
时间:2019-05-15 09:45:00下载本文作者:会员上传



(1)表示增加的过渡词:also, and, and then, too, in addition, furthermore, moreover, again, on top of that, another, first/second/third等。

(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now, then, before, after, afterwards, earlier, later, immediately, soon, next, in a few days, gradually, suddenly, finally等。

(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to), far(from), in front of, behind, beside, beyond, above, below, to the right/ left, around, outside等。

(4)表示比较的过渡词:in the same way, just like, just as等。

(5)表示对照的过渡词:but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in spite of, even though等。

(6)表示结果和原因的过渡词:because, since, so, as a result, therefore, then, thus, otherwise等。

(7)表示目的的过渡词:for this reason, for this purpose, so that等。

(8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact, indeed, surely, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, truly, to repeat, above all, most important等。

(9)表示解释说明的过渡词:for example, in fact, in this case, for actually等。

(10)表示总结的过渡词:finally, at last, in conclusion, as I have shown, in other word, in brief, in short, in general, on the whole, as has been stated等。

混合阅读系列读物1 莎士比亚戏剧故事系列


在一片汪洋大sea上有个荒凉的小island(岛),小island上lived着老汉普罗斯比罗and他的daughter(女儿)。他的女儿called(叫)米兰达。米兰达是个很 beautiful(美丽的)girl。她来到这个小island上的时候,年龄非常young,所以除了她父亲的face(脸),她不remember(记得)任何人的face。

他们lived在一个在石头上凿出的cave(洞)里。这个cave被隔成了几个rooms,这几个房间之一是普罗斯比罗的study(书房),在里面放了很many书。这些books大部分上关于 magic(魔法)的。At that time(那时候),许多learned(有学问的)人都喜欢研究magic。普罗斯比罗发现这些magic很有用。他是因为一个离奇的reason(原因)漂到这个小island上来的。这个小island曾被西考拉克斯 witch(女巫)施了magic。而且在普罗斯比罗来这个小island上之前不久,那个女巫才died掉。女witch曾经把很多不obey(听从)她的邪恶orders(命令)行事的elves(精灵)囚禁在树干里,普罗斯比罗来到这个小island上后,用自己的magic把不少善良的elves都set free(释放)了出来。From 那时起这些kind(善良的)elves都obeyed他的orders。这些elves的首领called爱力儿。

爱力儿是个活泼可爱的小 elf(精灵)。虽然他生性并不那么naughty(顽皮),但他却喜欢play tricks on(捉弄)一个叫凯力班的长相ugly陋的妖怪。因为凯力班是女witch西考拉克斯的儿子,而那女巫是他的enemy(仇人),所以他十分hated(痛恨)凯力班。凯力班长得奇form怪状,猴子都比他长得like(象)人。普罗斯比罗把他带回cave里,教他说人话。普罗斯比罗本想好好treat(待)他,可是凯力班from从他的mother那里继承下来的劣根性使他不学好,也不愿意use his brain(动脑筋),所以只好把他as(当)个奴隶来使,派他去chop(砍)柴或其他什么吃力的work活。爱力儿的duty(任务)就是差使他去do(做)这些事。Whenever(每逢)凯力班偷懒,爱力儿就会secretly(悄悄地)跑过去掐他,有时把他扔到swamp(沼泽)里。爱力儿变成猴子,向他make faces(做鬼脸),又变成hedge pig(刺猬),在他面前打滚。凯力班特别怕hedge pig(刺猬)身上的刺prick(扎)到他。只要凯力班不能完成work,爱力儿就用这一套恼人的trick(花招)来折腾他。

普罗斯比罗有这些有magic的elves听他的order,就能够利用这些elves来呼风唤rain。那些elves常按照他的orders兴风作wave。有一次,风wave里有一条豪华的大ship在wave中挣扎,眼看就要被wave吞下去了,普罗斯比罗指着那条ship对他的daughter said(说):“那里边满是和我们一样的生灵。”Daughter said:“亲爱的father,若是你曾经用magic兴起这可怕的wave,那请你对他们将遇到的不幸发发mercy。您看那条ship马上就要粉身碎bone了,那ship上的人们都会没life的。我要是有本事的话,我宁愿下sea,也不让那条ship和那些宝贵的lives毁灭。”

“我亲爱的daughter,你不要panic(惊慌),不会出什么事的。我已下了order,不让ship上的人发生一点danger(危险)。亲爱的daughter,我这样did,都是for你。你不知道你自己是whom,也不知道你来from(自)哪里,你只know我是你的父亲,lived在山cave里。我想你不 remember(记得)来到这里以前的things,因为那时候你还是个小baby,only有三岁。” “不,father,我remember。” “告诉me你remember什么,我的daughter。”



普罗斯比罗的daughter answered:“remember不起来了。”

普罗斯比罗接着said:“十二years(年)前,我是米兰的一个duke(公爵)。你是郡主,也是我唯一的heiress(继承人)。我的弟弟called安东尼,我很trusted(信任)他。我喜欢关门read读 books,所以我总把国家大事entrust(委托)给他。但是他betrayed(背叛了)我。他掌power以后,自居为duke(公爵)。是我让他win(赢得了)人民的爱戴,不想这下却引发了他的狼子ambition。他想usurp(夺取)我的kingship(王位)。不久,在我的enemy(敌人)那不罗斯王的help(帮助)下,他达到了他卑劣的aim(目的)。” 说到这里,米兰达asked:“他们为什么没有(杀死)我们?”

“不是他们大发mercy,而是他们没有guts(胆量),不dare那么do。”普罗斯比罗answered,“我的daughter,因为人民非常拥护我。你的叔叔把我们放到一只大ship上。那ship在sea里sailed几里之后,他又逼着我们上了一条小ship。那小ship上什么都没有,no缆绳,no帐篷,no桅杆,他thought(以为)这样我们就没life了。但是有一个kind(善良)的大臣,他名called公柴罗。他悄悄地在ship里放了些干粮,水和clothes(衣物),还放了些books,而那些books对于me来说比我的国家还precious(宝贵)。” 米兰达said:“对于你来说,我那时是多么大的一个burden(累赘)。”

“不是这样,”普罗斯比罗said,“你是我的angel(天使)。在那个时候,因为有你我才lived了下来。你那innocent(天真的)face,innocent笑容使我能经受住任何blow(打击)。我们的food(食物)一直吃到上了这个小island,从此以后,我最大的快乐就是instruct(教导)你。这些年来,你也学到了不少knowledge(知识)。” 米兰达said:“我衷心感谢您对我的培育,亲爱的father,请你告诉我为了什么reason你要兴这番风wave?” 普罗斯比罗said:“这番风wave会把那不罗斯王和我那cruel-hearted(狠心的)brother冲到这里来。” 说完,普罗斯比罗用魔杖slightly(轻轻地)碰了他的daughter,而米兰达就fell asleep(睡着了)。

这会儿,elf爱力儿出现在他的 master(主人)的面前,来报告实施magic的经过,还有他怎么样处置ship上的那些家伙。其实米兰达根本看不见那些elves,但是普罗斯比罗还是不愿意让他的daughter看到他对着空气滔滔地talk,因此施magic让她fell asleep了。

爱力儿vividly(绘声绘色地)narrated(描述了)sailors(水手们)如何frightened(惊恐)万状,国王的儿子费迪南是如何第一个跳下sea的,以及他的父亲看到自己心爱的son被wave吞没是如何的sad(伤心)欲绝。“而其实他并没淹死在sea里,”爱力儿said,“他安全地坐在小island的某个(地方),双手抱knees(膝),以为他的父亲已经died了,正在mourn(哀悼)他的父亲。他丝毫都没有hurt着一根毫毛,他身上的clothes虽然被sea水soaked(浸湿)了,看上去却比以前还要华丽。” “爱力儿,你真能干,”普罗斯比罗said,“去把那sad欲绝的王子带到here来。我want让我的daughter见见他him。那个国王在where?还有我那cruel-hearted兄弟在where?”



“要do什么things您尽管order。”爱力儿said,“但是我想reminded(提醒)您,我的master,您曾经promised(答应)过要set free(释放)我,您ordered了我多少things,我 never(从未)对您撒过一次lie,never出过错,never有过complaint(怨言),也never发过牢骚。”

普罗斯比罗said:“你难道forgot忘了我是把你from怎样的苦难中saved(救)出来吗?你忘了那个cruel-hearted(狠心的)女witch了吗?她自where出生的,你知道吗?” “是在阿尔及尔,master,”爱力儿answered。

“那你把她的来历说说,我看你是否还remember。”普罗斯比罗said,“我看你是remember不得了。任何人听了这个女witch的妖术都会fear(害怕)得要命,所以她被人们from阿尔及尔赶了出来。水手们把她扔在了这个小island上,由于你的heart太软,不能按照她的orders做坏事,so(所以)她把你囚禁在树里。是我发现你在那里weeping(哭泣),把你from苦难中saved了出来,你应该永远记住。” “Sorry,我错了,master,我永远obey您的order。”

“不过,”普罗斯比罗said,“一旦time成熟,我会set free(释放)你的。”接着他又给爱力儿布置了下一步的task。爱力儿就turned(转)身走了。


他走上去said,“公子,now(现在)就我把你带到米兰达小姐的面前,让她看看你handsome(英俊的)appearance(相貌)。公子,follow me(跟我走吧)。”然后他就sang起歌来。听到了关于他父亲的news消息,王子从昏迷中woke up醒过来。他跟着爱力儿的sound声音走着,来到了普罗斯比罗和米兰达的面前。他们两个正在大树下sitting着。就在这以前,米兰达除了她的父亲,还never从未见过别的man男人。“daughter,”普罗斯比罗said,“快tell我你看到了什么。”



米兰达原以为所有的men都跟她的father长得相same,表情肃穆,wore着灰胡子。看到这个handsome年轻小伙子,她心里十分喜love。费迪南在这个没有人烟的place,遇到了一个beautiful的girl,加之他先前heard到elf的声音,觉得这一切都非同一般,以为自己来到了一个仙island上,眼前这个girl就是fairy(仙女),所以他就称呼她fairy。米兰达有些shy害羞,说自己并不是什么fairy,只是个平凡的girl。她正要说说自己的身世,普罗斯比罗走上前去,interrupted(打断了)她的words。见他们二人彼此情投意合,心里十分happy。他看出来他们一见钟love。为了test(试试)费迪南的感情是否靠得住,他decided(决定)要为难这两个人一下。于是,他大声呵斥said,费迪南是来到这个island上的贼人,是想把这个island 从我们手中夺走。“Follow me(跟我来),我要拿绳子把你bind(绑)起来,好好拷问你。”

“不,”费迪南said,“unless(除非)你把我打败,我是决不会accept(接受)你这样treat(对待)我的。” 他拔出了sword(剑),ready(准备)和普罗斯比罗决斗。可是普罗斯比罗一挥魔杖,费迪南就呆呆地站在那里一动不也不能move了。米兰达上去抱住了父亲。“你为什么要这样do,请您发发mercy吧。他是我见到的除您之外的唯一的man,我看他是个好人。”



“我确实没有,”费迪南answered。他并不知道是magic叫他失掉了一切抵抗的ability(能力)。他感到很surprised,自己怎么就不知不aware地跟着普罗斯比罗走。他一边走,一边回头望着米兰达,直到看不到为止。费迪南和普罗斯比罗走进了他们lived的那个cave。把他关在there(那里)。After a wile(过了一会),就把这个囚犯带出来,order他去do苦役,又on purpose(故意)让他的女儿know他在哪里do 那work,然后在远处secretly(偷偷地)看着他们两个。普罗斯比罗ordered费迪南把一些大块的 wood(木头)堆起来,并warned(警告)他,不要play tricks(耍花招)。王子出身的费迪南根本do不惯这种苦活。米兰达看到她的lover都快疲劳至死了,心里很sad。

她对费迪南said,“不要太tired(累了)吧,这会儿我父亲正在书房里read books,很久不会出来,你休息一while吧。”

“啊,我亲爱的girl,我可没那个胆量,我得干完work才能rest。” 他们就这样东一句,西一word地说话,wood搬得很慢。

普罗斯比罗叫费迪南do这苦work,只是为了test(试探)他们的love。他并没有read books,却藏在一旁偷听他们的talk。

费迪南asked米兰达叫什么name。米兰达把自己的name告诉了他,并且said这样do是违背父亲的order的。普罗斯比罗对他的daughter第一次不obey他的话报以微微一smile。他兴致勃勃地偷listen着他们俩的talk。费迪南told米兰达她是他一life中见过的最beautiful的girl。米兰达听到费迪南赞美自己的beauty,赞美她比世界上任何女人都更beautiful。于是said,“我不remember女人的face,除了你和我的父亲以外,我也没见过别的men。我不知道on the world世界上其他人长得什么样,但请你believe(相信)我,除了你我不愿意和任何人结为husband and wife(夫妻),我也不能想象我去喜欢other(别人)。但是afraid(恐怕)我讲得太多了,我把我父亲的instruction(教导)都forgot(忘了)。”








爱力儿很快就把那不罗斯王,安东尼奥,还有跟着他们的老公柴罗带了来。这个老公柴罗就是普罗斯比罗落难时替他准备books和food(食物)的那个人。这几个人由于害怕和sad,脑子都有些麻木了。他们没有recognize(认出)普罗斯比罗来。普罗斯比罗先在老公柴罗面前显了身,把老公柴罗称为自己的save命恩人。听了这word,安东尼奥才came to realize(明白)他就是当年的普罗斯比罗。安东尼奥sadly地流tears了,他真诚地regret,企求他的哥哥forgive(原谅)他。那不罗斯王也表示了深深的regret。普罗斯比罗forgive了他们。二人swore(发誓)要恢复普罗斯比罗的爵位。普罗斯比罗对那不罗斯王said:“我也要给你一个surprise(惊喜)。”于是他打开了一扇door,那不罗斯王看到自己的son费迪南正和一个beautiful的girl在playing chess(下棋)。


“不是的,父亲,”费迪南said,“她是个凡人,但是非凡的老天已把她marry给了我,我没有征求您的opinion(意见)是因为我原以为您已经不在了。她是米兰公爵的daughter。是公爵给了我第二次生命,他是我第二个father。因为他把他可爱的女儿marry(嫁)给了me。” 那不罗斯王said:“他虽然是我的儿媳,但我还是要先请求她的forgive。”

普罗斯比罗told他们,他们乘坐的那条ship很安全,就在港湾里,水手们就在ship上。他要和他的daughter陪他们一起回去。今天晚上就到我的山cave里,我entertain(款待)你们,并把我在这island上experienced(经历)的一切tell给你们。他ordered凯力班去预备food,并把山cave收拾好,好招待这些尊贵的客人。普罗斯比罗离开荒island以前,恢复了爱力儿的freedom。普罗斯比罗把他的magic books和魔杖都深深buried(埋)入地下。他已暗made up his mind(下决心),不再使用magic。




also, and, and then, too, in addition, furthermore, moreover, again, on top of that, another, first/second/third等。

(2)表示时 间顺序的过渡词:

now, then, before, after, afterwards, earlier, later, immediately, soon, next, in a few days, gradually, suddenly, finally等。


near(to), far(from), in front of, behind, beside, beyond, above, below, to the right/ left, around, outside等。


in the same way, just like, just as等。


but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in spite of, even though等。


because, since, so, as a result, therefore, then, thus, otherwise等。


for this reason, for this purpose, so that等。


in fact, indeed, surely, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, truly, to repeat, above all, most important等。


for example, in fact, in this case, for actually等。


finally, at last, in conclusion, as I have shown, in other word, in brief, in short, in general, on the whole, as has been stated等。

1.individuals, characters, folks替换(people ,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy(美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good

3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill(有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换

eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms.When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。Eg.Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理 用most, if not all ,替换most.5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some

6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that)替think


7:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing

8: shared 代 common

9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits)

10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion

11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more(注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副

词用increasingly.Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.12.little if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly

13..beneficial, rewarding替换helpful,14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer

15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替换very

16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable...替换 unnecessary, avoidable

17.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb.be interested in

18.capture one's attention替换attract one's attention.19.facet, dimension, sphere代aspect

20.be indicative of, be suggestive of, be fearful of代 indicate, suggest, fear

21.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause.22.There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth

23.desire pursue替换want.24.pour attention into 替换pay attention to

25.bear in mind that 替换remember

26.Enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思)


28.frown on sth替换 be against with, disagree with sth

29.to name only a few, as an example替换 for example, for instance

30.next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible

































































一 关联词:其根据句间关系可分为以下几种: 条件关系:如果,只要:if , on condition that, as long as, so long as


否则:or else, otherwise 递进关系:另外,还有:what is more, besides, also, moreover, in addition to, apart from 转折关系: 但是,然而,相反:but, however, yet, instead,on the other hand, on the contrary, while.因果关系:所以,因此:so, thus, therefore, as a result

因为:because, since, as, for

既然:now that 目的关系:为了:to, in order to/that, so as to/that, for the purpose of 让步关系: 尽管, 即使:although, though, as, even though, even if,no matter wh-, wh-ever.二 连接词:常见的连接词包括以下几种 换句话说:in other words, that is to say, to put it another way,that is.实际上: in fact, actually, as a matter of fact

说实话,说真话:to tell the truth

3总而言之,总的来说:on the whole, in short, all in all ,in general, in a word 4 信不信由你: believe it or not 例如: for example, such as, take„.for example 在我看来, 我认为:I think, in my opinion, personally 序数: 首先,其次,接着,最后;第一,第二,第三„„.最后.1)firstly, secondly, then, thirdly„..lastly.2)First, second, then ,third„..last.确信Sb’s sure that„.., It’s certain that sb.„.., Sb is certain that„..糟糕的是: what’s worse, to make matters worse


at first, at present, currently, first, first of all, firstly, generally speaking, in the beginning, in the first place ,lately now, it goes without saying that ,presently ,recently, to begin with ,to start with,有关“承”的常用词语: after, after a few days ,after a while, also ,at any rate(无论如何),at the same time, besides, certainly, consequently ,for example ,for instance, for this purpose, unlike, what is more ,from now on ,furthermore, in addition, in addition to, in fact, in other words ,in particular, in the same manner(同样地), incidentally(顺便让我提一下), indeed, meanwhile, moreover ,no doubt, obviously ,of course ,particularly ,second ,secondly, similarly, still then, third, truly,有关“转”的常用词语:

after all ,all the same, at the same time ,but by this time,despite ,especially, fortunately, however ,in other words ,in particular, in spite of ,in the same way, likewise, luckily ,nevertheless, no doubt, notwithstanding(虽然), on the contrary, on the other hand,有关“合”的常用词语:

above all ,accordingly, as a consequence, as a result ,as has been noted, as I have said, at last, at length ,by and large(总的说来,大体上),briefly, by doing so ,consequently,eventually, finally , in brief ,in conclusion, in short, in sum ,in summary ,on the whole, therefore, thus ,to speak frankly ,to sum up ,to summarize.英语写作框架 例 1 : A proverb says: “_____________.” But in my opinion , _________________.? Why? Because _________________________________________.This is the reason why we must ___________________________________________.It goes without saying that(无需多说)________________________________.So, _____________________________________________________________.As students, we must _______________________________________________.But it is a pity that _____________.They do not realize ________________.? In a word, we should _______________________________.? 例 2 : As the proverb says, “____________________________________________.” In other words, ____________________________.? It is clear that ______________________.If you ______________________, _____________________.On the other hand, if you ___________________, __________________.Now that we know that _______________________, what should we do to _____________________________________________? First, _________________________________________________________.Second, ________________________________________________________.Last but not the least, ______________________________________________.? In short, ______________________________________________________.? 例3: Generally speaking, ________________________________________________.In other words, ___________________________________________________.This is an unchangeable truth.There is no doubt that ______________________________________________.We can also say, ________________________________________________.However,______________________________________________________.The chief reason why__________________ is that ______________________.So, _______________________________.From this point of view, _____________________________.例4 According to a recent survey(根据最近的调查), ________________________.A marked(显著)change has taken place on ___________________ in the last 10 years.? There are two factors leading to the change.For one thing, people now ____________________________.In the old days, people _______________.______________________________________________________________.So_____________________.For another, people of today ________________.______________________________________________________________.? In short, with people’s standards of living getting higher and higher, changes on _________________ will be more obvious and greater.? 例5 With the development of science and technology, ______________________ plays an important part in our daily life.While it is widely believed that A_____________________, I believe B ___________________________.? It is true that, A__________________________________.But the chief faults are ___________________________________.Studies show that __________ ________________.On the contrary(相反), the advantages of B ____________ ___________________________________.For one thing, B _____________ _____________________________________________________.For another, _____________________________________________________.B also__________________________________________________________.Although B fails to _______________________, few things can be compared with B because of _______________________.? The advantage of B is more than ____________________________________.______________________________________________________.? 例6 When asked about __________, a vast majority of people(大多数人)answer that ______________________.Contrary to the widely-held thought(和共同持 有的观点不同), I think differently.I prefer ____________________________ ______________________________.? There are several reasons for my choice.To begin with(首先), ____________ __________________.A good example of this can be offered by ____________ __________________________.Another reason is _______________________ _______________________________.Personal experience shows that ______________________________________.Perhaps the most important reason is __________________________________________.There are instances when _____________________________.? For all these reasons, it comes as no surprise(不足为奇)that _______________ _________________________________________.? 例7(图表作文)As can be seen from the table(chart), marked changes took place in _____________________________.___________________________________ while(然而)____________________________.? How can this phenomenon come into being? First, _______________________.Second, ________________________________________________________.So _______________________________.The figures given in the table indicate that______________________________________________________ is rising.This is reflected(反映)in __________________________________________, and so ___________________________________.? From above analysis, a sound conclusion can be made that _________________ ____________________.So we should advise people _____________________ _______________________________________________, if you want to _________________________________.



第一讲 记叙文:如何写人









beautiful, big nose, black eyes,fat, good-looking,handsome, healthy, near-sighted,ordinary-looking,pretty,short,strong, tall,thin, with a big nose, with a big smile, white-haired,1.80 metres tall, etc.性格特点:

absent-minded, attractive,bad-tempered,be ready to help others, bright,charming,confident, diligent,friendly, generous, have a good temper, humorous,independent, kind, kind-hearted,lazy,narrow-minded, naughty,patient,think of others, smart,talkative,warm-hearted,wise,etc.出生年龄:

a twenty-five-year-old young man, as a boy of 15, at the age of 20, be born on February 12th, 1987 , during his childhood, in one's fifties, live a happy/ hard life, spend his childhood in the countryside, the son of a poor family, when he was a small boy, etc.兴趣爱好:

be angry with sb for sth, be angry about, be delighted in doing, be good at singing, be interested in English, be fond of music, be crazy about, be pleased with, be sick for, be sorry for, be strict in one's work, be worried about, do well in his research work, ,enjoy doing, expect to do, feel surprised at, have a strong desire to do, look forward to doing sth., long for(long to do), make rapid progress in, put one's heart into, take a pleasure in doing;wish to do, work hard at his studies, etc.教育背景:

be admitted to Beijing University, be enrolled in, fail in the test,a master's degree, get on well with one's lessons, give sb.a passing grade,,go abroad to further one's study, graduate from Physics Department of Qinghua University, his father was very strict with him, lay a good foundation in English, major in history, receive a doctor's degree, pass the examination, study hard at, take several courses at school, take an active part in classwhen at college, etc.经历事迹:

become a member of the team, concentrate oneself to doing sth., devote oneself to one's business, do sth with great determination and perseverance, do research into this field, encourage sb to do sth, fight for our revolutionary course, give up one's life for sth, have a good way of doing sth, have a talent for language, make up one's mind to do sth., overcome many difficulties, receive the Nobel Prize for physics, serve as nurse, set a new world record of 110 metre hurdling, try one's best to do sth., win the first prize in the competition, win a gold /silver/ bronze medal, etc.他人评价:

an inspiring leader, a model worker, an advanced teacher, be respected by all his students, be honored as, be considered as, be famous/known as, be regarded as, his hard work brought him great success, make great contributions to our country, one of the most important persons in the past ten years, consider sb.as a genius, consider sb.as the greatest leader, set a good example for all of us, speak highly of him, etc.参考范文:

Dear Manager,I am writing you a letter in order to apply for a position in your company.My name is Li Hua and I was born in Foshan City of Guangdong Province in August 1981.I studied in Foshan No.1 Middle School from 1994-2000, and then I came to study in the Computer Department of Guangzhou University for four years.I studiedcomputer science, Chinese, maths, English, P.E,and now I am working for a computer company.I like pop music and swimming very much, and I once won the first prize for swimming in the school competition.I am waiting for your reply.Thank you

Yours Truely

Li Hua


Hi, everyone.I would like to introduce two famous sport stars, Yao Ming and Liu Xiang.Yao Ming, born in Shanghai in 1980, is a world famous basketball player.He is now one of the best players in Team Rocket in NBA, and he has been in All-Star Team for several times.Liu Xiang, who was also born in Shanghai but three years younger than Yao Ming, is a world champion in the 110-metre hurdls.He won the first prize in the Athens Olympic Games and broke the world record soon after that.Both of them love music, but Yao Ming likes listening to pop music while Liu Xiang likes singing.参考范文

1.Li Ming, the monitor of Class 1 Grade 2, is healthy and lively.She does well in all her subjects, and she is fond of sports, singing and dancing.When she came to school, she had quite a lot of difficulties with the language, but with great efforts she made a lot of progress in her English language study.In 2006 she took part in the National Physics Olympic Competition and won the first prize.Li Ming is very strict with herself in her work and daily life,and is always ready to help other people.2.请根据下面的英文短诗,展开适当的想象,写一篇短文。标题为:My Teacher Mr.Moore

There's a teacher Mr.Moore.Who is lovely and thirty-four.Always encouraging us to try.He leads us to a world of “why”.We all admire him more and more.要求:1.不得照抄短诗原文。





第二讲 记叙文:如何叙事?









a long time ago, at six o'clock in the morning, at the end of, at the weekend, before he came here, by the end of last term, during the summer holidays, in a few years' time, in the past, in the old days, in the past ten years, in August 2002, in winter vacation, in weekdays, last month, next week, on Sunday morning, on October 1st, since early in the 20th century, so far, up to now, not...until, while , etc.2.表达地点

at the crossing, at the end of the street, at the airport, at the village, at the foot of the mountain, at the bottom, at the top of, be located in, behind the park, be situated in, five kilometers to the north of Guangzhou, in the south of Guangdong Province, in the middle of the park, in Class 3 Grade 2, in the front of the bus, in front of the bus, in the tree, in Guangdong, in China, lies to the west of Sichuan, onthe other side of the street, on both sides of the road,on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean ,on the right, etc.3.表达因果

as, as a result, because, because of, for, in the end, cause, result in, consequently, originate from, since, so, therefore, It is clear that..., It turns out to be..., The primary reason is..., etc.4.事件话题


be active in class, be interested in, be interesting to sb., be fond of, be good at ,be poor at , be tired of one's work, be weak in, do one's homework, do sports after school,do well in;education for all-round development(素质教育), examination-oriented education system(应试教育), fail in the test, get a doctor's degree, get on well with English, get an “A” in the exam, get 90 marks for English, give sb.a passing grade, have a good command of the language, have eight classes every day, help with each other, lay a good foundation in, learn...by heart, major in history, make friends with sb., make progress in, put one's heart into, pass the examination, study in groups, succeed in doing sth., take an active part in the activity,take several courses at school, work out a problem, work on a maths problem , work hard at, etc.(2)师生关系及其活动

be friendly to sb., be kind to sb, be a strict teacher, be strict with one's pupils, be strict in one's work, be satisfied with , blame sb.for sth, correct the students' homework carefully, devote all one's time to work, form a good habit of, get on wellwith sb, give advice on, give sb a lot of work , help sb with sth, make one's lessonslively and interesting, praise sb for sth., prepare for tomorrow's lesson, question sb on, teach sb.English , teach sb how to do sth., etc.(3)课余活动及周末生活

do some reading, enjoy a family trip, enjoy doing sth., go swimming, go for an outing, go to the cinema, have an outing at the seashore, have a swim, have dances on weekends, have a picnic at the weekend, have a party, hold a sports meeting, Internet bar, net friend, online love affair(网恋), play the piano, play chess(basketball), see the sights of Beijing, spend one's time in many different ways, teach in a family, etc.(4)交通情况

a big traffic jam, a traffic accident, be very crowded in the street, be seriously injured, by bus(train / ship / boat), drive a car, flight No.2130, in a small boat, give sb.a lift, keep right, lie on the street, meet sb.at the station, on the bus(train),on board, on one's way to London, on the journey, one way only , pick up sb., ride a bike, ride a horse , see sb.off at the airport, self-service ticket , take a flight to New York, traffic light, travel through China, turn right, etc.(5)度假旅游

New Year's Day, Women's Day, May Day, Youth Day, Children's Day, Teachers' Day, Mid-Autumn Day, National Day, valentine's Day, the Spring Festival, a hot spot, a place of interest, a tourist destination, a five-star hotel, a good restaurant, a return ticket, a single ticket, a city with a long history, a quiet village, a three-day tour, an experienced guide, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, beautiful scenery, in peak tourist seasons, natural attraction, on one's way to France, on the back way , one of the great wonders of the world, spend one's holidays on the sea , the 11th Asian Games, travel agency, the tour route, the inner-ring road, travel to England, the Great Wall , the Summer Place , Zhongshan Park , etc.(6)环境保护

a good environment, area pollution, air pollution, air quality standard, Antarctic Circle, atmospheric chemistry, a heavy rain, a heavy snow, be polluted, be hot, be cold, be cool, be cloudy, be rainy, be sunny, be flooded, climate, carbon dioxide(CO2), chemical change, chemical cleaning of coal, climate change, dirty, drought, dry, flood, early warning system, environmental behavior, environmental quality, feel comfortable, global warming, minus 20 degrees centigrade(-20°), 30 degrees above zero(30°),sea level, warning center, wastes, water surface , water treatment, water pollution control, weather, windstorm , etc.三、典型例文


Dear Jane,I am very glad to tell you something about our school, Guangdong No.3 Middle school.It lies in a small town about 15 kilometres away from the sea and it has a history of over 80 years.Our school, covering an area of nearly 150 thousand square meters, has more than 200 teachers and 3000 senior students It has three teaching buildings and six dormitory buildings, with many flowers and tall trees all around, so it's very beautiful.In our school we learn Chinese, maths, science, English, computer,PE, arts and some other subjects.We warmly welcome you to visit our school in the summer holidays.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring Festival

The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February.There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the pig.Before the New Year's Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal.On the first or second day of the new year, peopleusually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children.I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival.参考范文

1.On July 27th 2007, Friday, we 18 classmates, including John from Britain, Sinba from India and Keith from the USA, went to Lee Farm to help the farmers.We started off at 8 o'clock in the morning, and after an hour's ride on the bus, we walked for another 15 minutes.Lee Farm is about 60 kilometres northwest to our school.A few days ago it was hit by a strong tornado, and many apples were blown onto the ground, so we helped to pick up the apples and put the good ones in the baskets.We felt very tired after the work, but all of us thought it was a great help to the farmers.2.Last Wednesday I gave a lecture about China's culture and history to the 7th students from 9-11:30 in the morning.This is the first time I gave a lesson, so I felt very nervous and great pressure.I presented for one and a half hours, introducing from the dynasties in ancient times to the revolutionary in recent times, but I spent a lot more time on present China, the renovation, the open policy and the economic development.In the following hour we exchanged ideas and had a good discussion, but I was sorry to find that they knew little about China and raised a lot of strange questions.I think we need more cultural exchange of this kind, because we can get more practice and the foreign students can understand more about China.广东高考英语卷基础写作指导(系列3)第三讲 如何写图表类说明文




1. 正确解读表格,不能添加或遗漏信息。

2. 写作内容要条理清楚,层次分明。说明科技方面的内容常用定义法、比较对比法、分类法和因果法等;说明自然环境方面的内容常用时空次序法与分类法等。

3. 说明文的语言要简练,用词要准确,避免夸张华丽的辞藻。

4. 时态常用一般现在时,语态常用被动语态,有时用虚拟语气。



The company has modern equipment and lots of senior experts.This kind of product contains much top and new technique.It's convenient to carry and easy to operate.It's about six feet long and nine feet high.It cost me 100 yuan to buy this dictionary.2.介绍学校

There were many subjects in our school, such as Chinese, history, drawing and so forth.Our school is located at the foot of a green hill.In the middle of the flower bed there is a fountain with many colored flowers around it.In front of the school is a beautiful garden with a library on its left and a laboratory on its right.At the back of the school are the students' dormitory and the dinning-hall, in front of which lies the large sports field.The teacher's dormitory stands between the teaching building and the students' dormitory.3. 行路指引

It is not very difficult to find your way from the Dongfang Hotel to the railway station.When you get out of the station, turn left and walk down the street until you see the traffic lights.Turn right at the third turning, and you will see a post office at the corner.Go eastward and you will see the museum opposite to the library.Bus No.2 will take you right there.It will take you about 10 minutes to get there by subway.4. 介绍地方

Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world, covers an area of one million square metres.Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, lies in the south of China.It has an area of 10,000 square kilometers with a population of over 2 million.It is rich in natural sources, such as coal, oil and gold.The weather is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.Built in the18th century, the tower has witnessed too much coming and going in history.5. 新旧对比

Our hometown used to be a beautiful place, with thick trees and green grass everywhere.Nowadays some students cannot go to college because of high tuition fees.Great changes have taken place in the past few years.It is known to us all that the living standard of the Chinese people has greatly improved.In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.These days, people in growing numbers are beginning to complain that work is more stressful and less leisurely than in the past.6. 数量表达

Output is up 30% last year.Unemployment more than doubled in 1996.The population here is increasing year by year.According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.From the table we can see that the world population is increasing rapidly.The latest survey shows that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.An investigation shows that many emigrants think that working at city provides them with not only a higher salary but also the opportunity of learning new skills.Statistics show a 20% rise(reduction)in traffic accidents compared with last year.Bicycle can't be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort.三、实例分析




1. 简介必须包括图表所给的全部内容;

2. 只能使用5个句子。


Recently a survey was done to investigate what parents care most in choosing primary schools.The survey shows that location is the key factor in choosing schools for their children-half of those interviewed said that being close to their homes was the most important factor in their choice.Teaching quality came second, with nearly 40% of the parents worrying about their children's future career.The survey also shows that one-tenth of them expect that schools have advanced facilities.More than 3,000 parents were surveyed in the research.【例文 2】楼盘介绍



1. 简介必须包括图表所给的全部内容;

2. 只能使用5个句子。

3. 参考词汇:公寓楼 apartment 公寓单间 flat


The flat has 110 square metres, with one sitting-room, three bedrooms, one bathroom and one kitchen.Facing south, it is quite bright in the rooms at daytime.Not far away from the apartment there is a supermarket, a clinic, a kindergarten and a bus-stop.The bus can access the subway directly.The price for the flat is about 6000RMB per square metre.四、即时训练




1. 简介必须包括图标所给的全部内容;

2. 只能使用5个句子。

3. 参考词汇:打基础 lay foundation

改革开放 reform and opening up 【练习2】中学生使用媒体情况调查



1. 简介必须包括图标所给的全部内容;

2. 只能使用5个句子。



As we can see from the chart, our city's education is developing very fast.There were only about one thousand students when New China was founded in 1949, and ten thousand in 1978, while the number reached eighty thousand in 2007.Several factors have contributed to the quick development.Firstly, the rapid economic development in our city, especially during the thirty years of reform and opening up, has laid a sound foundation.Secondly, the government has been trying hard to encourage the development of education, and thirdly, most people have begun to realize the importance of education.练习2

Recently we did a surway about media consumption by teens and young adults in their spare time.According to the research, teens and young adults consume many different types of media, but the Internet surpasses them all in the amount of time spent.Most of the students spend ten hours in an average week, and watching TV comes second, with five hours.The other ways of time spent are as follows: four hours reading newspapers and magazines, three hours talking on the phone and two hours listening to the radio.It's a pity that they only spend one hour in reviewing textbooks in their free time.??



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