华春雨 张云龙
新华网北京5月14日电(记者华春雨 张云龙)国务院新闻办公室14日发表《2012年中国人权事业的进展》白皮书,全面介绍近年来我国人权事业发展取得的新成就。白皮书说:“中国人权事业的发展进入了有计划、持续稳健、全面推进的新阶段。”
中 华 人 民 共 和 国
国 务 院 新 闻 办 公 室
— 1 — 院批准召开了全国大气污染防治工作会议和水污染防治工作电视电话会议,提出了加强大气污染防治的“气五条”和水污染防治的“水六条”措施。国家环保总局将饮水安全作为环保工作的首要任务,集中力量开展了饮用水源保护区专项执法检查,全国共检查水源地7600多个,取缔和搬迁危及水源安全的污染源1400多个,解决了一批长期危害群众饮水安全的突出环境问题。重点流域(区域、海域)污染防治继续推进,松花江流域水污染防治“十一五”规划经国务院批准实施。国务院有关部门出台了脱硫机组上网电价优惠、中央环保专项资金支持电厂脱硫贷款贴息等优惠政策,污染防治稳步推进,主要污染物排放量增长幅度开始明显回落。2006年,全国化学需氧量排放量1428.2万吨,比上年增长1.0%;二氧化硫排放量2588.8万吨,比上年增长1.5%。与上年增幅相比,2006年化学需氧量和二氧化硫排放量增幅分别回落4.6和11.6个百分点。
二是各级环保部门严格执行环境影响评价和“三同时”制度,对新开工的固定资产投资项目进行了全面清理,加大污染严重的落后生产工艺装置、生产能力和产品淘汰力度,促进宏观调控和产业结构调整。国家环保总局就加强环境影响评价管理工作向全社会做出“便民高效、公开透明、接受监督、廉洁自律、公平公正、严格审批、强化验收”的承诺。国家环保总局对163件报告书做出暂缓批准或不予批准的决定。规划环评试点全面启动。环境准入作为改善宏观调控、优化产业结构的重要手段,在抑制固 — 2 — 定资产投资过快增长、提高经济发展质量方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。
— 3 — 1.15%。国务院批准开展第一次全国污染源普查,“水体污染控制与治理”中长期科技发展规划重大专项、全国土壤污染状况调查全面启动。成功召开了全国环保科技大会,团结各方面的力量,调动各方面的积极性,形成共同推进环境保护事业的新局面。
— 4 — 全国监测的559个城市中,空气质量达到一级标准的城市占4.3%、二级标准的城市占58.1%、三级标准的城市占28.5%、劣于三级标准的城市占9.1%。与上年相比(可比城市),城市空气质量达到或优于二级的城市比例增加4.7个百分点;劣于三级的城市比例减少2.1个百分点,城市空气质量总体有所改善。113个重点城市空气质量达标城市比例比上年增加1.7个百分点,劣三级城市增加0.9个百分点,二氧化硫平均浓度比上年略有降低,二氧化氮、可吸入颗粒物浓度基本持平。酸雨分布区域保持稳定,主要集中在长江以南,四川、云南以东的区域。
— 5 — 根据第六次全国森林资源清查(1999~2003年)结果,全国森林面积17490.92万公顷,森林覆盖率18.21%。林木年均净生长量4.97亿立方米,年均采伐消耗量为3.65亿立方米。中国拥有包括荒草地在内的各类天然草原近60亿亩,居世界第二位,占国土面积的41.7%。2006年,全国累积种草保留面积4亿亩,草原围栏面积7.87亿亩,禁牧休牧轮牧草原面积13亿亩;全国天然草原平均超载牲畜34%左右;草原鼠害危害面积5.6亿亩,比上年减少1.8%。草原虫害危害面积2.52亿亩,比上年减少9.9%。
— 6 — Material for the press conference of the State Council Information Office
State of the Environment in China 2006
(June 5, 2007)State Environmental Protection Administration
On June 5, 2007, State Environmental Protection Administration(SEPA)issued the 2006 Report on the State of the Environment in China.The Report points out that the Central Committee of Communist Party of China and State Council attach great importance to environmental protection work.General Secretary Hu Jintao chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CCCPC, which made a topic discussion on the philosophy of environmental protection work in the new era, and presented many important instructions on doing well environmental protection work.The State Council has issued the Decision on Implementing the Outlook on Scientific Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection(hereinafter referred to as the Decision)and held the 6th National Conference on Environmental Protection, which present clear arrangement for environmental protection work in the new era.Under the guidance of the outlook on scientific development, each province(region)and sector has earnestly carried out the arrangements of CCCPC for environmental protection work in the new era over the past year and put increasing efforts with important progress.First, the Outline of the 11th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development approved by the Fourth Session of the 10th National Peoples Congress sets the compulsory targets of reducing energy consumption per unit GDP by 20% and total emissions of major pollutants by 10% compared with that of 2005.It puts energy saving and emissions reduction at a salient strategic position.— 7 — Entrusted by the State Council, SEPA has signed the reduction target responsibility documents with the people’s government of each province(autonomous region and municipality)and six key power corporations including Huaneng and issued the guidance on the quota of COD and SO2 emission, which divides the reduction targets at different levels.National Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and National Teleconference on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution approved by the State Council have put forward the “five measures” for enhancing the prevention and control of air pollution and “six measures” for the prevention and control of water pollution respectively.SEPA takes drinking water safety as its top priority and concentrates its efforts in carrying out special law enforcement inspection on drinking water source protected areas.A total of over 7,600 drinking water sources have been inspected and more than 1,400 pollution sources threatening the safety of drinking water sources have been banned and removed, which has addressed a number of salient environmental problems threatening drinking water safety for a long time.Pollution control activities of key river basins(regions, or sea areas)are going on.The 11th Five-Year Plan for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution of the Songhua River Basin has been carried out after the approval by the State Council.Relevant departments of the State Council has issued the favorable policies such as preferential price for on-grid electricity from desulphurization generating sets and loan discount by special environmental fund of central government to support sulfur removal of power plants.With steady progress in the prevention and control of environmental pollution, the increase pace of the emissions of major pollutants begins evident drop.In 2006, total discharge of COD across China was 14.282 million tons, up by only 1.0% than in last year;total SO2 emission was 25.888 million tons, up by 1.5% than that of 2005.The increasing range of COD discharge and SO2 emissions in 2006 dropped by 4.6 and 11.6 percentage points respectively compared with that of the last year.Second, environmental protection departments at all levels have taken — 8 — such measures as strict implementation of the EIA system and “Three synchronizations” system, comprehensive streamlining of new investment projects on fixed assets and acceleration of the phasing out of lag-behind production technology, productivity and products with heavy pollution in order to facilitate macro regulation and industrial restructuring.SEPA has made such commitments as “Convenience, efficiency, openness, transparency, accepting public supervision, honesty, self disciplining, fair and justice, strict examination, and check & acceptance” to the public on strengthening EIA management work.SEPA has decided the suspension or rejection to the EIS of 163 projects.The trial work on planning EIA has been initiated in an all round way.As an important means for macro regulation and optimization of industrial structure, environmental access is playing more and more important role in stifling too rapid growth of the investment in fixed assets and improving the quality of economic development.Third, the authority has continued its special environmental campaigns on streamlining enterprises that discharge pollutants against the law and ensuring public health.It has strengthened environmental supervision and administration and investigated and sanctioned many environmental infringements.A total of 1.67 million person • times of workers on environmental law enforcement have been mobilized across China with more than 720,000 enterprises inspected and 28,000 cases filed for investigation.Among them, 3,176 enterprises discharging pollutants against the law have been banned or shut down and 5,701 environmental infringement cases on the supervision list.It has carried out investigations on environmental risks of 7,555 construction projects approved in recent years in chemical and petrochemical industries, which involve a total investment of 1,015.2 billion yuan RMB, and demanded 3,794 enterprises for corrections.In addition, it has inspected 25,000 mining enterprises.Among them, 4,709 enterprises were shut down or banned and 1,461 have eliminated their environmental risks.Fourth, the authority has appropriately handled various sudden
— 9 — environmental accidents in a scientific way.2006 is the year with high occurrence of pollution accidents.SEPA received the report of 161 sudden environmental accidents, up by 85 than that of 2005.In 2006, we have smoothly completed the China-Russia joint monitoring on water quality in thawing period following the Songhua River water pollution accident and pull through the crisis of the water pollution accident.Having learned the lessons and experience from the water pollution accident of the Songhua River, environmental protection departments at all levels across China have put more efforts in strengthening environmental emergency response activities and appropriately handled a number of sudden environmental accidents with strong public concerns such as the water pollution of the Mangniu River in Jilin City, the Xinqiang River arsenic pollution accident in Yueyang, Hunan Province and lead poisoning accident in Hui County of Gansu Province.Fifth, further activities in ecological conservation, supervision and management on nuclear and radiation safety and international environmental cooperation.The “Five developments”──namely the idea development, organization development, work style development, professional development and system development of all environmental protection institutions at all levels have enjoyed further progress.The basic ensuring capacity in environmental protection and workforce development has been strengthened.In 2006, the total investment in the prevention and control of environmental pollution across China was 240.28 billion yuan, accounting for 1.15% GDP of the year.The State Council has approved the launching of the first national census on pollution sources.Important projects like the key special research of “Control and Treatment of Water Pollution” listed in the Mid and Long-Term Plan for Scientific and Technological Development and National Investigations on Soil Pollution have been initiated in an all round way.SEPA has successfully held the National Meeting on Environmental Science and Technology.A new aspect of joint promotion of environmental protection has been developed with the unity of all social forces and the initiatives of all stakeholders.— 10 — In 2006, under the wise leadership of CCCPC and the State Council and common efforts of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and sectors, the overall environmental quality of China maintained stable with 10.7% growth of GDP and 9.3% increase of energy consumption compared with that of 2005.The overall quality of surface water across China is under intermediate pollution.Among the 745 monitoring sections of surface water under national environmental monitoring program, 40% meet Grade I~III National Surface Water Quality Standard, 32% meet Grade IV~V National Water Quality Standard and 28% fail to meet Grade V standard.Among the seven big rivers in the mainland of China, the Pearl River and Yangtze River enjoy good water quality.The Songhua River, Yellow River and Huaihe River are under intermediate pollution, while the Liaohe River and Haihe River are under heavy pollution.The water of Taihu Lake and Dianchi Lake fails to meet Grade V Standard and water of Chaohu Lake meets Grade V standard.On the whole, the water quality of concentrated drinking water sources of key cities is good.According to the monitoring results of 382 concentrated drinking water sources of 107 key cities on environmental protection, 72.3% samples meet water quality standard.The groundwater monitoring results of 163 cities show that the quality of most groundwater samples ranges from good to relatively poor.The quality of deep groundwater is better than that of shallow one and the quality of groundwater of the region with less development level better than that of the region with high development level.On the whole, water table across China keeps stable.The quality of much coastal sea waters across China is good with heavy pollution in part of sea areas.The quality of distant sea waters is quite good.67.7% of coastal water samples meet Grade I~II National Marine Water Quality Standard, up by 0.5 percentage point than in 2005.8.0% water samples meet Grade III Marine Water Quality Standard, down by 0.9 percentage point than in 2005.24.3% of marine samples meet or fail to meet Grade IV standard, up by 0.4 percentage point than in 2005.The
— 11 — quality of coastal waters of the South China Sea and Yellow Sea is good.But the coastal waters of the Bohai Sea are subject to slight pollution and that of East China Sea to intermediate pollution.Among 559 cities under air quality monitoring, 4.3% of them meet Grade I National Air Quality Standard, 58.1% meet Grade II Air Quality Standard, 28.5% meet Grade III standard and 9.1% fail to meet Grade III standard.Compared with that of last year, the percentage of cities meeting or superior to Grade II Air Quality Standard goes up by 4.7 percentage points.The percentage of cities failing to meet Grade III Air Quality Standard goes down by 2.1 percentage points.The overall urban air quality has some improvement.Among the 113 key cities on environmental protection, the proportion of cities meeting Grade II National Air Quality Standard goes up by 1.7 percentage points and the proportion of cities failing to meet Grade III Air Quality Standard rises by 0.9percentage point.Average SO2 concentration has some reduction compared with that of 2005.While the concentrations of NO2 and inhalable particulate basically maintain the same.The areas of acid rain maintain the same, mainly concentrated on the region south to the Yangtze River and east to Sichuan and Yunnan.Cities have relatively good acoustic environment.Compared with in 2005, 17 key cities have their average equivalent sound level of regional noise reducing by over 1dB(A)[including 1dB(A)] and 11 have the increase over 1dB(A)[including 1dB(A)].Eight cities have the increase of their average equivalent sound level of road noise over 1dB(A)and 21 cities have the reduction over 1dB(A).For the acoustic environment of various urban function areas, they have higher up-to-the-standard rate in daytime than in the might.And the performance of the third type functions areas is better than that of other kinds of function areas.The radiation environmental quality across China is good.The overall ionization environmental quality is still under the natural level.Key ionization radiation pollution sources and urban radioactive waste storage sites do not cause measurable pollution to the surrounding environment.— 12 — Electromagnetic radiation environment basically falls into the natural baseline level.Up to the end of 2006, there were 2,395 various nature reserves at different levels across China with total area of 151.535 million ha.In 2006, there was a net reduction of 4.602 million mu(15 mu = 1 ha)of arable land across the country, down by 0.25% compared with that of 2005.A total of 3.56 million km2 of land were subject to water and soil erosion, taking up 37.08% of total land area.According to the findings of the 6th National Investigations(1999~2003)on Forest Resources, total forest area of China is 174.9092 million ha with coverage of 18.21%.Average net annual woods growth is 497 million m3 with annual logging of 365 million m3.China has nearly 6 billion mu various natural grassland including weed land, ranking No.2 in the world.The area of total grassland takes up 41.7% of total land area.In 2006, there were accumulated 400 million mu land reserved for grass planting, 787 million mu of fence grassland and 1.3 billion mu of grassland banning, suspending or rotating grazing.On the average, natural grassland of China overgrazed by about 34%.A total of 560 million mu of grassland were subject to damage by rats, down by 1.8% than in 2005.252 million mu of grassland were subject to damage by insects, down by 9.9% than that of 2005.In 2006, annual average precipitation across China was less than that of normal years.Among the four seasons, average precipitation in winter was a bit more than that of normal year, it was same in spring but less in summer and autumn.Average annual precipitation was 596.7 mm, down by 16.2 mm than that of normal years.Average temperature in 2006 was 9.9℃, up by 1.1℃ than the normal level, the warmest since 1951.Among various meteorological disasters, tropical cyclones have caused the largest direct economic loss and most casualties and missing people.Droughts cause the biggest affected population and cropland area.There has been no widespread serious flood in China with less area subject to storms and flood disasters.In 2006,there were 34 earthquakes across China with
— 13 — Richter scale over 5 within the territory of China and 9 quakes caused disaster in the mainland of China.There were a total of 102,804 various geological disasters such as landslide, collapse, mud-rock flow and subsidence in the country.There were also 179 disastrous marine activities such as storm surge, big wave, sea ice, red tide and tsunami in China.— 14 —
中央财经领导小组办公室副主任 陈锡文
At the press conference sponsored by the State Council Information Office on January 31, 2005, Chen Xiwen, deputy director of the Office of Central Financial Work Leading Group, briefed the press on current agriculture situation and rural policy.He also answered the questions from the press.Current Situation of Agriculture and Rural Policies in China
By Chen Xiwen, deputy director of the Office of Central Financial Work Leading Group
January 31, 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good Morning!
Yesterday, Xinhua News Agency published in full the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Policies to Strengthen the Rural Work and Improve the Overall Production Capacity of Agriculture.This represents the “2005 No.1 document” of the CPC Central Committee.To give you a better understanding of the main purpose and basic contents of the document, I would like to provide you with some background information for your reference.1.Agricultural and rural economic situation in 2004
At the beginning of 2004, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council also issued a No.1 document regarding agriculture and rural issues, which was entitled “Opinions on Policies for Facilitating the Increase of Farmers' Income.” The document was aimed at arousing the enthusiasm of farmers, to boost the pickup of grain production.The main policies in this document were abolishing tax levies on special farm produce except tobacco crops, reducing agricultural tax, providing direct subsidies to farmers who grow grains, providing subsidies to spread high-quality grain seeds and subsidizing farmers to purchase large agricultural equipment.With these policies, farmers have gained a direct benefit of 45.1 billion yuan.Under the conditions of rising grain prices and good climate, these policies have achieved a better result than expected.The good situation in agriculture and the rural economy in 2004 can be proved by the increase in both grain production and farmers' income.The total grain output was expected to exceed the anticipated objective of 455 billion kg, while the per-capita net income of farmers was expected to increase by over 300 yuan, with the rate of increase higher than 6.5 percent, exceeding the 5-percent increase target set at the beginning of the year.These figures show that agriculture has been strengthened during the implementation of macro regulation.And the increase of grain production and farmers' income has in turn played an active role in maintaining the stability and development of the economy and society.2.Since there was an increase in grain production and farmers' income, why does the 2005 No.1 document still emphasize the improvement of the overall production capacity of agriculture?
This is mainly because the basis for increase is still not solid.There were at least four factors contributing to last year's increase in grain production and farmers' income, namely, the factors of policy, work, price and climate.But the price and climate factors are not always favorable.In recent years, the area of arable land has decreased while irrigation and water conservancy facilities have been ageing without repairs.Meanwhile, there are not sufficient ready research results of agricultural science, and the system for technology promotion is not sound.Taking all these into account, the grain production capacity has actually declined compared to the end of the 1990s.Therefore, if the overall production capacity of agriculture is not improved, food security in the country will eventually be put at risk.But the emphasis on improving the overall production capacity of agriculture is not meant to merely increase grain production.It also aims to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture and to increase the income of farmers.So, the 2005 No.1 document puts forward multiple requirements for accelerating the buildup of the overall production capacity of agriculture.They are: 1)Intensifying conservation of the arable land and improving the ecological environment;2)stepping up the construction of irrigation and water conservancy facilities;3)promoting the agricultural sci-tech advancement;4)doing a good job in building infrastructure in rural areas, including the transport, telecommunications, market and farm produce testing facilities;5)deepening the restructuring of agriculture and rural economy and sparing no efforts to develop the agricultural produce processing industry;and 6)enhancing the training for farmers to improve their skills.All these aspects, if reinforced, will be beneficial not only to a stable increase in grain production, but also to improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the agricultural sector as a whole, as well as to increasing the income of farmers.3.Main contents of the 2005 No.1 document
The 27 articles in nine chapters in the 2005 No.1 document can actually be divided into five sections.In addition to emphasizing the improvement of the overall production capacity of agriculture, there are four other aspects.First, it stresses that the effectual policies should be stable, perfected and strengthened.The policies issued in 2004, especially those regarding agricultural tax exemption and reduction and subsidies for farmers, were very popular among farmers.But they are also worried whether these policies will change after grain production and their income increased.Therefore, the document states at the very beginning that those policies will remain unchanged and further, greater efforts will be made in increasing the income of farmers and reducing their burden.Second, it points out that with the enhancement of overall national strength, the mechanism for steadily increasing state investments in agriculture should be gradually perfected and the safeguard measures for agriculture and farmers that are in conformity with not only China's actual conditions but also WTO rules should be established.Third, the development of education, health and other social undertakings in rural areas should be speeded up.Currently, the gap between rural and urban areas is manifested not only in the level of economic development and residents' income but also in public welfare schemes established by the government, such as compulsory education and basic medicare.Facilitating the implementation of social welfare schemes in rural areas requires the earlier establishment of a public finance system and a standard transfer payment system.The 2005 No.1 document contains the stipulation that of the newly increased funds for education, health, culture and other social undertakings, no less than 70 percent should go to rural areas.Meanwhile, the central finance also formulated a policy that, starting from 2005, transfer payments to the counties and townships in central and western regions that have fiscal difficulties will be largely increased.Fourth, it emphasizes that Party committees and governments at all levels should be fully aware of the importance of agricultural and rural works to the overall economic and social development and efforts should be made to strengthen the building of Party organizations in rural areas, establish or improve the system of villagers' self-governance, maintain and guarantee the economic benefits and democratic rights of farmers, and promote the overall economic and social development of rural areas.To realize the continuous increase in grain production and farmers' income in 2005, there are still a lot of difficulties.But so long as we earnestly carry out all the policies and measures stipulated in the No.1 document, I believe that we will overcome those difficulties and maintain the sound development momentum of agriculture and rural economy.Now, I would like to answer your questions.