
时间:2019-05-12 08:22:31下载本文作者:会员上传



爱好: avocation,liking,fondness,hobby,fancy,passion,gusto,penchant 暗: darkness,gloom,shadow,shade 比赛/竞赛: game,match,competition,contest,tournament,challenge,championship 边缘: edge,limit,margin,threshold,boundary,bounds,border,frontier,verge 病: illness,disorder,disease,sickness,ailment,trouble,problem 不满意: depressed,discontented 不正常的: eccentric,insane,irregular 不足: shortage,scarcity,rarity 部分: part,section,segment,fraction,fragment,share,portion 财产,财富: property,belongings,possession,goods,asset,wealth 承认,接收: acknowledge,accept,admit,recognize,concede,confess,submit,agree,assent,consent 承认: acknowledgement,admission,confession,acceptance,concession,adoption 诚实,忠诚: honesty,trust,trustworthiness,faith,reliance,reliability,integrity,loyalty,constancy 崇拜,喜欢: admire,cherish,idolize,revere,worship.adore 触摸: touch,contact,tap 粗鲁无礼: rudeness,impudence,impertinence,insolence,disrespect 粗鲁无礼的: rude,impudent,impertinent,insolent,fresh 到达,目的,完成:achieve,carry out,complete,do,finish,fulfill,accomplish 道歉,宽恕: apology,forgiveness,pardon 地位: status,class,condition,grade,station,rank,position 调整,调节: adapt,alter,arrange,change,modify,vary 动作: act,action,activity,behavior 发疯的: mad,crazy,abnormal,insane,unbalanced 发展,演变: development,evolution 法律,规章: bill,act,constitution,code,law,regulation,rule 法律,原则,标准: law,act,decree,edict,ordinance,principle,standard,proclamation,regulation,rule 反叛: rebellion,revolt,rising,revolution,subversion,overthrow 放弃权利;辞职: abdicate,abandon,give up,quit 废除,取消: cancel,destroy,exterminate,wipe out,put an end to,do away with 愤怒: anger,temper,annoyance,provocation,displeasure,vexation,irritation,fury,rage 风: wind,breeze,gale 服装: clothes,clothing,dress,wear 改变,使多样化: vary,alter,change,deviate,differ 感觉,态度等心理: opinion,attitude,belief,conception,conviction,estimation,feeling,idea,impression,judgment,outlook,sentiment,thought,view 工业,商业: industry,business,labor,manufacture,trade,work 工作: assignment,business,duty,employment,labor,position,task,toil,work 关税: tariff,tax,duty 关系: concern,nexus,relation,relationship,connection,bond 国会,议会: assembly,congress,senate,council,committee,convention,legislature,parliament 国家: country,land,nation,state 过程,制作法: course,procedure,process,mode,way,step,means,manner,operation 海边: coast,shore,beach 活力: energy,life,vitality 机会: opportunity,chance,opening 加快: accelerate,hasten,hurry,quicken,speed up 间隙: break,interval,interlude,intermission 建议: suggestion,proposal,proposition 建筑: building,architecture 建筑物: building,construction,architecture 降低,减少,缩小: decrease,lessen,reduce,abate,rebate,reduce,curtail,contract,detract abase,degrade,demote,dwindle,reduce,shrink,abridge,compress condense,shorten 角色: role,character,part 教授,训练: teach,instruct,educate,train,coach,tutor,discipline,school 教育: education,schooling,tutelage 结束: close,closedown,conclusion,end,finish,halt,stop,stoppage,terminal,termination 介绍: introduction,presentation,recommendation 经济: economy,saving,thrift,frugality 惊讶: surprise,wonder,astonishment,amazement 精力: drive,force,might,potency,power,strength,vigor,vim,vitality 景观: view,scene,scenery 居住者: resident,dweller,occupant,occupier,inhabitant 开始,初期: beginning,starting,inception,infancy,origin,birth 考虑: consideration,reflection,speculation,deliberation,meditation,contemplation 可怕的: awful,terrible,dreadful,horrible,appalling,frightful 恐惧: fear,fright,scare,dread,terror,alarm,panic 困难的,难的: difficult,arduous,hard,rough,rugged 垃圾: rubbish,garbage,refuse,waste 来源: beginning,deviation 理解/领会: comprehension,understanding 量度,尺寸: appraise,assess,compare,estimate,grade,rank,rate,size 流行: popularity,prevailance,vogue 陆地:土地: land,earth,ground,shore,soil,surface 路/距离: course,distance,line,length,path,road,route 论文: composition,dissertation,thesis,paper



at stake--in danger – in distress affect – influence – impactarrive at – reach – get to

accelerate(B级)– speed up – step up – pick up

abandon – give up

accidentally – by chance – by accident

assignment – task area – field area – region

account for – explain

accumulate – gather – collect

appealing – attractive--fascinating appeal to--tempt – attract – fascinate

annoy – irritateadmit – acknowledge allow – permit

annoying – irritating

as a result – in consequence alleviate– relieve--lessen allocate– assign – distribute

adequate–enough–ample sufficient adverse-unfavorableat stake—in danger arouses——excites

attended to——waited on abided by——adhered to adverse——unfavorable appalling——dreadful anyhow——anyway achieved——attained account for——explain

accused of——charged with assembled——gathered alleviated——lessened abide by——stick to an improved——a better asserted——stated firmly abrupt——sudden

allocated——assigned / distributed annoying——irritating allocate——assign

a branch——a divisionabnormal——unusual

an abundant——a plentiful accelerate——step up accumulate——collect abandoned——given up authentically——genuinely 【B】

beautiful – pretty – attractive – lovely--handsome 美丽的 branch – division 部门 behavior – conduct 行为

(be)exhausted –(be)tired –(be)worn out 疲惫

believable – convincing--credibleboring – dull--uninteresting

be characteristic of – be typical ofbe anxious to do …----be eager to do…---be keen to ….渴望…

breaks——beats打破, 违犯, 折断 ban——forbid禁止, 取缔

bearing——influence轴承, 关系,barren——bare不生育的,贫瘠的, blend——mix混和(或admix)


collaborate(A级)– cooperate 合作 confidential(A 级)– secret 秘密 cause – bring about 造成 convert – change 转变,兑换

change – alter – vary – modify(B级)certain – some 某一个的certain– sure – positive – doubtlesscall for – ask – require – request--demand – insist on要求 call off – cancel 取消

call sb.up – telephone sb.给某人 company–firm–concern–

corporation – enterprise 公司 constantly–continuously –endlessly criticize--blame 批评

consolidate– strengthen 加强,巩 contaminate–– pollute – stain污染 complicated– complex 复杂

comply with– observe – abide by--stick to

courteous–polite–respectful 有礼 courtesy–politeness–good mannerschildish(A级)– immature 不成熟 characteristic – feature 特征 conference – meeting会议 cater for – meet – satisfy 满足 come across – run into – meet 遇 compel(A级)– force 迫使 close – intimate--near亲密的 contented – satisfactory – satisfiedconcise – brief--short 简明的 clever – intelligent – wise – brightcause – bring about – lead to – result in 导致

competent – capable – able 有能 complete–finish–accomplish--fulfillcomponent – ingredient – elementconcise——short and clear简明的,courteous——well-informed有礼 credible——convincing可信的, 可 contended——argued斗争, 竞争,converted——changed使转变, 转 census——count人口普查

conscientious——careful尽责的 consolidated——strengthened加 contaminated——polluted污染 collided with——ran into碰撞,冲 compelled——forced强迫,迫使,强 comprehend——understand领会,confidential——secret秘密的, 机 cater for——meet供应伙食, 迎合 collaborating——cooperating共同 childish——immature孩子气的,consideration——account体谅,called off——cancelled呼叫, 召集 coverage——reportage覆盖

called me up——telephoned me打 complain——feel unhappy抱怨,capabilities——abilities(实际)能 【D】

deadly – killing – fatal 致命的 dark – black 黑色的diploma – certificate 证书 distant – remote 遥远的difficult – hard – tough 困难的 depend on – rely on – be dependent on 依靠

deficient(A级)– short 缺乏的decrease – reduce – cut down ondelighted – joyful – happy—glad--pleased 高兴的 dim – faint 模糊的darken – blacken 使变黑

dangerous – hazardous(A 级)危 danger – hazard(B 级)危险

decide – determine – make up one’s mind决定, 下决心 deceive(A 级)– cheat 欺骗

discuss – debate – talk over 讨论 discussion – debate讨论 depict(A 级)– describe 描写 destroy – ruin 毁灭

deal with – cope with – handle 应 demolish(A 级)– pull down 拆毁 demolished——pulled down毁坏,diligent——hardworking勤勉的,diverse——varied不同的, 变化多 disorder——confusion扰乱, 使失 deduced——derived得自采集者 densely——compactly浓密地, 浓 duplicated——copied复制出的,复 depicts——describes描述, 描写 defer——postpone推迟, 延期 distress——danger使悲痛, 使穷 deliberately——intentionally故意 deters——inhibits阻止

damaging——harmful有破坏性的 deadly——fatal致命的, 势不两立 decent——honest正派的, 端庄的 draft——formulate起草, 为...打 dimly——faintly微暗, 朦胧 【E】

effect – realize 实现 employ--hire 雇佣

employ – use – utilize(A 级)--harness(A 级)使用, 利用 empty – vacant – bare 空的elementary – basic – primary – fundamental 基本的 error – mistake 错误

examination – test 测试,考试 examine – check up 检查,核对 employment – work – job 工作 encourage – inspire – push 鼓励,extinction(A 级)– die out 灭绝 eligible(A 级)– entitled – qualifiedemploy – hire 雇佣 exhibit – show 展示

endeavor(B 级)– try – attempt 努 ensure – make sure – make certainextract – take out 拔出 explore – investigate 调查

end – finish – stop –cease--come to an end—terminated(A 级)停止 effects——results动产,(家庭)财 eligible——qualified符合条件的,exhaustive——extremely thorough eligible——qualified / entitled符 extinction——dying out消失, 消 exhibited——showed展示

endeavoring——trying尽力, 努力 eternal——everlasting永恒的,不 explored——investigated探险家,extract——take out拔出, 榨取,【F】

famous – noted –distinguished – celebrated 著名的fit – healthy 健康的follow – understand – comprehendfinally – at last – in the end – eventually – ultimately(A 级)最 foolish – stupid--dull 愚蠢的 for good – forever 永远

forbid – prohibit(A 级)--ban 禁止 fire – dismiss – send away解雇 final –last 最后的facilitate(A 级)– help – assist 有 foster – cultivate – cultivate(B级)for love or money——at any price faulty——wrong有过失的, 有缺 fostered——cultivated养育, 抚育,framework——skeleton构架, 框 finds fault with——criticizes批评,final——last最后的, 临终的,结 fascinated——intrigued使着迷,【G】

grasp – catch hold of 抓住

get ready for – get prepared forgaze at – look at – stare at 凝视,gain – put on 增加 get up – arise 起床

gets up——arises发生,出现,站立 grasped——took hold of抓住, 抓 gangsters——violent criminals女gained——put on得到,增进,获得 gorgeous——lovely华丽的, 灿烂 【H】

harmful – damaging--bad 有害的 harm – damage 损害 hurt – injure 伤害

hate – dislike–be tired of–be sick ofharness——utilize利用

hailed——acclaimed向...欢呼, 致 hazard——danger冒险, 危险, 冒 horrify——terrify 使恐怖, 恐吓 【I】

important – essential – crucial 重 instruct – teach 教授(…课程)industrious(B 级)– hardworkingindispensable(A 级)– necessary必 involve – include 包括

impartial(B级)– fair – just 公正的 increase – add to – enhance 增加 insane(A 级)– crazy – mad 疯狂 immediately–right away–at onceimmediately——right away立即,inevitable——certain不可避免的,intimate——friendly亲密的 isolated——solitary隔离的,孤立 insist on——demand坚持, 坚决 investigated——looked into调查,in conjunction——together共同,insane——crazy患精神病的, 精 ingenious——clever机灵的, 有独 invaluable——extremely无价的,【L】

look for – seek for 寻找

look after – take care of – care forleave – depart(B级)离开

look forward to – expect 盼望, 期 look up to – respect 尊敬 lose – miss 丢失 lawful – legal 合法的laugh at – mock(B 级)嘲笑 link – connect 连接

looking for——trying to find查找

lately——recently近来, 最近last——past越过, 晚于 lethal——deadly致命的lawful——legal法律许可的, 守法 lure——attraction引诱

limited——small有限的, 狭窄的,【M】

massive – extensive – a mass of--plentiful大量的merge– unite – combine – join 联 maintain – hold – think 认为

manufacture – make – produce – turn out 制造,生产

mildly——gently温和地, 适度地,made up his mind——decided确 manual——physical手的, 手动的,massive——extensive厚重的, 大 mock——laugh at嘲笑, 骗, 挫败,modify——change更改, 修改 motives——reasons动机的,乐旨 minute——slight轻微的, 微小的 mighty——very strong有势力的,miraculous——amazing奇迹的,mild – gentle 温柔的,温和的 【N】

now and then--occasionally 偶尔 normal – common – usual – average 通常的notion – concept – idea 概念 no longer – no more 不再

numerous – a number of – a lot of – abundant – plentiful 大量的, 丰 now and then——occasionally偶 notably——particularly显著地,numerous——many众多的, 许多 【O】

obtain – get – gain 得到

out of question – doubtless 毫无 offer – give 给与

out of the question – impossible – unlikely 不可能的original – initial 最初的 original – creative 创造性的obvious – evident – clear – distinctorder – direct 命令

on purpose – intentionally 故意地 orthodox(A 级)--conventional 传 on the verge of---close to 接近于,occasionally——sometimes有时候 omitted——failed有时候, 偶而 orthodox——conventional正统的,outrageous——unacceptable蛮横 outcome——result结果, 成果 obvious——clear明显的, 显而易 odd——strange奇数的, 单数的,【P】

put off – postpone – delay – deferproper – appropriate 适当的participate in – take part in – join in – be involved in 参加 practically – almost 几乎

pleasing – satisfactory 令人满意的 physician – doctor 医生

particularly – especially 尤其,特 pretty – very – rather – fairly 相当 pressing – urgent 紧迫的 problem – issue 问题

propose – suggest – advise--recommend 建议

provide – supply – furnish 提供 private – personal 私人的 phase – stage 阶段

pattern – mode 模式,式样 prior to – before 在…之前

precise – accurate – exact 精确的 purchase – buy 购买

principal –chief--leading---mainpostulate– assume – suppose 假定 previous – former 以前的 probe(A 级)– explore 探查 put up – lift – raise 举起

put up – build – construct 建造 protect – preserve 保护 planes——aircraft位面

practically——almost几乎, 差不 physician——doctor医师, 内科医 particularly——especially独特地,pressing——urgent紧迫的phase——stage阶段, 状态, 相,porcelain——china瓷器, 瓷 prior to——before在前, 居先 principal organizers——planners计 postulated——assumed要求, 假 permitted——allowed许可, 允许, prohibit——ban禁止, 阻止

proposed——suggested被提议的 provoked——elicited激怒, 挑拨,probed——explored(以探针等)探 poorly——inadequately贫穷地,participated in——took part in参 preserve——keep保护, 保持, 保 previously——before先前, 以前 pulled up——stopped拔起, 停下, puzzle——mystery神秘,谜

perceive——notice感知, 感到,possessed——owned占有, 拥有,persists——continues坚持, 持续 【Q】

quickly – fast 很快地

quit – give up – abandon放弃

quarter——fourth四分之一,方向, quit——give up v.放弃(念头、希望 【R】

remarkable–exceptional–extraordinary–great–marvelous–striking–special–unusual显著的 rest – break 休息

remedy(B级)– cure – treat 治疗 regret – sorry 遗憾的 remove – get off 脱下 repair – fix 修理

reason – cause--motive(B级)原因 ready – willing 乐意的rarely – hardly – seldom 很少,几 ready – prepared 有准备的result – consequence – effect--outcome 结果

realize--know – be aware of – be conscious of 意识到

remember – m reject – refuse – decline – turn down 拒绝 rescue – save 拯救 raise – increase 增加 recently – lately 最近

regardless of – despite – in spite of realize——know认识到, 了解, 实 residents——occupants居民

remedy——cure治疗, 补救, 矫正

rarely——seldom很少地, 罕有地 readily——willingly乐意地, 欣然,regardless——whatever不管, 不 realized——fulfilled认识到, 了解,regret——sorry为...感到遗憾, 后 relied on——depended on依靠,removed——took off离开的, 远 remainder——rest剩余的, 出售 recommended——suggested被推 regulate——control管制, 控制,【S】

sympathize – feel sorry 感到同情 strange – odd – abnormal(B级)奇 suitable – fit 适合的 scare – frighten 使害怕

surprised – astonished – shockedsurprising – astonishing – shockingsteady – stable 稳定的spare time – free time 空闲时间 speed – rate 速度

sometimes – from time to time – at times 有时

slight – a little 轻微的 shine – polish 擦亮

suddenly – abruptly(A级)突然地 safe – secure 安全的 seem – appear 看起来

state – declare – announce 宣布,start – begin 开始

solve – settle 解决(问题)

stay –remain 保持(用作半系动词)severe –serious--bad 严重的 severe – strict 严厉的sharp– acute – severe 剧烈的(疼 severe – hard-tough艰苦的 subject – topic 话题

sensible –wise – advisable(B 级)show – indicate 表明

sketched——outlined描画轮廓,speeds——velocities加快, 速飞,spurred——encouraged装有马刺 steadily——continuously稳定地,shine——polish照耀, 发光职称英 seldom——rarely很少, 不常职称 safe——secure免受攻击的, 安全 scene——location现场, 场面, 情 satisfactorily——acceptably满意 summit——top of the mountain顶 scared——frightened恐惧的settle——solve安放, 使定居, 安shocked——surprised震惊的,震撼 severe——hard严厉的, 严格的,substantial——significant坚固的,scattered——separated离散的,standpoint——point of view立场,stationary——not moving固定的 subject——topic n.话题, 主题 【T】

think – guess – believe 认为

temptation(B级)– attraction 诱惑 tease(A 级)– make fun of取笑 terrible--awful 可怕的take …into consideration – take …into account 把…考虑在内 tolerate – bear – stand – put up with – endure 忍受 though – although 尽管

talked over——discussed详尽地商 try——test试, 试图, 努力, 试验,trembled——shook战栗, 发抖,touching——moving移动

terminated——put an end to停止,tolerate——bear / put up with忍 typical——characteristic典型的 【U】

usually – normally 通常地 unique – particular 独特的uneasy——uncomfortable / anxious心神不安的,不自在的, 不 urge——force催促, 力劝

utterly——totally完全地, 整全地 unbelievable – incredible 难以置 uneasy(A 级)– worried 焦虑的 【V】

vanish – disappear 消失

vigorous(A级)– energetic – dynamic(B级)精力充沛的,有 view–opinion–viewpoint–standpoint–point of view – notion – idea 观 vanish——disappear消失, 突然不 virtually——almost几乎

vague——imprecise含糊的, 不清 vigorous——healthy精力旺盛的,【W】

write down – put down 写下 wish – hope 希望

while——although当...的时候, 虽 widens——broadens宽的,广阔的 wholesome——healthy卫生的,without bias——fairly公正地, 正


职称英语考试 重要词汇浓缩推荐

序号 / 选择词 / 同义词 / 词义 1 / a better / an improved / 更好的 / a branch / a division / 分支(机构)3 / a plentiful / an abundant / 丰富的 4 / abandon / give up / 放弃 / abide by / stick to / 坚持,遵循 6 / abnormal / unusual / 不正常的 7 / abrupt / sudden / 突然的 8 / accelerate / step up / 加快 / acceptably / satisfactorily / 令人满意 10 / acclaim / hail / 向……欢呼 / account / consideration / 要考虑的事 12 / account for / explain / 解释 13 / accumulate / collect / 积聚 14 / aircraft / planes / 飞机 15 / alleviate / lessen / 减轻 16 / allocate / assign / 分配 / allocate / distribute / 分配,分布 18 / allow / permit / 允许 / almost / practically / 几乎 / although / while / 引导让步从句 21 / annoying / irritating / 使不愉快 22 / argue / contend / 争辩 23 / arise / get up / 起床 24 / arouse / excite / 使激动 25 / assemble / gather / 聚集 26 / assert / state firmly / 断言 27 / assume / postulate / 假定 / at any price / for love or money / 不惜任何代价 29 / at stake / in danger / 在危险中 30 / attend to / wait on / 伺候 31 / attraction / lure / 吸引

/ authentically / genuinely / 真正地 33 / ban / forbid / 禁止 34 / bare / barren / 贫瘠

/ bearing / influence / 相关,影响 36 / beat / break / 打破,胜过 37 / before / prior to / 在……之前 38 / broaden / widen / 加宽 39 / call off / cancel / 停止

/ call up / telephone / 打电话 41 / careful / conscientious / 小心 42 / cater for / meet / 满足 / 43 / census / count / 人口普查

/ certain / inevitable / 不可避免地 45 / change / convert / 兑换 46 / childish / immature / 幼稚 47 / china / porcelain / 瓷器

/ collaborating / cooperating / 合作 49 / collide with / run into / 碰撞 50 / compactly / densely / 密集地 51 / compel / force / 迫使

/ complain / feel unhappy / 抱怨 53 / comprehend / understand / 理解

序号 / 选择词 / 同义词 / 词义 54 / confidential / secret / 秘密 55 / consolidate / strengthen / 巩固 56 / contaminate / pollute / 污染 57 / continuously / steadily / 稳定地 58 / conventional / orthodox / 传统的 59 / copy / duplicate / 复制

/ coverage / reportage / 覆盖;新闻报道 61 / criticize / find fault with / 批评 62 / cultivate / foster / 培养 63 / cure / remedy / 治疗,补救 64 / damaging / harmful / 有损害的 65 / danger / distress / 危险

/ danger / hazard / 危险,危害 67 / deadly / fatal / 致命的 / 68 / deadly / lethal / 致命的 69 / decent / honest / 正派的

/ decide / make up one's mind / 打主意 71 / deduce / derive / 推出,演绎

/ deliberately / intentionally / 故意地 73 / demand / insist on / 坚持 74 / depend on / rely on / 依靠 75 / depict / describe / 描写,描绘 76 / deter / inhibit / 阻止

/ dimly / faintly / 昏暗地 /

/ disappear / vanish / 消失,失踪 79 / discuss / talk over / 讨论 80 / doctor / physician / 大夫

/ draft / formulate / 起草,设计 82 / dying out / extinction / 灭绝 83 / effect / result / 结果

/ elicit / provoke / 引起,诱发

/ eligible / entitled / 有资格(权利)的 86 / encourage / spur / 促进,激励 87 / endeavor / try / 设法

/ especially / particularly / 特别地 89 / eternal / everlasting / 永恒的 90 / exhibit / show / 表现,显示 91 / explore / investigate / 调查 92 / explore / probe / 研究,考察 93 / extensive / massive / 大量的 94 / extract / take out / 取出,拔出 95 / fail / omit / 失败

/ fascinate / intrigue / 使……着迷 97 / final / last / 最后的

/ framework / skeleton / 框架 99 / frightened / scared / 受惊的 100 / fulfill / realize / 实现,完成 101 / gain / put on / 增加

/ gangster / violent criminal / 歹徒 103 / gently / mildly / 温和地,适度地 104 / grasp / take hold of / 抓住 105 / hard / severe / 艰苦 106 / harness / utilize / 利用

职称英语考试 重要词汇浓缩推荐

序号 / 选择词 / 同义词 / 词义 107 / healthy / wholesome / 健康的 108 / immediately / right away / 马上

/ imprecise / vague / 模糊的,不确切 110 / inadequately / poorly / 贫乏,不足 111 / isolated / solitary / 孤立的 112 / know / realize / 知道 / 113 / lately / recently / 最近

/ laugh at / mock / 取笑,嘲笑 115 / lawful / legal / 合法的

/ limited / small / 小的或少的 117 / location / scene / 地点 118 / look for / try to find / 寻找 119 / manual / physical / 体力的

/ mighty / very strong / 强大的,强壮的 121 / motive / reason / 理由

/ notably / particularly / 特别

/ now and then / occasionally / 时而,偶尔 124 / occasionally / sometimes / 有时,偶尔 125 / occupant / resident / 居民 126 / outcome / result / 结果

/ outrageous / unacceptable / 不可接受 128 / phase / stage / 阶段

/ planner / principal organizer / 组织者 130 / polish / shine / 照亮

/ pressing / urgent / 紧迫的 132 / propose / suggest / 建议 133 / put up with / tolerate / 忍受 134 / rarely / seldom / 很少,不常 135 / readily / willingly / 乐意地 136 / recommend / suggest / 建议 137 / regardless of / whatever / 不论 138 / regret(regretable)/ sorry / 遗憾 139 / remainder / rest / 剩余物 140 / remove / take off / 脱掉 141 / safe / secure / 安全的 142 / settle / solve / 解决 143 / shake / tremble / 颤抖 144 / shock / surprise / 震惊的 145 / speed / velocity / 速度

/ summit / top of the mountain / 山顶 147 / test / try / 尝试 / 148 / stationary / not moving / 静止的 149 / account for / explain / 解释 150 / minute / slight / 少量

151 / disorder / confusion / 混乱 152 / accuse of / charge with / 指控 153 / investigate / look into / 调查 154 / numerous / many / 许多 155 / obvious / clear / 明显的 156 / odd / strange / 奇怪的

157 / participate / take part in / 参加 158 / preserve / keep / 保持 159 / previously / before / 以前

序号 / 选择词 / 同义词 / 词义 160 / pull up / stop / 停止 161 / perceive / notice / 注意 162 / possess / own / 拥有

163 / substantial / significant / 重要的 164 / appalling / dreadful / 令人害怕的 165 / anyhow / anyway / 不管怎样 167 / achieved / attained / 实现 168 / capabilities / abilities / 责任 169 / in conjunction / together / 一起 170 / credible / convincing / 令人相信的 171 / diligent / hardworking / 勤奋的 172 / diverse / varied / 不同的 173 / faulty / wrong / 错误的 174 / gorgeous / lovely / 可爱的 175 / persist / continue / 坚持 176 / regulate / control / 管理 177 / scatter / separate / 分开

178 / standpoint / point of view / 观点 179 / touching / moving / 令人感动的 180 / shabby / unfair / 不公平的 181 / uneasy / unhappy / 不快乐的 182 / demolish / pull down / 破坏 183 / adverse / unfavorable / 不利的 184 / concise / short and clear / 简明的 185 / courteous / respectful / 有礼貌的

186 / invaluable / extremely useful / 无价的 187 / insane / crazy / 疯狂的

188 / exhaustive / extremely thorough / 彻底的 189 / ingenious / original / 独创的 190 / eligible / qualified / 合格的

191 / vigorous / hot-tempered / 精力充沛的 192 / abide by / adhere to / 遵守

193 / without bias / correctly / 正确的 194 / terminate / put an end to / 结束

































首先分析我们的考生特点:大部分同学都是在职人员,属于一个特殊群体,处于三无状态:a无时间(需要大量工作)b 无精力(休息时间少)c 无基础(多年不用英语)。所以就面临着考试的两个难点:



























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