Lesson 33教案

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第一篇:Lesson 33教案

Lesson 33: Maybe You’ll Be a Teacher——Teaching play


Teaching aims:

1.Help the students to learn to predict their future life and

their jobs.2.Help students know how to use “so+助动词+主语”

3.Enable students to express their hopes and wishes.Teaching important points:

Predict their future life and jobs and the future tense.Teaching difficult points:The future tense.Teaching methods:Reading and discussing.Teaching aids:SlideAudiotapeActivitylist

Teaching procedure & ways

Step1.Lead in

I want to be an English teacher when I was a little girl,therefore I studied hard in my school years.Now I make my dream come true.What are your dreams? Ok.in this class, let's share Li Ming and Wang Mei's dreams together.Step2.Listening and reading

Listen to the tape then answer some questions:.What’s the future?

2.What is Li Ming good at?

3.How would Li Ming do when he becomes a teacher?

4.What does Wang Mei want to be?

Step3.Language points and grammar

Read the dialogue with your partner find out the main items.Then explain these language points and grammar.Step 4.speaking and writing

Imagine you will be a teacher.doctor.singer….in the future.What do you want to say.please discuss and say it.Step 5.Do some exercises.1.Fill in the blank with the proper word.The first letter is given.(1).It’ss ____ to see a snake suddenly.(2).My sister works hard at school, she will have a good f_____.(3).Her grandfather was s____ yesterday, he went to see a doctor.2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms.⑴.Please listen to me _______(careful).He ________(careful)

⑵.Are you good at _________(play)the violin.⑶.Let me _______(check)your answer.3.Do some inverse.(1).She is a good student.So _______ I.(2).He often goes to school by bike.So _____ we.(3).They enjoyed the story book.So _____ we.(4).I can swim.So ______ he.Step6.Homework:Write a short passage:

What do you want to be in the future?

Why? How about your best friend?


Today we learn a dialogue between Li Ming and Wang is

Mei.Li Ming wanted to be a teacher.Wang Mei wanted to be a doctor.Form this lesson.We should know how to say the hopes and wishes of ours.So after class you must use some words to think about your life in the future and share the ideas with your friends..

第二篇:lesson 28 教案

Unit 5What will you do this weekend?Lesson 28


【课题】Unit 5What will you do this weekend?Lesson 28

【教学重点】单词:听说读写swimming 和skating;

句子:熟悉并能运用 “Are you good at…?”

【教学难点】认读roller skating和skateboarding;

“Are you good at …?” 和 “What are you good at?”的感知和掌握



(1)“Are you interested in …?” 和 “What are you interested in?”这两个句型对学生进行提问,复习前面所学过的单词和这两个句型。


(1)播放课件,为学生创设一个情境——“celebrity show(名人秀)”

T:We can watch celebrity show on the weekend,right?Today,we will have a celebrity show.Are you ready?


“Hello, everybody!My name is Sun Yang.I am interested in swimming.I’m good at swimming.”


通过金牌来让学生感知“I’m good at swimming.”的含义,同时竖起大拇指,让学生感知; 再提问学生 “Are you good at swimming?” 和 “What are you good at?”(可用中文提示学生)。


“Hi, girls!Nice to meet you.I’m Zhou Yang.I’m interested in skating.I’m good at skating.” 通过周洋的典型身份进行单词skating的教学;

通过她获金牌的场景让学生感知“I’m good at skating.”的含义,同时竖起大拇指,让学生感知;

再提问学生 “Are you good at swimming?” 和 “What are you good at?”(可用中文提示学生)。

(4)介绍skating的两种形式---------roller skating 和 skateboarding

这两个单词只需要学生能够认读,所以教学时要抓住这两种skating的特点进行教学:roller skating特点在于roller(滚轴),可帮助学生联想到轮滑的轮子;skateboarding的特点在于board(板子),可帮助学生联想到滑滑板的踏板。

(5)对比“be interested in” 和 “be good at”的联系和差别

含义上的区别:“I’m interested in swimming, but I’m not good at swimming.”

句式上的联系(课件替换掉有变化的词,帮助学生加深对句式的印象):“Are you interested in…?” 和 “Are you good at…?”

“What are you interested in?” 和 “What are you good at?”



(1)Act ﹠ Guess(What are you good at?)

将学生分组,每组两个人,一人演一人猜,猜的学生问时需要用到“Are you good at…?”,演的学生“Yes, I am.”或“No, I’m not.”回答,每组猜两题。


第二组:singing和roller skating

第三组:swimming 和exercising



才艺表演:老师提问学生“Are you good at…?” 或“What are you good at?”,进行才艺表演。


Lesson 28

key words:skatingswimming

key sentences:——Are you good at…?

——Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.——What are you good at?

——I’m good at…? 并邀请一些同学

第三篇:Lesson 18教案

Lesson 18 Get Ready for Turkey

Teaching Content

1.Langugae goals:

a.The words must be grasped: huge, delicious, pie, dinner, be, away from home

b.The words that can only be known: turkey, dessert

2.Ability goals:

1.Express one’s feeling in the communication

2.Learn to make a family tree.3.Emotional goals:

Teaching Important Points

1.The students can catch the main ideas through listening to the text.2.The students can suppose what their festival will be like.Teaching Difficult Points

1.The use of Simple Present Tense;

2.How to make a family tree

Teaching Prepared

Flashcards, photos of your family

Teaching Aids

Audiotape, flashcards, photos

Type of Lesson

New lesson

Teaching Procedure

Step1.Duty report

Step2.Remind the students the last lesson: the important festivals in China and Western countries.Show the students pictures to the class.Step3.Organize activities about what they will do during Thanksgiving.Can they suppose the situation? The teacher can give them some tips if it is necessary.Don’t forget to ask them: “Do you still remember when Thanksgiving is?

Step4.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:

1.How long is it before Thanksgiving?

2.Who bought a turkey?

3.Who will come to Thanksgiving dinner?

4.How does Brian feel this Thanksgiving?

Step5.Read the text and check the answers you got just now.Let them read the text again and then read in roles.After practice a while, the

teacher can give volunteers chances to act the dialogue out in front of the class.Step6.Practice the Simple Present Tense.First, make sentences use the correct tense.Pay attention to the time attributive clause.Then let the

students make sentences one by one until they can use the tense correctly.Step7.Come to “PROJECT”.Take out a photo of your family and show it to the class.Then draw your own family tree on the blackboard.Then let the students take out of their own family photos and show them to the classmates.Now they can draw their family tree on their exercise book and let the desk mates to check the answers.Divide the class into several groups and look at the photos.Then draw other family photos in change.Thus gives them more chance to practice.Step8 Finish the activity book.If they have difficulties with the exercises, you can explain more carefully.

第四篇:Lesson 101-102教案

Lesson 101-102 A Card from Jimmy

思考问题:Does grandmother seem pleased to get a card from Jimmy? why or why not? 1.card n明信片,卡片,纸片,入场券,贺卡柬帖 post card 明信片 business card名片 credit card信用卡

put one’s card on the table摊牌 ID card 身份证

Birthday card 生日贺卡 Invitation card请帖

2.Scotland n.苏格兰 Scottish 苏格兰人


Chinese England

English France

French Italy

Italian Japan

Japanese Germany German Russia

Russian 3.association

n.协会联盟,联合联系,交往,联想,友谊伙伴关系 Eg: Our long association with your companyhas brought great benefits.我方和贵公司的长期合作带来了巨大的利益。

in association with与….有联系

4.youth n.青春,青年(不可数)eg: She lost(kept)her youth.她青春不再(青春依旧)。

I often went there in my youth.我小时候常去那儿。当表示青年人时,用作个体名词(可数),主要用来指男青年而不指女青年。用作集合名词,表整体(可指男女青年),用作主语时谓语可用单数或复数。The youth of today is [are] fond of dancing.现在的年青人都喜欢跳舞。

Youthful adj.年轻的,有朝气的,青年的 teenager是指13至19岁之间的青少年男女 5.soon adv立刻,马上,不久,一会,很快 Eg: She will be back soon.她马上就回来

常和would/should/had sooner….than…..宁可, 宁愿...也不, 与其...不如

Eg: He would sooner die than consent to such a plan.他宁死也不肯同意这种计划。as soon as一...就., 和...一样快, 和...一样早 as soon as possible 尽快 as soon as not 更乐意;宁愿

Least said, soonest mended言多必失 no sooner...than...一...就...sooner or later(=soon or late)迟早, 早晚 soon after 不久之后, 稍后 死...之后不久 6.write-wrote-written写,写信,写作,作曲 Eg: He writes legibly.他的字写得很清楚 Write to sb给某人写信

write for a living 靠写作维持生活

write down写(记)下来 write oneself off 被击毙

write oneself out(作家等)才华已尽, 题材枯竭

write out 写出

write over 改写, 重写 写满 7.get,reach,arrive区别


arrive是不及物动词,与at表示到达小地方(村子,车站,机场),与in表示到达大城市和国家,如果不指明到达的地点,用arrive,eg: When will you arrive?


8.speak 强调单方的说和讲,演讲发言,对某人说(某事),可用 speak to [with] sb(about sth)。

Eg: I spoke to [with] the chairman about my idea.我跟主席说了我的想法 talk 强调双方“交谈”,一般用作不及物动词,表示“同某人谈论(某事)” say 强调说话内容,指有连贯性的说话,一般用作及物动词 tell 表示“告诉”,可接双宾语 He told his parents the good news./ He told the good news to his parents.他把这个好消息告诉了他父母 tell the truth说实话,tell a lie说谎

9.afraid adj.害怕的,担心的,恐惧的 eg: I'm still afraid to sleep in my own bedroom.be afraid to do sth be afraid of doing sth be afraid of sth此处可以用terrified替换

10.hope 用于表示可能实现的事情eg: I hope I shall see him again.hope多用于指对好事的盼望、预想I hope it will be fine tomorrow hope 所希望的一般指将来或现在的事情,不用于指过去的事情I hope he will come hope 可用hope to do sth句型,而不能用hope sb to do sth句型 eg: I hope to watch the football match again hope后面还可以接that 从句,意为“希望……;能……就好了 eg:She hopes that I will pass the exam hope后不能直接接名词作宾语,若要接需先接 for 即 hope for sth.)wish后可跟双宾语,hope后则不能 eg: wish you success/luck.have a slim hope有一线希望 in the hope of sth 怀着……的希望

live in hope(s)of 满怀希望

第五篇:Lesson 13 Seasons教案

Lesson 13 Seasons


1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: season,spring,summer,autumn,winter


Winter,spring,summer and autumn are seasons.Winter is cold.There is ice and snow.In winter,I put on my hat,scarf and winter coat.In spring,I take off my winter clothes.3、通过学习季节的特点,培养学生热爱生活的积极情感态度



1、重点:学生能够了解春、夏、秋、冬的季节气候特点。能够理解并根据实际情况运用目标语Winter is cold.There is ice and snow.等介绍四季气候特点和景物。

2、难点:掌握个别长难句:I take off shorts and T-shirt.I put on my trousers and sweater.能够在实际生活中,运用英语与他人关于不同季节的着装的问题进行交流。


四、教学过程: Step1 Warming up

1、Greetings.2、T:How’s the weather today? What season is it now?(设计意图:在热身中通过师生问答现在的天气情况和所处的季节来引出课题seasons)Step 2 Presentation

1、Learn the new words:season winter spring summer and autumn 出示四个季节的图片,通过询问What season is it ?学习新单词,教师领读单词。

2、Show winter picture T:What season is it? Ss:It is winter.T:How’s the weather? Ss:It is cold and snowy.T:What can you see in winter? Ss:I can see ice and sonw.3、Pair work 出示spring、summer and autumn的图片,把全班分为6组,利用所给的参考词汇和句型小组内的成员进行讨论描述这三幅图。(设计意图:通过小组合作交流,提高学生的语言表达能力,增强学生的合作意识)

4、Listen to the radio and answer the questions: How’s the weather in each season? Winter is_____and_____.Spring is_____and_____.Summer is______and______.Autumn is_____and_______.(设计意图:进一步加强学生对课文的理解与表达,提高学生的听、说能力)

5、Read follow the radio 跟录音机读一遍 自由读课文



6、Play a game 把四个写有季节的卡片分别给四名学生,然后用他们自己的语言描述手中的季节,其他同学猜猜他们描绘的是哪个季节。(设计意图:通过游戏,及时巩固新知,反馈学生本课学习情况,同时提高学生学习英语的兴趣。)Step 3 Homework Please describe four seasons in English Step 4 板书设计 season winter cold and snowy spring warm and rainy summer hot and sunny autumn cool and windy There be…… put on take off

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