当今世界正处于大发展大变革大调整之中,但无论国际形势如何变化,国际体系如何变革,亚洲各国之间互利共赢的目标不能变,民主公平的原则不能变,相互尊重的方向不能变,同舟共济的精神不能变,和谐发展的理念不能变。现在,亚洲各国在更高水平上的新一轮发展已经拉开序幕,未来全球的繁荣发展与文明进步将更加与亚洲紧密相联。同时我们也清醒地看到,亚洲仍然是世界上贫困人口最多的地区,贫困饥饿、恐怖主义、疾病蔓延的威胁远未 1
刘延东在第四届中外大学校长论坛上的致辞时间:2010-10-08 16:28来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1740次
在第四届中外大学校长论坛上的致辞 国务委员 刘延东
Speech on the Fourth Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum Liu Yandong, State Councilor, the People’s Republic of China May 2, 2010, Nanjing
Dear Presidents and Entrepreneurs, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, Distinguished Guests,在生机勃勃、春花烂漫的美好时节,我们在六朝古都南京欢聚。前晚,上海世博会隆重开幕。今天,南京又迎来了第四届中外大学校长论坛。这次论坛不仅有全球知名大学校长,还首次邀请了企业界和驻华使馆的朋友们,可以说群贤毕至,蓬荜生辉。在此,我谨代表中国政府,对论坛的召开表示热烈的祝贺!向远道而来的各位嘉宾表示诚挚欢迎和良好祝愿!
In this beautiful season, with trees coming back to life and spring flowers blossoming, we are delighted to gather in Nanjing, the capital of six dynasties in my nation’s imperial past.The night before last, Expo 2010 was unveiled in pomp and pageantry in Shanghai.Today, the Fourth Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum opens in Nanjing, where presidents of world-renowned universities are joined by entrepreneurs and diplomats from across the world.Your precious presence, indeed, makes this assembly hall shine in splendor!Please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese government, extend our warm congratulations on the convocation of this forum, and convey our warmest welcome and sincerest wishes to all of you, our distinguished guests from afar.中外大学校长论坛是大学精神和创新思想的高层对话,是分享智慧、凝聚共识的互动平台。自2002年以来,论坛已成功举办了三届。这既为中国学习借鉴世界高等教育先进经验提供了一个契机,也为国际高等教育界的朋友们近距离观察、认识中国和中国高等教育,打开了一扇窗户。
The Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum is a venue for high-echelon dialogues on university spirit and innovative ideas;it is also an interactive platform where wisdom is shared and consensuses earnestly sought.This forum, having taken place previously on three occasions since 2002, provides a good opportunity for China to draw on the world’s advanced experience in higher education, and opens a window through which our fellow international educators can observe and understand China and its higher education at close quarters.本次论坛立足后国际金融危机时代的繁荣发展,以“提高大学人才培养质量”为主题,就创新型人才培养、绿色大学建设、大学与企业合作等议题进行交流,探讨当代高等教育改革发展的重大课题,对于大学和企业应对共同挑战,增进民众福祉,开创美好未来,更好地肩负起促进人类进步的历史使命和社会责任,具有重要而深远的意义。
The theme of the currant forum, “Enhancing quality of university education”, is meant to promote global prosperity and development in the aftermath of the recent international monetary crisis.In the next few days, we shall put our heads together for a dialogue on the cultivation of innovative talents, on the building of eco-friendly university campuses, on cooperation between universities and businesses, and on other major topics concerning the reform and development of higher education in the contemporary world.Such a dialogue will mean a great deal for rallying universities and businesses in coping with challenges, improving people’s wellbeing, ushering in a promising future, and better fulfilling our historical mission and honoring our social obligations to human progress.女士们,先生们:
Ladies and Gentlemen!
The world today is in the thick of major development, transformation and readjustments.The deep-going pace of economic globalization has fused the destinies of the people of all countries in a kith and kin relationship.Humanity has achieved unprecedented prosperity and civilization, but at the same time, we are confronted with unforeseen risks and challenges, which find expression in a series of global problems in climatic changes, environmental protection, grain safety, the prevention and treatment of diseases, major disasters, public security and crucial economic and monetary issues.Reflecting on the past, every nation today is endeavoring to grasp the future and create opportunities while rising to the challenges.As the new millennium enters its second decade, monumental changes are brewing in the mode of production and lifestyles of the human society.We are in urgent need of new ideas, wisdoms, methods, science and technology, but more than anything else, we need to close our ranks and concert our ef forts so that we can create a promising future for the human society.作为拥有世界五分之一人口的国家和快速发展的新兴经济体,中国正处于全面建设小康社会的关键时期。尽管新中国成立60年来,我国经济总量增长77倍,城镇居民收入增长150倍,农村居民收入增长100倍,人均寿命从35岁提高到73岁,但中国仍然是一个有着13亿人口的发展中国家,正在进行着世界历史上最大规模的工业化、城镇化进程。在前进的道路上,我们面临着区域发展不平衡、贫富差距、资源环境制约、经济增长的质量和效益不高、转型时期社会矛盾复杂等严峻挑战,迫切需要增添新的发展动力,培育新的发展优势,实现经济社会全面协调可持续发展。为此,中国提出以人为本、科学发展的理念,把转变发展方式作为全局性的战略举措。我们倡导创新发展,即依靠科技进步培育战略性新兴产业和改造传统产业,走创新驱动、内生增长的路子;我们倡导绿色发展,即推动节能减排和低碳发展,努力建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会;我们倡导和谐发展,即切实改善民生,深化经济体制改革和政治体制改革,推进民主法制建设和维护社会公平正义,为每个人的全面发展创造更好的环境;我们倡导和平发展,即以自身的发展给全球发展带来更多的贡献和机会,与世界各国平等合作、互利共赢,共同建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。中国所选择的科学发展道路,是既对自己未来负责、也对世界未来负责的发展道路。
China is a fast growing rising economy that embraces one fifth of the global population, and its all-round effort to build up an affluent society is now in a critical stage.Over the last 60 or so years, New China has increased its economic aggregates by 77-fold, its urban residents’ income by 150-fold, its rural residents’ earnings by 100-folds, and its per-capita life expectancy from 35 to 73 years.Despite all these solid facts, China today remains a developing country whose 1.3 billion people are pursuing industrialization and urbanization on a scale unmatched in world history.Our road of development has been fraught with stern challenges, including resource and environmental constraints, low-quality economic growth, and complex social conflicts that are typical of a society in transition.New driving forces and new sources of growth are badly needed in this country in order to achieve all-round, coordinated and sustainable socioeconomic development.That is why the Chinese government has initiated the concept of placing human beings before anything else, adopted a concept of scientific development, and set transforming the mode of development as its overriding strategy.We advocate innovative development, rely on progress in science and technology to cultivate new and strategic industries and revamp traditional industries, and follow the road of renovating the incentives and promoting growth from within the economy.We advocate eco-friendly development, save energy, reduce waste discharge, advance low-carbon development, and strive to build a society that is resource-economical and conservation-conscious.We advocate harmonious development, improve people’s livelihood in a down-to-earth way, promote democracy and the rule of law, safeguard social equity and justice, and furnish a better environment for the all-round development of every citizen.We champion peaceful development, seek to contribute more to the world and bring more opportunities to it through our own development.We collaborate with other nations on an equal and mutually beneficial footing and for an all-win situation, and join them in building a congenial world of lasting peace and common prosperity.Ours is a road of scientific development with a high sense of responsibility for China itself and for the future of the world as well.女士们,先生们:
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Education is the most fundamental of all undertakings for a nation’s rejuvenation and development.Just as a Chinese wise man of yore put it, “Respecting education and persuading people to learn are fundamental to the building of a nation;promoting virtue and nurturing talent are foremost tasks of government.” China’s fast growth over the last 30 or so years would not have happened without the support of education.China’s future hinges on talents, and the basis of its development rests with education.That is why we have adopted a strategy to rejuvenate the nation through science and education, and always put a premium on education development.We are in the possession of the world’s largest education system with 260 million students;free nine-year compulsory education has become the norm across the land;the gross attendance rate of higher education has risen from 1% three decades ago to 24% today;fiscal funding for education has registered an average annual growth rate of 19% over the last decade.It is worth noting that last year, despite a slowdown in the fiscal revenue’s growth rate in the aftermath of the international monetary crisis, our government increased its education funding by 25%, including 80 billion yuan that was spent to raise the salaries of 10 million primary and middle school teachers.同时,全面布局未来十年的教育发展蓝图,研究制定《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》,提出到2020年普及从学前到高中阶段教育、形成惠及全民的公平教育、提供更加丰富的优质教育、构建体系完备的终身教育,使教育更加适应经济社会发展和人的全面发展的要求,让人民生活得更加幸福、更有尊严。
In the meantime, the nation has worked out the State Outline--Program for Medium Long-Term Education Reform and Development.Among other things, this blueprint for education development in the 2010-2020 period calls for universalizing education from preschool to senior middle school, delivering education equally to every one, offering quality education in richer and more varied ways, furnishing an integral framework for lifelong education, better adapt education to the requirements of socioeconomic development and of comprehensive human development, and letting our people live in more bliss and with dignity.大学作为教育事业的最高殿堂,是培育创新人才的高地,是新知识、新思想、新科技诞生的摇篮,是人类生存与发展的精神家园。面对世界经济社会发展的新趋势、中国现代化建设的新任务、人类多样文明和谐共生的新潮流,大学在引领未来中承担着前所未有的崇高使命和历史重任。为此,在未来十年里,我们确立建设中国特色、世界水平现代高等教育的努力方向,将推进办学理念、培养模式和体制机制创新,优化结构,加大投入,建设高水平教师团队,推动大学人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大功能相互促进、相得益彰,全面提高教育质量。
The supreme hall of education, the university is a platform for grooming innovative talents, a cradle for new knowledge, new ideas and new science and technology, and a spiritual home for the survival and development of humanity.In the face of the new tendency in global socioeconomic development, of the new tasks for the Chinese modernization drive, and of the new trend in which diverse civilizations seek to live in harmony, our universities haven taken it upon themselves an unprecedented mission that is at once noble and historical.In the next ten years we shall strive to develop world-caliber modern higher education in a distinctly Chinese way;we shall promote innovation in our school-running concept, mode of education and institutional mechanisms;optimize the structure and increase investment to build vast contingents of top-notch teachers;and we shall enable our universities’ three major functions--talent cultivation, scientific research and service--to promote and supplement each other, and boost education quality in an all-round way.第一,我们将进一步彰显大学人才培养功能,以开放合作集聚人才培养的新优势。
Firstly, we shall give further precedence to universities’ education function, and pool competent talents to cultivate new national strengths by way of opening up and cooperation.当代大学所面临的诸多挑战与考验中,最为关键的是提高人才培养质量,这已经成为21世纪世界高等教育发展的主流,也是中国高等教育发展的核心。
As the most critical challenge confronting universities in the contemporary world, raising education quality is not only the mainstream in higher education development across the world in the 21st-century, but also the central task for China’s higher education development.我们将大力改革传统的人才培养模式和评价制度,一是更加注重创新性,增强学生的创新精神、实践能力和社会责任感;二是更加注重综合性,促进学生全面发展、提升适应未来社会变化的能力;三是更加注重包容性,培育学生的国际视野和尊重多元文化的博大胸怀;四是更加注重选择性,为学生创造更加灵活多样的学习机会。
We shall spare no effort to overhaul the traditional mode and system of evaluation by attaching more importance, firstly, to innovation, which means to enhance our students’ innovative spirit, practical ability and social sense of responsibility;secondly, to comprehensiveness, which means to promote all-round student development and enable them to better adapt themselves to future social changes;thirdly, to magnanimity, which means to foster, in our students, a global vision and high-minded respect for diverse cultures;fourthly, to selectivity, which means to provide our students with more flexible and diverse learning opportunities.我们将通过开放合作汇聚最优质的教育资源,大幅提升人才培养的质量。我们将完善专博结合、文理兼容的课程新体系,为学生构建更为全面的知识结构。
We shall accumulate quality education resources through opening up and cooperation to vastly improve the quality in university education.We shall put forward a completely new curriculum that combines special and general learning and encompasses subjects in both liberal arts and sciences, so as to make a more comprehensive knowledge structure available to our students.我们将创立大学与科研院所、行业企业联合培养的新机制,使学生在参与科学研究和建设项目中提高实践能力。
We shall create new mechanisms by which universities can teach in collaboration with research institutes, industries and enterprises, and by which students can improve their fieldwork capabilities by taking part in research and construction projects.我们将探索中外大学合作培养人才的新模式,引进优秀教师和扩大互派留学生规模,推进人才培养的优势互补。
We shall also explore new patterns of cooperation between Chinese and foreign universities in grooming talents, recruit outstanding teachers from abroad, expand exchanges of students with other nations, and encourage our universities and their foreign counterparts to supplement and benefit each other in teaching and learning.第二,我们将进一步强化大学的科学研究功能,以联合共享开辟科学进步的新领域。
Secondly, we shall further intensify universities’ function in scientific research and open up new fields of scientific progress by way of cooperation and mutual sharing of resources.当前,全球处于新的科技革命的前夜,世界正迎来创新密集与产业振兴时代,跨学科交叉融合和跨领域、跨国界合作共享成为科学研究的重要趋势。中国把发展新能源、信息网络、生物医药、先进制造等战略性新兴产业作为经济结构调整的战略方向,鼓励大学在创新重大基础理论和突破技术瓶颈中发挥重要作用。
The world today is on the eve of a new revolution in science and technology, and ushering in an epoch of intensive innovation and industrial revitalization.Interdisciplinary integration and cooperation across fields and national boundaries are fast catching on in scientific research.China has shifted its economic restructuring strategy to development of new energy sources, information networking, biopharmacology, advanced manufacturing, and other rising industries of strategic importance, and our universities have a major role to play in renovating crucial basic theories and lifting technological bottlenecks on the chain of economic development.中国积极参与应对全球重大共同挑战,鼓励大学加强经济金融、历史文化、民主法治、社会建设等人文社会科学研究,在尊重文明的多样性、促进跨文化交流、研究不同发展模式和构建合理的国际政治、经济新秩序等问题上提供智力支持。
In rising up to major global challenges, China encourages its universities to step up researches in economics and finance, history, culture, democracy, the rule of law, social development and other fields of humanities and social sciences.The nation provides intellectual support on the causes to respect diverse civilizations, promote trans-cultural exchanges, study different modes of development, and foster a sensible framework of international politics and a new economic order.我们倡导大学遵循科学研究的内在规律,自由自主地开展科学探索。我们将进一步构建大学、科研院所和企业相互开放的格局,促进科技资源联合共享,提高科学研究的效率和水平。我们将培育跨学科的教学科研团队,推动学科交叉融合,催生新的学科生长点。我们将支持不同国家、不同大学间通过建设联合实验室、联合研发基地等创新平台,开展多种形式的合作,以激发创新潜能,产生倍增效应。
We encourage our universities to follow the inherent laws governing scientific research and to let go of themselves in exploring into unvisited territories.We step up a pattern in which universities, research institutes and enterprises can reach out to each other, promote the sharing of scientific and technological resources, and raise the efficiency and level in scientific researches.We cultivate teams for interdisciplinary teaching and researches, encourage interaction between disciplines, and speed up the incubation of new sources of disciplinary growth.We encourage nations and universities to collaborate in various forms, including building joint laboratories, research and development centers and other innovative platforms that help tap innovative potentials and allow research results to multiple.第三,我们将进一步拓展大学的社会服务功能,以引领开拓创新文明进步的新空间。
Thirdly, we shall further extend our universities’ function in social service and encourage them to play a leadership role in opening up new vistas for progress in civilization.大学只有与社会紧密互动,才能彰显自身价值,真正服务社会、引领社会。只有将理论研究与创新成果回馈社会,才能真正体现出大学的功能与成就。
A university can let its value shine through, truly put itself at society’s service, and become a leader only when it can interact intimately with society.Only by feeding its research and innovation results back to society can a university’s functions and achievements be embodied.我们主张大学广泛参与科学普及,传播先进文化,提高公众的科学素养和人文素养,成为社会文明风尚的引领者。我们倡导大学形成富有特色的创新文化,这是优秀人才和创新成果不断涌现的深厚土壤。我们鼓励大学主动参与区域经济社会发展,发挥思想库和智囊团的作用。
We maintain that universities must be extensively involved in popularizing science, disseminating advanced culture, and raising public attainments in science and humanities, and that they must also work to become trend-setters for civilization and social mores.We encourage every university to foster a distinctively innovative culture and turn it into a rich soil for the growth of outstanding talents and inventions.We encourage university students to take the initiative into their own hands in regional socioeconomic development, and we set great store by the roles of brain banks and think tanks.今天,许多富有远见的企业家加入到论坛中,展现了校企合作的强烈愿望。我们主张产学研用紧密结合,积极推进大学加快科研成果转化和产业化,帮助企业提高技术和管理水平,也鼓励企业支持大学提高办学水平,这既是大学服务社会的重要方式,也彰显了企业的社会责任。
Today, we are happy to see many far-sighted entrepreneurs participate in this forum to show their ardent desire for university-enterprise collaboration.We believe that production, scholarship, research and application should be closely combined;we go all out to speed up the conversion of university research results into real productivity;and we encourage universities to help enterprises upgrade their technology and management and urge enterprises to support universities in raising their school-running level.These are important ways for universities to serve society and for enterprises to honor their social responsibilities.大学作为文明传承的重要载体,还应当自觉承担起人文交流的功能。人文交流是人与人之间心与心的交流,具有基础性、先导性、广泛性和持久性。大学要成为人文交流的先锋,为促进人类多样文明和谐共生作出更大贡献。只有越来越多的人们尊重和欣赏彼此的文化,才能超越社会制度、意识形态和发展模式的差异,实现建设和谐世界的美好愿望。
As major carriers of our nation’s cultural heritage, universities should also consciously perform their function in promoting exchanges in humanities.Such exchanges pave the way for people-to-people, heart-to-heart communication, and are therefore fundamental, pioneering, extensive and sustainable.Universities should pioneer in such exchanges and make still greater contributions to the diversity, harmony and coexistence of civilizations.Only when more and more people come to respect and enjoy each other’s cultures can they overcome differences in social system, ideology and mode of development and see their wish for a harmonious world come true.女士们、先生们:
Ladies and Gentlemen!
We are right in the Age of the Internet, but virtual space cannot replace candid face-to-face exchanges, and high-definition television cannot replace a real-life winsome smile.The fact that university presidents and entrepreneurs of different nations, faiths and cultural backgrounds can come together to inspire each other, seek consensuses, and promote innovation will have an extensive and sustained impact on education development--an impact that will also extend to society as well.今天在座的各位都是高等教育界和企业界的优秀领导者。“他山之石,可以攻玉”。我衷心希望大家携起手来,进一步提高论坛的层次,丰富论坛的内容,使论坛成为交流思想、分享智慧的互动平台,成为务实合作、共同发展的开放平台,成为加强沟通、增进互信的友谊平台,成为立足前沿、国际知名的高端平台。相信通过大家的努力,将引领高等教育走向新的发展高度,为世界和平与人类进步事业贡献智慧和力量!
All those present today are outstanding leaders in higher education and the business world.As the old saying goes, “There are always other hills whose stones are good for working jade” – meaning that the advice from someone else may help overcome one’s own weaknesses.It is therefore my sincere hope that we shall work hand in hand to elevate and enrich this forum and turn it into an interactive platform for exchanging ideas and sharing wisdom, an open platform for pragmatic cooperation and common development, a friendship platform for enhancing communication and mutual trust, and a high-end platform that towers over the frontiers and puts its name on the world map.It is my belief that with our concerted efforts, we shall be able to lead higher education to a new height of development and contribute our wisdom and strength to world peace and the progressive cause of humanity.最后,预祝第四届中外大学校长论坛取得圆满成功!
Finally, let me wish the Fourth Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum a resounding success.谢谢大家!
Thank you!
【2017年博鳌亚洲论坛年会开幕式的致辞(张高丽)】 亚洲的发展离不开世界,世界的繁荣离不开亚洲。亚洲国家几十年来快速发展的历程,就是不断深入参与经济全球化的进程。亚洲国家坚持拥抱而非排斥经济全球化,始终是经济全球化和自由贸易的积极参与者和坚定支持者,既收获了经济全球化的累累硕果,也为经济全球化作出了重要贡献。
Asia’s development cannot be achieved without the world, and the prosperity of the world would be impossible without Asia.Asian countries have enjoyed rapid development over the past decades through participation in economic globalization.Embracing rather than rejecting economic globalization, they have all along taken an active part in and given firm support to economic globalization and free trade.They have benefited from economic globalization and also made important contribution to this process.——亚洲国家积极参与经济全球化,实现自身跨越式发展,创造了“亚洲奇迹”。第二次世界大战结束后,一批批赢得独立的亚洲国家抓住经济全球化机遇,确立贸易立国战略和经济发展赶超战略,发挥自身比较优势,积极参与国际分工和区域合作,踏上了经济发展的快车道。不少亚洲国家连续多年实现经济高速增长。今天的亚洲已成为世界上最具发展活力和潜力的地区。
– Through economic globalization, Asian countries have realized leapfrog development and created the “Asian miracle”.After the end of the Second World War, the newly independent Asian countries seized the opportunities brought by economic globalization and implemented the strategy of trade for growth and economic catch-up.Building on their comparative advantages, they have taken an active part in international division of labor and regional cooperation and embarked on a fast track of economic development.Many Asian countries have registered sustained high-speed growth.As a result, today’s Asia has grown into the most vibrant and promising region in the world.——亚洲国家积极参与经济全球化,推动世界经济增长,提供了“亚洲机遇”。特别是国际金融危机以来,亚洲已成为拉动世界经济复苏和增长的重要引擎,对世界经济增长的贡献率约50%。近年来,亚洲国家积极开展对外投资,扩大国际经济合作。亚洲国家庞大的人口规模和不断成长的中等收入群体,形成巨大的消费和投资市场。世界各国纷纷“向东
– Through economic globalization, Asian countries have provided driving force for global growth and offered the “Asian opportunities”.In particular, since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, Asia has served as a major engine for the recovery and growth of the world economy, contributing to nearly half of global growth.In recent years, Asian countries have been active in conducting outbound investment and international economic cooperation.The large population and growing middle-income groups in Asian countries have provided a huge consumption and investment market.Countries in the world are all turning their eyes to the east, hoping to take the ride of Asia’s development and seize the opportunities it presents.今年1月,习近平主席在达沃斯世界经济论坛年会上发表重要演讲,对经济全球化问题进行了深刻阐述。他指出,经济全球化是社会生产力发展的客观要求和科技进步的必然结果,为世界经济增长提供了强劲动力;经济全球化也带来了新问题,经济全球化进程的不足,值得我们重视和深思;面对经济全球化带来的机遇和挑战,正确的选择是,充分利用一切机遇,合作应对一切挑战,引导好经济全球化走向。他强调,要主动作为、适度管理,让经济全球化的正面效应更多释放出来,实现经济全球化进程再平衡;要顺应大势、结合国情,正确选择融入经济全球化的路径和节奏;要讲求效率、注重公平,让不同国家、不同阶层、不同人群共享经济全球化的好处。
Last January, President Xi Jinping shared his insights on economic globalization when speaking at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.He pointed out that economic globalization resulted from growing social productivity and is a natural outcome of scientific and technological progress.It has powered global growth but also created new problems.The pitfalls in this process must be taken seriously.In the face of both opportunities and challenges, the right thing to do is to seize every opportunity, jointly meet challenges and chart the right course for economic globalization.He emphasized that we should act proactively and manage economic globalization as appropriate so as to release its positive impact and rebalance the process of economic globalization.We should follow the general trend, proceed from our respective national conditions and embark on the right pathway of integrating into economic globalization at the right pace.We should strike a
balance between efficiency and equity to ensure that different countries, different social strata and different groups of people all share in the benefits of economic globalization.习近平主席的重要论述为应对当前世界经济面临的困难和挑战、推动人类社会走向繁荣和进步指明了方向。在发展和变革的大潮中,我们要牢牢把握世界大势,顺应时代潮流,总结亚洲经验,弘扬亚洲智慧,携手推动经济全球化与自由贸易,共同打造亚洲和人类命运共同体。
These important views shared by President Xi Jinping have pointed the way for overcoming the difficulties and challenges facing the world economy and promoting the prosperity and progress of human society.In pursuing development and reform, we need to keep up with the changes in the world, follow the trend of the times, and promote Asian experience and vision.We need to work together to advance economic globalization and free trade and jointly create a community of shared future for Asia and mankind.2016年,在世界经济疲弱的背景下,中国国内生产总值增长6.7%,位居世界前列,对全球经济增长的贡献率超过30%。就业增长超出预期,全年城镇新增就业1314万人。供给侧结构性改革取得初步成效,全年退出钢铁产能6500万吨以上、煤炭产能2.9亿吨以上。经济结构加快调整,消费在经济增长中发挥主要拉动作用,服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重上升到51.6%。大气、水、土壤等污染治理力度加大,生态文明建设步伐加快。主要领域“四梁八柱”性质的改革主体框架基本确立,为经济社会发展不断注入新的强大动力。人民生活持续改善,农村贫困人口减少1240万。中国经济运行缓中趋稳、稳中向好,保持在合理区间,发展质量和效益不断提高,民生保障和社会事业取得新进展,实现了“十三五”良好开局。
In 2016, despite a sluggish world economy, China recorded a 6.7% growth in GDP, which was among the fastest in the world, and contributed to more than 30% of global growth.Growth in jobs, totaling 13.14 million in urban sectors, also exceeded projections.Initial progress was achieved in supply-side structural reform.Over the year, steel production capacity was cut by more than 65 million metric tons(公吨是公制的单位,中国采用公制,所以我们中国人平常说的“吨”指的就是“公吨”,可把“吨”看作是“公吨”的简称)and coal by over 290 million metric tons.With accelerated pace of economic restructuring,consumption played a major role in economic growth, and the value added created by the service sector rose to 51.6% of GDP.Stronger measures were taken against pollution in air, water and soil, and the process of ecological conservation was accelerated.The general framework for carrying out reform in various sectors, like the beams and pillars of a house, has been put into place, injecting new and strong impetus to economic and social progress.The people are living better lives.The rural population in poverty was reduced by 12.4 million.The economy has registered a slower but stable performance with good momentum for growth.It has stayed within the proper range, with marked improvement in quality and efficiency.New progress has been made in social security and social programs.All this has put the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan off to a good start.
增强信心 深化合作 实现共赢
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2009年4月18日
Strengthen and Deepen Cooperation For Win-Win Progress Speech by Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council of The People's Republic of China At the Opening of The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2009 April 2009
尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们: Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴参加博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会。首先,我谨代表中国政府对年会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!本届年会把“经济危机与亚洲:挑战和展望”作为主题,对于凝聚共识、增强信心、深化合作、战胜危机,具有十分重要的意义。我衷心祝愿本届年会取得圆满成功!
I am delighted to be here at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2009.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the opening of the and a hearty welcome to all the guests present.This conference, with “Asia: Managing Beyond Crisis” as its theme, is a highly important one.It will contribute to our efforts to build consensus, strengthen confidence, deepen and overcome the crisis.I wish the conference a great success.2008年9月以来,世界经济遭受了上世纪大萧条以来最为严峻的挑战。各国纷纷采取措施,应对国际金融危机的严重冲击。中国政府及时果断调整宏观经济政策,实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,迅速出台促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,对缓解经济运行中的突出矛盾、增强信心、稳定预期,发挥了重要作用。这个一揽子计划最直接、最重要的目标,是扭转经济增速下滑趋势、保持经济平稳较快增长,并力求解决制约中国经济发展的结构性问题,加快转变发展方式,全面提升各种生产要素的质量和水平,为中国经济长远发展打下更加牢固的基础。
Since last September, the world economy has run into the most serious challenges ever since the Great Depression of the last century.Countries around the world have taken steps to cope with the severe impact of the global crisis.In the face of the crisis, the Chinese Government
made swift and decisive adjustments to its macroeconomic policies.We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, and put in place a package plan to ensure steady and relatively fast economic growth.These measures have proved essential for easing major problems in the economy, shoring up and stabilizing expectations.The most immediate and important goal of our package plan is to reverse the economic downturn and maintain steady and relatively fast growth.It is also designed to address structural problems constraining China's economic development, speed up the transformation of growth pattern and raise the quality and performance of factors of production in order to lay a more solid foundation for China's economic growth in the long run.一是全面扩大内需,增强消费需求对经济增长的拉动力,推动中国经济均衡发展。这场百年一遇的国际金融危机对中国的冲击,主要是外部需求的急剧收缩,导致经济减速、企业生产经营困难、失业增加,结构性矛盾进一步凸显。我们把政策的着力点放在全面扩大国内需求上,努力保持投资较快增长和刺激消费,着力调整内需外需结构,加快形成内需为主和积极利用外需共同拉动经济增长的格局,使中国经济向更加均衡的发展方式转变。
First, boost domestic demand in a way and strengthen the role of consumer demand in driving economic growth to promote balanced economic development.The major impact of this once-in-a-century financial crisis on China is the sharp drop in external demand, which in turn has led to economic slowdown, difficulties for businesses and rising unemployment.Structural problems have also become more evident.Our policies are primarily aimed at boosting domestic demand.We have been working hard to maintain relatively fast growth in investment, stimulate consumption, and readjust the structure of domestic and external demand.We will mainly rely on domestic and at the same time make full use of external demand so that together, they will drive our economic growth.This will lead to the transformation towards a more balanced growth pattern of the Chinese economy.二是全面加强基础设施建设,推动中国经济协调发展。城乡、区域发展不平衡,既是中国经济社会发展中的突出矛盾,也是经济增长的巨大潜力所在。我们把应对国际金融危机和解决这些矛盾有机结合起来,在新增投资计划中,重点加强农村建设和中西部基础设施建设。着眼于巩固农业基础地位,加快农田水利重大工程建设,增强农业稳定增产、农民持续增收的能力。加快修建农村道路,改造农村电网,推进农村中小学标准化建设,改善农民生活条件。着眼于促进生产要素跨区域流动,加快重大交通基础设施建设,完善综合运输体系,特别是围绕发挥中西部地区优势,建设煤运通道、西部干线铁路和机场。着眼于扶持落后地区,帮助困难群众,积极支持保障性安居工程建设,重点解决城市低收入家庭、林区、垦区、煤矿等棚户区居民的住房问题,扩大农村危房改造试点范围,实施少数民族地区游牧民定居工程等。这些措施的逐步落实,必将使发展的薄弱环节得到加强,使广大中西部地区和农村发展环境得以改善,对我国经济协调发展产生巨大推动力。