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一.课题:Lesson 17Part(II)二.教学内容分析: 三.学情分析: 四.教学目标(一)知识目标

1、掌握Lesson 17 Part(II)单词和句型,能依照课文句型用所学的单词和句型在模拟情景中进行对话。

2、掌握句型:Who’s she及其回答She’s„/ He’s„和一般疑问句Is she „?及其回答,并能在实际中运用。

3、能用“The girl with a „”并在实际中运用。(二)能力目标 1.能够拼读拼写单词

2.能够扮演角色进行情景会话 3.能够用所说句型与他人交流 4.能够和同伴合作交流(三)情感目标

1.继续激发学生学习英语的兴趣 2.树立正确的学习目的 3.养成良好的学习习惯

4.培养和提高学生与他人交往的能力 五.教学重难点(一)教学重点: Who’s she?(Who’s he)句型及其回答。Is she „?(Is he „?)及其回答。(二)教学难点: Is she …?(Is he …?)

肯定回答:Yes, she is(he is)否定回答:No, she isn’t(he isn’t)

六、教具准备: 磁带录音机课文插图单词卡句型卡多媒体课件

七、教学过程(一)Warm Up : 1.“Sing a Song”带领全班边唱边做动作。

(设计意图:以让学放松神经,调节好情绪,同时又可回忆上一节课学过的知识。)2宣布课题,板书课题,宣讲目标: 这节课我们继续学习Lesson 17的II部份,掌握四会单词和Who’s she ? Is she„?句型及其答语

(设计意图:让学生有一个学习新知识的概念。)3复习Lesson17(I)1)Act Out(设计意图:让学生回忆上一节课所学的知识,教师可以在发 展性练习中检查学生的掌握程度。同时可以巩固旧知识)2)课件:荧屏上有五幅伟人图像:毛泽东、周恩来、朱德、刘少奇、邓小平。引导学生用“Who’s he? He’s „.句型来问答。

(设计意图:再现上一节课的重点,让学生反复运用巩固,为下面新知识Who’s she ?She’s „句型做准备。)(二)Prestation: 1.课文(II)的整体呈现,听录音,让学生尽量理解文章内容(设计意图:以“听”为先。使学生对内容有一个大概的理解。)2.分步呈现课文,让学生进一步理解课文,掌握四会单词,不作扩展性的操练。只要求学生熟悉课文。3.整体呈现课文


(设计意图:保证学生对课文的整体概念,强调课文的完整性。)4.Read after the tape(the pupils open the books)Read after me。Group work。Pair work。

Read in front of the classroom.(设计意图:这个环节以“读”为主,基本完成学生对课文的掌握工作。熟读课文,为后部分的发展性练习做好准备。)(三)Practice: 1.(练习卷)填写所缺的单词。(设计意图:加强学生对新单词的拼写,加深对课文的熟悉程度。学生可在填写空缺中,把新知识转化成“写”的形式。完成“听,说,读,写“四个步骤。)2.Guessing game:荧屏上有学生的照片,每一幅开始时有的模糊不清,有的有花点遮住,有的只出现脸盘的一部份。引导学生用 Who’s she? She’s„Who’s he? He’s… Is she your classmate?(sister, brother, friend, monitor)Is he your classmate?(sister, brother, friend, monitor)Yes, she is.(No, she isn’t.)Yes, he is.(No, he isn’t.)

(设计意图:操练本课重点句型。用生动有趣的电脑游戏来操练学生,使他们能够熟练地运用本课地重难点句型。)3.Add activity:(录像)2个女孩分别拿着toy pig and toy rabbit 走来。(要求学生编对话。)

Eg:A: Who’s the girl? B;Which girl? A: The girl with a toy rabbit.B: That’s … A: Is she your …? B;Yes,(No,)she is.(isn’t.)

(设计意图:让学生把课本的知识转化为自己的知识在实际情 景中运用。培养学生在实际情景中运用新知识的能力。)(四)Summary: 单词: girl, with, sister, cousin 句型: The girl with a bag.句型对比 Who’s that girl?(电脑呈现)Who’s she? She’s… Who’s he? He’s…

Is she …? Yes, she is.(No, she isn’t.)Is he …? Yes, he is.(No, he isn’t.)(设计意图:总结本课所学的知识。)(五)Homework 两人一组,用本单元句型设计一个对话并表演.看谁演的最好.六课文板书 Who’s that ___? Which ___? The ___with a ___.Is __your __? No, She isn’t my ___.No,he isn’t my __ 七.




primary longman express 3a module 2 unit 2 things we can do教学设计 open day教学设计

温州市实验小学 夏恩力

篇二:小学英语优秀教案 teaching plan topic : my family teaching aids :photos,cards teaching aims: a,let the pupils master the new words.b,make the pupils can describe their family members with the new sentence pattern:this is my„,she/he is „ teaching contents: words:grandma ,grandpa ,father ,mother,brother,sister,husband,wi fe,family sentence :this is my „ ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely„)teaching important: new words: grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family sentence :this is my „ ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely„)teaching difficult: pupils can describe their family with the sentence partten: this is my „ ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely„)procedure: 1,greeting.2,warming up:review the words :father,mother,sister ,brother 3,presantation:a,show and look the family photos,the learn the new words.grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family b,describe the photos and learn the sentence, this is my „ ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely)„ 4,practice: a,describe the photos b,do the matching 5,homework class record t:hello,boys and girls,how are you going today? s:fine,thanks,miss huang.how are you going?

t:very well.thank you so much.today is the first day of a week,so today we will have something new to learn.(write do wn the topic:my family)ok,do you bring the family photos with you?(a task have assigned last week.)ss:yes!(shoe the photos)t:great!look,here is my family photo.(show the photo to the students.)please tell me where i am? ss:that little girl in red.t:yeah,it’s me.(point to the little girl)and the young man is my„.? ss:father.t:right,”father”,we have learned last week.so the young woman beside my father is my „? s:mother.t:how about the little boy?(brother!),and the young girl?(sister!)great!(write down the words on the bb)read them together!(students begin to read.)ok,pay attention!who is that old man behind my father? ss:爷爷。

t:yes,he is my grandpa, my grandpa,(write down the new words.)read and spell it.(students read and pell the word.)t:look at this old woman,she is my father’s mather,and she is my grandma, grandma—奶奶。read it three times!(ss read and spell it.)so my grandma is my grandpa’s wife, wife---妻子。read after me,”wife” ss:wife,w-i-f-e, t:good!my father is my mother’s husband, husband,what’s meaning?just guess, ss:丈夫。

t:clever!read it!(ss read and spell it.)t:so my grandpa is my grandma’s„? ss:husband.t:right!ok,listen to me carefully!there are six people in my family,the old man is my grandpa ,the old woman is my grandma.the wowan behind me is my mother and the man beside my mother is my father.they are very young.the young girl is my sister and the boy is my brother,where iam?i am in front of my sister.now please show me your family photos.who can introduce your family to me?do you know “introduce”?it means “介绍”.(some students hand up.)t:ok,you,please!s1:(show his family photo)there are four people in my family.the little boy is my brother,the woman is my mother,and this man is my father.they are very young.this girl is me.t:good job,sit down ,please!now introduce your family to your deskmate ,please!(ss begain to introduce)t:finished?(yes!)good,next,we are going to do the practice.here are three picyures.(put the pictures on the bb.)look at the pictures and listen to me carefully.“i live with my wife,eva,and our baby daughter,near the centre of the city.the flat is very expensive,so we live with my parents,and my brother.ok,now please tell me how many people in this family? ss:six people.t:right.which picture is this man’s family photo? ss:picture two.t:very good!here are the introduction of the another two pictures.who can match them with the pictures well?i need two students ,who can have a try?(ss hand up.)ok ,you two ,please.(s2 and s2 go to the bb to do the matching.)t:are they right? ss:yes!t:well down!congratulations!(clab hands.)(ssclab their hands.)t: your homework,drow a picture of your family and write down your introduction about your family.that’s all for today,goodbye,class!ss:goodbye ,miss huang!篇三:小学英语阅读课教学设计


②presentation----自主探究,合作交流(12--13m)a.scan(细读)the story and underline the strange words.a:self-study:(2m)t: please scan(细读)the story and underline the strange words.ss: try to read the text by themselves and underline the strange words.b.group-work:(3m)t: you can help each other in your groups,if you still have some questions,please ask me or your partners.c.solve the questions:(7-8m)t:ok,stop here.let’s read the text and get the meanings ,at the same time,pay attention to correcting our pronunciation of the strange words.(check ot teach)at last, listen to recording and follow twice(设计意图:这些活动的设计体现以生为本中“先学后教”教学理念。这样有利于学生在学习过程中自己去吃糖,符合学生勇于尝新的心理,也利于学生主体的发挥。当然,对于陌生的词句,教师的有效指导和讲解是必须的,体现教师的示范引领作用。)

③practice----------巩固操练,比赛评价(8--10m)a.reading-match:(3-5m)t:ok.let’s read the text together,after that we’ll take part in reading match between the groups.before the match,look here.this is a mountain, you can choose the see animals you’d like to be.you’ll have a climbing mountain match according to the points,who get to the top first,you’ll be the winners.ok,let’s begin.b.t: please skim the text, and answer the questions on p.40.(设计意图:赛读活动的设计帮助学生在积极在参与比赛中摆脱机械朗读的厌倦情绪,另外,比赛活动也引导学生学会评价。回答问题有利于帮助学生理解全文大意,把握文章要点词句。)

④production------检测训练,拓展延伸(6-8m)a.choose the right answers: 1)1/4 is.a)a quarterb)one quarterc)one fourth 2)rose is one of flowers.a)beautifulb)more beautifulc)the more beautiful 3)you can find many,whales, dolphins, starfish and sea horses in the oceans.a)streams b)sharks c)animals 4)we must stop football in the classroom.a)play b)to play c)playing 5)we must keep our faces every day.a)clean b)to cleanc)cleaning b.try to fill in the blanks and learn to retell the story.water covers almost of the earth.there is water in streams,rivers,seas and.you can find whales, dolphins and in oceans.dolphins are the most intelligent animals.starfish and are beautiful sea animals.the oceans are important to.we must stop polluting oceans.t help ss to check the answers.(设计意图:通过完成以上练习,检测学生对本文重点词句的掌握情况的同时,引导学生在平时学习中学会知识的迁移与拓展,并学会试着复述所学文章,从而形成学生综合语言运用能力。)

⑤summary--------反思小结,布置作业(3-5m)a.t and students summarize the contents.b.homework supermarket.1)listen to the tape three times.(must be done)2)read the story three times.(must be done)3)retell or rewrite the story.(choose one to do)(设计意图:师生共同小结有利于帮助学生完成知识的建构,同时养成日常小结的习惯。作业超市渗透了教师面向全体,注重分层教学理念,遵循加德纳的多元智能理论。

第三篇:小学英语 教学设计

PEP小学英语五年级下册 Unit 3 PartA Read and write



本单元的重点学习内容之一是12个月份的名称,包括了听说认读。学生听说问题不大,但是要认,甚至是缩写,对中下生还是存在比较大的困难。本教案从有趣的“Let us chant”引出12个月份的名称,通过背诵、默写,使学生轻松掌握。本单元的主题句:When is your birthday?因为是学生比较感兴趣的话题,相当于日常口语,学生比较容易掌握。但本课时拓展至“When is Grandma's birthday?"涉及到询问别人的生日,家人的生日,为家人制造生日表格等,是学生比较难掌握的内容。同时,掌握一些简单的阅读方法,为以后的阅读打好牢固基础也是本课时的教学重点。



(1)能够听、说、读、写句子:When is your birthday? It's in May.My birthday is in June.Uncle Bill's birthday is in June, too.(2)能听懂、会说课文的内容,并能完成课本下面的表格和相关练习。(3)能够掌握询问他人生日的方法:When is XX's birthday?并能流利回答:His/ Her birthday is in...(4)能够掌握简单的阅读方法。






(1)本课时重点掌握如何询问别人的生日:When is your birthday? It's in...(2)教学难点是掌握阅读方法,并实际运用。

四、教学过程: Step1.Pre-reading 1.Let's chant:(课本P26)2.Read the words and write down the words.3.Revise:

When is your birthday ? When is your mother'birthday ? When is your father'birthday ?


Step2.While-reading 1.Skimming.T:(PPT 出现本课主角:John.)Who is the boy ? Ss: He is John.T:Who is the woman ? Ss:She is John's Grandma.T: What is John doing ? Ss: He is making a birthday chart.T: Do you know when his birthday is? Open your book.Read and circle the date.When is John’s birthday?(read and circle)

Learning tip ①(学习方法小提示):在阅读短文时我们可以根据自己所需要了解的信息快速浏览,获取关键信息。

【设计意图】:从最简单的问题开始,让孩子们增强自信心,同时给他们介绍了阅读的方法,让他们更容易表现自我!2.Scanning.(1)Read and underline

How many people are there in John,s family ? Who are they ?(2)PPT出现John的一家,教学Uncle Bill Aunt Mary Cousin Alice


Learning tip ②(学习方法小提示):

在阅读时如需要寻找细节信息,应该放慢阅读速度,在找到的关键信息处划线或做标记。(3)小组合作填写Birthday chart 【设计意图】:图文并茂,让学生们顺利的找到相关的人物,并能在图片和学习方法的指引下,很好的完成老师的任务。)(4)做课本上的练习

【设计意图】:通过简单的练习,让学生巩固课文内容!)3.Listen and read

The Ss listen to the tape, and repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图】:让学生在录音的帮助下,模仿阅读,很好的引导孩子们的英语阅读。)Step3.Post-reading 1.分角色读


3.My family(这是本课的拓展练习,试学生的掌握情况而定)I have a happy family!There are 3 people in my family.They are my dad, my mom and me.My father’s birthday is in March.My mother’s birthday is in June.My birthday is in July.I love my family!【设计意图】:让学生在任务中完成书写,达到本课时的“书写”的教学目标。)Step 4.Homework

1.copy the sentences three times.2.Make a family birthday chart of your own, and remember the birthday of your family.(给自己的家人做一张生日表,并牢记每一位亲人的生日)


PEP Unit3 My birthday----小学英语教学案例设计




3、教学内容: PEP Unit 3 My birthday A Let’s learn


(2)能够就12个月份进行四季划分并会唱Let’s chant。

(3)能够使用句型:When is your birthday ? My birthday is in „

(4)能够听懂并填写Let’s try部分Amy一家人的生日。


(1)教学重点:能够听、说、认、读12个月份的名称并能书写其缩写形式,能够运用句型:When is your birthday ? My birthday is in „




Step1: Warming-up & Revision(1)演唱歌曲,What’s your favorite season,Summer,winter,spring and fall, spring and fall,spring and fall,summer ,winter, spring and fall, What`s your favorite season? [设计意图] 利用歌曲帮助学生复习所学内容,并以此活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣。(2)Let’s start 请学生独立做题,一起校对,12张卡片,按三个月每组在黑板上分成四季。(教师事先在黑板上画四个框,将四季的卡片贴在框顶)师生看单词卡片进行对话。如: T:Do you like spring? Ss:Yes , I do.T:What’s the weather like in spring ? Ss:It’s warm.And it’s windy , too.T:What can you do in spring ? Ss:I can fly kites ,I can plant trees and flowers.[设计意图] 采用师生对话形式引导学生复习与本课关系密切的单词,为后面的教学做铺垫。


1、教学单词 March April May(1)T:which month do you like best in spring ?(如有学生点到March,,就引入March教学,其余两个单词教师可以通过手势,提问学生T:Before/After March,it is„自然引入)(2)指导读并板书

教师指出划线部分的读音,而后请学生拼读 March April May T:Spring is March、April and May.(师生总结)

2、教学July June August(1)教师指着“夏季”方框,画一轮艳阳,表情夸张地说

T:Oh, summer is after spring, And it’s hot, very very hot.T:Do you like summer ? S:Yes, I do.T:What can you do in summer ? S1:I can swim in the lake(or in the sea)S2:I can eat ice-cream.T:Which month do you like best in summer ? 根据学生的回答随机引入单词教学,其余的两个通过after and before引入。(2)指导读并书写.跟读单词July和June,并且比较两个单词中“U”的发音。T:Now Let’s write the word“July”(June August„)on the blackboard.Please hold up your finger and write it in the air.(教师将单词慢慢地写入黑板上的四线格中,同时让学生书写所学单词,并指导字母的占格及写法,同时示范单词的发音。)[设计意图] 在板书单词的同时进行拼写和发音训练,有利于学生形成正书写和规范发音的习惯。

(3)师生一起做“Before and After”游戏

T:Now , Let’s play a game.教师向学生宣布游戏规则:在March→August六个单词中,教师随机给出一个单词并举左手或右手,举左手表before,举右手表after,要求学生反应迅速,口齿清晰。[设计意图] 通过猜单词游戏活跃课堂气氛,营造英语学习的氛围。

3、教学September October November(1)当游戏进行到最后的时候,教师给出单词August并举右手,引出September。学生跟读并书写其简写形式。教师在秋季方框上画上黄色落叶,做出树叶飘落的手势,并以开玩笑的口气 T:Oh, September is in fall.Because leaves are yellow and begin to “fall” now.which other two months are in fall? Ss:October and November.教师应注意学生的发音并引导学生拼读及缩写形式,跟读October,辨别两个”O”的发音。

(2)记忆词形:通过对首字母的添加使Sept.Oct.Nov.与数字9.、10.、11联系起来。具体方法:S-9(把S的起笔处和弯倒处连接起来,像数字9),O-10(前加一竖),N-11(加粗N的两竖)。[设计意图] 使学生将单词与自己熟悉的数字相联系,可以适当降低学生记单词的难度。(3)找出三个词的共同点,都以-ber结尾等。(师提醒冬天的第一个月即12月也是以ber 结尾的。)

4、教学December January February(1)教师在”冬季”方框中画上雪花,做出冷的样子说 T: Ok, look, the last season-----winter!It snows!But my favorite season is winter.why? Guess ? S::You like snow? You can play with the snow ? You can make a snow man ? T:((表赞许)You are right.But that is not all.The most important reason is that------my birthday is in winter.师指着剩余的三个月的卡片

T::They are all in winter.One of them is my favorite month.what is it ? S:Is it December?

教师挑出December卡片,帮助学生正确发音,并拼读和书写其简写形式。T::Yes, I like December.But it’s not my favorite month.S: January or February? 师特别注意纠正学生这两个单词的发音,给出清晰的示范,要求学生准确跟读,最后,教师做出回答:My favorite month is February,because my birthday is in February.(板书: My birthday is in February.)

T: My birthday is in February.When is your birthday?(学生作答)(2)学生之间进行pair work,两人一组练习句型。教师挑选1-2组进行“连锁回答”要求发音清晰、流畅。[设计意图] 小组合作学习有利于学生积极参与课堂活动,并开动脑筋。

5、吟唱歌谣 let`s chant,跟唱并作出相应动作。When is your birthday? When is your birthday? Listen and do.listen and do.January or February, raise your hand.March or April, up and stand.May or June, touch your nose.July or August, touch your toes.September or October,touch your knees.November or December,clap 1,2,3.[设计意图] 歌谣吟唱起来轻松明快,节奏感强。既及时巩固所学单词,又松弛大容量学习之下的学生神经


1、教师出示月份转盘请学生结合主情景图的内容用“When is your birthday ? My birthday is in „„句型做游戏,复习巩固所学单词。



4、Game1 : listen and show 步骤一:教师出示单词并读出,学生跟读并出示相应的手指。步骤二:全体同学伏在桌子上,头低下。一学生报单词,其余学生出示相应的手指数,师巡视并揭晓答案。[设计意图] 让学生独立思考,有利于教师关注到每一位学生的学习效果,从而调整对不同学生的要求,保护他们学习英语的自信心。

5、Game2:look and guess方法:教师只出示字母卡片的第一个字母,让学生猜一猜是哪一个单词。可采用男女生比赛的形式。Step4:Homework : 1熟读单词并准备好默写十二月单词的缩写。2制作班级同学生日统计表,调查同学生日。[设计意图] 进一步为学生创设真实的语言环境,让他们在生活中使用语言,训练他们的口语表达能力,这样的调查活动促使学生在实践活动中运用所学英语,增强对所学英语的体验,同时培养学生的合作精神。

结束:以一首“Happy birthday”曲调相同的歌曲“When is your birthday?”结束本课.My birthday is in January , My birthday is in January ,My birthday is in January, When is your birthday? My birthday is in July , My birthday is in July ,My birthday is in July, When is your birthday? [设计意图] 生日歌小学生都会唱,所以歌曲“When is your birthday?”录音一播放,学生们立马齐刷刷唱起来,并且还会有学生随歌曲节奏左右晃起来,有的会拍手。这样学生们会获得很大的学习成就感,极大鼓舞他们的学习信心。



1、倡导轻松、愉快的课堂教学,衔接紧凑。在本节课上,通过重点把握复习、新知教学和拓展提高三个环节,面向全体学生,因材施教,关注学习过程。通过唱四季歌进行复习导入,调整学生的进入英语学习的状态;期间适时通过Let`s chant歌谣,强化对月份类单词的认读;最后又用生日歌相同曲调的歌曲收尾,让学生在轻松愉快和学习的满足中度过了一节课。













比如,在课堂上有一位学生做小动作,授课教师马上停下来,然后看着她,说:We are waiting for lily.直到这位学生停止做小动作并认真听课为止。




第五篇:小学英语《 Fruits》教学设计

小学英语《 Fruits》教学设计


Lesson 6 Fruits



orange , apple , peach , watermelon , pear , grapes , banana.2、能听懂句子进行会话:



Step1 Warm up:

1、Draw a picture of the teacher, Miss Tang with an apple in the mouth.2、Sing an English song: An apple a day.Step2 Presentation: Greeting:

T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Tang.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.Step3 Revision:


多媒体出示七种水果: orange , apple , peach , watermelon ,pear , grapes , banana , 每种水果只露出一小部分,让学生猜猜是哪种水果,猜对了多媒体出现掌声,猜错了,教师给予鼓励和提示,可以再试一次。

Step4 Presentation:

1、教师指着多媒体画面导课:“ Look, so many nice fruit!Do you like them?

T :“ Ok.Let ' s have fruit party now.We are going to buy some fruit.”


Miss White: Do you like peaches? Amy: Yes, I do.Miss White: Do you like oranges? Amy: No, I don't.Miss White: What about pears? Amy: Oh, I like them very much.Miss White: Let’s have some peaches and pears.Amy: Ok.10、教师播放话题内容,学生先听一遍,然后跟读。



At the birthday party, At the fruit shop, At home, At the restaurant Step5 Homework:

Name pears oranges apples watermelon bananas peaches



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