1.Technology designed to make our life simpler actually makes our life more complicated.同意:(1)技术使人们需要掌握的知识和技能变多了,因为驾驭和使用技能必须要学习很多使用方法神马的,而且技术更新的很快,就要不断学习和吸收;(2)技术让选择变多了,需要考虑的也变多了,因为技术丰富了产品和服务咩,人们就在选择的时候需要去比较和思考呀,像买个洗衣机,要考虑神马牌子的,全自动(automatic)还是半自动的(semi-automatic),要不要有集成烘干功能
(combination washer with dryer)等等;(3)技术带来的一些负面作用给人们的生活带来了很多的麻烦咩,容易产生连锁反应(domino-effect),例如车子方便了人们的出行,但是车增加了温室气体,北京开始限号了,万一忘掉了单号和双号还要被处罚,烦躁。
2.In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.同意:(1)广告可以让企业的产品更为人所知,口碑营销(reputation marketing)有地理的局限性(geographical barriers),广告比较无孔不入(rife),可以接触到更多的潜在客户(reach people in a larger scale);(2)广告可以促使消费者作出购买决定,因为好的广告能激发出(stimulate)消费者的潜在需求
(inner desire),让消费者产生购买这个产品的欲望,从而促进了产品的销量;
3.Should the government support artists or should artists support themselves?
应该由政府资助:(1)有利于保护文化,因为很多艺术家进行的艺术创作是一个国家的文化的符号(symbol),体现了一个国家的文化特征(cultural identity),但是这些艺术往往都不怎么赚钱,政府不资助的话从事这个艺术的人就会越来越少的;(2)让艺术家可以专心艺术创作,艺术是比较烧钱的(money-consuming),像是买画布之类的,很多艺术家不得不去做兼职来维持开销,如果政府资助的话,避免他们因为金钱问题分散(distract)时间和精力;(2)可以保持艺术的纯碎和本质(authenticity);因为艺术家可以不用为了金钱去迎合(cater to)消费者和市场,可以坚持自己的艺术理念,就不会让艺术的本质被扭曲了(distort)。
4.People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there’
s no need for the government to help them.偏向不同意:让步段承认有些问题确实不需要政府来解决了,个人解决问题的能力比过去强了,因为受到了良好的教育(well-educated),并且技术也更加发达;但是这并不是意味着就不需要政府,很多问题的解决依然需要依赖政府的(1)在面对很多问题的时候,个人依然是缺乏能力的,很多问题的解决需要投入大量的资金或者需要有比较大的影响力或者威慑(deter),个人都不具备;(2)个人在解决问题的时候往往没有政府处理的更好,因为个人容易受到个人利益或者情感因素的左右(sway),而且眼界也会比较狭隘。
5.Teaching is harder than it was in the past.同意:(1)技术的发展让人们可以自己在网络上搜寻到很多的信息,学生经常会在课堂上问老师各种各样的知识,老师在上课的时候需要了解更多的东西和知识,这样才可以应对了解的东西越来越多的学生;(2)现在的学生不像过去那样那么尊重老师了,随着家庭结构(family fabric)的改变,孩子的数量变少了,父母对孩子都比较宠溺(spoil),孩子都比较自我(self-oriented),管理起来比以前困难;(3)现在的老师除了专业知识以外还需要掌握更多的技能,随着多媒体(multimedia)在教学中的运用,老师必须要学会使用多媒体丰富课堂内容,学会用电脑制作PPT。
6.It is better to have a secure job with a low pay than to take a job wit a high pay but is easy to lose.选择工资高但是可能会丢失的工作:(1)有失业风险但是工资高的工作能够提高一个人的工作能力,因为处在可能失业的压力下就必须非常努力的去完善自己,而稳定的工作容易消磨(sap)人们的进取心,变成混日子(idle);(2)有失业风险但是工资高的工作可以提高生活水平(living standard),因为可以享受到更好的商品(commodities)和服务(service),即使失业了,也有足够的资金能维持一段时间;(3)有失业风险但是工资高的工作给人更强的成就感(a sense of achievement),因为这样的工作往往更加具有挑战性,而稳定的工作基本都是重复性的劳动,容易让人厌倦。
7.In twenty years’ time, people will lead a more leisure life.同意:(1)技术的发展使得人们的休闲方式更加多样化了(diverse),技术的进步是日新月异的(daily and monthly increasing),20年内会有巨大的飞跃(giant leap),让人们能得到更好的放松(refresh);(2)人们的观念在20年内也会有所改变,人们越来越意识到(be conscious of)休闲的重要性,不会把大量的时间都放在工作上,不愿意成为工作机器(working machine);(3)生活水平的提高使得人们更加能够去享受休闲的生活,20年内,社会福利
(social welfare)会越来越完善,人们满足基本生活需求所需要的金钱越来越少,有足够的资金去享受更加休闲的生活。
8.Your job has greater happiness than your social life.偏向不同意:让步段承认工作还是灰常重要滴,工作可以确保生活品质咩,因为工作好收入才高,才能支付得起一些商品和服务的说;但是social life给我们带来的快乐时更多的:(1)social life可以使人们得到放松(refresh),缓解工作中的压力(alleviate pressure),如果只有工作没有social life就和工作机器一样,人生就非常的单调(monotonous);(2)social life对于工作会有促进作用,在人们进行social life的同时往往也在拓展社交网络(social network),可以认识一些对于工作有帮助的人。
9.The effective leader should tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.同意:(1)增强领导的领导力(leadership),因为让团队成员参与到决策中会增进领导和团队成员之间的距离,让交流会变得更加的顺畅,互动(interaction)会更好,下属(subordinate)也更加容易跟从;(2)提高团队成员的工作表现(work performance),因为让团队成员参与决策是对他们的一种认可,这是一种非常好的激励机制(incentive system);(3)能减少团队的失误,因为不同的成员有不同的想法,彼此可以互补,想的比较全面(comprehensive),减少犯错的可能。
10.In 20 years from now on,students will not use printed books any more.不同意:(1)printed books对学生的身体伤害比较小,在20年内,电子书的技术没有办法发展到消除辐射(radiation)的地步,printed books不会有辐射,比如对学生眼睛会比较好;(2)printed books成本更小,电子书的使用往往依赖于高科技设备,像IPAD,Smart Phone之类的,在未来的20年内,这些设备不会普及到所有学生都能负担得起(affordable),所以不用纸质书不太现实
11.Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends of your own age
12.The telephone has greater influence on people’
s lives than television has.同意:(1)电话的使用频率(frequency)比电视更多,人是社会动物(social animal),一个人可以一个月不看电视,但是不能一天不联系他人;(2)电话比电视更加多功能(multifunction),现在的电话,特别是智能电话(smart phones)不仅包含了电视看的功能,还有很多其他电视没有的功能,像是上网,玩游戏什么的;
13.The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individuals.偏向不同意:让步段承认有些环境问题个人确实很难搞定,因为有些环境问题的解决需要投入大量的资金,比如治理一条被污染的河流(contaminated river),有的问题的解决需要有影响力,比如全球变暖,需要政府出面的;但是得出上述结论并不意味着所有的环境问题对于个人来说都太复杂了,个人还是可以在环境问题上采取措施发挥作用的:(1)个人的努力能够从根源上解决很多环境问题(address many environmental issues from the root),因为很多环境问题就是由于个人的生活方式不当造成的,而且虽然个人的努力很微小,但是由于每个人都有社交网络(social network),微小的努力可以积累(accumulate)并且传递,产生的作用就很大(make a great difference。(2)个人可以影响到更有实力的政府和企业,政府是公民的代表(on behalf of),如果公民都愿意为环保做些事,政府就不能违背公民的意志;企业必须要迎合(cater to)消费者,当企业的行为不环保或者生产了不环保的东西就得不到消费者的认可和支持。
14.Younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language,science and history.同意:(1)可以给孩子的生活增添很多的乐趣(enjoyment),因为学习艺术和音乐让学生在闲暇时多了打发时间(fill time)的方式,可以去听听音乐会,去看看艺术展之类的;(2)让学生找到了成功的其他可能性,因为有的孩子不是太擅长学术型课程,但是在艺术和音乐上面比较有天赋(talented),学校没有这样的课程孩子接触不到天赋可能就被埋没了;(3)开发孩子的智力
(exploit intelligence),因为学生在学习音乐和艺术的时候使用的是平时用不到的另外一个大脑半球(brain hemisphere),能够活跃大脑(activate brain)。
15.Movies and television programs should present stories in which good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.偏向不同意:让步段承认给小孩子看的要这样呈现,避免误导孩子,因为小孩子还不成熟,无法明辨是非(tell the virtue from the evil),如果不这么呈现,孩子发现坏人做了坏事也没有获得惩罚可能也会去做坏事;但是这并不意味着给成年人看的电影和节目也要这样呈现:(1)削弱了电影和电视的可看性,因为看到了开头就知道了结尾,就会显得很无趣(monotonous),而且把本来很复杂的人性就简化(simplify)为好人和坏人显得很弱智;(2)这样呈现的电影不够震撼人心(stunning),印象也不深(impressive),莎士比亚说悲剧是把人性中最美好的东西撕裂给人看,所以让人记忆深刻的往往都是悲剧居多。
16.Parents should allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from their ownmistakes.同意:(1)能够帮助孩子避免再犯类似的错误,为下次的成功奠定基础
(lay foundation for)。人们都需要在错误中吸取经验和教训,所以错误其实是不可避免的(inevitable),孩子犯了错误并且吸取了经验,印象深刻,能取得进步;(2)培养(cultivate)孩子的面对挫折(frustration)的良好的心态,孩子在以后的学习和工作中一定会犯错的,家长允许孩子犯错会让孩子在面对错误的时候不会去逃避(escape),而是以比较积极的心态去面对;(3)有利于家长和孩子之间的亲子关系(family bond),如果父母不允许孩子犯错,孩子一旦犯了错就会非常的紧张和害怕,会采取隐瞒甚至撒谎的方式,这样不利于父母和孩子的关系。
17.Professional athletes, such as football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.不同意:(1)高工资是对他们的艰苦训练(extraordinary tough training)的一种回报(reward),运动员都是从很小的时候就开始训练了,每天的训练量都是比较大的,而且训练是很枯燥(monotonous)的,在训练中还有可能受伤;(2)是对运动员短暂职业生涯的弥补(compensation),运动员由于生理条件的限制,无法一辈子从事这项运动,在20-30岁期间都要退役,之后需要金钱来维持生计的(sustain themselves);(3)是市场经济的(market economy)的结果,在现在的市场机制下,价值由需求决定,既然很多人喜欢看运动,喜欢某个运动员,愿意花钱去看比赛,这就是值得的。
18.If you own a lot of money, would you prefer to spend money on something that lasts a long time, such as an expensive piece of jewelry, than on a short-term pleasure, such as a vacation.选择投资维持时间长的:(1)持续时间长的东西带来的快乐会更加持久,因为每次看到都会觉得比较开心,就像珠宝可以在很长时间让女生看到就高兴,而短期的愉悦的东东过去一般就没有了,会随着记忆淡忘的(fade);(2)投资持
(appreciate),而且当需要金钱的时候,这些东西可以去卖掉解决问题的;(3)持续时间长的东西更加具有纪念意义(memorable),可以传给(pass on)子孙后代的(offspring)。
19.Patience is usually not a good thing and we need to take action at once.偏向不同意:让步段承认在紧急情况(emergency)需要立即采取行动,因为在这样的情况下,当机立断可以避免损失,例如遇到有人心脏病(heart attack)发作的时候;但是在很多的时候还是有耐心会比较好,(1)耐心可以避免一些错误的行为或者决定,人们有的时候在采取行动或者作出决定的时候是不够理智的(not rational),可能是出于冲动之类的(impulse),不立刻做决定可以理智分析,采取比较有利的行动;(2)有耐心在很多时候能带来更好的时机(timing),因为有更多的时间去洞察(have an insight into),并且获得更多的信息做好充分的准备(well-prepared),例如在商业谈判中。
20.Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people’s lives have already taken place.不同意:(1)人类的好奇心(curiosity)会促使(motivate)人们不断去探索和发现,因为人类的本能(instinct)就是对未知的东西好奇,了解了一个东西以后,会有更多期望了解的东西出现;(2)人类先进的科技水平(advanced technology)使得现在人类科技发现的平台(platform)比以前更加的广阔,在现有的基础上稍加改变可能就会带来无数可能,产生巨大变化(make a difference);(3)有很多东西存在,但是人类目前还没有发现,因为认知能力(cognitive ability)或者科技发展的限制,当未来人类发现的时候,这些对人类的产生的影响可能是超乎想象的(beyond imagination)。
21.the car had has a greater effect on society than the airplane has
汽车对社会的影响更大:(1)汽车比飞机更加实用(practical)和灵活(flexible),飞机一般只有长途旅行才会用上,但是汽车短途的,甚至从家到公司都能用上,而且汽车想开的时候随时都可以开,没有什么时间,地点的限制;(2)汽车比飞机更加的流行(prevail),很多人一年坐飞机的次数比较有限,而且飞机也比较贵,汽车更加的便宜(affordable),使用的人更多;(3)汽车提供了人们一个紧密感情(strengthen the emotional bond)的很好的场所,在汽车开车的时候,人们可以一家人或者朋友之间相互交流,但是在飞机上一般都是要保持安静的,个人基本都是各自干各自的说。
第二篇:托福 TPO31独立写作
托福 TPO31独立写作题目
Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because the world is changing so quickly, people now are less happy or less satisfied with their lives than people were in the past.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福 TPO31 独立写作范文 :
In modern society, there is no denying that our paces speed up.A small proportion of people who cannot keep up with this trend or resist the world for the fittest, may hold a viewpoint that a mutable society leads people to less satisfaction and mitigation of sense of happiness since such a world might cause the alienation between good fellows and contamination of our environment;however, in my view, it is not the case.As a matter of fact, in a world changing more rapidly, people tend to become satisfied much more easily.First illustration which can demonstrate my opinion can be the trail of technological development.In the past five decades, millions of new inventions had appeared, entering our daily life, making it much more convenient.To name a good example, in 1896,Benz assembled the first three-wheel car in the world.Though it brought accidents and mortality to the world, we cannot deny the enjoyment of ferocious speed brought by cars, which made our jaunt convenient.We can simply drop by a old friend 100 miles, a distance taking at least half day before, away in one hour.Another good instance is the invention of smart phone.in 1972, Martin, the chief engineer in Moto devised the first portable telephone.Then, this innovation revolutionized out life.Just simply imagine what our life looked like without cell phones: people could not keep contact with their friends and exigent messages might be blocked.Then in 2007, Steve Jobs brought iPhone with Facetime to the world.The most significant aspect of Facetime is that this app allows us to communicate with actual image, not just voices.Then, how can we state that modern society steals the sense of fraternity among people? Second demonstration which can help me develop my view that a rapidly changing society makes people more satisfied is the use of new energy resources.We may still remember the Great Smog, one of the gravest air pollution accidents in our history due to the heavily gathered inversion layer of sulfur dioxide originated with burning of coal in 1950s, London.People died of respiratory diseases after inhalation of poisonous air.How can they live happily in a world brimmed with pollutions? But nowadays, we have developed new energy resources to tackle this problem such as hydropower and wind power.To name an example, in 2007, nuclear power plants generate 14% of the total electricity of the US, thus saving tons of coals and reducing the level of inhalable particles.Recently, governments and organizations have taken measures to support researches of renewable resources and to find substitutes for fossil fuels.Natural reserves and sanctuaries are established, places of interest and spots are refurbished, and factories and manufacturers with pestilent exhaust are shut down.People therefore are provided with much more opportunities to relax by enjoying the beauty of nature.To draw a conclusion, in a world that is rapidly changing, we are offered a variety of brand-new experiences and highly evolved products, which make life much easier than before.We are in a world filled with convenience brought by high technologies that develop so fast.Then, how can we blame on the changing world while enjoying happiness and satisfactions originated from them?
独立5-现象证明P21 2010.10.31NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are now easier to become educated than in the past.Education is the foundation of a country.People today have a stronger concept(搭配不当,改为sense)of being educated than in the past.I agree with the statement that people gain an easier access to all kinds of educations at current times.Firstly, there are much more schools available today than in the past.No matter where you live, in big cities or in the countryside, the local government spends a large amount of money on the constructions of various types of schools, such as primary schools, middle schools, high schools and even schools for adults.More and more universities and colleges have been built to ensure higher education for top students.If you want to study in schools, you will always find a proper one to attend.Secondly, the teaching approach diversifies(there are diversified teaching approaches).Except for(In addition to包括在内)blackboard and chalks, many advanced teaching devices are being used today in most schools, including computers, multi-media and some other instruments.Moreover, labs and libraries have also come into use for students to study deeper and wider(who want to make a deeper and wider study on the fields they are interested in).What is more, the teachers' teaching levels are greatly improved by communicating with other educators from all over the world.The technology becomes more developed than in the past, so it is easier now to study.Thirdly, people have equal rights to receive education.As we all know, people in the past were in terrible discrimination because of their sex and race(many people such as women and the black people were denied the right to education because they were discriminated against in the society because of their sex and race.两句合起来)For example, women and black people were used to be considered as people in lower classes or even slaves and weren't allowed to go to school.However, they have equal rights to study in schools nowadays.(要回到主题,和更容易接受教育要直接联系起来,所以再加一句)Obviously, these people surly have easier access to education.To sum up, almost everyone today has equal rights to go to all kinds of schools with diversified teaching approaches.So people do have an easier way to receive education now than in past times.The reasons above firmly support my opinion(最后一句话不够有力,可以将三点简明扼要的用一句话概括).(Word Count: 294)独立8-包含因果关系P15 2010.3.20NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today can solve many important problems so they do not need help from the government.With the development of the society, people can do more things by themselves nowadays(于什么时候比较?)than in the past.But I disagree with the statement that people can solve many important problems, therefore the government does not need to help them(therefore they need not depend on the government for any support).There(are)three reasons as follows:
Firstly, People today still cannot solve many important problems by themselves in fact in terms of education, unemployment, war, starvation, poverty and so on.These are international problems all over the world, so a single person or even a group of people may not have the abilities to solve(be capable of solving)them.For example, if a man wants to stop a war between two countries, even he is powerful or wealthy, he(he, however wealthy and powerful,)cannot prevent them from fighting with each other without the help of others.Secondly, people today need more help from the government.As the life standards are getting higher, people have more requirements than before.They ask for all kinds of utilities for entertainment or exercise in public places.They need various insurance to make their lives more comfortable.They also require more schools and hospitals to take care of the young people and patients(the sick).Thirdly, whether people today can solve many problems or not has nothing to do with whether they need the government's help.It is the responsibility of the government to help people.The government must give people help no matter how powerful they are.In a word, the statement that people today do not need help from the government because they can solve many important problems is wrong.The reasons above can firmly support my idea.(260w)
独立1-包含should, important, necessary的简单话题
P75 2009.5.30 Younger school children(aged between five and ten)should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.In order to broaden the horizon of younger school children, it is suggested that they should study art and music as well as other common courses.I agree with it because of the following reasons.First of all, art and music can help students to relax.Campus life is stressful even for younger children who aged between five and ten, with all kinds of homework and assignments.However, by having music and art classes, students can get a much-needed escape from the heavy work.It can help them to relax their mind and study more efficiently in other classes.Second, music and art classes help improve students' interpersonal relationships.Students will meet together to talk about a same topic if they have common interests.For example, students attending art classes can talk about the masterpiece or life story of a famous painter.Students having music classes will enjoy the beautiful melody or sing songs together.By communicating with each other, they will build a strong friendship and learn how to behave in various situations.Third, music and art classes provide students with plenty of information about great artists and their works.By learning knowledge in artistic fields students can acquire different cultures from different countries.The artists and musicians describe what they see or hear in their works, showing feelings meanwhile, which bring the students the atmosphere at that time.To sum up, art and music classes should be taken by younger school students to broaden their horizon.(248w)
独立2-包含比较(better, prefer)的简单话题
P24 2010.10.9NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside.No matter where people live, in big cities or in the countryside, they must take care of their family members.Basically I prefer the former one.Living in big cities has more advantages than living in the countryside.Firstly, for old people, living in big cities can be convenient.There are a large number of hospitals which are available to all kinds of diseases.When the old people catch a cold, have a fever or even heart attack, they could be taken to the best hospital nearby and received treat in time and recover as soon as possible.But in the countryside, situations in hospitals are obviously terrible.Secondly, children should receive good education, so living in big cities is a wise choice.Schools in big cities which get finance support from(the)government provide sufficient teaching facilities for the students in order that the students can study more easily and do more experiments.Moreover, the teaching levels of the teachers in big cities are higher on average than that of the teachers in the countryside.Admittedly, Living in big cities may have a few downsides.For example, the air may be not as fresh as it in the countryside and the noise may make people crazy sometimes.However,(the)government is taking measures to prevent the pollutions and people are also becoming aware of the importance of environmental protection.It is sure that the problems can be solved in the future.In a word, people can take care of their family members much better when they live in big cities than in the countryside, because advanced society welfares are everywhere in big cities.(Word Count: 272)
独立7-包含绝对词(never, always, only ,no longer,最高级等).P92 2007.8.4 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Printed books will no longer exist.With the development of technology, digital books are increasingly coming into use while printed book are less used in our lives.It has been argued that printed books will no longer exist in the future.I disagree(with this opinion)although the statement has a grain of truth.First of all, admittedly, digital books have some advantages over printed books.First, it is cheaper to download a digital version from the internet than to buy a hardcover printed book.You may download Harry Potter for only half the price of the paper version.Second, the digital book is very convenient for us to carry because it is much lighter than the printed book.We can download thousands of articles into our mp4 or electronic books to read them everywhere instead of carrying several heavy books.However, to say that printed books will disappear from our lives in the future is unacceptable.First, hardcover printed books are worth collecting.They are usually very valuable with their beautiful covers and plentiful contents.Second, the printed books made by(of)papers are good for people's eyes.If we stare at a digital book all the time, our eyes will be tired or even hurt.Reading for a long period may do enormous harms to people's health, especially to children.Third, printed books are of great importance in some special ceremonies.They are usually the symbols of holy things.It is ridiculous for a minister to read with a digital book in a church.To sum up, although the digital books are more and more useful, it is sure that printed books will exist forever.(267)
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Effectively addresses the topic and task Well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and or details Displays unity, progression, and coherence Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors 4分
Addresses the topic and task well, though some points may not be fully elaborated Generally well organized and well developed, using appropriate and sufficient explorations, exemplifications, and or details
Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though it may contain occasional redundancy, digression, or unclear connections
Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary, though it will probably have occasional noticeable minor errors in structure, word form, or use of idiomatic language that do not interfere with meaning
Addresses the topic and task using somewhat developed explanations, exemplifications, and or details Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured
May demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning
May display accurate but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary
Limited development in response to the topic and task Inadequate organization or connection of ideas Inappropriate or insufficient exemplifications, explanations, or details to support or illustrate generalizations in response to the task
A noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms An accumulation of errors in sentence structure and/or usage 1分
Serious disorganization or underdevelopment Little or no detail, or irrelevant specifics, or questionable responsiveness to the task Serious and frequent errors in sentence structure or usage