
时间:2019-05-12 18:34:48下载本文作者:会员上传


1.根据下面内容,以My Vacation to Beijing 为题。Wednesday, August 20th

Today the weather washot and sunny.I went toBeijing Hutong.It was beautiful.Wetook some photos.I liked this place because It was interesting.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious Inthe evening, I felt really tired.2.根据调查结果写一篇短文Here are the results of the students' activities survey in my class.Everybody does their exercise for an hour every day.90% of the students eat fruits and drink milk everyday.7% of the students eats junk food for 2 or 3 times a week.Nobody drinks coffee.Most students sleep for 8 or 9 hours a day.3.你和你朋友在外貌和性格方面有什么异同呢?请以“My best friend and I”为题,运用比较级写一篇英语文章.Shouldfriendsbe the same or different? For me ,It’s not necessary to be the same.My name is David.My best friendJeff is quiet differentfrom me.He is shorter and quieter than me.We both like sports ,but he plays baseball better than me ,so he always wins.Jeff worksharderand always get good grades.We can talk and share everything.Ithink my best friend helps to bring out the best in me.We’ll be good friends forever.4.上周,我们举办了一次“我们城市的一些好场所”的问卷调查,请根据下面的表格所提供的信息写一篇调查报告,不少于80词。A survey of good places in our city

Last week we did a survey about good placesin our city.And this is what we learned.Most of the high schools are good, and the No.10 High School is the best in our city.It has the best teachers and it's the most beautiful.People'sHospital is the best of all.It has the mostcomfortable beds and the friendliest service.Modern Cinema is the best.It has the biggest screens.The best clothing store in our city is Xiwang Clothing Store.It has the best quality and it's the most popular.As for radio station, most young people think Hefei 168 FM is the best radio station.It has the most news and the most interesting music.5.请根据下列表格内容写一篇他们各自的爱好情况字数在60词左右

Today ,I asked my family about movies.Some of their answers are very interesting.Here are their likes and dislikes.My sister likes cartoons very much, but she can’t stand action movies.My mother can’t stand action movies either.She likes comedies.My father dislikes sitcoms ,but he likes action movies.My brother likes action movies ,too.He can’t stand cartoons.6.新学期要到了,写一篇关于学期的计划,讲述一下自己打算在新的学期要做些什么?提示:可以写自己在学习,健身,娱乐,培养业余爱好等方面的计划或打算.New Year’s ResolutionsNew Year’s Resolutions

New year is coming, I’m going to do a lot of things next year.First, I want to improve my Chinese, so I’m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends.Next, I want to be more healthy, so I’m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on.At the same time, I’m going to eat less

junk food.Finally, I want to join the dancing club, so I’m going to practice dancing twice a week.I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year.7.以My life in ten years 为题写篇短文,要求描写生动,语言流畅。60词左右.In ten years, I think I'll be a reporter.As a reporter, I think I'll meet lots of interestingpeople.And I will also travel all over the world.I'll live in Beijing because I went to there last year and fell in love with it.And I will keep a pet pig, because I like it very much.I will live in apartment with my parents.This is my life in ten years, I think I will be very happy in the future.9.假如你的好友邀请你去参加生日聚会,但因为你下周的日程已经排满,不能前往。请根据提示给她回信婉言谢绝,并表达你的谢意。Hi Ann,Thank you for your invition.I am sorry I can't come to your birthday party this week.I am really busy.On Monday, I am going to the movies with my friends.On Tuesday, I am going to visit my aunt.On Wednesday, I have to help my mother.On Thursday, I am going to my sister's birthday party.On Friday, I am going to Ning Bo on vacation with my parents.Please call me after the vacation.Candy

10你将来可能会有很多钱,请你以 If I have a lot of money,I will...为题,写一篇短文,表述自己拥有财富后将如何帮助他人。If I have a lot of money,I will...If I have a lot of money,I will buy what I need and do what I want,such as traveling around the world,studying abroad and buying my parents a big house.I hope my dream will come true.Of course,I will do something helpful to others.I will give away money to charities.I will help those kids who are too poor to go to school.In a word,if I have a lot of money,I can do a lot of wonderful things and make a contribution to our country.Ⅵ.书面表假如你们学校计划在本周六下午举办一个英语聚会,作为学生会主席的你需要制定一些规则(至少三条),同时写明如果违反这些规则,会有什么样的后果。词。We're going to have an English party on Saturday afternoon.Please remember the following rules.Don't bring food to the party.If you do,we will take it away.Please bring your ID card.If you don't have it,we won't let you in.If you bring friends to the party,you'll have to write down their names.Don't speak Chinese at the party!If you do,you will have to leave.I want to be an artist when I grow up.I like drawing.When I was a little kid, I ever won the first in a drawing competition.I hope to have my own art room.I am taking art lessons every weekend.My art teacher is kind to me.But he is strict with me.I think he can help me to make my dream come true.




Health is one of the most important things for us.Without a good health, we can’t do anything.So we all want to keep healthy.But how?

If you want to be healthy, you must have a good diet.You shouldn’t have too much hot or sweet food with much fat on them.They are all bad for your health.Instead, you should have vegetables and fruit to keep yourself healthy.You should also sleep well.A student should sleep at least 8 hours a day.Besides, more exercises are necessary, too.You should take more exercises to make yourself stronger and healthier.Since health is so important, we should try our best to keep healthy.介绍你的一个朋友的兴趣爱好和生活习惯(不少于60词)

He thinks he isn't pretty healthy.He doesn't like exercise, so he does exercise once a week.He is very fat.He doesn't like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables.He likes eating junk food.He thinks it is very nice.He eats them about four or five times a week.He loves milk, but he doesn't drink it every day.He only drinks them two or three times a week.He eats fruit once or twice a week.But he sleeps nine hours every night.His lifestyle is not very well.But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades.He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit.And he wants his parents to play sports with him.He wants to be the healthiest.5.假如你的爸爸是个医生,曾参加了2003年的非典防治工作,虽然非典已经过去了,但是他对一家人的健康仍然很重视。请你写一篇60词左右的短文,讲一下只要预防得当,疾病并不可怕。参考词汇:personal health个人健康spit吐痰overwork使…过于疲劳

Keeping healthy

My father is a doctor.In 2003, he took an active part in the battle against SARS.He said, “We don’t have to be afraid of catching the illness.If we have good habits, we can keep the illness away.” My father and I like running in the morning.We keep the windows open so that the air in the room is clean and fresh.We wash our hands before meals.We have healthy food and drink.We don’t spit here and there.He told us not to overwork because too much work will make us tired and make it easy to get sick.


My Dream Hi, everyone.We all have our dreams each.I also have a dream.My dream is to be a famous singer.Why do I want to be a singer? Firstly, I like singing vey much.I think many songs are very beautiful.When I sing them, I always feel happy.Now , I am a middle school student.I must work hard in school.I’m sure that I can be a popular singer in the future.Do you think so? Thanks.That’s all!


I enjoy doing sports because it can make us strong and healthy.When I was very young, I learned playing basketball from my father.Now I like it very much.My favorite sports star is Yao Ming.I think he is very cool when he is playing basketball.I hope to be a basketabll player when I grow up.I usually play basketball twice a week after school.I have made many friends with other players and learned teamwork is important to us all in the life.范文3 All of us want to be healthy.First I think sleep is important.Usually we need about eight hours’ sleep every night.Then we will feel active and full of energy during the day.A good eating habit is also important.Vegetables and fruit and fish are good for us.We shouldn’t eat too much meat or fast food.To keep kealthy, we need to do some exercise, wuch as running, jumping and ball games.Of course, there are other ways to keep healthy.I think you should find some right ways for you.












总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。




三、教学要求 对自己的要求:

1.激发学生英语学习兴趣、创设情境,使学生想学、爱学并且学好英语 2.认真专研教材和课标,精心备课,认真上好每一堂课。确定每堂课的基础内容,预备内容和拓展内容,满足不同层次学生的不同需求。3.及时对所学知识做好巩固测验









Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 1.能讨论经常发生的活动。2.能使用频率副词(always,usually,sometimes,never)来讨论日常活动的频率3.能以How often提问及回答

Unit 2 What’s the matter? 1.能用what’s the matter语句询问别人的健康状况2.能描述自己的健康状况以及饮食习惯

Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? 1.学会用现在进行时形式表示将来发生的动作2.知道哪一些动词可以用这种形式

Unit 4 How do you get to school? 1.能运用各种方式表示交通途径。2.会用HOW..提问以及回答。

Unit 5 Can you came to my party? 1.会使用can语句征询意见2.可以了解西方国家的party以及它们的风俗习惯。

Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister? 1.能描述事务或时间的属性以及人的性格特征。2.能学会运用形容词的比较等级。

Unit 7 How do you make a banana smoothie? 1.能描述动作或事件发生的先后顺序。2.能分辨并正确使用first、next、then、finally Unit 8 How was your school trip? 1.学会描述过去发生的事物、活动以及自己的感受2.复习动词过去式的规则和不规则变化3.能用how was/were…句型询问事情的情况

Unit 9 When was he born? 1.能用英语说出一年里的重要节日。2.能用英文说出十二个月份与日期。3.能使用适当的时间介词(in, on, at)。

Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.1.能学会用be going to 表示将来计划的动作或活动。2.了解社会对各种职业的看法。3.用英语谈论自己的理想。




Module 1 1.两个人,一对 2.改正,正确的 3.拼写 4.练习

5.意义,意思 6.把…填完整 7.句子

8.词典,字典 9.语法 10.字母 11.查找 12.错误 13.犯错误 14.理解,明白 15.(过去式)16.意见,建议 17.应该 18.可能的 19.写下,记下 20.笔记本 21.忘记

22.(过去式)23.发……音 24.大声地 25.电台,广播 26.发音 27.关键性的 28.主要的 29.优秀的 30.赞同 31.同意某人 32.词汇 33.请求


35.主要的,基础的36.提出意见 37.羞怯的 38.谈话 39.快地 40.合理的 41.建议,提议

Module 2 1.小山 2.人口 3.宽的 4.百万

5.相当地,很 6.相当好 7.比 8.北方 9.南方 10.西方

11.故乡,家乡 12.尤其

13.因…而闻名 14.大学 15.岛屿 16.地区

17.矮的,低的 18.山


Module 3 1.棒球 2.排球 3.烦人的 4.令人激动的 5.已经

6.问题,麻烦 7.怎么了? 8.使受伤 9.令人愉快的

10.奥林匹克运动会11.体育场 12.未击中 13.介意,讨厌 14.打败 15.粗心的

16.用欢呼声激励 17.教练 18.球迷 19.对

20.训练,操练 21.练习(n.)22.使温暖 23.热身

24.通常的 25.更好的 26.开心的 27.传递 28.机会 29.响亮地 30.自信的Module 4 1.路,公路 2.交通事故 3.除…之外 4.遥远的 5.远离 6.拥挤的 7.旅行,旅程 8.预订 9.在…之外 10.选择

11.然而,可是 12.价钱为,花费

Module 5 1.女演员 2.茶馆 3.提议

4.结束,结尾 5.最后,终于 6.不知道 7.一幕

8.展示,显示 9.普通的

10.描写,描述 11.社会

12.开始,起初 13.校长 14.大学 15.小说 16.如果 17.魔术的Module 6 1.蛇

2.薄的,细长的 3.危险 4.处于危险 5.终于,最后 6.感兴趣的 7.允许,准许 8保护

9.想到,想出 10.野生的 11.变得,生长 12.过去式 13.夺去,拿去 14.足够的 15.肮脏的 16.和平,太平17.和平地 18.为了 19.照顾 20.筹集 21.研究 22.婴儿

23.形势,情况 24.科学家 25.生育 26.政府 27.大自然 28.自然公园 29.研制,制定 30.喂养,饲养 31.象征,标示

Module 7 1.下落,跌落 2.跟随,紧跟 3.洞,穴 4.兔 5.地面 6.茶会

7.两次,两倍 8.偶尔 9.突然地 10.粉红色的 11.口袋

12.牧场,田地 13.考虑 14.深的

15.当……的时候 16.降落

17.干的,干燥的Module 8 1.苍白的 2.出现,显露 3.在附近4.拐角,街角 5.碰撞

6.高兴的,欢喜的 7.及时

8.从……跌落 9.注意力

10.注意,留心 11.侧面

12.并排地,肩并肩地13.咬 14.爬 15.躲 16.扔,掷 17.冰箱 18.感到疼痛 19.痛 20.更糟的 21.药,药物

Module 9 1.噪声 2.准备 3.笔记 4.报告 5.巨大的 6.增大,增长 7.麻烦,问题 8.出生 9.十亿 10.第五 11.稍等 12.增长 13.过去式

14.套房,公寓 15.垃圾 16.寂静的 17.当地的 18.关闭 19.小学生 20.污染

21.公共的,公众的 22.公共服务 23.解决问题

Module 10 1.云 2.阵雨 3.雪,下雪 4.暴风雨 5.多云的 6.多雨的 7.多雪的 8.晴朗的 9.多风的 10.滑冰 11.厚的 12.冰 13.说笑话 14.可能,也许 15.温度 16.零下的 17.度数 18.然而

19.下雨的,湿的 20.使人烦恼的 21.但愿

22.或许,可能 23.快点 24.英里 25.西北 26.雨伞 27.东南


Module 11 1.帽子 2.国际象棋 3.一副,一套 4.一副国际象棋 5.筷子 6.玩具 7.视频的 28.镇静的,沉着的 8.电子游戏 29.勇敢的 9.礼物

30.电,电力 10.惊奇,意外之事

11.立刻,立即 12.差别,差异 13.收受,接受 14.传统习俗 15.例子 16.例如

17.必须,应该 18.月份

19.认真严肃的 20.有…的味道 21.经历,经验 22.首次 23.三明治 24.肩膀

Module 12 1.破碎的 2.玻璃 3.楼梯

4.救助,帮助 5.急救 6.医学的 7.想象,设想 8.底部


10.错误的,有毛病的 11.……怎么了? 12.问题,困难 13.兴起 14.抬起 15.有害的 16.使落下 17.训练,培训 18.确保,确认 19.盖,盖上 20.地震

21.警告,告诫 22.内部,里面 23.在…正下方 24.保持,留在 25.过去式 26.窗户




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