
时间:2019-05-12 12:13:01下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 5 The power of nature 导读:海啸,地震,干旱,泥石流,台风„„,地球母亲一次又一次的向人类发出警示: 人类应该为自己的行为负责!Task: Let's take action!Man and nature It is believed that humans are the real offenders of natural disasters.People, though the victims in these natural events, pays for the debt that their excessive development has brought about.Natural disasters can be prevented, but the dreadful injury on people can hardly be healed.Judging from these disasters, can we come to a conclusion that today's topic should not be the summary of yesterday's lessons, but a foresight on what will happen in the future.Now, we have three missions to undertake.It is necessary to break away from the stereotype that we are used to: embark on solving the problem the time it occurs.Then, redesign our assignment to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly.Last and the most important, every country, both the developing and the developed ones, should get rid of their bad pattern of development and facilitate collaboration as one power to solve the natural problems.请根据语义及提示写出单词

1.The rain __________(保证)a good harvest this year.2.The class was __________(取消)because the teacher was sick.3.You should __________(估计)your chances of success before making a decision.4.He was getting __________(厌烦)with / of doing the same thing every day.5.He studied the German market to find the P there for investment.6.It's many years since Mount Vesuviuslast __________(火山爆发).7.I got into a p(惊慌)when I found the door was locked.8.Children suffering from illness had _______(bath)in the polluted water.9.I a your kind help when I broke my leg yesterday.10.Very tired, she made her w__________ to her bed.用心


专心1.guarantees 2.cancelled 3.evaluate 4.bored 5.potential 6.erupted 7.panic 8.bathed 9.appreciated 10.way 请根据语义写出短语

1.warn sb.__________ danger 警告某人有危险

2.protect sb./ sth.__________保护„„免遭„„

3.be / get in a __________ 陷入恐慌

4.meet __________ sb.碰到、遇到某人

5.__________ to the ground 烧成平地

6.__________ the distance在远方

7.be amazed __________ 对„„感到惊讶 8.be enthusiastic __________ 对„„怀着热情 9.risk __________ sth.冒险做某事 10.be about to do sth.____________ 正要做„„就在这时„„

11.__________ an effort to do sth.努力做某事 12.glance ____________ 匆匆看一遍

13.__________ from„to„ 由„„到„„不等 1.of 2.from 3.panic 4.with

5.burn 6.in 7.at 8.about 9.doing 10.when 11.make 12.through 13.vary 1.Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.(P34)2.I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.(P34)①appoint v.根据语境猜词义

(1)A committee was appointed to consider the plans.用心



(1)C(2)D(3)A(4)B 短语

warn sb.of sth.警告 / 提醒某人某事

warn sb.about / against sb./ sth.让某人警惕或提防某人 / 某事 warn sb.off sth.通知某人离开或不要接触 warn sb.not to do sth.建议或劝告某人不要做某事 ②warn v.辨析

advise / caution / warn 这些动词均有“劝告、忠告、警告”之意。


My English teacher advised me to listen more, read more and speak more.caution主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意思。I must caution you against the danger.②warn v.warn含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。

I warned them that there might be snakes in the woods.②warn v.②warn v.完成句子

(1)The police are warning the motorists __________ possible delays.(2)The doctor warned us __________ overtiring the patient.(3)Some animals mark their territory to warn __________ rivals.(1)of(2)against(3)off ③guarantee v.& n 根据语境猜词义

(1)We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.(2)The bank will lend me money if my parents guarantee the loan.(3)His turning up will guarantee the success of the meeting.(4)This radio has a two-year guarantee.用心



(1)I have a ticket for you, which will ______ you a free visit to the gym.(2)You must have something ______ to borrow money from a bank.(3)Your friend is a ______ of your quality.(1)guarantee(2)guaranteed(3)guarantee ④potential n.& adj.根据语境猜词义

(1)The most perceptive of the three, she was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation.(2)He hasn't realized his full potential yet.④potential n.& adj.根据语义找匹配

A.潜力,可能性 B.有潜力的,潜在的(1)B(2)A ④potential n.& adj.短语

with potential 有潜力

have / show potential to do sth.有潜力做某事

achieve / fulfil / realize one's potential 发挥某人的潜力 potential benefit 潜在的好处

potential danger / risk / threat 潜在的危害 完成句子

You are a boy with(1)__________.Once it is(2)__________,your progress is great, and nobody will equal you in the school.你是一个有潜力的人,一旦它发挥出来了,你的进步就会很大,在学校没有人能比得上你。④potential n.& adj.(1)potential;(2)achieved / fulfilled / realized ⑤bathe vi.根据语境猜词义

(1)I shall have a hot bath and go to bed.(2)Your bath is ready.用心




(1)B(2)D(3)A(4)C ⑥vary v.短语

vary from„to„ 从„„到„„之间变化

vary widely / enormously / greatly / considerably 大不相同 vary slightly 差别不大

vary according to / depending on 因„„而异 链接

variety n.变化,多样化,种类,品种 various adj.各种各样的 ⑥vary v.辨析

change / vary / turn change指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。Her expression changed when she heard the news.vary暗示不规则或断断续续地变。

She varied her dress as fashion changes.turn指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面的变化,比change更通俗。Caterpillars turned into butterflies.根据vary的相关短语填空

(1)Culture varies __________ country __________ country.(2)British English and American English vary __________(差别不大).(3)Charges vary __________ __________ size.⑥vary v.(1)from;to(2)slightly(3)according to / depending on 单项填空

()(4)Features such as height, weight, and skin color ______ from individual to individual and from face to face.用心



make way for sb./ sth.让某人或某物通过,给某人或某物让路 ⑦make one's way 单项填空

()(1)That's the way ______ I look at it.A.that B.in which C./ D.All the above.()(2)The Spring Festival is ______.We should get prepared for a celebration now.A.in the way B.by the way C.on the way D.under way ⑦make one's way

()(3)I don't think the way they thought ______ the problem is of great help.A.to solve B.of to solve C.of solving D.to of solving(1)D(2)C(3)B.⑦make one's way

⑧Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.(P34)收集和评估这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测熔岩接着将往何处流,流速是多少。

Having failed to reach them on the phone,we sent an email, instead..⑧

(1)Having done 是现在分词的完成式,在此句中作时间状语。现在分词作状语时,如果分词动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,就要用现在分词的完成式。如果分词动作与句子的主语之间是被动关系,则用 having been done,主动关系用having done。

Having suffered from heart trouble for years, his dad has to take some medicine with him whenever he goes.⑧

(2)分词的完成式having done不作宾补,不作定语,分词与不定式的区别主要体现在动作发生的时间上。




0 A few students of our school had hardly arrived back when they were isolated.我们学校的几名学生刚刚回来就被隔离了。⑨ 完成句子

(1)I __________ go swimming __________our guide saw me and shouted at me.我正要去游泳,这时我们的导游看见了并对着我喊叫。(2)I __________ to Lucy __________ Lily cut in.我正在和Lucy谈话时,突然被Lily打断。⑨

(3)The boys __________ basketball long when the bell __________.这些男生刚刚打篮球上课铃就响了。⑨

(1)was about to;when(2)was talking;when(3)had hardly played;rang





Unit 2 Robots 导读:随着我们对健康与健身的认识与日俱增,人们越来越感兴趣的不仅仅是关心身体健康,还注重心理与精神的健康。因此,许多人转而寻求更全面的途径来增进健康,如瑜伽。Task: What benefits does playing yoga have?

As our knowledge of health and fitness increases, people are becoming more and more interested in not only taking care of themselves physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.As a result, many are turning to more complete approaches to health, including less mainstream fitness methods such as yoga.Yoga's origins lie in Hindu philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in India.Today, yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge.Yoga's ideal state of knowledge is reached after a person has gone through eight different stages.For a practitioner of yoga, or “yogi” the progression through these stages is a movement from the physical toward a perfect mental state.Recent decades have seen yoga gain widespread acceptance as a method of staying in shape, as well as a way of handling stress.Pop singer Madonna and supermodel Christy Turlington are just two of the many celebrities known to be strong advocates of yoga.请根据语义及提示写出单词

1.They have a strong d to win, which is needed for football.2.Do you feel a sense of s(满足)at the end of the working day? 3.I have no __________ for Jane;it's all her own fault.(sympathetic)4.Whether you are an unknown c(售货员), or the power of the leaders, you should have the responsibility to do whatever is best for.5.When I was your age, I used to have these a nightmares.6.All along, the three kinds of simple and strong passion determines my existence, that is love,用心


专心a,friendship.7.Please fill in the form below honestly.After you submit it, our s will contact you soon.8.We welcome all j or senior university students to apply for the position in our company.9.Marriage often results when a man meets a woman who understands him.So does d.10.Student competence a(评估)is an important part of education system, which has extensive application value in the education and teaching process.1.desire 2.satisfaction 3.sympathy 4.clerk 5.awful 6.affection 7.staff 8.junior 9.divorce 10.assessment 请根据语义写出短语

1.test __________ 试验;考验

2.ring __________ 给„„打电话

3.turn __________ 转向;回转

4.leave„ __________ 不管;别惹;让„„一个人待着

5.set __________ 将„„放在一边;为„„节省或保留(钱或时间)6.__________ all一共;总计 7.be __________ to 一定做„„

8.__________ in love with爱上

9.or __________ 更确切地说

10.in __________ of支持;赞同

1.out 2.up 3.around 4.alone 5.aside 6.in 7.bound 8.fall 9.rather 10.favor 1.His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine.(P11)2.As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern.(P11)3.But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt — you




will you?(1)ask a favour of(2)in favour of(3)Do me a favour ②affair n.根据语境猜词义

(1)They were accused of interfering in China's internal affairs.(2)I am not prepared to discuss my financial affairs with the press.(3)He had an affair with his boss that lasted six years.(4)What I do in my time is my affair and nobody else's.②affair n.根据语义找匹配



C.(个人的)事务(1)A(2)C(3)B(4)C 短语

current affairs时事 state affairs国事 family affairs家事 foreign affairs外交事务 public affairs公共事务 private affairs私事 辨析

affair / accident / incident / event / matter / business ②affair n.②affair n.affair含义最广,可以指公共或政治的事务,也可以指个人的事务。accident指意外事故。





declare war(on / against)(向„„)宣战 declare oneself发表意见;表明态度 declare off取消 链接

declaration n.宣布;声明;宣言 ③declare v.辨析

declare / announce declare指在庄严场合,官方权威人士公开郑重宣布,有时指在公共场合对某事表明态度。

The government declared war on the drug dealers.announce指对公众或特定人群进行宣布,常指大家感兴趣的事,如国家大事和商品信息等。

A government spokesman announced that the hostages had been released.③declare v.完成句子

(1)Severe flooding prompted the governor to ____ ________________(宣布进入紧急状态)Tuesday.(2)Hillary Clinton publicly ___________________ _____(宣布自己是总统候选人).

(3)She ______________________(声称自己非常 伤心)by her lack of support.③declare v.(1)declare a state of emergency

(2)declared herself as a candidate for president(3)declared herself extremely hurt ④envy vt.& n.根据语境猜词义

(1)What a sweet victory to be envied by those women!(2)We are in the midst of an economic recovery that is the envy of the world.用心



⑤set aside 短语

set down 记下;放下

set back 把(钟、表指针)往回拨 set about 动身,开始 set fire to 纵火;放火

set an example to 为„„树立榜样 set a goal 确立目标 set a time for 为„„定时间 ⑤set aside


(1)Do you know how to __________ going on this work?(2)She __________her book and lit a cigarette.(3)Why don't you __________your idea on the paper?(4)Do be careful with these fireworks;the slightest spark could __________them __________.⑤set aside

(5)The police __________ roadblocks on routes leading out of the city.(1)set about(2)set aside(3)set down(4)set;off(5)set up ⑤set aside





Unit 4 Earthquakes 学案


1.____________ vi.爆裂;爆发 n.突然破裂,爆发 2.____________ n.事件;大事

3.____________ n.民族;国家;国民→____________ adj.国家的,民族的→____________ n.国籍 4.____________ n.废墟;毁灭 vt.毁灭;使破产

5.____________ n.苦难;痛苦→____________ v.受苦,遭受 6.____________ adj.极度的→____________ adv.7.____________ vt.损害;伤害→____________ adj.受伤的 →____________y n.伤害,损害 8.____________ vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭

9.____________ adj.无用的;无效的;无益的→___________(反义词)→ ____________ v.& n.使用,利用

10.____________ vt.& vi.(使)震惊;震动 n.休克;打击;震惊 11.____________ n.& vt.援救;营救

12.____________ vt.使陷入困境 n.陷阱;困境

13.____________ n.电;电流;电学→____________ adj.用电的;带电的;发电的→____________al adj.与电有关的;电学的 14.____________ n.灾难;灾祸

15.____________ vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏

16.____________ n.掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处 17.____________e n.& vt.损失;损害

18.____________ vt.使惊吓;吓唬→____________ adj.受惊的;受恐吓的 →____________ adj.令人恐惧的

19.____________ n.裁判员;法官 vt.断定;判断;判决 →____________ n.判断,判决 20.____________ vt.表示;表达n.快车;速递→____________ n.表达→____________adj.有表现力的


1.__________________ 立刻 2.__________________ 结束

3.__________________ 成为废墟 4.__________________ 掘出;发现 5.__________________ 许多;大量的

6.__________________ 分发;发出(气味、热等)7.__________________ 成千上万

8.__________________ 不重视;不假思索 9.__________________ 吹走;刮走 10.__________________ 以……而自豪 11.__________________ 代替

12.__________________ 陷入……之中

13.__________________ 因为/作为……出名 14.__________________ 引进;引来


1.burst vi.(burst, burst)爆裂;爆发


1)burst out

______________________________________________ 2)burst into

______________________________________________ 3)burst into __________/____________/_______________ 突然哭/唱/笑/吵起来

4)burst out___________/____________/______________


eg.She burst out ______ for a while, and burst into ______ for another moment, which made us at a loss.她一会儿突然哭起来,一会儿又突然笑起来,这使我们一头雾水。2.ruin n.[U]毁坏;毁灭,崩溃[C](pl.)废墟,遗迹



____________________/_____ 毁坏某人的健康/名誉 辨析ruin/destroy/damage(1)ruin n.& vt.表示破坏严重,强调渐渐毁坏了,多指自然现象或客观原因改变。有“(使)


(2)destroy vt.指彻底毁坏,以致不能修复,常作“破坏,毁灭”解,还有“打破(希望、计


(3)damage n.&v.表示使事物在价值、效用、外观等方面受到毁坏、损害,即部分受

Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力

损,程度比 destroy 轻。

eg.(1)The car was only slightly __________ in the accident.这辆车在事故中只受到轻微的损坏。

(2)That will _________ the reputation of our products.那会毁了我们产品的声誉。

(3)The crops are nearly ______ by the continuous rain.连续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物。3.injure vt.损害,伤害

injury n.________________________ injured adj.________________________ the injured________________________ 辨析injure/wound/hurt/harm injure 一般指由于意外或事故而造成伤害,也可以表示损害名誉、伤害感情等。wound 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,特指战场上受伤。

hurt 是一般用语,指肉体或精神上的伤害,常伴有强烈的疼痛感;还可表示“疼、痛”。harm 用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可。尤其是指不道德的事情。eg.(1)The robber ___________ him with a knife.(2)These criticisms have ___________ his pride deeply.(3)Two people have been badly ______ in the accident.(4)Don't ______ your eyes by reading in dim light.4.shock n.[U;C]打击;震惊;震动;休克

vt.使震惊,使惊愕 shocked adj.感到惊奇的,惊讶的(主语多为人)shocking adj.令人气愤的,令人惊讶的(主语多为物)1)be shocked at/by(doing)sth.被震惊

2)be shocked to do sth.惧怕做某事

eg.He __________________ her smoking.看到她在吸烟,他很吃惊。5.bury vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏

bury oneself in(doing)sth.专心致力于(做)某事

同意短语:be devoted to, be addicted to, be absorbed in等 be buried in thoughts 沉思

bury one's face in one's hands 双手掩面

eg.(1)He was sitting with his head ______in a book.他坐着埋头看书。

(2)After the divorce, she __________________ her work.离婚后,她埋头于工作。

6.judge v.断定;判断;判决


1)judging by/from ___________________________________

2)judge between right and wrong ____________________________ 3)as far as I can judge ____________________________________ eg.(1)Don't ______ a book ______ its cover.(2)______________ his accent, he must be a southerner.7.right away立刻,马上

同意短语:right now/immediately/at once/in no time/right off/ right away Eg.I want it to be sent ____________.马上把它发出去。8.at an end 终止;结束

come to an end 结束,终止 at the end of 在……尽头(末)

by the end of 到……末为止(常与完成时态连用)in the end 最后,终于(后不加 of短语)make ends meet 收支相抵

eg.(1)The year is __________________.这一年已到年终了。

(2)The meeting ________________________.会议结束了。

(3)Go straight and you’ll find the hospital ________________________ the road.9.a(large/great/good)number of许多;大量的 a great/good many a good few

quite a few+可数名词复数

many a / more than one+单数可数名词+单数谓语动词 a great/good deal of

a great/large amount of+不可数名词 a lot/lots of

a great/large quantity of large quantities of

plenty of+可数名词复数或不可数名词

提示:(1)a number of是“许多,大量”的意思,后接可数名词复数,谓语动词用____数。

the number of 是“……的数目”的意思,谓语动词用_____数。(2)large quantities of +(pl.)/[U]做主语,谓语动词用____数。large amounts of+[U] n.做主语,谓语动词用_____数。

Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力


1.It seemed as if the world was at an end!

______________________________________________________ It seems(to sb.)that...=Sb.seems to do/to be doing/to have done...It seems as if/though...“似乎(好像)……”,可接虚拟语气。There seems to be...好像有…… ① It seemed that he had known the truth.=He seemed to have known the truth.____________________________________________________________________ ② There seemed to be a voice in the distance._____________________________________________________________________ Eg.—What a noise!I can hardly stand it.—It ______ as if they are having a party next door.A.looks



D.happens 2.In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat._____________________________________________________________________ too...to...句型表示“太……以至于不能……(表否定)”,可转化为 not...enough to...和 so...that...。eg.(1)The child is too young to dress himself.=__________________________________________ =__________________________________________ 这孩子太小,不能够自己穿衣。

提示:在too…to中,too前面加否定词(例如never)时,表示肯定。Eg.Jim is a kind boy.He is ______willing to help his classmates.A.so B.such

C.much D.too 3.All hope was not lost.不是所有的希望都破灭了。此句为部分否定。all, both, each, every, everybody, everything, complete, completely, always, all the time, whole, wholly, entirely, altogether 等代词、形容词和副词与否定词 not连用,构成部分否定,表示“不都、并非都”的意思。


拓展:全部否定用:no one, none, neither, nobody, nothing,以及 not...any/either来表示。

① None of them are right._________________________________

Neither of us will go.__________________________________ Eg.—The exam wasn't difficult at all, was it?

—No, but I don't believe ______could pass it.A.somebody



D.nobody 自我检测: 一.单项选择

1.—Have you heard of D.P.R.Korea's nuclear test?

—Yes, ______ news came as ______shock to me.A.the;a



D.a;the 2.Before the firemen arrived, the whole wooden building had already been ______ in the big





3.—I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.—You can never be ______ careful in the street.A.much



D.too 4.At least 203 miners were killed, 22 ______ and 13 ______ in a coal mine gas explosion on

Monday afternoon in Fuxin.A.injuring;trapping

B.injured;trapped C.injured;trapping


5.______ the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous.A.Judged from

B.Having judged from C.Judging from

D.After having judged from

6.When a boy with dirty spots on the face came in, people present all burst ______ laughing

while he burst ______ tears.A.into;in



D.out;in 7.His head was ______ in the book he was reading.A.devoted



D.absorbed 8.This year an increased number of drivers ______ for driving after drinking.A.have punished

B.have been punished C.has punished

D.has been punished

9.The tsunami killed ______ people in South and Southeast Asia.A.ten thousands

B.ten thousands of

Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力

C.tens of thousand

D.tens of thousands of 10.There seems ______something wrong with the car.I can't start it.A.as if


C.to be D.to have 11.______ he is doing an operation on the patient;please don’t disturb him.A.Right away

B.Right now C.In no time

D.At once 12.We can’t have lunch at the restaurant, because ______.A.all of us don’t have money B.not all of us have money C.everyone of us don’t have money D.none of us has money 13.The trip was hard at first.But it was smooth __.A.at the end

B.in the end

C.of the end

D.by the end 14.__children whose parents had died in the earthquake __sent to live with families in other cities.A.A great number of;was

B.A great number of;were

C.The great number of;was

D.The great number of;were 15.What a noise!I can hardly stand it.--It __as if they are having are having a party next door.A.Looks



D.happens 二.阅读理解

It seems that politicians around the world are thinking about the health of their countries.While in China, Chen Zhu has announced his plans for a universal health service and reform across health services.Gordon Brown, the UK Prime Minister, has also announced he is planning to make some changes in our health service.The crux of Mr Brown's proposals is related to giving the NHS(National Health Service)a greater focus on prevention, rather than just curing patients.He is planning to introduce increased screening for common diseases such as heart disease, strokes, and cancer, for example, breast cancer.In Britain there are 200 000 deaths a year from heart attacks and strokes, many of which might have been avoided if the condition had been known about.Initially, the diagnostic(诊断的)tests will be available for those who are vulnerable,or most likely to have the disease.One example is a plan to offer all men over 65 an ultrasound

test to check for problems with the main artery(动脉), a condition which kills 3 000 men a year.The opposition have criticized Mr Brown's proposals, saying that they are just a trick, and claiming that there is no proper timetable for the changes.They also say that Mr Brown is reducing the money available for the treatment of certain conditions while putting more money towards testing for them.The NHS was founded in 1948, and is paid for by taxation.The idea is that the rich pay more towards the health service than the poor.However in recent years there has been a great increase in the use of private healthcare, because it's much quicker.NHS waiting lists for operations can be very long, so many people who can afford it choose to pay for medical care themselves.1.The underlined word “vulnerable” in the fourth paragraph probably means ______.A.sick



D.old 2.All the following statements are true EXCEPT that ______.A.all people should pay for their healthcare at the NHS

B.some people are against the reform of the healthcare

C.the writer is likely to come from Britain

D.more money will be spent on testing people than before

3.Which of the following is the reason for the increasing private healthcare?

A.People are paying more attention to their own health.B.People are well-off enough to pay their healthcare.C.The NHS was not available for most of the people.D.It's not so convenient for people to go to the NHS for their healthcare.4.According to the passage, the purpose of the health reform plan in the UK is to ______.A.encourage more private healthcare

B.focus on the prevention rather than on curing the patient

C.deal with the main artery problems

D.fight against the opposition in the UK

5.The author of this passage intends to tell us ______.A.the NHS should be reformed right away

B.more and more people are dying from diseases

C.the plan to reform the NHS in the UK

D.the criticism of Mr Brown's proposals

Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力


Unit 1 women of achievements 导读:母爱无疆、母爱无私、母爱无价。母亲是太阳底下最神圣的称呼,至高无上。我们对母爱应该如何回报呢?

Let us take a moment of the time just to sing high praise and show appreciation to the person called mom though some may not say it openly to their mother.There's no substitute for her.Cherish every single moment.Though at times she may not be the best of friends, may not agree to our thoughts, she is still your mother!!She will be there for you„to listen to your woes, your frustrations, etc.Ask yourself„have you put aside enough time for her, to listen to her “blues” of working in the kitchen, her tiredness? Be tactful(得体的), loving and still show her due respect though you may have a different view from hers.Once gone, only fond memories of the past and also regrets will be left.请根据语义及提示写出单词

1.I've a__________ only half of what I'd hoped to do.2.You can go out on c__________ that you wear an overcoat.3.She d__________ all her efforts to her task.4.The police o__________ the man enter the bank.5.We a__________ with the waiter about the price of the meal.6.Will you __________(支持)me in my campaign for election? 7.He's involved in the __________(组织)of a new club.8.She was ashamed of her children's bad __________(behave).9.He fell in the water, much to the __________(开心)of the children.10.Did you __________(传递)my message to my father? achieved 2.condition 3.devoted 4.observed 5.argued 6.support 7.organization 8.behaviour 9.entertainment 10.deliver 请根据语义写出短语



专心 1.devote„ __________ 把„„奉献给

2.__________ being 人类

3.move __________ 离开;起程;出发

4.lead a„ __________ 过着„„的生活

5.__________ in(想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海

6.__________ down upon/ on 蔑视;瞧不起

7.__________ to 谈到;查阅;参考 8.__________ chance 碰巧;凑巧 9.come __________ 偶然遇见;碰见 10.carry __________ 继续;坚持

1.to 2.human 3.off 4.life 5.crowd 6.look 7.refer 8.by 9.across 10.on 1.She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.(P2)2.Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.(P6)3.Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school.(P6)① condition n.根据语境猜词义

(1)We should pay more attention to the poor living under the bad conditions.(2)My car is old but in good condition.(3)I'll do it on condition that you pay for everything.根据语义找匹配

A.状况 B.环境 C.条件(1)B(2)A(3)C ① condition n.短语

be in(good)condition 健康,状况良好 be out of condition 健康不佳,状况不佳




beyond argument无可争辩 ② argue v.根据语境填入恰当的介词

(1)We are always arguing ______ each other ______ money.(2)They argued me ______ buying a new bike.(3)He argued ______ smoking, and insisted that it was ______ argument that smoking was harmful to health.② argue v.(1)with;about/over(2)into(3)against;beyond ③ inspire v.根据语境猜词义

(1)Her experiences abroad inspired her and she made up her mind to create a new kind of TV station for Chinese viewers.(2)The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke.根据语义找匹配

A.赋予„„灵感 B.鼓舞,激励(1)B(2)A ③ inspire v.链接

inspiration n.灵感;启发;鼓舞人的事或人 inspired adj.受到鼓舞的;有灵感的 inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的,激励的 ③ inspire v.短语

inspire sb.鼓励某人;赋予某人灵感 inspire sb.to sth.鼓励某人某事

inspire sb.to do sth.(=encourage sb.to do sth.)鼓励某人做某事 inspire sth.in sb.= inspire sb.with sth.使某人产生„„;鼓励某人„„ ③ inspire v.根据汉语提示,完成下列句子




________________________________________________________________________ ④ intend v.intended to do表示“过去打算做某事(可能做了,也可能没做)”,而intended to have done sth.表示“过去打算做某事而实际上没做”,是虚拟语气的一种表达形式,相当于had intended to do sth.。⑤ observe v.根据语境猜词义

(1)The car I observed earlier was no longer there.(2)The police have been observing his movements.(3)I sat in a corner, observing what was going on.(4)It is our duty to observe the traffic rules.根据语义找匹配 看到 B.观察

C.监视 D.遵守

(1)A(2)C(3)B(4)D ⑤ observe v.链接

observer n.目击者、观察员、观测员、旁听者 observation n.观测、评论 搭配

observe sb.do sth.注意到某人做某事 observe sb.doing sth.注意到某人在做某事 ⑤ observe v.单项填空

()The patients were ______ over a period of several weeks.A.watched B.noticed C.observed D.stared C 考查动词词义辨析。observe观察(某一行为或现象);watch 观看,注意,留心看(活动,娱乐节目,事件)等; notice 是指无意识的注意到; stare是指凝视,盯住。根据语境:病人被观察了好几个星期,所以答案是C。⑤ observe v.用心




B.继续(1)B(2)A ⑦ carry on 短语

carry out 执行,实施;带出去 carry away 带走,冲走 carry off 夺去,赢得,获得 ⑦ carry on 单项填空

()The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to ______ their discussion.A.carry on B.put away C.take down D.look through A 考查动词短语的辨析。carry on继续;put away收起来;take down 拿下来;look through浏览。根据语境:饭后,经理们回到会议室继续他们的讨论。所以答案是A。⑦ carry on





Unit 1 Great scientists 导读:常言道,人生七十古来稀,在中国,随着生活质量的提高和医疗保障的健全,活到70岁已不算新鲜事,但新的社会问题——空巢(empty nest)现象也随之出现。中国人开始惧怕变老。

Task:What do you know about the social problem — aging? Fear aging process According to a new global survey among 12,262 people in 12 countries about their attitudes toward aging, 28 percent of the Chinese polled said they feel depressed when they think about getting old.People in China are among the most fearful of getting old.About 30 percent of Chinese respondents said they worry about who will look after them in later years, while 91 percent agreed the government of the world's most populous nation should improve care for the elderly.However, people in China think about their future earlier.About one third of Chinese respondents — more than double the global average — said they have put money aside for retirement, while 46 percent have taken out insurance, the poll showed.(121 words)请根据语义及提示写出单词

1.What can you c__________ from these observations? 2.By a__________(分析)these parts of the sentence we learn more about English grammar.3.After several d__________(失败), the team is now doing well again.4.I have a good doctor a__________ to me.5.The soldiers were warned to remain hidden and not to e__________ themselves.6.Parents try to c__________ their children of bad habits.7.He __________(挑战)me to play another tennis game.8.I was a__________ in a book and didn't hear your call.9.We __________(怀疑)that he was lost, even before we were told.10.A dropped cigarette is being __________(责备)for the fire.11.I will i__________ him whether he needs to come today or tomorrow.12.Too much alcoholic drink will c__________ to your ruin.用心


专心1.conclude 2.analyzing 3.defeats 4.attending 5.expose 6.cure 7.Challenged 8.absorbed 9.suspected 10.blamed 11.instruct 12.contribute 请根据语义写出短语

1.put __________ 提出

2.apart __________ 除„„之外; 此外

3.(be)strict __________ 对„„严格的4.make __________ 讲得通; 有意义

5.look __________ 调查; 研究; 往„„里看

6.__________ control 在„„控制下

7.link„__________ 将„„和„„联系或连接起来 8.lead __________ 导致,通向

9.be enthusiastic __________ 热情 10.be curious __________ 对„„好奇 forward 2.from 3.with 4.sense 5.into 6.under 7.to 8.to 9.about 10.about 1.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.(P2)2.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.(P2)3.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.(P3)4.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.(P7)5.He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth.(P7)① conclude v.根据语境猜词义

(1)The story concludes with the hero's death.用心



② defeat vt.& n.用defeat / beat / win的正确形式填空

(1)The army __________ the enemy in the end.(2)Tom suffered the __________ in the English examination.(3)The athlete __________ his competitors and __________ the gold medal.(4)After his third election __________ he decided to retired from politics.② defeat vt.& n.(5)Who do you think will __________ the next election?(6)She's alive — her heart is still __________.(1)defeated(2)defeat(3)defeated / beat;won(4)defeat(5)win(6)beating ② defeat vt.& n.③ attend vt.根据语境猜词义

(1)He did not attend the meeting yesterday.(2)The school was attended almost entirely by local children.(3)There was no one to attend him but Tina.根据语义找匹配 A.上学


C.出席;参加(1)C(2)A(3)B ③ attend vt.短语

attend to sb./ sth.注意;护理 attend on / upon 服侍;伴随 链接

attendance n.出席,到场,参加 attendant n.服务员;侍者 ③ attend vt.用心



cure / treat / heal cure侧重指治好的结果;

There is still no cure for the cancer.treat侧重指治疗的过程。

This boy is being treated for a heart condition.heal侧重指治愈伤口,伤痛如灼伤等,强调愈合,痊愈。④ cure n.& vt.用cure/treat的适当形式填空

Tom had a cold, and he coughed badly.So he went to hospital to see a doctor.Now the doctor(1)__________ him.Tom asked whether there was a(2)__________ for his cough.The doctor said, “ Don't worry.This medicine will(3)__________ you of your cough.” ④ cure n.& vt.(1)is treating(2)cure(3)cure ⑤ absorb vt.根据语境猜词义

(1)The surrounding villages have been absorbed by / into the growing city.(2)Plants absorb sunlight which provides them with energy.(3)So many good ideas!It's too much for me to absorb all at once.(4)The old man was utterly absorbed in the book.根据语义找匹配 汲取,理解(知识等)B.合并(公司等);吞并 C.吸收(液体、气体、光、声等)D.使全神贯注;吸引(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D ⑤ absorb vt.短语

be absorbed in = absorb oneself in 使全神贯注 链接




can confirm that I was there.” ⑥ suspect n.& vt.Tom was sure that the policeman shouldn't(3)__________ that he was the murderer.The policeman said, “Sorry, Sir.You told a lie.The 8 o'clock train didn't run at all.”(1)suspected(2)suspect(3)suspect ⑥ suspect n.& vt.根据语境猜词义

(1)Don't blame me.You are responsible for your own problems.(2)My father always blames everything on me.⑦ blame vt.& n.根据语义找匹配 A.指责,找„„的差错 B.归咎,把(某事)责任归于„„(1)A(2)B ⑦ blame vt.& n.短语

blame sb.for sth./ doing sth.为某事责备某人 / 责备某人做了某事 blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人 put / lay the blame for sth.on sb.将某事归咎于某人

accept / bear / take the blame for sth.对某事负责任 ⑦ blame vt.& n.句型

to blame 表示被动,意思为“某人应该被谴责;应负责任”。The children were not to blame for the accident.那次事故怪不着孩子们。

He is more to blame than you.用心



⑧ instruct vt.根据语义找匹配 通知,告知

B.指示,命令,吩咐 C.教授;训练;指导(1)B(2)C(3)A ⑧ instruct vt.短语

instruct sb.(in sth.)教,教导,传授技能 instruct sb.to do sth.命令,指导某人做某事 instruct that-clause通知 链接

instruction n.说明;须知;指令;教学 instructive adj.有益的;教育性的 ⑧ instruct vt.用instruct的正确形式填空

(1)Prof.Zhang gave an __________ lecture at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University yesterday.(2)The children were also __________ not to leave the classroom after class.(3)I lost the __________ book and so I had to find out how to use the machine by trial and error.(1)instructive(2)instructed(3)instruction ⑧ instruct vt.根据语境猜词义

(1)The doctor examined the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him.(2)The lawyer examined the witness.(3)The teacher examined the students in physics.⑨ examine v.根据语义找匹配




0(1)B(2)D(3)C(4)A ⑩ contribute v.短语

contribute„to„ 把„„贡献给 / 捐献给 / 提供给„„;把„„投给„„

contribute to„ 有助于„„; 导致„„ make a contribution to 为„„作出贡献 链接

contribution n.捐献,贡献,投稿 contributor n.捐款人; 捐助者; 投稿者 ⑩ contribute v.用contribute的恰当形式或短语填空

(1)Everyone is encouraged to __________ the discussion.(2)Her work has __________ our understanding of this difficult subject.(3)She has __________ poems to literary magazines.⑩ contribute v.(1)contribute to(2)contributed to(3)contributed 根据语境猜词义

(1)You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes.你应该把表__________10分钟。

(2)He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting.他在会上__________一个很好的建议。

(3)We all put him forward for the position of club secretary.我们一致__________他当俱乐部秘书。⑪ put forward(1)向前拨(2)提出(3)推举 辨析

come up / come up with / put forward 三个词组都有“提出”的意思。come up 被提出,被讨论

A number of questions came up at the meeting.用心



It's late to go out for a walk, besides, it's too cold outside.⑫ apart from 除„„之外,除了


I like all drinks except whisky.except for表示“只是”,“除了„„”,在说明 整体基本情况后,对局部细节加以修饰;它的宾语 与前述对象完全是两回事。

Your class is a good collective except for some shortcomings.⑫ apart from 除„„之外,除了 你们班是个好集体,只是还有缺点。except that后面跟从句。

He has always been in good health except that he has had a slight headache in the past few days.but 作“除„„之外”时,其后常用主格代词(有时也用宾格)。but常与 no one, none, nothing 等否定词连用,也与who等疑问词以及 all, every one连用。⑫ apart from 除„„之外,除了

No one but he(him)showed much interest in the proposal.apart from其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides。

Apart from the coat, the hat doesn't suit me.巧记:

except 用于同类之间。except for 用于不同类的。apart from 在同类或不同类都能用。⑫ apart from 除„„之外,除了 选用以上单词或短语填空

(1)We answered all the questions __________ the last one.(2)We all went __________ our teacher.We had a good time with our teacher.(3)I know nothing about him __________ he is from the south.⑫ apart from 除„„之外,除了






____________________________________________(2)我们一直看到末尾,但看不懂是什么意思。____________________________________________(3)你做这项工作必须十分严谨,因为一点小的失误也会造成很大影响。____________________________________________ ⑬ make sense(1)Can you make sense of what this writer is saying?(2)We read it through but could make no sense of it.(3)You have to be very exact in this job, because a small mistake can make a big difference.⑬ make sense 根据语境猜词义

(1)He looked into the classroom and found nobody in.(2)Thank you very much for the information,sir;I'll get one of our detectives to look into the matter.(3)I usually look into a book before deciding whether to read it.⑭ look into 根据语义找匹配 浏览(书等)B.往„„内看


(1)B(2)C(3)A ⑭ look into 用以上词组填空

(1)The boy is old enough to look __________ himself.(2)He spent two weeks in Shanghai, looking __________ the city.(3)We are looking __________ __________ hearing from you soon.(4)Join us.Don't just look __________.用心



He suggested that you should go there tomorrow.=He suggested you go there tomorrow.【注意】不可以这样说:He suggested you to go there tomorrow.也就是说suggest不可以加不定式的复合结构。⑮ suggested(4)It is suggested that +主语+(should)do sth.It is suggested that the work(should)be finished at once.(5)suggestion作主语时,其后的表语从句也用should +do sth.结构。His suggestion is that I should leave for Beijing immediately.⑮ suggested ⑮ suggested 2.suggest 表示“暗示或表明”之意时,后面的 从句用陈述语气,时态与主句保持一致。Her yawn suggested that she was sleepy.她哈欠连天表明她困了。根据中文意思完成句子

(1)That girl's sun-tanned face __________________.那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。(2)I have written him a letter and ________________.我给他写了一封信,并建议他把它寄给校长。

(3)______________________ a short play at the party.有人建议我们在晚会上演一个短剧。⑮ suggested(1)suggests excellent health(2)suggested his sending it to the headmaster(3)It's suggested that we(should)put on(4)that she should come another day(4)The monitor's suggestion __________________ has not been accepted.班长提出的她改天来的建议还是没有被接受。⑮ suggested ⑯ Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky




8_____________________________________________ ⑯ Only if ⑰ He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth.(P7)他在太阳系的中间放了个固定的太阳,还有围着太阳转的几个行星和一个围着地球转的月球。

(1)Mary felt shy with the whole class looking at her.(2)With the machine helping us, we could finish the work on time.(3)She lives in the room with the light burning.⑰ with+sth.+doing “with+sth.+doing”是with的复合结构的一种,在句中可用作原因状语或伴随状语,也可用作定语。用现在分词时,表示分词动作与前面的名词或代词有主动关系,且动作正在进行。

除了非谓语形式doing, done, being done, to do外,还可以用形容词、副词或介词短语作宾语补足语。⑰ with+sth.+doing 单项填空

()(1)— Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.— Sorry.With so much work ______ my mind, I almost break down.A.filled B.filling C.to fill D.being filled()(2)With so much homework ______,he couldn't come to the concert.A.doing B.done C.to do D.having done ⑰ with+sth.+doing()(3)The boy couldn't settle down ______ the noise outside so loud.A.for B.because of C.with D.as()(4)You can use a large plastic bottle, ______ cut off, as a pot to grow flowers in.A.the top is B.with its top C.whose top D.the top of which







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    实验中学高三复习学案 制作教师:李彦 审定教师:张传达 使用时间:2017.9.2 序号:合01 假舟楫者以是人多以书假余 假 大臣犯法,无所宽假 假有人焉,举我言复于我,亦必疑其诳乃悟......


    《狼 》复习导学案 复习目标: 1、积累作家及作品的有关文学文化常识。 2、积累文中重点的字、词、句。(重点) 3、理解文章的内容与写法。 (重点、难点) 4、会翻译全文。 复习内容......


    高三语文一轮复习——正确识记现代普通话汉字字形(一) 学习目标:正确识记现代普通话汉字字形。 教学重点、难点:形声字、易混字。 学法指导:勤读勤查字典词典勤归纳总结。 典型试......


    08届高三生物二轮巩固练习50 10.对生态农业的原理中能量多级利用的理解正确的是编写 周杰审核 冯小勇 班级____________ 姓名___________ 一、单选题: 1.农村综合发展型生态......


    选修6重点词汇,短语,句子复习总结 选修六. M6 Unit1 重点单词 abstract 抽象 sculpture 雕塑 belief 信仰 special特殊 visual视觉 consequently 因此 specific 具体 fragran......


    1.选修六Unit1 A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTING 西方绘画艺术简史 Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. 艺术是受着人民生活习俗和信仰的影响的......


    新课标人教版高中化学选修四 全套教学案 目 录 化学键与化学反应 化学反应的热效应 化学反应的快慢 化学反应速率 化学反应的方向与限度 27 化学反应的利用 39 1 盐类的水......


    第一部分 语法知识及运用 专题1 冠词 考纲展示 命题探究 考点一 冠词的基本用法 基础点 1 不定冠词的基本用法 不定冠词有a和an两种形式,常位于名词或名词的修饰语前。当......