Chapter 1 新托福的变化
UNIT 1 新托福综述
UNIT 2 新托福的五大特点
UNIT 3 新托福口语的特点
UNIT 4 综合任务的特点及意义
UNIT 5 题型介绍及评分标准
UNIT 6 新托福口语对中国考生的影响
Chapter 2 中国考生应对新托福口语遇到的问题
UNIT 1 发音篇
UNIT 2 语法篇
UNIT 3 表达篇
Chapter 3 如何在新托福口语中做笔记
UNIT 1 信号词
UNIT 2 如何在独立任务中做笔记
UNIT 3 如何在综合任务中做笔记
Chapter 4 “模板式”回答策略
UNIT 1 英语中常用的句型
UNIT 2 自由问答
UNIT 3 选择回答
UNIT 4 校园场景
UNIT 5 学术讲座
UNIT 6 校园对话
UNIT 7 学术讲座
UNIT 8 模拟试题
Chapter 5 英语口语之平时训练
UNIT 1 中国学生英语口语学习漫谈
UNIT 2 利用外部资源学习英语
一 不规则动词表
二 听力文字材料
三 参考答案
task 2, is it more enjoyable to participate in an activity or watch others play?
I prefer to participate in the activity.Firstly, I am the kind of guy who really enjoys being a focus.When I play good performance in the basketball playground, the crowd of people are cheering and shouting for me.This makes me feel like a super star!Secondly, people have common features are more likely to participate in a particular activity and like attracts like.It is a great pleasure to work or compete with people sharing the same hobbies and interests.The activity will help us to establish deep friendship.I am still in close contact with two members of my primary school basketball team.These are all the happiness taking part in an activity can bring me.2009.10.25
I would like to talk to my mom.Firstly, my mother is very patient.I am the kind of guy has lots of questions.When I was very young, I always asked questions like a machine gun, “Why can airplanes fly?”,“Why can’t we fly?” and “Why the earth is a globe?”.This would agitate my father.But my mother would answer these questions patiently.Secondly, my mother is open-minded and respects my decision.When I was choosing major for college, my father wanted me to study journalism, but I want learn psychology.My mother respected my decision and convinced my father to allow me to pursue my own interest.Therefore, there is nothing can’t chat with to my mom.【写作】
Visiting museum is the best way to learn about a country.2011.02.20
【口语】生活中的make your life easier 的 tool equipmentobject
Smart phone makes life much easier.I really can’t live without my smart phone.Firstly, it makes the communications much more convenient.In old days, if I want to contact with my uncle Han in another city.I had to write a letter and waited days for the reply letter.However with the smart phone, I could make a phone call or send a text message instantaneously.Secondly, it is multi-functional.The smart phone is not just a phone, but also a moving TV, Gameboy, and word processor.It makes it possible for me to sit on a bus watching NBA live.What’s more, just a small box contains so many functions.It’s really convenient to carry.当遇到困难时是自己做还是找伙伴大家一起做?
2: 要不要参观科学、艺术和历史博物馆?
Yes we should go to the museum.Firstly, it will help us to expand horizon.Once I incidentally went into a museum displaying art from Cost Rica.Frankly I was still confused about the art after the visit, but at least I know there is a country named Cost Rica in the planet.Secondly, the museum is a good place to start a romance.In my opinion, it is more reliable to choose a girl meet in museum to be your girlfriend than a girl meet in club.And in museum, it’s never too awkward to chat up a girl about the art displaying there.NA2012.04.14
Task 2
有的一年级的学生参加clubs or students organizations, 有的希望到大二或大三再参加,说说你的观点。
I prefer to go to clubs or students organizations in freshman.Firstly, I have more leisure time to participate in club activity in freshman.The courses in first year are mostly optional courses or introductory courses.These courses are not hard to learn.But in sophomore, the classes are almost required and hard to lean, which will occupy plenty of time.Secondly, club or student organization is a great place to meet new friends.In freshman year, we just start a new life in college and have fewer friends in campus.And the members in the same student club will have a lot in common, and have many topics to talk with.【写作】
Do you agree or disagree it is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for future generation?
【口语】Task 1
Adult is the hardest time in life.Firstly, you have more family responsibilities in adult.At that time, you will have kids to feed, and parents to support.Kid’s puberty, school teacher’s phone call and elder parents’ health problem are all nightmares to the parents in that age.Secondly,Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristics for a politician or leader is good communication skills
【口语】Task 1Going to work a year before studying at university is good or bad, explain.Task 2Do you prefer to write a long essay or give a speech in frond of class for a assignment?
in the past it was easier to identify what type of career would lead to a secure and successful future
二题 do u agree or disagree that electronic material will replace printed material?
1、在天气晴朗的日子,最喜欢到那个outdoor place去做运动。
2、在summer vocation,有些学生留在学校学习,有些去take a job或者relax,你呢?
Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age.2009.03.29
1、Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you2、Someone perfer to have classes on the day and do parttime job in the evening while others perfer have classes in the evening and do a parttime job on the day.Which would you perfer? 【写作】
独立写作:In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore.2009.06.13
1.Difference in five years compared with now
2.Power and money is the definition of success.【写作】
Independent Writing
polis 讲是古代一个什么政治经济体系的基本组成分三个阶段第二个被一个M什么的统治第三个又被什么什么统治,跟cultrual religious 很大关系
First arrivers of 北美大陆横跨一个B开头字母的,冰河时期,两条线路,哪条未定
merchants和village 的经济,讲对城镇经济仍有很大的竞争力,以及对village 自身的影响
1.男学生去conference center问有没有hotel预留给学生,父母预定(周五、周六)周末要来听concert,柜台小姐说有周六晚上的90元/night,有parking,学生说好(有题,问学生父母可能要更改行程,我选周六来),学生又问能多问些附近相关旅游景点吗?(有题,问学生问问题的用意)周日打算带父母去走走,小姐说很多人都会这么问,说了附近有个...falls,很大又美之类的,然后又说他个人觉得附近有个小一点的瀑布...falls也不错,人不多,而且天气这么热可以在瀑布底下**(有题,问两个瀑布有什么不同),学生说谢谢,他要提醒父母带泳衣(有题,问这各柜台小姐除了业务外也有提供另外哪两种服务,ex: parking permit;提供touring information,小心听对话内容)。
2.学生找老师讨论写论文迟到,说是printer有问题,论文说到用outline的方式,老师说很好,学生后来又比喻road map,老师说这不是A point到B point的方式,map可能从不同地方到达一个点(问老师对这比喻的态度),老师又说要写简短大概?页的报告最好(有题,问老师喜欢哪种报告)。接着谈到take risk is ok,又约了下礼拜一起讨论,学生说希望他不会再迟到,老师说他能理解printer有时候会有问题(有题,问老师对学生迟到是生气还是能理解)。
3.讲organic element(compound),提到胺基酸amino acid等有机复合物跟无机复合物的关系,然后说有个芝加哥的学生为了证实两个的关系做了一个实验,导入gas, electricity。然后放了多久,得到有机复合物,之后又做了实验组跟对照组,重新再做一次实验,不过结果两组都没得到结果,后来老师说了复合物的一些element: gas.....(有题,问老师说是要总结学生的实验还是有价值还是她个人的意见,另有一题问此篇lecture的main idea),后来说到meteorite可能带来一些物质到earth(有题,问陨石的一些问题)。
4.讲baby的语言发展,提到join connection的概念一个是当caretaker在看电视,或看一个物品,baby也会跟着look at一个物品,ex:猫在走路。另外提到当他要一个toy时,会发出声音尝试point to告诉care-giver,老师提到她的niece也会这样(有题,问老师为何提到他的niece),之后老师说要看一个video,关于9 month大的孩子,一个语言发展好,一个还没(有题,问看录像带的目的),对学生写论文有帮助可参考之类。
5.讲自传autobiography跟回忆录memoir的不同(有题,问两者的差异),自传是描述人的一生whole life & achievements(有题,自传写什么内容),回忆录可能描述一个event,举例一个作家写了他的childhood with his mother(有题,问这个作家),有个女学生问是否有同时两人写类似的回忆录,老师先顿了一下(有题,问老师的反应),然后说有.....。
6.讲海藻algae过度生长over bloom的原因,有一个名词叫eutrophication,指下雨过后肥料等有机质从土壤里流到河里,或工厂排放的废水都有养份在里面,让algae过度nutrition以致过度生长,影响鱼类生态,造成氧气02急速减少.