
时间:2019-05-12 18:35:23下载本文作者:会员上传



作者:河南省安阳市 马国民











表示递进过渡——again, also, worse still, obviously, then, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, next, similarly, after a while, at the same time, in addition, meanwhile, suddenly, later, soon, in the same way, what’s more等

表示转折让步——unfortunately, though/ although, anyway, but, however, otherwise, still, yet, after all, in spite of, on the contrary, on the other hand, in any case, whatever等

表示困果关系——therefore, so, hence, thus, accordingly, consequently, as a result等

表示举例示范——for example, in other words, for instance, that is, that is to say等

表示总结概括——in summary, to sum up, in brief, in short, on the whole, in a word, all in all, in conclusion, as has been noted, on the whole等








1.occur 替换 think of Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house.→ An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.2.devote替换spend He spends all his spare time in reading.→ He devotes all his spare time to reading.3.seek替换want / look for They sought(wanted)to hide themselves behind the trees.4.average 替换ordinary I’m an average(ordinary)student.5.but替换very The film we saw last night was very interesting.→ The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.The film we saw last night was anything but boring.6.seat 替换sit On his way to school, he found an old lady seated(sitting)by the road, looking worried.7.suppose 替换should He is supposed to(should)have driven more slowly.8.appreciate 替换thank Thank you very much for you help.→

We appreciate your help very much./ Your help is much appreciated.9.the case替换 true I don’t think it is the case(true).10.on替换as soon as As soon as he arrived, he began his research.→ On his arrival, he began his research.11.due to替换because of He arrived late due to(because of)the storm.12.cover替换walk/read After covering(walking)10 miles, we all felt tired.13.contribute to替换 be helpful/useful Plenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study.Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.14.round the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearby ① The summer vacation is round the corner(coming).Do you have any plans? ② Li Ming studies in a school round the corner(nearby).15.come to light替换discover The family were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels.→

The family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.16.have a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneself After visiting the workshop, we went back to school.Every one of us had a ball(had a good time).17.come up with替换think of Jack is very clever.He often comes up with(thinks of)new ideas.18.set aside替换save Some students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books.19.be of + n.替换adj.The products are of high quality(very good)and are sold everywhere in China.20.refer to 替换talk about/of, mention The professor you referred to(talked about)is very famous.21.can not but / can not help but替换have to do I could not but(had to)go home.22.more often than not替换usually More often than not(Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.23.lest替换so that /in order that I wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it.→

I wrote down his telephone number lest I(should)forget it.24.be long for sth./be long to do sth.替换want to do sth./wish for I want to see you very much.→ I am long to see you.25.be caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in He is caught up in(very interested in)collecting stamps.26.more than替换very ① I’m very glad to learn that you are coming in September.→

I’m more than glad to learn that you are coming in September.② If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.27.perfect(ly)替换good/ very well He speaks perfect(good)English./ He speaks English perfectly(very well).28.do sb a/the favor 替换help Would you please do me the favor(help me)to turn down the radio?

29.the other day替换a few days ago The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.30.in the course of替换during In the course of(During)the mountain-climbing, please help each other and pay special attention to your safety.31.the majority of替换most The majority of(Most of)the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.32.consist of替换be made up of Our class consists of(is made up of)50 students.33.be worn out替换 be tired / broken ① After five hours’ non-stop work, we were all worn out(tired).② My shoes are worn out(broken).Please buy me a new pair.34.become of替换 happen What do think has become of(happened to)him ?

35.attend to替换look after 36.on condition that替换as long as 37.nevertheless替换however 38.express one’s satisfaction with替换be satisfied with 39.spare no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do 40.many a 替换many 41.be rushed off one’s feet 替换be busy in doing 42.a handful of替换a little / some 43.meanwhile替换at the same time 44.get to one’s feet替换stand up 45.beneath替换under 46.occasionally替换sometimes /once in while 47.for instance替换for example 48.seldom替换not often 49.wealthy替换 rich 50.amazing替换surprising 51.as a matter of fact 替换in fact


◆ It句型

① It will be + some time + before…

It won’t be long before humans visit the Mars.② It is + adj./n.+ for sb to do sth.It is very important for us to learn computer well, because it has changed our life so much.He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts.(2008年湖北卷)

③ It is + 被强调部分 + that…

1)It is what Yang Liwei has done that encourages us a lot.2)Those who like reading extensively say it is through reading that we get our knowledge.◆ more …than any other 表示最高级

Among the optional courses, spoken English and computer study are more popular than any one else.◆ 名词从句

① It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk.② My hometown is no longer what it used to be.◆(非限制性)定语从句

① The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street.It is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.→

The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.② It was quite an experience for us both, which I’ll never forget for the rest of my life.◆ 分词结构

① I don’t know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well.② We’ll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, and meeting people.③ Hearing this, a few people began to run after him.④ Born in American, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.◆ with结构

① A terrible accident happened yesterday, with nine people killed and almost eighty injured.② He was carrying a bedroll and a large bag on his shoulder, with a large suitcase in his left hand.◆ 倒装句

① The library is to the east of the teaching building.→ East of the teaching building is the library.② Although we are tired, we are happy.→ Tired as we are, we are happy.③ Only in this way can he grow to be a useful man.④ May all your dreams come true!May our friendship last till the end of the universe.!

◆ 被动语态

① Opinions are divided on the question.② All classes are taught by teachers with rich experience in teaching foreign students.③ New factories, houses and roads have been built.◆ 巧妙的改写

1.Only 改成no one but Only Tom passed the exam last week.→ No one but Tom passed the exam.2.as soon as…改成No sooner…than…/Hardly…when…/Immediately No sooner had we arrived at the cinema than the film started.3.have sb/sth do/done The girl was knocked off her bicycle and had her leg broken(her leg was broken.).4.变换插入语的位置

① However, they suggest fees should be charged low.→ They suggest, however, fees should be charged low.② I think this is a good chance for you to show your singing talent, and how well you’ve learned Chinese.→

This is a good chance for you, I think, to show your singing talent, and how well you’ve learned Chinese.5.用同位语代替非限制性定语从句

Meimei, who is seven years old, has been learning to ride a bicycle for several days.→

Meimei, a girl of thirteen, has been learning to ride a bicycle for several days.Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world.◆ 注重句子的开头


With the sun setting in the west, we had to wave goodbye to the workers.With his help, we've learned how to analyze and settle problems.With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit test, browse web page and download what we want.2.用非谓语动词形式开头

In order to improve our English, our school held an English contest.Walking towards the cinema, he met a foreigner.3.长短句交错使用(注意:应突出主题句;长句子并非越长越好)

◆ 相关过渡语

1.表示时间顺序: first, then, afterwards, meanwhile, later,first of all, finally, at last 2.表示空间顺序: near, next to, far from, in front of, on the left, on one side 3.表示比较、对照: like, unlike, such as, but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, nevertheless, otherwise… 4.表示因果关系: because, for, as a result, therefore, thus… 5.表示递进关系: besides, what’s more, what was worse, moreover, furthermore, in addition, on top of… 6.表示并列关系: and, as well as, also… 7.表示总结性: in general, in a word, in short, on the whole, to sum up, in brief, to conclude…





The topic about … is becoming more and more popular in our school recently.There are two sides of opinion about it.Some students prefer to consider doing sth.(Some students say … is their favorite.)they think that…(理由一).What’s more,…(理由二)。Moreover,…(理由三)

However,others believe … is a better choice for three reasons.(然而,其余的人认为做某事是一种较好的选择,有三个方面的理由)to begin with,…(理由一)。Next。In addition,…

From my point of view,the former is surely a wise choice.The reason is that…(或者用:As far as I am concerned,I firmly support the view that…(依我来看,我坚决支持这种观点… that引导同位语从句)


There is a widespread concern over the issue that(作文题目)。But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that 观点一。In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place,原因一.Furthermore,in the second place,原因

二。So it goes without saying that 观点一。

People,however,differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that 观点二。In their point of view,on the one hand,原因一。On the other hand,原因二。Therefore,there is no doubt that 观点二。

As far as I am concerned,I firmly support the view that 观点一或二。It is not only because,but also because。The more,the more。



In recent years,…… has been popular.There are many advantages in…… First,…… Second,…… Third,……

However,there’re some disadvantages.……(之一)。Besides,……(之二)。Also,……(之三)

In my opinion,it is true that advantages are more than disadvantages.(依我看,的确是好处多于坏处)I think…… One big advantage of … is that…。/ One obvious advantage of … is …。/ Finally,…

While it is true that … has many advantages,andit is also important to realize that…。(虽然某事确实有许多好处,但是意识到…也很重要。


(第一段 提出问题)In recent days,we have to face a problem that……近来,我们面临这样一个问题,就是(that同从)。

(第二段:解决办法:)With the help of modern technology,we now have many means to solve it.By doing ……,we can……What’s the most important is that……

(第三段:结论:)In a word,it is clear / obvious that…… Only when……can we ……。


模板:1.有一些人认为… 2.另一些人认为… 3.我的看法…

The topic of ①____________(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions about it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of ②____________(支持A的理由一)What is more,③(理由二)。Moreover,④_____________(理由三)。

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,_________(支持B的理由一)。Secondly(besides),⑥______________(理由二)。Thirdly(finally),⑦_____________(理由三)。

From my point of view,I think ⑧__________(我的观点).The reason is that ⑨__________(原因)。As a matter of fact,there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me,the former is surely a wise choice。


Some people believe that ①____________(观点一)。For example,they think ②___________(举例说明).And it will bring them ③_______________(为他们带来的好处)。

In my opinion,I never think this reason can be the point.For one thing,④__________(我不同意该看法的理由一)。For another thing,⑤____________(反对的理由之二).Form all what I have said/In a word/In conclusion,I agree to the thought that ⑥__________(我对文章所讨论主题的看法).第六类:解决方法题型


In recent days,we have to face a problem A,which is becoming more and more serious.First,_________(说明A的现状).Second,___________(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing,_____________(解决方法一)。For another thing ____________(解决方法二)。Finally,______________(解决方法三)。

Personally,I believe that ____________(我的解决方法)。Consequently,I‘m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ______________(带来的好处)明利弊题型



Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First _________(A的优点之一)。Besides ___________(A的优点之二)。

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that _______________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,_______________(A的第二个缺点).Through the above analysis,I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.Therefore,I would like to _______________(我的看法).From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A,we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in.Only by this way,(对前景的预测).)



原创 庄永海



























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