难度:容易 作者:沪江英语 来源:网络评论:6
I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you're going to fail to have a great career.(Laughter)
I'm an economist.I do dismal.End of the day, it's ready for dismal remarks.I only want to talk to those of you who want a great career.I know some of you have already decided you want a good career.You're going to fail, too-(Laughter)-because-Goodness, you're all cheery about failing.(Laughter)Canadian group, undoubtedly.(Laughter)Those trying to have good careers are going to fail, because, really, good jobs are now disappearing.There are great jobs and great careers, and then there are the high-workload, high-stress, bloodsucking, soul-destroying kinds of jobs, and practically nothing in between.我是个经济学家。我让人心情低落。一天过完了,准备好听听让人心情低落的评论。我只想和你们想要成就伟业的那些人谈。我知道你们有些人已经决定了,你们想要一个成功的事业。你们也会失败的——(笑声)——,因为-天呐,你们听到失败都这么高兴。(笑声)无疑是加拿大人。(笑声)想事业有成的人会失败,因为,真的,现在好工作都在消失。有好工作,和好事业,也有工作量大,压力大,吸食血液,侵蚀灵魂的那种工作,而且几乎没有工作能好点的。
So the people looking for good jobs are going to fail.I'm going to talk about those looking for great jobs, great careers, and why you're going to, why you're going to fail.First reason is that no matter how many times people tell you, “If you want a great career, you have to pursue your passion, you have to pursue your dreams, you have to pursue, the greatest fascination in your life,” you hear it again and again and then you decide not to do it.It doesn't matter how many times you download Steven J.'s Stanford commencement address, you still look at it and decide not to do it.所以想找好工作的人会失败。我谈谈那些寻找伟业的人,你们为什么要寻找,为什么会失败。第一个原因是不管多少次别人告诉你,“如果你想成就伟业,你就必须追随你的热忱,你必须追随你的梦想,你必须追随,你人生中最大的吸引,“ 你听过这句话一遍又一遍,然后你决定,不去这样做。不管你下载多少次,Steven J在斯坦福大学的开学演讲,你还是看看然后决定不去做。
I'm not quite sure why you decide not to do it.You're too lazy to do it.It's too hard.You're afraid if you look for your passion and don't find it, you'll feel like you're an idiot, so then you make excuses about why you're not going to look for your passion.And they are excuses, ladies and gentlemen.We're going to go through a whole long list, your creativity, and thinking of excuses not to do what you really need to do if you want to have a great career.我不太确定你为什么决定不去做。你太懒了。这事太难。你害怕如果你去寻找梦想然后找不到,你会觉得你像个白痴,所以你给自己找借口,为什么你不去追寻你的梦想。这些都是借口,女士们先生们。我们要列一个长单子,你的创造力,想想你不去做成就伟业该做的事情的借口。
So, for example, one of your great excuses is, “Well, great careers are really and truly, for most people, just a matter of luck, so I'm going to stand around, I'm going to try to be lucky, and if I'm lucky, I'll have a great career.If not, I'll have a good career.” But a good career is an impossibility, so that's not going to work.所以,举例来说,你众多借口之一是,“嗯,伟业实际上对于大多数人来说,只是运气问题,所以我就在这待着,我就试试做那个幸运的人,然后如果我真幸运的话,我就能成就伟业。如果不能,我就找个还不错的事业。” 但是没有还不错的事业,所以这个行不通。
Then, your other excuse is, “Yes, there are special people who pursue their passions, but they are geniuses.They are Steven J.I'm not a genius.When I was five, I thought I was a genius, but my professors have beaten that idea out of my head long since.”(Laughter)Mm? “And now I know I am completely competent.” Now, you see, if this was 1950, being completely competent, that would have given you a great career.But guess what? This is almost 2012, and saying to the world, “I am totally, completely competent,” is damning yourself with the faintest of praise.然后,你还有其他借口:“是的,有那些与众不同的人,追寻自己的梦想,但是他们是天才。他们是Steven J.我不是天才。我五岁的时候以为自己是天才,但是我的教授们早就把这个念头,打消了。”(笑声)嗯? “然后现在我知道自己完全有能力。” 现在你看,如果这是在1950年,完全有能力,就能让你成就伟业。但是你知道么?现在几乎是2012年了,对世界说“我完全,绝对,有能力,”就是用最无力的称赞谴责你自己。And then, of course, another excuse: “Well, I would do this, I would do this, but, but, well, after all, I'm not weird.Everybody knows that people who pursue their passions are somewhat obsessive.A little strange? Mm? Mm? Okay? You know, a fine line between madness and genius.I'm not weird.I've read Steven J.'s biography.Oh my goodness.I am not that person.I am nice.I am normal.I'm a nice, normal person, and nice, normal people don't have passion.Ah.But I still want a great career.I'm not prepared to pursue my passion, so I know what I'm going to do, because I have, I have a solution, I have a strategy.It's the one Mommy and Daddy told me about.Mommy and Daddy told me that if I worked hard, I'd have a good career.So, if you work hard and have a good career, if you work really, really, really hard, you'll have a great career.Doesn't that, like, mathematically make sense?” Hmm.Not.(Laughter)But you've managed to talk yourself into that.然后,当然,另外一个借口:“嗯,我会做这个,我会做这个,但是,但是,嗯,毕竟,我不是个怪人。每个人都知道那些追寻自己梦想的人,都多少有点强迫症。有点奇怪?嗯?嗯?好吧?你知道的,疯子和天才一线之隔。我不是个怪人。我读过Steven J的传记。我的天呐。我不是那种人。我是好人。我是正常人。我是正常的好人,而且正常的好人,没有梦想。啊。但是我还是想要成就伟业。我还没准备好去追寻梦想,所以我知道,我要做什么,因为我有办法,我有策略。就是爸爸妈妈告诉过我的那个。爸爸妈妈告诉我说如果我努力工作,我会有个不错的事业。所以,如果你努力工作,而且有个不错的事业,如果你工作特别特别特别努力,你就能成就伟业。这在数学上不是也成立么?”嗯...不是的。(笑声)但是你还是让自己信了这话。
第二篇:读懂这十个故事 足够你成就一番事业
第八个故事:永远的一课 那天的风雪真暴,外面像是有无数发疯的怪兽在呼啸厮打。雪恶狠狠地寻找袭击的对象,风呜咽着四处搜索。大家都在喊冷,读书的心思似乎已被冻住了。一屋的跺脚声。鼻头红红的欧阳老师挤进教室时,等待了许久的风席卷而入,墙壁上的《中学生守则》一鼓一顿,开玩笑似的卷向空中,又一个跟头栽了下来。乱哄哄的教室静了下来,我们惊异地望着欧阳老师。“请同学们穿上胶鞋,我们到操场上去。”几十双眼睛在问。“因为我们要在操场上立正五分钟”。即使欧阳老师下了“不上这堂课,永远别上我的课”的恐吓之词,还是有几个娇滴滴的女生和几个很横的男生没有出教室。操场在学校的东北角,北边是空旷的菜园,再北是一口大塘。那天,操场、菜园和水塘被雪连成了一个整体。矮了许多的篮球架被雪团打得“啪啪”作响,卷地而起的雪粒雪团呛得人睁不开眼张不开口。脸上像有无数把细窄的刀在拉在划,厚实的衣服像铁块冰块,脚像是踩在带冰碴的水里。我们挤在教室的屋檐下,不肯迈向操场半步。谁也没有吭声,我们老老实实地到操场排好了三列纵队。瘦削的欧阳老师只穿一件白衬褂,衬褂紧裹着的他更显单薄。后来,我们规规矩矩地在操场站了五分多钟。在教室时,同学们都以为自己敌不过那场风雪,事实上,叫他们站半个小时,他们顶得住,叫他们只穿一件衬衫,他们也顶得住。
第三篇:为班干伸冤 演讲
How to Manage Your Free Time When people find out I write about time management, Theyassume two things.One is that I'm always on time, and I'm not.I have four small children, and I would like to blame them for my occasional tardiness, but sometimes it's just not their fault.I was once late to my own speech on time management.We all had to just take a moment together and savor that irony.The second thing they assume is that I have lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there.Sometimes I'll hear from magazines that are doing a story along these lines, generally on how to help their readers find an extra hour in the day.And the idea is that we'll shave bits of time off everyday activities, add it up, and we'll have time for the good stuff.I question the entire premise of this piece, but I'm always interested in hearing what they've come up with before they call me.Some of my favorites: doing errands where you only have to make right-hand turns、Being extremely judicious in microwave usage: it says three to three-and-a-half minutes on the package, we're totally getting in on the bottom side of that.And my personal favorite, which makes sense on some level, is to DVR your favorite shows so you can fast-forward through the commercials.That way, you save eight minutes every half hour, so in the course of two hours of watching TV, you find 32 minutes to exercise.Which is true.You know another way to find 32 minutes to exercise? Don't watch two hours of TV a day, right? Anyway, the idea is we'll, save bits of time here and there, add it up, we will finally get to everything we want to do.But after studying how successful people spend their time and looking at their schedules hour by hour, I think this idea has it completely backward.We don't build the lives we want by saving time.We build the lives we want, and then time saves itself.Here's what I mean.I recently did a time diary project looking at 1,001 days in the lives of extremely busy women.They had demanding jobs, sometimes their own businesses, kids to care for, maybe parents to care for, community commitments...busy, busy people.I had them keep track of their time for a week, so I could add up how much they worked and slept, and I interviewed them about their strategies, for my book.One of the women whose time log I studied...she goes out on a Wednesday night for something.She comes home to find that her water heater has broken, and there is now water all over her basement.If you've ever had anything like this happen to you, you know it is a hugely damaging, frightening, sopping mess.So she's dealing with the immediate aftermath that night, next day she's got plumbers coming in, day after that, professional cleaning crew dealing with the ruined carpet.All this is being recorded on her time log.Winds up taking seven hours of her week.Seven hours.That's like finding an extra hour in the day.But I'm sure if you had asked her at the start of the week, “Could you find seven hours to train for a triathlon?” “Could you dind seven hours to mentor seven worthy people?” I'm sure she would've said what most of us would've said, which is, “No...can't you see how busy I am?” Yet when she had to find seven hours because there is water all over her basement, she found seven hours.And what this shows us is that time is highly elastic.We cannot make more time, but time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it.And so the key to time management is treating our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater.To get at this, I like to use language from one of the busiest people I ever interviewed.By busy,I mean she was running a small business with 12 people on the payroll,she had six children in her spare time.I was getting in touch with her to set up an interview on how she “had it all”...that phrase.I remember it was a Thursday morning,and she was not available to speak with me.Of course,right? But the reason she was unavailable to speak with me is that she was out for a hike,because it was a beautiful spring morning,and she wanted to go for a hike.So of course this makes me even more intrigued,and when I finally do catch up with her,she explains it like this.She says,“Listen Laura,everything I do,every minute I spend,is my choice.”And rather than say,“I don't have time to do x,y or z,”she'd say,“I don't do x,y or z because it's not a priority.”“I don't have time,”often means“It's not a priority.”If you think about it,that's really more accurate language.I could tell you I don't have time to dust to dust my blinds,but that's not true.If you offered to pay me $100,000 to dust my blinds,I would get to it pretty quickly.Since that is not going to happen,I can acknowledge this is not a matter of lacking time,it's that I don't want to do it.Using this language reminds us that time is a choice.And granted,there may be horrible consequences for making different choices,I will give you that.But we are smart people,and certainly over the long run,we have the power to fill our lives with the things that deserve to be there.So how do we do that?How do we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater? Well,first we need to figure out what they are.I want to give you two strategies for thinking about this.The first,on the professional side:I'm sure many people coming up to the end of the year are giving or getting annual performance reviews.You look back over your successes over the year,your “opportunities for growth.”And this serves its purpose,but I find it's more effective to do this looking forward.So I want you to pretend it's the end of next year.You're giving yourself a performance review(绩效评估),and it has been an absolutely amazing year for you professionally.Write next year's review:What 3-5 things would make it a great year for you professionally.So you can write next year's performance review now.And you can do this for your personal life,too.I'm sure many of you,like me,come December,get cards that contain these folded up sheets of colored paper,on which written what is known as the family holiday letter.Bit of a wretched genre of literature,really,going on about how amazing everyone in the household is,or even more scintillating,how busy everyone in the household is.But these letters serve a purpose,which is that they tell your friends and family what you did in your personal life that mattered to you over the year.So this year's kind of done,but I want you to pretend it's the end of next year,and it has been an absolutely amazing year for you and the people you care about.Write the family hollday letter:What three to five things did you do that made it so amazing?So you can write next year's family holiday letter now.Don't send it.Please,don't send it.But you can write it.And now,between the performance review and the family holiday letter,we have a list of six to ten goals we can work on in the next year.And now we need to break these down into doable steps.So maybe you want to write a family history.First,you can read some other family histories,get a sense for the style.Then maybe think about the questions you want to ask your relatives,set up appointments to interview them.Or maybe you want to run a 5K.So you need to find a race and sign up,figure out a training plan,and dig those shoes out of the back of the closet.And then...this is key...we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater,by putting them into our schedules first.We do this by thinking through our weeks before we are in them,I find a really good time to do this is Friday afternoons.Friday afternoon is what an economist might call a “low opportunity cost” time.Most of us are not sitting there on Friday afternoons saying,“I am excited to make progress toward my personal and professional priorities right now.”But we are willing to think about what those should be.So take a little bit of time Friday afternoon,make yourself a three-category priority list:career,relationships,self.Making a three-category list reminds us that there should be something in all three categories.Career,we think about;relationships,self...not so much.But anyway,just a short list,two to three items in each.Then look out over the whole of the next week,and see where you can plan them in.Where you plan them in is up to you.I know this is going to be more complicated for some people than others.I mean,some people's lives are just harder than others.It is not going to be easy to find time to take that poetry class if you are caring for multiple children on your own.I get that.And I don't want to minimize anyone's struggle.But I do think that the numbers I am about to tell you are empowering.There are 168 hours in a week.Twenty-four times seven is 168 hours.That is a lot of time.If you are working a full-time job,so 40 hours a week,sleeping eight hours a night,so 56 hours a week...that leaves 72 hours for other things.That is a lot of time.You say you're working 50 hours a week,maybe a main job and a side hustle.Well,that leaves 62 hours for other things.You say you're working 60 hours.Well,that leaves 52 hours for other things.You say you're working more than 60 hours.Well,are you sure?There was once a study comparing people's estimated work weeks with time diaries.They found that people claiming 75-plus-hour work weeks were off by about 25 hours.You can guess in which direction,right?Anyway,in 168 hours a week,I think we can find time for what matters to you.If you want to spend more time with your kids,you want to study more for a test you're taking,you want to exercise for three hours and volunteer for two,you can.And that's even if you're working way more than full-time hours.So we have plenty of time,which is great,because guess what? We don't even need that much time to do amazing things.But when most of us have bits of time,what do we do?Pull out the phone,right?Start deleting emails.Otherwise,we're puttering around the house or watching TV.But small moments can have great power.You can use your bits of time for bits of joy.Maybe it's choosing to read something wonderful on the bus on the way to work.I know when I had a job that required two bus rides and a subway ride every morning,I used to go to the library on weekends to get stuff to read.It made the whole experience almost,almost, enjoyable.Breaks at work can be used for meditating or praying.If family dinner is out because of your crazy work schedule,maybe family breakfast could be a good substitute.It's about looking at the whole of one's time and seeing where the good stuff can go.I truly believe this,there is time.Even if we are busy,we have time for what matters.And when we focus on what matters,we can build the lives we want in the time we've got.
“Be Crazy about sneakers.”————Feedback Almost every basketball fan is dreaming about getting one pair of sneakers of famous brands, like Air Jordan series.Many of them are constantly dedicated to their collections of various sneakers.But through the speaker’s ideas, a clear marketing network emerged, which was seemingly invisible before.All of us who are fond of collecting limited-edition shoes may not realize that we are part of the market itself, although it isn’t a market at all.This is incredible, but it really exists.Basketball fans are enthusiastic about their beloved stars, and the sneakers endorsed by stars are to support their craze, which means a brilliant commercial opportunity to shoes’ industry.And the brand Nike was one of the biggest owners of profits from its sneakers, it is still earning money from us, and it will be as long as the devotion to basketball stars don’t fade away.In short, the intangible beneficial network is a successful example for sports industry.But what if they improve their commercial system? There will be more profits.Anyway, we can learn a lot from this and utilize what we got.