
时间:2019-05-12 13:45:17下载本文作者:会员上传



The Big is the Little

Nothing can be done except little by little, the French poet

Baudelaire Charles once said.Most people, however, often ignore such a truth.So does the little boy shown in the picture.He

expresses his worries to his father about disposing of nuclear waste, but is told that he can achieve nothing if he doesn’t empty the dustbin first.Every single little thing you can do today matters.The truth has been tested for ages, and thousands of great people have set good examples for us.For instance, Leonardo da Vinci, the

world-renowned master in painting, starts his career with repeated egg-drawing.Lu Xun, the great man of letters, reminded himself to get up early by inscribing the character “morning” on his desk.As university students, in my opinion, we should aim high, but at the same time, we shall never measure a task by its size.All in all, only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.



87.____________________________(不管你出了多少错), you are still ahead of those who won’t try.【参考答案】:No matter how many mistakes you've made

88.When he came to, he found himself

____________________________(躺在一个陌生人的房间里).【参考答案】:lying in a stranger's room

89.The new approach is quite different from the traditional one and ____________________________(结果远不令人满意).【参考答案】: the result is far from satisfactory

90.I have not seen John for years, nor

____________________________(他的父母也没有收到他的音讯).【参考答案】:have his parents heard from him

91.It is sad to see some people cross the street,____________________________(全然不理会交通信号).【参考答案】:without regard to the traffic lights

























It pays to be honest


The net is increasingly popular

网络越来越流行 Students of universities and colleges Pop music appeals to me

我对流行音乐很感兴趣 Everything cuts both ways

任何事情都有两面性 English is intensely important=English matters much 1.As the economy advances at a fast pace, English plays an increasingly important role in our lives Simply put


He believes women cannot be too thin


2.It pays to cultivat the innovative spirit among students of colleges and universities.3.On college campuses across the nation,playing online game is intensely popular.E-books/digital books/paperless books

电子书 Online courses/web courses


A green campus=an environment-friendly campus 4.It pays to maintain a positive mental attitude when facing adverse situations.put in another way, remaining optimistic in adversities pays off.5.A growing number of college students are hopelessly addicted to matters unrelated to their studies, a worrying trend that should spark public attention.6.We are supposed to be fully aware of the fact that if we continue to harm the environment we are bound to pay heavily/dearly for it.7.As an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years.China currently falls behind advanced countries on many fronts.On many fronts


8.It pays to foster the cooperative spirit on many fronts.9.Thanks to advances in technology and economy, a variety of/diversity of digital products, from mobile phone to digital camera, are intensely popular on the Chinese mainland.10.Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of the topic of a green campus.11.The past decades have seen the fast-paced development of the nation’s economy.On doubly


12.I doubt that she married him for money There is no doubt that=it is beyond doubt that…

13.There is no doubt that this reform is aimed at sharpening the competitive edge of the students in the tough job market.14.It is beyond doubt that far too many college students fail to be aware that achieving/striking a balance between entertainment and studies matters much.15.Undoubtedly, what you do on campus will have profound impact on you in the days ahead.Individual colleges and universities


16.He bought/purchased/acquired this public company 17.With the nation’s economy still in the red, a growing number of college graduates find it is increasingly hard to land a decent job.Loving our country means more than words 18.On my personal level, effective measures should be taken to crack down on piracy/reverse the trend 19.We , college students, are supposed to take the leading role in fighting against this evil trend 20.Only by taking concrete moves can we enjoy a pollution-free environment.Making painstaking efforts


21.Only by making painstaking efforts can we climb the social ladder higher.22.It is not uncommon that far too many Chinese fail to focus on details.place a high value on


23.It is not uncommon that far too many Chinese students fail to place a high value on learning Chinese, their mother tongue The bulk of=the majority of

24.The bulk of Chinese take pride in the country’s abundant natural resources Do all in one’s power to


25.While my command of English is not outstanding, I am doing all in my power to improve it Favor A over B

支持A而不支持B 26.While Romney won the first debate, I favor Obama instead of/rather than over him You deserve it


2.你活该 Digging into


Stress A over B

强调A 而不强调B 27.Traditionally, Chinese education stresses mechanical thinking over creativity A to B is what C to D In an effort to=in order to

28.In an effort to reverse the trend, the government has pumped a wealth of resources into this campaign.Launch a campaign


29.Personally, the government should launch a campaign to crack down on illegal manufactures Be designed to do=be aimed at doing Awaken sb to the crucial importance of sth


30.The government should awaken people across the nation to the crucial importance of respecting intellectual property rights Senior citizens

老人(尤指退休者)be responsible for


31.The shrinking population is responsible for this trend.Get actively involved in


32.In their leisure hours, they consume a good portion of time getting actively involved in serving as volunteers.It is virtually impossible for sb to do sth


33.It is virtually impossible for you to land a decent job without superb professional knowledge and an outstanding command of English.Nothing new


34.Devoting a good portion of leisure time to learning English is nothing new among my fellow students 35.Setting a grand goal but not taking concrete moves is nothing new among my peers.Be capable of


36.Fat too many Chinese are incapable of thinking independently and critically 37.Others, however, are supportive of this campaign.Others, however, see a different picture.Claiming it pays to devote much time to taking optional courses Generate impacts


sth concerns sb


38.How to reverse the trend concerns folks from every walk of life Every walk of life


As the pillar of our society


39.As the pillar of our society, we ,college students, should shoulder more responsibility to respect intellectual proerty rights/should take the leading role in serving as volunteers in the earthquake-stricken area.40.I am striving to earn more money to relieve my parents’ financial load

41.Folks from all walks of life should strive to play a part in building a pollution-free society Sharpen one’s edge


42.Our course focuses on teaching the students how to sharpen their edge when taking the interview Last but definitely not the least


43.People focusing on immediate benefits are bound to pay dearly for it

44.Last but definitely not the least, our lack of attention on this issue is mostly responsible for it.Move oneself beyond


45.It’s my hope that in my college days I could gradually move myself beyond my dependence on parents.In the hope of


46.I am doing all in my power to earn credits in the hope of graduating earlier.Lend A B’s support

B支持A 47.I sincerely hope that you could lend me your support in the election for class president.48.I sincerely hope that you could do everything you can to promote the environmental awareness among your fellow students.49.He , with his superb performance, is gaining growing popularity on campus.Giant leaps


50.Thanks to giant leaps in technology, could computing is gaining growing popularity across the world.51.If You Are The One, a TV reality show, is gaining growing popularity on the Chinese mainland.52.Sina weibo , the Chinese clone of Twitter, is gaining enormous popularity among net citizens.Enable sb to do sth


53.The nets enables us to communicate with each other in ways that were beyond our imagination.Far outweigh


54.The strengths of the net far outweigh it’s weakness.55.The virtual world has generated far more positive impacts on us than negative ones.As sb put it


56.As Kobe Bryant,a legendary figure of NBA, put it ,”it is the teamwork spirit that helps Los Angeles Lakers weather hard times all these years” Taste success


57.Mo Yan ultimately tasted success.Be equipped with


58.High achievers are equipped with a wealth of personal qualities that others lack.A series of=a string of

59.School authorities attribute a string of suicides to our lack of attention on the students’ psychological mental health.60.He stays far ahead of his fellow students on many fronts thanks to his painstaking efforts Attach growing importance to(doing)sth


61.After having suffered some major setbacks in his career, he attaches growing importance to execution.As a consequence

结果 I would argue

我认为 At current stage


Matter much more


62.I would argue that at current stage studies matter much more than entertainment.Be closely linked to


63.Whether you could taste success is closely linked to whether you have a strong will.I couldn’t care less about it

我不关心 I couldn’t care more about it


This movie couldn’t be worse

很糟糕的电影 not simply…but…

不仅…而且 push up=drive up

推动某物上升 to be more specific


excessive exploitation


64.To be more specific, our excessive exploitation of natural resources not only costs us dearly in the short run but may generate profound negative impacts on future generations

In the short run

从短期看来 the post-90s generation

90后 turn around

扭转…趋势 pay lip service


65.All parties involved in this pressing issue are supposed to stop paying lip service.Curb the prevalent trend

遏制(不好的)趋势 Wage campaigns


Governments at all levels

各级政府 Bring…under control


66.Governments at all levels are supposed to wage massive campaign to bring the soaring commodity prices under control.Bear fruits


Bear the costs


Bear the consequence


67.I harbor a sincere hope that our combined efforts would pay off.68.People from all walks of life should combine their efforts to build our society into a harmonious noe 5




Study Abroad or in China?

There is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether students should study abroad or not.Some people are of the view that the youths should go overseas for further study if possible, while others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that it is of no necessity for students to study in a foreign country.Those people who maintain that it is good for students to go abroad for further study believe that diverse culture background can broaden students’ horizon.They also claim that overseas study can shape students’ personality because they are forced to deal with all kinds of difficulties by themselves.Nevertheless, the other people who contend that domestic education is good enough for students argue that our educational quality has been greatly improved during the past decade.They also point out that domestic education is convenient and economical.As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight.For one thing, it can strengthen the learners’ abilities to understand and communicate with people from other cultures.For another, the developed countries still have a lot advanced knowledge which is worth our study.When all the factors are examined, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that studying abroad if possible is advisable.二.问题解决型实例:2001年1月(How to Succeed in a Job Interview? 面试在求职过程中的作用、面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是„„),2000年1月(How I Finance My College Education?)1998年1月(My View on Fake Commodities)模板:With the development/improvement of(铺垫),(某一问题).It is necessary that(关注解决现象引出的问题很必要).On the one hand,(理由一).On the other hand,(理由二).Therefore, how to(承上启下句,要解决的问题)is worth paying attention.Firstly,(办法一).Secondly,(办法二).For example,(举例解释解决办法二).Thirdly,(办法三).In other words,(阐明解决办法三).In fact, the ways to(解决问题的办法多种多样)are countless.It’s time that(强调解决问题时不可待).真题演练:How to Succeed in a Job Interview?(2001年1月)

With the development of job market, job interview plays an important role in job-hunting.It is necessary that we should learn some tricks to perform better in a job interview.On the one hand, a job interview offers interviewees and interviewers respectively a chance to know each other within a very short time.On the other hand, excellent performance in an interview will enable the interviewees to exert a good impression on the interviewer and finally win the job.Therefore, how to succeed in job interview is worth paying attention.Firstly, interviewees should dress neatly and properly.Secondly, interviewees should be confident.For example, when asked about professional questions, interviewees should give a clear and definite answer.Thirdly, interviewees should have some knowledge about the company and the position they apply for.In other words, interviewees should prepare themselves something about the interview in advance so as to show that they attach vital importance to the job.In fact, the ways to succeed in a job interview are countless.It’s time that we laid stress on interview because it’s the first step of our work experience.热点追踪The Damage of Public Facilities公共设施破坏严重的问题亟待解决,2、解决办法有哪些,3、你的看法。

The Damage of Public Facilities

With the improvement of living standard, more and more public facilities, such as public telephone booths and ATMs have been installed in the streets.It is necessary that we have to pay attention to the damage of these public facilities.On the one hand, some people use them without care, which leads to inconvenience to others.On the other hand, the damaged public facilities stain the beauty of the city.Therefore, how to prevent public facilities from being damaged is worth paying attention.Firstly, public facilities should be made of hard materials so as to be more durable.Secondly, some devices should be adopted to protect them from being damaged.For example, like cars, we can install alarm devices in public facilities.Thirdly, from my point of view, it is essential that we civilize our citizens to behave morally.In other words, we should tell the citizens that it is shameful to destroy public facilities.In fact, the ways to reduce the damage of public facilities are countless.It’s time that we took most effective ones to protect them.三.观点论证型实例:2003年1月(It pays to be honest)、1999年1月(Don’t hesitate to say “No”)、1997年1月(Practice Makes Perfect)模板:It is true that(指出普遍存在的观点).However,(谈不同的观点).I think(提出自己的观点,即文章的论点).(过渡句,转向观点的论证,根据情况选择具体的词)can be listed as follows.Firstly,(论证理由一).Secondly,(论证理由二).For example,(举例具体说明理由二).Thirdly,(论证理由三).A case in point is that(举例具体说明理由三).It goes without saying that(转折句,提出执行该观点时应注意的事项).There is no doubt that(得出结论).In conclusion(总结全文).真题演练:It Pays to be Honest(2003年1月)

It is true that most of us value honesty highly.However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on.I think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society.The reasons can be listed as follows.Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious.For example, consumers will not be afraid of being overcharged if dealers are honest, and thus dealers can win over more customers.Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable.A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate.It goes without saying that being honest is of great benefit to both the community and individuals.There is no doubt that we should foster the spirit of honesty.In conclusion, laying stress on honesty will become the public morals in our society.四.图表说明型

实例:2002年6月,1991年6月模板:(概括性词语最近出现的总体现象)has become a common part of people’s life.And(题目要求讨论的具体现象)has always aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is(现象的具体表现).The reasons(现象或现象带来的结果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫)are varied.Among the various reasons,(原因一)plays an important part.That is to say,(具体说明原因一).What is more,(原因二).For example,(举例说明原因二).When talking about(作者要讨论的现象),(作者的看法).On the one hand,(支持看法的理由一或说明看法的第一个方面).On the other hand,(支持看法的理由二或说明看法的第二个方面).In brief,(总结).真题演练:Student use of computers(2002年6月)

Using computers has become a common part of people’s life.And the tremendous growth of student use of computers has always aroused the greatest concern.What impresses us most is that, in 2000, college students averagely spent 20 hours per week on computer, which is the size more than ten times that of ten years ago.The reasons why computers are widely used are varied.Among the various reasons the decreasing price of PC plays an important part.That is to say, more students can afford a personal computer.What is more, the Internet provides college students an amazing world to explore, For example, people can get the latest news and information as well as conveniently make friends around the world.When talking about disadvantages and problems existing in student use of computers, I think that their lack of skills and disciplines is the point we should pay attention to, On the one hand, their lack of skills fails students to make full use of the computer and the Internet.On the other hand, their lack of necessary disciplines makes some students indulge in computer games and net world, and even other negative materials, forgetting their major tasks as college students.In brief, there is still a lot to do to help students make good use of computers.热点追踪:Cheating in Exams学生作弊现象越来越严重,2、作弊的原因,3、如何杜绝作弊。

Cheating in Exams

Trying to defeat the cheat has become a common part of people’s life.And cheating in exams on campus has always aroused the greatest concern.And cheating in exams on campus has always aroused the greatest concern.What amazes us most is that many methods are adopted by students.The reasons for cheating in exams are varied.Among the various reasons, to get higher scores or scholarships plays an important part.That’s to say, some students are under great pressure from their parents or they fear to fall behind others, so they to get high scores in exams.What is more, some students just play the time away and want to pass the exams without efforts.For example, they spend the whole night playing PC games but fall asleep in the class.When talking about how to deal with cheating in exams, I think education and punishment might work.On the one hand, we should explain the harm of cheating to the students.On the other hand, punishment or penalty should be given to those who have been found cheating.In brief, we should try our best to put an end to cheating.五.应用文A:批评、抱怨、投诉信:Dear,My name is(姓名).I am(身份).I venture to write you a letter about(表述抱怨内容).The focus of the complaint is(抱怨内容的核心点).For one thing,(抱怨内容的一个方面).For another,(另一方面).Honestly speaking,(客观评论).But(抱怨产生的原因之一).Besides,(抱怨产生的原因之二).All in all, there is still much room for improvement(总结说明所抱怨现象或事物还有很大改进空间).I do hope(表达本人的愿望).Thank you for your time and kind consideration.(信件结尾常用语)

Sincerely Yours,Signature


A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper

Dear Editor,My name is Li Ming.I am a senior junior student of the civil engineering school in this university.I venture to write you a letter about the canteen service on campus, which has given rise to many complaints among students..The focus of the complaint is the poor quality of the food.For one thing, the rice is hard, the steamed breads are usually sold cold and vegetables are often overcooked.For another, the prices of the foods are surprisingly high..Honestly speaking, the dining environment has been improved since last year.But there are still enough space and seats for us to have our meals there.Besides, the attitude of the canteen staff is not hospitable at al.All in all, there is still much room for improvement.I do hope we will not suffer another year.Thank you for your time and kind consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Ming


I am delighted to learn that(写信的原因).It(引出作者的建议).In my opinion,(表达建议内容).On the one hand,(提出建议的理由

一).On the other hand,(建议的理由二).As to the(具体到某一方面的建议内容), I suggest().If(供被建议人选择的条件).It is unnecessary for you to(建议内容的另一方面).In addition,(其它的建议).I am sure(对建议内容的评价).Please inform me(对建议内容所做的承诺).I am looking forward to(表达本人的愿望).Sincerely Yours,Signature

真题演练:Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter.Suppose you are Zhang Ying.Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the weeklong holiday.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:


A letter to a schoolmate

Dear Wang,I am delighted to learn that you will visit me for a week during this national holiday.It has been a pleasant surprise to hear from you again after such a long time.In my opinion, Shenyang is your best choice for this vacation.On the one hand, there are many places of interest and historical sites in Shenyang.On the other hand, Shenyang is cultural center with various artistic and musical performances..As to the famous sites, I suggest that you should visit Shenyang Imperial Palace Museum.If you are interested in gardens, Shenyang Botanic Garden won’t disappoint you.It is unnecessary for you to bring anything except your sweaters since it is a little cold in the evenings.In addition, as there will be many people at the railway station, you should not leave your belongings unattended.I am sure you will have a nice time here.Please inform me when you have come to a decision.I am looking forward to seeing you soon



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