自考基础英语 短语总结

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第一篇:自考基础英语 短语总结

自考基础英语 短语复习


2.十进币值a decimal coinage

3.过时out of fashion

4.有形贸易visible trade

















21.比较利益target audience raw material universal product code standardized containers trade gap place of historical special economic zones manufactured products commercial intercourse gross national product a time lageconomies of scale compensation trade in the red primitive accumulation of capital the general mass of productions comparative advantage

22.国际贸易international trade

23.消费需求consumer demand

24.食品杂货店grocery store

25.无形贸易invisible trade

26.定期存款账户savings accounts

27.市场经济market economy

28.商业银行a commercial bank

29.生产资料means of production


31.能源危机resources crisis

32.关税壁垒tariff barriers

33.市场价格机制a price-and-market mechanism

34.供求机制the supply and demand mechanism

35.完完全全的自由贸易perfectly free commerce

36.文明世界the civilized world


38.额外储备金excess reserves

39.保险费insurance premium

40.无形资产intangible assets

41.摇滚乐演奏会rock concert

42.交通高峰时期rush hour

43.背负式运输piggy-back service


45.直接税direct taxes

46.医疗设备medical device

47.人造丝artificial silk

48.批量生产mass production

















65.财政危机work hand in handthe English Industrial Revolution exclusive privileges better offnationalincome business investment expenditure monopolisticcompetition in time of peace insurancepolicy cost effectiveness dill of lading replacement cost short-distance distribution downtown business district checkoutcounter the required reserve a financial crisis

66.人际关系interpersonal relations

67.每隔几分钟every few minutes

68.政府的机关工作人员 works in government offices

69.保守秘密guard a secret


















87.故意行为shopping centre know-how floatingcapitaleconomies of scale state taxes the supply and demand mechanism absoluteadvantage trafficjam talk show viewerdemographics the peculiar power foreign-trade zones investment demand innovational advances traditional patterns of life the Great Lakes region an intentional act

88.统计学原理a statistical principle

89.边远村庄outlying villages

90.广告媒介advertising media

91.形式的变化a change in situation

92.合计总计in the aggregate

93.资本设备capital equipment

94.庞大的富丽堂皇的宫廷 a numerous and splendid court

95.存货占用成本inventory carrying costs

96.可以行的通的体制a possible system

97.计划经济planned economy

98.以分散的方式in a decentralized fashion

99.工业产品industrial goods银行)活期存款 demand deposits 合资公司joint venture company 劳动力labor force 经济增长economic growth 保险公司insurance company 机械化生产线a mechanized production line 国营公司state-owned companies 总产量aggregate output稳定状态a stationary state



001.a bottle/glass/cup… of 一瓶/茶杯/玻璃杯

002.a few 一些

003.a kind of 一种;一类

004.a little 一点;少量

005.a lot of…(lots of…)许多的006.a moment later 片刻之后

007.a number of 若干的;许多的008.a pair of 一双;一副

009.a piece of 一块(张;片;只)

010.all day(long)整天;一天到晚

011.all kinds of 各种各样

012.all one’s life一生;终生

013.all over 到处;结束

014.all over the world 全世界

015.all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了

016.all the same 仍然

017.all the time ①一直;始终②老是(美国英语)

018.arrive at/in 到达某地

019.as…as… 一样

020.as…as one can(=as…as possible)尽量

021.as soon as 一就

022.at breakfast 早餐时

023.at first 起先;开始的时候

024.at home 在家

025.at last 最后;终于

026.at night 在夜里

027.at noon 在正午

028.at once 立刻;马上

029.at school 在学校上课

030.at the back of 在……的后面

031.at the head of 在……的前面

032.at the moment 此刻

033.at the same time 同时

034.at this time of(the)year 在(一年中)这个时节里

035.at times 时常;有时

036.at work 在工作

037.be able to do sth.(= can+V.)能够

038.be angry with sb.生某人的起 be angry at/about sth.生某事的气 039.be born 出生

040.be different from… 和……不同

041.be full of 充满着……

042.be good at 善于 be bad at拙于

043.be good for 对……有益的 be bad for 对……有害的044.be in hospital 生病;住院 be in the hospital 在医院

045.be late for 迟到

046.be like 像

047.be made of(be made from)……制的;用…….制成的048.be/get ready 准备好

049.be sure 肯定;确定

050.break down ①(机械)损坏②拆散(某物)

051.by+交通工具 搭乘某交通工具

052.by the way 顺便一提

053.by then 到那时

054.catch(a)cold;have a cold 感冒

055.change one’s mind 改变想法(注意)

056.come back 回来

057.come down 下来

058.come from ①出生于②来自于

059.come in 进入;进来come out 出来

060.come over 过来;顺便来访

061.come around(走)过来(绕行而来)

062.day after day 日复一日地;天天

063.do(es)+V.ing 做某事

064.do sport 运动;参加(体育)运动

065.does well ①做得很好②成功③成绩很好

066.each other 互相

067.eat up 吃完

068.either…or… 不是……就是

069.enjoy oneself 过得愉快

070.fall behind 落后;跟不上

071.fall off ①跌落;掉下②(质或量)下降

072.far away 遥远

073.feel like doing sth.想要做某事

074.feel tired 感到疲劳

075.find out 查明;发现;了解

076.from now on 从今以后;今后

077.from … to … 从……到……

078.get back ①返回②取回

079.get down ①下来;落下②记下来

080.get dressed 穿衣服

081.get home 大家

082.get into ①进入②搭乘(出租车)③陷入(坏的情况)

083.get off ①下车②起飞

084.get on ①上车②生活

085.get on(with…)= get along(with…)①生活②与(某人)相处③(活动)有进展 086.get out of ①从......出来②从出租车(轿车)下来

087.get ready to do sth.准备做某事

088.get up ①起床②起立

089.get warm(long)变暖和(长)

090.give a call 给……打电话

091.give back 归还;送回

092.go back 回去

093.go for a walk 散步

094.go home 回家

095.go on 继续

096.go shopping 去购物

097.go to bed 睡觉(并未入睡)

098.go to school 上学

099.go to sleep 入睡;睡着

100.go to the cinema 看电影

101.grow up 成年;长大成人

102.half an hour 半小时

103.have a drink of 喝一点……

104.have good time 玩得很高兴;过得愉快

105.have a look(at)看一看

106.have a match 比赛have a test 测验

107.have a meeting 开会

108.have a rest 休息

109.have a swim 游泳

110.have a talk 谈话

111.have a walk 散步

112.have a wash 洗(手,脸等)

113.have breakfast 吃早饭

114.have lessons/classes 上课

115.have lunch 吃午饭

116.have sport 进行体育活动

117.have supper 吃晚饭

118.have to 不得不;必须

119.hear from+sb.收到某人的来信

120.hear of 听说

121.help sb.with sth 在某事上帮某人help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 122.hold a meeting(= have a meeting)举行会议

123.hold on ①等一等(别挂电话)②坚持;持续

124.hour after hour 一小时又一小时地;持续地

125.how long ①(时间)多长;多长②(长度)多长

126.how many/much 多少/多少(钱)

127.how often 多久;多常

128.how old 几岁;多大(年纪)

129.hundreds of 数百

130.hurry of 匆匆离去;赶快去

131.hurry up 赶快

132.in a minute 一会儿;立刻

133.in bed 躺在床上

134.in English 用英语(说)

135.in front 在前方(面);在正对面

136.in front of 在......前面

137.in time 正好;及时

138.in the middle of 在……中间

139.jump into 跳进……

140.just a moment 等一会儿

141.just then 正在那时

142.keep busy(一直)忙碌

143.last year 去年

144.later on 过后;以后

145.laugh at 嘲笑

146.listen to 听……(讲话)

147.look after 照料;照顾

148.look at(注视着)看;观看

149.look for 寻找

150.look into 往……里看

151.look like 看起来像

152.look over(医生)检查

153.look the same 看起来很像

154.lots of 许多;很多;大量

155.make friends with 与……交朋友

156.make sure 务必

157.middle school 中学

158.move away 搬开;搬走

159.move to 搬到

160.neither… nor… 既不……也不

161.never mind 不要紧;没关系

162.next time 下次

163.no longer(=not…any longer)不再

164.not … at all 一点也不;根本不(用来加强not的语气)165.not at all 不用谢;别客气

166.not so … as 不像;不如

167.on foot 走路;步行

168.on show 展览;被陈列着

169.on the earth 在地球上

170.on the(one’s)way 在途中;在路上

171.on time 按时;准时

172.out of 在……之外;从……里头

173.over there 在那边;在对面

174.Party member 共产党员

175.pass on 传递

176.pay for付钱;支付;付出代价

177.play with 玩耍

178.post office 邮局

179.pull out of 把……从……拉出来

180.pull …up from 把……从……拉上来

181.put on 穿;戴上;上演

182.right away 立刻;马上

183.right now 现在;刚刚

184.send away 撵走;开除;解雇

185.send up 发射

186.sit down 坐下

187.so …that 如此……以致……

188.speak to sb.与……佳话

189.spend some time on 在……花时间

190.stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

191.take a rest 休息

192.take a walk 散步

193.take away 拿走

194.take down 取下

195.take exercise 锻炼(身体)

196.take off 脱掉衣物

197.take one’s time ①不急;慢慢干②用去(某人)时间 198.take part in 参加

199.take/have some medicine 服药

200.take the train/a boat/a bus…坐火车/船/公共汽车…… 201.talk about 谈论

202.talk to 与……谈话

203.teach oneself 自学

204.tell(sb.)about 告诉(某人)……

205.the other(s)另一个(其他的)

206.think about 考虑(是否去做)

207.too …to 太……不能……

208.try on 试穿;试试看

209.turn green 变绿

210.turn off 关掉(自来水,电灯,收音机等)211.turn on 开;旋开(电灯,无线电等)

212.up and down 上上下下;来回地

213.very much 很;非常

214.wait for 等候;等待

215.wear out 穿坏;穿旧;用尽

216.with one’s help 在(某人)帮助下

217.work on ①从事……工作②继续工作③研究 218.worry about 担心;着急

219.write down 写下;记下


• Ethipia

Come and go

• Encyclopaedia Britannica • The budget for revenues and expenditures • Investment in cash and in kind • Multilateral principle • Geneticist • Self-suficiency through self-reliance • Diesek locomotive • Aviation and marine insurance • Appreciation of RMB • 埃塞尔比亚 • 大英(不列颠)百科全书 • 收(入)支(出)预算 • 以现金和实物进行投资 • 多边规(原)则 • 遗传学家 • 通过自力(更生)实现自给(自足)

• 柴油机车 • 航空和海事保险 • 人民币升值 •

• 润滑油 • 《世界版权公约》 • 欢迎宴会 • 欧洲联盟 • 非政府组织 • 文学流派 • 京杭大运河

• 专属经济区

• 青藏铁路

• 社会保障

• Lubrication oil/ lubricating oil • Universal Copyright Convention •(the)welcome banquet • European Union •(the)non-governmental oranization(s)• School(s)of literature/litature school(s)

• Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal •(the)exclusive economic zone(s)• The Qinghai-Tibet Railway • Social security •

• Average height • In the air • Life-giving • Global enocomy • Market-day • A narrow swale • Mineral oil • Enviromental law • toast • 中等身材 • 酝酿中 • 赋予生命的 • 全球性经济 • 霎时即去 • 赶集的日子 • 狭长的洼地 • 矿物油 • 环保法 • 祝酒词

• 五一的下午 • 工业革命 • 河海的入海口 • 沿海地区 • 无情的 • 初冬 • 拉家带口 • 自然资源 • 中外合资经营企业 • 金秋时节

• On the afternoon of May 1st • Industrial Revolution • the mouth of the river • coastal area • relentless • early winter • be saddled with • natural resourses • Chinese –Foreign Equity Ventures

• golden fall •

• man of letters • Roman Catholic cathedral • maternal grandfather • mineral deposit • offshore oil exploration • arteries of communication • director-general • The Clean Air Act Amendment • Olympic mascot • global warm • 文学家(作家)

• 罗马天主教(大教)堂 • 外祖父 • 矿藏

•近海石油勘探 • 交通动脉 • 总干事

• 空气洁净法修正案 • 奥运会吉祥物 • 全球变暖 •

• 外汇交易 • 手语 • 荒漠

• 海洋旅游业 • 水产品 • 调解或仲裁 • 上海合作组织 • 食品安全 • 中共十七大 • 志愿者

• foreign exchange dealing • sign language •(barren)desert • marine(sea, ocean)tourism • aquatic products • conciliation or arbitration • Shanghai Cooperation Organization • food safety • The 17th National Congress of the CPC • volunteer(s)•

• 工业革命

• 多功能的机器 • 出于自愿和兴趣

• 新兴城市

• 大胆的举止

• 实干家

• 交通动脉

• 传说中,酝酿中 • 能源 • 突出特点

• Industrial Revolution • multi-purpose machine • on one’s own account, out of interest • the rising town • in a bolder manner • practical man

• arteries of communication • in the air

• source of power • outstanding feature •

• 极西地带 • 山区

• 永久定居

• 为…打下基础

• 专门从事

• 合法手续

• 建立村镇 • 养殖畜牧业 • 开放的公共地带 • 常事 • 高原 • 纵横交错 • far west

• mountainous regions • permanent settlement • lay foundations for • devote exclusively to • legal title

• establish communities • stock-raising

• open public domain • regular event • high plains •

criss-crossed •

• 新民主主义 • 五四运动

• 辛亥革命

• 革命知识分子 • 帝国主义

• 无产阶级

• 在…的号召下

• 小资产阶级知识分子 • 统一战线的革命运动


• 北伐战争 • 右翼 • new democracy • the May 4th Movement • the Revolution of 1911 • revolutionary intellectuals • imperialist • proletariat • at the call of • petty-bourgeois intellectuals • the revolutionary movement of a united front • literature for the common people • the Northern Expedition • the rightwing •

• 赋予生命 • 无穷无尽的 • 尼罗河三角洲 • 刚割的 • 金字塔 • 不良的后果

• 鬼城;被遗弃的荒芜的城镇 • 颜色鲜艳的 • 队员

• 河流入海口 • 水坝发电 • life-giving • everlastingly • the Nile Delta • freshly harvested • the Pyramids • negative effects • a ghost town • brightly painted • member of a team • the mouth of the river • power generated by the dam •

• 洛夫蒂岭山 •平均年降雨量 • 测量总监 • 商业区 • 住宅区 • 自治政府 • 市长的职位 • 矿藏 • 贸易中心 • 汽车部件 • 地中海型气候

• 文艺节

• Mt.Lofty Ranges

• average annual rainfall • surveyor general • business district • residential section • municipal government • lord mayoralty • mineral deposit • marketing centre

• automobile components • Mediterranean climate • Festival of Arts •

• 故宫博物院 • 带围墙的院子 • 更楼

• 完整的古代建筑群 • 时间的摧残 • 古代中国建筑

• 历史遗址 • 鹅卵石路 • 金水桥

• 具有代表意义的杰作 • Palace Museum • walled courtyard • watchtower

• complete group o f ancient buildings • ravages of time

• ancient Chinese architecture • historical sites • cobbled roadway • Golden Water Bridge • typical masterpiece •

• gleaming eyes • source of power • everlastingly • sovereign nation • property damage • Sir John

• the birth and death of the day • on board ship • noise pollution • common ground

• 眼里闪着光辉 • 能源

• 无穷无尽的 • 主权国家 • 财产损失 • 约翰爵士

• 每一天的诞生和消亡 • 在船上 • 噪音污染 • 共同点 •

• 无言的呼唤 • 多功能机器 • 水坝发电 •平均率 • 雨季 • 月白色 • 拉排子车 • 人均 • 经济合作 • 学术交流 • wordless cry • multi-purpose machine • power generated by the dam • average rate • rainy season • pale green • pull a handcart • per capita • economic cooperatrion • academic exchange •

• 1.global economy • 2.sovereign nation • 3.mutual prosperity • 4.sum total

• 5.foreign investment • 6.per capita GNP • 7.沿海地区

• 8.平均率

• 9.电力生产

• 10.双边贸易

• 11.外汇

• 12.生活水平• 全球性的经济 • 主权国家

• 共同繁荣 • 总数,总额 • 外国投资

• 人均国民生产总值 • coastal areas • average rate

• electrical production • two way trade • foreign exchange • standard of living •

• Bilateral trade • 双边贸易

• In the order of

• 大约

• joint ventures • 合资企业

• Offshore oil exploration •近海石油勘探

• labour intensive industries • 劳动密集型企业

• foreign exchange dealing • 外汇交易

• net income

• 净收入

• international community • 国际社会

• 1.marine insurance • 2.flows of capital

• 3.foreign exchange dealing • 4.outward investor • 5.Pacific region

• 6.the right climate for • 7.vast size and resources • 8.to take a real interest in sth.• 9.coastal city

• 10.international community •

11.entrepreneurial spirit • 12.对外开放政策

• 13.世界投资体系

• 14.经济改革

• 海事保险 •

资本流动 •

外汇交易 • 对外投资者 • 太平洋地区 •

良好的环境 • 地大物博

密切关注某事 • 沿海城市 • 国际社会 • 进取精神

• the policy of opening to the outside world • world investment system • economic reform •

• 1.基本方针 • 2.自给自足

• 3.客观有利因素 • 4.生产条件 • 5.耕地

• 6.中、低产田

• 7.灌溉面积

• 8.宜农荒地

• 9.复种指数 • 10.水利工程

• 11.单位面积产量

• 12.粮食总产量目标

• basic principle • self-sufficiency • favorable objective factors • production condition • cultivated land • medium-and-low-yield land • irrigated areas • arable land • multiple crop index • water-control projects • the yield per unit area • total grain output target •

• 1.agonizing flashback • 2.come and go • 3.property damage • 4.monotonous • 5.flash-flooding

• 6.to imprint on one’s mind • 7.scare tactic

• 8.power of nature • 9.river bed • 10.to give sth.much thought • 11.无情的• 12.雨季

• 痛苦的回忆 • 霎时即去 • 财产损失

• 单调的,枯燥的 • 暴雨成灾

• 印在某人的脑海里 • 吓唬人的办法 • 大自然的力量 • 河床

• 仔细想某事 • relentless • rainy season •

• 1.maternal grandfather

• 2.the flower of one’s youth 3.popular science • 4.undue absorption in the past • 5.sucking vigor

• 6.live one’s own life

• 7.the founder of Girton College • 8.clinging to youth • 9.过去的好时光

• 10.高等教育

• 外祖父 • 风华正茂 • 科普读物

• 过分地怀念过去 • 汲取力量 • 独立生活

• 戈登学院的创办人 • 与年轻人呆在一起 • the good old days • higher education •

• 1.旧梦重温 • 2.儿童出版社 • 3.散文集

• 4.丝绸之路 • 5.历史古迹

• 6.大英博物馆 • 7.简单的早餐 • 8.花坛

• going through old dreams • Children press • collection of essays • the Silk Road • the historic sites • the British Museum • simple breakfast • flower bed •

• 1.market-day • 2.Sir John

• 3.the renowned knight

• 4.county history

• 5.lineal representative of the ancient family • 赶集的日子

• 约翰爵士 • 著名的武士 • 郡志

• 古老世家的嫡派子孙 •

• 1.drug store

• 2.meticulously dressed

• 3.tentative and uncertain manner

• 4.sb.’s face suddenly brighten • 杂货店

• 穿着讲究,一点不马虎 • 试探和踌躇的举止

• 某人的脸上突然露出喜色

• 1.初冬

• 2.做中间人的; • 做中人的• 3.月白色的• 4.祥林嫂 • 5.试工期

• 6.严厉的婆婆

• 7.打柴

• 8.熬夜

• 9.福礼

• 10.不惜力气

• early winter • the go-between • pale green • Xianglin’s wife • trial period • strict mother-in-law • cut wood • to sit up • sacrificial meat • not sparing oneself •

• 1.a narrow swale

• 2.the birth and death of the day • 3.the range of mountain • 4.mind and twist

• 5.a kind of invitation • 6.a beloved mother • 7.dread of • 8.canyon • 9.sand bank

• 10.part-time river • 狭长的洼地

• 每一天的诞生和死亡 • 山脉 • 蜿蜒

• 殷勤邀请

• 亲爱的母亲 • 畏惧 • 峡谷 • 沙案

• 季节性河流 •

• 1.a far cry from

• 2.self-assurance • 3.sober-faced • 4.odd-shaped

• 5.well-mannered silence • 6.sailor suit

• 7.the ice was broken • 8.in unison

• 9.stare at sb.• 10.all of a sudden • 11.resonant voice • 完全不同 • 自信

• 沉静的;镇静的• 怪样子的

• 规规矩矩,一声不响 • 水手服

• 打破了僵局

• 齐声;一致 • 凝视某人 • 突然

• 洪亮的声音

• 1.拉家带口

• 2.拉排字车

• 3.腊月二十三 • 4.前台

• 5.小买卖人

• 6.养家

• 7.喊嗓子 • 8.零工 • 9.排队

• 10.落汤鸡

• 11.it rains cats and dogs • 12.no show, no pay • be saddled with big family • pull a hand cart • the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month • front stage • a peddler • to support the family • to practice singing • odd jobs • queue up • a drowned rat • 瓢泼大雨

• 不响锣,不给钱 •

• 1.mineral oil • 2.on board ship • 3.on shore • 4.at chemist’s

• 5.internal combustion engine • 6.carriage drawn by the horse • 7.be superior to • 8.in this respect • 9.a thin file of oil • 10.oil-burning lamp • 矿物油 • 在船上 • 在岸上 • 在药店 • 内燃机 • 马车

• 优于;好于 • 在这方面

• 薄薄的一层油 • 油灯

• 1.superhighway

• 2.applied entomology • 3.living organisms • 4.an insect-free world • 5.now and again • 6.right to know

• 7.science of biotic controls

• 8.turn one’s back on

• 9.entomologist

• 10.geneticist

• 高速公路 • 应用昆虫学 • 生物体

• 无昆虫的世界 • 有时 • 知情权 • 生物控制学 • 拒绝;冷眼相看 • 昆虫学家 • 遗传学家 •

• 1.自然资源

• 2.人均

• 3.淡水资源

• 4.长期的 • 5.国民经济

• 6.战略任务 • 7.大陆架

• 8.专属经济区遣

• 9.海洋生物

• 10.低纬度

• 11.沉积盆地

• 12.海洋旅游业

• natural resources • per capita

• freshwater resources • long-term

• national economy • strategic task

• continental shelves

• exclusive economic zones • sea creature • low latitude

• sedimentation basin •

marine tourism •

• 1.environmental law • 2.noise pollution • 3.public concerns

• 4.industrial pollutions

• 5.federal law • 6.vaguely worded • 7.court of appeals • 8.to grant a license • 9.natural beauty

• 10.Federal power Commission • 11.董事会

• 12.总会计师 • 13.审计师 • 环保法 • 噪声污染 • 公众关注 • 工业污染 • 联邦法 • 措辞含糊 • 上诉法院 • 颁发许可证 • 自然美

• 联邦电力委员会 • board of directors • treasurer • auditor •

• 1.The Contracting States • 2.copyright

• 3.universal convention

• 4.international understanding • 5.domestic legislation • 6.as follows • 7.unpublished works

• 8.works of the human mind • 成员国;缔约国 • 版权 • 世界公约

• 国际间的了解 • 国内立法 • 如下

• 未出版的作品 • 人类精神产品 •

• 1.中外合资经营企业

• 2.经济合作

• 3.技术交流

• 4.平等互利的原则

• 5.公共利益

• 6.有限责任公司

• 7.注册资本.• 8.工业产权

• 9.先进技术

• 10.储备基金

• 11.外汇账户

• Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture • economic cooperation • technological exchange

• principle of equality and mutual benefit • public interest

• a limited liability company • Registered capital

• industrial property rights • advanced technology • reserve fund

• foreign exchange account •

• 1.toast

• 2.common ground • 3.differences

• 4.magnificent dinner • 5.Compromise

• 6.Welcoming banquet • 7.Telecommunicate • 8.Prime minister • 9.周边环境 • 10.和平共处 • 祝酒词 • 共同点 • 分歧 • 盛大晚宴 • 妥协;让步 • 欢迎宴会

• 电讯

• 总理

• neighboring environment • peaceful coexistence •

• 1.full diplomatic relations • 2.the Long March

• 3.the policies of reform and opening to the outside world

• 4.Sino-American relationship • 5.historically significant experiment • 6.developing country • 7.Developed country • 8.International affairs • 9.Scientific exchange • 10.National security policy • 正式外交关系

• 长征

• 改革和对外开放政策 • 中美关系

• 具有历史意义的尝试 • 发展中国家 • 发达国家 • 国际事务 • 科学交流

• 国家安全政策 •

• 1.金秋时节

• 2.学术交流

• 3.加强合作

• 4.历史文化传统

• 5.深刻的影响 • 6.生化方式 • 7.民族团结

• 8.区域自治

• 9.民族精神

• 12.互相尊重 • 13.平等互利

• 14.互不干涉内政 • 15.振兴中华 • golden fall • academic exchange • to promote cooperation • historical and cultural traditions • a profound impact • way of life • ethnic harmony;ethnic solidarity • regional autonomy • national spirit • mutual respect • equality and mutual benefit • non-interference • rejuvenation of China

第四篇:九年级英语 短语总结

U1TI 短语总结



1.be happy to do sth.2.回来 3.越来越多 4.如此…以致于 5.拍照 6.顺便问一下 7.感冒 8.参加(活动)9.全世界 10.在过去 11.详细地 12.为sb.提供sth.13.日日夜夜 14.有机会做某事 15.与某人保持联系 16.不但…而且 17.在户外 18.拟定 19.幸亏 由于 20.与某人分享 21.受到良好的教育 22.(曾经)去过 23.到…去了(人不在场)24.成功做某事 25.考虑做某事

2.come back 3.more and more… 4.so…that 5.take photos 6.by the way 7.have a cold 8.take part in 9.around the world 10.in the past 11.in detail 12.afford sth.for sb.13.day and night 14.have a chance to do sth.15.keep in touch with sb.16.not only…but also 17.in the open air 18.draw up 19.tkanks to 20.share with sb.21.get a good education 22.have been to sp.23.have gone to sp.24.succeed in doing sth.25.consider doing sth


Unit 1 Topic 2


1.给某人打电话 2.走失 3.讨厌做某事 4.至少/至多 5.发生 6.对某人严格 7.对某事严格 8.增加了(通常加百分比)9.增加到 10.人口是多少 11.执行 12.短缺 13.由于,幸亏 14.采取措施做某事 15.赶上,跟上 16.A如此,B也如此 17.A不怎么样,B也不怎么样 18.A如此,A的确如此 19.似乎做某事 20.在做某事方面很有成效 21.属于 22.少于 23.作为……而出名 24.继续做某事 25.迄今为止 26.因为;由于 27.写下,记下

1.call sb.up 2.get lost 3.hate to do sth.4.at least/ at most 5.take place 6.be strict with+人 7.be strict in +事物 8.increase by 9.increase to 10.What’s the population of 11.carry out 12.be short of 13.thanks to 14.take measures to do sth.15.keep up with 16.so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 17.neither/nor+be/助v/情v+主 18.so+主语+ be/助v/情态v 19.seem to do 20.work well in doing 21.belong to 22.less than 23.be known as=be famous for 24.carry on doing sth.25.so far 26.because of

27.write down


U2T1 短语总结



2一个有许多花和草的地方 3看见蜜蜂正在飞舞 4消失

5呼吸系统的问题 6有车引起的污染 7有用的措施 8对…有害 9太多

10闻起来糟糕 11看起来虚弱 12制造太多噪音 13另外 14睡的好

15有一个好心情 16给某人写信 17感觉更糟糕了

18容忍某人/某物做某事 19在午夜 20失聪


22不是所有的都…… 23许多

24努力做某事… 25高血压 26失去听力 27也

28眼睛疼痛 29多种方式 30把…倒进 31对..有坏处 32据报道…plan a picnic a place with lots of flowersa and grass 3 see bees dancing 4 be gone breathing problems pollution caused by many cars 7 something useful be harmful to=do harm to 9 too many 10 smel terrible 11 look weak make too much noise 13 what’s more 14 sleep well in a good mood 16 write to sb.17 feel even worse stand sb./sth.doing sth.19 at midnight 20 go deaf not better than 22 not all… 23 quite a few 24 try to do sth.high blood pressure lose one’s hearing=have hearing loss 27 as well 28 sore eyes in many ways 30 put into 31 be bad for

It’s reported that…


U2t2 1.作为结果

2.有用的东西 3.保护环境 4.没有 5.到处 6.照顾 7.刚开始

8.尽某人最大的努力做某事9.遵守规则 10.刚才 11.灭绝 12.砍倒 13.太多



16.对……有害 17.记住去做某事 18.关掉

19.在许多方面 20.无数的 21.越来越多 22.健康问题 23.致癌


25.导致某人做某事 26.占据 27.同时 28.处理


30.破坏环境 31.提到 32.形成

33.在公共场合1.as a result

2.something useful

3.protect the environment 4.none of

5.here and there

6.care for =take care of=look after 7.in the beginning 8.do one’s best to do sth.9.follow the rule

10.just now

11.die out

12.cut down

13.too many+ [C]

too much


14.change into

15.stop sb.from doing sth.=prevent

sb.from doing sth.=keep sb.away from doing sth.16.be harmful to =do harm to 17.remember to do sth.18.turn off

19.in many ways 20.millins of

21.more and more 22.health problem

23.cause cancer

24.the greenhouse effect

25.cause sb.to do sth.26.take up

27.at the same time 28.deal with

29.It’s difficult for sb.to do sth.=sb.have difficulty(in)doing sth.30.destroy the environment 31.refer to

32.come into being

33.in public(place)



—常译化 1.一些问题

























27.不是……就是…… 28.既不……也不…… 29.两者……都……


1.a few questions =some questions =several questions 2.not only…but also 3.be supposed to do sth = ought to = should 4.be not supposed to do sth = ought not to=shoud not 5.be busy doing sth 6.be good for 7.a greener person 8.had better(not)do sth 9.do sth instead of sb =take the place of sb to do sth 10.travel a short distance 11.on time 12.on the beach 13.make sure + that从句 = make sure to do sth 14.use sth to do sth =use sth for doing sth 15.look for 16.one of + 形容词最高级 + 可数名词复数 17.daily life = everyday life 18.in the 1990s 19.protect the environment 20.so that 21.interview sb about sth 22.use both sides of the paper 23.nod(shake)the head 24.Easier said than done.25.Actions speak louder than words.26.pay attention to… 27.either…or… 28.neither…nor… 29.both…and… 30.cry for sth


U3T1 1.坚持做某事 2.可能


4.迫不及待做某事 5.为……做准备 6.有机会做某事 7.练习某事 8.全世界

9.在某方面擅长 10.从现在开始 11.出差 12.和…相似 13.和…相同 14.和…不同 15.把…翻译 16.大体上 17.偶尔

18.和某人交流 19.三分之二 20.越来越

21.在许多不同领域 22.在…起着重要作用 23.20世纪50年代 24.作为结果

25.在…取得进步 26.把…视为

27.要求某人做某事 28.被要求做某事

1.stick to doing sth.2.be able to 3.millions of

4.can’ wait to do sth.5.be ready for

6.have a chance to do sth.7.practice doing sth.8.throughout the world 9.be good at=do well in

10.from now on 11.on business 12.be similar to

13.be the same as

14.be different from

15.translate into

16.in general = generally speaking 17.once in a while

18.communicate with sb.19.two thirds 20.more and more

21.in many different fields 22.play an important part in 23.since the 1950s

24.as a result

25.make progress in/with

26.regard …as

27.require sb.to do sth.28.be required to do sth.



Topic 1 during the summer holidays 在暑假期间 between…and… 在两者之间 cheer sb.on 为某人加油 prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事 plan to do sth.计划做某事

go skating/skiing/bicycling/climbing/hiking去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/远足 arrive in/at=get to=reach 到达 play against…与……对抗/较量 for long 很久 leave for… 动身去… the day after tomorrow 后天 places of interest 名胜 play baseball 打棒球 at least 至少

be good at=do well in 善于做某事 take part in 参加 all over the world 全世界 be good for 对……有益 a good way 一种好方法 keep fit/healthy保持健康 relax oneself 放松某人自己 What a pity/ shame!多可惜

Topic 2 do me a favor=give me a hand=help me帮助我 have a soccer game进行一场足球赛 fall ill /be ill 病倒了

Would you mind(my)doing sth?(我)做…你介意吗?

Would you mind(not)doing sth? 别做…你介意吗?

right away = at once 立刻;马上 miss a good chance 错过一个好机会 get/miss a goal 得到/失去一分 shame on sb.为某人感到羞耻

do one’s best to do 尽某人的力去做 say sorry to sb.对某人说抱歉 be sure to do sth.确定做某事 be angry with sb.生某人的气 with one’s help = with the help of sb.在某人的帮助下 serve food 上菜

turn up/down… 调高/低(音量)keep sb.doing sth.让某人一直做某事 in a minute 一分钟后;马上 on the phone 在电话中

be important to sb 对某人来说很重要 take a seat 就坐 never mind 不要紧

love/enjoy doing sth.喜爱/欢做某事 have a very exciting life过着非常兴奋的生活as well也

throw…into…把……投进…… follow/obey the rules遵守规则 feel tired/be tired/look tired 感到疲劳 a 15-year-old boy 一个15岁的男孩 look fit and active显得健康和精力旺盛 instead of(doing)sth.替代……

have fun doing sth.=enjoy oneself doing sth.有极大的兴趣做某事 ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事 make a plan for sb.为某人订一份计划 build up 增进;增强 go right 正常运转 do the homework做作业


make friends with…与……交朋友 fill out=fill in 填出/好 quite a lot 相当多 be with 与…在一起 be afraid 恐怕 be free 有空

see you then 再见 for the first time 第一次

win the first gold medal赢得第一枚金牌 get 28 gold medals获得28枚金牌 the winner of…..….的获胜者 every four years 每四年;每隔三年 a symbol of … 一种……的象征 stand for 代表

do morning exercises做早操 at least 至少

be fond of(doing)sth.喜欢(做)某事


have a(bad/terrible)cold 患(重)感冒 see a dentist/doctor 看牙医/医生 have a cough/fever 患咳嗽/发高烧 have the flu 得了流感

take/have a(good)rest(好好)休息 had better(not)do sth.最好(不)做 take sb.to sw 带某人去…

take/ have some medicine /pills 某人的帮助下吃药

day and night 日日夜夜 lie down 躺下

hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶 brush one’s teeth 刷牙

have an accident 出了事故/意外 send sb.to….送某人去…… nothing serious 没什么严重的 check over 做…检查 not…until…直到……才…..be sick=be ill 生病 worry about sth.担心 get well 恢复健康

Topic 5

stay up 熬夜

feel better/well 感觉更好 / 好 feel sleepy 犯困

wash hands before meals 饭前洗手 play sports right after meals 饭后就运动 take a fresh breath 呼吸新鲜空气 ask sb to do sth.叫某人做某事 give up doing sth 放弃做某事 in the sun 在阳光下 do morning exercises 做早操 be necessary for…

对于……来说是必不可少的 throw litter about 乱扔垃圾 keep you active 使你保持精力旺盛 during the day=in the daytime 在白天 get up early/late 早起/迟起 get enough sleep得到足够的睡眠

exercise on an empty stomach= exercise without eating anything 空腹锻炼 need sth 需要某事

need to do sth = need do sth 需要做某事 get into 进入 become sick 生病

keep the air clean and fresh 保持空气清新 eat bad food 吃变质食物 sweep the floors打扫地板 as we know 众所周知 have the right kinds of food 吃正确种类的(健康的)食品 choose the wrong food 选择错误的(不健康的)食品 in different ways 用不同的方法 make us sick 使我们生病 be necessary for sb.to do sth.对于某人来说做某事是必不可少的

Topic 6

in the kitchen 在厨房 talk with 与……交谈 hurry up 赶紧/快 go ahead=go on 继续

do exercise 做运动

go to crowded places去拥挤的地方 agree with sb.同意某人 fight SARS 抗击非典 do some cleaning 打扫 all the time=always总是/一直 keep away from animals 远离动物 just a moment 稍后 I’m afraid 恐怕 be afraid of 害怕

be busy doing sth.忙着做某事

ring sb up/ phone sb/ call sb 打电话给某人 call back 回电话 get through 打通,通过 leave a message 留口信

give sb the message 给某人带口信 take a message 捎口信 tell sb sth.告诉某人某事 tell/ask sb.to do sth 叫某人做某事 take an active part in 积极参加

take care of…= look after / care for 照顾…… save the patients 挽救病人

It’s one’s duty to do sth.做某事是某人的职责 What do you think of…你认为…怎么样? Long time no see 好久不见 teach oneself=learn by oneself 自学 let sb.out 让某人出去 help sb.(to)do sth 帮助做某事

enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun 过得愉快

tell sb.a story/stories给某人讲故事 say to sb.对某人说 play sports 做运动

take some Chinese medicine 吃些中药 Topic7 break the window 打破窗户(玻璃)get lost 丢失;迷路

on one’s way(to)在….的路上 take the wrong bus 搭错车 one of the most popular sports 最受欢迎的运动之一 a group of people 一群人 eat sth by mistake 误吃 by mistake 错误地 put…away 把…收起来

ask for three days’ leave 请三天的假

Topic 1

How are you doing?=How are you?你好吗? want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事

say thanks/hello/goodbye to sb.对……说谢谢/你好/再见

look happy /tired看起来很开心/累 one of my favorite 我最喜爱的……之一 a ticket to...一张…的票 wish to do sth.希望做某事 set a table for...为……摆放餐具 have a fever 发烧 be able to do sth.能做某事 ring up 打电话

care for= look after=take care of 照顾 become angry =be angry生气 cheer up 使……振作/高兴起来 at first 起初

play the role of 扮演……角色 be on 上演,放映

on the night of 在……的夜晚 fall into 落入 in the end=at last 最后 go mad 发疯 be full of 充满…… be popular with 受……喜爱 end with 以…….结束 begin with以……开始

Topic 2

do badly/well in 在……方面差/好

have a talk with sb.= talk with sb.与某人谈话 be worried about 为……担忧.be strict with sb.…对某人严格要求

be strict about sth.…对某事严格要求 explain …to 向……解释 over and over 反复地,一再

be pleased with/ about / at sb.对某人感到满意 be bored with 对……感到讨厌 be tired of 对……感到疲惫 be mad at对……感到气愤 be glad about对……感到高兴 be angry with sb.因某人而生气 be angry at / about sth.因某事而生气 wait in line “排队等候”= wait in a queue pass the exam 通过考试

get/ask/tell sb.to do sth使(让,叫)某人做某事;let/ make/ have sb.do sth.使(让,叫)某人做某事 because of(doing)sth因为 at one’s age 在某人的年龄时 calm down 冷静,镇静 happen to sb 发生在某人身上 It is said that...据说

give sb a hand 帮助某人=do sb.a favor get/be used to(doing)sth习惯于做某事 join in 参加(活动)=take part in

give best wishes to sb.向某人致以最美好的祝愿 how …deal with=What…do with怎样处理,处置

all the time 一直

fail to pass an exam=fail an exam考试不及格 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 argue with sb与某人争吵 stop doing sth停止做某事 stop to do sth停下来去做某事 Topic3

be sorry about 对……感到难过

be afraid of(doing)sth / be afraid to do sth./ be afraid that…… 害怕…… 担心…… I’m afraid……恐怕……很遗憾…… get well=recover

be worried about 为……担忧.at the end of在……最后,在……尽头(末端)make sb./sth.+形容词/ 名词“使…….” Take it easy.= Don’t worry.别紧张,别着急 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 help sb.with sth.帮助某人复习/学习… What/How about(doing)sth.…怎么样 let sb.do sth.让某人做某事

instead of(doing)sth.=in place of代替(做)某事 hope to do sth.希望做某事 come back to返回……

advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 advice 是不可数名词

a piece of advice 一个建议 be bad/ good for对…有害益

(be)in a good/bad mood 处在好/ 糟糕心情中 in good health 健康状况良好 try to do sth.设法做某事 smile at life 笑对生活

give a surprise to sb.=give sb.a surprise给某人一个惊喜

prepare for 为…准备; on the way+副词 在……路上

On the /his way to school.在他上学的路上 take part in参加(活动)

give a speech=give speeches 做演讲 in front of 在……前面 make sb.happy 使某人开心 make sb.feel sad使某人感到悲伤 on Mid-autumn Festival 在中秋节 the full moon 满月 in the sky 在天空

get together with sb.与某人聚在一起 feel lonely感到寂寞/孤独 be full of 装满,充满 fill…with…用把装满,be filled with….被装满

change one’s feelings 改变某人的感受 fall asleep 入睡 some day 总有一天 try out 试用,试验

try on 试穿

be in a good mood 处在一个好心情中 take time to do sth 花时间做某事

remember to do sth 记住去做某事 remember doing sth.记住做过某事 talk with sb.与某人谈话 tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事 watch TV看电视

be late for(doing)sth.做……迟了 get along / on(good)with 与……相处(好)had better do sth.最好做…… had better not do sth.最好不做…… decide to do sth.决定做某事 Topic 1 去春/郊游go on a spring trip= go on a field trip 去什么地方参观/旅游 go on a visit to sw.做决定 make the decision 决定 decide on/upon sth.到达那的最好方式The best way to get there.到达那的最佳时间The best time to get there.找出,查明 find out 一些信息 some information 我想做…… I’d love to do… 打电话on the phone 带回---到---bring back…to… 北京火车站 Beijing Railway Station 我想做…… I’d like to do …I would like to do=I’d love to do… 订票book tickets

为某人/某物订房间book a room for sb./sth.硬卧 the hard sleeper 软卧 the soft sleeper 算出 work out 筹款 raise money

想出,产生,赶上 come up with 想出(主意),找到答案 come up with 在中午 at noon

在校门口 at the school gate

许多名胜古many interesting places=many places of interest

立刻,马上 right now=at once 期望做某事 look forward to(doing)sth Topic 2

收到某人的来信 hear from at the foot of---在---脚下 have a rest 休息

plan to do sth.计划做某事 look at 看一看,瞧 look at the night scene 看夜景

have a wonderful / good/ nice/ great / time = enjoy oneself= have fun 玩得高兴 get to =arrive in / at = reach 到达 last week 上星期

in the daytime = in the day 在白天 have a big dinner 吃大餐 a local restaurant 一家当地的餐馆 places of interest 名胜古迹

收到某人的来信receive one’s letter = hear from sb.忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.在度假I am on vacation.的确,当然 You bet.=Yes , of course.在40分之后 forty minutes later after, in, later 在...之后

①in + 一段时间(用于一般将来时)②after + 一段时间(用于一般过去时)

③after + 一点时间(常用于一般将来时)④时间 + later

the beginning of ……的开端 on both sides of 在……的两边 in the old days 在过去,在古代 start do sth.=begin to do sth 开始做某 make sure 确信 by the way 顺便问一下 two and a half hours 两个半小时 tell sth.from sth.辨别….to the east of …在…的….面(指……范围外)in the east of 在….的….部(指……范围内)on the east of 在…的东面(指……接壤)parking lot 停车场 look for 寻找

be surprised at 对……感到惊奇 take out 拿出

take pictures/ phones照相 out of sight 看不见,在视野之外 so …that+句子

如此……以致……(引导结果状语从句)so that 以便,为了(引导目的状语从句)not…until…直到……才……(引导时间状语从句)

each other 互相

as soon as一…….就……(引导时间状语从句)be famous for 以……著名 can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事 write to sb.写信给某人 pay attention to 注意 get off 下(车,马等)get on 上(车,马等)stand for 象征

have lunch / breakfast / supper 吃午饭/早饭/晚饭 shout at 对……喊

have fun doing sth.高兴做某事

look for 寻找 here and there 到处

ask sb.for help 寻求某人的帮助 Thank goodness!谢天谢地 at last= finally = in the end 最后 Topic3

a traffic accident 一次交通事故 an accident 一次事故 That’s terrible.太可怕了 after a while 过一会儿

get used to(doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事 spit everywhere 到处吐痰 be popular with 受某人喜爱 slow down 减速 run into 撞到,碰到

call the 122 hotline 拨打122急救电话 send sb.to sw.送某人到某地 in fact 实际上, 事实上

break the traffic rules违反交通规则 a crossing / turning 一个十字路口 traffic lights 交通灯

turn left / right / back 向左/ 右 / 后转 No left turn 禁止左转 on the left 在左边 keep fit 保持健康

many people around the world 全世界许多人 around= all over hundreds of f people 数百人 What’s more.而且 be in danger 危险

be famous for 以……而著名 be born 出生于

the way to success 成功的道路 later that year 在那一年的后期 stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth.停止去做某事 in one’s life 一生中 go on doing sth.继续做某事

win sth.(the game/ match/ war)嬴得比赛/ 战争

beat sb.嬴某人, 打败某人 go through 穿过 get a ticket 得到一张票 Review 3 keep one’s mind on sth.安心做某事 rainy days 大雨天 heavy traffic 拥挤的交通 loud noise 吵闹的噪音

cross =walk across=go across 穿过 look out 当心

leave for 离开……前往 wake up 醒来

talk to=talk with与某人谈话 at least 至少 deal with 处理 Topic 1 prepare for 准备

have a food festival 举行一次美食节活动 make money 挣钱,赚钱

turn to sb/sth.for help转向某人求助,求教于 chat with 和……聊天

try one’s best = do one’s best尽某人最大努力 make tea 沏茶

make some green tea 沏绿茶 cook soup 煲汤 western food 西方食品 such as 诸如,例如 What’s more.而且

It’s a pleasure./ That’s OK./ That’s all right./ You’re welcome./ My pleasure.不用谢

Will you please do sth?=Would you like to do sth? 请你做……好吗?

tell sb.sth.= tell sth to sb.告诉某人某事 send sb.sth.= send sth.to sb给某人发送

in order to do sth为了 hope to do sth.希望做某事 hope that +句子

thank(sb).for doing sth.谢谢(某人)做某事 come from =be from 来自,出生于 a gold medal一枚金牌

be pleased with sth.对某事感到高兴/满意 give one’s best wishes to sb.致以某人最衷心的祝

come true 实现

Welcome to… 欢迎参加…… Topic 2

be glad that+(宾从)高兴…… be glad to do sth高兴做…… be proud of 为……而自豪

would like sb.to do sth =want sb to do sth.想要某人做某事

would like to do sth=want to do sth想做某事 would like sth =want sth.想要某物 Well done!真棒 fill sth with 用…..装满

first—then—next—after that—finally(首先,然后,接下来,再之后,最后)two pieces of bread 两片面包 learn sth.from…从…….学到…… Follow me, please.请跟我学 be ready准备好 come on 过来

Help yourself(yourselves)to ….自用…….It’s polite / impolite to do sth.做某事有礼貌 / 没礼貌 Not bad.不错 table manners餐桌礼仪 sit down at the table 准备就餐 sit down at table 就餐

at the table 在 桌旁 at table 在就餐 finish doing sth 完成做某事

on the plate 在盘子里

remember to do sth.记住去做某事 remember doing sth.记住做过某事 too much+不可数名词 too many+可数名词 太多….much too+ 形容词 太……

have different eating habits有不同的饮食习惯 in the southern part of China = in the south 在中国的南方

be far away fron.远离 pick up 捡起,at the same time 在同时 Topic 3 be on sale 出售 such as 例如 kind-heated 好心的 Wait a moment.等一会儿

Sth.smells nice and tastes delicious.某物闻起来很香,吃起来很美味 order the meal 订餐 write to sb.写信给某人 go well 进展顺利

be worth doing sth.值得做

not only…but also…不但……而且…… Not all 并非所有 also, either, too, as well也

(too用于肯定、疑问句, 放句末,逗号割开;either 用于否定句,放句末,逗号割开; also 较为正式书面语, 放句中;as well放句末)on the first(1 st)/ second(2 nd)/ third(3 rd)/ fourth(4 th)floor(在)第一/二/三/四层楼 over there 在那边 be made of …由……制成 wear 穿着 put on 穿上(be)on sale 出售

on special days 在特殊的日子里 in fact 事实上

depend on 依靠,依赖

(be)the same as…与……相同(be)different from …..与……不同 according to 根据,依据 catch one’s eye 引起……注意 as well 也

protect…from…保护……免受, 不受……侵害 more than(1)不仅仅,(2)=over超过 in modem / old society 在现代/ 旧社会 do exercise 锻炼 be active 充满活力 easy-going 随和的 Topic 2

plan to do sth.计划做 on weekdays 在工作日 at work 在工作

stop…from(doing)sth.阻止做某事 take off 脱掉装

protect sb./ sth.from…..保护…不受……的危害 at one time 曾经

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