春芽学屋 牛津小学英语4B词组

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第一篇:春芽学屋 牛津小学英语4B词组

春芽学屋 牛津小学英语4B词组

Unit 1

a new student 一个新生 a new teacher一个新老师

I’m new here.我是新来的.Welcome to our school.欢迎到我们学校.excuse me 打扰一下 the boy in the tree 树上的那个男孩

let me see 让我看看 come down 下来 climb trees 爬树

listen to a walkman 听随身听 look at the zebra 观看斑马

in the zoo 在动物园里 come here 过来

the man over there 那边的那个男人

Unit 2

good evening 晚上好 at a party在聚会上 my brother 我的弟弟/哥哥

the boy with big eyes大眼睛的那个男孩

nice to meet you 见到你很高兴

the one in the white skirt 那个穿着白色短裙的 which one 哪一个

the man with a big mouth那个大嘴巴的男人

the one in red那个穿红衣服的

the girl with a small nose 那个小鼻子的女孩

be late for the party聚会迟到

the woman with long hair那个长头发的妇女 be late for school上学迟到

the boy with big ears 大耳朵的那个男孩 be late for class 上课迟到

the one in the green shirt 那个穿着绿色衬衫的男人

Let’s go.我们走吧

the one in the yellow jacket 那个穿着黄色茄克的Let’s hurry.我们赶快吧.in the car 在小汽车里

my grandfather 我的祖父/我的外祖父

Unit 3

your job 你的职业 your name 你的名字 how old 多大, 几岁

their jobs 他们的职业 her/ his job 她/他的职业 a policeman 一个警察

my good friend我的好朋友 her small eye她的小眼睛 big ears 大耳朵

a big nose一个大鼻子 her long hair她的长头发 You’re right.你是对的.Look at the old woman 看着那个老太太 an old woman 一个老太太

the one in the red sweater那个穿红色毛衣的 about sixty 大约六十岁

want to be a teacher 想要当一个老师 how many 多少(数量)Unit 4

buy fruit 买水果 some grapes 一些葡萄 how many kilos 多少公斤

three kilos三公斤 I’d like---我想要------Here you are.给你.these apples这些苹果 those oranges那些桔子

these or those这些还是那些

Can I help you?我能为你效劳吗?(营业员用语)The red ones 那些红色的 eight yuan 8 元

Unit 6

by taxi坐出租车 by train坐火车 by plane坐飞机 by car坐小汽车

by minibus 坐中巴 on foot 步行 by bike 骑自行车 go by taxi 坐出租车去 go to school 去上学

go to the theatre去剧院 go there 去那儿 go to Xi’an去西安

be free 有空 go to the hospital by bus坐公交车去医院

the plane for Beijing 去北京的航班 good idea 好主意

play football 踢足球 at/ in the school 在学校

be free 有空 go to school by bike 骑自行车去学校

go to the zoo on foot步行去动物园

Unit 7

at a snack bar在一家小吃店(快餐店)里 a hamburger一个汉堡包

how about---?------怎么样? a pie一个馅饼 some noodles 一些面条

Something to drink一些喝的 something to eat一些吃东西

orange/apple juice 桔汁/苹果汁 Anything else? 还要别的东西吗? a cup of coffee/ tea 一杯咖啡/茶 a glass of milk/ juice一杯牛奶/果汁

a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 how much 多少(价格)

some chocolate 一些巧克力 some sweets一些糖果 some water 一些水

play basketball 打篮球 go and play basketball去打篮球

some cakes 一些蛋糕 get up 起床

go to see the doctor 去看医生 have a pie 吃一个馅饼

have some juice 喝点果汁 some ice-cream一些冰淇淋

in the picture 在图片中

two cups of coffee 两杯咖啡 five bottles of juice五饼果汁

Unit 8

open day 接待日 our classroom我们的教室 watch TV看电视

big and bright又大又明亮 in your classroom 在你的教室里

some bookcases 一些书架 in class在课堂上 a music room音乐室

near the window靠近窗 some songbooks一些歌本

on the piano在钢琴上 lots of book许多书 some computers几台电脑

in the library在图书馆里 some violins 几把小提琴

a map一张地图 in the playground 在操场上

some volleyballs 一些排球 have got a new T-shirt 得到一件新T恤

some words一些字/词 I love China.我爱中国.On the chair在椅子上

on the table在桌上 two small boxes两只小盒子

open the blue box 打开蓝色的盒子

Unit 9

What’s for breakfast? 早饭吃什么? in the cupboard 在碗柜里

my glass我的玻璃杯 on the table在桌上 in the fridge在冰箱里

have some juice喝点果汁 a carton of orange juice 一盒桔汁

on the sofa 在沙发上 in the pencil case 在铅笔袋里

in the school bag 在书包里 use chopsticks 用筷子

I’d like to try.我想试试.a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子

Let me try again.让我再试试.Come and have dinner来吃晚饭

have breakfast 吃早饭 five knives 五把刀

watch me 看我 watch the cartoon 看卡通片


a charity show2 hold a microphonebe the host of a charity show 4 practice a lotpractice sth/ doing sth 6 only ifsleep less during the day 8 advertise on the Internet 9 give out(leaflets)organize a charity show 11 Project Green Hope 12 Project HopeSave China’s Tigers 14 Spring Bud Project 15 in poor areashelp protect rivers and lakes in Chinahelp(sb.)with sth.,help(sb.)do sth 18 have/hold a meeting 19 have/hold a charity show 20 raisemoneyforsb.donatesth.(money)tosb.22 those organizerschoose sbto dosth24 because of the TV caneras 25 start working on the show 26 introduce sb to sb27 introduce oneselfhave many other duties29 hard work 30work hard

remember to do sth32 remember doing sth33 at the right time

remember to look at the right camera at the right time35 in the beginning = at first 36 in the end = at last = finally 37 at the same time 38 do everything right39 become a little bit easier 40 the night before the big event 41 can’t sleep at all 42 the way to success

keep asking myself,keep doing sth.44 come/ go into the theatre 45 have no time to do sth8b unit 4词组 1一次慈善演出 2拿着话筒

3做慈善演出的主持人 4多练习5练习做某事 6除非


8在英特网上登广告 9散发(传单)

10组织一次慈善演出 11绿色希望工程 12希望工程 13拯救中国虎 14春蕾计划 15在贫困地区

16帮助保护中国的河、湖 60-62

17帮忙(某人)做某事 18开一个会


20为某人(某组织)筹款/募捐 21捐某物(钱)给某人 22那些组织者 23选某人做---24由于电视摄象机 25开始演出排练 26把某人介绍给某人 27自我介绍

28有许多别的职责 29艰苦的工作

30努力工作(学习)31记得去做某事 32记得做过某事 33在适当的时候

34记得在适当的时候找准机 35在开始;起初 36在末尾;最后 37在同时

38把每件事做对 39变得容易一点

40这件大事的前一天晚上 41根本睡不着 42成功之道

43一直问我自己(一直做某事)44走进剧院 45没时间做某事

the fans of the pop stars47 speak loudly 48 seem to do sth

seem angry/ to be angry

have a lot of support from local businesses

have more events like this52 hope to do sth53 best wishes

help people in need

make money by selling goods and services

introduce the guests in a show57 at a big theatre58 many things to do63-67

make your voice sound louder 60 a person who performs in a show61 hang in front of the stage 62 want the show to be a success 63 at the end of the show64 on the ground

because of the heavy rain66 make some decisionsdecide to do sth

make s decision to do sth 67 hold the show indoors 68 be broken 69 use notepaper

be /become interested in71 design some posters72 I wish I were you.73 wish you a happy holiday(I wish you goodluck)74 wish sb.to do sth75 pay attention to sth 68-73

work on a charity show77 name of the show /charity

ticket price, the price of the ticket 79 talk about holding a charity show80 a charitycalled Project Hope 81 do a very important job 82 cost ﹩20 each 83 volunteer to do sth84 set up the stage

call the show Sunshine For All 86 phone sb.46那些流行明星的迷 47大声地说话 48似乎要----49似乎生气


51有更多的像这样的事件 52希望做某事 53最好的祝福 54帮助需要的人


56在表演中介绍来宾 57 在大剧院 58 许多事要做

使你的声音听起来更大一些 60 在剧中表演的人 61 挂在舞台前

想要这次演出成功 63 在演出结束时 64 在地上 64因为大雨 66 做出决定决定做某事

在室内举行表演 68 坏了 69 使用信纸 70 对----感兴趣 71 设计海报



祝你好运 75 注意某物


这个表演/慈善机构的名字 78 票价


一个叫“希望工程”的慈善机构81 做一个非常重要的工作 82 各花20 美圆 83 自愿去做某事 84 搭建舞台

把这演出叫做“阳光洒向每人”86 打电话给某人

有许多空余时间 88 做-----是没有关系的89 raise money to help poor children go to school

a musical performance

Sunshine Advertisement Agency 92 it’s important that---93 learn to read and write

go to work instead of going to school

a magic show

a fun /funny evening97 support Project Hope 98 thank sb

be thankful to sb

thank sb for(doing)sth 101 give one’s thanks to sb102 donate money to do sth103 make this show possible104 Sunshine Department Store 105 pass the exams106 go/come to the show 107 write back to sb108 return to sp

go/come back to sp

tickets for a charity show110 clap and shout excitedly 111 perform very well112 perform on the stage

a break between the two classes114 do business115 the exit to--

speak/talk in a low/high voice117 donations are welcome 118 the purpose of119 invite sb to lunch 120 can’t wait for sthcan’t wait to do sth

do another show next year

have lots of free time88 it doesn’t matter that----


一场音乐表演 91 阳光广告公司 92------是重要的 93学会读书和写字 94去上班来代替上学

一场魔术表演 96 一个有趣的晚上 97 支持希望工程 98 谢谢某人 99 对某人感激

100因为(做)某事而感谢某人 101谢谢某人 102捐钱做某事

103使这次演出成为可能 104 阳光商场 105 通过考试

去/来参加这个表演 107 写回信给某人 108 回到某地 109 慈善表演的票 110激动地鼓掌和大叫 111 表演得好


两节课之间的短暂休息114 做生意

通向----的出口 116 低/高声说 117 欢迎捐款 118---的目的 119邀请某人吃午餐 120迫不急待做某事



牛津英语7BUnit 8Pets重要词组

Welcome & comicP92-93

1.bring me something to eat=bring something to eat to me给我一些吃的(bring sb sth=bring sth to sb)to 侧重朝着,向着,对着某人 ;

(get sb sth=get sth forsb)for 侧重强调动作的受益者,为了某人,替某人。


① 可转换成 to 的 动词:take / send / lend / give/ pass / hand / show / tell / wish / write / teachfeed ②可转换成 for的 动词:buy / get / make / cook/ build / draw / choose / prepare / spare/ sing / save / order / find

2.say “ please” / “ hello ”/ “sorry”(to sb)对某人说“请”-----


① say 说,强调说话内容,及物动词带宾语 或句子。也可作不及物动词。

Eg.It’s hard to say.say to sb(oneself)自言自语


强调单方的“说”或“讲”,一般用作不及物动词,要表示“对某人说(某事)”,可用 speak to [with] sb(about sth)。

可接语言的名词,eg: speak English

③tell tell 表示“告诉”,可接双宾语,双宾语易位时用介词 to 引出间接宾语。

④talk talk 强调双方“交谈”,一般用作不及物动词,表示“同某人谈论(某事)”,可用 talk to [with] sb(about sth)。如:

3.watch them swim around看他们游来游去

hear birds sing

watch / see / hear / listen to / notice sb do sth” 是指看见某人做过某事”是看着事情的发生全过程,hear someone calling / shouting for help

watch / see / hear / listen to / notice sb doing doing sth是指”看见某人正在做某事”,表正在进行

4.sleep on one’s knees睡在膝盖上

5.feed sb.sth.= feed sth.to sb.给某人喂某物

6.hold in one’s hand拿在某人手里

hold a fashion=have a fashion = give a fashion举行时装展

7.play with sb.和某人玩

8.teach parrots to speak 教鹦鹉说话

teach sb to do sth教某人做某事

teach sb sth =teach sth to sb教某人--

teach sb how to do sth教某人如何做某事

Reading P94-96

1.the cleverest animal of all最聪明的动物

the biggest restrauntin Tifth Street五大街上最大的餐馆

2.run after a ball / a rabbit / cats and birds追一只球(兔子、猫和鸟)

3.do wonderful tricks 耍精彩的把戏

play tricks on sb 捉弄某人



wonderfuladj精彩的wonderfully adv 精彩地

类似用法如:care / beauty /health / luck

4.build me camps out of sticks 用树枝造„„


build----out of用---建造---

makea bird out ofwoodmake---out of用---制作---

take a watch out ofits pockettake…out of 从-----中取出----

helpMrs Sun out(of the fire)help…out of 帮----从中逃离

get…out of

② build sb sth = build sth for sb替某人建造----

※※unt with eyes open wide 睁大眼睛寻找

do sth with eyes open wide睁大眼睛做某事


①with +n+adjsleep with eyes closed / open;

②with +n+prepcome in with a big smile on one’s face

go to school with a big bag on one’s back

leave the office with lights on / off

5.look after well =take good care of照顾好某人

take care = be careful当心

6.till the end直到最后eg look after him till the end

not------till直到----才 eg.do / does / did / will not do homeworktill 9.pmdon’t have to do = don’t need to do 不必做某事

7.need a gentle touch 需要轻轻的一触

touch sth 触摸----

8.rhymes with与—押韵

9.do amazing things 做奇妙的事情

10.do(many)other things 做(许多)其他事情

11.look around环顾四周常见与look搭配的短语

look up/down朝上 / 下看

look after照顾

look for寻找

look out当心 / 朝外看

look out of sth朝------外看

look out at sth眺望---

look at朝------看

look adj看上去 / 看起来-----

look like(doing)sth看上去 / 看起来像-----

12.hide under the chair 躲在椅子下

hide sth / sb prep躲在-----


13.make trouble 惹麻烦

14.be afraid of 害怕

be afraid to do害怕做某事

be afraid that恐怕,担心---



1.make beautiful/ nice sounds发出好听的声音

make a sound like a dog does发出像狗叫的声音

2.sleep anywhere 睡在任何地方

3.a special friend of mine 我的一个特殊的朋友

= one of my special friends

4.repeat my words=say sth again重复我的话

5.all the time= always一直

6.feed him sth else给他喂其他东西

sth / anything / nothin /elsewhat/who else7.give him some meat = give some meat to him给他一些肉

8.be easy to look after 容易照顾

9.That’s true.很正确。

10.I(don’t)agree.with you.我(不)同意你的观点。

agree to do sth同意做某事

11.There’s nothing wrong with keeping a snake if you like.如果你喜欢,养蛇并没有错。If+ 句子 ;假如,如果---

Integrated skills

pick it / them up 把----捧起来 P99-1001.pick up goldfish with your hands 用手捧起金鱼

2.put your goldfish in the sun把金鱼放在阳光下

read in the sun在阳光下读书

3.grow up tobe 40 centimeters长大长达40厘米

grow wheat种植小麦

grow very big / tall / fat

4.weigh up to 40grams 称起来达40克

5.join a pet club 加入宠物俱乐部

6.have a talk on pets =give a talk about pets举行有关宠物的演讲

7.learn about how to look after them 学习如何照顾他们

8.tell me more about them告诉我更多有关他们的事情

9.need to feed them oftten需要经常喂他们

10.once/twie(three / fourtimes)a day一天一次(两三四次)

11.eat special fish food 吃特殊的鱼食

12.How big can goldhish grow?金鱼能长多长?

12.make a noise 发出噪声

13.talk about pet care 谈论宠物照顾

14.like exercise a lot很喜欢运动

eat / sleep / rain / sweem / read / write a lotdo stha lot=do sth often

15.brush her fur梳理她的毛发

16.feed them too much给他们喂太多

① too much=much;“太多”用作形容词,后接不可数名词。

如:too much water, too much snow, toomuchrain。

也可用作代词。如:Don't eat too much.别吃太多了。

② much too=too.其中too是副词,修饰much."太”是副词。后接形容词或副词。It is much too cold today.He is always doing things much too carelessly.③ too many=many“太多”用作形容词,后接可数名词复数。


※※ too much=much;much too=too;too many=many

17.walk the dog=take the dog for a walk溜狗

Study skills P101

1.get inforamation from the Internet 从网上得到信息

2.different kinds of 不同种类的----

3.millions ofmillions 后有S,前面不能再加具体数字

hundreds / thouands of

twohundred / thousand / millionhundred前有数字(two),后不能加S

4.use----to find the information用---找信息

information不可数,易错词:news, work(工作),5.find inforamation quickly and easily快速且容易的找到信息

6.want to find information about pets 想找有关宠物的信息

7.find information about how to look after pets找关于如何照顾宠物的信息

8.information about keeping an e-pet有关照顾电子宠物的信息

9.what to have as a pet养什么做宠物

Task P102-103

1.have long ,grey fur and white paws长着灰色长毛和白爪子fur不可数

2.like warm milk喜爱温热牛奶

3.be friendly and quiet / noisy / happy / lucky/ clever / kind

be+adj 构成系表结构

4.sleep in a baskket / cage / box睡在篮子(笼子盒子)里

5.When she is hungry,she will miao.当她饥饿时就喵喵叫。


6.enjoy it very much很享受

7.Poppy is my best fiend , but she is very lazy sometimes.Poppy是我最好的朋友,但有时很懒。But但是,然而

8.She never worries because we take good care of her.她从不烦恼,因为我们照顾她很周到。Because因为---

9.look like看起来像----

10.sit / lie on the bed / sofa坐 / 躺在床上(沙发)

11.talk about its lifestyle谈谈它的生活方式

第四篇:牛津小学英语5Aunit1-4词组小结 2 - 副本

5A Unit1-4词组短语


1.the first day 第一天2.all the students所有学生3.the new term新学期4.at school在学校

5.the first day of the new term新学期的第一天6.the first day at school在学校的第一天7.each other 彼此

8.a lot of rooms许多房间9.a new building一幢新大楼

10.how many classrooms多少个教室11.i’m not sure.我不能确定/我没把握。12.let’s go and see.让我们去看看。13.in the building 在大楼里14.two reading rooms两个阅览室15.let me see.让我看看。16.let’s go and have a look让我们去看一看。

17.a lot of flowers and trees许多花和树

18.near your house在你的房子附近19.good idea好主意20.a small one 一个小的(这里指公园)21.shall we go and play there?我们去那儿玩,好吗?22.in the street在街上23.on the table在桌上24.on the plate在盘子


1.her parents她的父母亲

2.live in a new house住在一间新房子里

3.like the new house very much非常喜欢新房子

4.near her school在她学校附近5.three bedrooms三个卧室6.a large study一个大书房7.in your bedroom在你的卧室里8.near my bed 在我的床附近

9.on the wall在墙上

10.a map of the world 一张世界地图11.a map of china一幅中国地图12.on the desk在书桌上13.behind the door在门后14.in the basket 在篮子里15.under the bed在床下面16.on the table在桌子上17.on my chair在我的椅子上18.under my desk在我的课桌下19.near my school bag在我的书包附近

20.in the cat’s mouth在猫的嘴里21.in the black hat戴着黑色的帽子unit3

1.make a puppet做木偶

2.make a model plane做一架模型飞机 3.play the guitar弹吉他4.play the violin 拉小提琴

5.play the piano 弹钢琴6.play basketball 打篮球7.play football 踢足球 8 go skating 去滑

9.play baseball 打棒球10.play volleyball打排球

11.sing a song 唱一首歌12.learn the song学歌 13.listen to the song听歌.listen to the teacher听老师讲15.at a music lesson在一节音乐课上 16.have an english class/lesson上一堂英语课

17.at three o’clock 在三点钟 18.in the afternoon 在下午19.in the classroom在教室里20.in the music room在音乐教室里 21.follow me 跟我(唱)

22.let’s start.让我们开始吧。23.let’s sing it together 让我们一起唱。read together一起读

25.ride a bike骑自行车

26.ride a horse骑马

27.put a book on your head把一本书放在你头上

28.put a rubber on your nose把橡皮放在你鼻子上

29.have an ice-cream吃个冰淇淋30.find him 找到他

31.behind the blackboard在黑板后面17.like chickens 喜欢鸡(like后面常跟名词的复数)

18.here’s your change.找你零钱 19.a bus driver一名汽车司机

20.work on saturdays and sundays在星期六星期天工作(一周七天前用介词“on”)21.like swimming(like doing sth)喜欢32.under the teacher’s desk 在讲台下面

33.after class课后

sing and dance 唱歌跳舞35 start to swim开始游泳

unit 4

1.his family 他的家人2.ben’s family 本的家人

3.some families 一些家庭family(复数)families

4.in the sitting-room在起居室里

5.would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事

6.would like to buy things想要买东西

7.would like to play computer games想要玩电脑游戏

8.buy things for a Halloween party 买万圣节的东西

9.at an English party在一次英语聚会上

10.need some pumpkin lanterns需要些南瓜灯

11.tomorrow morning 明天早上

12.help you/me/him/her帮助你/我/他/她

13.a lot of chocolate许多巧克力14.horse masks马面具15.what else其他的什么


16.how much 多少(钱)(修饰不可数名词)


22.play table tennis with our friends和我们的朋友一起打乒乓球

23.p lay ````with`````和````玩(play football with my friends)24.watch tv看电视

25.listen to music听音乐

26.some music(不可数名词)一些音乐27.like reading(books)喜欢读书28.what animals什么动物

29.look at these zebras看这些斑马30.some masks for Halloween一些万圣节的面具

31.try an elephant mask 试一个大象的面具

32.an apple tree/ twelve apple trees一棵苹果树/十二棵苹果树33.go to work去上班

38.at Halloween 在万圣节 for Halloween 为万圣节

39.an animal 一个动物 40.work(名词)worker

41.in the evenings/mornings/afternoons在晚上/早上/下午(一日的三个时间段之前常用介词“in ”)





in the morning 在上午help me with my Maths 帮我学数学jump 跳walk 步行after class 课后look for 寻找

go and join them 去加入他们study in the library在图书馆学习their children 他们的孩子们near the hill 在小山附近

a tin of fish一听鱼a fat bear一只胖熊a thin monkey 一只瘦猴fly kites 放风筝at home在家on the paper在纸上 让我给你演示怎样来做。

(动词后用宾格 me/us,you,him/her/it/them)

teach her students about shapes 教她的学生们关于形状

the sun 太阳the moon月亮draw some stars画一些星形

Happy New Year!新年快乐!I don’t know.我不知道。


What are you doing? 你正在干什么?

I’m reading a newspaper.我正在看报纸。

We’re reading picture books.我们正在看图画书。

Where’s Mike? 迈克在哪里?

He’s in the playground.他在操场。

What is he doing?他正在干什么?

He’s running.他在跑步。

Is she sleeping?她正在睡觉吗?

Yes,she is./No,she isn’t.是的,她是。/不,她不是。

Are they playing with yo-yos?他们在玩溜溜球吗?

Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.是的,他们是。/不,他们不是。

You have a blanket and I have a towel.你有一条毯子,我有一条毛巾。We have a stove and they have a pot.我们有一个炉子,他们有一口锅。What does she/he have?她/他有什么?

She/He has a tent.她有一顶帐篷。

What do they have?他们有什么?

They have some model planes.他们有一些模型飞机。

What shape is the picture?这幅图是什么形状?

It’s a diamond.它是一个菱形。

Show us how to cook rice.给我们展示怎样煮饭。

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