Galileo was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution.A biography by Galileo's pupil Vincenzo Viviani stated that Galileo had dropped balls of the same material, but different masses, from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that their time of descent was independent of their mass.This was contrary to what Aristotle had taught: that heavy objects fall faster than lighter ones, in direct proportion to weight.While this story has been retold in popular accounts, there is no account by Galileo himself of such an experiment, and it is generally accepted by historians that it was at most a thought experiment which did not actually take place.Charles Robert Darwin was an English naturalist who established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.He published his theory with compelling evidence for evolution in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species.Journey of the Beagle贝格尔号旅程
The term labor movement or labor movement is a broad term for the development of a collective organization of working people, to campaign in their own interest for better treatment from their employers and governments, in particular through the implementation of specific laws governing labour relations.Martin Luther King, Jr.(January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement.His main legacy is securing progress on civil rights in the United States.Because of this work, he has become a human rights icon.In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means.“I Have a Dream” is the famous name given to the sixteen minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination.伊斯兰教妇女The study of women in Islam investigates the role status of women within the religion of Islam.The complex relationship between women and Islam is defined by both Islamic texts and the history and culture of the Muslim world.Sharia(Islamic law)provides for differences between women's and men's roles, rights, and obligations.Majority Muslim countries give women varying degrees of rights with regards to marriage, divorce, civil rights, legal status, dress code, and education based on different
interpretations.Scholars and other commentators vary as to whether they are just and whether they are a correct interpretation of religious imperatives.Conservatives argue that differences between men and women are due to different status and), p.278 while liberal Muslims, Muslim
feminists, and others argue in favor of other interpretations.Some women have achieved high political office in Muslim majority states.Sartorial hijab(头盖), and the veil(面纱)in particular, has often been viewed by Westerners as a sign of oppression of Muslim women.婚礼Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes.Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of wedding vows by the couple, presentation of a gift(offering, ring(s), symbolic item, flowers, money), and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure or leader.Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is followed by a wedding reception.Chinese wedding customs
Main articles: Chinese marriage and Southern Chinese wedding
Traditional Chinese marriage is a ceremonial ritual within Chinese societies that involve a
marriage established by pre-arrangement between families.Within Chinese culture, romantic love was allowed, and monogamy was the norm for most ordinary citizens.A band of musicians with gongs and flute-like instruments accompanies the bride parade to groom's home.Similar music is also played at the wedding banquet.Depending on the region that the bride hails from, Chinese weddings will have different traditions such as Tea Ceremony or the use of a wedding emcee.Also in modern times, Chinese couples will often go to photo studios to take “glamour shots” posing in multiple gowns and various backgrounds.Most regional Chinese wedding rituals follow the main Chinese wedding traditions, although some rituals are particular to the peoples of the southern China region.In most southern Chinese wedding, the bride price is based on the groom's economic status.The idea of “selling the daughter” or bride isn't a phrase that is used often therefore the price of the bride isn't too
demanding.Most of the time the bride price is in the form of gold jewelry, fine fabric, or money, even a roast pig which symbolizes the bride to be a virgin.Wedding presents are given by the elderly couples or couples that are older than the newlyweds and tea is served by the younger family members.A number of cultures have adopted the traditional Western custom of the white wedding, in which a bride wears a white dress and veil.This tradition was popularized through the wedding of Queen Victoria.Some say Victoria's choice of a white gown may have simply been a sign of
extravagance, but may have also been influenced by the values she held which emphasized sexual purity.Within the modern 'white wedding' tradition, a white dress and veil are unusual choices for a woman's second or subsequent wedding.The notion that a white gown might symbolize sexual purity has been long abandoned, and is criticized by etiquette writers like Judith Martin as distasteful.The use of a wedding ring has long been part of religious weddings in Europe and America, but the origin of the tradition is unclear.Historians like Vicky Howard point out that belief in the
“ancient” quality of the practice are most likely a modern invention.“Double ring” ceremonies are also a modern practice, a groom's wedding band not appearing in the United States until the early 20th Century.The wedding is often followed by a reception, in which the rituals may include toasting the newlyweds, their first dance as spouses, and the cutting of a wedding cake.
凡高 Van Gogh: 艺术类文章里引用,如arts and critics, greatness总是超前时代的所以只能由后人评判, history强调individual(因为在艺术历史领域只能强调individual),还有percive world with different eyes也可以引用这个例子.此人的另类抽象painting风格和当时的审美标准不符,故遭排挤,而几百年后的critics才发现他的价值.哥白尼 Copernicus:引用题目有:greatness超前时代,挑战权威(当时是church),history强调individual(因为在科学研究领域只能强调individual).此人是日心说,当时宗教教育说是地心说,死前才公布自已的论断(因为怕早死).莫扎特 Mozart: greatness只能由后人判断的反面例子.此人音乐才华在世时就被教皇看重,给以了很多赞助,使其.......毕加索 Picasso: greatness只能由后人判断的反面例子,arts反映hidden ideas的反面例子.此人是20世纪最伟大的画家,其画风格为cubism,很多人说他的画只反映个人的ideocyncratic,而没有反映社会的hidden ideas,此人在世时就被判为greatness了.林肯 Abraham Lincoln: history关注individuals,effective leader要随机应变,justand unjust laws.此人南北战争,解放黑奴,没有他,可能就没有今天这样的美国了.据说他在南北战争前是不支持解放黑奴的,而之后又支持了.马丁路德金 Martin Luther King: leaders要有很高的moral and ethical standards, history关注individuals的重要性,just and unjust laws,学习历史的重要性.此人为黑人获得与白人相同的权利发起了黑奴运动,他的“I have a dream”演讲教育了一代一代人.他的moral and ethical standards是不用说的,没有这个individual,美国黑人现在可能还要坐在汽车后面的座位.莎士比亚 Shakespeare: greatness由后人评判的反面例子,survive and arts里强调arts可以培养人什么的.此人的介绍我就不多说了.贝多芬 Beethoven: arts的重要性,arts and critics.此人为著名作曲家,'命运'激励了多少人,当时的critics也批斗过他,因为standards很rigid and stale.希特勒 Hitler:
不能迷信权威啊,学习历史的重要性啊(不重蹈覆辙),history强调individual啊.此人是著名战争狂,由于全国人都迷信他的言论才能坐上首相位置,学习他的例子可以使现在的社会不重蹈他的覆辙,他这个individual也反映当时common people/multitude的普遍value:战争主义,chauvinism.加利略 Galileo:不迷信权威,history强调individual(因为在科学研究领域只能强调individual),beginner and expert.当时的expert和authority就是Aristotle,认为物体越重下降越快.而此人证明了其实都是一样快的.亚力士多德 Aristotle: 和加利略一起举例.爱因斯坦 Einstein: 不迷信权威.greatness由后人判断的反面例子.beginner andexpert中expert的劣势.此人证明了权威牛顿三大定律只能在宏观世界有效,而不适于微观世界.其greatness在其在世时就确立了,他曾说过,自从他成名后,就没能找出一段完整属于自己的时间来深入思考这个世界了.牛顿 Newton.不迷信权威,greatness由后人判断.此人是个权威,被爱因斯坦挑战见爱因斯坦那条.华盛顿 George Washington: history研究individual的重要性.leaders 要有moralstandards.此人为美国开国总统,没有他开了连续任两届总统就得下台的先河,可能美国在他之后好久都是专制国家,因为当时有人要他当皇帝.凯萨 Caesar.history研究individual的重要性.此人即是亚利山大大帝,所建立的亚力山大帝国地跨三大陆.研究那个帝国如果研究他,只研究multitude怎么能研究得下去?
托马斯.杰佛森 Thomas Jefferson: 这个有点想不起来用在哪里了.此人说过all men are created
equal->the declaration of independence:
甘地 Gandhi: greatness的文章,leaders and moral standards的文章.此人是印度的建国祖师,坐过很多牢,stoic,情操很高,结果可以只demenstration来和平解放印度.拿破仑 Napoleon: individual的重要性.此人是著名战争狂,他的发起的战争虽然很荒唐,但却被法国中场阶认为很浪漫,他的individual反映当时的普遍价值观.肯尼迪 Kennedy: scandals,leaders should have moral standards.此人在位时很大程度缓解了苏美关系.却有marital scandals.所以scandals会distract us from
people's real responsibility.罗斯福 Roosevelt(FDR): individual的重要性,领导要听取群众意见,随机应变.此人有两大贡献:发动反德战争,带美国走出Depression.没有他的发动战争宣言,可能WWII不会这么快结束.据说一位英国著名经济学家曾写信给他说要他采取苏联模式来政府介入自由经济,操控经济,才使他在1930年代出台各种政府措施来改善经济,使得经济复苏(大国崛起里说的).成吉斯汗 Genghis Khan: 领导要听取群众意思,而不是有强硬持久的原则和目标: 这个也不用介绍了.斯大林 Stalin: 同成吉斯汗.达尔文 Darwin: 挑战权威.进化论的祖师爷,写过'the origin of species'.挑战当时普遍的神创论.孟德尔 Mendel: expert and beginner,data的重要性.因为是expert,因为做了十年研究积累了大量data,才由统计学原理发现了law of Inheritance.瓦特 Watt James: 很多都适用,如creativity很重要啊,兴趣很重要而不是老去考虑对社会会有什么贡献啊.此人发明了蒸汽机,从小喜欢机械,并一直研究.里根 Reagon: 投资类题目适用.他发起了星球计划.为将来的太空军备竞赛作准备.结果由于工程浩大而放弃,浪费了很多钱,所以投资都应该用在对社会有实在好处上.居里 Mary Curie: 学习历史人物的重要性,失败是成功之母.此女人经过十年才找到radium这种元素,并把提取方法毫无保留地与全世界共享,获得了若贝尔奖.其坚持不懈的品质值得学习,其十年失败,终成功的例子说明了失败是成功之母.克里克 Crick: imagination and knowledge.此人很变态,发现DNA结构是由于做梦!
麦克斯维 Maxwell: imagination and knowledge,greatness由后人判断.此人是著名物理学家,他大胆推测出电磁场理论electromagnetism并给予理论证明,但当时很多人不能相信,在他死后就有人从实验室证明了他的理论.
上述就是有关新GRE作文例子使用的问题解答,此外,例子其实不能展得太开。一个观点段,大概只有6-8句话。那么例子差不多也就2句话。有些例子可能只有一句话,或者只有一个such as blablabla.一定要精练,才能真正的助力GRE作文高分。
第四篇:GRE issue写作之自己总结的万能例子
For example, the helpless fate can be felt from the tragedy works, written by Shakespeare.Mona Lisa, created by Beethoven, revealed the mysterious and implicit smile.Although works completed by different artists and writers revealed slight variations in the access, performing form, and social aspect focusing on, as far as common theme and hidden ideas were concerned, the obvious similries to each other seemed much more than any of the minute differences, namely, resisting the feudalization and corrupt institution and enlightening freedom of human being.This is called “Renaissance” in the history.Genetic engineering
So far, genetic engineering has not been used in human, but it has achieved successful experiment in almost all the objects on non-human life--from bacteria to livestock already.In fact, all the insulin treatment for diabetes come from a kind of bacteria which can be inserted into a human genes to make copies of insulin by bacteria oneself.Genetic engineering technology makes many plants have the disease-resistant ability and herbicide, In the USA, about half of soybean and a quarter of corn is genetically modified.At present, whether the transgenic plants used in agriculture has become the focus of debate, transgenic supporters think: the agricultural is faster to growth, and easier to contain more nutrition(even medicine), to help slow down worldwide famine and disease, But opponents argued, introducing new genes into agricultural will occur side effects, especially destroy the environment.Advantage: Admittedly, ethicist rejected the innovative development of genetic engineering because, although it resolved some problems, it also produced new complications.Nevertheless,there are still many genes function and work principle beyond human knowledge, but using genetic engineering can make the tomatoes have anti-cancer effects, make the salmon bigger than in nature, and also make pet no longer allergy, many people are expect to do similar human genetic modification.After all, gene engineering technology can not only cure the disease, also make most possibility for change human characteristics, such as eye color, intelligence and others.For example, by using this technology, it is possible to make the parents pregnant to born a baby whose bone matches one needs homogenous bone, and then through the bone marrow transplants to cure patients.We said the advantages and disadvantages of biological technology, is mainly refers to the genetic engineering.弊:1)克隆将减少遗传变异,通过克隆产生的个体具有同样的遗传基因,同样的疾病敏感性,一种疾病就可以毁灭整个由克隆产生的群体。可以设想,如果一个国家的牛群都是同一个克隆产物,一种并不严重的病毒就可能毁灭全国的畜牧业。
1)genetic engineering would reduce the genetic variation of individuals and own the same diseases sensitivity , as a result, a disease can destroy whole colony by cloning.So we can imagine that, if a nation is the same cloned cattle, a kind of the virus could destroy the animal husbandry.2)The use of genetic engineering will make people tend to propagate the most value individual within existing colony, rather than the natural law of survival.In this sense, the cloning technology will interrupt the procession of natural evolution.Interference
7)genetic engineering will lead a great influence on family relationships.A father of the DNA can be seen as twin brothers, but only delayed for decades.It is hard to imagine that, when a man found himself was just another man's fully reproductions, what feelings will he or she have?
So, science and technology is a double-edged sword, sometimes, there are no harm and no standard answer!Just look like people to use!
Galileo, Italian astronomer and physicist, discovered law of uniform acceleration of falling bodies.For example, Galileo, the great astronomer and physicist in X century, overthrowed the famous theory ,established over 2000 years ago by great people—Aritle, through the experience and thus led to discover law of uniform acceleration of falling bodies.Therefore, the question on the science might usually contribute the unexpected devotion to the progress of science, not obstacle one.Bearing generation “垮掉的一代”是美国战后的一代,他们成长在一个循环发生战争的世界上,他们中的一些成为了一种新的文化的杰出代表,即“垮掉”哲学。他们的思想在绝对自由的躯体里得以升华,在美国战后忧伤失望让人窒息的精神“荒原”时代拔地腾空而起,划破了迷茫的天空,给人们以极大震撼的同时也给了人们面对现实的勇气,在很程度上决定当时社会的发展趋势。
“Beat generation is indicated that American who grew up in a cycle of world war, but some of them became a outstanding representatives of tendency of new culture, named ” the collapse “philosophy.Their thought is updated in absolute freedom body, skyrocketed in the ”wasteland" era which make the people feel disappointed during the world war two, ripped out of the sky and over to people with great shock also gives people the courage of facing reality, certainly, they determined the social development trend at that time..Thatcherism 撒切尔主义
Thatcherism inferred to the policies put forward by Margaret Thatcher, the first woman prime minister in England in 1979.the main contents of her policies included the return to private ownership of state-owned industries, the use of monetarist policies to control inflation, the weakening of trade unions and the strengthening of the role of markets forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order.To some extant their her program was successful and she led to one of the most remarkable period in the British economy.Measures taken by Mrs.Thatcher’s government to improve the economy 撒切尔政府为改善经济为采取的措施。
Mrs.Thatcher’s government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade, using both macroeconomic and microeconomic policies.(1)Macroeconomic measures were directed toward bringing down the rate of inflation and achieve price stability.(2)Microeconomic policies were aimed at working with the gain of market forces by encouraging enterprise, efficiency and flexibility.geophysics地球物理
Continental drift assumption,proposed by Wagner, put forward to deepen the understanding of plate construction, and also made a reasonable explanation for it, and also verified further by the theory of revolution.Nowadays, this theory has guided geologists, geophysicists, and relevant geological experts for further analysis and research.从上面这个生动的例子可以看出,一种合理的想象----建立在一定的事实基础之上,不但会对已有的事实进行合理的解释,而且还可以指导人们进一步对现有事实进行归纳,整理和分析,从而发现其共同规律,协调着他们相互之间的复杂关系。
From vivid example mentioned above, we can infer that a reasonable imaginationpeople's umbrella, which insulate almost harmful radiation from outer space.3.知识在怀疑和证实中积累和进步
When the continental drift assumption, proposed by Wagner, firstly comes, the mostly people, who are full of enthusiasm and curiosity, completely support and praise.But later, with some relatively historical facts occurring, continental drift assumption is not only criticized ruthless, but discarded ultimately by the geologists and geophysicists as another hypothesis of plume appears.Now, by analysis more new historical evidence and summarizing geological phenomenon, the continental drift assumption is accepted again, they view that it can explain more difficult geological phenomena comparing with other assumption.从大陆漂移学说的提出到最终被人们所接受的过程中可以看出,一个学说,总是不断的在人们的怀疑和证实中进步,而不是一开始就完全正确或者完全错误,最终成为可以为人类服务的科学理论。
From the continental drift assumption mentioned above, we can infer that knowledge, especially occurred firstly, is always doubted and verified as the development of relative course, but not completely right or wrong at begin, eventually becoming authentically scientific theory.Leonardo Da Vinci 1.达芬奇怀疑权威:
Leonardo Da Vinci question authority
在天文学上,达.芬奇对传统的“地球中心说”持否定的观点.他认为地球不是太阳系的中心,更不是宇宙的中心,而只是一颗绕太阳运转的行星,太阳本身是不运动的.达.芬奇还认为月亮自身并不发光,他只是反射太阳的光辉.他的这些观点的提出早于哥白尼“太阳中心说” For example, rather than asserting the traditional view—the central of earth, Leonardo Da Vinci argues that the earth is not the central of solar galaxy, only a planet orbiting the sun.The sun itself is still quiescent.And also, he argue that the moon itself only reflect the light coming from the sun, not lighting itself.2.知识经验的积累(历史对现在的作用)
他提出的知识起源于实践的这种方法,后来得到了伽利略的发展,并由英国哲学家弗兰西斯.培根从理论上加以总结,成为近代自然科学的最基本方法. Truth coming from practice, mentioned firstly by Leonardo Da Vinci, is developed by Galileo latter, and then summarized theoretically by Francis Bacon, and at last, it becomes the most fundamental access of current science disciplines.3.全才 通才
Leonardo Da Vinci discovered the conception of liquid pressure on physics;he also attained a great achievement on anatomy and physiology, is thought the originator of physiological anatomy.Also, his innovations and creations involve in military an mechanics.In one words, his study arrange almost involve in every section of natural science.His thought and talents penetrated into every realm of knowledge of human being.His is a less fewer one who developed comprehensively.4,学科交叉
Leonardo Da Vinci fused art and science, intelligence and emotion, form and spirit together.And at the same time, he inherited performance of realism and developed ideas of humanism of the past.Which pushed the art to a unprecedented height, making a great contribution to the development of natural science.In one words, he is the most perfectly incontrovertible delegation in Renaissance.5.达芬奇画鸡蛋 从基础做起 1467年,达·芬奇到佛罗伦萨的委罗基俄艺术工场学艺,当时他十四岁。他的老师委罗基俄对学生要求很严,他对达·芬奇说:“字画要有个好的开端,我不要你首先临摹古人名画,也不给你讲解绘画理论。你每天照着鸡蛋写生,这是画画的一个部分,而且是重要的组成部分。” In 1467, Leonardo Da Vinci, aged fourteen, was sent to study in artistic workshop, located in Florence.His mentor instructed him as follows(and I paragraph): it is very important to have a well beginning for painting, I do not ask you imitate famous art firstly and instruct any theory of painting.For you, painting egg from different angles is your necessary and indispensable task everyday.And you should know it is a vital part of painting.Even more important than others.6.想象与课本获取知识
Sometimes, the imagination is more important than knowledge acquiring from the books.One compelling argument can favor this.Leonardo Da Vinci, great painter in Renaissance periods, owns a extensive idea and imagination that has suppressed contemporary society.Such as the innovation such as helicopter, tank, utilization of energy of concentrated sun, the principle of.computer, and fundamental principle of constituent construction is far suppressed temporal society.7.交叉学科(学科之间的关系)
文艺复兴人文主义(Renaissance humanism)在科学与艺术之间并无相互排斥的极端现象。达芬奇钻研科学、工程领域就像他的艺术作品般令人难忘与突出。手稿中约13,000页的笔记与绘画全是混合艺术与科学所组成的纪录。
There is no vital discrimination between science and art in the Renaissance humanism periods.The achievement of science and engineering by Leonardo Da Vinci is impressed groups of people just like art domain he did.The manuscript records associated with art and science takes a large amount of total number, about 13000pages.8.知识来源于实践与正式教育的相互关系(教育的重要性)达芬奇的手稿纪录是在欧陆行程中透过观察周遭并不断的创作而来,在科学上,达芬奇是一个巨细靡遗的观察家,能以极精细的描述手法表示一个现象。因为缺乏与科学相关的正式教育,所以不是透过理论与实验来验证,他打算发表一系列包含各种主题的论文,也因为缺乏系统的理论基础终未实现。
The manuscript, drafted by Leonardo Da Vinci, is created on the way of Europe by observing around.On science, Leonardo Da Vinci is an very careful observer, describing a phenomenon by vital careful describing access.Due to lack of formal education with relative science, so the phenomenon is not tested by the theory and experience.And also, he failed to public a series papers including kinds of themes.9.不遵循传统或者怀疑权威/ 理论和实践的关系
In the early periods of Renaissance, groups of people accepted blindly the traditional ideas.But Leonardo Da Vinci encouraged people to embrace the nature and seek the truth rather than accepting the past doctrine and assertion as a foundation of knowledge.In his point of view, knowledge is derived from the practice.Only beginning from the practice, it is possible to achieve the truth.Leonardo Da Vinci made a significant contribution to the science by this advanced access.叶红邮箱:albble1988@126.com
● 莫言:一个小学辍学的放牛娃,胸怀一书,手执一笔,走进山东高密乡的红高粱,注写了中国当代文学的一个符号,魔幻现实主义的写法让莫言成为2012年诺贝尔文学奖的得主,可见(后面加上作文的主题,比如坚持读书,爱好,奋斗,攀登,小人物大作为等等,必须用自己的话写上这句话,否则这个例子就没有价值了)
● 霍金:霍金在正值壮年的时候得了卢伽雷氏症,在轮椅上禁锢了40多年,但他并没有因此而放弃生命的突破,他超越相对论、量子力学、大爆炸等理论,迈入了创造宇宙的“几何之舞”的进程,给物理学的版布上画上了浓重的一笔,的确,(后面加上作文主题的话,用自己的话说即可)
● 希特勒:希特勒宣扬人性泯灭论,作为德国纳粹党的元首,他直接导致第二次世界大战的爆发,阻碍了人类历史进程的发展,不得不说,(加上作文的主题)
● 马诺:因为“非诚勿扰”栏目而走红的拜金女马诺,让我们知道有一种人宁愿在宝马车里哭也不愿在自行车上笑,我们并非不去鼓励人们要设定远大的目标,但如果为了一个浮躁的“向上”理念而丢失自己,人生又又何意义呢,我相信,我们的生活里,苏紫紫们、郭美美们、兽兽们仅仅是小众的一部分,我们的大众正用自己的勤劳和心灵为自己的未来铸就美好的天空,(加作文主题)
● 与你为邻(810字)(高考满分)
● 与你为邻(807字)(高考满分)
● 柚子中母爱的味道(47分)
● 青春需要雕琢(中考满分)
这就是青春吧,却依然不知该怎样修饰!● 告别(青岛中考满分)