1.甲流The Ministry of Health(MOH)yesterday vowed to punish officials who underreport the H1N1 flu pandemic following criticism from a prominent medical expert who cast doubt on China's official death toll from the disease.Some medical experts have wondered aloud whether the country's H1N1 data matches the reality.They pointed to limitations in medical capacity and the fact that hospitals are not testing everyone with flu symptoms for H1N1 as reasons why the outbreak may have been underreported.But Zhong Nanshan, a Guangzhou-based doctor famous for his candor in exposing a cover-up of the SARS epidemic in 2003, took concerns a step further, suggesting some local governments had deliberately concealed suspected cases.“I just don't believe that there have been 53 H1N1 deaths nationwide,” Zhong told the Southern Metropolis Daily.He said the number could be far higher.The MOH reported that there had been 69,160 H1N1 cases on the mainland as of Monday.In the article, Zhong said some parts of the countrywere not testing severe pneumonia deaths to see if they were, in fact, H1N1 deaths.MOH spokesman Deng Haihua responded by saying that anyone found concealing, underreporting or delaying the reporting of details about the pandemic would be punished.Deng also invited the public and the media to oversee the transparent and timely reporting of the H1N1 situation.Vivian Tan, press officer with the World Health Organization's(WHO)Beijing office, said WHO staff are not able to say whether claims of deliberate underreporting at the local level are accurate.“We know the MOH has been urging local health authorities to report H1N1 cases in a transparent way and we do not suspect deliberate underreporting from the ministry,” she noted.She suggested that the country should focus its resources on monitoring bigger trends and unusual developments, as well as treating severe cases and continuing the vaccination of as many people as possible.Meanwhile, nine special teams of MOH officials have been sent to 12 provincesto inspect local pandemic control work, particularly the treatment of severe cases.Questions:What is Zhong Nanshan famous for?What is Zhong Nanshan worried about?What did the MOH decide to do in response to the accusations?
1.Exposing a cover-up of the SARS epidemic in 2003.2.Some local governments had deliberately concealed suspected cases of H1N1.3.Vowed to punish anyone found concealing, underreporting or delaying the reporting of details about the pandemic.相关的With a new H1N1 influenza virus spreading around the world, governments in many countries have revived advertisements entreating people to observe personal hygiene.The next time you cough or sneeze, there is good reason to cover your mouth.眼下一种新型的H1N1流感病毒正在全球广泛传播,很多国家的政府纷纷重新打出广告,提醒人们注意个人卫生。今后你咳嗽或打喷嚏时,就有充分的理由捂住嘴了。
在此次“猪流感”疫情中,除了学习到了swine flu这一表达之外,我们还可以学习到其他一些相关词汇,如flu vaccine(流感疫苗),flu caseload(感染病例数),shot(注射,打针,eg.The nurse gave me a flu shot.护士给我打了治疗流感的针),flu strain(流感病毒株),anti-viral medications(抗病毒药物),make a vaccine against(研制出一种抗……的疫苗),ease flu symptoms(减轻流感症状)等等。在最近有关“甲型H1N1流感”的新闻报道中,出现频率较高的相关词汇还有contagious(会传染的),respiratory disease(呼吸道疾病),circulate(传播),contaminate(传染),infect(感染),contract(感染),epidemic(流行病,时疫),epidemiologists(流行病学专家),pandemic(尤指全国性流行的疾病),pneumonias(肺炎),case(病例),confirmed case(确诊病例),suspected case(疑似病例),incubation period(潜伏期),outbreak(爆发),mutate into a more dangerous strain(突变成更危险病毒株),human-to-human transmission/spread/infection(人与人之间的传播/感染),cough(咳嗽),sneeze(打喷嚏),antiviral drug(抗病毒药物),symptom(症候),face mask(面罩),test positive/negative(检测呈阳性/阴性),develop a fever(出现发烧/发热症状),precautionary measures(预防措施),avoid contacts with(避免与……接触),quarantee(医学隔离),isolate(隔离,通俗用词),step up surveillance(加强检测),flu jitters(流感恐慌),contain(遏制),stem the spread of the virus(制止病毒的扩散),public health emergency of international concern(国际关注的突发公共卫生事件)等等。以下是与上述部分词语相关的一些例句:
1. Canadaon Wednesday confirmed its first human-to-human spread of A/H1N1 flu infection, as the country' s total cases rise to 19.2. Researchers have confirmed two cases of human to human transmission of the A/H1N1 influenza virus, raising the possibility that the infection could soon gain a foothold among people, with the potential to strike millions.3. Scientists at the National Microbiology Laboratory have found that the virus appears to have an incubation period of two to seven days.4. The Canadian public remains calm and the government has urged necessary precautionary
measures such as washing hands frequently and avoiding contacts with people havingflu symptoms.5. All new cases are mild, but one of the patients in British Columbia has not been to Mexico recently and is believed to contract the virus from another person.6. The above comments leave little doubt that the H1N1 flu is being efficiently transmitted human to human in southern California.7. Hong Kong quarantined hundreds of hotel guests and workers Friday after a tourist from Mexico tested positive for A/H1N1 flu,Asia's first confirmed case of the disease.8. China will track down the other passengers on the flight from Mexico to Shanghai and quarantine them for seven days, the country's Ministry of Health said in a statement Friday.9. Governments worldwide raced to contain the spread of a new strain of A/H1N1 flu that has killed over 80 people in Mexico,amid a fresh warning that the virus could mutate into a more dangerous strain.10.Around the world, governments are scrambling to stem the spread of a new A/H1N1 flu virus that has killed at least 103 people in Mexico, Reuters reported.11.The World Health Organization declared the outbreak – which has components of classic avian, human and A/H1N1 flu viruses--a “public health emergency of international concern”.2.奥巴马其人Brief Introduction
Barack Hussein Obama, born on August 4, 1961, is the junior United States Senator from Illinois and presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 United States presidential election.Obama is the first African-American to be nominated by a major American political party for president and became the first African-American president in American history on November 4, 2008.A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he became the first black person to serve as president of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.He taught
constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.Following an
unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S.House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S.Senate in January 2003.After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the
keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70 percent of the vote.As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds.He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S.military personnel.Obama announced his presidential campaign in February 2007, and was formally nominated at the 2008 Democratic National Convention with Delaware senator Joe Biden as his running mate.奥巴马简介
奥巴马是美国历史上第一位获得主要政党提名的非裔总统候选人,并于2008年11月4日当选为美国历史上首位非裔总统。他毕业于哥伦比亚大学和哈佛法学院,是《哈佛法律评论》的第一位黑人社长。在连续三届担任伊利诺伊州州参议员之前(1997-2004),奥巴马主要从事社区工作和民权律师工作。1992年到2004年,他在芝加哥大学教授宪法学。2000年奥巴马竞选美国众议院议员失败,2003年他宣布参选联邦参议员。2004年3月奥巴马取得初步胜利,7月 他在民主党全国大会上发表了主题演讲。2004年11月,奥巴马以百分之70的选票当选为联邦参议员。
高口和中口相比,除了内容更偏政治化和整体难度加大外,一个显著的特点是每段翻译的篇幅加长了,因此笔记至关重要,这也是令大多数人头疼的地方。在这一方面我觉得Jason 和Vicky的讲解很到位,大家上课要认真听,回去后多花些时间揣摩和归纳,找到一种最适合你的方式。毕竟笔记符号和技巧这东西没有一个固定的格式。但在这里我有一点要提醒大家,笔记固然重要,但千万不能因此而影响听,否则就得不偿失了。尤其是一些细节的东西,大可不必拘泥,抓住整体中心更为重要。
1《英语口译笔记法实战指导》两年前就买了,也大体浏览了一遍。这次的准备工作也是从这本书入手。这本书作为笔记法的教程是比较合适的。一是本身内容深入浅出,配有大量的练习,可以看到作者的确是花了一番功夫;二是素材也比较切合口译考试的实践。强烈推荐需要提高笔记的同学看看这本书。2 由于我的发音实在太差,我花了很多的时间寻找解决办法,也的确寻找到一些改进的办法。刚开始主要的精力放在学习课本上面。由于我不是科班出身,汉英部分对我产生了很大的压力,消耗了我大量的精力。课本和汉英实践部分我都作为视译的材料过了一遍。买了昂立的saybot软件,260大洋。现在看看这个软件没有多少价值,但当时,的确起了很大作用。它对我的作用体现在让我开了口,从学习过渡到练习。其次,它的15个单元比起课本的单元,更加容易让人上手。花几天时间练习了一遍之后,顿时对口译考试范围有了胸有成竹的感觉。当然这个软件对我找出我发音的弱点也有一定帮助。这个软件对于英语专业的同学,或者上过辅导班的同学应该意义不大。
1、听力的准备。这部分对我来说是最难的,我也花了最多的时间。主要的方法是听写VOA、BBC等短篇的英语新闻,基本上是一天做一篇,材料可以在网上下载最近的新闻,China Daily和很多论坛上都有比较新的材料。听写完后一定要和原文对照,再听两遍找出自己出错的原因,是听不清还是单词拼写还是同音异义,量不要大但是每听写完一次都争取有提高。
3、翻译的准备。新东方的小新老师推荐了不少不错的翻译网站,我常去的是的英语学习板块和, 因为那里兼顾了时事英语和英语翻译。平时可以有意的找一些新闻报道来翻译,200字左右的,翻译完后保存起来过三天在回过来进行回译,这样对翻译水平的提高很有好处。
下面我就愿意与大家分享一下我的高口考试心得。首先是笔试准备阶段。在这一阶段我把听力当成备考重点,加大训练。高口配套的听力教材我完整地听过两遍,第一遍时做书上对应习题,第二遍时将Talk和Interview用来练习速记,这样对听力中的Note-taking & Gap-filling以及口试中的速记都会有提高。另外,听完两遍对教材各段录音的内容都有了大致了解,一旦笔试听译部分考到教材中内容就比较有把握。阅读方面的提高主要缘自新东方老师提供的一些技巧,比如关键词句前后的一两句话往往是对这一词或句的解释;文章精读前三段等。翻译方面我采取的策略是记忆一些常用词汇和有用句式,临场发挥尽量简单明了,在保证译文正确的前提下再考虑词句的文雅。值得一提的是,真题练习非常有益,准备阶段要认真对待每一套真题,用考试的标准要求自己,在规定时间内实战练习,这样能训练出合理的速度和正确率。在做完几套真题以后可以总结一下出现次数比较多的生词、词组和难懂的句式,以便重点记忆。笔试考场上要保持沉着、冷静;在长得眼花缭乱的阅读文章面前要不慌不忙、静下心来。准备充分的同学若能做到这两点过笔试应该不是问题。
1. 有舍有得
从题型上来看10道题中有的题型是比较容易拿分的,每篇文章都会有这几种题型,希望同 学们先保住着几道题的分数,10道题目里有7道题可以拿到较高的分数,可见还是有很大
What is…? Please describe…这种题型往往是每篇文章的第一题,得分。因此这种题目要先做,保住分数。
What is the attitude of sb….?这属于作者态度题,多出现在议论文中,只要在文章中找到
Why did the author mention…at the beginning of the passage?这种提问方式我们做一下总
结,这属于例子证明型题目,难度中等。在做题时首先要明确所有的例子都是为了证明中心 和观点,所以要重点关注“例子”前后句话,特别是有概括性的句子往往就是答案。
2. 会的不求全
Give a brief summary of…这种题型考察对原文信息的总结能力,答案往往横跨2-3段,甚至4-5段,总体得分在2-3分之间,回答全面不容易,所以针对这种题型希望同学们抓中
Please paraphrase the sentence…句子释义题,总的来说难度较大,得分率较低,两极分
3. 不会的不留空
What can be concluded from…这种题型属于推断题,考察考生在对文章理解的基础之上
致扣分。就是写上This sentence could be interpreted as….,只要写完,这样一句完整的话,1 分入账。所以无论时间有多紧,都不要留空,而且答案尽量保持在3-4行,字迹工整漂亮很
真题解析:0909 高口SAQ
Questions 1-3
Disparaging comments by adults about a children‟s presenter have led to an angry backlash in support of Cerrie Burnell, the 29-year-old CBeebies host who was born missing the lower section of her right arm.One man said that he would stop his daughter from watching the BBC children‟s channel because Burnell would give his child nightmares.Parents even called the broadcaster to complain after Burnell, with Alex Winters, took over the channel‟s popular Do and Discover slot and The Bedtime Hour programme last month, to complain about her disability.And some of the viiriolic comments on the “Grown Up” section of the channel‟s website were so nasty that they had to be removed.“Is it just me, or does anyone else think the new woman presenter on CBeebies may scare the kids because of her disability?” wrote one adult on the CBeebies website.Other adults claimed that their children were asking difficult questions as a result.“I didn‟t want to let my children watch the filler bits on The Bedtime Hour last night because I know it would have played on my eldest daughter‟s mind and possibly caused sleep problems,” said one message.The BBC received nine other complaints by phone.While charities reacted angrily to the criticism of the children‟s presenter, calling the comments disturbing, other parents and carers labeled the remarks as disgraceful, writing in support of Burnell and setting up a “fight disability prejudice” page on the social networking site Facebook.“I think that it is great that Cerrie is on CBeebies.She is an inspiration to children and we should not underestimate their ability to understand and accept that all of us have
differences—some visible and some not,” wrote “Surfergirlboosmum”.Other websites were flooded with equally supportive comments.“I feel we should all post counter complaints to the BBC and I‟m sure they will receive more complaints about the fact they have even considered accepting these complaints,” wrote Scott Tostevin on Facebook.“It‟s a disgrace that people still have such negative views against people who are „different‟”, he added.Burnell, who described her first television presenting role as a “dream job”, has also appeared in EastEnders and Holby City and has been feted for performances in the theatre while also worked as a teaching assistant at a special needs school in London.She also has a four-year-old child.“I think the negative comments from those few parents are indicative of a wider problem of disabled representation in the media as a whole, which is why it‟s so important for there to be more disabled role models in every area of the media,” she said in response yesterday.“The support that I‟ve received...has been truly heartening.It‟s brilliant that parents are able to use me as a way of talking about disability with their children and for children who are similarly disabled to see what really is possible in life and for their worlds to be represented in such a positive, high profile manner.”
Charities said that much still needed to be done to change perceptions in society.“In some way it is a pretty sad commentary on the way society is now and that both parents and children see few examples of disabled people.The sooner children are exposed to disability in mainstream education the better,” said Mark Shrimpton at Radar, the UK‟s largest disability campaigning organisation.“She is a role model for other disabled people.”
Rosemary Bolinger, a trustee at Scope, a charity for people with cerebral palsy, said: “It is disturbing that some parents have reacted in this way...Unfortunately disabled people are generally invisible in the media and wider society.”
【内容概要】BBC著名儿童节目主持人Cerrie Burnell遭到许多孩子家长污蔑性的言论,甚
至有些言论过于尖刻,以致于网站不得不将其删除。然而不全是反对声,还有家长非常赞成与肯定Cerrie Burnell的能力,认为他激励了许多孩子,并为改善社会弱势群体的处境做出
1.Who is Cerrie Burnell? Give a brief introduction of Cerrie Burnell.解析:此题为细节题。一般这类文章在一开始就会介绍文章的主人公,这篇文章就是这样。
注意以下句子:Cerrie Burnell, the 29-year-old CBeebies host who was born missing the lower section of her right arm./ Parents even called the broadcaster to complain after Burnell, with Alex Winters, took over the channel‟s popular Do and Discover slot and The Bedtime Hour programme last month./ She also has a four-year-old child.参考答案:Cerrie Burnell is a 29-year-old CBeebies host who was born disabled with her lower section of her right arm.She is a mother of a four-year-old child.She, together with Alex Winters, presided over the channel‟s popular Do and Discover slot and The Bedtime Hour programme last month.She is now facing abusive comments from parents.2.What are the responses from parents and carers towards Cerrie Bumell? What is the reaction from charities to such criticism?
解析:本题的解题的关键在于理解哪些群体是非常支持肯定Cerrie Bumell的,哪些是非常
Bumell进行节目主持的,而charities是及其Cerrie Bumell这个人的,因为她不但是孩子们的榜样,关注。
参 考 答 案 :Parents and carers called the broadcaster to complain about her disability.Some complaints were so vitriolic and nasty that they had to be removed.While charities reacted angrily to the criticism of the children‟s presenter, calling the comments disturbing, other parents and carers labelled the remarks as disgraceful, writing in support of Burnell and setting up a “fight disability prejudice” page on the social networking site Facebook.What is Cerrie Burnell‟s own view about job as a television presenter?
解析:解答此题需要关注细节。Cerrie Burnell自己对于电视主持人的看法,需要从她自己的言语中才能得到体现。她有自己坚定的信念,即使受到了那么多言语侮辱,但她并没有过于
her first television presenting role as a “dream job”.She thought the negative comments from those few parents are indicative of a wider problem of disabled representation in the media as a whole, which is why it‟s so important for there to be more disabled role models in every area of the media.Questions 6-10(2010.03 中口阅读)
Many trees in the Brackham area were brought down in the terrible storms that March.The town itself lost two great lime trees from the former market square.The disappearance of such prominent features had altered the appearance of the town centre entirely, to the annoyance of its more conservative inhabitants.Among the annoyed, under more normal circumstances, would have been Chief Inspector Douglas Pelham, head of the local police force.But at the height of that week‟s storm, when the winds brought down even the mature walnut tree in his garden, Pelham had in fact been in no fit state to notice.A large and healthy man, he had for the first time in his life been seriously ill with an attack of bronchitis.When he first complained of an aching head and tightness in his chest, his wife, Molly, had tried to persuade him to go to the doctor.Convinced that the police force could not do without him, he had, as usual, ignored her and attempted to carry on working.Predictably, though he wouldn‟t have listened to anyone who tried to tell him so, this has the effect of fogging his memory and shortening his temper.It was only when his colleague, Sergeant Lloyed, took the initiative and drove him to the doctor‟s door that he finally gave in.By that time, he didn‟t have the strength left to argue with her.In no time at all, she was taking him along to the chemist‟s to get his prescribed antibiotics and then home to his unsurprised wife who sent him straight to bed.When Molly told him, on the Thursday morning, that the walnut tree had been brought down during the night, Pelham hadn‟t been able to take it in.On Thursday evening, he had asked weakly about damage to the house, groaned thankfully when he heard there was none, and pulled the sheets over his head.It wasn‟t until Saturday, when the antibiotics took effect, his temperature dropped and he got up, that he realised with a shock that the loss of the walnut tree had made a permanent difference to the appearance of the living-room.The Pelhams‟ large house stood in a sizeable garden.It had not come cheap, but even so Pelham had no regrets about buying it.The leafy garden had created an impression of privacy.Now, though, the storm had changed his outlook.Previously, the view from the living-room had featured the handsome walnut tree.This has not darkened the room because there was also a window on the opposite wall, but it had provided interesting patterns of light and shade that disguised the true state of the worn furniture that the family had brought with them from their previous house.With the tree gone, the room seemed cruelly bright, its worn furnishings exposed in all their
shabbiness.And the view from the window didn‟t bear looking at.The tall house next door, previously hidden by the tree, was now there, dominating the outlook with its unattractive purple bricks and external pipes.It seemed to have a great many upstairs windows, all of them watching the Pelhams‟ every movement.“Doesn‟t it look terrible?” Pelham croaked to his wife.But Molly, standing in the doorway, sounded more pleased than dismayed.“That‟s what I‟ve been telling you ever since we came here.We have to buy a new sofa, whatever it costs.” 【文章概述】
Inspector Douglas Pelham”。
【参考答案】 6.A 7.B 8.D
6.Why were some people in Brackham annoyed after the storm?(A)(A)The town looked different.(B)The police had done little to help.(C)No market could be held.(D)Fallen trees had not been removed.【定位】定位词Brackham,因为下一题中有明确定位在the third paragraph,根据中口出题顺
留心在段落里可能会有相对应派生词的出现,由此可以发现答案出处在第一段最后一句: The disappearance of such prominent features had altered the appearance of the town centre entirely, to the annoyance(对应题干中的annoyed)of its more conservative inhabitants.【判断】选项主要信息点抓取A.town—different;B.police—helpless;C.market—cant be held;D.fallen trees—not removed.可以发现四个选项的着重点都不同,根据之前的定位,可以发
7.What do we learn about Chief Inspector Pelham and his work, from the third paragraph?(B)(A)He found his work extremely annoying.(B)He was sure that he fulfilled a vital role in his work.(C)He considered the police systems not efficient.(D)He did not trust the decisions made by his superiors.【定位】 的职业是警察。
not do without him, he had, as usual, ignored her and attempted to carry on working.【判断】
work(vital=important);C.policy system—inefficient;D.he—decision—superiors;从定位的句
子里:convinced=for sure, could not do without him,表示肯定,与选项B吻合
8.When Inspector Pelham‟s wife first told him about the walnut tree, he appeared to be __D_____.(A)worried(B)shocked(C)saddened(D)uninterested
【定位】定位词:walnut tree(定位词选择:num.>A.>t.>n.),按照出题顺序(上一题是定位第三段,本题的答案应出现在之后的段落中首先出现walnut tree的地方)
When Molly told him, on the Thursday morning, that the walnut tree had been brought down during the night, Pelham hadn‟t been able to take it in.【判断】Pelham hadn‟t been able to take it in是答案,take in: pay attention to and understand,所
以与not take in相吻合的答案只有D。
9.As a result of the storm, the Pelhams‟ living-room ___B____.(A)was pleasantly lighter(B)felt less private(C)had a better view(D)was in need of repair
【定位】定位词:living-room(理由同上),先定位到第7段,根据题干信息“as a result of the storm”,可见,答案的要求是暴风雨以后,所以不是出自“previously”的第7段,而是在第8 段“with the tree gone”里
(负); 章 信 息 :bright与light对应,cruelly与pleasantly不对应;the view didn‟t bear looking at,不是better view,而是“不堪入目”;而D选项相对应句子:its worn furnishings
exposed in all their shabbiness只是告诉我们家具残旧,是事实存在,并没有因为暴风雨需要
重新装修;“all of them watching the Pelhams‟ every movement”与答案B相吻合
10.From what we learn of Inspector Pelham, he could best be described as ___D____.(A)open-minded(B)well-liked(C)warm-hearted(D)strong-willed 【判断】此题为推断题,判断人物性格,从第8题的答案uninterested,和第7题的定位句
艺术 · Art
1.abstract art : 抽象派艺术
A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格
Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.康定斯创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美。
2.abstract expressionism : 抽象表现派;抽象表现主义
A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.把绘画本身作为目的,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特点的非写实主义风格。Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪四五十年代是抽象表现艺术发展的顶峰时期。
3.action painting : 动作画派
A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.指使画布产生强烈动作效果的绘画风格。
Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of the techniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.在外行看来,动作派的作品通常是幼稚的,这主要是因为画家采用的作画方法,比如将颜料泼洒在画布上。
4.airbrush : 喷枪;气笔
A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form.一种将颜料喷成雾状的喷嘴管。
The famous sexy robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush.那些性感的日本机器人就是用喷枪绘制成的。
5.art deco :装饰派艺术
A style dominant in the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by repetitive, ornamental, and highly finished curvilinear and geometric designs, esp.in synthetic materials such as plastics.盛行于20世纪二、三十年代的装饰艺术和建筑艺术风格,以重复的、装饰精美的曲线和几何图案为特点国,多采用塑料等合成材料。
Mary attended high school in a building that was famous for art deco style of architecture.Mary就读的中学以其装饰派建筑而闻名。
6.art nouveau :新艺术
A decorative style in which fluid, biomorphic lines and swirling motifs were emphasized.以曲折有致的天然生物形态为特色的装饰性风格。
Beardsley prints produced in the late 19th century are a good example of the style of art nouveau.19世纪末比乐兹利的作品是新艺术的典范。7.avent-garde : 先锋派
Innovative art in advance of popular ideas and images, characterized by unorthodox and experimental method.不拘于现有的创作定式,勇于创新超前思维的艺术形式。The avant-garde home of the famous actress sold for millions.那位影星的先锋派住宅卖出了几百万美元的好价钱。
8.Baroque :巴罗克风格
An emotional, dramatic style of the 16th-18th century, anticlassical in form and spirit.流行于16至18世纪,以情感强烈、铺张浮华为特点的反古典主义的艺术风格。Status and architecture from the Baroque have a dark, muscular, looming quality about them.巴罗克风格的雕塑和建筑雄伟、高大、格调阴暗。
9.batik :蜡防印花 Painting on wax-treated cloth.在蜡布上作的画。
Susan learned about batik in college.苏珊在读大学时学过蜡防印花。
10.Bauhaus :包豪斯建筑风格
A design school that promoted functional and geometric elements in design.指包豪斯造型学院倡导的强调实用和几何学要素的建筑风格。
Bauhaus school of design in Germany changed the way that the world thought about design.德国的包豪斯造型学院倡导的艺术改变了世人的既定设计思维模式。a
11.Byzantine :拜占庭艺术风格的
(adj.)A term used to describe a style of art with strong religious content.艺术风格突出强烈宗教色彩的。
The Byzantine era extended from the 13th century and went into the 16th century and was characterized by art with religious influence.拜占庭式艺术始于13世纪,一直延续到16世纪,其主要特点是浓郁的宗教气息。
12.calligraphy 书法艺术
Handwriting or penmanship, esp.elegant or “beautiful” writing as a decorative art.书写的艺术,特别是优雅漂亮可作装饰的笔迹。
Calligraphy has practically become a lost art in today’s computerized society.在今天的电脑时代,书法艺术差不多要消亡了。
13.cartoon 草图,底图
A full-size, preliminary painting or sketch for a completed work.一部完整艺术作品的雏形。
Leonardo da Vinci’s cartoon of the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne hangs in the British National Gallery.达·芬奇的圣母马丽亚和圣安妮画像的草图现存于英国国家美术馆。14.ceramics(1)The art of making objects such as pottery or clay.(2)The objects themselves.陶器制作艺术;陶器制品。
Savannah enjoys making ceramic pottery.萨文喜欢做陶器。
15.collage :拼贴艺术
A composition of found objects, newspaper, and cloth over other material on a single surface.把拣得的报纸、碎布等在画面上粘贴成画。
We used to make computer collages when I was in college by first pasting various items together and then using a video camera to transmit the image onto a computer screen.我们在大学时曾用电脑制作拼贴画。其步骤是:首先,将各种材料粘在一起,然后用摄像机将图像传送到电脑上。
16.composition :艺术作品
Aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and effective arrangement of parts to form a whole.各部分和谐生动、符合美学规律的作品。
Matisse used color and shapes and worked back and forth until he felt he had achieved a balanced composition.马蒂斯反复调试色彩、构思图案,终于画了一幅布局和谐的作品。
17.computer art 计算机艺术
Electronically produced images displayed on video screen.在屏幕上显示运用电子手段设计图像的艺术。
Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public.当80年代个人电脑开始普及之后,计算机艺术也流行起来。
18.cubism :立方主义;立体派
A style of art that departs from traditional reality, and emphasizes multifaceted, simultaneous views of subject and distorted perspectives.(early 20th century)20世纪初出现的一个艺术流派。它抛弃传统现实,强调艺术作品的形体结构,即同时性、多角度性及扭曲的视角。
Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism.帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。
19.Dada :达达主义
A style(1915-1925)with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes.流行于1915年至1925年间的艺术流派,其特点是反理性的创作手法和虚无、荒诞。矛盾的主题。Dadaism asked “what is art?” and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.达达主义设问“什么是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答。
20.drawing :素描 A picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.用钢笔或铅笔勾勒出的图画、图案或写生图。
The drawings of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York.米开朗基罗的素描最近在纽约展出。
21.expressionism :表现主义
An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image.20世纪的一种艺术风格,强调情绪的表现,以浓重的色彩、鲜明的构图,扭曲、夸张的形象处理为特点。
Professor Bryer will be giving a lecture on expressionism tonight.今晚布莱恩教授有一个关于表现主义的讲座。
22.fresco :温壁画技法;湿壁画
A technique of painting directly on a wet, plaster surface.在潮湿的石膏表面上直接作画。
We all marveled at the beauty of the 17th century fresco.23.funk art :非理性艺术;恶臭艺术
A combination of painting and sculpture, deliberately messing and rough, often humorously depicting provocative subjects.(U.S., mid-20th century)20世纪中期出现在美国的一种艺术流派。故意杂乱无章、不加修饰的绘画与雕塑的融合。多以幽默的方式描绘刺激性的场面。
Jeson has been collecting funk art since the mid 1960s.杰森从20世纪60年代中期就开始收集非理性艺术作品。
24.futurism :未来主义
A style glorifying modern technology, speed, and the machine age.(Italy, early 20th century)颂扬现代技术、速度和机器时代的创作风格。起源于20世纪初的意大利。
Art from the era of futurism can be identified by a combination of machine elements, cubism, and motion.未来主义时期艺术的突出特点是机器法则、立方主义与运动机械的组合。
25.genre :风俗画
A realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life.日常家居生活的写实画。Who is your favorite genre painter? 你最喜欢的风俗画家是谁?
26.Gothic :哥特风格
A style that emphasizes Christian imagery, brilliant color, and strong verticality in composition.(12th – 16th century)以基督教题材、亮丽的色彩、明显的垂直线条为特点的绘画风格。流行于12至16世纪。Jean dislikes Gothic art because it feels too religious.吉不喜欢哥特风格的作品,因为它们的宗教色彩太浓。
27.gouache :树胶水彩颜料
An opaque watercolor bound with gum.由胶水调和的不透光水彩。
Do you like the quality of gouache in paintings? 你喜欢水彩画吗?
28.graphic arts :平面造型艺术
Those visual arts that are linear in character, such as drawing and engraving, esp.those that involve printing and printmaking.平面视角艺术,特别是指与印刷业有关的素描、雕刻等。
The computer is now enabling anyone to produce and design and experiment with graphic art.计算机的出现使任何人都能制造、设计和试验平面视角艺术。
29.hard-edge :锋刃派绘画的;硬边画的
(adj.)A style characterized by geometric abstraction, a flat picture plan, perfection of a surface, and graphic precision.(U.S., mid-20th century)
流行于20世纪中期的美国,以轮廓分明的几何形体、精确的画面为特点的抽象绘画。Patrick Nagel’s hard-edge style of 80’s women became one of the strongest images in the 20th century.派特克·纳哥尔的锋刃派风格的80年代妇女成了20世纪最具说明力的形象之一。
30.history painting :历史题材的绘画
An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible.以神话、历史或圣经为题材的传统绘画。
Temple Square in Salt Lake City has a visitor center filled with history paintings.盐湖城的神殿广场有一个观光中心,里面存满了历史题材的绘画作品。
31.hyperrealism :高度写实主义
An extension of photorealism in which depiction of subject is indistinguishable from reality.(late 20th century)20世纪末兴起的一种绘画流派。照相现实主义的延伸,强调对现实的临摹。
The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challenges the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isn’t.高度写实主义绘画很有意思的一点是,观者很难判断哪些是真实的,哪些是虚构的。
32.impressionism :印象主义,印象派
A style emphasizing the depiction of light and its effects, with the act of seeing as its primary subject.(France 19th century 强调绘画中的光感,以视觉影象作为描绘对象。
Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements.Van Gogh’s impressionistic painting entitled “Dr.Gachet” was purchased for a world record $ 85 million by a Japanese investor.长期以来,印象主义一直是最具有影响力的艺术运动之一。凡高的印象派作品《盖什医生》被一名日本投资商以8500万美元的天价购得。
33.Kakemono :画轴
A Japanese vertical scroll painting.日本的一种垂直式卷轴画。
Debbie purchased several kakemono scrolls during her year as an exchange student in Japan.德比在日本做交换学生时买了几卷画轴。
34.kinetic art :活动艺术
Art characterized by the incorporation of painted and sculpted mechanical parts into an art piece that moves or creates the impression of movement.兴起于20世纪中期的一种与机械学相结合的艺术,采用活动部件,造成动感效果的雕塑艺术。Kinetic art can be seen in front of many office buildings built during the 50’s and 60’s.在五、六十年代,办公大楼前的雕塑多属活动艺术作品。
35.landscape :风景画,山水画
A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical.以自然风景为主题,有时含有讽喻意义的作品。
Paula travels to New Mexico each summer to paint western landscapes.波拉每年夏天都去新墨西哥州画西部风景画。
36.medium :溶剂,调色剂,材料
A liquid in which pigment is mixed to form paint;a type of paint of coloring matter used in painting.绘画用的调和颜料的液体;艺术创作所使用的材料。
It’s sometimes fun to look at a painting and try to figure out what medium the artist used.有时猜猜一部艺术作品所使用的材料很有意思。
37.Ming :具有明代艺术特色的
(adj)Characteristic of a highly academic classicism, esp.in porcelains.(China, 14th –17th centuries)高度传统古典主义倾向的,特别是指与14至17世纪中国明代瓷器有关的艺术。Dr.Franks is an expert on porcelains from the Ming dynasty.37.minimal art :极简抽象艺术;最小主义艺术
An abstract, simple, reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors.(U.S.mid-20th century)美国20世纪中期兴起的一种艺术流派,其特点是抽象、简单、微缩,即把作品简略到基本抽象成分。
Minimalism is characterized by space with very sparse design elements and helped launch the popular art slogan of “less is more.”
38.modernism :现代主义
A style that breaks with traditional art forms and searches for new modes of expression.一种新的、脱离传统艺术手法的表现形式。
Modernism became popular in the early part of the 20th century.现代主义在20世纪初开始流行起来。
39.mosaic :马赛克;镶嵌工艺,镶嵌画
An illustration composed of small, colored stones or tiles set into cement.用五颜六色的小石子或瓦片在水泥板上镶嵌面成的图案。
The new mall in town features a giant mosaic over the main entrance way.在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。
40.mural :壁画;壁饰
A large-scale painting, usually on a wall or ceiling.通常挂在墙上或天花板上的巨幅画。
The McMullen’s have a giant mural painting along the hallway in their home.麦克伦家的门厅里有一幅巨型壁画。
41.neoclassicism :新古典主义
A style modeled after proportion and restraint of Greek and Roman classical antiquity.(late 18th, early 19th century.)模仿和借鉴古希腊罗马匀称、庄重建筑风格的艺术形式,盛行于18世纪末,19世纪初。We knew that Mr.Samuels was into neoclassicism by the way that he had his courtyard decorated with nude statues.42.new wave :新浪潮
A combination of cartoon, graffiti, and performance art in a minimalist, unsophisticated style(late 20th century.)综合漫画、涂鸦和表演艺术的艺术形式,其风格简单自然。
There’s a new wave art show currently on exhibit up at the local college gallery.本地大学美术馆正在举办一个新浪潮艺术作品展。
43.nude :裸体画,裸体像
The undraped human figure, sometimes allegorical.无遮盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。
The nude has always played a powerful role in art throughout the ages.在艺术领域,裸体画一直占有重要地位。
44.oil paint :油画颜料;油漆
Pigment mixed with drying oil, exp.linseed oil.和亚麻油等干性油混制成的颜料。
You can buy a beginner’s set of oil paints for under $ 20.花不到20元,你就可以买到初学者所用的一套油画颜料。
45.op art :光效应艺术,视觉艺术 A style with graphic abstraction and pattern-oriented optical effects(mid-20th century)利用几何图形和色彩对比给人以模棱两可的视幻觉艺术,起源于20世纪中期。
Riley and Vasarely are two noteable artists who made contributions in the illusory world of op art.瑞利和凡撒里这两位著名的艺术家为梦幻般的光效应艺术作出了贡献。
46.performance art :戏剧表演艺术
Use of paintings, sculpture, and video in live theatrical performance by the artist.(late 20th century)现场戏剧表演中艺术家掺入绘画、雕塑和摄像等形式的综合艺术。兴起于20世纪末。We watched a program that featured performance art on TV last night.昨晚有一个电视节目介绍了表现派艺术。
47.pastel :彩色粉笔画
A crayon made of color ground with chalk and compounded with gum water into paste, often of pale color.粉笔作底色,用胶水调和色彩。色调淡雅。Degas is probably my favorite pastel artist.德加大概算是我最喜欢的彩色粉笔画家了。
48.perspective :透视画法
A system of realistically depicting three-dimensional objects or views onto two-dimensional, flat surfaces through convergent lines and planes.以现实的手法,在两维的平面上,利用线和面趋向会合的视错觉原理刻画三维物体的艺术。Perspective illustration provides a three-dimensional view of objects or views.透视画法提供了一个对物体或景色的三维视角。
49.pictograph :象形文字;图画文字
A picture symbolizing an idea or object, used as an early form of writing.代表一个思想或物体的图画。属早期的文字。
Three men were arrested for vandalizing ancient pictographs found I the canyons of southern Utah.50.pointillism :点画法;点彩派
Neo-impressionism characterized by the use of tiny, closely spaced dots or points of color that blend to produce a luminous quality.新印象主义画法,用微小、密集的彩色点混合后产生一种夺目的效果。
The painting “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” by Seurat is probably the most famous work of pointillism.修拉的《在拉·格兰德·加特岛的一个星期天下午》大概是最有名的点彩派画了。
51.pop art :波普艺术
A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce, often reproduced exactly.(mid-20th century)把精确复制大众文化和商业中的形象作为一种艺术创作。起源于20世纪中期。
Roy Litchenstein, who helped start the movement in the 1950s, continues to rule the king of pop art into the 90s.早在50年代,罗耶·列克敦斯坦就参与发起波普艺术运动,直到90年代他依然是波普艺术的顶尖人物。
52.primitivism :原始风格
A style with an unsophisticated, pretechnological, simple approach to form and content.形式处理和内容表现力求简洁,避免复杂化或工艺手段的创作风格。
The famous series of “cut-outs” by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism.亨利·马蒂斯著名的《割断》系列作品是原始主义流派的代表作之一。
53.realism :现实主义风格 Art that depicts reality as it appears.以写实的手法描绘现实。
I am in awe when I view realism such as the landscapes painted by 17th century Dutch artist Jan Vemeeer.欣赏着17世纪荷兰画家杨·弗美尔的风景画,我被其中的现实主义风格所震撼。
54.Renaissance :文艺复兴时期风格的;文艺复兴
(adj.)Art that is classical in form and content.(n.)revival of aesthetics of classical antiquity.(14th – 17th century)艺术作品的形式和内容具有古典主义色彩的;从14世纪延续到17世纪的经典传统美学的复兴。Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists of today.现在的艺术家仍然对文艺复兴时期的艺术珍爱有加。
Much of the greatest art in the history of the world was produced during the Renaissance.世界艺术史上最伟大的作品很多是在文艺复兴时期产生的。
55.rococo :洛可可艺术的;洛可可式的
A style with ornamental, poetic, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes.融装饰性、诗化的、曲线的形式和抒情主题为一体的艺术。Mrs.Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style.米德夫人想买一个洛可可式的椅子。
56.sculpture :雕刻术;雕塑术
The art of carving wood, chiseling stone, casting or welding metal, molding clay or wax, etc.into three-dimensional representations, as statues, figures, forms, etc.通过对木头、石头进行雕刻,对金属加以铸造、焊接,或对泥、蜡加工制成的三维雕塑作品。Mr.Rushmore which depicts images of 4 U.S.presidents in the Black Hills, South Dakota, is one of the most famous sculptures in America.在南达科他州布莱克山区的拉什莫尔山刻有四位美国总统的雕像。它们是美国最有名的雕塑之一。
57.self-portrait :自画像 A depiction of an artist’s own face 艺术家创作的自己的肖像画。
Artist’s self-portraits are usually very sought-after works of art.人们总是乐于求购艺术家的自画像。
58.still lift :静物画
A realistic depiction of inanimate objects, esp.flowers, fruit, or domestic items.以写实的手法描绘无生命的物体,比如花、水果、家什等。Cezanne is known for his unique still life paintings of apples.赛尚以独具一格的苹果静物画闻名遐迩。
59.surrealism :超现实主义
A style using subconscious mental activity as its subject matter, characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery.将下意识的精神活动作为描写对象,多运用梦幻意象的艺术形式。The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。
60.Symbolism :象征主义
A 19th century French movement that rejected realism and expressed subjective visions through evocative images.产生于19世纪的法国艺术运动。它摒弃现实主义手法,通过使人产生联想的意像表达主观感受。Great art most always incorporates symbolism.伟大的艺术几乎总具有象征意义。
61.video art :视频艺术
The use of filmed or videotaped material display alone or with other media.(late 20th century)通过创造性地利用视频技术产生可以在电视屏幕上观看的一种艺术形式,产生于20世纪末。Video art has become a popular medium in today’s art, especially in collages.今天,视频艺术已经成为一种非常受欢迎的绘画形式,特别是拼贴画中。
62.watercolor :水彩颜料;水彩画
A paint which is mixed with water and used to create pictures;A picture which has been done with this type of paint.一种与水混合用来作画的颜料;用这种颜料作的画。My uncle did a beautiful watercolor of a sunset while in Mexico.我的叔叔在墨西哥时画了一幅漂亮的日落水彩画。
63.account :财务帐;帐户
A record of financial transactions kept in a ledger.在分类帐中保存的财务来往记录。A bank account 银行帐户
A customer or client 顾客或客户
Let’s check the account again.我们再查一遍帐。
How much is left in our bank account.银行帐上还剩多少。
This firm is our best account.这家商行是我们最好的客户。
64.accounting :会计
A system and process of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance between assets and liabilities.收集和记录财务住处的制度和过程,并据此不断提供资产和负债之间的余额。You need to discuss that matter with the accounting department.你应当和财务部讨论这个问题。
65.accumulation :资本增益
An addition to capital investments or stock from profits.资本投资的收益或股分增值。
What kink of accumulation are you getting on the ABC stock? 你有ABC公司的股份有什么资本增益?
66.affluence :富裕
The condition of substantial wealth and economic power.拥有雄厚财富和经济实力的状况。
Luxury cars are targeted towards the affluent segment of a population.豪华轿车是以人口中的富裕阶层为销售对象的。
67.affiliate :成员,分公司
A business that contracts to work with another business.签订合同与另一公司合作的公司。
The ABC office supply company is one of our many affiliates.ABC办公用品公司是我们众多分公司的其中之一。
68.agenda :日程表 A list of things to be done.要处理的事务清单
Could you please fax me a copy of tomorrow’s agenda? 能否将明天的日程表给我发个传真?
69.agribusiness :农业综合企业
The production and marketing of corps by large corporations as opposed to individual farms.由大集团公司进行的农产品的生产和销售,与个体农场主经营方式相反。
John was forced into bankruptcy when he lost millions of dollars he had invested in a poor agribusiness venture.约翰在农业综合企业中投资不当,损失了数百万美元,被迫破产。
70.air-pocket stock :气穴股票 Stock that falls sharply on bad news.一有坏消息便急剧下跌的股票。
Company stock sometimes turns into air-pocket stock upon the news of the company’s CEO’s serious illness or death.一旦公司总裁病重或去世的消息传出,其股票有时会变成气穴股票。
71.annual report :报告
A financial report produced by the management of a corporation for shareholders the end of fiscal year.在每个财政年末,由公司的资方向股东提供的财务报告。
72.asset :资产
A possession that can be turned into cash to cover liabilities 能被转化为现金以抵消债务的财物
We were forced to liquidate some of our assets to pay our debts.我们被迫变卖一些资产以偿还债务。
73.automation :自动化
The replacement of human laborers with computers and self-regulating machines 用计算机和自动化控制的机器来代替人力。
Automation in factories will continue to eliminate more and more jobs into the 21 century.到21世纪,工厂的自动化将继续削减更多的就业机会。
74.balanced budget :平衡预算
Spending that is equal to revenue, esp.in government.一个机构的开支和收入相等,特别指在政府方面
75.bankruptcy :破产
The inability to pay one’s debts;legal insolvency 无力偿还债务,法律上的资不抵债。
Many private companies are forced to declare bankruptcy when they begin to lose business to their competitors.许多私营企业在经营上输给其竞争对手时,不得不宣布破产。
76.big business :大公司
A term used to describe large corporations, as opposed to small individually or family-owned business.大规模的股份有限责任公司,与私有或家庭经营的小型企业相反。Darren wants to get into big business some day.77.Black Monday :黑色星期一
October 19, 1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell a record 508 points in trading on the New York Stock Exchange.1987年10月19日,纽约股票交易所道·琼斯工业股票平均指数狂跌创纪录的508点。
78.blue chip stock :热门股票,绩优股,蓝筹股
A term used to describe high-quality stocks of financially sound corporations 指财务上可靠的公司发行的高质量股票。
Mr.Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks.杰普逊先生持有的有价证券里全部都是热门股票。
79.bond :债券
A security issued by a corporation or public body and carrying a fixed rate of interest 由公司或政府机构发行的固有利率的有价债券。What’s the interest rate on these bonds? 这些债券的利率是多少?
80.boom :繁荣
A period of great economic activity and business expansion(企业等)经济非常活跃,经营扩张的时期。
The soft drink business always booms in the summertime.饮料业在夏天总是兴旺繁荣。
81.boondoggle :无效的投资 A wasteful business venture 不见回报的经营投机
Our investment in water softeners was a boondoggle.我们在水软化器上的投资打了水漂。82.bottom line :最终结果 The final result or ultimate objective 最终的结果或目标
What’s the bottom line of your proposal? 你的建议要达到的最终目标是什么?
83.boycott :抵制
The refusal to purchase the products of an individual, corporation, or nation as a way to bring social and political pressure for change.拒绝购买某一个人、公司或国家的产品,作为施加社会、政治压力,促进其改变政策的一种手段。Americans boycotted tuna several years ago until tuna companies guaranteed that they weren’t catching dolphins in their tuna nets.几年前美国人抵制金枪鱼,直至金枪鱼公司保证在捕捞金枪鱼时放掉海豚。
84.budget :预算
A plan of expenditures based on anticipated revenues.根据估算的收入而制订的开支计划。How much do we have left in our budget? 我们的预算还剩多少? 85.business cycle :景气周期
Periodic rise and fall in economic activity 经济活动中周期性的涨落。
U.S.retailers see the same basic business cycle every year and typically do most of their business during the Christmas season.美国零售商们每年都经历相同的景气周期。通常情况下,他们大部分生产都是在圣诞节期间做的。
86.bust :崩溃
An informal term referring to a financial or economic collapse 非正式用语,指金融或经济上破产。The economy is currently in a bust.目前经济处于崩溃之中。
87.buying power :购买力 Purchasing power 购买商品的能力。
The buying power of the dollar has steadily declined during the last twenty-five years.在过去的25年里,美元的购买力持续下降。
88.capital :资本
Money, assets, or property used as a means of production or for investment 可以用作生产或投资手段的金钱、资产或财物。
Some futurists claim that human capital is a company’s greatest asset.一些未来学家声称公司的人力资本是其最大的资产。
89.capitalism :资本主义
An economic system based on private ownership and profit incentive 建立在私有制和利润刺激基础上的一种经济制度。
People in some countries don’t really understand the system of capitalism.一些国家的人们并不真正理解资本主义制度。
90.cash cow :摇钱树
An informal term for a business with a dependable source of income 非正式用语。指收入来源可靠的生意。
This product has always been a cash cow for our company.这种产品一直是我们公司的摇钱树。
91.cash flow :现金流通
Fluctuations in a company’s cash position 公司现金形势的波动情况。
Our company is currently having a cash flow problem.92.CEO :总裁,总经理
An acronym for “chief executive officer”.The highest executive officer of a company.“chief executive officer”的缩略词。指公司的最高行政长官。
Advertisers are using CEO’s more frequently in their company’s commercials because studies show that people trust and admire leaders.广告商们在广告片中越来越多地利用总裁的形象,因为研究表明,人们相信、崇拜领导者。
93.Chapter 11 :破产条款
A bankruptcy code section that applies to a corporation going out of business which may require restructuring.破产法的部分章节,适用于需要重组的倒闭公司。
Rumors are spreading that one of the big movie companies is filing a chapter 11.有谣言说一家大的电影公司正申请破产。
94.commercialism :重商主义,商业行为
The practice and spirit of business in which the making of profits is emphasized.商业做法和精神,强调利润的追求。
Many American dislike the commercialism that is associated with Christmas.95.competition :竞争
The rivalry between similar businesses for customers or clients.经营产品相近的厂商间争夺顾客或客户的斗争。
Competition in business is good because it generally results in better quality and lower prices for consumers.商业竞争中是好事,它可以为消费者带来更好的质量和更低的价格。
96.conglomerate :集团公司,联合大企业
A corporation made up several companies that produce large quantities of output in a variety of industries.诸多产业中,由几家公司组成的股份公司,大量生产各种产品。Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate.宝洁公司是一家生产个人卫生用品的大集团公司。
97.consumerism :(1)消费;(2)消费者权益运动 The consumption of goods and service.商品和服务的耗费
Inflation always hurts consumerism.通货膨胀总是打击消费。
The protection of consumers form poor products or misleading claims.保护消费者免受劣质产品和误导性广告的侵害。
The U.S.Food and Drug administration tries to regulate consumerism.美国食品和医药管理局想规范消费者权益运动。
98.consumer price index :消费品价格指数
A measure of the fluctuation in prices of common consumer goods and services over a fixed time period.在一定时期内衡量常用消费品和服务价格波动情况的一种尺度。
The consumer price index is a good reference tool to use in order to learn how much the price of a specific item has changed over the last several years.想了解某一特定商品在过去几年内的价格变化情况,消费品价格指数是一个很好的工具。
99.corporate ladder :公司的官阶
A series of steps in the organizational hierarchy of a company.公司组织等级制度中的一系列晋升阶梯。
Climbing the corporate ladder is not as popular as it used to be.走公司的晋升之道不象以前那样有吸引力了。
100.corporate raider :强行收购
A person, company, etc.that attempts to take over another company, exp.by buying up the stock of the target company.个人或公司通常以全部买下其看准的公司的股份而吞并该公司。
101.cost cutting :削减成本
A reactive measure taken by companies esp.in hard times, in order to save money by eliminating waste or unnecessary spending.公司采取的应付措施,特别是在困难时期,通过减少浪费和不必要的开支来节省资金。Companies in the 90s have been implementing a lot of cost cutting in order to become more efficient and competitive.为了提高效率和竞争力,许多公司在90年代一直在实施削减成本的各种措施。
102.cost of living :生活费用
The average cost for the basic necessities of life 支付基本生活必需品的平均花费。
Many employees expect a yearly cost of living increase in their paychecks.很多雇员希望其工资的生活费用部分每年都有增长。
103.creeping inflation :轻度通货膨胀
The barely noticeable but persistent increase in prices.物价不断上涨,但因涨幅很小而不为人注意。
Creeping inflation continues to spread throughout the economy in the 1990s.90年代轻度通货膨胀一直波及经济生活
104.decline :萎缩,下降
A period of reduced business activity.经营活动下降的时期。
College students are not happy about the decline of job opportunities waiting for them when they graduate.大学生们对其毕业后就业机会的减少感到忧心忡忡。105.deficit :赤字
A budget imbalance in which expenditures exceed income.支出超过收入的预算失衡
Our company ran a deficit for the first three years before we started to make any profit.我们公司在开始赢利前的头三年中都是亏损经营。
106.deflation :通货紧缩
A decrease in the money supply, causing a sharp fall in prices.货币供应的减少,导致物价的急剧下降。Consumers are always motivated by deflation.通货紧缩往往能刺激消费者的购买欲。
107.demand :需求
The desire and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services.消费者购买商品和服务的能力。
Marketers and advertisers are always looking for new ways to create demand for their client’s products.营销商和广告商总是在寻找新的途径以创造其客户对产品的需求。
108.depression :萧条
A severe, extended period of decline in business activity.商业活动严重减少并且长时间没有好转。
Many older Americans remember the great depression of the 1930s.许多上了年纪的美国人对三十年代的大萧条仍记忆犹新。
109.deregulation :撤消管制
A gradual removal of government control over business.政府逐步撤消对经营活动的控制。
Most business and industries approve of deregulation from government control.大多数公司和产业赞成政府撤消管制。
110.distribution :商品流通 The marketing of merchandising.商品的营销。
If a product doesn’t have good distribution, it won’t sell.商品流通如果不畅就卖不出去。
111.diversification :经营多样化
The act of expanding business by increasing the number of goods produced or the number of services offered.通过增加产品品种和服务项目来扩展经营业务。
Many fast food businesses are diversifying in an attempt to capture more customers form their competitors.许多快餐企业正实行经营多样化,力图从其竞争对手手中夺取更多的顾客。112.dumping :倾销
The act of selling goods below cost to other nations to eliminate surpluses or offset competition.以低于成本的价格向其他国家销售产品以减少过剩产品,引发竞争。The U.S.has accused Japan of dumping mini-vans here in American.美国控告日本在美国倾销小型货车。
113.economics :经济学
The study of wealth and its creation, distribution, and consumption.形容财富及其创造、分配和消费的科学。Susan is majoring in economics at Harvard.苏珊在哈佛攻读经济学专业。
114.economy :经济
The organization of social and political institutions and business for production.社会及政治机构的组织以及以生产经营为目的的企业组织。National leaders must always worry about the state of the economy.国家领导人必须一直为经济状况操心。
115.Fortune 500 :《财富》500家公司
A list of the 500 largest American corporations published annually by “Fortune” magazine.由《财富》杂志每年公布的全美国最大的500家公司。Who are the top 10 companies on the Fortune 500 list? 在《财富》500家公司中,前10名是哪些?
116.franchise :经销权,连锁店
A contract or license permitting a regional distributor to use the name and sell products of another company.地区分销商得到其他公司的合同或许可证,有权使用其名称并销售其产品。Clancy is opening a new McDonald’s franchise in London.克兰西在伦敦开了一家麦当劳连锁店。
117.freeze :冻结
The fixing of some economic factor, such as prices, employment, spending, etc.停止一些经济因素的变动,如价格、就业、开支等。The government caused a price freeze at the gas pumps.政府冻结了汽油泵的价格。
118.full employment :充分就业
An economic condition in which unemployment is deemed minimal and acceptable, usually under six percent.失业率处于可接受的最小值,常常是6%以下的经济形势。
The condition of full employment is something that most countries rarely achieve.充分就业是大多数国家很少取得的经济局面。119.glamour stock :热门股票
A stock in a new or rapidly developing industry that tends to rise quickly in price.新兴且发展迅速的产业所发行的股票,有迅速升值的趋势。
John specializes in buying glamour stock, particular in media, and entertainment companies.约翰专门购买由传媒、娱乐公司发行的热门股票。
120.glas ceiling :性别障碍,玻璃天花板
A term used to describe an invisible barrier that prevents women from entering the ranks of senior-level management.指阻止女性进入高级管理阶层的一种无形障碍。
Many women in the 90s are protesting the glass ceiling that bars them form upper management in large corporation.90年代,许多妇女抗议阻止她们进入大公司高级管理阶层的性别障碍。
121.global economy :全球经济
Worldwide trade, travel, competition, etc.世界范围内的贸易、旅游、竞争等。
Companies in the 1990s are thinking globally in order to stay competitive in the new global economy.为在新的全球经济中保持竞争力,90年代的公司都从全球的角度考虑问题。
122.GNP :国民生产总值
An abbr.For “gross national product.” The total annual monetary value of all goods, services, and products sold on markets of national economy.“gross national product” 的缩写词,指在国民经济市场上销售的所有商品、服务和产品的货币总值。
What was Japan’s GNP in 1987? 1987年日本的国民生产总值是多少?
123.golden parachute :高额离职补贴
A substantial compensation given to top executives as a severance bonus when they are terminated from the positions in the event of a corporate merger or takeover.在发生合并或兼并的情况下,公司高层行政领导离开其职位时所获得的丰厚补偿,作为高额离职补助金。
CEOs typically receive a golden parachute when their companies are seized in a hostile takeover.公司被他方恶意接管时,通常情况下总裁们都会得到高额的离职补贴。
124.gray market :灰色市场
A market in which scare goods such as computer chips are traded at above-market prices through irregular channels or by methods not illegal but usually not considered ethical.以高于正常市场价格来销售稀缺商品如电脑芯片的市场。这种交易通常以非正常渠道进行,手段虽不犯法但也不被认为是合乎道德的。
Our company is losing a lot of money to similar products being sold on the gray market.由于类似产品在灰色市场上销售,我们公司损失很大。125.greenmail :绿票欺诈
The purchase, usually in secret, of a large block of a company’s stock, thereby signaling a possible takeover attempt, and ultimately forcing the company to try to thwart the attempt by buying back its stock at a much higher price.秘密购买一公司的大部分股票,以此暗示可能进行接管,最终迫使该公司为挫败对方的企图,不得不以高出很多的价格买回股份。
The ABC company found themselves a victim of greenmail when they realized they had bought back their stock at a much higher price.当ABC公司以高得多的价格买回自己的股份时,发现本公司成了绿票欺诈的受害者。
126.hardball :商场上的杀手锏,动真格
Slang for highly competitive or ruthless business practices.俚语,指生意上极具竞争力或冷酷无情的做法。
Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball.我们的竞争对手所用的战术表明他们要动真格了。
127.hostile takeover :敌意接管
The act of taking control of a company by buying up enough of its stock t gain a controlling interest.通过购买足够股份从而获得控股权的办法来接管一家公司。Last year the small airline company was bought up in a hostile takeover.去年这家小航空公司在一次敌意接管中被收购。
128.hyperinflation :高通胀
Rapid inflation and major shortages caused by panic buying.迅猛的通货膨胀和抢购造成严重的商品短缺。
The fear of sudden natural disaster caused hyperinflation to occur in certain food markets because of panic buying by the public.由于担心自然灾害会突然降临,公众疯狂抢购,导致了一些食品市场的高通胀。
129.inflation :通货膨胀
A sustained rise in the price of goods and services.商品和服务的价格持续上涨。
Has the rate of inflation dropped in the last six months? 在过去的6个月里通货膨胀率下降了吗?
130.junk bond :风险债券,垃圾债券
A slang term for a high-risk bond that offers a high return but is considered to have a dubious backing.俚语。指高风险高回报的债券,但被认为有可疑的背景支持。
Michael Milken will always be synonymous with the term ”junk bond king.” 迈克尔·米尔肯总是“风险债券之王”的同义词。
131.labor-intensive :劳动密集型的
(adj.)A term used to describe production that uses more labor than capital.运用人力多于资本的生产。
The parts are very labor-intensive which makes them very expensive.零件是用密集劳动生产出来的,这样价格就很贵。
132.leveraged buyout(LBO):举债收购
A procedure by which an investor borrows money to purchase enough of a company’s assets to gain a controlling interest, using the assets of the targeted firm as collateral.投资者以收购对象的资产作担保,借钱来收购该公司的足够资产以获得控股权的过程。Sometimes a smaller company will use the technique of a leveraged buyout to takeover another company.有时候小公司可以用举债收购的手段来接管另一家公司。
133.macroeconomics :宏观经济学
An economic branch dealing with broad aspects of the economy, esp.factors on a national level.经济学的分支,研究经济的宏观方面,尤其是国家层次上的因素。Mr.Samuels is an expert in macroeconomics.塞谬尔斯先生是位宏观经济学专家。
134.market share :市场份额
A percentage of total sales within a specific market by one company.一公司产品的销售总额在某一特定商品市场上所占的百分比。
The kelloggs company has over 50 percent of the market share for breakfast cereals 克洛格公司在早餐粥市场上占有超过50%以上的份额。
135.mass production :大规模生产
The manufacturing of goods in large quantities using standardized parts and assembly lines.利用标准零件和生产线大批量生产商品
Mass production allows a lot of people to enjoy a particular product at a more reasonable price.大规模生产使得很多人能以更为便宜的价格享用某种产品。
136.microeconomics :微观经济学
The branch of economics that deals with single units of production and consumption.经济学的分支,研究生产和消费的单个单位。
Microeconomics in the future will lead to more customization and specialization of products for consumers.在未来微观经济会导致产品的专业化和客户化以方便顾客。
137.mogul :商业巨头
Informal.A rich and powerful person in business or industry.非正式用语。商业或产业界的富有且势力大的人物。
We watched a television interview of an entertainment mogul who had amassed a fortune of over $ 100 million.我们收看了一段电视访谈,采访对象是一位拥有一亿多美元资产的娱乐业巨头。
138.mommy track :母亲路线 A career path in which a woman declines rapid advancement in order to spend time with her family.女性的职业模式。指女性不愿晋升过快,以便有更多时间和家人相处。
Millions of women in the 1990s are choosing the mommy track over climbing the corporate ladder.90年代,数以百万计的妇女宁愿走母亲路线也不愿攀登公司的官阶。
139.monopoly :垄断
A domination of the market by a single company.由单一公司统治市场的局面。
The breakup of monopolies creates competition, which leads to better quality and lower prices for the public.打破垄断可以产生竞争,这会给公众带来更好的质量和更低的价格。
140.oligopoly :寡头垄断
A market condition in which there are few sellers, enabling them to influence price and other factors.少数商家占有市场,因此他们可以操纵价格和其他因素。
The U.S.auto industry is an oligopoly, because there are only three main producers.美国汽车工业是寡头垄断的行业,因为只有3家主安生产商。
141.Pac Man defense :帕克曼防卫
An attempt to prevent a hostile takeover in which a targeted company bids to take over the hostile firm.被定为兼并对象的公司通过出价收购敌对公司,从而阻止其恶意收购。
The out-throat 1980s made strategies like Pac Man defense essential to companies who wanted to survive a hostile takeover.在竞争残酷无情的80年代,对于那些希望躲过恶意兼并的公司来说,帕克曼防卫之类的战略手段太重要了。
142.Paper profit :纸上盈利
An unrealized profit due to appreciation in value of something owned but not yet sold.对拥有的某种商品进行估价而计算出来的利润,因为商品没有出手,利润尚未实现。Jack’s business showed a paper profit last year simply due to the appreciation.因为评估了公司的所有的资产,去年杰克的生意才有纸上盈利。
143.paradigm shift :改组
A term by a CEO to inform his company that there will be major changes made.公司总裁通知公司上下将有重大变化时所用的词。
The CEO of a major computer software manufacture announced a paradigm shift to his executives today.一家大型软件生产商的总裁今天宣布要对其管理人员进行改组。
144.Peter Principle :彼得原则
A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence.一种认为在等级森严的公司里,每个职员都想升到其无法胜任的位置的说法。The term “Peter Principle” has become quite popular among the American work force.在美国的劳动力大军里,常可听到”彼得原则”这个术语。
145.poison pill :反兼并手段,毒丸
Any of various methods devised by a company to thwart a hostile takeover attempt, such as by issuing new stock or instituting a generous package of employee benefits, which would prove costly to a potential acquirer.公司为挫败敌意兼并所采取的各式各样的方法,如发行新股票,为雇员制定慷慨的福利计划。这会使潜在的兼并者感到代价昂贵而放弃兼并。
146.power lunch :事务餐
A business lunch where food is an afterthought to intense dealmaking and negotiation.在工作午餐上,忙于紧张的交易和谈判而顾不上吃饭。
We’re discussing the possibilities of a company merger over a power lunch this afternoon.今天下午我们在事务餐上讨论了公司合并的可能性。
147.productivity :生产力
A measure of ability to produce output from given input 一定投入得到产出的能力的衡量尺度。
Productivity at the XYZ company was up slightly this month over last.XYZ公司本月的生产比上月略有提高。
148.quality control :质量管理
Techniques used to eliminate defective products or to improve performance standards and practices.采用技术以消除次品,或提高经营水平。
No company can afford to neglect quality control if they wish to remain competitive in the new global economy.任何一家公司要想在新的全球经济中保持竞争力,就不得不重视质量管理。
149.raw goods :原材料商品
Materials gathered in original state from nature for use in production.源于自然,收购来用于生产的原始材料。
Knowledge and information are becoming the most valuable assets to a company while raw goods are becoming less and less valuable.知识和信息正成为公司最有价值的资产,而原材料商品的价值越来越低。
150.recession :衰退
A period of no growth in the national economy for at least six months.国民经济在至少6个月的时间里没有任何增长。
A recession is characterized by a decreased demand for goods, increased unemployment, and decline in the gross national product.衰退的特点是需求下降,失业增加,国民生产总值减少。
151.recovery :复苏
An increase in business activity following a recession or depression.在经历衰退或萧条之后出现的经营活动的增加。
Economists often disagree on whether the U.S.is in a recovery or not.经济学家们对美国经济是否已经复苏看法不一。
152.sanction :制载
Coercive economic restrictions placed on one nation by another.一国施加给另一国的强制性经济限制。
The two superpowers are currently negotiating trade sanctions.两个超级大国目前正就贸易制载进行谈判。
153.service economy :服务经济
An economy that emphasizes services over industrial production.强调服务甚于工业生产的经济。
You can enjoy almost anything you want in today’s service economy.在今天的服务经济中,你可以享受到几乎任何形式的服务。
154.slump :疲软
A decline in business activity.经济活动的减少。
The car industry has been in a slump since the beginning of the year.汽车工业从年初起就一直疲软。
155.smokestack industry :浓烟工业
A term that refers to heavy manufacturing, such as steel or automobile manufacturing.指重工业,如钢铁和汽车制造业。
Information and entertainment is replacing the smokestack industry as the new major methods of creating wealth in the economy.信息和娱乐业正代替浓烟工业,在经济中充当创造财富的新型手段。
156.socioeconomic :社会经济的
A term used to describe the connection of social and economic factors.用以描述社会和经济因素的联系。
The study of socioeconomic factors is important in order to understand various groups within society.要了解社会的各个群体,必须研究社会经济的种种因素。
157.stagflation :滞胀
A term that combines inflation and stagnation.A condition when inflation and high unemployment occurring together.“通胀”和”停滞”结合而成的术语,指通货膨胀与高失业率并存的局面。Stagflation is a very unpopular buzz word in the business world.滞胀是商界不受欢迎的时髦词语。
158.stock exchange :股票交易所
A market where securities are traded, such as the New York Stock Exchange.进行证券交易的市场,如纽约股票交易所。
My friends works at the New York Stock Exchange.我的朋友在纽约股票交易所工作。
159.stock market :(1)股市;(2)股市行情 A market in which stocks are bought and sold.股票买卖的地方。
The general condition of the sale of securities in a corporation.一家公司的证券销售情况。
The Wall Street Journal gives a daily report of the stock market.《华尔街日报》每天报告股市行情。
160.supply and demand :供需
A basic economic law stating that as the price of a good increase, suppliers will be willing to produce more but consumers will demand less, so that price and quantity are both interrelated.一条经济基本法则,即商品价格上涨时,生产商愿意扩大生产,但消费者的需求下降,这样价格和数量相互制约。
All products must follow the laws of supply and demand.所有的产品都必须遵守供求法则。
161.surplus :过剩
A situation in which the supply of goods exceeds the demand, esp.at a given price.特别是以一定价格销售的商品的供应超过需求的状况。
Smart consumers try to purchase items that are in surplus in order to get more for the same money.精明的消费者在商品过剩时购买,以便用同样的钱购买更多的商品。
162.tax shelter : 减免所得税
An investment in certain business, activities, etc.that legally entitles the investor to avoid, reduce, or defer income taxes.在某些行业、活动等方面的投资,投资者合法地享受减、免或缓交所得税。Some business use tax shelters in an effort to reduce or defer their income tax.一些公司采取合法减免所得税的手段来减少或迟交所得税。
163.tech angst : 技术顾虑
(A combination of “technological” and “anxiety”.)The fear of automation among consumers.“technological”(技术的)和 “anxiety”(担心)的合成词。顾客对自动化产生的担心。The tech angst of many people makes them reluctant to put their trust in automated teller machines.许多人有技术顾虑,因而不愿使用自动提款机。
164.technological monopoly : 技术垄断
A condition in which a company has exclusive rights to a patented product or process.一公司对专利产品或制作方法享有专属权的状况。
AT & T has a technological monopoly over a number of products and processes in the communications world.在通讯领域中,美国电话电报公司在一些产品和方法 享有技术垄断。
165.trade barriers : 贸易壁垒
Tariffs, quotas, and other regulations used by one country to discourage the importation of certain goods.一个国家为阻碍某些产品的进口所采用的关税、配额和其他规定。
The U.S.is poised to eliminate trade barriers with Mexico and other neighboring countries.美国准备减少同墨西哥及其他邻近国家的贸易壁垒。
166.trade deficit : 贸易赤字
An imbalance in which a nation’s imports exceed its exports.一国进口超过其出口的不平衡状况。
No nation wants to run a continuous trade deficit with other countries.没有一个国家愿意自己同他国的贸易处于持续的赤字状态。
167.trade imbalance : 贸易不平衡
A condition in which a nation’s exports and imports and imports are not equal.一国的出口和进口不持平的状况。
The subject of trade imbalance is an ongoing debate between the U.S.and Japan.贸易不平衡是美日两国间长期争论的话题。
168.trickle-down economics : 滴入式经济学
A theory that government financial incentives to big business will eventually benefit smaller businesses and general public.一种经济理论,认为政府对大企业的财政补贴最终使小企业和大众受益。
President Bill Clinton dose not believe that trickle-down economics works for the benefit of the nation.克林顿总统不相信滴入式经济学有益于国家。
169.trust : 托拉斯
Several companies acting together to control production, pricing, and distribution of a product.几家公司联合行动以控制一种新产品的生产、定价和销售。
The government has anti=trust laws that regulate against companies forming trusts in order to control product prices and distribution.政府有反托拉斯法,反对公司组成意在控制产品价格和销售的托拉斯。
170.upward mobility : 往上晋升
The movement of an individual to ever higher levels of responsibility in a company.一个人在公司里上升到承担相应责任的较高职位。
It was no surprise to the other workers that the boss’s nephew enjoined such a great degree of upward mobility.老板的侄子往上晋升如此之快,其他工人并不感意外。
171.white knight : 公司的救星
A business that prevents a hostile takeover of another company by offering better terms.一公司通过提出更优厚的条件来阻止另一公司被他人敌意兼并。
One of our affiliates acted as a white knight on our behalf and saved us from being the victims of a hostile takeover.我们的一家分公司充当了我们公司的救星,使我们免遭敌意兼并。
172.abort :异常中止
To cancel or end a program or procedure while it is in progress.取消或终止正在运行的程序或过程 We decided to abort the program.我们决定中止这项程序。
173.access :访问,存取
The locating and/or obtaining of desired data.查找和/或获取所需数据
Only authorized personnel can access these computer files.只有经过授权的人才可以访问这些计算机文件。
174.artificial intelligence(AI):人工智能
The branch of computer science that deals with using computers to simulate human thinking and to perform functions normally associated with human intelligence.计算机科学的一个分支,研究如何使用电脑模仿人的思维,并执行一些通常与人类智能有关的功能。
Artificial intelligence has been the focus of much hype since the early 1980s and is widely expected to be achieved in the 21st century.自从80年代初以来,人工智能一直被大量宣传。人们普遍认为在21世纪人工智能将获得成功。
175.backup copy :备份
A copy of a current file made in order to protect against loss or damage.为防止当前文件的丢失或损坏而另存储的一份。Did you make a backup copy of that file? 那份文件你有备份吧?
176.batch :批(处理)
A group of records or transactions that can be processed together.可以一块处理的一组记录或事务。I've gotta finish this batch by tomorrow.明天之前我必须做完这批处理。
To start up a computer, making it ready to operate.打开电脑使之可以运行。
Just a minute, I'm waiting for my computer to boot up.等会儿,我正等我的电脑启动起来。
178.bug :错误,故障
A mistake or malfunction that can occur in a computer program.电脑程序可能出现的错误或故障。
For some reason, we've been experiencing some bugs in this particular program.不知什么原因,这个特定程序总有错误。
179.canned software :软件包
Programs prepared by computer manufacturers that are in ready to use form and can used by many business and individuals.由电脑生产商准备好的可供公司或个人即买即用的程序。
WordPefect 6.0 is one of the newest items of canned software on the market.WordPefect6.0是市场上销售的软件包中最新的一款软件。
180.character :字符
Any symbol, digit, letter, etc.that is stored or processed by a computer.由电脑存储、处理的任何符号、数字、字母等。
An optical scanner can actually read characters and transfer them to the monitor screen of a computer.光学扫描仪能读出字符,并将其转换到电脑显示屏上。
181.clones :克隆,仿制品
A term used to describe a product that is a copy of another one, such as a computer clone.指以其他产品为范本复制出来的产品。
In the new global economy, there are dozens of computer clones on the market.在经济全球化的今天,市场上有几十种电脑仿制品。
182.coding :编码
The writing of a list of computer instructions causing it to perform specific functions and operations.编写一系列计算机的指令,使之执行特定功能和操作。We are currently recoding all the computers in our office.我们现在正为办公室的所有计算机重新编码。
183.computerese :计算机行话 Slang for computer jargon.计算机专业术语的俚称。Are you fluent in computerese? 你对计算机行话熟悉吗?
184.computernik :计算机专家,计算机迷
Slang for a person who spends a lot of time using computers.俚语,指长时间使用电脑的人。John hangs around with all the computernik.约翰同许多计算机机专家有来往。185.crash :(系统)崩溃
A system shutdown caused by a hardware or software malfunction.由硬件、软件故障导致系统的关闭。Our system just crashed.我们的系统刚才崩溃了。
186.data leakage : 数据丢失
The illegal removal of data from a computer.非法移动电脑中的数据。
We’ve had no data leakage problems since we’ve installed our new security program.自从安装新的保密程序后,我们的电脑没有出现数据丢失的问题。
187.dot matrix : 点阵(打印)
Forming letters or characters from dots, as opposed to type.通过输出点来形成字母或字符,这和(传统的)打字相反。
Dot matrix printers are being phased out and replaced by printers that can produce clean type.点阵式打印机正被淘汰,并为高清晰度打印机所取代。
188.downtime : 故障停机时间
The length of time a computer is “down” because of a malfunction.由于故障而使电脑停机的时间。
Sorry, you’ll have to come back later – the computers are down.抱歉,你待等会儿再来,我们的电脑出故障了。How much downtime did we log last month? 我们上个月的故障停机时间有多长?
189.info highway : 信息高速公路
The flow of TV and cable channels that will allow individuals to access a revolutionary variety of entertainment, news, communications, home-shopping, etc.电视和电讯通道的信息传输,这些信息通道让个人获得大量的娱乐、新闻、通讯服务和在家购物等,其种类令人目不暇接。
Time Magazine featured a cover devoted to the new info highway in early 1993.1993年初,《时代周刊》刊载了一篇封面文章,专门介绍信息高速公路。
190.infomaion overload : 信息充塞
A condition characterized by an excess of messages demanding attention, which leads to confusion and a loss of efficiency.需要关注的信息内容过多的状况,这种状况导致混乱和效率的降低。Most of us are suffering from information overload in the 1990s.在90年代我们大多数人都受害于信息充塞。
191.information revolution :信息革命
A condition characterized by an excess of message demanding attention, which leads to confusion and a loss of efficiency.需要关注的信息内容过多的状况,这种状况导致混乱和效率的降低。
192.ink-jet printer :喷墨打印机
An output device that prints by spraying a thin stream of ink onto the paper.一种通过喷射细墨水流到纸上的打印装置。What brand of ink-jet printer do you use? 你用的是什么牌子的喷墨打印机?
193.knowledge engineering :知识工程学
The scientific study of integrating knowledge into computer systems to solve complex problems that would usually require human expertise.一科学领域,主要研究如何将知识合成到电脑系统中以解决通常需要专门知识才能解决的复杂问题。
The next generation of computers will integrate knowledge engineering into their programming in order to solve complex problems in a way that more closely resembles human reasoning.下一代计算机将会把知识工程学融合到其程序中,以便用一种近似人类思维的方法来解决复杂问题。
194.pixel :象素
The smallest display picture element on a video display screen.在显示屏上所显示图像的最小显示元素。
The display screen of a computer contains thousands of tiny pixels that convey the images on the computer screen.电脑显示屏上有千千万万个象素,这些元构成了屏幕上的图像。
195.software piracy :软件盗版
The duplication of commercial software without permission from the developer.未经开发商许可复制商业软件的侵权行为。
The XYZ company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software piracy in Taiwan.某某公司聘请国际律师起诉台湾的一个涉嫌软件盗版的犯罪团伙。
196.superconductor :超导体
Material that has almost no resistance to the flow of electricity.对电流几乎没有阻力的材料。
The new technology of superconductors has advanced the world of communications by allowing more information to be sent in a much faster manner.超导体技术可以使更多的信息以快得多的速度传输,从而促进了通信业的发展。
197.telecommuting :居家办公,远程上班
Working at home and using a computer to communicate and interact with the office.使用电脑同办公室保持通讯联络,从而实现在家办公。
More and more people are now telecommuting one or more days a week as opposed to going to the office everyday.与以前每天去办公室上班不同,现在越来越多的人每周一天或几天在家办公。
198.touch screen :触摸屏
A computer that can be given commands by touching its display screen in the appropriate locations.一种电脑的屏幕,使用者可以触摸其适当的位置而对电脑发出指令。
Some restaurants have provided touch screen computers to enable their customers to order food via the computer without to tell someone.199.user-friendly :方便用户的
Hardware or software that is designed to help people become familiar with their computer by simple, easy-to-follow instructions.电脑生产厂商所设计的一些硬件和软件,可让用户通过一些简单易学的指令来熟悉其电脑。Computers must be user-friendly in order to be accepted by the public.要让公众接受,电脑必须让用户感到方便。
200.Virus :病毒
Coded directions in software that can erase or replace files and operating software in a computer.A computer virus can sit undetected in a computer until it's automatically activated, as when computer's clock strikes a certain date.软件中的密码指令,它可删除、转换电脑中的文件以及操作软件。电脑病毒会隐藏在电脑中不被发现,当电脑时钟指向某一日期它会被自动激活。
犯罪 · Crime
201.accomplice : 同案犯
Any person who takes part in a crime.参与犯罪的每个人。
Tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime.人们发现托尼是该案的同案犯。
202.adult business district : 红灯区
A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.划定的街区,作为开设色情书店、影院、脱衣舞场等的场所。Police are constantly arresting people over in the adult business district.警察常在红灯区拘捕人犯。
203.agricrime : 农业犯罪
Sort for agricultural crime.The theft of crops and /or farm equipment.“agricultural crime”的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。Farmers are losing thousands of dollars each year due to agricrime.每年农业犯罪给农场主造成了成千上万美元的损失。
204.armed robbery :武装抢劫
The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party.夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。Did you read about the armed robbery in this morning’s paper? 今早的报纸上报道了这次武装抢劫,你读了吗?
205.arrest warrant : 逮捕证
A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime.对被指控犯罪的某人实施搜捕的文件。The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect.法庭对这个嫌疑人发出了逮捕证。
206.arson : 纵火
The crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire.故意放火毁坏财产的犯罪。
Police think the fire that burned down the old warehouse was an act of arson.警察怀疑这座仓库的大火是纵火行为所致。
207.assassin : 暗杀
A murderer.A person who sets out to kill someone, esp.a prominent person.谋杀者。密谋杀害他人,特别是一位杰出人物的凶手。Police are still looking for the assassin of the president candidate.警方仍在追查暗杀总统候选人的凶手。
208.assault : 袭击
The act of attempting or threatening to harm another person.试图伤害或威胁要伤害他人的行为。
Mr.Green was assaulted while he was walking on 25th street.格林先生在第25大街行走的时候受到袭击。
209.attack dog : 攻击犬
A canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc.一种经过训练的狼犬,用来攻击窃贼等。
The officer’s attack dog has saved his life many times.这位警察的攻击犬多次救了主人的命。
210.back-alley butcher : 卑鄙的屠夫 Slang for abortionist.俚语,给人施行流产手术的人。
Demonstrators picked an abortion clinic with signs that said “back-alley” butcher.示威者将一家流产诊所用标语牌围起来,牌子上写着”卑鄙的屠夫”。
211.bail : 保释金
Money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant while awaiting trial.32 存放在法庭的一定数量的保证金,以使被告在候审期间获得释放。Frank’s wife came down to the police station to bail him out.弗兰克的妻子到警察局将他保释出来。
212.ballistics : 弹道学
The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets.研究火器及子弹运动的科学。
A ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime.一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。
213.blackmail : 敲诈,勒索
The act of threatening to reveal personal information, esp.sexual scandals, in order to extract money.以揭露隐私特别是性丑闻为威胁手段以谋取钱财的行为。Linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor.林达涉嫌敲诈市长的丑闻。
214.black market : 黑市
A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged.非法或紧俏物资的销售点,或者非法换汇的地方。Gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market.黑帮总在黑市购买攻击性武器。
215.blood money : 血腥钱
Money that is paid as retribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc.为他人受伤、丧命、损坏财产而付出的酬金。The mafia paid blood money to have that man killed.黑手党拿出血腥钱将那人杀了。
216.body bag : 装尸袋
A heavy-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse.一种结实的用来装运尸体的袋子。
The officer warmed the man to drop his gun or “end up in a body bag.” 警察警告那人放下武器,否则必死无疑。
217.bomb squad : 爆破小组
A team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate bombs.经专门训练,从事排除和拆卸炸弹的一支警察队伍。The bomb squad was called in to deactivate the car bomb.有关部门请来爆破小组拆除这枚汽车炸弹。
218.bootlegging : 贩卖违禁品
The illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc.非法销售物品如酒类、毒品、枪支等。
Three Mexicans were arrested for bootlegging firearms across the border.33 三名墨西哥人因越境贩卖枪支而被捕。
219.break-in : 非法闯入 A burglar 入室盗窃
It looks like you are the victim of a break-in.看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者。
220.bribery : 行贿受贿
The act of offering, giving, or taking bribes.赠送,提供,或接受贿金的行为。
The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery.这位议员被证实犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。
221.bucket shop : 投机商号
(Also called “telephone boiler room.”)An office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing.(也被称为”电话交易所”)通过邮件或电话营销来推销荒地或垃圾证券的地点。Crooks across the country are using bucket shops to scam older people.全国各地的骗子都利用投机商号来欺骗老年人。
222.bug : 窃听
To use electronic listening devices to listen in on the conversations of others.使用电子收听装置来偷听他人的谈话。This office has been bugged.这间办公室已被窃听。
223.bum rap : 错捕 An unmerited arrest 不应实施的逮捕。
Steve served six months jail time on a bum rap.史迪夫因错捕而受了6个月的监禁。
224.burglary : 入室盗窃
The act of breaking into a home, building, etc.with the intent to steal from it.闯入民宅、建筑物等,企图偷盗的行为。Burglaries in our town have been on the upswing.我们小城里的入室盗窃案一直在上升。
225.car bangers : 汽车窃贼 Thieves who steal form automobiles.从汽车里偷东西的贼。
Police caught the car bangers in the act.警方将这些汽车窃贼当场抓获。
226.career criminal : 职业罪犯
A person who makes a living from crime.以犯罪为生的人。
John was a career criminal until the day he got caught in the home of a policeman.约翰是位职业罪犯,直到一天他在一个警察家里被抓获。
227.child abuse : 虐待儿童
The physical and verbal mistreatment of children.对儿童进行身体上和言语上的虐待。
The most unnerving thing about child abuse is the number of cases that go unreported.有关虐待儿童方面最让人不安的事情是大量的此类行为没有报道。
228.chop shop : 地下拆车厂
A shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts.犯罪分子将所盗汽车拆成零件并销售出去的窝点。
I watched a news program that tracked chop shops across the country.我收看了一个追踪全国地下拆车点的电视节目。
229.cocaine : 可卡因 A powerful stimulant drug.一种有强力兴奋作用的毒品。
What is the street value of a pound of cocaine? 一磅可卡因市值多少?
230.computer cleaner : 消除财务信息的电脑黑客
A person who, for a price, clean computer files of unfavorable financial credit information of others.将反映他人财物信用赤字的计算机文件抹去以获取报酬的人员。
Computer cleaners cost companies and financial institutions million of dollars every year.消除财务信息的电脑黑客每年给公司和金融机构造成百万元计的损失。
231.con artist : 行骗高手
A person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes.擅于蒙骗并使人进入骗局的人。Bob makes his living as a con artist.鲍勃是位行骗高手,并以行骗为生。
232.con game : 骟局 Any fraudulent scheme 任何骗人的把戏。
My grandparents got burned in a con game.我的祖父母曾上过骗子的当。
233.convict : 囚犯
A person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison.被判有重罪并羁于狱中的人。Mr.Welch is an ex-convict.韦尔奇先生从前是囚犯。
234.counterfeit : 伪造
To illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc.非法印造钱币、邮票、证券等。
Police busted up a counterfeiting racket in Miami last week.上周警方捣毁了迈阿密的一个伪造团伙。
235.credit-card fraud : 信用卡欺诈
The attempted use of a credit to obtain goods or services with the intention of avoiding payment.企图使用信用卡获取货物或服务,并故意逃避付款。That woman is wanted in 5 states for credit-card fraud.那位妇女因信用卡欺诈而被5个州通缉。
236.crime of passion : 激情犯罪;冲动犯罪
Murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover;Murder committed in the heat of rage.由于情人的不忠而导致的谋杀;暴怒驱使的杀人行为。
Crimes of passion seem to be popular material for TV infotainment programs.冲动杀人似乎是娱乐性新闻节目受欢迎的题材。
237.Crime rate : 犯罪率
The number of reported crimes per specified number of the population.每一定人数中发生的犯罪数量。
Which state has the highest crime rate in the U.S.? 在美国,哪个州的犯罪率最高?
238.criminal : 犯罪
A person who has violated a criminal law.触犯刑法的人。
We are placing your son in criminal detention.我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。
239.date rape : 约会强奸
A rape that is committed by a woman’s date.由女性的约会对象实施的强奸。
Date rape is the last thing that a young girl should have to worry about.约会强奸是年轻女子最不用害怕的事。
240.deadly weapon : 致命武器
Any object, or instrument that is capable of being used to kill.任何可以用以杀人致命的物体、器具。
It is against the law to carry a concealed deadly weapon.秘密携带致命武器是违法的。
241.death penalty :死刑
Punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner.以合法的形式剥夺罪犯生命的一种惩罚。
Three men have received the death penalty so far this year.今年已有三个被判死刑。
242.death row : 死囚牢房
A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution.特别为等待处决的死刑犯设置的牢房。
This convicted killer has been on death row for 15 years.这位被判决死刑的杀人犯住在死囚牢房已15年了。
243.defendant : 被告
A person who has been charged with a crime 被指控犯有罪行的人。
The court found the defendant guilty of murder.法庭判定被告犯有谋杀罪。
244.domestic violence : 家庭暴力
Violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating.对家庭成员施加的暴力,包括虐待儿童和殴打妻子。
Domestic violence is one of the most dangerous calls that a law enforcement officer has to make.家庭暴力是执法官最难应付的案件之一。
245.drug abuse : 吸毒
The excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging one’s health.强迫性过量使用毒品,以致损害身体。
It was obvious to see by looking at the needle marks on her arms that the young girl was a victim of drug abuse.从她臂上针扎的痕迹来看,很明显,这位年轻女子是吸毒的受害者。
246.drug king(czar): 毒枭
The person who controls the production, transportation and selling of drug in an area.控制某一地区的毒品地区生产、运输和销售的头号人物。
After two years of using an undercover operation, the FBI finally arrested the Cuban drug king.经过两年的秘密行动,联邦调查局终于逮捕了这位古巴毒枭。
247.drunk driving : 酒后驾驶
Driving while under the influence of alcohol.在受酒精影响的状态下开车。
This is your second drunk driving offense this month.37 这是你本月第二触犯次酒后驾驶的禁令。
248.edp crimes : 电脑犯罪
Electronic data-processing crime;criminal offenses committed using computer technology.在电子数据处理方面的犯罪;利用电脑技术进行的犯罪。The IRS investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year.美国国内收入局每年都要调查数以百计的电脑犯罪。
249.embezzlement : 贪污
The illegal misappropriation of funds entrusted to one’s care.将由自己保管的资金非法据为已有。
We have never had a problem with embezzlement at this bank.我们这家银行从没发生过贪污案件。
250.first-degree murder : 一级谋杀案 Premeditated murder.事先策划好的谋杀。
The man was changed with first-degree murder in the death of his lover’s husband.这位男子其情人的丈夫死亡案中被指控犯有一级谋杀罪。
251.forensic medicine : 法医学
The use of medicine in solving legal problems.利用医学解决法律问题。
Many crimes could not be solved without using forensic medicine.没有法医学,很多犯罪案件无法结案。
252.forgery :伪造
The act of creating a document, either written or printed, with the intent to defraud.Forgery also covers counterfeiting, or producing fake signatures, works of art, etc.以欺骗为目的而仿制手写或印刷文件的行为。伪造还包括制假钱币、仿冒签名和艺术品等。
253.gamble : 赌博
To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc.在概率类游戏或比赛中打赌或下注。
Burt lost $ 3000 gambling in Las Vegas over the weekend.伯特周末在拉斯维加斯赌博输了3000美元。
254.gang : 黑帮
A group of people organized to achieve some common goal.Gangs are often involved in drugs, violence, money lending, prostitution, etc.为达到某种共同目的而组织起来的一群人。黑帮常常涉嫌毒品、暴力、高利贷和卖淫等。Gangs often have automatic weapons more powerful than the police in many large U.S.cities.在美国的许多城市里,黑帮常配备有自动武器,其火力强于警方。
255.hijack : 劫持
To seize control of an airplane, boat, automobile, etc.强行控制飞机、船只、车辆等。
Terrorist just hijacked a plane to Cuba.恐怖分子刚刚动持了一架飞往古巴的飞机。
256.hit-and-run :肇事逃逸
An automobile accident in which the driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself.The term “hit-and-run” may also be applied to such a driver.指一起汽车事故中,肇事司机不停车,且不亮明自己身份。该词也可以指肇事逃逸司机。I was a victim of a hit-and-run accident on Monday.周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。
257.hold-up : 持枪抢劫
The act of robbing someone at gunpoint.持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。
There was a hold-up at the bank over on 2nd street.在第二大街的银行里发生了一起抢劫案。
258.homcide : 杀人,他杀 The act of killing someone.杀死他人的行为。
Police are investigating the homicide of a prostitute.警方正在调查一起妓女被杀案件。
259.hot wire :(汽车)电启动
To electrically start a vehicle without using an ignition key.不用点火钥匙而用电来发动汽车。
Seasoned crooks can hot wire a car in seconds.手段高明的窃贼可在几秒钟内用电启动来发动汽车。
260.impulse crime : 冲动犯罪
Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc.that are done on an impulse.在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃、强奸、损坏公物等。
261.juvenile delinquency : 青少年犯罪
Criminal behavior by adolescents and children.少年和儿童的犯罪行为。
Some parents aren’t concerned about juvenile delinquency.一些家长对青少年犯罪漠不关心。
262.labor racketeering : 工会诈骗
Corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor.涉及工会的腐败行为和团伙犯罪。
The New York union leader was convicted of labor racketeering.纽约的工会领袖被判有工会诈骗罪。
263.larceny : 偷盗
The stealing of another person’s property.偷取别人财产的行为。
Have you over been arrested for larceny? 你有偷盗被捕的经历吗?
264.libel : 文字诽谤
Written defamation.以文字材料来诋毁他人名声的行为。
The famous actress is suing the tabloids for libel.这位知名的女演员正以诽谤罪起诉数家通俗小报。
265.Mafia : 黑手党
A secret society that originated in Italy in the 1860’s.The Mafia now widespread, and is focused on power and profit.19世纪60年代起源于意大利的秘密团体。现在黑手党势力广为分布,专门从事扩张势力、牟取钱财。
The “Godfather” is a story about the powerful mafia families in New York.电影《教父》就是有关纽约黑手党的豪门大户的故事。
266.mail fraud : 邮政诈骗
The using of the mail system to defraud the public.利用邮政系统诈骗公众的行为。
That mail-order company has been convicted of mail fraud.那家邮购公司被判有邮政诈骗罪。
267.manhunt : 追捕
An organized search to catch a criminal or an escapee.有组织的追踪、捉拿囚犯、逃犯。
Police have organized a manhunt to capture the escaped convict.警方组织了一次追捕以抓获那名逃犯。
268.mass murderer : 谋杀多人的凶手
A murderer who kills many people.多条命案的谋杀者;连环杀手。
More and more mass murderers are popping up in the news these days.这些天来,新闻里不断报道谋杀多人的凶手。
269.money laundering : 洗钱
The act of concealing the source of funds for the purpose of tax evasion and fraud.为达到逃税和欺骗的目的而隐瞒资金来源的行为。
This restaurant is just a front for money laundering.这家餐馆仅仅是洗钱的掩护所。
270.mule : 挟带毒品者,贩运私货的人
A person used to transport drugs or contraband from one place to another.被用来从一地到另一地运送毒品或违禁品的人。
Security officials in airports are finding an astounding number of people who are being used as mules.机场的安检人员发现数目十分庞大的旅客充当贩运私货的人。
271.organized crime : 集团犯罪
A term used to describe underworld societies such as the Mafia who deal in crimes such as gambling, narcotics, and prostitution.黑手党之类的黑社会组织所进行的犯罪,如赌博、贩毒、卖淫等活动。This company is associated with an east-coast organized syndicate.这家公司同东海岸的一个犯罪集团有联系。
272.parole : 假释
A conditional release of an offender from confinement before the expiration of his or her sentence.The offender is usually placed under the guidance of a parole officer.囚犯在服刑期满前有条件地释放出来,但必须置 于假释官的督导之下。The victim’s family is nervous that the offender is up for parole.受害者家属很紧张,因为罪犯即将获得假释。
273.penitentiary : 监狱,劳改所
A maximum-security facility designed to detain prisoners serving long sentences.Lee is serving his sentence down at the penitentiary.李正在监狱服刑。
274.perjury : 伪证
The crime of willingly giving false information while under oath.在法庭上立誓之后故意提供虚假证词的犯罪行为。
If you lie while you are under oath, you can be found guilty of perjury.如果立誓之后还撒谎,你可能被判伪证罪。
275.pickpocket : 扒手
A thief who is skilled in stealing items from other people’s pockets.擅于从别人口袋里偷取物品的窃贼。
I had my wallet stolen by a pickpocket while I was on the subway.今天乘地铁时我的钱包让扒手偷了。
276.pilice brutality : 警察暴力
The act of using excessive physical force by police or other law enforcement officers.警察或其他执法人员过多使用体罚的行为。
The infamous Rodney King beating in L.A.showed the public at how rampant police brutality is.41 发生在洛杉矶的不光彩的罗德尼·金毒打案向公众展示了警察暴行是多少猖狂。
277.police corruption : 警察腐败
The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain.警察滥用权力以换取好处和利益。
The mayor is working to put an end to police corruption in this city.市长正致力于肃清本市的警察腐败。
278.pornoshop : 色情商店
A shop or bookstore that sells pornographic materials.出售色情物品的商店。
The local pornshop has been shut down form selling materials to minors.当地的色情商店因向未成年人出售色情物品而被关闭。
279.prison break : 越狱
An escape from prison involving violence by one or more prisoners.一个或多个囚犯使用暴力从监狱逃跑。
Two guards and two inmates were killed in a prison break in Texas, yesterday.昨天在得克萨斯州发生一起越狱案,两名卫兵和两名囚犯被杀死。
280.property crime : 财产犯罪 Auto theft, burglary, larceny, etc.偷汽车、入室盗窃、偷盗等。
This section of town has been plagued with property crimes.这个城区的财产犯罪很猖獗。
291.serial killer :系列命案的杀手,连环杀手
A murder who commits a series of killings, usually with distinct similarities in the murders.制造多起命案的凶手,其作案手段通常有明显相似之处。
Doesn't it seems a little inappropriate to put serial killers on trading cards.将系列命案的凶手印在商业卡片上是不是有些不合适?
292.sin tax :罪孽税
Tax that is imposed on cigarettes, liquor, gambling, etc.对香烟、精、赌博等开征的税收。
Many people complain about the sin tax in Utah.许多人抱怨犹他州过高的罪孽税。
293.skid row :贫民街,贫民窟
A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street.城市的破旧区域,常见到许多酒鬼露宿街头。After his divorce, Mike became a drunk down on skid row.离婚之后,迈克尔沦落为贫民街的酒鬼。
294.slush fund :贿金
Money that is used to bribe public politicians and other influential officials 用来贿赂知名政客或其他有影响力的官员的资金。Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials.院外集团的说客用贿金拉拢政府官员。
295.statutory rape :法定强奸罪
Sexual intercourse with a female who has consented, but who is legally incapable of consent because she is underage.与未成年女子发生的性行为,虽经其本人同意,但法律规定其尚未成年,不具备表达同意意愿的能力。
What is the penalty for statutory rape? 对法定强奸罪的惩罚是什么?
296.suicide pact :自杀合约
An agreement between two or more persons to commit suicide together.一起自杀的两者或多者之间的协定。
The whole high school was shocked at the news of the two classmates who killed themselves in a suicide pact.两个同班同学订立自杀合约并自杀身亡的消息使整个学校感到震惊。
297.suicide season :自杀季节
The Christmas season when many lonely people feel isolated and take their own lives.指圣诞节期间,许多人孤独不堪而自杀。December is without question, the suicide season.十二月无疑是自杀季节。
298.tax evasion :逃税
The illegal attempt by a taxpayer to avoid paying his or her taxes.纳税人企图逃避纳税的非法行为。
Bill was found guilty of tax evasion and owes the IRS over $60,000 in back taxes.比尔被判逃税罪,他现在仍欠国内收入局六万多美元的滞纳税金。
299.vandalism :故意毁坏
The defacement or destruction of public or private property.损坏或破坏公私财产的行为。
Vandalism is a major problem in inner city schools.故意毁坏财物的的行为是市内学校的一个严重问题。
300.vice squad :警察缉捕队
Plain clothes policeman who work undercover to detect crime.隐蔽调查犯罪的便衣警察。
Sean has been a member of the vice squad for nine years.43 西恩在缉捕队工作已经9年了。
301.vigilante :治安维持会
A person or group who takes the responsibility of a law enforcement officer into their won hands.承担执法人员维持治安责任的个人和群体。
The subway vigilante in New York was in the media for weeks.纽约地铁治安维持会几周来受到了媒体的关注。
302.war crime :战争犯罪
Crimes that violate the customs and laws of war.违犯战争法律和战争习惯的犯罪。
The retired officer was found guilty of war crimes when evidence was uncovered during a recent investigation.在最近的一次调查中发现的证据证明这位退休军官曾有战争犯罪。
303.white-collar crime :白领犯罪
Crimes committed by persons in businesses including expense-account padding, stealing office supplies, price-fixing, product fraud, etc.公司职员的犯罪,包括虚报开支、偷盗办公用品、私定价格、产品欺诈等。
Businesses are losing millions of dollars, and products are more expensive due to white-collar crime.由于白领犯罪,企业界每年损失数百万美元,产品也因之更贵。
仓皇撤退(cut and run)
然而,这些激烈的言辞反而把她搞糊涂了。离开伊拉克就是放弃那里的人民,并且不把她儿子等2100多名士兵作出的牺牲当回事吗?或者呆着不走只会使暴力行动变得更加严重吗? 她说:“我认为这是一个严重的问题。我不知道什么是真实情况、什么只是嘴上说说而已。” 在军队里也有一套完全不同的语言。日常会话中混杂着咒骂的词汇、首字母缩写词和不敏感的代名字。例如,在伊拉克服役的布赖恩·特纳说,他所在的部队用“阿里巴巴”指代叛乱分子,就像:“你看到附近有阿里巴巴吗?” 形象的泡沫(froth)
智能设计(intelligent design)
词汇会进化,就连进化论怀疑者创造的词汇也不例外。以“智能设计”(intelligent design)一词为例,它已被达尔文的批评者使用了100多年,但直到最近才突然作为一种理念和运动备受关注。据其信徒称,它的宗旨是解释自然界“不可简化的复杂性”。
这段考生总体表现较好,部分考生熟练度不够,语法小错误较多。“开展”这类常规词考生应十分熟练并常备几个词替换,如:launch, conduct, carry out等;“为期”因与时间短语搭配常用作前置修饰语,建议使用如译文提供的简单表达方式,以节约时间。专题活动、会议等名称英语惯用语多为名词或介词短语,极少出现动词结构或完整句形式,否则易出现语法错误。除约定俗成的专有名称,其他地名一般按拼音译即可。“就„„问题/主题进行讨论/交换意见/交流”也是口译常用句型,须脱口而出,如:“hold talks / exchange views on issues concerning„/ on such issues as„”。
这段有的考生受中文字词表面意义的影响过多,如“依依惜别、深厚”,译文中式英语痕迹重;有的过于简化,信息遗漏多,如:“健康成长”等。“克服、超越”这类近义词应尽量用比“overcome”搭配力更强的一个词统领,从而把重点放在并列的宾语信息上,即:“语言和文化障碍,习俗和偏见”。“通过”这类表示方法和手段的词,可采用两种译法,一是用介词短语置于句末,如:“forge„with / through / by„”。二是按原句顺序译,调换主从关系,把后半句译成结果,如:“they communicate and interact with each other, forging„”。“惜别/告别”常用表达为“part”,不熟悉这个词的人较多,需平时多积累。参考译文:
This month American and Chinese students joined in a 15-day program entitled “China in the Eyes of American and Chinese City Students”.They visited farmers in Bagualing of Hebei Province, did volunteer work in rural communities and taught each other English and Chinese.They visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other tourist attractions, and had discussions on topics such as campus life, admission to college and job hunting.During the program, the students went beyond language and cultural barriers, differences in customs and views, and forged friendship through communication and interaction.When it came to the time of parting, the students promised to each other that they would study hard, keep fit and meet again in the future.I see in these students the profound friendship between Chinese and American peoples and the bright prospect of Sino-U.S relations.例2
部分考生未透彻理解“相斥、交融”含义,或未注意中文重复结构与英文之间的转换,译文拖沓冗长,意义重叠。“相斥”可译为“go against / exclude each other”,“交融”可译为“coexist in harmony / accommodate / integrate into each other”等。“虽然”建议多使用介词“despite”,可使语句简短。“姊妹城市”这类词不必死译,其含义为“友好城市”,此句可意译为“163 pairs of cities have built up friendly relations”。另外,基本的数字须译得准确、迅速,免得占用太多时间,影响其他部分的翻译。平时可多做数字练习加强。
“和为贵”、“和而不同”意思近似“和平共处、和谐而不必完全一致”,此句也可合并译为“Chinese people have always cherished the values of peace / peaceful coexistence / coexistence in harmony”。对于 “求同存异、取长补短”这类常见词,虽然译法多样,也需根据信息多少、句式长短灵活处理,合并意义重复部分(“相互学习”),可译为:“recognize our similarities and differences, and learn from each other’s experience / draw on each other’s strength / advantages„”。“为„„作出贡献”也属常用句型,可直译为“contribute to / make contribution to”,也可意译为“促进/推动”之意,如:“facilitate / propel / drive / press forward / promote”等。参考译文:
We have always held that the Chinese and U.S.civilizations can get along with instead of repelling each other despite our differences.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, there are more extensive contacts between the two peoples, and 163 pairs of sister cities have been twinned.More than 1.82 million Americans visited China last year while 540,000 Chinese went to the States for family reunion, education or business.Since ancient times, Chinese people have treasured the values of “peace as most precious” and “harmony without uniformity.” As major countries of globa1 influence, China and the United States should respect each other and draw upon our respective strengths, seek common ground while recognizing our differences.In so doing, we can set a good example for civilizations to coexist in harmony for constructive cooperation, hence contributing to the common development of humanity.例3
Most of China’s growth over the past 30 years can be explained by high rates of investment and the movement of workers from subsistence farming to more productive use in industry.But China’s growth is not based simply on cheap labor.It also has the advantages of good infrastructure, an educated workforce, a high rate of savings available to finance investment and, most important of all, an extremely open economy.“can be explained by„”为英语常用句型,表原因,译为“是因为„„”。这句考生理解上没问题,但表达速度略慢,对句型熟练度不够。另外,考生对划线部分的口译经济类常用词也不够熟悉,减慢了信息理解和处理速度;“available to„”等惯用表达在中文对应词找得较慢,一时转换影响不过来,整体译文。平时训练需注重积累,并多做、常做视译练习,加快中、英文语言和思维转换速度。
China has the lowest tariff protection of any developing country.Moreover, China has welcomed foreign direct investment, which has bolstered growth by increasing the stock of fixed capital and providing new technology and management know-how.Joint ventures with foreign firms produce 28 percent of China’s industrial output.As a latecomer, China does not need to reinvent the wheel, but merely to open its economy to ideas from the rich world – which it has done with great enthusiasm.本句问题与上句类似,主要是经济类常用词的理解和表达,另需关注英语常用的关系从句,即传统语法所说的定语从句译法。
Napoleon left with the world his famous saying that “Let China sleep, for when she awakes she will shake the world.” He was ahead of his time, but now the dragon is certainly awake.Since 1978, when Deng Xiaoping first set his country on a path of economic reform, its GDP has grown by an average of 9.5 percent a year, three times the growth rate in the United States, and faster than in any other economy.In fact, China was the largest economy for much of the recorded history.本句除经济类常用词和数字、倍数的理解和表达外,还应注意中文表达地道,语句间的衔接连贯,如:“was ahead of his time”,以及关系从句“when”的译法。Until the l5th century, China had the highest income per head and was the technological leader.But then it suddenly turned its back on the world.Its rulers imposed strict limits on international trade and tightened their control on new technology.Measured by GDP per person it was overtaken by Europe by l500.Much to the surprise of the world, China is now rejuvenating itself, making up lost ground and catching up.本句主要是熟练掌握划线部分经济和改革类常用词的理解和表达,另需关注固定词组如:“turned one’s back on”。另外,像“measured by”这类主要起语法作用的表达可直译为“按照/根据”,也可融合在上下文里略去不译。参考译文:
Asia’s success was the result of economic policies that encouraged business investment.It tells that domestic economic policies must continue to be geared toward building resilient and competitive economies.This requires, in particular, strengthening domestic sources of growth, including by vigorously tackling incomplete reforms in the financial and corporate sectors.It also requires pursuing policies that make economies more capable of absorbing economic shocks more easily.Next, growing regional and global interdependence requires that policy makers pay increasing attention to the international context of their decisions.A regional focus that remains open to the rest of the world holds great promise for Asia’s long-term growth.本句考生主要失误的地方是划线词语和句型的表达,如:“be geared toward, corporate sectors”,虽算不上完全陌生,但因平时自己使用不多,看到或听到时仅满足于大致理解,因此出现理解慢半拍,表达词穷的现象。另外,最后一句中的关系从句以及短语“holds great promise”也是给考生造成困难的部分,训练时这类句型要多关注,不断进行中、英文转换。参考译文:
The published economic data is igniting fears of a serious U.S.economic downturn.However, economic recovery has come full circle.The growth propped by the US economic recovery reached its peak last year.The engines to that growth have been weakened and left almost powerless heading into the next half.Second, the US government will begin imposing more taxes on businesses.More signals are indicating a lack of growth motivation.本句一开始的“ignite”一词就给考生理解上带来些小麻烦,在加上对
“downturn”和“come to full circle”两个表达理解不够透彻,所以译文出错。同时因为理解链暂时中断,影响到对后面几句逻辑关联的理解和笔记跟进。而其他如:“prop, engine, heading into the next half”等划线词语和结构也延缓了考生的反应速度。其实翻译时若能选择“避开”战略,跳过“下半年”这部分,句子还是可以译得比较通顺的,但大多数考生纠结于听懂或译出每个词句,被字词束缚住了手脚,未能从上下文确定意义。因此以后考生需注意培养根据上下文推测词义、句意,并按照逻辑关系把握全篇的意识。参考译文:
Cultural differences arise from a difference in region, race, history, environment and the development of economy, science and technology, and call for cultural exchanges.They also present us a diverse world and a colourful life, reducing the geographical distances and drawing us closer.In fact, we are living at a time when different cultures are merging into each other.It is true that different cultures do not always come together without conflicts or collision.例4
本句难度也不高,只是有些考生听到“压轴表演”以及稍微花哨一点的中文就开始头痛,未能积极思考对策,错失通过良机。这句完全可以避开“压轴”,只译“表演”,虽不精确,但至少意义接近,远比胡译乱译好。“划上完美句号”也可译为“provide „ with / give „ a perfect ending”等。“连续十一年”还可译成“for 11 consecutive years”。还需理解并学会绕过“一年比一年”而专注于一般比较结构。“精彩”也可译为“wonderful, fantastic”等近义词,不过“engaging”词义更贴切,因含有“吸引注意力”之意。“肆虐”本为虚指,作用是加强语义,所以可以选择不译。“软实力”也可理解为无形的实力,译成“intangible strength”,甚至还可以笼统地译成综合实力“overall strength”,只要达意即可。高口的汉译英部分要尤其注意“达意”的目标,避免“一叶障目”,“只见树木,不见森林”。参考译文:
It is a pleasure to join you for this year’s China Shanghai International Arts Festival.The performance tonight concludes the Festival with a high note.The Festival has been held for 11 years in a row, with the performances more engaging.During the current economic turmoil, the Festival has lifted our spirits, reminding us of the beauty of art and life.It also enhances Shanghai’s appeal and soft power as a cultural hub in Asia.例5
Stanford University is a university that is very open and inclusive to persons of all faiths, all races, all over the country and the world.But we still have a long way to go if we are going to get the benefits that diverse perspectives provide.We must cast our net for excellence as widely as we possibly can.There has not been a single period in Stanford’s history that it has achieved so remarkably.It is because we see the potential of what is going to come.We take the long view and increase our investment, and bring in the best scholars, let them follow their imaginations, and don’t try to direct them.In the long run, it is their knowledge that will pay off.本句主要问题是考生对“inclusive to + sb.”这个结构把握不准确,致使翻译时思维受阻,对略带比喻含义的“cast our net”短语意义也不很确定。至于其后的几个划线短语,均因中文表达不畅,一时找不到合适的对应词而失分。从本句看,考生在学习英语的过程中也应注重中文语言能力的提高。参考译文:
On behalf of my fellow honorary graduates and myself, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the University for the high honors which have been conferred on us and for the generous citations today.With its global vision and its mission to combine tradition with modernity, this university is a unique institution that makes an invaluable contribution.The University must be commended on what it has achieved.I trust that you will do your part to contribute to the development of your Alma Mater in future years.Youth is the trustee of posterity.Looking into the future, our young people should, as much as possible, prepare themselves for the exciting challenges ahead.本句较难,主要问题是不熟悉的词汇多,考生听到较陌生的词时仍会习惯性停下来思考,因而错过其他部分。如首句的“honorary”这个词,一旦词义理解受阻,考生似乎就自动停止,不再向前了。实际上,像“confer, citations”这些词时都可以依据上下文猜测大致含义。很多考生把“commend”误听成“comment”或“recommend”,说明对英语惯用法掌握不牢固。对于像“Alma Mater”和“trustee of posterity”这种使用频率并不很高的短语,在不确定词义的情况下可以选择不译,以免出现重大错误,但选择不译时,要对译文进行适当调整或合理补充,如:“必定会竭尽全力为未来的发展做贡献”和“青年是未来的希望”等。参考译文:
本句难度不高,关键依然是词义理解和意义转换。“不可逆转”不一定非得译成“irreversible”,如果不知道这个词,或者一时想不起来,也可用其他词替换,改句合在一起可以译成“the integration of world trade is definite / certain”或“world trade is definitely / certainly moving towards integration”。“不可或缺”还可译成“essential / crucial”等意义接近的表达。“交易主体”也可译成“traders / business people”等类似表达。“中间环节”还可意译成“steps”或合译为“simplify the trading procedure”等。参考译文:
Alongside the rapid development of telecommunication technologies, the trend of the integration of world trade is irreversible.Today, based on network technology, electronic commerce is an indispensable means of trade.Making full use of high technology such as information and Internet technology, E-commerce has its remarkable features and advantages.It offers all trading bodies advanced trading pattern and equal trading opportunities;it reduces intermediate links of trading and saves trading time, thus breaking the limitations on resources and improving business efficiency.例8
Every year, road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for persons aged between 15 and 44.The estimated cost of death and injuries on the road is a staggering US$ 518 billion.We will encourage countries to implement the International Red Cross Plan of Action.We look forward to working with all concerned to find effective ways of addressing the terrible loss of life and resources which the global road traffic crisis has produced.As the old saying goes, “All roads are covered with good intentions”.Let us work together to make these intentions a reality.本句除数字仍使有些考生头痛外,主要难点还是如何利用篇章逻辑确定常用词在上下文中的含义,如:“concerned”或“staggering”。此外,考生应牢记,在遇到熟悉的动词谓语出现在不熟悉的搭配中时,要依据“先宾后动”的原则,根据宾语转化动词表达,即先确定“good intentions”词义及其与主语“all roads”之间的关系,然后再联系全篇思考有什么词可与这个含义搭配,如可译成“道路安全需要/依赖于人们的良好愿望/善意”等。参考译文:
Since its establishment, the Women’s Commission formulated strategies for the advancement of women development, identifying women's needs and addressing all matters of concern to women.The Government has rendered its full support to the Women's Commission and will strive to eliminate any gender bias in the society.I hope that we will continue to maintain close liaison with the friends from around the world, and to exchange and learn from each other to achieve the goal of promoting women's rights and interests.Let us build upon the spirit of the World Conference on Women, continue to foster a favorable environment for women’s development and join our hands to strive for gender equality.例10
本句初听似乎有点难,但实际上大多有难点的地方都可以通过避让或换词的方法解决。如只译“热带气候”,避开“海洋”;用“volcanoes that are no longer active”替代“extinct volcanoes”;用“hot springs for medical purpose / for the treatment of diseases”表达“治疗性温泉”的含义。“被„„所吸引”也可译为“be enchanted by / be drawn to”;“流连忘返”还可译成“find it hard to leave”等。
Hainan, a beautiful island located at the southern tip of China, enjoys distinctively tropical maritime climate.Along the 1528-kilometer-long coastline of Hainan, the sandy beaches take about 50%.The ample and enchanting sunshine on the beaches allows the tourists to enjoy sunbathing during most time of the year.The volcanic eruptions in the history have left many extinct volcanic vents on the island.Hot springs are widely distributed there, most of which therapeutic ones, which renders it an ideal place to develop integrated tourism that combines sightseeing, recuperation as well as research.Those who visit Hainan are usually so fascinated by this charming island that they feel reluctant to leave.例12 The Indian tradition develops ways of describing the body as it is experienced, from the inside out.The Western tradition looks at the body from the outside in, and peels it back one layer at a time, and it believes only what it can see.The East treats the person;the West treats the disease.Yoga relaxes you and, by relaxing, heals.When you do yoga, you initiate a process that turns the fight system off and turns the relaxation response on.The body seizes this chance to turn on the healing mechanisms.Yoga offers modern men and women a moment of relaxation when noise and agitation are everywhere.本句有一定难度,属于理解不难,顺畅表达较难的类型,要求考生从整体上把握全篇,注意句与句之间的起承转合,适当补充添加,如第三句中的比较含义以及第四句中“heals”一词的补充译法。透彻理解后,表达时要能够摆脱原文形式上的束缚,跳出框框,准确达意,如第一、二句中划线部分的处理。其余部分的表现依然取决于考生对类似“initiate, mechanism”等常规词语的熟悉程度。参考译文: