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经典文献(The 100 articles with the highest citation index-until 1996)

参考:Lawrence D.Brown, 1996, “Influential Accounting Articles, Individuals, Ph.D Granting Institutions and Faculties;A Citational Analysis”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.21, NO.7/8, P726-728

1.Ball, R.and Brown, P., 1968, “An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers”, journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, pp.159-178

1.2.Watts R.L., Zimmerman J., 1978, “Towards a Positive Theory of the Determination of

Accounting Standards”, The Accounting Review, pp.112-134

2.3.Healy P.M, 1985, “The Effect of Bonus Schemes on Accounting Decisions”, Journal of

Accounting and Economics, April, 85-107

3.Hopwood A.G., “Towards an Organizational Perspective for the Study of Accounting and

Information Systems”, Accounting, Organizations and Society(No.1, 1978)pp.3-14

4.Collins, D.W., Kothari, S.P., 1989, “An Analysis of Intertemporal and Cross-Sectional

Determinants of Earnings Response Coefficients”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp.143-181

5.EastonP.D, Zmijewski M.E, 1989, “Cross-Sectional Variation in the Stock Market Response to

Accounting Earnings Announcements”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 117-141

6.Beaver, W.H., 1968, “The Information Content of Annual Earnings Announcements”, journal of

Accounting Research, pp.67-92

7.Holthausen R.W., Leftwich R.W., 1983, “The Economic Consequences of Accounting Choice:

Implications of Costly Contracting and Monitoring”, journal of Accounting & Economics, August, pp77-117

8.Patell J.M, 1976, “Corporate Forecasts of Earnings Per Share and Stock Price Behavior: Empirical

Tests.Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, 246-276

9.Brown L.D., Griffin P.A., Hagerman R.L., Zmijewski M.E, 1987, “An Evaluation of Alternative

Proxies for the Market’s Assessment of Unexpected Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and

Economics, 61-87

10.Ou J.A., Penman S.H., 1989, “Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Stock Returns”,Journal of Accounting and Economics, Nov., 295-329

11.William H.Beaver, Roger Clarke, William F.Wright, 1979, “The Association between

Unsystematic Security Returns and the Magnitude of Earnings Forecast Errors,” Journal of

Accounting Research, 17, 316-340.12.Burchell S., Clubb C., Hopwood, A., Hughes J., Nahapiet J., 1980, “The Roles of Accounting in

Organizations and Society”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.1, pp.5-28

13.Atiase, R.K., 1985, “Predisclosure Information, Firm Capitalization, and Security Price Behavior

Around Earnings Announcements”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.21-36.14.Miller P., O'Leary T., 1987, “Accounting and the Construction of the Governable Person”,Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.3, pp.235-266

15.O'Brien P.C., 1988, “Analysts' Forecasts As Earnings Expectations”, journal of Accounting &

Economics, pp.53-83

16.Bernard, V.L., 1987, “Cross-Sectional Dependence and Problems in Inference in Market-Based

Accounting Research”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.1-48

17.Brown L.D., Griffin P.A., Hagerman R.L., Zmijewski M.E, 1987, “An Evaluation of Alternative

Proxies for the Market’s Assessment of Unexpected Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and

Economics, 61-87

18.Freeman, R.N., 1987, “The Association Between Accounting Earnings and Security Returns for

Large and Small Firms”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp.195-228

19.Collins, D.W., Kothari, S.P.and Rayburn, J.D., 1987, “Firm Size and the Information Content of

Prices with Respect to Earnings”, journal of Accounting & Economics, pp.111-138

20.Beaver, W.H., Lambert, R.A.and Morse, D., 1980, “The Information Content of Security Prices,Journal of Accounting & Economics”, March, pp.3-28

21.Foster G., 1977, “Quarterly Accounting Data: Time-Series Properties and predictive-Ability

Results”, The Accounting Review, pp.201-232

22.Christie A.A., 1987, “On Cross-Sectional Analysis in Accounting Research”, journal of Accounting

& Economics, December, pp.231-258

23.Loft A., 1986, “Towards a Critica1 Understanding of Accounting: The Case of Cost Accounting in

theU.K.”, 1914-1925, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.2, pp.137-170

24.GonedesN.J., Dopuch N., 1974, “Capital Market Equilibrium, Information Production, and

Selecting Accounting Techniques: Theoretical Framework and Review of Empirical Work”,journal of Accounting, 48-129

25.Bowen, R.M., Noreen, E.W.and Lacey, J.M., 1981, “Determinants of the Corporate Decision to

Capitalize Interest”, Journal of Accounting & Economics, August, pp151-179

26.Hagerman R.L, Zmijewski M.E, 1979, “Some Economic Determinants of Accounting Policy

Choice”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, August, 141-161

27.Burchell S., Clubb, C.and Hopwood, A.G., 1985, “Accounting in its Socia1 Context: Towards a

History of Value Added in theUnited Kingdom”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.4, pp.381-414

28.Leftwich R.W, 1981, “Evidence of the Impact of Mandatory Changes in Accounting Principles on

Corporate Loan Agreements”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3-36

29.Bernard, V.L.and Thomas, J.K., 1989, “Post-Earnings Announcement Drift: Delayed Price

Response or Risk Premium?”, Journal of Accounting Research, pp.1-36

30.WattsR.L., Zimmerman J.L., 1979, “The Demand for and Supply of Accounting Theories: The

Market for Excuses”, The Accounting Review, April, pp.273-305

31.Armstrong J.P., 1987, “the rise of Accounting Controls in British Capitalist Enterprises”,Accounting, Organizations and Society, May, pp.415-436

32.Beaver, W.H., Lambert, R.A.and Ryan, S.G., 1987, “The Information Content of Security

Prices: A Second Look”, journal of Accounting & Economics, July, pp.139-157

33.Chambers, A.E., Penman, S.H, 1984, “Timeliness of Reporting and the Stock Price Reaction to

Earnings Announcements”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.21-47

34.Collins D.W., Rozeff M.S., Dhaliwal D.S., 1981, “The Economic Determinants of the Market

Reaction to Proposed Mandatory Accounting Changes in the Oil and Gas Industry: A

Cross-Sectional Analysis”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 37-71

35.Holthausen R.W., 1981, “Evidence on the Effect of Bond Covenants and Management

Compensation Contracts on the Choice of Accounting Techniques: The Case of the Depreciation Switch-Back”, journal of Accounting & Economics, March, pp.73-109

36.ZmijewskiM.E., Hagerman R.L., 1981, “An Income Strategy Approach to the Positive Theory of

Accounting Standard Settings/Choice”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 129-149

37.Lev B., Ohlson J.A, 1982, “Market-Based Empirical Research in Accounting: A Review,Interpretation, and Extension”, Journal of Accounting Research, 249-322

38.Ou J.and Penman S.H., 1989, “Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Stock Returns”,Journal of Accounting and Economics, Nov., 295-329

39.Bruns Jr.W.J, Waterhouse, J., 1975, “Budgetary Control and Organization Structure”, journal of

Accounting Research, Autumn, pp.177-203

40.Tinker A.M., Merino B.D., Neimark M., 1982, “The Normative Origins of Positive Theories:

Ideology and Accounting Thought, Accounting, Organizations and Society”, No.2, pp.167-200

41.Foster, G., 1980, “Accounting Policy Decisions and Capital Market Research”, journal of

Accounting & Economics March, pp.29-62

42.Gibbins M., 1984, “Propositions About the Psychology of Professional Judgement in Public

Accounting”, Journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.103-125

43.Hopwood A.G, 1983, “On Trying to Study Accounting in the Contexts in which it Operates”,Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.2/3, pp.287-305

44.Abdolmohammadi M.J., Wright A., 1987, “An Examination of the Effects of Experience and Task

Complexity on Audit Judgments”, The Accounting Review, pp.1-13

45.Berry, A.J., Capps, T., Cooper, D.,Ferguson, P., Hopper, T.and Lowe, E.A., 1985, “Management

Control in an Area of the NCB: Rationales of Accounting Practices in a Public Enterprise”,Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.1, pp.3-28

46.Hoskin, K.W., Macve R.H, 1986, “Accounting and the Examination: A Genealogy of Disciplinary

Power”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.2, pp.105-136

47.Kaplan R.S, 1984, “The Evolution of Management Accounting”, The Accounting Review, 390-341

48.Libby R., 1985, “Availability and the Generation of Hypotheses in Analytica1 Review”, journal of

Accounting Research, Autumn, pp.648-667

49.Wilson G.P., 1987, “The Incremental Information Content of the Accrual and Funds Components

of Earnings After Controlling for Earnings”, the Accounting Review, 293-322

50.Foster, G., Olsen, C., Shevlin T., 1984, “Earnings Releases, Anomalies, and the Behavior of

Security Returns”, The Accounting Review, October, pp.574-603

51.Lipe R.C., 1986, “The Information Contained in the Components of Earnings”, journal of

Accounting Research, pp.37-68

52.Rayburn J., 1986, “The Association of Operating Cash Flows and Accruals With Security Returns”,Journal of Accounting Research, 112-137

53.Ball, R.and Foster, G., 1982, “Corporate Financial Reporting: A Methodological Review of

Empirical Research”, journal of Accounting Research, pp.161-234

54.Demski J.S, Feltham G.A, 1978, “Economic Incentives in Budgetary Control Systems”, The

Accounting Review, 336-359

55.Cooper D.J, Sherer M.J, 1984, “The Value of Corporate Accounting Reports: Arguments for a

Political Economy of Accounting”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.3, 207-232

56.Arrington, C.E., Francis J.R., 1989, “Letting the Chat Out of the Bag: Deconstruction privilege

and Accounting Research”, Accounting Organization and Society, March, pp.1-28

57.Fried, D., Givoly, D., 1982, “Financial Analysts' Forecasts of Earnings: A Better Surrogate for

Market Expectations”, journal of Accounting & Economics, October, pp.85-107

58.Waterhouse J.H., Tiessen P., 1978, “A Contingency Framework for Management Accounting

Systems Research”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.3, pp.65-76

59.Ashton, R.H., 1974, “Experimental Study of Internal Control Judgment journal of accounting

Research”, 1974, pp.143-157

60.Collins D.W., Dent, W.T., 1979, “The Proposed Elimination of Full Cost Accounting in the

Extractive Petroleum Industry: An Empirical Assessment of the Market Consequences”, journal of Accounting & Economics, March, pp.3-44

61.Watts R.L., Leftwich, R.W., 1977, “The Time Series of Annual Accounting Earnings, journal of

Accounting Research”, Autumn, pp.253-271

62.Otley D.T, 1980, “The Contingency Theory of Management Accounting: Achievement and

Prognosis”, Accounting, Organizations, and Society, NO.4, 413-428

63.Hayes D.C, 1977, “The Contingency Theory of Managerial Accounting”, The Accounting Review,January, 22-39

64.Beaver, W.H.,Griffin, P.A.and Landsman, W.R., 1982, “The Incremental Information Content

of Replacement Cost Earnings”, Journal of Accounting & Economics, July, pp.15-39

65.Libby R., Lewis B.L., 1977, “Human Information Processing Research in Accounting: The State of

the Art”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.3, pp.245-268

66.Schipper W., Thompson R., 1983, “The Impact Mergers-Related Regulations on the

Shareholders of Acquiring Firms”, Journal of Accounting Research, 184-221

67.Antle, R., Smith, A., 1986, “An Empirical Investigation of the Relative Performance Evaluation of

Corporate Executives”, journal of Accounting Research, spring, pp.1-39.68.GonedesN.J., Dopuch N., Penman S.H., 1976, “Disclosure Rules, Information-Production, and

Capital Market Equilibrium: The Case of Forecast Disclosure Rules”, Journal of Accounting Research, 89-137

69.Ashton, A.H.and Ashton, R.H., 1998, “Sequential Belief Revision in Auditing”, The Accounting

Review, October, pp.623-641

70.Larcker D.F, 1983, “The Association Between Performance Plan Adoption and Corporate Capital

Investment”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 3-30

71.McNichols M., Wilson G.P., 1988, “Evidence of Earnings Management from the Provision for Bad

Debts”, journal of Accounting Research, pp.1-31

72.Tomkins C., Groves R., 1983, “The Everyday Accountant and Researching His Reality”,Accounting, Organizations and Society, No 4, pp361-374

73.Dye R.A, 1985, “Disclosure of Nonproprietary Information”, Journal of Accounting Research,123-145

74.Biddle, G.C.and Lindahl F.W., 1982, “Stock Price Reactions to LIFO Adoptions: The Association

Between Excess Returns and LIFO Tax Savings”, Journal of Accounting Research, 1982, pp.551-588

75.Joyce E.J., 1976, “Expert Judgment in Audit Program Planning”, journal of Accounting Research,pp.29-60

76.Kaplan R.S, 1983, “Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Managerial

Accounting Research”, The Accounting Review, 686-705

77.Ball R., 1972, “Changes in Accounting Techniques and Stock Prices”, journal of Accounting

Research, Supplement, pp.1-38

78.Ricks W.E, 1982, “The Market’s Response to the 1974 LIFO Adoptions”, Journal of Accounting

Research, 367-387

79.Albrecht, W.S., Lookabill L.L., McKeown, J.C., 1977, “The Time-Series Properties of Annual

Earnings”, journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, pp.226-244

80.DeAngelo L.E, 1981, “Auditor Size and Audit Quality”, Journal of Accounting and Economics,183-199

81.Merchant K.A., 1981, “The Design of the Corporate Budgeting System: Influences on Managerial

Behavioral and Performance”, The Accounting Review, October, pp.813-829

82.Penman S.H, 1980, “An Empirical Investment of the Voluntary Disclosure of Corporate Earnings

Forecasts of Earnings”, Journal of Accounting Research, 132-160

83.Simunic D., 1980, “The Pricing of Audit Services: Theory and Evidence”, Journal of Accounting

Research, 161-190

84.Waller W.S., Felix Jr.W.L., 1984, “The Auditor and Learning from Experience: Some

Conjectures”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.3, pp.383-408

85.Dyckman T.R, Smith A.J, 1979, “Financial Accounting and Reporting by Oil and Gas Producing

Companies: A Study of Information Effects”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45-75

86.Holthausen R.W., Verrecchia R.E., 1988, “The Effect of Sequential Information Releases on the

Variance of Price Changes in an Intertemporal Multi-Asset Market”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.82-106

87.Hopwood A.G., 1978, “Towards an Organizational Perspective for the Study of Accounting and

Information Systems”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, No.1, pp.3-14

88.Leftwich R.W, 1983, “Accounting Information in Private Markets: Evidence from Private Lending

Agreements”.The Accounting Review, 23-42

89.Otley D.T, 1978, “Budget Use and Managerial Performance”, Journal of Accounting Research,Spring, 122-149

90.Griffin, 1977, “The time-series Behavior of Quarterly Earnings: Preliminary Evidence”, Journal of

Accounting Research, spring, 71-83

91.Brownell P., 1982, “The Role of Accounting Data in Performance Evaluation, Budgetary

Participation, and Organizational Effectiveness”, journal of Accounting Research, Spring, pp.12-27

92.Dhaliwal D.S, Salamon G.L, Smith E.D, 1982, “The effect of Owner Vs Management Control on

the Choice of Accounting and Economics”, 41-53

93.Hopwood A.G., 1972, “An Empirical Study of the Role of Accounting Data in Performance

Evaluation”, journal of Accounting Research, pp.156-182

94.Foster, G., 1981, “Intra-Industry Information Transfers Associated with Earnings Releases”,journal of Accounting & Economics, December, pp.201-232

95.Chua, W.F., 1986, “Radical Developments in Accounting Thought”, The Accounting Review,October, pp601-632

96.Hughes P.J., 1986, “Signalling by Direct Disclosure Under Asymmetric Information”, journal of

Accounting & Economics, June, pp.119-142

97.Kinney W.R.Jr., 1986, “Audit Technology and Preference for Auditing Standards”, Journal of

Accounting and Economics, 73-89

98.Titman S., Trueman B., 1986, “Information Quality and the Valuation of New Issues”, journal of

Accounting& Economics, pp.159-172

99.Wilson G.P., 1986, “The Relative Information Content of Accruals and Cash Flows: Combined

Evidence at the Announcement and Annual Report Release Date”, Journal of Accounting

Research, 165-203




I'm glad to introduce myself to you.My Chinese name is Ma Lin, but you can call me Rock, my English name.I chose Rock to be my English name because I want to be as tough as a rock, hehe.I was born and raised in Guangdong, so I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin.I'll soon graduate from Zhongshan University, majoring in accounting.I think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school, so you know this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English.My GPA is 3.6, it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade.And I've passed 15 exams in CGA, I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 2009.Besides having good academic performance, I was actively involved in student activities.I was in charge of Student Welfare(生活委员)in my class, and in the Student union of our school.I enjoyed this position because what I did was very important to everybody, although it was mostly small details.I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm.I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports.My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmate to join our team.KPMG is my dream company.What’s more, I have great interest in joining the Tax Department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant.I wish my dream could come true today.Thank you!


hello, my professors.it’s a fine day today,and i’m very pleased to meet you here.first of all,i’d like to introduce myself to you.my name is ***,my hometown is ***,which is a really beautiful city.even when i was a young boy,i was very interested in accounting.every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a accountant.still today i think that interest is the best teacher in one’s whole life(and knowledge comes from practice).second, i will introduce my major.my major is accounting in *** university.and my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.when both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern industry.four years’ university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.it teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability(such as doing expriment as much as possible).in the university life,i have made many good friends.they help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.besides what i have introduced myself above,i also have many interests in my spare time.i like playing football,which is an effective way i think to improve my body health,and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people.drawing and writing is another favor to me.above all,i choose the major in order to broad my view in accounting ,and enhance my research ability.i will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.会计类英文自我介绍篇三:

My name am ﹡﹡¸ my specialty was the Accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years I already is smooth through the English four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand






Private-owned enterprises are very important force in our country“s economic construction.However, there is a common issue existing in many private-owned enterprises in their business administration that is they neglect the enterprise culture construction and lack of excellent enterprise culture.The competitions of enterprise in 21st century will highlight in competition of culture strength.The enterprise culture management will become a new management way after the management way of experience and science.The private-owned enterprises must strengthen culture construction so as to improve business administration and provide permanent internal impetus for the development of enterprises.The development of the private-owned enterprise”s culture has a historical process and forms a diversiform character.The article sums up the actuality of the Private-owned enterprise“s culture construction and provides detailed analysis for mistakes in the private-owned enterprise”s culture construction at present.On the basis of it, the article put forwards the instructional principia, direction, method and corresponding measure for the private-owned enterprise“s culture construction and provides the corresponding suggestion for how to develop the private-owned enterprise”s culture that has distinguished features.According to the case of Zhengtai Company, this article also gives empirical analysis of the enterprise culture construction.本文转自浅论天下

















2.2 影响SO3浓度的过程因素



表4 富氧燃烧条件下影响熔炉中SO2浓度的因素















酸露点热量传递的控制灰分的化学成分,SO3/SO2的转化,H2SO4的转化 飞灰中Na,K,Ca,Mg倾向于形成硫酸盐从而减少SO2的浓度。在飞灰中硫的捕获率依赖于数量,微粒粒径,金属氧化物在灰分中的形成和分布。更高浓度的水分和灰分使燃料/O2的比值更小。S的生成物H2S和COS在还原气氛中间断的形成,焦炭的燃尽影响影响整个燃料中硫元素的转化。碳的燃尽,火焰的温度,传递给锅炉的辐射热。通过燃烧器的烟气流体积的改变,稀释/SO2的循环。通过燃烧器的气体流体积发生改变,SO2稀释 在烟气酸露点下运行的热量交换单元将会导致H2SO4的沉





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