
时间:2019-05-12 01:45:07下载本文作者:会员上传




























































































































































































Development of the west region

As the full-scale development of China’s vast western regions started several years ago, much action has been taken.The western part of China consists of 9 provinces, autonomous regions and one municipality with a total land area of 5.4 million square kilometers and a population of 285 million.In order to further develop the infrastructure constructions, such as transportation, government has decided to build more roads and railways.Measures will also be taken to put the sustainable development into effect.Turning farmlands back to forests and antipollution are good ways to protect the fragile environment.Besides, making good use of its natural resources has been taken into account as well.What’s more, the development of western areas opens broad space for experts and specialists from different fields.The development of the west region is not only a long-term systematic project, but also a win-win project.I believe with optimistic economic potential, the western region will be filled with hope, chances and prosperity in the near future.I prefer reading newspapers

Obviously, the internet plays a vital role in our daily life.You can get information for free on the internet and it is hard to compete with free of charge.But I still love ink in the paper.Here’s the thing, when I go online, I feel like I just get the ice cream and cookies---too soon to feel full.But when I read newspapers, I feel like getting the full diet, and I can even have a cup of coffee to enjoy the season of light while I immerse myself in the newspaper.Furthermore, newspapers contain a wide range of information from editorial pages to features, from entertainment circles to business sectors.And we never read it completely, never straight-through but by glancing at here and there.Then you will find the stories you didn’t expect to show interest in and you are spending time reading it as the result of serendipity.Never can we deny that newspapers benefit us.But we should keep in mind that everything lives with opposing forces and no definite way is suitable for all circumstances.Whether newspapers corrupt or instruct us depends on how we use it.Choosing a University

As a matter of fact, graduates from prestigious universities are popular in job markets, so there is no one but knows the importance of choosing schools.And I prefer the northern one.First of all, it is the preferential policy with extra 20 scores that attracts me.It offers me more chances and enables me to get a better major after being enrolled.As is often mentioned in the media, in today’s job-hunting society, even some graduates of good majors could encounter many difficulties in finding an ideal job, let alone a common university graduate.Furthermore, studying in the north can provide me with a good opportunity of practicing social skills and learn to be adapted to new environment.As we all know, great social communication skills help you develop a harmonious relationship with others and these skills will go further in your later career and relationship building.The last is my personal reason, for the love of snow.Just imagine that the beautiful snow fills the sky and the earth below is as pure as an angel, which is like a gouache.All in all, I prefer the northern university not only for a better major or social communication skills, but also for the natural scenery there.Sandstorm

It is obvious in the table that the frequency of the sandstorm occurrences has undergone dramatic changes.It has dropped considerably after reaching the peak in the year 2002.The reason of the changes can be concluded in the following aspects.As the government emphasized too much on economy development in the early years, they overlooked the importance of environmental protection.The semi-dry areas became weak in resisting sandstorm and together with the lack of rainfall, sandstorm was spreading seriously vastly.Local farmers find it hard to make a living, so they end up using inefficient farming methods, which leads to soil erosion.Then the government began to shift the focus from purely developing economy to sustainable development.It carried out anti-desertification projects, including the creations of a forest belt around the deserts.With full consideration of local conditions, some local governments even decided to develop evergreen conifer to enhance the ability of wind resistance so as to case the sand floating in the air.According to the official information, China hopes to control the expansion of desert land by the year 2010 and plans to establish a protected eco-system in desert areas by 2050.It is natural that solving the problem calls for tremendous efforts, but it is worth doing because environment is to the world what skin is to a person!

TV and films

As is indicated in the graph, the number of film-goers has decreased tremendously while that of TV watchers has reached the highest level in the year 2002.Compared with 1997, the number of film-goers fell from 90 to 10 percent.This does demonstrate the fact that TV has taken the place of films in the past decades.As is known to all, with the development of science and technology, 80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV sets offering as many as 50 channels, which has produced a great impact on our choice of entertainment during our leisure time.People intend to watch TV at home because of the comparatively lower cost and the comfortable environment.The official date also indicated that the high price of newly released movies prevented audience from going to movies more than five times per year.Though the way of spending one’s spare time is up to themselves, it pay to increase the number of film-goers because it is closely related to the entertainment industry of our country.In my point of view, cinemas can organize a publicity for the films in order to attract more potential audience or have a “distance ticket” policy for students.Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclusion that we do maintain the balance between the number of film-goers and TV watchers.The reform in university enrollment

There is a growing tendency theses years for more and more colleges to hold an interview before College Entrance Examination and the questions asked during the interview covered a wide range of domain from politics to physics.I think the root of this phenomenon is due to the trend of quality-oriented education system.As Plato said, education is not an end, but a means to an end.In other words, we do not receive education only for knowledge but to fit ourselves for life, for society.Colleges like Fudan and Jiao call for students who not only rank high in their school but also are open-mined, creative and enthusiastic.Their humanity qualities and practical skills ought to be in parallel to their command of knowledge.This is what the new age needs as all.As is clearly shown, the reform of enrolling new students aims at encouraging students’ creativity and ability.Educational departments have adopted a series of measures to urge students to take part in their own initiatives, to be ready for inquiry and to try handling business independently.In my opinion, Fudan and Jiaotong Universities are just doing the pioneering work and they show the fact that the focus of education is gradually shifted from exams to students’ abilities.About Exams

Having exams at school is generally considered as a common way of test, but is it the wisest one? Now there is a growing awareness that term paper can be another better choice.In view of the practical need of society, more and more people focus their attention on students’ ability instead of the results of their test scores.They know knowledge is not power unless it is reinforced by practice, research and study.Nothing can we get but exhausted feelings when we face thousands of tests and papers.Thus, our creativity is greatly limited.On the contrary, a form of a term paper can arouse our interest and fulfill our potentials during the discussion.Our humanity qualities and practical skills can be in parallel to knowledge.Besides, the two-week competition time guarantees the term paper a better quality and the deeper thought of the subject gives rise to students’ higher moral standard, livelier discussion and improved performance in the class.Armed with time and information, the term paper is not only a way of test but also a chance for students to “do what they can, with what they have, with where they are” according to Theodore Roosevelt.Protect Our Environment

Today, the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue.Though most of us recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem, what we can do now is only to control the consequences and reduce the loss as much as possible.As the result of pollution, lots of plants and tree crops are destroyed by polluted air while many fish die of poisonous water and thousands of people die from eating poisoned fish.To avoid masking our face with our hands when we step into future, measures should be taken to protect our environment.Governments of many countries have established laws to protect air, forests, and see resources and try to stop environmental pollution.Actually, people are showing a real concern over the problem.For example, there is an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm action against

pollution.What’s more, people should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of bird control, to preserve our limited natural resources and recycle our products.Let’s make our very effort and build the world as the ideal home for all of us!

Dear Mayor,I am writing to express my points of views concerning 2010 Shanghai EXPO.As the world has witnessed the great changes taken place in Shanghai, what we need to show in 2010 Shanghai EXPO is not only our improvement of economy, but also other aspects, including construction, environmental protection, etc.I feel that it would be beneficial if infrastructure construction is well-prepared.We all have a responsibility to encourage the wise usage of public infrastructure resources and to meet the needs of private industry.Taking the traffic system as an example, we can find out that a rapid and convenient traffic system is a basic assurance of economic development, whereas the rise of economic level will give traffic requirement an incentive.Thus, we can lay a solid foundation for the success of 2010 Shanghai EXPO.As you may agree that the city government can also offer an open and fair competition environment for the private sector to participate in the 2010 Shanghai EXPO.Government is encouraged to release more information to the public so that repeated investment can be avoided.And it also helps to offer great opportunities for participating countries to enter the Chinese market and conduct cooperation.I would be ready to discuss these issues with further details.Yours respectfully,Catherine

Online homework

For many years the internet has developed with the era of information explosion, which has in turn brought the process to mankind.Recently the influence of online homework has attracted much public attention.Nowadays students can take course online and hand in their homework by emailing it to teachers, which, to some extent, relieves some of the students’ heavy burden.But in other ways, in the increasing social problems which are related to it can not be ignored either.To begin with, the internet is so attractive that students who have low self-control may become obsessed to it.Thus, the online homework gives them excuses for staying online the whole night which gives rise to more serious internet addiction.Besides, people get near-sighted because of staring at the computer screen for hours.According to the official date, about 83% of the senior three students wear glasses and the number of it is increasing at an unexpected speed.Although there do exist some problems with the online work, what we should do now it to find measures to solve the problems rather than just talk about them.Just as the saying goes, we should

not stop eating for fear of being choked and I believe online homework can be a good way if it is under effective supervision and control.Dear editor,I have been reading 21st Century for years and this time, I’d like to exchange my views with you concerning people’s mental world.I could find nothing but worries when I heard that Lee YuChun’s book which is far more expensive than it is worth had sold the number of 2500 copies during the book fair this year.On no account can we ignore the social problem hidden behind the phenomenon that our citizens, especially teenagers, are becoming mentally “homeless”.They are drowned in the sea of public entertainment and they lose their judgement following the trend of running aftr their idols.As is universally acknowledged, reading enables people not only to accumulate knowledge about history, culture, etc, but also to nurture our mind and spirit.The progress of society is based on the quality of people.Thus reading proper books becomes a must for all of us.Cooking is preparing the food for our stomach;reading is preparing the food for our mind.The former requires us to mix the right flavors;the latter requires us to choose right books.I believe things are not easily changed unless we hold our ground firmly, stick to our beliefs and take moderate action.Yours respectfully,Cathy

Students’ reading preferences

Recently, reading preference of students have been brought into focus.As is shown in the chart, a striking contrast can be found.The number of students who regard popular fiction as their favorite books is three times as many as general nonfiction, let alone art and poetry.The reasons accounting for the phenomenon can be concluded in the following aspects.To begin with, the past ten years have witnessed the development of our educational system.As a result of setting up more and more libraries, students are able to widen their scope of knowledge and broaden their views.Accompanied by the growing tendency of reading, there comes another problem that students turn a blind eye to the choices of their books.Instead of being considered as a friend, books gradually become a way of entertainment and relaxation.Therefore, popular fictions win more and more popularity.Besides, with parents’ exerting burdens on their children, students get bored with education.It stand to reason that they need books not for learning but for relieving their burdens.Hence, popular fictions take the place of literature and establish themselves as the top choice of students.It may be confirmed that reading makes a full man.But we should also hold the belief that “Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.”

Dear fellow students and teachers’

It is my great honor to stand her and deliver a speech concerning running for chairman of the Student Union.As a member of the social volunteering team, I have accumulated quite a lot of experience

and social skills, which are regarded as “essential points for the post.Besides the experience, on no account can we ignore the candidate’s personality and other abilities ranging from subject learning to communication skills.With full realization of the importance of teamwork, I feel it deep that the cohesion of a union lies in the chairman’s strong determination to take firm steps towards achieving objectives while the advance of a union lies in every member’s sincerity and contribution.If I am elected, I believe I have the capability to lead the Student Union in a right direction and I will take active measures, such as “strengthening the relationship between other schools and us” and “building a bridge between teachers and students”, etc.So, my wise friends, please give me a chance and I will return you a surprise.Thank you.Catherine

Nowadays, there is a heated debate on whether young people should be engaged in the competition show or not.The problems of young people’s being eager for fame have even raised a lot of concern about the young generation’s right philosophy.With the popularity of the competition show stars, such as Li Yu Chun, more and more young people regard it as a means of achieving fame and wealth.They turn a blind eye to the hard and tiring training work behind their dazzling display and they overlook the fact that, for every coin of their hard-earned money, they have spend huge amount of time and effort.The truth hidden behind the competitive shows remains unknown until the young people give up their study courses to enter their dreaming world.They may feel regretful for not listening to their parents’ advice but time can not be turned back any longer.What they can do it only to encourage themselves to face the unknown future.As a matter of fact, we can not stop eating because of choking ourselves and we need to know that one-night fame does exist not around us.We live in a country with democracy---where people can pursue their dreams, and turn their ideas into enterprises.What if measures are take to prevent young people from being absorbed in the competition show?

An unforgettable person

To sort through my past for the many wonderful gifts of encouragement, of understanding, of listening and of good advice, is to acknowledge the many people who have given me a hand along the way;Sarah, a friend from Australia stands out as a special person in my life.Time traces back to the year 2006 when I was a visiting student to Australia and Sarah, my home stay, developed a good friendship with me and helped me get through my dark time.Though the sun in Darwin lit up the whole city, it couldn’t light up my spirit.I went to classes and joined personal-growth groups, pretending that I was happy and enjoyed my stay there.But actually, nobody knew I once hesitated, struggled, feared and doubted like any ordinary girl who came to a completely new country would do, except her.I will never forget the day when we had a long talk.Sitting in front of the quiet sea, she relieved my burdens, eased my homesick and explained the culture difference to me.I was no longer empty;instead, I committed myself to the new country wholly and completely.I was gradually adapted to the new environment and besides, owned a true friend.As the poem goes “ A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift.A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift.A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace.”

She is an unforgettable person of mine not only for her being my beacon ever shining so brightly when I was lost and couldn’t see the light, but also for her making the whole world I live in a better and happier place.Opinions about key schools---by Jin Jing

Are key schools fair? Now some negative impact on students challenges the long existing “key school and key class” system in China’s high schools.The system dates from the middle of the 1900s when new China was thirsty for talents to rebuild our nation.Thus most promising students gathered together to be taught by good teachers and studied in a better learning environment.The system produced outstanding students, but it also has a negative psychological impact on students.In many schools, high exam scores are the only passport to key classes.Under such great pressure, some students even committed suicides.As the old saying goes “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, some students in key classes are less healthy due to their sparing no effort in improving their study.Classmates there treat each other as competitors, and trusted friendship can hardly survive in such tough environment.In my point of view, students should be treated equally.Schools shouldn’t be just a place to receive knowledge but also to learn to be a qualified social member.Each student has equal access to education, both for his or her future and for that of our country’s.A valuable experience

When it comes to “a valuable experience”, what occurs to me is the time I spent on Phillip Island.Situated near Melbourne, it is regarded as a famous tourist destination that attracts more than one million people a year.Thinking of seeing lovely penguins, I couldn’t stop being excited.I, together with three other exchange students, hiked up a road and cut into the woods along an overgrown trail.I felt great to be out in the late sunrise, tramping through woods that echoed with birdcalls.As the day wore on, our initial excitement decreased as our legs began to feel tired.The night fell.Our passion was lit up when Jackie suddenly shouted, “Oh, see the house with the shape of seashell!”

We made our way to the house, only to find there had already been so many tourists, waiting eagerly along the coast with their heavy jackets on.We began to feel chilly as we only wore T-shirts.To make things worse, the heavily blowing wind and our upset stomach made out wait a torturing trial.Some tourist left, but never would we!

“Look, there is one!” Connie cried out, pointing out at the sea.We could find nothing but great joy when we saw the penguin reach the shallow water and waddle to the shore.In case that we frighten the penguin, we were forbidden to use our camera to record the exciting scene.But the penguins waddling clumsily here and there will always stay in mind, reminding me of having such a valuable experience which helps to weave my life into a pattern whose end is beyond sight.School life

My whole life is a process of traveling.I came out at the first gleam of light, and pursued my journey through the wildness of the world, leaving my track on undless paths.Schools, established as one of the most important stops, is a stage of my mind rather than a period of my life.Lucky as I am, teachers try a lot of methods to stimulate us to use our initiative and think more actively.Organized in an enjoyable atmosphere, class usually provides us with more than we have expected.Further more, teachers have also worked hard to make us see that learning is not just memorizing or repeating, instead, it is a way of adapting ourselves to the competitive society.However, as the Chinese educational system dedicates, scores still play a vital role in our school life.Despite teachers’ effort, the world of pronouns still remains a mystery to us.How we wish there is a way to make the study of subjects as exciting as a computer game!

Times flies as I am a senior three student.School life is completely occupied by homework papers, and pressure.All these add to a great barrier for me to find my own path.Sitting in the classroom, leaning against the wall, I was lost in dozens of papers and I found it hard not to replay the day and revisit the tension.I opened the window, hoping the coolness would ease my frustration and aching stomach.“Whatever exists is reasonable”.The saying suddenly occurred to me when I looked deep at the sky.It is so true.The barrier is worth climbing over.The path is worth following.It is the most distant course that comes nearest to me, and that training is the most intricate which leads to the utter simplicity of a tune.“S” is for the sunshine that lights up my sky.“C” is for the class that provides me with intelligence.“H” is for the heart of the purest gold.“O” is for the optimistic attitude we cultivate.“O” is for the teachers’ opening a bright future for us.“L” means lucky, and lucky I met all the teachers and friends.Put them all together, and that’s what schools mean to me.About the Olympics

Since the Spring Festival, what has impressed me most is the Olympic news and the torch relay called “ a harmonious journey.”

The clock is ticking, the excitement is building.The torch is on the way.It seems hard to believe, but after so many years of waiting, the Olympics are finally within sight.Feeling the flame forever burn, the whole nation is united in hope and pride.I know that there lies a magi spark deep within each heart that rekindle the fire of our imagination.Since the birth of man, the strength of the word “ I can” has brought together people of all nations, of all colors.As the Olympic creed goes, the most important thing in the Olympic Game is not to win but to participate, just as the most important thing in life is not triumph but fight for hope.The essential part is not to have conquered but to have lived to the fullest.Backed with this belief, Beijing is sure to hold an ever-successful Olympic Games, adding another brilliant touch to the Olympic history.Carrying the weight of a nation of 1.3 billion people’s reputation on its shoulder, Beijing is under great pressure;in the mean time, the great city is creating a marvelous honor engraved on everyone’s memory.The Olympic Spirit

2008 is a big year for all the Chinese, when the Olympics are held in our dear mother land.However, some vicious-minded people attacked the torch relay, which turned out to be an insult of not only the Olympic spirit, but of the civilization of the whole human race.In face of the interruption, Jingjing didn’t panic, instead, she hole the torch as tightly as she could, which depicted a beautiful picture of her bravery against the ugly action.The physically-challenged Chinese girl showed the world her courage and the desire for peace, where the spirit of the Olympics lies.The story of Jing really moved every person.As a person faced with physical challenge, she presented a never-give-up attitude towards life, and the determination to achieve her value.As a human being, Jing’s behavior well represented the Olympic spirit.Jing also gave us a remarkable lesson of life.Keeping moving, whatever difficulties you come across;be brave and stay calm however tough the situation is;make your own effort for your country and world peace!No doubt, her brilliant smile will remain to be a driving force to push us to another altitude.



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