
时间:2019-05-13 01:21:48下载本文作者:会员上传



Teaching plan



My family 2.Teaching Aids :photos,cards 3.Teaching Aims:

A,Let the pupils master the new words.B,make the pupils can describe their family members with the new sentence pattern:This is my…,she/he is …

C,Make the pupils become more interested in learning English.4.Teaching Contents: words:grandma ,grandpa ,father ,mother,brother,sister,husband,wife,family

Sentence :This is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…)5.Teaching Important:

new words: grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family Sentence :This is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…)6.Teaching Difficult: Pupils can describe their family with the sentence partten: This is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…)(以上这些可以简单点,略过就行)


1,Greeting.2,Warming up:Review the words :father,mother,sister ,brother 3,Presantation:A,Show and look the family photos,the learn the new

words.grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family B,Describe the photos and learn the sentence, This is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely)…

4,Practice: A,Describe the photos B,Do the matching


亲爱的,在讲课文时要注意分3步来哦: 1.初始引入课文概(要采用何种方式引入课文)2.质疑设问环节(把课堂交给学生,让学生提问题)3.拓展延伸环节(分析课文,并提出中难题,并和学生一起解决问题,并且将课文内容延伸出去)

Class Record T:Hello,boys and girls,how are you going today? S:Fine,thanks,Miss Huang.How are you going?

T:Very well.Thank you so much.Today is the first day of a week,so today we will have something new to learn.(Write down the topic:My family)Ok,do you bring the family photos with you?(A task have assigned last week.)Ss:Yes!(Shoe the photos)T:Great!Look,here is my family photo.(Show the photo to the students.)Please tell me where I am? Ss:That little girl in red.T:Yeah,it’s me.(point to the little girl)And the young man is my….? Ss:Father.T:Right,”father”,We have learned last week.So the young woman beside my father is my …? S:Mother.T:How about the little boy?(brother!),and the young girl?(sister!)

Great!(write down the words on the Bb)Read them together!(Students begin to read.)

Ok,pay attention!Who is that old man behind my father? Ss:爷爷。

T:Yes,he is my grandpa, my grandpa,(Write down the new words.)Read and spell it.(Students read and pell the word.)T:Look at this old woman,she is my father’s mather,and she is my grandma, grandma—奶奶。Read it three times!(Ss read and spell it.)So my grandma is my grandpa’s wife, wife---妻子。Read after me,”wife” Ss:Wife,W-I-F-E, T:Good!My father is my mother’s husband, husband,what’s meaning?Just guess, Ss:丈夫。

T:Clever!Read it!(Ss read and spell it.)T:So my grandpa is my grandma’s…? Ss:Husband.T:Right!Ok,listen to me carefully!There are six people in my family,the old man is my grandpa ,the old woman is my grandma.The wowan behind me is my mother and the man beside my mother is my father.They are very young.The young girl is my sister and the boy is my brother,where Iam?I am in front of my sister.Now please show me your family photos.Who can introduce your family to me?Do you know “introduce”?It means “介绍”.(Some students hand up.)T:Ok,you,please!S1:(Show his family photo)There are four people in my family.The little boy is my brother,the woman is my mother,and this man is my father.They are very young.This girl is me.T:Good job,sit down ,please!Now introduce your family to your deskmate ,please!(Ss begain to introduce)T:Finished?(Yes!)Good,next,we are going to do the practice.Here are three picyures.(Put the pictures on the Bb.)Look at the pictures and listen to me carefully.“I live with my wife,Eva,and our baby daughter,near the centre of the city.The flat is very expensive,so we live with my parents,and my brother.Ok,now please tell me how many people in this family? Ss:Six people.T:Right.Which picture is this man’s family photo? Ss:Picture Two.T:Very good!Here are the introduction of the another two pictures.Who can match them with the pictures well?I need two students ,who can have a try?(Ss hand up.)Ok ,you two ,please.(S2 and S2 go to the Bb to do the matching.)T:Are they right? Ss:Yes!T:Well down!Congratulations!(Clab hands.)(Ssclab their hands.)T: Your homework,drow a picture of your family and write down your introduction about your family.That’s all for today,Goodbye,class!Ss:Goodbye ,Miss Huang!




What’s your number?

I’m number thirteen.教学目标:1.以开展校级长跑比赛,询问运动员号码为话题进行会话体验。

2.Justread and write:three ,four(两个四会单词)



教学重点:1.three ,four(两个四会单词)


教学难点:三会:听、说、认读句型:What’s your number? I’m number 教学步骤:第一部: 热身/复习(warm-up/revision)


Number song.让学生在欢快的歌曲中进一步熟悉数字。

2.全体起立用动作表情和肢体语言数1-10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight ,nine,ten.3.把十名男同学排到前面边跳边唱歌曲:Ten little Indian boys(十名印第安小男孩儿。)

4.同时再叫十名女同学排到前面边跳边唱自编创新歌曲:Ten little Chinese girls(十名中国小女孩儿。)目的:熟悉一到十的数。

第二步: Presentation



块糖块师生一起数one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight ,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,Thirteen,fourteen.尤

其是eleven,twelve, Thirteen,fourteen.多数几遍。以便学生们熟练掌握,数得好的学生就奖励糖吃。


1.选几名同学站在起跑线上戴上号码布准备:One,two,three,go!到终点抓名次的学生要问: What’s your number?跑步的人回答:I’m number thirteen…反复强调练习到熟练为止。2.Work in pairs:每组每两名学生互问互答: A:What’s your number?B:I’m number thirteen…

three ,four(在英文四线格上写两个四会单词)

默写three ,four(在英文四线格上写两个四会单词)



PEP(七)Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal

长超小学 顾芳芳

第一课时:Main Scene A.Let’s learn

Group work 教学目标:

a.能听、说、读、写动词短语的-ing形式,如:diving, riding a bike, collecting stamps, playing the violin, making kites.b.能运用句子“What’s your hobby?”询问别人的兴趣爱好并作回答。教学重点:


动词短语原形与-ing形式的区分及句型“What’s your hobby? I like….”的灵活运用。课前准备:


Step 1 Warm up 向学生问候,并出示玩具小狗。T:Hello, every.Do you like it? Let’s see a flash.It’s about a dog.播放课件。Free Talk

T: I think this dog is very cute.Do you think so? Do you like it?

I like it very much.You see, I like animals and I take many pictures about them.Look, here are some pictures for you.Talk about the pictures 请学生看课件,并讨论:

T: What’s this? / what are these? Which animal do you like? Step 2 Presentation 1.呈现:What’s your hobby? T: I take so many pictures , so I like taking pictures.What about you?


(watching TV ,reading books, swimming,------)T: I like taking pictures, so my hobby is taking pictures.板书:



T:She likes watching TV, so her hobby is watching TV.What’s your hobby? S: My hobby is------2.呈现riding a bike, making kites, playing the violin, diving, collecting stamps A T: My hobby is taking pictures.So I have many pictures.Now let’s look at some of them.Look!Who’s she? Can you guess? No, she isn’t my daughter.No , she isn’t myself.She is my little sister.What’s she doing?

She is riding a bike.She likes riding a bike.riding a bike(板书,拼读)B

T: Look at this picture.What’s the boy doing? He is making kites.He likes making kites.making kites


T: Let’s look at this picture.Who’s he? What’s he doing? Yes, he is Wang Lihong..He is playing the violin.He likes playing the violin.playing the violin

(板书,拼读)D T: Do you know her? Who’s her?

Yes ,she is Guo Jingjing.What’s Guo Jingjing’s hobby?

She likes diving.diving


T: I like taking pictures.But I have another hobby.Look, what are these? 出示自己收藏的邮票

T: They are stamps.How beautiful!

So I like collecting stamps.collecting stamps(板书,拼读)Step 3 Practice and chant T: Now, let’s chant.What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Riding, riding, I like riding a bike.What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Making, making, I like making kites.What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Playing, playing, I like playing the violin.What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Diving, diving, I like diving.What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Collecting,collecting, I like collecting stamps.Step 4 Consolidation and extension T: Now, let’s play a game, a very interesting game.In your pairs, one student is a reporter, the other student is a star.Then the reporter interviews the star.For example, I’m the reporter, and I interview Yao Ming.R: Hello, Yao Ming.Nice to meet you.Y: Nice to meet you, too.R: What’s your hobby? Y: I like playing basketball.R: Do you like riding a bike? Y: Yes.R: Do you like listening to music? Y: yes.---------R: Thank you.出示其他一些明星,分别让学生扮演记者和明星,进行类似的对话练习。

T: Who can act out the dialogue? I will give them the stamps as the prize.学生上台表演,邮票和玩具小狗作为奖品。Step 5

Homework Do the survey after class.Homework Do the survey after class.



8B Unit 6 A Charity walk Grammar

教学目标: 1.学习句型“it’s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth” 以及“ it’s + adj + that--clause” 2.运用以上句型,正确的来表达自己的感受和谈论的对象。教学重点:

学习句型“it’s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth” 以及“ it’s + adj + that--clause” 教学难点:

运用以上句型,正确的来表达自己的感受和谈论的对象。课前准备: 1.多媒体课件



Step 1 Warm up 向学生问候

1.What is the most important in the Oxfam Trailwalker ? 播放课件。导出 team spirit 2.There’s a basketball match in our school.What should you pay attention to before and during the match? 运用it’s + adj +to do sth句型,小组活动,讨论,成果越多越好。请学生看课件,并讨论, 全班呈现 Step 2 Presentation 呈现:

T: I’ll show you my advice.(要求学生将相应的建议放到相对应的人物的房子里,见PPT)


板书:it’s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth

。Step 3 Practice

将这些句子改成that 从句,并总结 it’s + adj + that--clause”

Step 4 Consolidation and extension 1.T: Two pieces of good news,choose A or B?(选其中一个)两个好消息,学校五月份会有两个活动,选择其中一个,针对问题阐述,小组活动并写下来

1.朗读小组内容,让学生自己上台讲 2.让学生区别it’s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth

it’s + adj +(of sb)+to do sth Step 5 Homework 1.Write down what you should do before the coming ORAL ENGLISH competition;2.Do exercises in the Assessment Book



一、说教材 1.说教材内容





能熟练用句型……进行……话题的对话(三会)能听懂会说会读会拼写句型(四会)…… 能力目标:

情感目标:对学生进行……方面的文化意识渗透教学或思想教育(看情况而定,也可省略)3.说重点难点 例:教材的重点是……


二、说教法学法 1.说教法







1.Warming up(导入)这一个环节要设计一些热身活动,如唱与新授有关的英语歌、做个与新授有关的小游戏、与新授有关的对话、与新授有关的单词、词组复习等。2.Presentation(新授)要运用任务教学法和情境教学法,在模拟现实的交际对话中教学新授词、句。千万不要拿着教材一句句教读、跟读。每个新单词和新句型都要设计环节进行突破。3.Practice(操练)在这里主要是回到教材,也可设计一些听力、书写方面的题目,一层层推出教材。让学生用学会的句子来自学、表演、交流。4.Activity(活动)一堂课的高潮部分,也是检查学生本堂课教学效果的环节。给学生一个活动性的任务,让他们用本堂课所学的句型来用英语做事。5.Exercise(练习)让学生完成事先设计的笔头练习,并交流反馈 6.Homework(课外作业)应该是课堂教学的巩固和延伸,要有趣味性和实用性。




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