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my new neighbor teaching content:learn the new words in the article “ my new neighbor”

teaching objective:

1、能够识别本节课新授单词 lonely, fold, basket, fill, attach

2、能够运用lonely, fold, fill.teaching tools: a piece of paper, some grass, candy and flower.teaching methods:




difficult points & key points:


2、掌握fill....with....的用 法 warming up: 利用大屏幕欣赏一些精美的手工制作。leading-into: do you want to learn how to make these handcrafts ? 【由此导入step1】 teaching procedure: step1: let’s make a paper basket together.教师一边

演示一边讲解制作过程,并要求全班同学一块做 first, fold a piece of paper just like this, then fold another time ,and unfold it....now we have got a basket, so beautiful!maybe again....【此处向学生传授新单词fold ,basket,在第二次制作的时候要求学生一边用英语讲解,一边制作。进一步巩固fold ,basket】 step2: 教师将 grass, candy and flowers放入basket中,并说“ok,now i fill the basket with grass candy and flowers”,以此来学习fill....with..., 在学生掌握 后,教师再举一些关于此短语的例子“i fill the basket with the fruits.等,同时让学生自主的造一些句子。在学生造句后教师加以评价,将写有you are best的card 系在basket上赠与造句最好的学生。

【 此处要引出新单词attach】

【以上两步恰恰是文章中的第二段内容,因此上两步的完成也就预示着学生已经完成了课文第二段的初步学习】 step3:学习单词lonely。为了更好地理解此单词所传达的词场,利用大屏幕欣赏英文歌曲“lonely”【此处教师先讲解歌曲的简介(来自于非洲加纳的nana出身于一个富有的家庭,但是父亲在他小时候离他们而去,母亲带着年幼的nana定居到了德国。肤色的歧视,家庭的破碎,使得nana从小就在压抑的环境中生存。这首lonely是他最有名的作品,也是最感人的作品之一。在这首歌曲中,爱情的失败,世事的的无奈,人与人之间的勾心斗角,都被他赤裸裸的展露在你面前。动情处的伤心呐喊,颓废时的无奈低吟,节奏布鲁斯,跳舞音乐,hip hop结合的天衣无缝。),并在大屏幕上一定要配上英文歌词】 i am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤 i am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独,i am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独.......exercises:


2、用恰当的词填空(lonely, fold, basket,fill)i saw her listening to music with her head cupped in her hands ,she looked _______ i ______a piece of paper into the shape of a _______ i _____ the cup with running water.homework: 课下进一步巩固所学新单词。并预习课文,并利用晨读时间熟读课文。

教学设计意图: 本节课的教学设计主要是受文章第二段的启发,从而利用手工制作a paper basket 来达到学习新单词fold, basket, fill, attach 的目的。而对于lonely的学习,我主要考虑到该词的语意场是学生学习的重点,所以用了英文歌曲‘lonely 来导出并加以学习。篇二:词汇教学教案设计


班级:高一(10)班 地点:物理实验室(2)教师:纪丽彬 时间:2011-4-7第三节 unit9 word study of warm-up﹠lesson1教学设计 教学目标:





教学难点: benefit;convenient;wherever;fed up;consequence;work out;argue等单词





教学过程: step1 lead-in listen to an english song by michael jackson.lead in the the new lesson.step2 presentation task1 ss read the new words in groups of four.three minutes is permited.task2 teacher teaches ss how to pronounce the words and phrases and explain the uses of them.1.someone who is driving a car.----motorist someone who is walking.-----pedestrian someone who is riding on a bike.----cyclist 2.-ist 后缀可以表示:...主义者,...家 3.benefit 用法点滴 1>.不及物动词 vi.得益,受惠[(+by/from)] we benefited greatly by this frank talk.这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。2>.名词 n.利益,好处;优势[u][c] the new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。

谚语:we should never remember the benefit we have offered nor forget the favour received.施惠莫记,受恩莫忘.4.convenient 用法点滴


be convenient for/to sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事会方便 5.convenient—convenience 1>.方便;合宜[u] the hotel has a restaurant for the guests’ convenience.这家旅馆为方便旅客设有餐厅。2>.便利设施;方便的用具[c] the kitchen has all the modern conveniences.这间厨房拥有一切现代化设备。

形容词以t结尾转变成名词为以ce结尾的词有哪些? 6.-ful 1.有...性质的 hopeful 用法点滴:(人)抱有希望的;充满希望的[(+of)][+that] he was hopeful that he would win.他抱有胜利的希望。7.-hood 性质,状态(n)8.wherever 用法点滴.wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。right here waiting for you;我就在这里等候着你。wherever 和where ever用法上有什么区别? 9.巧记 indeed a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情 10.fed up 用法点滴


she was fed up with her do-nothing sons.对她那些游手好闲的儿子,她已经是忍无可忍了。

我对于老板不停的抱怨,我已经听得烦不胜烦。be fed up with 对„.感到厌烦 11.consequence 用法点滴 n.结果,后果[c][(+of)] i’m quite willing to accept the consequences.我完全愿意承担后果。12.work out 用法点滴


i will be work out a program 制订计划


can you work out on the map where we are now? 你能在地图上找到我们现在所在的位置吗? 3>.做运动;锻炼 the old man is working out in the park.13.argue 用法点滴:

1>.争论,辩论;争吵[(+with/over/about)] im not going to argue with you tonight.我今晚不想与你争辩。

2>.提出理由[(+for/against)] he argued against the plan.他据理反对这个计划。step3 pratice task3 ss read after the tape.task4 t asks the students to read them out in groups and individual.step4 summary t teaches ss how to recite the words and phrases efficially by heart.step4 consolidation task5 do the following exercises.单词拼写练习。(请根据首字母提示和语境,填写所缺单词)1.this book is of great b_______ to all of us.2.it’s c________ for us to travel around china.3.we should think about the c__________ if we do it.4.he a_______ with his father last night.5.hearing the news, i felt a bit of f_____ up.6.i work o____ twice a week.7.the police a______ the young man for his drinking and driving.(answers:1.benefit;2.convenient;3.consequences;4.argued;5.fed;6.out;7.arrested)step5 homework 1.请用以下单词或词组造句。befenit, convenient,wherever,fed up,consequence,work out,argue.2.预习unit9 lesson1.板书设计

1.-ist„主义者,„家(举例子)2.形容词以t结尾转变成名词以ce结尾(举例子)3.–ful 有„性质的(举例子)4.–hood性质,状态(举例子)教学反思 410班是高一年段平行班,学生基础差,学英语的兴趣也不高.针对这种情况,我采用了任务型教学法,整节课设置了五个任务,并使用视听法来提高课堂效率.设想和结果总是会有点差距,在上完这节课后,我认真反思,这节课中有写亮点是以后值得继续坚持,也存在几个不足之处需要不断改善.亮点是:本节课中采用了小组合作,谚语,唱英文歌曲,构词法的应用,图片等一些手段使课堂充满活力.师生互动较好.而且在学生是学法方面做了指导.让学生学会如何更有效得记忆单词.但也存在一些不足之处:一,在举例子的时候,层次上有点乱,不要仅仅局限于给学生例子,要有循序渐进的过程;二是,对学生的例子,最好写在黑板上跟其他学生一起订正;三是,以后在词汇教学中,给出的图片,可以让学生先来造句不要直接给学生句子,那样学生学习比较被动;在归纳时候,可以让学生先观察后归纳;四是,今后要注意课堂上进行精讲精炼,讲得精,练得精,举出好的例子.五是,课堂容量不要太大,一定要注意课堂的容量,对于我们学校这样基础的学生不能赶进度.在今后的教学中,本人将继续转变教学方式,提高课堂教学质量.每一节课前都要认真备课,备好学生,针对我们这样的学生,设计好课堂任务,作业和练习.注意精讲精练,提高课堂效率.努力去研究学生个体化的发展,使每个学生在每一节课中都能有所收获.同时提高学生的学习英语的兴趣,让每个学生在英语方面都能有所提高.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索.篇三:词汇教学设计


课 型:英语词汇课教学

话 题: hobbies and interests 设计教师: 曹祥

工作单位: 乌鲁木齐外国语学校第十二中学 2012年12月18日 teaching procedures 教学过程设计 step1 lead--in 1.self-introduction t: hello, everyone.my name is cao xiang and i am from urumqi foreign languages school.i like reading, playing basketball and doing riddles of letters.now let’s try some riddles.2.riddles of letters show the following riddles one by one on ppt and ask students to speak out the answers.? a: t.(tea)? q: what letter is a part of the head? ? a: i.(eye)? q: what letter is an insect(昆虫)? ? a: b.(bee)? q: what letter is a vegetable? ? a: p.(pea)3.vocabulary t: i also like learning new vocabulary.this class, let’s learn some new vocabulary on interests and hobbies together.设计意图:紧紧抓住学生的好奇心,顺利展开我们的话题。在导入部分运用简单的字谜游戏调动学生的兴趣,使学生的思维活跃起来,为后面的活动与练习准备好装态,step2: pronunciation ask students to individually do the following exercise of pronunciation.then check check their answers.match each word with its phonetic symbol.devotion hobbyist relax individual attend raise collect spare [k?lekt] [r?l?ks] [d?v???(?)n] [?tend] [spe?] [re?z] [?nd?v?dj?(?)l] [h?b??st] 设计意图:读音是见到一个单词首先要解决的问题。该环节只在让学生运用已学过的英标知识来试着抓住单词的读音。step3: explanation 1.ask students to read the following sentences, and then guess the underlined words meaning and write each word properly according to their de definitions.a)the individual can do nothing but all people together can do everything.b)after school, i often play basketball to relax.c)he is going to attend a meeting this afternoon.d)i am busy now, so i don’t’ have spare time.e)every morning, i have to collect all the homework and give them to the teacher.f)–i often play ping pong after class and i spend a lot of money on it.–you are really a hobbyist!g)it is not easy for old people to raise a huge dog at home.h)to be a truly friend, you need show your devotion him/her at any moment.1.a person who has a hobby 2.get or gather together 3.rest 4.the willingness to serve 5.bring up 6.be present at 7.more than is needed 8.being of a single person or thing 2.have students check their pronunciation in groups.3.check their answers with the whole class by asking some individuals.设计意图:学生在学习英语是有一个误区:预见不会的单词就要查字典。本环节旨在给学生创设一个简短的语境,让学生运用阅读能力和思维能力猜测出单词的意思。阅读中学习词汇的环节是将词汇放在课文这个情景中去理解并获取信息的过程,所以词汇学习与课文情景紧密相连。读中的词汇学习是培养学生在篇章中猜测词义的最佳时机。step4: part of speech and word formation 2.ask students to check their answers in pairs.3.check their answers with the whole class.设计意图:词性是一个单词很重要的属性,直接影响到单词的实际运用。本环节旨在让学生结合前一练习中的单词释义及单词词形来判断单词的词性。此外也对学生在构词法方面的知识进行了渗透。

1.provide a context to students and ask them to fill in the blanks.hobbies and interests(1)something you like to do is an interest.if you only listen to music for pleasure,篇四:词汇教学设计 module 9 happy birthday unit 1 can i have some sweets? 词汇教学设计及说明

ⅰ、teaching contents module 9 happy birthday unit 1 can i have some sweets? the interesting story(conversation)is about amy’s birthday party of 8 years old.the key structure is ―can i have some sweets?‖and the affirmative and negative answers ―yes, you can./sorry, you can’t.‖

ⅱ、teaching aims 1.language items vocabulary.soup sweets bread turn on light biscuit fruit patterns.―can i have...?‖and the answer ―yes, you can./sorry, you can’t.‖ 2.language skills a.be able to listen ,say and write the new words and phrases.b.be able to talk with others with the function expressions in this unit.3. sentiment cultivate the students’ interest of learning english.encourage the students to co-operate with others.ⅲ、focal points vocabulary.soup sweets bread turn on light biscuit fruit patterns.―can i have...?‖and the answer ―yes, you can./sorry, you can’t.‖

ⅳ、difficult points 1.hungry dark 2.now you can have some biscuits, some fruit and some cake.ⅴ、teaching aids ⅵ、teaching procedure stepⅰ: lead-in

1、t plays the song《happy birthday to you》dances and sings with the students.2、t: ok.stop here.tell me what you usually have for your birthday.ss: cakes, apples, bananas„.t:do you like cakes? ss: yes, i do./no, i don’t.t:can you make cakes? ss: yes, i can./no, i can’t.t:can you make dumplings? ss: yes, i can./no, i can’t.t:that’s ok.now let’s have a guessing game.stepⅱ: presentation

1、t:(put a bag on the desk.the bag is full of sweets、bread、fruit、biscuits、cakes and some pictures of food)―look , there are some things about food in the bag.please guess what’s in it ? please have a try.ss:(possible answers:apples,bananas„)t:―oh, no, look.‖ half open the bag , take out some biscuits and say: wow , very nice!then pass the biscuits to pupils around one after another to practice pronouncing the word.then take out some sweets and write “a sweet, some sweets” on the board.say a few times for imitation.then pass the sweets to pupils to practice pronouncing the word.in this way, the teacher can teach the pupils the words “soup, bread and fruit”.the teacher pretends to have some bread and ask the ss randomly “do you want some bread ? ” the ss may say ”yes, i do.” the teacher can say “ok, so ask me for bread, please.” to instruct the ss to ask “can i have some bread?” s: “can i have some bread?” t: shake the head and say ―sorry, you can’t.‖ s: “can i have some sweets?” t: shake the head and say ―sorry, you can’t.because i want to have all of the food, i am very very hungry.‖ step ⅲ game 1.play the game of passing things with all the pupils in class.e.g.pass “bread”.when the teacher says“stop”, the pupil who holds “bread”in hand

2、图片呈现单词: sweetsbreadfruitbiscuitscakesoup t:i bring to you some beautiful pictures.look here and follow me.(老师点击鼠标出示单词图片)


①t(课件呈现一些糖果的图片,):what are they? ss:some sweets.②t:(然后一点鼠标出示句子,)― can i have some sweets? yes ,you can.sorry ,you can’t.‖

③t: this time, let’s play a game.传物游戏,师拿出一个小玩具,和学生一起边拍手读这个句子,边传这个小玩具,老师说:―stop‖ 小玩具在谁的手里,谁就站起来回答这个问题。

④ t:good!please look here, let’s ask and answer.篇五:词汇公开课教案 词汇公开课教案

一.活动名称:word show 二.教学目的:1.让在场学生增加英语兴趣,2.通过参与活动学会记忆单词.3能留住潜在客户 三.上课动时间:待定







图片为“书籍”所以英文意思——book 比赛规则:参赛队以最快速度说出图片内容的意思,在30秒内累计,一题一分,答错不扣分。

三.游戏环节 1.猜单词:形式——两人为一组,主持人给出一个单词,一人比划一人猜。规则——猜词最多一组为胜 2.记忆力:形式----游戏者浏览20个单词。在一分钟以内写出所有单词 规则——写出最多单词者为胜


规则——评委评出最佳游戏者 4.找朋友:形式——准备26个字母的大小写卡片若干,并将其打乱,分发给参与者,参与者不能互相偷看,当主持人说出某个字母时手持相应卡片的人举起手中卡片。



规则——以说出完整句子的一组为胜 7.单词猜猜猜:形式——在限定时间内尽可能说出某一类的英文单词。


Unit 1 my school A Let’s learn(词汇课)

上新庄中心小学 李海霞


1,能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:playground, garden, teacher’s office, library, canteen.2,听懂Let′s do的指示语,并按指令做出相应的动作,来巩固复习Let′s learn部分词汇.二、教学内容

本课主要包括A部分的Let′s learn.同时兼顾Let′s do部分。这节课主要是学习描述设施及活动场所的单词,同时会询问或描述学校某设施、场所的大体位置。


小学四年级学生,通过上册第一单元My classroom学习,他们已经掌握了一些简单与学校设施相关的词汇如: classroom,computer, teacher’s desk等,能够用所学的知识对学校熟悉的事物进行简单描述,为新课学习奠定了基础,并且他们学习英语兴趣浓厚,模仿力强,好奇心强,善于表现自己,因而我注重以学生为主体,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生积极参与,注重学生的感知能力培养。


1.本课时的教学重点是听、说、认读表示学校设施及活动场所的相关单词:playground, garden, teacher’s office, library, canteen和句型“Where is the„? It′s on the„floor”.2.本课时的教学难点是让学生注意单词library中辅音连缀的发音和灵活询问或描述学校某设施、场所的大体位置。




(一)Warm—up 1.Greetings.2.Enjoy the song“Our school”on the page12(设计意图:通过播放歌曲,自然引入到本单元要谈论“学校”这一话题,同时活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣.)

(二)Presentation 1.Play above pictures by the multimedia.T: Hello, boys and girls.Look!What’s this? Ss: It’s our school.T: Yes, This is school, it’s beautiful, I like it very much.Do you like our school? S1: Yes, I do S2:„

T: Can you describe our school for me? 让学生简单描述(可用汉语,老师也可适当给提示)S1: Look at„, this is„ S2:有大的操场„ S3:漂亮花园„

(设计意图:多问几个学生,让学生初步感知美丽的校园,为下面词汇的学习,进一步做铺垫。)2.教学:library 1)T:Hello, boys and girls,I have a hobby, I like reading very much, can you tell me where I should go?

Ss: 图书馆or library

T:Yes, you are right,Do you know how to express it in English?(展示图片)①找个别学生试着说library 2)The teacher teaches students read this word“library”.①学生跟读②找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)③齐读 T:Where is our library?(板书)引导学生回答:It′s on the„floor.(板书)3)同桌互说“Where is the library? It′s on the„floor”(设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。)4)Extension 结合日常生活,让学生说说在图书馆有哪些应该注意地方? ①先让学生自由发言②老师适时补充

(适时对学生进行情感教育:在图书馆,要做到安静,不要大声喧哗,爱惜图书等,养成良好的习惯。)3.教学:teacher’s office 1)The teacher shows above photo T:Please look at my photo;Are you familiar to this place? Ss: Yes,we are T:Good,do you know how to express it in English? ①找个别学生试着说teacher’s office 3)The teacher teaches students read this word“teacher’s office”.①学生跟读②找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)③齐读 T:Where is my teacher’s office? Ss::It′s on the„floor.4)同桌互说“Where is the teacher’s office? It′s on the„floor”(设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。)4.教学:garden 1)T:Spring is coming,many flowers open soon,please look at following picture T: Can you guess where the place is? 引导学生回答:This is our “garden”

2)The teacher teaches students read this word“garden”.①学生跟读②找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)③齐读(适时对学生进行情感教育:校园里的一草一木皆生命,要爱惜他们。)5.教学:playground 1)T: I also like playing basketball, can you tell me where I should go?

Ss: 操场or playground T:You are right;Do you know how to express it in English?(展示图片)①找个别学生试着说playground 3)The teacher teaches students read this word“playground”.①学生跟读②找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)③齐读(设计意图:通过展示图片的方式来教授新单词,更直观、形象,进一步加深学生的印象。)7.听课文录音模仿。

① Listen, point and repeat.② Read by yourselves.③ Ask several students to read.(设计意图:回归课本,注重引导学生模仿语音语调,让学生养成听和模仿的习惯,奠定良好的语音基础。)

8.The teacher talks to students in simple English,导入Let′s do的学习.I can do many things: play football/water the flower/eat some noodles/read a book.①The teacher makes the corresponding action ②Students guess in English.9.The teacher plays the tape of Let′s do on the page 4.(设计意图:通过播放Let′s do的录音带,对所学词汇进行复习巩固,进一步加深印象)

(三)Add-activities 1.Let students look at above pictures and match right words.①先是自己自主完成②和同桌对答案③如有疑问小组讨论


2.Let the students look at the picture and make a new dialogue with partner.①出示图片,找学生试着描述②和同桌互问互答③选小组代表到前面展示(表现出色的给予表扬)


3.Ask students complete the following line by using knowledge that we have learned and in the light of our own school.①先是自己自主完成②选小组代表到前面展示(表现出色的给予表扬)


(四)Summary and homework


Unit1 My school

A Let’s learn

Playground, garden Where is the„? teacher’s office It′s on the„floor.library, canteen



我在教授四年级17课时,对单词的学习采取下列步骤: 教学目标:

1、知识目标:(1)正确听、说、读、写单词“tomato”,听、说、认读单词“eggplant,green pepper”。(2)运用“Let’s play” 等活动培养学生的观察力、想象力和快速反应能力。



1播放英语歌曲 Fruit song,让学生跟唱 2.进行Chant,渲染气氛


组织学生做“Touch and guess” 游戏。通过“摸一摸,猜一猜”这个游戏,教师和学生进行对话,不只是复习了所学过的单词、句型,更主要的是游戏吸引了学生的注意力,增强了学生的参与意识。同时,教师用到了“Let’s play a game.Are you sure?进行了复习与新知的渗透!为新授课的教学活动做好了铺垫。

三、学习新知 1.学习新单词:

利用幻灯片,猜猜是什么水果,然后问学生:“Guess what’s this?”引出新单词eggplant,带领学生正确读出单词,找同学进行造句,利用实物round eggplant and long eggplant,加深对单词的印象,然后欣赏由eggplant做的菜,使枯燥无味的单词变得真实、生动,极大地调动了学生的各种感官参与学习活动,学生对新单词的印象更加深刻。同样的方法引出单词green pepper,认识red pepper and yellow pepper,进行拓展!编制一个chant活跃课堂气氛,在此渗透句型Is it „ or „?”。

让学生品尝的方式学习四会单词tomato,板书然后进行拼读,让学生欣赏由tomato做的菜,告诉学生要多吃蔬菜,eating more vegetables is good for our health!

四、let’s play.跟学生玩游戏,shole said,让学生听指令做动作,这样可以把本课知识与前几课书的知识有机结合,而且培养了学生的快速反应能力。



Module 9 Unit 1 This is my family.第一课时词汇教学活动设计


本课是外研社小学英语三年级起点第一册第九模块的第一课时,主要内容是学习有关家庭成员的单词和职业。通过学习本课内容让学生更好的了解家人和所从事的职业,培养学生的爱家情感。教学目标: 知识目标:

a.词汇:能认读family father, mother brother sister grandpa grandma me doctor这些单词

b.语句:会用she’s = she is / he’s = he is … 来描述家庭成员 能力目标:

a.词汇:能准确的口头运用family father, mother brother sister grandpa grandma me doctor这些单词

b.能够准确运用she’s = she is / he’s = he is …来描述家庭成员 情感目标:


电脑 课件 单词卡片 学生的全家福照片等 教学流程:






学生在展示完单词后,老师总结的时候学习family 这个单词。然后通过问屏幕中妈妈和刘星的职业来导出she’s = she is / he’s = he is … doctor 这三个单词。


刚才我们学习了刘星的一家,现在让我们来学习Sam的一家。通过听课本录音进一步学习单词和she’s = she is / he’s = he is …


拿出事先准备好的全家福照片,在小组内练习本节课学的单词和she’s = she is / he’s = he is …




首先让学生观察图片,小组讨论这个故事。大致了解新词汇的意思 一.直观法。


2、利用实物或者图片介绍新词汇。如basket.3、可以用手势动作演示或是引导学生说词表演同时进行来强化、或要求学习小组进行双簧表演练习巩固新词以增添趣味性。如:语篇中的三个动词fold , fill和attach 就可以通过教师表演示范的形式进行教授。如在教授fold一词时,老师可以快速的折一只纸飞机,然后提出问题:What am I doing? I’mfolding a paper plane.这样学生很快就会明白fold 的含义。fill 和attach 也可以通过这种方法进行教学。





对学生多鼓励,多表扬,对学生进行正向引导,增加兴趣 以上是我的片面见解,英语词汇教学方法多种多样,关键是激发学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高学生的学习兴趣,达到记忆单词的目的,争取学好英语。



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