2ndR: Yes.But I didn’t see who contacted with the ball first.是的,但是我没看清楚是谁先谁后触的球。
1stR: They contacted with the ball at the same time.But maybe the blocker contacted with the net? 是同时触球。可是拦网一方好像是触网了吧? 2ndR: Yes, he did.But the ball touched the antenna first.拦网是触网了,但触标志杆在先。1stR: All right, it’s “double fault”.好,那就是双方犯规。
Scene Ⅳ 情景 Ⅳ(裁判与队长对话)Dialogue 1 R:Captains, let’s toss, the Red Team is word and the Blue Team is pattern.队长!现在我们来挑边,红队是字,蓝队是图案
R:It’s pattern.The winner of the toss is the Blue Team.(To the captain of Blue Team)What do you want? 是图案,由蓝队先挑。(向蓝队)你要什么? CB:I choose to receive.我要接发球。
R:OK.(To the captain of Red Team)You serve first and which side of the court do you want?(向红队)那么你先发球,要那一边场地? CR:Left.我要左边。R:(To scorer)The Red Team is the serving team in the left side of the court.红队首先发球,在左面场地。Dialogue 2 R:Captain, No.12 of your team wears a different color short and there is no number on it.队长,你们队12号短裤的颜色不同而且没有号码。C:Yes, he will change it after warming-up.是的,准备活动后马上去换。
R:No.7 player’s necklace is dangerous and she must remove it.So does No.8’s ring.7号的那个项链很危险,要摘下来。还有8号的戒指。C:Sorry, her ring is too tight to remove.抱歉,她的戒指太紧摘不下来了。R:It must be taped, or she is not allowed to play.那就用胶布缠起来,否则不能比赛。Dialogue 3 R:Captain, your libero replacement must be quick, it’s not allowed after I whistled, or I will give you a delay penalty next time.队长,你们的自由人替换要快一点,不能在我鸣哨之后进行。
下一次我就要判你延误了。C:Yes, sir.是,先生。
R:By the way, it must be replaced between the attack line and the end line.还有,替换必须在进攻线和底线之间进行。C:Yes, but…… 是。但是------R:Yes? 什么事?
C:They always prevent us out from seeing the ball consciously when they serve.发球时,他们总是有意识的遮挡我们。R:I will pay attention to it.我会注意的。Dialogue 4 C:Excuse me, Referee.Can you explain why the ball is “four hits”? 对不起裁判员先生,怎么是四次击球呢?
R:Your blocking was from lower than the top of the net actually, so it was considered a hit.你们拦网实际上低于球网,所以记做一次击球。C:But it’s still incorrect.We only hit the ball twice after it.那也不对啊,我们后面只击了两次。
R:No.3, No.7 and No.8 hit the ball respectively after it.后面又有3号、7号、8号各击一次。C:You are wrong, No.3 didn’t hit the ball.你在乱点,3号根本没有击球。
R: I have explained, you can choose to play or protest, and otherwise I will give you a sanction.我已经解释过了。要不你继续比赛;要不你选择抗议。否则我要判你延误比赛了。C:I choose to protest.我选择抗议。
R:OK, please affirm it at the end of the game.可以,请你比赛后再确认。Dialogue 5 R:Captain, please inform your assistant coach that he is not allowed to stand up and conduct the game loudly.I give him a warning now.队长,告诉你们的助理教练员,他不准站起来大喊大叫指挥。
我给他警告。R:Did you inform him? 你告诉了没有? C:Yes.告诉了。
R:Tell him raise hands to show it, please.请他举手示意。R:Captains, please inform your teammates that they can cheer but can’t irritate the opponent.双方队长,告诉你们的队友,兴奋欢呼是可以的。但不要针对对方,刺激对方。
Volleyball is an Olympic sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, or(rarely)other parts of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the net.Each team is allowed three hits to get the ball over the net to the other team.A point is scored if the ball hits the ground in the opponents' court, if the opponents commit a fault, or if they fail to return the ball properly
The sport originated in the United States, and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S.that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports.Today there are more than 46 million Americans who play volleyball.There are 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week.In 1895, William G.Morgan, an instructor at the Young Men's Christian Association
(YMCA)in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for his classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball.He created the game of Volleyball(at that time called mintonette).Morgan borrowed the net from tennis, and raised it 6 feet 6 inches above the floor, just above the average man's head.During a demonstration game, someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and perhaps “volleyball” would be a more descriptive name for the sport.On July 7, 1896 at Springfield College the first game of “volleyball” was played.In 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport