the little match girl英文童话改编5篇

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第一篇:the little match girl英文童话改编

Long long ago, in a charming small town, there lived a very happy family.The man and the woman loved each other very much and several years later, they had a very beautiful daughter.The little girl was growing up carefreely until one day her mother died of a weird disease.Day after day went by and still the man was in a heartbroken mood, losing all his motivation to the following life.He was addicted to excessive drinking and smoking the whole day.With time passing by, the family was finally down and out, which may can not be called a family again.The little pathetic girl had to try to make a living by selling matches in the street, even in the cold winter evenings.It`s a cold night.Folks were enjoying a merry Christmas with their family.But the little girl, curling up in a corner of the street, trembling.She reminded the happy times with her mom.Slowly, she struck the first match.She seemed to have seen the scene when she was playing hide-and-seek game with her mother.Then, the second match, her mom was preparing an abundant supper for her.At the very moment she was absorbed in remembering the happy times, a lady came towards her, leaving hurrily after throwing a piece of bread.While she was to enjoy the bread, a boy in rags ran up, staring at the bread in her hands.With a minute of hesitation, the girl generously gave the bread to the shabby boy.The boy ate the bread like wolves and tigers, licked the bread crumbs in his hands, cleaned his mouth, and said: I will repay your generosity.After these words, the boy ran away in a hurry.Whether the burning summer days or the piercing winter nights, the little girl went through one hardship after another.Excessive drinking and smoking caused her father to death and fortunately, she was adopted by an old kind lady, who used to have a daughter of the same age as the little girl.The warm-hearted lady treated the little girl as her own.Although still living in poverty, the little girl’s heart was warmed by the tardy love.Originally, the little boy was a prince, his father was killed by a traitor, and he was driven out of the palace, living a begging life.After a long time, the prince finally defeated the king, re-ascended the throne.Luckily, the prince has never forgotten the little girl because of her kindness that supported him lifelong.One day, he came to the city where he received assistance from the little girl, when suddenly a little girl in shabby dress came to his sight.Though with old and fading clothes, she looked beautiful and charming.The prince immediately recognized that this was the right girl to give him bread to eat.He thought this girl as his angel and invited her to his ball.He waltzed her round the room and knelt down in the center of it.All the guests were surprised and they saw their King struck a match.“Years ago, I saw you striking a match and the fire going out.Your match fired nothing but lit my heart.Your bread was not delicious but saved me from hunger.So, I think, you, the kind match girl, is a good match.Would you like to marry me?” Absolutely, the answer is “Yes, I do”.


小红帽:Hello everyone,my name is XXX but people prefer to call me little red.I like this red hat which was given by my grandma who always give what I want.妈妈:I’m little red’s honey,here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine,I know you miss your grandma , so I will give you a task that send it to your grandma.Grandma is sick and weak.She should take some to get more healthy.At present,the day is not so hot that you can visit your grandma.Be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat.Besides,remember when you arrive in her house,say“good morning”and don’t spy the house.小红帽:OK.Momi , you can believe me.I will do a good job.妈妈:maybe i should try to have faith in you.Let me remind you again ,be careful, don’t run ,don’t leave the main road,or you will tumble and grandma have nothing to eat.小红帽:Goodbye!Momi~~ 妈妈:Be careful ~~ 小红帽:la la la la la la~~ 大灰狼:Good morning , nice meat, oh,no,little red!小红帽:Good morning ,Mr.Wolf 大灰狼: what a wonderful day!Where will you go? 小红帽 grandma is sick, I want to visit her.大灰狼: So..what have you taken for your grandma? Meat ? 小红帽:Cake and wine.We made some cakes yesterday.My pitiful grandma need to eat some so that she could recover.大灰狼: Haha!You are a really nice girl!where is your grandma’s house? 小红帽:There is a way to the forest.Her house is standing under three trees , surrounding hedge.If you get there ,you will know.Now, I will go ,see you!大灰狼: I should make a plan.Little red is sweeter than the old woman.Waite for me ,little red!Look!So beautiful!The flowers, the bird...maybe you can pick some flowers for your grandma.小红帽:Maybe I should take some for my grandma.咚咚咚—— 外婆:who? 大灰狼: I’m little red!I take some cake and wine,please open the door.外婆:Just pull the door!I have no force to get up.Oh!Who are you ? How could you get here? Help!Help!小红帽:Good morning, grandma!Why your ears look so large? 大灰狼: to listen carefully.小红帽:eyes? 大灰狼: to watch clearly.but mouse? 大灰狼: to eat you!Ha ha ha ha ha~~ 猎人:Something seems strange.what happened to the old lady? Oh, bad wolf ,I find you.I will never allow you do harm to people.Let me cut open your stomach.大灰狼: Ah--小红帽:Oh, thank you , I survive!外婆:young man , what’s you name? You are a great man I have seen.猎人:John.Lady,please allow me express my honor to save you.You are so beautiful, may I ask you name? 外婆:Of course,my name is XXX.Nice to meet you,John.I’m glad to make friends with you.Would you like a cup of tea,maybe you can take some cake and wine also.猎人:Oh, how kind of you.I really don’t want to leave there.外婆:Year, you can stay there....with me.小红帽:Grandma, will he become my grandpa? 妈妈:Mom, how could you do that?


唱完之后,祝英台回到梁山伯身边。)祝英台:How about this? 梁山伯:I’ m sorry, yingtai , my English is so 破!I feel so sad,我配不上你!英台!你…..再去找个优秀的MAN吧~Bye!祝英台:Oh~no!山伯~ Chapter 2 MS.Zhu need to go to England to 深造

旁白:祝英台与梁山伯就这样BROKEN UP了,又一次印证了成熙英语的魔咒。唉~每次只要

是一对情侣中只有一个人来这儿学习就总是会各自飞啊~伤感,但是MS.ZHU 作为一位现代



罗密欧:oh I’m really sorry, are you ok?

祝英台:I’m fine,but I’m not very good at this 罗密欧:neither am I,say ,are you from China? 祝英台:yes,I’m from China,from near Shanghai.罗密欧:And when did you move here ? 祝英台:I came here after I graduated from college,that was in 1991.罗密欧:oh ,and where did you learn to the rollerblade? 祝英台:Here in the park,well it’s my first time.and can you give me some lessons? 罗密欧:no problem,just follow me!By the way, my name is 罗密欧 祝英台:I’m 祝英台….旁白:祝英台领着罗密欧玩的灰常开心,在与罗密欧的交流过程中祝英台把在成熙学到的英




祝英台 罗密欧唱《祝英台与罗密欧》

罗:Darling, I love you so much, please marry me.祝:Oh~ honey, I love you, too.然后罗密欧就和梁山伯私自结论婚,并且找神父当了他们的证婚人

神父:新娘,Will you love him if he’s rich?

jingle bells,jingle bells

jingle all the way

oh what fun it is to ride

in a one horse open sleigh

歌曲二:(全体合唱 主唱: 梁山伯


We Are The Champions —— Queen

We are the Champions 我们是斗士

I've paid my dues 我已付出了代价,I've done my sentence 我没有犯罪,But committed no crime 却已经认罪服刑。

And bad mistakes 我也犯过一些,I've made a few 严重的错误。

I've had my share of sand kicked in my face 我自作自受,But I've come through 但是我坚持一路走了过来。

We are the championstill the end 我们要战斗到底。

We are the champions 我们是斗士,We are the champions 我们是斗士,No time for losers 这世界不属于失败者,'Cause we are the championsmy friends 我们是斗士,我的朋友。

And we'll keep on fightingof the world 因为我们是世界之王











只有一句话能 表白我的心 千言万语里只有一句话就能够让我们相偎相依

我爱你你是我的茱丽叶 茱丽叶 我愿意变成你的粱山伯


浪漫的每一夜 把爱

永远不放开 i love you我爱你你是我的罗密欧

罗密欧 我愿意变成你的祝英台


-的每一天 浪漫的每一夜


为什么你还是不言不语 不言不语










第四篇:还珠格格英文英语剧本改编By Bamboo


Act 1



Character:小燕子,皇上,永琪,尔康,福伦也可以在 紫薇骑马摔倒,小燕子扶起她 S:Are you okay ?

Z : i’m fine,but i’m not very good at this.S : say ,where are you from? Z :my name is Xiaziwei,I come from daminghu,i come here to find my father,he is Emperor.But I was injured and could not do it myself.S:Ziwei,Trust me , I’ll help u to find your father!Climb the mountain~ A: Yongqi ,what a beautiful city~It’s time for you to show off your shooting skills.Y: Yes,Dad~ 这个时候,永琪射箭,小燕子中箭。S:ah~ Y:I’m really sorry , are you okay? S : I’m fine , please take it to Emperor.动手拿东西

K:Take care,what are you going to do,protect Emperor.踢掉小燕子手上的东西 Y:Huang papa,what do you think of this girl ? A : pick her up,Let me see,再拿起来小燕子的东西,大惊。吼道:take her to Palace,You ought to keep her alive!众人:喳

Act 2


Location:皇宫的床附近Character:皇上,小燕子,令妃 皇上拿着小燕子留下来的画作

A:Yes,this picture was written by Yuhe.小燕子迷迷糊糊的醒来

A:You wake up,so tell me little about yourself.What’s your name ? S:Swallow!

A:oh,Where are you from originally,Swallow? S:I’m from Jinan,from near Daminghu.A:Did you grow up there? S:Yes,I did,but I moved here 8 months ago when I was 16 years old.A:So,how are things going with your mom? S:You didn’t know,She passed away...A:passed away? At one time there was a piece of sincere love placed before me which I didn't cherish, I was so repentant just as I lost it.I‘ll treat you,my daughter!L : It’s seems like she is disfigured.A : That’s easy,I’ll take you to korea to tidy up your appearance.Act 3 小燕子从韩国整容归来,令妃陪小燕子熟悉皇宫,小燕子请紫薇入宫


Character:令妃,小燕子,丫鬟,皇上 一桌子的菜

L:This sounds good-snails with garlic!Have you ever eaten snails? S : No ,I haven’t.L:They’re delicious!We had them everytime,like to try some? S:No,thanks.They sound strange.指着另一道菜What‘s this? L:Fried Brains.S:Fried Brains?Now that really sounds strange!尝一下菜,yuke,I don’t like any of these!Um,I think I’m going to order sth else,if you don’t mind.L:Sure,oh,good!Here comes 明月彩霞now.Tell them what you wanna eat.S:Bring me a nice , juicy hamburger...medium rare...With french fries and a lager soda~ 皇上驾到

A:What do you miss the most from home?I order them to make it for you.S:Oh,that’s easy: Ziwei’s soup!She makes great soup.I really miss Ziwei‘s soup L:What are some of the difficulties of being an immigrant in 皇宫?

S:Oh,That’s not an easy question to answer.They are so many things,really.I guess one of the biggest difficulties is that I don’t have any friends here.So,huangpapa,please allow Ziwei to live with me!L:I think she is right.She is a little stupid ,it was in a dangerous environment.A:Um,That‘s okay.Act 4 皇宫放假,大家商量去哪里玩,皇后想让皇上回自己的老家新加坡,但紫薇提议说去纽约,皇上同意去纽约,皇后怀恨在心。

Location:议事厅 Character:所有人

A:I’m so excited,we have two weeks off!What are you going to do? L:I’m not sure.I guess I’ll just stay home.Maybe take care of my babies.E:I’m going to go down to my hometown Singapore to stay with my uncle.When I was a kid we used to spend two weeks there every summer.R:Yeah , we always had a great time.Every day we used to get up early and walk along the beach,I had a great shell collection~ Z:Sounds interesting!But I remember the traffic in Singapore is bad.E:No,quite a number of things have...on their windshield.R:Another thing S has done is to...Not everyone can get one.A:Fulun,What do you think?You have great experience.F:Empress is right.The most important thing S has done is to build...and bus can set your mind at rest.S:No,huangpapa,That’s boring.I wanna backpack around Newyork.what do you think? Y:Backpack around Newyork?That’s sounds dangerous!You shouldn’t go by yourself.You ought to go with someone.S:Yes,I’ve thought of that.I will go with Ziwei.She read many books about Newyork.Z:Yes,trust me.I would make our visit to Newyork city safe and pleasant.New york is a much...30 years.K:But I think the bigget mistake...Time.There’s so much...a plan.Y:Yes , It’s best to start on.F:That’s right,you can use my come here.Z: Thank you~I’ll let you know if I do.Emperor,why don’t you come with us.We have plenty of room.S:That‘s right,we can go together.A:Okay,It’s a deal!E:No,No,Emperor.please go to my hometown to visit my grandparents hourse ,you you remember Black?My granddad taught me how to ride.A:Just go with your rongmeme!E:e,抓紧衣服,很气愤

Act 5 容嬷嬷为难紫薇,用针扎,皇上对皇后发脾气


Character:紫薇 容嬷嬷 皇后 小燕子和皇上及众人后面来 R:Please pick up your things..Z:yes E :what’s this?...E:Turn down the Tv...Z:But it‘s...R:How dare you can shut at Empress!我扎我扎我扎扎扎 S:huangpapa,Help,help Ziwei,please A:what’s wrong? S:come with me.A:骂皇后,I decided we need a break from each other for a while!甩袖而去 容嬷嬷劝架

Act 6


Location: Character:除了皇后、容嬷嬷、令妃 F : Newyork sure has changed!Y:What was this place like before , Mr.Fu? F:Well,...lived here then.K:These days,...Fast.F:Yeah,I bet they’ : Hey,that doesn’t sounds too bad!F:No,but I...。Okay,Let’s see our hotel.K : What do you think,yongqi? Y : Well,it has...Is huge.Z : And is it a safe place to live? K:well,i can tell you...A : That’s great.erkang,fulun,you did a good job.-------紫薇尔康调情-----K : Hi,I’m erkang,I live next door.Z : oh,hi,i’m ziwei.K:so,this is the first time you come newyork,do you need anything? Z : not right now,but thanks!K : well,...Z : i’m sorry,....Down.尔康紫薇自由发挥~编剧无力

--------万圣节-----S : huangpapa,did you know next day is halloween?...A : so,what do you do...? In china.F : well, it’s...Trick or treat.Y : sounds interesting.K : but it’s...My brother ertai go? All : Sure,I’d love to!Y: so are we going...F : Yes, that...clown.Y :a clown?...clown.F : e...Y : i’m just kidding.What about me?...wear K :Why don’t you...vampire(吸血鬼)? I : A vampire ,...laugh!大家很快乐的在过万圣节,蒙面,突然有杀手冲出了想杀他们。紫薇帮皇上挡枪,发现凶手后面的二维码,原来是皇后派来的。回去对皇后发火。让我们红尘作伴活的潇潇洒洒吧~青春及时挥霍


An Reading Response to Fairy Tales of Andersen

作者简介Hans Christian Andersen(1805-1875)was born in Odense, Denmark to a poor family.He left home as a 14-year-old to seek his fortune at the theatre in Copenhagen.Andersen began writing plays and poetry before he left for Copenhagen, but it was not until 1835 that he published the first of the fairytales that would bring him international renown.Since then, over 200 fairytales have enjoyed undiminished popularity, it providing the basis for favorite American interpretations such as Disney's The Little Mermaid.书简介Andersen’s representive works contained---The Little Mermaid, The Little Match Girl, The Snow Queen, The Red Shoes, The Brave Tin Soldier and many others.These are a collection of tales which appeal to all minds alike.They are told with skill, and possess a charm which carries on the reader.书传递信息After reading Fairy Tales of Anderson, Ialways savor the stories.It tells about the importance we should give to the voice of our conscience such as Little claus and big claus.Not only that, it reminds us that we should sharpen our consciences towards what is right and good.For we all have to stand before God one day to be judged.But everybody tends to forget nowadays.书表达特别之处Unlike the Brothers Grimm who collected German folk tales that had been

sitting deep in the culture for centuries, Andersen made his stories up from scratch.Its simplicity of style touches my heart.Naturally he called on the trolls, tricksters and ice creatures who were part of the oral tradition of his peasant background, but much of what he did with them came directly out of his own sad, fertile brain.Instead of the Grimms' timeless forests and wicked step-mothers, Andersen gives us soldiers returning from war, the Round Tower of Copenhagen, rocking horses and a Lutheran deacon.Everybody might be awaken to their true positions in life from the book.It is absolutely necessary that this book finds its way into the hands of each and every child.Such stories and morals are hard to find nowadays.个人观点I think the best thing about them is that they all contain those morals which lead our lives.For example, both The Story Of A Mother and She Was Good For Nothing tell us how truly great the mother are.个人喜欢部分There are many parts I like:“The Ugly Duckling” tells of a homely little bird born in a barnyard who suffers abuse from his surroundings until, much to his delight(and to the surprise of others), he matures into a beautiful swan, the most beautiful bird of all.The story is beloved around the world as a tale about personal transformation for the better.“ The Angel” , which about an angel and a dead child gathering flowers to carry to Heaven, reminds us of the punishment which we would accumulate on the ill-use and under-use of our talents and situations.“The Little Mermaid lifted her glorified eyes towards the sun, and felt them, for the first time, filling with tears.”The Mermaid's sacrifice is not incidental, or because she made the mistake of loving a human, or because she wanted a soul, or be a complete human, or as her final rite of passage.我们应该怎么做Obviously ,as human beings and ‘children of God’, we should possess the essential goodness.The fairy tales show us about the importance of kindness, of perseverance, of obedience which we should follow in life.I love the theme of Andersen's Fairy tales : ”There is no love greater than this: That someone gives his life for his friend." It also points out the importance of wisdom in a person's life.we can see more important aspects of life.

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