1.必修五MODULE 1 Words, words, words词,词,词
British and American English are different in many ways.英式英语和美式英语在很多方面都有所不同。The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary.首先最明显的是在词汇方面。There are hundreds of different words which are not used on the other side of the Atlantic, or which are used with a different meaning.有数以百计个不同的词在大西洋彼岸的另一个英语国家不被使用,或者以一种不同的意思被使用着。Some of these words are well known---Americans drive automobiles down freeways and fill up with gas;其中有些词就很广泛地为人所知---美国人在freeways上驾驶的是automobiles,给车加gas;the British drive cars along motorways and fill up with petrol.英国人在motorways上驾驶的是cars,给车加petrol。As a tourist, you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York, or maybe you will prefer to get around the town by taxi(British)or cab(American).作为游人,在伦敦你要乘underground,而在纽约则是subway,或者你愿意乘坐taxi(英式)或者cab(美式)游览城市。Chips or French files Chips 还是French fries?
But other words and expressions are not so well known.但是其他词语和表达方式却没有这么广泛地为人所知。Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, it's a torch.美国人把手电筒称为flashlight,而英国人却叫它torch。The British queue up;Americans stand in line.英国人排队用queue up,而美国人说stand in line。有时候,Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be confusing.同一个单词在意义上一点细微的差别就让人很困惑。Chips, for example, are pieces of hot fried potato in Britain;in the States chips are very thin and are sold in packets.比如chips这个词在英国是热炸的薯条,在美国chips却指非常薄而且装在纸袋里出售的薯片。The British call these crisps.英国人把这种东西称为crips。The chips the British know and love are French fries on the other side of the Atlantic.英国人知道而且喜欢的薯条在大西洋对岸被称为French fries。Have or have got? Have 还是have got?
There are a few differences in grammar, too.在语法上,英式英语和美式英语也有一些区别。The British say Have you got...?I while Americans prefer Do you have.-.? 英国人说Have you got·?然而美国人却愿意说Do you have...? An American might say My friend just arrived, but a British person would say My friend has just arrived.美国人可能会说My friend just arrived,但是英国人愿意讲My friend has just arrived。Prepositions, too, can be different: compare on the team, on the weekend(American)with in the team, at the weekend(British).介词的用法也有所不同:比较一下on the team, on the weekend(美国用法)和in the team, at the weekend(英国用法)。The British use prepositions where Americans sometimes omit them(.I'll see you Monday, Write me soon!).英国人用介词的地方美国人有时候可能会省略(I“ll see you Monday;Write me soon!)。Colour or color? Colour还是color?
The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.此外,在两种英语中另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音。Americanspelling seems simpler:美式英语的拼写看上去更简单一些:center, color and program instead of centre, colour and programme.center, color和program 是美式拼法,centre, colour和programme 是英式拼法。Many factors have influenced American pronunciation since the first settlers arrived four hundred years ago.自从400年前第一批移民的到来,有很多因素影响了美语发音。The accent, which is most similar to British English, can be heard on the East Coast of the US.在美国东海岸能够听到跟英式英语非常接近的口音。When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw made the famous remark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common language, he was obviously thinking about the differences.当爱尔兰作家萧伯纳讲那句名言:英国和美国是被同一种语言分开的两个民族的时候,他显然想到了它们的区别。But are they really so important? 但是这些区别真的如此重要吗?After all, there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as between them.毕竟,两个国家境内的口音差别可能跟两国之间的口音差别一样多。A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.一个伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人讲话可能比理解一个纽约人更难。Turn on the TV打开电视机 Some experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer together.很多专家相信这两种语言变体正在越来越接近。For more than a century communications across the Atlantic have developed steadily.一个多世纪以来,大西洋两岸的交流稳步发展。Since 1980s, with satellite TV and the Internet, it has been possible to listen to British and American English at the Hick of a switch.自从20世纪80年代以来,随着卫星电视和因特网的使用,非常便捷地听到英式英语和美式英语已经成为可能。
This non-stop communication, the experts think, has made it easier for British people and Americans to understand each other.专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使得英国人和美国人相互理解起来更加容易。But it has also led to lots of American words and structures passing into British English, so that some people now believe that British English will disappear.但是这也致使许多美式英语单词和结构传人英式英语,以至于现在有一些人相信英式英语将要消失。
However, if you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and weather forecasters all speaking with different accents-American, British, Australian, and even Spanish.然而,如果你打开美国电视网络节目CNN,你会发现新闻播报员和天气预报员操着不同的口音---美国的,英国的,澳大利亚的,甚至西班牙的。One of the best-known faces, Monita Rajpal, was born in Hong Kong.China, and grew up, speaking Chinese and Punjabi, as well as English.其中最熟悉的脸孔之一,慕妮塔·让治派出生于中国香港,从小到大说的是汉语、Punjabi土语和英语。
This international dimension suggests that in the future, there are going to be many ”Englishes“, not just two main varieties.这种国际性的广泛使用表明,在未来将有很多种英语,不仅仅是两种。But the message is ”Don't worry.“ Users of English will all be able to understand each other---wherever they are.但其实大家不用担心!无论在哪里,英语的使用者们都会彼此理解。
2.必修五MODULE 2 The Human Traffic Signal人体交通标志 1_________________ At 3,500 metres, La Paz, in Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world.位于海拔3,500 米的玻利维亚首府拉巴斯是世界上最高的首都。Life is hard at high altitude, and the mountains make communications difficult.在高海拔地区的生活很艰苦,高山使得地区交通非常困难。Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent.许多路况很差而且事故频发,One road in particular, which goes north from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world.尤其是从拉巴斯通向北边的一条路被认为是世上最危险的路。On one side the mountains rise steeply;on the other side there is a sheer drop which in places is hundreds of metres deep.在路的一边,山体高耸险峻,另一边悬崖陡峭,有些地方足有几百米深。Although there is not a lot of traffic, on average, one vehicle comes off the road every two weeks.尽管这条路上每天的交通量不大,但是平均每两周就有一辆车冲出公路,掉下悬崖。The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive.悬崖落差如此之大,在掉下去的车里任何一个能活着的乘客都是幸运的。In theory, the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning and by traffic coming downhill from 3 in the afternoon.按理,这条路上从早晨8点开始只准许上山的车通行,下午3点以后下山的车通行。But in practice, few drivers respect this rules.但实际上,几乎没有司机遵守这些规则。2_________________ But thanks to one man, the death toll has fallen.但是多亏了一个人,这条路上的事故死亡率己经下降了。Timoteo Apaza is a gentle 46-year-old man who lives in a village near the most dangerous part of the road, known locally as lacurva del Diablo(the Devil's Bend).46岁的铁穆特欧·安迫赛是个性格温和的人,他住在距离这条路最危险的一段附近的村庄里。这段路被当地人称为lacurva del Diablo(魔鬼弯道)。Timoteo has an unusual job--he is a human traffic signal.铁穆特欧有一个不同寻常的工作---他是人体交通标志。Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand.每天早晨,他手里部拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。The board is red on one side and green on the other.圆板一面是红色的,一面是绿色的。Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic.铁穆特欧站在转弯处指挥着交通。When two vehicles approach from opposite directions they can't see each other, but they can see Timoteo.当两辆车相对开来的时候,他们彼此看不到,但都能看到铁穆特欧。Timoteo is a volunteer.铁穆特欧是一个志愿者。No one asked him to do the job, and no one pays him for it.没有人要他做这个工作,也没有人为此付钱给他。Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to live on.有时候一些司机会给他点小费,使他能够维持生活。But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted.但是大多数情况下,司机们开着车就过去了,把人体交通标志看作理所当然的事情。3____________________ So why does he do it? 但是,他为什么要这样做呢? Before he volunteered to direct the traffic, Timoteo had had lots of jobs.在他志愿指挥交通之前,做过很多工作。He had been a miner and a soldier.他曾是矿工,还当过兵。Then one day while he was working as a lorry driver he had a close encounter with death.他做卡车司机的时候,有一次他跟死神打了个照面。He was driving a lorry load of bananas when he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.当他正开着装满香蕉的卡车要驶过一个弯道的时候,他连人带车翻到了300多米深的山崖下。Somehow he survived.万幸的是,他活了下来。He was in hospital for months.他在医院呆了好几个月。Then, a few years later, he was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus which had crashed at la curva del diablo.几年后的一天夜里,他被叫出来帮忙拉出在魔鬼弯道坠毁的公共汽车里的人。This last experience had a profound effect on Timoteo.最后的这次经历对铁穆特欧产生了重大影响,He realized that he was lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his mission in life to help others.他意识到他能活下来是很幸运的,而且感觉到帮助别人是他人生的使命。And so every morning, week in, week out, from dawn to dusk, Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic.于是每天早晨,铁穆特欧都来到路的拐弯处站好自己的位置,开始指挥来往车辆,从拂晓到黄昏,一周又一周。
3.必修五MODULE 3 Steam boat汽船
There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down.后半夜来了一场暴风雨,大雨倾盆而下。We stayed inside the shelter we had built and let the raft sail down the river.我们躲进了自己搭起来的避雨棚,让木筏顺流而下。Suddenly, by the light of the lightning, we saw something in the middle of the river.突然间,借着闪电的光亮,我们看到河中间有东西。It looked like a house at first, but then we realized it was a steam boat.一开始它看上去像座房子,但后来我们意识到那是艘蒸汽船。It had hit a rock and was half in and half out of the water.它触礁了,一半沉在水里,一半露在水面上。We were sailing straight towards it.我们的木筏正朝着它驶去。
”It looks as if it'll go under soon,“ Jim said, after a couple of minutes.”看起来它快沉了,“过了一会儿,吉姆说。
”Let's go and take a look,“ I said”我们去看看怎么回事儿。“我接着说。
”I don't want to board a sinking ship,“ said Jim, ”我可不想上一条要沉的船。“吉姆不同意。but when I suggested that we might find something useful on the boat, he agreed to go.但当我提出我们可能在上面找到些有用的东西时,他还是同意了。So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, keeping as quiet as mice.于是我们划了过去,躁手镊脚地,像老鼠一样悄无声息地爬上了汽船。To our astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins.令我们大吃一惊的是,有间船舱里还亮着一盏灯。Then we heard someone shout, ”Oh please boys, don't kill me!I won't tell anybody!“ 接着我们听到人的嚎叫声,”哦,哥们儿,别杀我!我跟谁也不会说的!“
A man's angry voice answered, ”You're lying.You said that last time.We're going to kill you.“ 一个男人生气的声音回应到:”你在撒谎,上次你也是这么说的。我们要杀了你!“
When he heard these words, Jim panicked and ran to the raft.吉姆听到了这些后,恐惧万分,向木筏跑了过去。But although I was frightened, I also felt very curious, so I put my head round the door.而我尽管害怕,但也感到十分好奇,于是就把头凑向了那扇门。It was quite dark, but I could see a man lying on the floor, tied up with rope.船舱里面很黑,但我能看见一个人被绳子捆着,躺在地板上。There were two men standing over him.有两个人围着他站着。One was short, with a beard.其中一个是矮个,留着络腮胡子,The other was tall and had something in his hand that looked like a gun.另外一个是高个,手里拿着什么东西,看起来像是把枪。”I've had enough of you.I'm going to shoot you now,“ this man said.”我受够你了!我现在就要毙了你。“那个高个说道。He was obviously the one who had threatened the man on the floor.显然他就是刚才威胁躺在地上的人的那个人。And it was a gun he had in his hand.握在他手中的确实是把枪。
”No, don't do that,“ said the short man.”Let's leave him here.The steamboat will sink in a couple of hours and he'll go down with it.“ ”不,别这么干。“那个矮个说,”我们把他扔在这儿。这船过几小时就沉了,他也就跟船一起沉了。“
When he heard that, the frightened man on the floor started crying.听到这话后,那个在地上己被吓傻的人开始嚎哭。”He sounds as if he's going to die of fright!“ I thought.”I have to find a way to save him!“ ”听起来他就要吓死了,“我想,”我得设法去救他。“
I crawled along the deck, found Jim, and told him what I had heard.我沿着甲板爬行,找到了吉姆,并告诉他我所听到的一切。”We must find their boat and take it away, then they'll have to stay here,“ I said.我说:”我们必须找到他们的船并弄走它,然后他们就不得不呆在这儿了。“
Jim looked terrified.”I'm not staying here,“ he said.吉姆看上去很害怕,说:”我不想呆在这儿。“ But I persuaded him to help me, and we found the men's boat tied to the other side of the steamboat.但我劝他帮我的忙,找到了他们拴在沉船另一边的小船。We climbed quietly in and as we paddled away we heard the two men shouting.我们悄悄地爬上了小船,就在我们划着小船离开了那艘要沉的汽船时,我们听到那两个人的吼叫声。By then we were a safe distance away.而那时我们已经离他们有段安全的距离了。But now I began to feel bad about what we had done.1 didn't want all three men to die.但现在我开始后悔这么做了----我不想让那三个人部死掉。
4.必修五MODULE 4 The Magic of the Mask面具的魔力
Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion.想到狂欢节,你就会想到人群、各色各样的服装和热闹非凡的场面。The sounds and sights change from one country to another but the excitement is the same everywhere.热闹的场面在不同的国家会有所不同,但人们的兴奋程度在各地都是相同的。”Carnival“ comes from two Latin words, meaning ” no more meat“.狂欢节这个词是由两个拉丁词演变而来的,意思是”禁肉食“。In Europe, where it began, carnival was followed by forty days without meat, 欧洲是狂欢节的起源地,在那里,狂欢节过后会有40天不食肉的日子。as people prepared for the Christian festival of Easter.这期间,人们准备迎接基督教的节日复活节。People saw Carnival as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.Having fun meant eating, drinking, and dressing up.他们把狂欢节作为冬天结束前最后一次玩乐的机会,尽情地吃、喝、乔装打扮一番。
The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice.欧洲最著名的狂欢节是在威尼斯。At the beginning, it lasted for just one day.最初,狂欢节只持续一天。People ate, drank, and wore masks.人们吃啊,喝啊,并戴上面具。As time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas.渐渐地,庆祝狂欢节的时间长了,圣诞节一过狂欢节就开始。For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognised.接连几个星期,人们戴着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不会被认出来。Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have romanticadventures in secret.普通人可以装成阔佬和要人,而名人也可以偷偷地体验浪漫奇遇。Many crimes went unpunished.很多罪行都逃脱了惩处。The government realized that wearing masks had become a problem.政府意识到戴面具成了一个社会问题。Their use was limited by laws, the first of which dates back to the fourteenth century.于是制定了限用面具的法律条文,这最早可以追溯到14世纪。Men were not allowed to wear masks at night;and they were not allowed to dress up as women.男子不准在夜间戴面具,并且不能假扮女性。In later times more laws were passed.之后,更多法律条文出台。People who wore masks could not carry firearms;and no one could enter a church wearing a mask.戴面具者不得携带火器,不得进入教堂。If they broke the laws.they were put into prison for up to two years.违反面具法者将被判入狱,刑期可长达两年。Finally, when Venice became part of the Austrian empire, at the end of the eighteenth century, masks were banned completely, and carnival became just a memory.最后,在18世纪末,当威尼斯成为奥地利帝国的一部分时,面具被完全禁止了,狂欢节成为记忆。But in the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students.但在20世纪70年代后期,狂欢节这个传统又被学生们恢复了。They began making masks and organizing parties, and threw bits of brightly colored paper(called coriandoli)attourists.他们开始制造面具,并组织聚会。他们向游人扔许多小块的彩色纸片。The town council realized that carnival was good for business, and the festival was developed for tourists.市镇议会觉得狂欢节创造了一定的商机,因此,狂欢节得以发展,以吸引更多的游客。
Today, carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February.如今,威尼斯狂欢节的庆祝活动在二月进行,历时五天。People arrive from all over Europe to enjoy the fun.来自欧洲各国的人们在此尽情娱乐。Hotels are fully booked and the narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes.旅店一订而空,狭窄的街道挤满了身着各种华美服饰的人们。German, French and English seem to be the main languages.德语、法语和英语似乎成了主要语言。But the spirit of Venice carnival is not quite the same as the great American carnivals.但威尼斯狂欢节的本质与美洲狂欢节有所不同。If the key to Rio is music and movement, then in Venice it is the mystery of the mask.在里约热内卢,狂欢节主要是音乐和游行了。而在威尼斯,则是神秘的面具。As you wander through the streets, you see thousands of masks---elegant or frightening, sad or amusing, traditional or modern---but you have no idea what the faces behind them look like.走在街上,你能看到成千上万的面具,高雅的、可怕的、忧伤的、有趣的、”传统的、时尚的,但你并不知道面具后面的是哪张面孔。Nobody takes them off.If the masks come off, the magic is lost.没人把面具摘下。如果面具摘掉了,其魔力也就消失了。
5.必修五MODULE5 A Life in Sports体育人生
They called him the prince of gymnasts.人们称他为体操王子。When he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.26岁退役时,他己在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。They included six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles(as well as two silver and a bronze)其中包括198Z年世界锦标赛总共七枚金牌申的六枚,1984年洛杉矾奥运会上的三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚铜牌)。Li Ning was the best.李宁是最优秀的。When sports journalists met in 1999 to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century, Li Ning's name was on it, together with footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad Ali.1999年,当体育记者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中。But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项目上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退了役。He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.他在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不佳,这使他感到很失望。
But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。A year after his retirement, Li Ning began a new career-----as a businessman.退役一年后,李宁开始了他新的事业---从商。But he didn't forget his sporting background.但是,他并没有忘记他的运动生涯。He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global giants like Mike and Adidas.他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐克、阿迪达斯等竞争。He made the unusual choice, for a Chinese person, of choosing his own name as the brand mark.对一个中国人而言,他作出了异乎寻常的选择,那就是用自己的名字做商标。The bright red logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of Li Ning's name, L and N.那个鲜红色的商标是由“李宁”拼音的两个首宇母L和N组成。
Li Ning's sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time.李宁运动服进人市场正当其时。The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase----and sport had never been so popular.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。Li Ning's designs were attractive, and they had a major advantage over their better-known rivals----they were cheaper.李宁运动服不仅设计吸引人,而且比起那些著名的商业对手,它拥有一个主要优势,那就是价格便宜。A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双季宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。Success for Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came quickly.李宁的成功有了保证,并且来势迅速。
In just a few years, Li Ning won more than fifty per cent of the national market.短短几年,李宁赢得了超过百分之五十的国内市场。Today a Li Ning product is purchased every ten seconds.现在每十秒钟就有一款李宁牌产品售出。But the clothes are not only worn on the athletics track or the football pitch.If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.李宁牌运动服不仅仅出现在径赛场或足球场上,如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你很有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。The company has also grown internationally公司也有了国际化发展。The Spanish and French gymnastics teams wear Li Ning clothes, while Italian designers are employed by the company to create new styles.西班牙和法国的体操队员也穿李宁牌服装。同时,公司还雇用意大利设计师设计新的款式。Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be.wearing Li Ning tracksuits.当中国体育健儿步人2008年奥运会赛场时,他们将身穿李宁牌运动服。
But Li Ning's goal when he retired was not to make money.但是,李宁退役时的目标并不是赚钱。His dream was to open a school for gymnasts.他的梦想是开办一所体操学校。He was able to do this in 1991.1991年,他如愿以偿。Since then, he has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.从那时起,他不断地帮助年轻人实现他们的体育梦想。Like Pele and Muhammad Alt before him,who have worked with the United Nations for children's rights and peace, Li Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires from the sport.It starts.在他之前,球王贝利和拳王阿里,他们在联合国为儿童权利及世界和平工作多年。与他们一样,李宁发现:当一个杰出的运动员退出体坛时,他/她的工作并不是结束,而是开始。And if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as Li Ning's advertising slogan says.正如李宁广告标语所言,如果你是一位杰出的运动员,“一切皆有可能”。
6.必修五MODULE 6 Saving the Antelopes拯救藏羚羊
On a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie found what he was looking for---a group of poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope.1994年1月一个滴水成冰的寒冷日子,杰桑·索南达杰发现了他一直寻找的目标群正在杀害濒临灭绝的藏羚羊的偷猎者。Jiesang knew he had to move quickly.杰桑知道,他必须迅速行动。He shouted to the poachers to put down their guns.他大声地喊叫着,要偷猎者放下武器。Although surprised, the poachers had an advantage---there were more of them.偷猎者虽然感到惊慌,但他们占着人多的优势。In the battle which followed Jiesang was shot and killed.在接下来的枪战中,杰桑被击中身亡。When his frozen body was found hours later, he was still holding his gun.几小时后,人们发现了他冻僵的身体,手中仍然紧握着枪。He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope.他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命。
At the beginning of the twentieth century there were millions of antelopes on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau.20世纪初期,青藏高原上有数百万只藏羚羊。By the 1990s the number had fallen to 50,000.截止到20世纪90年代,藏羚羊的数目下降到了大约5万只。The reason is simple: the wool of the Tibetan antelope is the most expensive in the world.原因很简单:藏羚羊毛是世上最昂贵的毛皮。It is soft, light, and warm----the ideal coat for an animal which has to survive at high altitudes.它又软又轻又暖和,是高海拔地区动物赖以生存的理想皮毛。A shawl made from the wool(known as “shahtoosh”, or “king of wools” in Persian)can sell for five thousand dollars.一条藏羚羊毛织成的披肩(名为“沙图什”,即波斯语中的“众毛之王”),能卖到5000美元。For poachers the profits can be huge.这对偷猎者来说利润是丰厚的。Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.那些偷猎者常常是夜里出动,一次就捕杀掉整群的藏羚羊,只留下那些毛不怎么值钱的幼羊。The animals are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India, where it is made into the shawls.这些被猎杀的藏羚羊被就地剥皮,羊毛被运送到印度。在那里,藏羚羊毛被织成披肩。From there, it is exported to rich countries in North America and Europe.从那出口到北美和欧洲的富裕国家。The business is completely illegal----there has been a ban on the trade since 1975.这种贸易是完全违法的,自1975年以来一直被禁止。But in the 1990s the shawls came into fashion among rich people.但到了20世纪90年代,这种藏羚羊毛披肩在有钱人中间流行开来,成为时尚。A police raid on a shop in London found 138 shawls.在伦敦,警察在对一家商店的一次突击搜查中竟发现138条披肩。About 1,000 antelopes---or 2 per cent of the world's population----had been killed to make them.这就意味着有大约I000只藏羚羊被猎杀-----约占全球总数的2%。
In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve----the huge national park on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is the main habitat of the antelopes.20世纪90年代,中国政府开始积极开展可可西里自然保护区的藏羚羊保护工自然保护区是青藏高原的一个大型国家公园,是藏羚羊的主要栖息地。Over the next ten years about 3,000 poachers were caught and 300 vehicles confiscated.在接下来的有3000多名偷猎者被抓获和300辆汽车被没收。Sometimes there were gunfights, like the one in which Jiesang Suonandajie was killed.有时,还会发生枪战。像杰桑·索就是在这类枪战中牺牲的。
But today the government seems to be winning the battle.如今,政府似乎正在赢得这场战争,偷猎者的人数下降了。The number of poachers has fallen.The small group of officials who work in the reserve are helped by volunteers who come from all over the country, and who are ready for the difficult conditions of life at 5,000 metres.工作在保护区的政府官员们得到了来自全国各地的、愿意忍受海拔5000米以上恶劣生活环境的志愿者们的支持。Meanwhile, in those countries where the shawls are sold, police are getting tough with the dealers.International co-operation seems to be working.同时,在那些出售藏羚羊毛披肩的国家,警方开始严厉打击藏羚羊毛披肩的贩卖者。Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again.国际合作也见成效,自1997年以来,藏羚羊的数目已开始慢慢回升。
1.必修四Module1 The City of the Future未来城市
What will the city of the future look like? 未来的城市会是什么样子呢? No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business.没有人确切的了解,预测也是一件很危险的事情。But one thing is certain---they are going to get bigger before they get smaller.但是有一件事情是可以肯定的---他们将会先变大,然后再变小。In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth's natural resources run out.在未来,爱护环境将会很重要,因为地球的资源将濒临枯竭。We will use lots of recycled materials, such as plastic, aluminum, steel, glass, wood and paper, and we will waste fewer natural resources.我们将会使用大量的可回收材料,例如,塑料、铝、钢铁、玻璃、木头和纸。我们浪费自然资源的程度将会有所减弱。We will also have to rely more on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power.我们也将不得不更多地依赖其他能源。例如,太阳能和风能。All this seems certain, but there are plenty of things about city life in the future which are not certain.所有的这些似乎是肯定的,但是还有许多关于城市生活的事情仍是未知的。
To find out what young people think about the future of urban life, a teacher at a university in Texas in the United States asked his students to think how they would run a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025.为了获知年轻人对未来城市生活的想法,美国得克萨斯州的一位大学老师让他的学生思考如何管理一个在2025 年拥有5万人口的城市,Here are some of the ideas they had:下面是他们的一些构想: Garbage ships To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems.垃圾船:为了摆脱垃圾问题的困扰,城市将会用巨型宇宙飞船装载废弃材料,朝太阳射,这样做防止了垃圾填埋和环境间题。
Batman Nets:Police will arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns.勤务兵网:警察逮捕罪犯时,将会向罪犯射出网状物而不是用枪。
Forget smoking:No smoking will be allowed 'within a future city's limits.Smoking will be possible only outside cities, and outdoors.戒烟:在未来城市范围内将禁止吸烟。只有在郊区和户外才允许吸烟。Forget the malls:In the future all shopping will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders.告别商厦:将来所有的购物将会在网上进行,商品目录将会有语音指令来排序。
Telephones for life:Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change 'no matter where they live.电话人生:每个人一出生就会给予一个电话号码,将来无论他们居住在哪儿,这个电话号码都不会更改。
Recreation:All forms of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and others, will be provided free of charge by the city.娱乐:所有的娱乐形式,例如,电影院、保龄球、垒球、音乐会和其他等等都将由该市政府免费提供。
Cars:All cars will be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind, and it will be possible to change the color of cars at the flick of a switch.汽车:所有的汽车部将由电能、太阳能或风能提供动力,并且只要轻轻按一下开关就能够改变汽车的颜色。Tele-surgery:Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own tele-surgery outpatient clinic.远程手术:随着每个城市拥有自己的远程手术门诊部,医生将能在数千里以外实施手术,远程手术将会变得十分普通。
Holidays at home:Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attached to their head.居家度假:年长的市民和残疾人通过使用绑在头上的高新技术相机可以周游世界。
Space travel:Travelling in space by ordinary citizens will be common.Each city will have its own spaceport.太空邀游:普通市民邀游太空将会变得很平常,每个城市都将有自己的太空港。
2.必修四Module 2 Getting Around in Beijing行在北京 Taxis出租车
Taxis are on the streets 24 hours a day.北京大街上的出租车是24小时服务的。Simply raise your hand.and a taxi appears in no time.只要你招招手,立刻就会有出租车。They are usually red, and they display the price per kilometer on the window.它们通常都是红色车身,并且在车窗上显示每公里的路价。You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask for a receipt.你要做的,就是确认司机有营运照,并且索要发票。Buses and trolleybuses公交车和电车
Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。There are 20,000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very crowded.北京大约有两万多辆公交车和电车,但是,它们有时会很拥挤。It's a good idea to avoid public transport during the rush hour(6:30 am and 8:00 am and 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm).最明智的做法是避免在高峰期(上午6:00一8:00,下午5:00一6:30)乘坐公交车和电车。Fares are cheap, starting at 1 yuan.这些车车票价格便宜,一元起价。Air-conditioned buses cost more.空调车则要贵一些。
Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the city centre.公交线1到100路部是仅限于市中心内的,Higher numbers have destinations in the suburbs.车号更高一些的线路,可以通达郊区。Tourists shouldn't miss the 103 bus which offers one of the most impressive routes, past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park.对于游人来说,最不该错过的是103路电车,它途经紫禁城和北海白塔,沿途风景令人印象深刻。If you get on a double-decker bus, make sure you sit upstairs.如果你乘坐双层公共汽车,请务必坐在上层,You'll have a good view of the rapidly changing city.这样你会一览这个飞速发展城市的亮丽风景。Most buses run from about 5:00 am to midnight.However, there is also a night bus service, provided by buses with a number in the 200s.Minibuses小公共汽车
Minibuses with seats for12 passengers offer an alternative to expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.在一些地区,这种12个座位的小型公共汽车给人们在昂贵的出租车和拥挤的公共汽车外,提供了第三种选择。They run regular services and follow the same routes as large public buses.它们跟大公共汽车走同样的路线,提供有规律的服务。And in a minibus you always get a seat even in rush hours.在小公共汽车上,即使在高峰期也能找到空位。Underground地铁
There are four underground lines in Beijing, and several lines are under construction.北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线也正在建设之中。Trains are fast and convenient, but rush hours can be terrible.地铁方便快捷,但在高峰期,情况会很糟糕。A one-way trip costs 3 yuan.地铁票价单程为三元,Station names are marked in pinyin.站名拼音标注,The underground is open from 5:00 am to 11:00 pm.运营时间为上午5点到晚上11点。Pedi cabs三轮脚踏车
Tourists like these human-pedaled “tricycle taxis”, but they can be expensive.游客们喜欢这些人力驱动的“三轮脚踏车”,但价格可能会较贵。You should talk to the driver, and make sure you know the price before you begin the journey, for example, if it is per person, single or return.因此坐之前要先弄清楚价格,明确价钱是否按人数计算、是单程还是往返双程的问题。Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys(hutong)of old Beijing.如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。
3.必修四Module 3 Body language身势语
If you say the word “communication”, most people think of words and sentences.Although these are very important, we communicate with more than just spoken and written words.Indeed, body positions are part of what we call “body language”.说起“交流”,大多数人会想到单词或句子,虽然单词与句子十分重要,但我们并不只是用口语和书面语进行交流,身体的姿态是我们所称的“身势语”的一部分。We see examples of unconscious body language very often, yet there is also “learned” body language, which varies from culture to culture.我们经常看到无意识的身势语,但也有“习得”的身势语。习得的身势语在不同的文化中各不相同。We use “learned” body language when we are introduced to strangers.当我们被介绍给生人时,我们使用 “习得的”身势语。Like other animals, we are on guard until we know it is safe to relax.跟动物一样,我们会保持警觉,直至知道安全的时候才放松。So every culture has developed a formal way to greet strangers, to show them we are not aggressive.因此,在所有的文化中人们都有一种向陌生人打招呼的正规的方式,以表示他们并不具有侵犯倾向。Traditionally, Europeans and Americans shake hands.欧美人的传统是握手,They do this with the right hand---the strongest hand for most people.他们用右手握手---右手对多数人来说更有力一些。If our right hand is busy greeting someone, it cannot be holding a weapon.假如右手用于忙着与人打招呼就不可能握武器。So the gesture is saying, “I trust you.Look, I'm not carrying a threatening weapon.” 因此,这种手势的意思是 “我信任你,瞧,我没带威胁性的武器”,If you shake hands with someone, you show you trust them.假如你和人握手,就是在表明你信任他们。We shake hands when we make a deal.It means, “We agree and we trust each other.” 我们在做交易时与人握手,意思就是 “我们达成了协议,相互信任”
Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person, but they always involve the hands.亚洲人打招呼是不接触他人身体的,但他们要用手。Traditionally in China, when we greet someone, we put the right hand over the left and bow slightly.与人打招呼时,中国人的传统方式;右手放在左手上,拱手,稍稍躬身而行礼。Muslims give a “salaam”, where they touch their heart, mouth and forehead.穆斯林行额手鞠躬礼,用手触左胸、嘴和额。Hindus join their hands and bow their heads in respect.印度,双手交合,恭敬地鞠躬。In all of these examples, the hands are busy with the greeting and cannot hold a weapon.在上述例子中,手部在忙于打招呼,不可能拿武器。
Even today, when some people have very informal styles of greeting, they still use their hands as a gesture of trust.即使是现在,人们在非正式场合打招呼时,还会用手来表示信任对方。American youths often greet each other with the expression, “Give me five!” 美国青年常常说,“击掌” 来打招呼。One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread.说完后这个人举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。The other person raises his hand and slaps the other's open hand above the head in a “high five”.另一个人同样举起手,拍打对方举过头顶的手。Nowadays, it is quite a common greeting.这是现代常见的打招呼方式。Body language is fascinating for anyone to study.身势语对于任何研究者来说都具有吸引力。People give away much more by their gestures than by their words.人们通过姿势表达的意思要比通过话语表达巧更多。Look at your friends and family and see if you are a mind reader!看看你的朋友和家人,你能洞悉他们的心思吗?
4.必修四Module 4 The Student Who Asked Questions问问题的学生 In a hungry world rice is a staple food and China is the world’s largest producer.在当前的世界,水稻是主要食粮。中国是世界上最大的水稻产地。Rice is also grown in may other Asian countries, and in some European counties like Italy.亚洲其他国家和一些欧洲国家比如意大利等,也种植水稻。In the rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading key.在水稻种植界,中国科学家袁隆平是一位重要人士。
Yuan Longping was born and brought up in China.袁隆平生长在中国。As a boy he was educated in many schools and was given the nickname, “the student who asks questions”.小时候,他在许多学校读过书,得了个“问问题的学生”的绰号。From an early age he was interested in plants.袁隆平从小就对植物感兴趣。He studied agriculture in college and as a young teacher he began experiments in crop breeding.他在大学里研究农学。作为一个年轻的教师,他开始了作物育种的实验。He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.他想,养活世人的关键是更多更快地生产水稻。He thought there was only one way to do this-----by crossing different species of rice plant, and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.他认为,唯一的办法是使不同种类的水稻杂交,这样就能产生比原先任何一种水稻产量部要高的新品种。
First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice.首先,袁隆平对不同种类的水稻进行实验。The results of his experiments were published in China in 1966.1966年,他的研究成果在中国发表。Then he began his search for a special type of rice plant.接着,他开始寻找一种特殊的稻种。It had to be male.It had to be sterile.这种稻种必须是雄性的,必须是不结果的(译者注:它属于生物学所称的“雄性不育系”)。Finally, in 1970 a naturally sterile male rice plant was discovered.最后,在1970年,一种天然的雄性不育稻种被发现,This was the breakthrough.这是一个突破性的发现。Researchers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system.全国各地的研究者们被召集在一起开发新的水稻种。The research was supported by the government.研究得到了政府的赞助。As a result of Yuan Longping's discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990's.由于袁隆平的发现,中国的水稻产量在20世纪90年代增长了47.5%。There were other advantages too.50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables and other cash crops.还有其他的益处,5万平方公里原来的稻田现在被用来种植蔬菜和其他经济作物。Following this, Yuan Longping's rice was exported to other countries, such as Pakistan and the Philippines.除此以外,袁隆平研制的水稻还出口到巴基斯坦和菲律宾等国家。In Pakistan rice is the second most important crop after wheat and will be grown in many parts of the country.在巴基斯坦,水稻是继小麦之后的第二种最重要的作物并将在许多地方种植。The new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural Company of China.中国袁隆平高科技农业公司已开发出一种新的杂交水稻。Its yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.这种杂交水稻的产量远高于种植于巴基斯的坦其他种类的水稻。
5.必修四Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges三峡之旅
In August1996, Peter Hessler, a young American teacher of English, arrived in the town of Puling on the Yangtze River.1996年8月,一位年轻的美国英语教师彼得·赫斯勒,来到长江之滨的涪陵。He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.他和另一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院任教两年。They were the only foreigners in the town.整个城里只有他们两名外国人。The first semester finished at the end of January and they had four weeks off for the Spring Festival.They could go anywhere they wished.元月底,第一学期结束了,他们有四周的春节假期,可以随处旅游。They decided to take a boat downstream.他们决定顺流而下。
We decided to buy tickets for the jiangyou boat.我们打算买到“江油号”的船票。Our colleagues said, “You shouldn't go on those ships.同事们说:”你们不要坐那种船。They are very crowded.它们太拥挤,They are mainly for goods and people trading along the river.主要是用来运货的。乘客多是沿江做生意的人。They don't stop at the temples and there won't be any other foreigners.“ 那些船不停靠庙宇,也不会有别的外国游人乘坐。” That sounded fine to me.我觉得听起来还不错。We just had to show our passports and they let us get on the boat.我们出示护照后便上了船。
We left the docks on a beautiful afternoon.在一个美丽的午后,我们离开码头。The sun was shining brightly as we sailed downstream through a hilly region.当我们顺流而下穿过山区的时候,阳光很灿烂。Men rode bamboo rafts along the river's edge and coal boats went past.男人们乘坐着江边的竹筏,运煤的小船来来往往。As the sun set we docked at Fengdu.太阳落山时,我们的船在丰都靠岸。We could see the sun setting behind the white pagoda.It was beautiful.我们目睹太阳在白塔后西沉,美丽极了。
We slept through the first gorge, which is called the Qutang Gorge.穿过长江第一峡崔塘峡时,我们正在睡梦中。The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high mountains.江水在两英里高的峰峦间奔流,峡谷窄处只有巧350英尺。“Oh, well,” my friend said, “at least we have two more left.” 我朋友说:“至少我们能看见另外两个峡谷。”
As Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the smaller gorges.船到巫山时,我们绕道溯游大宁河,观赏了几处小峡谷。The next day we went through the big gorges on the Yangtze River.第二天,我们经过了长江的大峡谷。It was a lovely morning as we went through the Wu Gorge.在一个美丽的上午轮船驶过巫峡。We passed the Xiang River, home of Qu Yuan, the 3rd century BC poet.我们还经过了湘江,那是公元前三世纪一位诗人---屈原的家乡。There was so much history along the Yangtze River.长江有太多的历史。Every rock looked like a person or animal, every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, every hill was heavy with the past.块块巨石形象各异,条条支流部流淌着传说,座座小山承载着过往。
As we came out of the third gorge, the Xiling Gorge, we sailed into the construction site of the dam.穿过长江第三峡西陵峡后,轮船驶入大坝建设处的江面。All the passengers came on deck.We took pictures and pointed at the site, but we weren't allowed to get off the boat.所有的乘客都上了甲板,大家拍照片,对着工地指指点点,但不可以下船。The Chinese flag was blowing in the wind.五星红旗在风中飘扬着。On a distant mountain was a sign in 20-foot characters.“Build the Three Gorges Dam, Exploit the Yangtze River,” it said.远山上写着20英尺大的汉字“建造三峡大坝,开发长江资源”。
6.必修四Module 6 The Monster of the Lake Tianchi天池里的怪物 The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings.在最近儿次露面后,中国东北吉林省长白山的“天池怪物”又成了新闻。The director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying, said the monster, which seemed to be black in color, was ten meters from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting.据当地的的旅游办室主任盂凡迎介绍,最近有人看见怪物就在离湖边十米的地方,怪物的颜色似乎是黑色的。“It jumped out of the water like a seal---about 200 people on Changbai's western peak saw it,” he said.他说:“大约有两百多人从长白山的西峰看见过怪物,它像海豹一样跃出水面。”Although no one really got a clear look at the mysterious creature, Xuejunlin, a local photographer, claimed that its head looked like a horse.尽管谁也没有清楚这神秘怪物的真面目,但当地一位摄影师薛俊林声称:怪物的头看起来像马头。“
In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal moving on the surface of the water.最近另有一次,一群战士证实:他们看见湖的水面上有东西在游动。The soldiers, who were walking along the side of the lake, watched the creature swimming for about two minutes.正在湖边行走的战士看见怪物游弋了大约两分钟。”It was greenish-black and had a round head with lo-centimeter horns“, one of the soldiers said.其中一名战士说;”怪物的颜色浅绿带黑,圆形的头上有十厘米左右的角。"
A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who was visiting the lake with his family.又一次报导来自李小和,当时他和家人正在湖边游玩。He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.After three or four hundred meters it dived into the water.他说他看见圆形黑色的东西在湖面快速游过三四百米后潜人水中。Ten minutes later the monster appeared again and repeated the action.十分钟后,怪物再次出现,并重复了相同的动作。Mr.Li Xiaohe said that he and his family were able to see the monster clearly because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.李小和先生说他和家人看清楚了怪物,因为当时天气好,湖水平静。There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up.自上世纪初以来,一直就有关于天池怪物的报导,尽管还不曾有人近距离目睹过。Some photos have been taken but they are not clear because it was too far away.虽然拍有怪物的一些照片,但由于距离太远,看起来模糊不清。Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland.许多人认为,天池里的怪物或许是苏格兰尼斯湖中怪物的远亲。They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world.他们还认为,在世界其他地方的湖泊中可能也有类似的怪物。Scientists, however, are skeptical.然而,科学家们表示怀疑。They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.他们说,温度低的湖中不可能存活如此大的生物。
Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world.It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometres.In places it is more than 370 metres deep.天池是世界上最高的火山湖,海拔2,189米,面积有10平方公里,有的地方水深达370米。
第三篇:外研版高中英语必修4Module1-Module6 Cultural Corner课文逐句翻译
M1-M6 B4 Cultural Corner 课文逐句翻译
M1B4 Cultural Corner Famous Last Words没有实现的著名预言
Not all predictions come true.并非所有的预言都能成真。Many of them are wrong, and some are very wrong.许多预言是错的,并且有些还是大错特错。Here are just a few of the bad predictions people made in the twentieth century about the twenty-first century:下面就是人们在20世纪对21世纪所作出的一些错误的预言: AIRPLANES飞机
“No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris.”“将不会有从纽约飞往巴黎的飞机。”
Orville Wright, 1908.奥维尔·赖特,1908。
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”“我认为将会有一个大约有五台电脑的世界市场。”
Thomas Waston, chairman of IBM, 1943.托马斯·沃森,IBM主席,1943。
“Thirty years from now people will be wearing clothes made of paper which they will be able to throw away after wearing them two or three times.”“从现在起30年后人们将穿纸制的衣服,穿过两三次后就可以把它们扔掉。”
Changing Times Magazine, 1957.《流年杂志》,1957。
“With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970's, work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when they're on the moon.”“因为预测在20世纪70年代会有第一批到月球的移民,现在正在修建几种类型的建筑物,当人类在月球上时,他们需要住在里面。”
Arnold B.Barach in The Changes to Come, 1962.阿诺德·B.贝拉克在《未来变化》中,1962。
“We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.”“我们不喜欢他们的歌声,吉他音乐即将过时。”
Decca Recording Co.rejecting the Beatles, 1962.反对甲壳虫乐队的台卡唱片公司,1962。
“By the year 2000, housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top, several arms and hands, and long narrow pads on the side for moving about.”“到2000年之前,家庭主妇们可能会有一个盒状的机器人,它的顶部有一只大眼睛,它还有几只胳膊和手,身体两边还有又长又窄的用来四处移动的脚。”
New York Times, 1966.《纽约时报》,1966。
“By the mid-1980's no one will ever need to hide a key under the doormat again, because there won't be any keys.”“到20纪世80年代中期人们将没有必要把钥匙藏在门口的擦鞋垫下面了,因为那时将不会有钥匙了。”
Computer scientist Christopher Evans,The Micro Millennium, 1979.电脑科学家克里斯多弗埃文斯,《微机黄金时代》,1979。
M1B4 Cultural Corner Famous Last Words Not all predictions come true.Many of them are wrong, and some are very wrong.Here are just a few of the bad predictions people made in the twentieth century about the twenty-first century: AIRPLANES “No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris.”
Orville Wright, 1908.COMPUTERS “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”
Thomas Waston, chairman of IBM, 1943.CLOTHES “Thirty years from now people will be wearing clothes made of paper which they will be able to throw away after wearing them two or three times.”
Changing Times Magazine, 1957.MEN ON THE MOON “With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970's, work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when they're on the moon.”
Arnold B.Barach in The Changes to Come, 1962.THE BEATLES “We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.”
Decca Recording Co.rejecting the Beatles, 1962.ROBOTS IN THE HOUSE “By the year 2000, housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top, several arms and hands, and long narrow pads on the side for moving about.”
New York Times, 1966.KEYS “By the mid-1980's no one will ever need to hide a key under the doormat again, because there won't be any keys.”
Computer scientist Christopher Evans,The Micro Millennium, 1979.M1B4 Cultural Corner译文
没有实现的著名预言 并非所有的预言都能成真。许多预言是错的,并且有些还是大错特错。下面就是人们在20世纪对21世纪所作出的一些错误的预言: 飞机
“将不会有从纽约飞往巴黎的飞机。” 奥维尔·赖特,1908。电脑
“我认为将会有一个大约有五台电脑的世界市场。” 托马斯·沃森,IBM主席,1943。衣服
“从现在起30年后人们将穿纸制的衣服,穿过两三次后就可以把它们扔掉。” 《流年杂志》,1957。月球上的人类
“我们不喜欢他们的歌声,吉他音乐即将过时。” 反对甲壳虫乐队的台卡唱片公司,1962。家庭机器人
M2B4 Cultural Corner
The London Congestion Charge伦敦的交通拥堵费
Beijing isn't the only city with traffic problems.北京不是唯一有交通阻塞问题的城市。You can get stuck in a traffic jam anywhere in the world.在世界任何地方你都可能遭遇堵车。The worst problems occur in cities which are growing fast, such as Sao Paolo in Brazil and Lagos in Nigeria.发展快的城市问题最严重,如巴西的圣保罗和尼日利亚的拉各斯。But even cities in developed countries such as the US suffer.Los Angeles, which was built with the motor car in mind, 但甚至在一些像美国这样的发达国家的城市里也有这样的问题。洛杉矶,and is famous for its six-lane highways, is now the USA's most congested city.一座在建设时就考虑了机动车辆并以其六车道公路闻名的城市,现在却是美国交通最拥挤的城市。
In Europe most capital cities were planned and built before cars, 大多数欧洲的首都城市在小汽车大量涌现之前就已规划建设好了,and city centre traffic jams have been part of daily life for a long time.因此市中心的堵车长久以来成为人们日常生活的一部分。The situation in central London, where drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues, became so bad that the local government decided to do something about it.伦敦市中心的交通状况变得如此糟糕,司机们要用
50%的时间来排队,于是当地政府决定就此采取一些措施。In February 2003 the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, introduced a “congestion charge”—a tax for cars entering the centre of the city.200
The idea is simple: every car coming into the centre has to pay £5 a day.想法很简单:每辆进入市中心的车一天要交5英镑的费用。Drivers can pay the charge at any of 10,000 pay points in the capital before 10 p.m.司机们可以在晚上10点之前在首都的10000个收费点中的任何一个上缴该费用。As the cars come into the centre, video cameras record their registration numbers, and these are checked with a list of drivers who have paid the charge for that day.进入市区的小汽车都会被摄像机拍下车牌号码,用以检查当天司机是否缴费。People who do not pay the charge will face a fine of £80.不缴费者将会面临80英磅的罚款。Most Londoners are not happy with the idea.大多数伦敦人对此都不开心。They agree that London has a traffic problem, but the congestion charge is expensive, and limits their freedom...他们承认伦敦存在交通问题,但是“交通拥堵费”太高,而且限制了他们的自由„„
But does the congestion charge work? 但是“交通拥堵费”发挥作用了吗?A survey carried out at the end of 2003 suggests it does.2003
年年底进行的一项调查结果显示效果很不错。After only six months, traffic coming into central London was reduced by about 30 percent, and journey times by 15 percent.仅仅只是6个月之后,进入伦敦市中心的车减少了约30%,旅程的次数减少了15%。More people used public transport to get to work, and bicycles were suddenly very popular.更多的人乘公共交通工具上班,自行车突然流行起来。What's more, central London shops did not lose business even though there were fewer cars.更值得一提的是,虽然车少了,但伦敦市中心的商铺并没有减少营业额。
But there are a few people who think the charge should be much higher, for example rich businessmen who work in the city centre and can easily afford it.但是,有些人认为收费应该更高,(因为)像那些在市中心工作的富有的商务人士能轻松支付此项费用。This would keep even more cars out of central London, and the roads would be nearly empty.这(收费更高)会避免更多的车辆进入伦敦市中心,道路也几乎会是空的。However, there are no plans to increase the charge.但是,伦敦还没有提高该费用的计划。
M2B4 Cultural Corner译文
M2B4 Cultural Corner The London Congestion Charge Beijing isn't the only city with traffic problems.You can get stuck in a traffic jam anywhere in the world.The worst problems occur in cities which are growing fast, such as Sao Paolo in Brazil and Lagos in Nigeria.But even cities in developed countries such as the US suffer.Los Angeles, which was built with the motor car in mind, and is famous for its six-lane highways, is now the USA's most congested city.In Europe most capital cities were planned and built before cars, and city centre traffic jams have been part of daily life for a long time.The situation in central London, where drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues, became so bad that the local government decided to do something about it.In February 2003 the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, introduced a “congestion charge”—a tax for cars entering the centre of the city.The idea is simple: every car coming into the centre has to pay £5 a day.Drivers can pay the charge at any of 10,000 pay points in the capital before 10 p.m.As the cars come into the centre, video cameras record their registration numbers, and these are checked with a list of drivers who have paid the charge for that day.People who do not pay the charge will face a fine of £80.Most Londoners are not happy with the idea.They agree that London has a traffic problem, but the congestion charge is expensive, and limits their freedom...But does the congestion charge work? A survey carried out at the end of 2003 suggests it does.After only six months, traffic coming into central London was reduced by about 30 percent, and journey times by 15 percent.More people used public transport to get to work, and bicycles were suddenly very popular.What's more, central London shops did not lose business even though there were fewer cars.But there are a few people who think the charge should be much higher, for example rich businessmen who work in the city centre and can easily afford it.This would keep even more cars out of central London, and the roads would be nearly empty.However, there are no plans to increase the charge.M2B4 Cultural Corner译文 伦敦的交通拥堵费
M3 B4 Cultural Corner
Why do we clap? 我们为什么鼓掌?To show we like something, of course.当然是为了表示我们喜欢某件东西。But we don't clap at the end of a television programme or a book, however good they are.但不论一个电视节目或一本书有多好,在结束时我们都不鼓掌。We clap at the end of a live performance, such as a play, or a concert, to say thank you to the performers.我们在现场表演,如戏剧或音乐会结束时鼓掌,以表示对演出者的感谢。First they give, and then we give.首先他们给予精彩的表演,然后我们给予热烈的掌声。Without us—the audience—the performance would not be complete.没有我们——观众——表演就是不完整的。
The custom of clapping has early beginnings.鼓掌的习俗很早就开始了。In classical Athens, applause meant judgement and taking part.在古代雅典,掌声意味着评判和参与。Plays were often in competition with each other, and prolonged clapping helped a play to win.戏剧常常是彼此竞争的,延长的掌声可以帮助某出戏剧获胜。The theatre was large—it could hold 14,000 people,剧场很大——可容纳14000人,half the adult male population of the city, which meant that the audience could make a lot of noise.是城市成年男性人口的一半,这就意味着观众们可以制造出很多声响。
Applause was a sign of being part of the community, and of equality between actors and audience.掌声是一个人成为团体一员的标志,是演员与观众平等的标志。The important thing was to make the noise together, to add one's own small handclap to others.重要的是整齐地制造声响,将一个人微弱的鼓掌声与其他人的融合起来。Clapping is social, like laughter:鼓掌具有其社会性,就像笑声: you don't very often clap or laugh out loud alone.你独自一人时不会经常鼓掌或大笑。It is like laughter in another way, too:鼓掌在另一方面也很像笑声: it is infectious, and spreads very quickly.会传染,而且传播得很快。Clapping at concerts and theatres is a universal habit.在音乐会上和剧场里鼓掌是世界性的习惯。But some occasions on which people clap change from one country to another.但是每个国家人们鼓掌的习惯在某些场合是不同的。For example, in Britain people clap at a wedding, but in Italy they sometimes clap at a funeral.例如,在英国人们在婚礼上鼓掌,而在意大利人们有时会在葬礼上鼓掌。
M3 B4 Cultural Corner
Clapping Why do we clap? To show we like something, of course.But we don't clap at the end of a television programme or a book, however good they are.We clap at the end of a live performance, such as a play, or a concert, to say thank you to the performers.First they give, and then we give.Without us—the audience—the performance would not be complete.The custom of clapping has early beginnings.In classical Athens, applause meant judgement and taking part.Plays were often in competition with each other, and prolonged clapping helped a play to win.The theatre was large—it could hold 14,000 people, half the adult male population of the city, which meant that the audience could make a lot of noise.Applause was a sign of being part of the community, and of equality between actors and audience.The important thing was to make the noise together, to add one's own small handclap to others.Clapping is social, like laughter: you don't very often clap or laugh out loud alone.It is like laughter in another way, too: it is infectious, and spreads very quickly.Clapping at concerts and theatres is a universal habit.But some occasions on which people clap change from one country to another.For example, in Britain people clap at a wedding, but in Italy they sometimes clap at a funeral.M3B4 Cultural Corner译文
M4 B4 Cultural Corner
Today rockets are very advanced machines which we can use to send astronauts into space.今天,火箭是我们用来将宇航员送入太空的非常先进的机器。They are also used in firework displays to celebrate great events, such as the end of the Olympic Games or the beginning of the new millennium in the year 2000.它们也被用在庆祝重大事件的焰火表演中,像奥运会的闭幕式或2000年新千年的开始。
Rockets were probably invented by accident about 2,000 years ago.火箭大概是大约两千年前被偶然发明出来的。The Chinese had a form of gunpowder
which was put in bamboo tubes and thrown into fires to make explosions during festivals.中国人有一种装在竹管里的火药,这种火药是节日中被用来扔进火里爆炸的。Perhaps some of the tubes jumped out of the fire instead of exploding in it.也许一些竹管从火堆里蹿了出来,而不是在里面炸开。The Chinese discovered that the gas escaping from the tube could lift it into the air.中国人发现从竹管里释放出来的气体可以使其飞向空中。The idea of the rocket was born.于是关于火箭的想法诞生了。
The first military use of rockets was in 1232.火箭第一次被用于军事上是在1232年。The Song Dynasty was at war with the Mongols.那时宋朝正与蒙古作战。During the battle of Kaifeng, the Song army shot “arrows of flying fire”.在开封战役中,宋军射出了“飞火箭”。The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.这些竹管被绑到一根长棍上,这根长棍可帮助火箭沿笔直的方向飞行。Soon the Mongols learned how to make rockets themselves and it is possible that they introduced them to Europe.不久,蒙古人学会了怎样自己制造火箭,并且可能是他们将其引入欧洲的。Between the 13th and 15th centuries there were many rocket experiments in England, France and Italy.在13世纪到15世纪期间,在英国、法国和意大利有很多关于火箭的实验。They were used for military purposes.One Italian scientist even invented a rocket which could travel over the surface of water and hit an enemy ship.它们都用于军事目的。一个意大利科学家甚至发明了一种可以飞过水面打中敌舰的火箭。
But not everybody wanted to use rockets in battles.但并不是每个人都想将火箭用于战争。Wan Hu, a Chinese government official, invented a flying chair.一个名叫万户的中国官员发明了一种“飞椅”。He attached two big kites to the chair, and 47 rockets to the kites.他把两个大风筝绑到椅子上,又把47个火箭绑一风筝上。The rockets were lit, there was a huge explosion and clouds of thick smoke.火箭被点燃了,发生了巨大的爆炸,出现了厚厚的浓烟。When the smoke cleared Wan Hu and his chair had disappeared.当烟雾消散时,万户和他的椅子已经不见。No one knows what happened.没有人知道发生了什么。Did Wan Hu die in the explosion? 万户被炸死了?Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the world's first astronaut?还是他被载入了数英里远的太空而成为世界上第一个宇航员了呢?
M4 B4 Cultural Corner
Rockets Today rockets are very advanced machines which we can use to send astronauts into space.They are also used in firework displays to celebrate great events, such as the end of the Olympic Games or the beginning of the new millennium in the year 2000.Rockets were probably invented by accident about 2,000 years ago.The Chinese had a form of gunpowder which was put in bamboo tubes and thrown into fires to make explosions during festivals.Perhaps some of the tubes jumped out of the fire instead of exploding in it.The Chinese discovered that the gas escaping from the tube could lift it into the air.The idea of the rocket was born.The first military use of rockets was in 1232.The Song Dynasty was at war with the Mongols.During the battle of Kaifeng, the Song army shot “arrows of flying fire”.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction.Soon the Mongols learned how to make rockets themselves and it is possible that they introduced them to Europe.Between the 13th and 15th centuries there were many rocket experiments in England, France and Italy.They were used for military purposes.One Italian scientist even invented a rocket which could travel over the surface of water and hit an enemy ship.But not everybody wanted to use rockets in battles.Wan Hu, a Chinese government official, invented a flying chair.He attached two big kites to the chair, and 47 rockets to the kites.The rockets were lit, there was a huge explosion and clouds of thick smoke.When the smoke cleared Wan Hu and his chair had disappeared.No one knows what happened.Did Wan Hu die in the explosion? Or was he carried miles into space, becoming the world's first astronaut?
M4B4 Cultural Corner译文
火箭 今天,火箭是我们用来将宇航员送入太空的非常先进的机器。它们也被用在庆祝重大事件的焰火表演中,像奥运会的闭幕式或2000年新千年的开始。
M5B4 Cultural Corner
Postcards to Myself给自己的明信片
In 50 years of travelling Colin McCorquodale has visited every country in the world, except three.在50年的旅行中,科林麦科克代尔已经游览过除三个国家以外的世界各国。And everywhere he goes, he sends himself a postcard.无论他去哪儿,他都给自己寄一张明信片。He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp.他总是选一张有着美丽风景的明信片。并贴上一枚有趣的邮票。Usually he writes just a short message to himself.His latest one, from the Malvinas islands, reads Good fishing.通常他只是给自己写一条简短的信息。他最近的一张明信片来自马尔维纳斯群岛,上面写着“钓鱼很好”。
On a wall in his home in London there is a large map of the world.在伦敦他家里的一面墙上有一张大的世界地图。There are hundreds of little red pins stuck in it.上面扎着数百个红色的小别针。“It's good to get a pin in the map,” says Mr McCorquodale, “在地图上扎个别针很好,”麦科克代尔先生说,“but I follow the rules.I'm allowed to stick one in only if I've been in a place for more than 24 hours.”“但我遵守规定。只有当我在一个地方待24个小时以上,我才允许自己扎一个。”
Naturally, Mr McCorquodale has his favourite places.自然,麦科克代尔先生有他最喜欢的地方。New Zealand he describes as “wonderful”.他用“妙极了”来形容新西兰。In Europe, Italy is a favourite place.在欧洲,意大利是他最喜欢的地方。“There's a saying in the travel trade that all tourists are ripped off.“在旅游业有一种说法是所有的游客都被敲了竹杠。Well, at least the Italians rip you off with a smile.” 不过,至少意大利人是面带微笑地敲你的竹杠。”Of China he says,“This is one country in the world which is completely different.对于中国,他说:“在这世界上这是一个完全与众不同的国家。There's no European influence.It's been around for 6,000 years, yet it's a country of the future.”它没有受到欧洲的影响。它已经存在了6000年,但仍然是一个充满未来的国家。”
Wherever he goes, Mr McCorquodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a torch, a shirt with a secret pocket, and a pen for writing his postcards.不管到哪里,麦科克代尔先生都带着妻子的一张照片、一根蜡烛、一个手电筒、一件有着一个隐秘口袋的衬衫,还有一支用来写明信片的钢笔。
So why does he do it? 那么他为什么要这样做呢?For the postcards or the travel? 是为了明信片还是为了旅行?Mr McCorquodale laughs.麦科克代尔先生笑了。“I do it for the journey,” he says.“I get a kick out of travelling.And all the planning.”“为了旅行,”他说。“我喜欢旅行以及所有的计划。”
M5B4 Cultural Corner
Postcards to Myself
In 50 years of travelling Colin McCorquodale has visited every country in the world, except three.And everywhere he goes, he sends himself a postcard.He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp.Usually he writes just a short message to himself.His latest one, from the Malvinas islands, reads Good fishing.On a wall in his home in London there is a large map of the world.There are hundreds of little red pins stuck in it.“It's good to get a pin in the map,” says Mr McCorquodale, “but I follow the rules.I'm allowed to stick one in only if I've been in a place for more than 24 hours.” Naturally, Mr McCorquodale has his favourite places.New Zealand he describes as “wonderful”.In Europe, Italy is a favourite place.“There's a saying in the travel trade that all tourists are ripped off.Well, at least the Italians rip you off with a smile.” Of China he says,“This is one country in the world which is completely different.There's no European influence.It's been around for 6,000 years, yet it's a country of the future.” Wherever he goes, Mr McCorquodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a torch, a shirt with a secret pocket, and a pen for writing his postcards.So why does he do it? For the postcards or the travel? Mr McCorquodale laughs.“I do it for the journey,” he says.“I get a kick out of travelling.And all the planning.” M5B4 Cultural Corner译文
M6B4 Cultural Corner
The Universal Dragon世界上的龙
Dragons can be friendly or fierce, 龙可能是友好的也可能是凶猛的,they can bring good luck or cause death and destruction, 可能会带来好运也可能带来死亡与毁坏,but one thing is sure—people talk about them almost everywhere in the world.但有一点是确定的——几乎世界上所有地方的人都谈论它们。For a creature that doesn't actually exist, that's quite something.对于一种实际上并不存在的生物,那是非同寻常的。
In Chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise, although they can be unpredictable.在中国的文化里,龙是慷慨和智慧的,尽管它们也许是变化莫测的。The dragon was closely connected to the royal family:龙跟皇室家族是紧密联系在一起的: the emperor's robes have a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws.皇袍上有一个五爪金龙的标志。Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and of a different colour.皇室其他成员也被允许穿带有龙的标志的服装,但爪子要少,颜色也不同。According to popular belief, if you were born in the year of the dragon, you are intelligent, brave, and a natural leader.根据大众的看法,如果出生在龙年,你就聪明、勇敢,并且是天生的领导者。
But in the west, dragons had a different reputation.但在西方,龙有不同的名声。The very first text in English, the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, tells the story of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, 最早的英语文章是盎格鲁一撒克逊人的诗《贝奥武夫》,它讲述了这样一个故事:who fights and kills a dangerous dragon but is himself killed in the fight.一位斯堪的纳维亚英雄贝奥武夫与一条危险的龙战斗并杀死了它,可英雄自己也死于战斗中。However, across the border in Wales, the red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national identity.然而,越过威尔士的边境,出现在威尔士国旗上的红色的龙则是一个正面象征,暗示着力量与民族特性的认同感。
Why should the dragon have a different character in different parts of the world? 为什么龙在世界不同地区有不同的特征?Some experts believe it is due to the animals the myths grew out of.一些专家认为是由于这些神话所借助的动物的不同(才有了不同的认识)。In the west, the idea of the dragon probably came from the snake—an animal which people hated and were afraid of.在西方,龙的概念可能来自蛇——一种人们既憎慨又害怕的动物。
But in China, the idea of the dragon may have come from the alligator—a shy animal which lives in rivers,而在中国,龙的概念可能来自短吻鳄——一种生活在江河里的害羞的动物,but which is usually only seen when there is plenty of water—a good sign for agriculture.但它通常只能在水源充沛的时候才能见到——这对农业来说是好兆头。So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of good fortune.因此,中国的龙是带来好运的使者。
M6B4 Cultural Corner
The Universal Dragon Dragons can be friendly or fierce, they can bring good luck or cause death and destruction, but one thing is sure—people talk about them almost everywhere in the world.For a creature that doesn't actually exist, that's quite something.In Chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise, although they can be unpredictable.The dragon was closely connected to the royal family: the emperor's robes have a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws.Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and of a different colour.According to popular belief, if you were born in the year of the dragon, you are intelligent, brave, and a natural leader.But in the west, dragons had a different reputation.The very first text in English, the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, tells the story of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, who fights and kills a dangerous dragon but is himself killed in the fight.However, across the border in Wales, the red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a
positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national identity.Why should the dragon have a different character in different parts of the world? Some experts believe it is due to the animals the myths grew out of.In the west, the idea of the dragon probably came from the snake—an animal which people hated and were afraid of.But in China, the idea of the dragon may have come from the alligator—a shy animal which lives in rivers, but which is usually only seen when there is plenty of water—a good sign for agriculture.So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of good fortune.M6B4 Cultural Corner译文
Module 1未来的城市
Module 2 行在北京 出租车
北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线也正在建设之中。地铁方便快捷,但在高峰期,情况会很糟糕。地铁票价单程为三元,站名用拼音标注,运营时间为上午5点到晚上11点。三轮脚踏车 游客们喜欢这些人力驱动的“三轮脚踏车”,但价格可能会较贵。因此坐之前要先弄清楚价格,明确价钱是否按人数计算、是单程还是往返双程的问题。如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。
Module 3 身势语 说起“交流”,大多数人会想到单词或句子,虽然单词与句子十分重要,但我们并不只是用口语和书面语进行交流,身体的姿态是我们所称的“身势语”的一部分。我们经常看到无意识的身势语,但也有“习得”的身势语。习得的身势语在不同的文化中各不相同。
Module 4问问题的学生
Module 5 三峡之旅
穿过长江第一峡——瞿塘峡时,我们正在睡梦中。江水在两英里高的峰恋间奔流,峡谷狭窄处只有350英尺。我朋友说:“至少我们能看见另外两个峡谷。” 船到巫山时,我们绕道溯游大宁河,观赏了几处小峡谷。第二天,我们经过了长江的大峡谷。在一个美丽的上午轮船驶过巫峡。我们还经过了湘江,那是公元前三世纪一位诗人——屈原的家乡。长江有太多的历史。块块巨石形象各异,条条支流都流淌着传说,座座小山承载着过往。穿过长江第三峡——西陵峡后,轮船驶入大坝建设处的江面。所有的乘客都上了甲板,大家拍照片,对着工地指指点点,但不可以下船。五星红旗在风中飘扬着。远山上写着20英尺大的汉字“建造三峡大坝,开发长江资源”。
Module 6 天池里的怪物
必修5课文翻译 Module British and American English Words,Words,Words
英式英语和美式英语在很多方面是不同的。首先,最为明显的方面是在词汇方面。有成百上千的不同的词在大西洋彼岸是不被使用的或以不同的意思被使用。有一些词是非常有名的,美国人在高速公路上驾驶时给车(automobile 汽车)加油加的是gas;而英国人通常来给车加油用的是petrol(汽油)。做为一个游客,你在伦敦将会使用underground來指地铁或在纽约使用subway,或许你将会更愿意选择用出租车taxi(英国)或 cab(美国)来游览城市。Chips or French fries?
但是其他词语和表达方式没有这麽广泛的被人所知。美国人把手电筒成为flashlight然而在英国,它被称做torch(火炬,火把;喷灯,吹管;光芒)。在英国英语当中,排队要用queue up 而在美国要用stand in line。有的时候同一个单词在意义上有轻微差别,这和种差别有事会使人疑惑不解。例如:Chips 在英国中指的是油炸的或热炸的薯条;在美国,Chips 是非常薄的并且是放在袋里出售的。英国人称它为Crisps英国人所熟悉并喜欢的这中薯条在大西洋彼岸却被称之为French fries。
Have or have got ?
在语法方面英式英语和美式英语也有一些不同。英国人通常说“have you got...?”而美国人更愿意使用“Do you have...?”一个美国人通常会说“My friend has just arrived.”但是一个英国人通常会说“My friend has just arrived.”介词的用法也有一定不同:我们可以比较一下,在美式英语中用on the team ,on the weekend 在英式英语中用in the team ,at the weekend。英国人用介词的地方美国人有时会省略掉(I’ll see you Monday;Write me soon!)。Colour or color?
此外,在两中英语中另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音。美国人拼写看起来似乎简单些:center, color和programme。自从四百多年以前第一批移民到来有很多的因素影响着美式发音。这个与英式英语非常相似的口音能够在美国东海岸被听到。当爱尔兰的作家乔治.萧伯纳 将这个“英国和美国是被一个语言分开两个民族”这句名言时,他显然想到了他们之间的差别。但是这些区别真的很重要吗?毕竟两个国家境内口音的差别可能和两个两国之间的口音差别可能一样多。伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人说话要比纽约人更难。Turn on the TV
然而,如果你打开美国电视网络的节目CNN的时候,你会发现新闻播报员也好、天气预报员也好他们都发着不同的口音,美国的、英国的、澳大利亚的甚至是西班牙的。最出名的之一是出生在中国香港的“Monita Rajpal”从小到大说的是汉语、印度的土语和英语。
必修5课文翻译 Module
A job worth doing
The human traffic signal(人体交通标志)
必修5课文翻译 Module Adventure in literature and the cinema The steamboat
吉姆说:“我可不想上一座快要沉了的船”,但是当我提出我们可能在上面找到一些有用的东西时,他同意去了。于是我们就划船过去,爬上汽船并像老鼠一样安静。使我们惊讶的是,有一间船舱的灯亮着。之后我们听到有人在呼喊,“oh 请不要杀我!我不会告诉任何人!”
当他听到这些,那个在地上被吓傻的人开始哭。“听起来,他就要 被吓死了!”我想,“我要找一种方法去帮他”。
必修5课文翻译 Module Carnival The magic of the mask
今天,威尼斯的狂欢节会在二月开始持续五天。来自欧洲各地的人们都会来着尽情的享受狂欢节的乐趣。旅店被订满狭窄的街道被穿着美丽服饰的人所积满。德语、法语、英语似乎成了主要语言。但是威尼斯狂欢节和美国的狂欢节是有很大不同的。如果里约热内卢主要的 是音乐和游行,而在威尼斯则是神秘的面具。当你走在街上时你会看到成千上万的面具----精美的、令人恐惧的、悲伤的、有趣的、传统的、现代的,但是你却不知道面具之后的脸你却不知道。没有人把面具摘下,如果面具摘掉了的话,魔力就消失了。
必修5课文翻译 Module The great sports personality A life in sport
但是当李宁退役时他的目标并不是赚钱。他的理想而是开办体操学校。在1991年他做到了这一点。自从那里开始他开始持续不断的帮助年轻人去实现他们的体育梦想。在他之前,球王贝利和拳王阿里在联合国为儿童权利和世界和平工作了很多年,李宁发现做为一名杰出 的运动员退役的时候不是结束而是开始。正像李宁广告语所说的“如果你是一名杰出的运动员,一切皆有可能”。