听力:2个对话一个是 女人要上 film courses 的因为她很感兴趣...*一个是女人和consultor说他不适应大学生活......c问为什么......女人说他来自小县城的小学校 班里人人都认识......又说大学里都是大课......professor忽视他......举了个上课的例子......然后c让她office hour去教授那就可以了......2个目的......女人说好吧
讲座: 一个是gene 和 meme的区别都是copy and transfer的意思一个是biology 一个sociology的他以顶顶当那歌打开话题.........balabalabala
一个是天文学讲月亮的,有篇讲folktale and fraiy tale(好象是这么拼的)
最后一个是literature关于 啥的忘了........听力加试: ID MM
加试全加了阅读和听力而且还是裸考。。查了下字典 发现阅读的词汇题 错了几个 2008年3月7日北美托福口语机经汇总
1.你小时候经常去的地方why数学 科学 VS艺术历史更应该学哪个?商业目标市场的划分
4心理学delta 还是什么上面有 关于 一个女老师说 motivation 有2种1 外在的2 内在的 给小孩干活和他去gym 这2个例子学校食堂变更沙的 男生同意 1 锻炼机会 2 便宜
阅读 5篇已经证明后两篇是加试 因为同屋4个人 就我一个人加试阅读,其他人都是加试听力
4。小蜜蜂的信息传递回来后查询了一下 是某一次的正常考试题目 去google 一下 就能找到
5。文艺复兴时期的 工匠生活是某一次的正常考试题目 去google 一下 就能找到非传统加试题所以 考试时候真的不知道哪个是加试题目哪个是考试所以都在仔细看仔细作太耗费体力了。。知道结束后和同屋考友聊天才知道以上是额外的加试
另外3篇 作的很差 没读懂也没记住说啥 给大家一点关键词语吧阅读的jj是没有用了就是你看了也不知道题的答案 不如多看相关文章
1。土壤无土栽培 矿物质吸收时间超级紧张
2。太平洋 某地 居民来源印度造船 种植等
3。生物进化化石 软体动物 特殊时期 物种突现 迅速灭绝。。
小作文:great house的用途
1.住人 2.装食物 3.庆祝用地
people spend more time on personal enjoyment rather than what they should do A or D?
1.谈谈你的想法,关于一个对于好学校来说比较重要的characteristic或componentWell, i think a good school should bear the following characteristics.first, there should be some teachers with specialized knowedge.for example, English teachers should be really good at English and what's more, they should also be able to teach.these are all specialized knowledge to my mind.second, a good school should have some up-to-date facilities, because this will make students in this school always stay ahead of those in other schools.for example, this school should have labs equipped with the latest equipment.i can't imagine students working on experiments using equipment of ten years ago.finally, this shcool should have a big playground so that students can play soccer and basketball there.2.旅游要做详细计划还是偏重当时感受
of course , i think a good trip needs a good planning.first , because this will make me have a good mood while on the trip.let's say, i have everything settled down in advance, so i will not encounter any situation like no hotels to live in.then i will be in a good mood when i am traveling outside.second, a good plan will make sure that i wouldn't miss anything interesting in that particular place.for example, i made a trip to Europe last year.but before that, i spent like 6 months preparing for the trip by surfing the internet or searching through all kinds of reference books and consequently, i know much more about the history of some European countries such as France and Italy than otherwise.so that's why i think a good plan is crucial to a good trip.3.阅读是说有个学生写给学校报纸一个提案,认为应该要求大家都到海外学习一个学期,体验不同文化.说不会有经济上的负面影响,也不会影响学习.然后听力里面的GG不同意,他说提案没考虑到其他费用(飞机票,文化活动,当地交通),这个不是所有人都能负担的,所以要求大家都去海外学习不公平.然后还说海外学习和国内的要求可能不一样(这里溜过去了,大概这个意思),然后举了个叫ROB的朋友的例子,说他海外学回来以后,学校不承认学分,认为外面的教学材料不够全面,所以他还要花多一个学期补学分,很浪费.然后总结说虽然海外学习是个很好的经验,但是不应该要求所有人都去.in this set of materials, the reading is a proposal about overseas study and the listening material is a discussion between 2 students about this proposal
in this reading passage, the university propose that students study in a foreign country for a semester to have a different kind of experience and besides the students don't have to worry about the expense.in this listening material, the man is against this proposal for the following 3 reasons.first, because the proposal exclude some other expenses that he has to include like plane tickets or transportation fees and cultral activities.so that's why he thinks it is unfair to propose everyone to have an overseas study.second, he thinks overseas universities may have different criteria than that in domestic universities.he gives an example of his friend Rob who got back from an overseas university.but the domestic university regard the credits he got overseas invalid since those overseas materials are not complete enough.finally, although overseas experience might be great one, he thinks it is wrong to propose everyone to go aboard.4.阅读讲了一个fundamental XXX error,中间一个单词不记得了,反正阅读标题里就有...就是说人们批评责备他人的时候,倾向于从这个人的本身性格特质出来,不大考虑当时的外部
环境...然后讲座里面的教授举了个自己的例子来说明这个理论...说他有次去参加一个会议,迟到了10分钟,然后中途他问了个问题,结果会议的女主席皱眉了,没回答他就继续讲下去了,他就觉得很沮丧...后来他了解他原来会议一开始主席就说这次会议没时间回答问题,可以在下次会议回答,他晚来了没听到,主席也没留意到他晚来了,就觉得这人是不是故意捣乱呀,虽然教授自己是intentionally cooperative的...所以教授总结说,人比较容易blame for personalityin this set of materials, the reading is something about fundmental error and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic.in this reading passage, when we blame people for some wrongdoings, we tend to base our judgement on their personalities instead of some other factors.in this listening material, the professor demonstrate with his own experience.Once he was late for ten minutes for a staff meeting.Then he asked a question during the meeting and to his surprise, the chairman looked kind of uphappy and went on with answering his question.He was made really upset.But later on , he knew that before the meeting , the chairman said that because of the time limit, he wouldn’t take any questions which can be left for the next session.Since he was late, he didn’t get this.And the chairman probably thought there much be something wrong with him.So the professor comes to a conclusion that people tend to blame people based on their personalities without considering any other factors.5.是讲两个校报的编辑在讨论,学校把他们的经费给减少了,幅度超过他们的预期,但是同时印刷用的纸张涨了25%左右,所以就有问题了...然后第一个解决办法是不报道国内国际新闻了,只报道和校园有关的(但是这样可能导致读者流失,因为很多人就是因为报纸的多样性才喜欢看的), 第二个办法是保留国内国际新闻,但是少印点,很多学生都是传着看的(不过也有弱点,也不是每个人都能从别人那里分享到的)
In this conversation, two ediors of campus newspaper are talking to each other and they have a problem.That is , the budget has been cut down more than they expected.while at the same time, the volumn of paper increase by 25%.they work out two solutions for this problem.The first one is to skip international news and just report on campus news.But this will result in readers loss because many students like this newspaper thanks to the papers diversity.The second on e is to keep the international news but cut the volumn of newspapers because the students can share the papers.I think the second one is better.First because it is true that diversity draw readers to this paper and it is wrong to skip international news.Second,although not every students are able to share, they can still encourage students to share papers with other students after explaining their problems to them.I think they will understand and start to share papers.6.是说植物怎么保护自己,尽量不被吃掉,一个是把自己弄的physically difficult to chew or eat,举例说有些草有锯齿,人一碰手指就可能割伤,比较锋利,动物咀嚼的时候会把嘴里面弄伤,就不愿意吃它了...另外一个办法就是靠外表来愚弄动物,说有种什么植物,蝴蝶喜欢把卵产在它的叶子上,这样幼虫孵化出来直接可以吃它,但是蝴蝶如果看到上面已经有卵了,就不产在同一叶子上了..所以这个植物的叶子上就产生出了一种小的黄色斑点,蝴蝶会认错,那么就靠伪装活下来了
2.geology 主要讲火山对全球变暖的影响
1、What’s your favorite toy or game in your childhood?
2、Do you lke to be taught by teachers with experience or new teachers?、听力完全反驳:1 local company has come through many differnt cultures by getting in touch with many countries all over the world.2 it is too expensive to pay the traveling fee4、听力解释题 commensial relationship(较难注意)
5、laptop 坏了 两个解决方式:1buy a new one 2fix it、一种东西的两个作用。一个例子是蛇用来扑食,一个例子是蜜蜂用来防御。PS:对照补充
1, describe a toy and a game special in childhood? 反正就乱答了
2, would u like to study with teachers who have more experiences or just begin to teach.就是问新老师好,还是经验多的好。当然选第二个容易点说。
3,是一封学生的信,说business dept应该搞个项目让学生去实习,并且pay。结果女的反对,说当地的许多公司都有世界员工,可以从那里学;第二个说太贵了,对学生不公平,应该搞别的让大家都受益。
4, 生物的共生。讲了crab住在worm’s tube for entire life。
5,女的电脑烂了。男的说,fix,但是不保证好。男的说买,结果女的说想去加拿大。6,讲动物用毒液捕食和保护自己。1,蛇捕rats;2 bees 保护自己。
manetee intelligence
阅读:一,根据一般动物的脑子结构,brain smooth的比较uninteligence。二,脑袋和身体的比例有关系:河马的脑袋太小而身体太大,这是笨动物的典型特征。三,它无法不像海豚那样在经过训练后能表演。
一,brain smooth 只能针对那些移动快 的动物,而对于移动慢的海里的动物不适用,河马是另外一种脑子结构。二,缺乏比例是因为环境引起的,河马在冷的海水里,所以需要维持更多calorie;三,河马不能有海豚一样的表演是因为它的physical incapable,但是它可以进行其他难的task。
The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.Do you agree or disagree?
1.主要是关于海象和海豚的智力问题2.agree or disagree? individual people can do something to help the environment issues
3、学校有business international internships,到别的国家和学校出钱,女生反对,第一点不是很确定不说了,第二点是费用很贵,只能支持很少的学生小马过河-新托福专业备考社区
4、C什么,单词忘了,C** relationship,就是两个生物,一个依靠另一个生存,但是对另一个生物确没有影响。听力文件是举一个例子来来解释。
小作文,文章:manatee是unintelligence的三个原因,一是brain smooth,根据一般动物的脑子结构,brain smooth的比较uninteligence;二是,脑袋和身体的比例,河马的脑袋太小而身体太大,这个是笨动物的特征;三,不像海豚那样能训练后表演;
听力反驳,一,brain smooth 就是笨只能针对哪些moving fast 的动物,而对于moving slow 的海里的动物不适用,河马是另外一种脑子结构;二,缺乏比例是因为环境引起的,河马在冷的海水里,所以需要维持更多calorie;三,河马不能有海豚一样的表演是因为它的physical incapable,但是它可以进行其他难的task。
一、学生先问这里是不是有视频播放,职工说是,播放关于爬山的内容,学生表示自己对在学生中心播放电影很感兴趣,她是地球科学社的成员,想在这里播放有关水资源的公益视频。她需要:先填表,马上填或者在线填,会有一位老师跟她联系。对于这些活动,学校是禁止收费的,但是他们可以用学校提供的funding,最后学生问哪里有drinking fountain,职工说在xx楼旁边。
三、学生来问起professor课堂上提到的series novels,就是英国维多利亚时代在报刊上连载的小说。Professor先谈到了狄更斯,说他很擅长写这类,绝大多数都是连载的,而且还有一次写很多本的能力。然后问到学生问这个的目的是啥,学生说是想写paper,把连载和今天流行的电视短剧结合到一起。Professor于是告诉他这些series的好处:1.会使用
open-ended,建立起和readers之间的关系;2.financially accepted by readers,更多人会付得起连载的费用。
四、主要谈到coral reef如何受到lionfish的影响。先介绍这种鱼,然后说它是入侵物种,原因可能是之前作为宠物鱼,但是被放到了Pacific ocean。因为它会吃很多当地的小鱼,而这些小鱼本来会吃珊瑚上的寄生虫和algae。然后说如何搞定lionfish:1.放shark来吃2.应急小组处理掉 3.鼓励人们消费,吃掉它。Professor认为第二个大范围解决不了问题;第三个值得鼓励。
五、先说CO2是大家都公认的greenhouse gas。但是事实上methane天然气也是一种,而且level很高。天然气如何进入大气的呢?1.nonbiologic way2.Underground3.biogenic methane.第3种是dead plants释放的。提到在刚果、亚马逊的rainforest中有很多methane产生,1.死植物decay;2.活着的植物也释放大量methane,甚至是dead plants的3倍。目前不知道是从哪来的,也不是像媒体报道那样现在砍掉树就能解决问题。但是professor强调reforestation中要考虑森林对环境的影响。
1.In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past that young people no longer follow.Describe a custom or tradition which formed in the past but you wish it is still popular today.Give specific reasons why you wish it still popular.2.Which one of the following would you donate your money to? Community charity, environment protection, animal rescue.Choose one, and explain how you would use the money.3.Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child, explain you answer in details.4.Your friend studies in a business school now, but he likes playing musical instrument.Would suggestion would you give to your friend? To keep studying business, or to learn to play music? 5.What advice will you like to give to a friend who is going to take a job interview? Explain why this suggestion is important.Include reasons and details to support your response.6.Researchers suggest that most people need eight hours of sleep per night to function at their best the next day.Explain how lack of sleep affects you or someone you know.7.What parents can do to make their children be successful in school? 8.Which of the following new skills would you like to acquire: repairing things, doing sports, playing an instrument, flying a plane? 9.Students would like take part in some free volunteer work, what kind of volunteer work do you prefer? Explain why it is important.10.School decides to open a cafe in campus.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
一、The Population Increase in Ming Dynasty中国明朝人口增加的原因
(相似话题参考TPO48 Chinese Population Growth)元朝末年由于战乱,没有充足的食物导致人口下降,后来明初政治稳定了,人们开始广泛应用原有农业技术,粮食又变的富足,人口开始慢慢增加,与此同时人们也可以把一些物料等商品卖到很远的地方。后来由于冰河期的到来,再加上政局不稳,粮食又陷入短缺状态,人口数量开始波动。当时的政府采用两个方法解决问题,一个是从西方进口粮食,一个是改善农业生产技术。可愔并没有解决实质问题。后来随着清军入关,粮食开始慢慢增加,人口也随之渐渐变多。
二、The Development of Printing印刷术的发展
造纸术(paper making)从中国引入欧洲,在意大利开始发展起来,一些比较大的家族垄断了这个行业。刚开始生产的bible很贵,普通人是买不起的。后来新的印刷术发明了,人们可以更便捷地接受传播的知识。
三、Tree Rings树的年轮
1、题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.2、题目:Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from one's work?
3、题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.
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查看详情1 2014年4月13日GRE机经回忆2 2014年4月26日新GRE词汇机