
时间:2019-05-13 10:48:24下载本文作者:会员上传











给宝宝取名时引经据典,是国人自古就有的传统,一个气质优雅、有典故的名字显得特别的有文化底蕴。而且与众不同,在介绍自己的时候还可以给大家说说名字背后的故事。如果你想为宝宝取一个经典蕴含古韵的名字,那小编推荐的这个宝宝取名经典好名字大全就最适合你了。b 1.彬蔚 富有文采。适用于男孩和女孩取名字。出自陆机《文赋》“颂优游以彬蔚,论精微而朗畅”。宝宝起名字确实需要考虑很多因素,不仅要考虑读音、字形以及各种禁忌更重要的是要考虑宝宝的生辰八字,因此给孩子起名还是找专家比较好。在本地找了几个起名老师感觉给的名字都不怎么好,后来找温雅居士给宝宝取的名字,价格也比较合适,主要是提供的名字比较好,八字分析也比较准确,而且名字也给了详细的解释,温雅老师给了8个风格不同的名字,方便对比选择,感觉是淘宝取名最好的一家了。特别是取名考虑到各个因素排八字、看五行、测五格、配三才、合属相、想寓意、听音律、写字形,名字真不是简单几个字就行了,真的需要综合考虑才行。2.彬彬 文质兼备。适用于男孩取名字。出自《论语·雍也》:“质胜文则野,文胜质则史,文质彬彬,然后君子。” c 9.承德 蒙受德泽。适用于男孩取名字。出自《汉书·礼乐志》“詔抚成师,武臣承德”。10.朝宗 百川归海。适用于男孩取名字。出自《诗经·小雅·沔水》“沔波流水,朝宗于海”。

11.澄泓 水清而深。适用于男孩取名字。出自唐代刘禹锡 《历阳书事七十韵》:“茧纶牵拨剌,犀焰照澄泓。”

12.存志 保全志向。适用于男孩取名字。出自北魏郦道元《水经注·滍水》:“学道遭难逢危,终无悔心,可以牢神存志。” d 13.澹雅 淡泊高雅。适用于男孩和女孩取名字。出自唐代封演《封氏闻见记·图画》:“夫画者澹雅之事。”

14.得韬 拥有用兵的谋略。适用于男孩取名字。出自李德裕《 李文饶集》“不劳孙子法,自得太公韬”。

15.德辉 仁德的光辉。适用于男孩取名字。出自《礼记·乐记》“故德辉动于内,而民莫不承听。” f 16.方旭 早晨太阳刚出来的样子。适用于男孩取名字。出自《太玄·从》“方出旭旭”。17.飞轩 指廊宇。适用于男孩取名字。出自《文选·刘琨<扶风歌>》:“顾瞻望宫阙,俯仰御飞轩。” 18.芳华 亦作“芳花”。香花。适用于女孩取名字。出自《楚辞·九章·思美人》:“芳与泽其杂糅兮,羌芳华自中出。”

19.芳蕤 盛开而下垂的花。适用于女孩取名字。出自晋陆机 《文赋》:“播芳蕤之馥馥,从青条之森森。”

20.芳苓 香草名。指莲。适用于女孩取名字。出自《文选·枚乘<七发>》:“漃漻薵蓼,蔓草芳苓。”

21.芳蔼 芳香而繁盛。适用于女孩取名字。出自《楚辞·九辩》:“离芳蔼之方壮兮,余萎约而悲愁。” 22.芳菲 花草香美的样子。适用于女孩取名字。出自宋代沈括《梦溪笔谈》:“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开。” g 23.管彤 彤管,古代女史用以记事的杆身漆朱的笔。适用于女孩取名字。出自《诗经·邶风·静女》“贻我彤管”。h 24.和畅 亦作“和昶”,温和舒畅。适用于男孩取名字。出自晋代王羲之 《兰亭集序》:“天朗气清,惠风和畅。” 25.涵畅 滋润化育,使之发扬。适用于男孩取名字。出自《程氏外书》卷三:“兴于诗者,吟咏性情涵畅道德之中而歆动之,有‘吾与点’之气象。”

26.涵涵 水波晃动。适用于男孩和女孩取名字。出自唐代韩愈《唐故江南西道观察使太原王公神道碑铭》:“秩秩而积,涵涵而停。”

27.浩初 太初。适用于男孩取名字。出自唐代陈子昂《昭夷子赵氏碑》:“请尔灵龟,永晏息乎浩初。”

28.浩丽 壮丽。适用于女孩取名字。出自唐代司空图 《成均讽》:“江天浩丽,杳春思于马舟。”

29.浩然 正大刚直。适用于男孩取名字。出自《孟子·公孙丑上》:“我善养吾浩然之气??其为气也,至大至刚,以直养而无害,则塞于天地之间。”

32.泓浵 水深广。适用于女孩取名字。出自明代吕坤《<吾庐放言>序》:“其既放也,泓浵瀇瀁,若千里悬流,四达而不可穷。”

33.慧艳 聪明美丽。适用于女孩取名字。出自清代纪昀《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻一》:“后生一女,稍长,极慧艳。”

34.慧语 妙语。适用于女孩取名字。出自明代程羽《鸳鸯牒》:“步非烟慧语谁聆,娇花不赏,飘香坠粉,亦复何疑。”篇二:六画汉字——取名常用字


(以下各字均指其康熙字典上的繁体字笔画)6 画 臣丞舛此次存丢而吏列任扔如色式守寺夙西先囟旬曳再在早吒州舟字朵各共吉囝件交伉考匡企曲戎旭仰聿朱竹扒百冰凼伐帆犯仿妃份缶伏亥好合回米糸名牟乒收汀危向刑行凶休血汁吃弛打多耳亘光尖匠她决老六囡年乓全同妄宅兆旨至仲自安充地艮灰吐伍戌伢羊伊衣夷亦屹因有宇羽圳印求后篇三:名字出自的诗句


2、“玉壶缘” 茶叶店名。“玉壶”出自名诗句“一片冰心在玉壶”。

3、“稻香村” 饭店名。借用辛弃疾名句“稻花香里说丰年”。

4、“十驾斋” 取意于荀子“骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。”







13、饮冰室:近代学者梁启超的书斋。“饮冰”出自《庄子·人间世》:“今吾朝受命而夕饮冰,我其内热 ?”形容心情焦虑,内心烦躁,故而饮冰。以此命名,暗示了他忧国忧民的思想。



一、Read and choose.选出画线部分读音不同的一项。(10分)()1.A.rule B.must C.blue D.ruler()2.A.eat B.clean C.please D.bread()3.A.grass B.game C.camc D.table()4.A.dinner B.spit C.1ist D.sign()5.A.go B.do C.home D.those

二、Translate.英汉互译o(20分)1.西方的节日 2.1ook out 3.一起开心 4.take a picture 5.长城 6.Three wise men 7.起床 8.Christmas morning 9.吃早饭 l0..Ienny’s home

三、Choose the best answers.单项填空。(20分)()1.1.i Ming——a letter now. A.writeB.is writeing C.is writing D.are writing()2.Let’s some books on the table. A.put B.to put C.puts D.putting()3.This pen is mine.That one is——.A.you B.your C.yours D.yours’()4.Everyone in the room supper. A.have B.has C.having D.eat()5.There——a book in the box. A.is B.are C.am D.be()6.--Is this his book?一N0,it’s——. A.my B.mine C.your D.you()7.These are——. A.man B.girl C.women D.woman()8.How many一—are there in your school? A.classes B.class C.classing D.a class()9.J enny——一wears dresses. A.some time B.some times C.sometime D.sometimes()10.How many——are there?

A.drcss B.dresses C.dish D.dishs

四、Read and choose.从右栏中选择能回答左栏问旬的正确选项。(10分)()1.What are you going to do? A.Seven.()2.How many men are there? B.Yes,I do.()3.How’s the weather today? C.I'm going to the park.()4.Would you like to play the piano? D.Sure.()5.Do you always help your mother? E.It’s sunny.

五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Lynn has many(dish). 2.Don’t(open)the window.It’s cold. 3.Li Ming(1ike)summer very much. 4.1 want(buy)a book for Li Ming. 5.I(forget)to do my homework yesterday.

6.Jenny(wash)her face now. 7.Everyone is singing(1oud). 8.Today is(rain).I have to put on my rain boots. 9.Yesterday(be)Thursday.

10.Jenny(eat)two eggs for breakfast yesterday.


It was——Day yesterday.I had a——time.I got up early in the morning.There was a big party in my schoo1.We——and danced.After lunch,I went to a park——my classmates.We played games happily.We went home at four o'clock.After dinner,I got a big box——my parents.It was my present.I opened it.Wow!A nice basketball!I like playing basketball very much.()1.A.Children’s B.Childrens C.Children

()2.A.1ong B.bad C.good()3.A.sing B.are singing C.sang

()4.A.and B.plus C.with()5.A.from B.for C.to

七、Reading comprehension.阅读理解。(20分)A Mr.Smith lives in a small town,but he works in a big city(城市).He goes to work by train every morning and goes home in the same way.This morning,when he was reading his newspaper on the train,a man behind him said“Hello”to him and began to talk to him.“Your life is not so interesting,is it?You take the same train every morning,and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.”“How do you know that?”Mr.Smith said angrily(生气地).“Because I always sit in the same seat behind you,”the man answered.

()1.Mr.Smith works——.

A.in a town B.in a city C.in the country()2.He comes back home from work。

A.by bus B.on foot C.by train()3.When Mr.Smith is on the train,he often .

A.reads books B.reads the newspaper C.1istens to music()4.Mr.Smith——.

A.1ikes the man very much B.doesn’t like the man C.has much money()5.The man knows Mr.Smith because .

A.he is Mr.Smith’s good friend B.they live in the same village C.he sits behind Mr.Smith on the same train every day!B Cat:Good morning,Mr.Lion. . Lion:Good morning,Mr.Cat.What date is it today? Is it the 3rd of July? Cat:Yes.It’s Tuesday today. Lion:Oh,it’s my birthday. Cat:Happy birthday!What would you like as a birthday present?How

about a big cake with candles on it?

Lion:No,thank you.I’d like one hundred rabbits.

Cat:One hundred rabbits? I'm sorry,Mr.Lion.I haven’t got

any rabbits for you. 根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)

()1.It is the 3rd of June today.()2.Today is Thursday.

()3.Mr.Lion’birthday is on the 3rd of July.

()4.Mr.Lion would like a big cake as a birthday present.()5.Mr.Cat can get a rabbit for Mr.Lion.


一、Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese.根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)

1.The green pencil is(你的). 2.Danny(想)to learn Chinese. 3.I am(洗)my hands now. 4.Here(来)the school bus. 5.I have many beautiful(连衣裙)

6.Everyone in the classroom is(安静的).

7.Today is(有雨的).I have to put on my rain boots.8.Danny(爱)winter very much,because he wants to play

in the snow.

9.Look!They are(坐)on the couch. 10.(今天)is Thursday.

二、Choose the best answers.单项填空o(20分)()1.1 would like——hamburgers.A.eat B.ate C.eats D.to eat()2.Mum——eggs on the stove now.A.cook B.cooks C.cooking D.is cooking()3.Let’s put a circle——usually. A.on B.to C.in D.for()4.I am going to play——guitar. A.the B.a C.an D./()5.I like——the shapes. A.a B.an C.the D.all()6.Is your father a teacher——a driver? A.and B.or C.of D.to()7.Let’s some hooks on the table.

A.put B.puts C.to put D.putting()8.Everyone in the room is now.

A.eat B.eating C.eats D.ate()9.Here’s——I like to do. A.who B.where C.when D.what()10.——is the temperature? A.How B.What C.What’s D.How’s

三、Read and choose.从右栏中选择能回答左栏问旬的正确选项。(12分)()Is it a dish? A.I’m from China.()Is it a dish or a plate? B.It’s a dish.()Can you play the piano? C.Three.

()How’s the weather today? D.It’s rainy.()How many children are there? E.Yes,I can.()Where are you from? F.Yes,it’s a dish.

四、Make a sentence.连词成句。(10分)1.school to go time to(.)2.we going open gifts to tomorrow our are(.)3.guitar can play you the(?)4.the what’s temperature(?)5.always star on the top goes the(.)

五、Put the correct order.对话排序。(10分)()A.Nice to meet you,too!Danny.()B.Hello,Jenny!Nice to meet you!()C.That’s wonderful.Let’s go!()D.I am going to skate.Let’s go together.()E.What are you going to do.Jenny?

六、Guess and write.猜一猜,将正确的答案写在横线上。(10分)

1.You take it on a rainy day.If you forgot it,you will get wet.It

is an .

2.This is a season.It’s warm and rainy。The flowers bloom.It

is .

3.It’s a man.It makes with snow.It’s a . 4.It’s a shape.Four lines make it.It’s a .

5.It’s a man.It is in red clothes.It brings many gifts for children at Christmas. It’s . 七.Translate。翻译句子。(10分)

1.Please pass the peas.2.What would you like for breakfast?

3.No,Danny。I don’t think so!4.这是我的房间。那是你的!


八、Reading comprehension.阅读理解。(18分)

Lily:Mum,what will the weather be like tomorrow? Mum:Maybe it'll be rainy.Maybe it'll be sunny. Lily:I don’t like rain.Will it be sunny?

Mum:Sorry,I don’t know.I'm not the weatherman.By the way,why do you care the weather tomorrow? Lily:Tomorrow is Sunday.I want to fly my kite in Xinghai Square. Mum:It sounds wonderful.I hope the weather tomorrow will be

fine.And you can enjoy yourself.Look!It‘s 7:20.Let’s listen to the weather forecast.OK? Lily:OK!That’s a good idea.Ten minutes later,I'll know the

weather tomorrow in Delian.Thank you,Mum.

根据短文内容回答问题 1.What day is today? 2.Does Lily care the weather tonlorrow?

3.What will Lily do tomorrow? 4.Do they live in Dalian? It’s October seventh.Fhe season is fall.The weather is sunny but cool.The temperature is about l7 degrees.The pupils(小学生)have no lessons.They are in the park.The park is beautif and large.There are many trees and flowers in it.There is a river and a hill in it,too.Some girls are under a big tree.They are singing and dancing.Tom and Jack are sitting beside the river.They are drawing.Kate is there,too.She is looking at the fish in the river. Look!There is an apple in Rose’s hand.She is eating it.They are happy. 根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)()1.It’s cold day today.()2.The pupils are in the classroom.()3.Kate is looking at the fish.()4.The park is small.()5.They are having a good time。


一、Complete the words.补全单词o(5分)()1.sc f(围巾)A.er B.or C.ar D.ur()2.w ter(冬天)A.an B.on C.en D.in()3.t ch(教)A.ee B.ea C.ae D.oo()4.l ghts(灯)A.i B.a C.e D.o()5.t ys(玩具)A.i B.a C.e D.o

二、Choose the best answers.单项填空o(20分)()1.Winter,spring,summer and fall are A.temperature B.seasons C.weather()2.I’m on my scarf now。A.put B.putting C.puts()3.Danny walked to schoo1.A.Usually B.Yesterday C.Tomorrow()4.Usually Jenny to the bus stop.

A.walk B.walks C.walked()5.Tomorrow we are our gifts.A.open B.opened C.going to open()6.I am going to play——football. A.a B./ C.the

()7.Danny and J enny——playing cards. A.is B.am C.are

()8. triangles do you see?A.How many B.How much C.How old()9.——everyone in the room read books? A.Do B.Does C.Are()10.Many——say he was a special baby.

A.man B.people C.child

三、Read and choose.情景交际。(5分)

()1.当别人说“I like your coat.”时,你应该说:

A.I like it. B.Thank you!


A.Whose are the hands? B.Whose mittens are these?()3.你想知道今天是星期几时?你应该说:

A.What is the date today? B.What day is it today?()4.晚上要睡觉时,你跟妈妈说

A.Good evening,Mum!B.Good night,Mum!()5,早上和别人打招呼时,你应该说:

A.Good morning!B.Good afternoon!

四、write.写出单词的反义词。(5分)1. wet 2. put on 3. dirty 4. teach 5. cold.

五、Read and write.写出下列单词的正确形式。(10分)



六、Read and choose.从右栏中选择能回答左栏问句的正确选项。(5分)

()1.What is Li Ming doing?()2.What is Li Ming going to do?()3.Who is Santa?()4.What would you like for Christmas?()5.Why does Li Ming go to school?

A.Because he wants to learn English. B.He is a merry man in red clothes. C He’s going to give a gift to Mr.and Mr.Smith. D.I would like a big new car!E.He’s

opening his gift!

七、Make a sentence.连词成句。(10分)1.1ike I to on snow ski the(.)2.Danny put on going to is jacket his(.)3.Christmas December 25th is(.)4.four are in there seasons a year(.)5.go I schoo1.on usually to foot(.)

八、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(4分)1.Yesterday I(play)with my friend. 3.Jenny usually(eat)toast and jam.

2.The three wise(man)gave their gifts to Jesus.

4.Tomorrow I am(bring)a star for the tree.

九、Complete the sentences according to the Chinese.根据汉语提示完成句子。(6分)1.My mother is a(公共汽车司机). 2.What do you do(在冬天)? 3.Tomorrow I(将要打开礼物). 4.There are(八辆公共汽车和三辆小轿车).

5.Danny often(步行去学校).


十、Reading comprehension.阅读理解o(20分)Hello!I'm Maddy!Tomorrow is Christmas.Christmas is my favourite holiday.Why?Because I like Christmas tree,lights and Santa.Yesterday we bought gifts.Today we are putting up the Christmas tree.Tomorrow we are going to open the gifts.Merry Christmas!根据短文内容填空

1.Maddy’s favourite holiday is . 2.Why does Maddy like Christmas?Because she likes .

3.Maddy gifts yesterday.

4.Maddy is going to open the gifts . 5.圣诞节人们常说的一句祝福语是:!

An old woman wants to go to New York to see her son.She gets up early and gets to the station(车站)at nine o’clock in the morning.When does the train(火车)come?She is very worried(担心).She sees a boy and asks him.The boy looks at the woman and says,“tu:tu:tu:".The old woman thinks and thinks.Then she says,“0h,I see.”

根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)()1.The woman is young.()2.The boy does not tell her the time.()3.The woman gets up early.

()4.The train comes in the afternoon.()5.The woman knows the time at last.

十一、Look and find.仔细观察.你能找出l0个单词吗?把它们填在横线上。(10分)期末冲刺卷(四)()5.当你想说“我需要一块毛巾和三个盘子’’时可以这样表达:

一、Read and write.写出下列单词的正确形式。(10分)A.1 wish a towel and three dishes. B.I need a towel and 1.three(序数词)2.man(复数)3.inside(反义词)three dish. C.I need a towel and three dishes. 4.spring(反义词)5.buy(过去式)6.that(复数)

四、Make a sentence.连词成句。(10分)7.bring(过去式)8.sun(同音词)9.sit(现在分词)1.what you would like breakfast for(?)10.walk(现在分词)

二、Choose the best answers.单项填空o(10分)()1.Jenny likes——in the wind. A.plays B.played C.to play D.play()2.——is your favourite season? Summer. A.What B.How C.Where D.That()3.Jenny rides——bike to schoo1. A.she B.their C.her D.him()4.Let’——to schoo1. A.to go B.go C.goes D.going()5.There four seasons in a year. A.are B.is C.do D.does

三、Read and choose.情景交际。(10分)()1.当你说“该吃早饭了”时可以这样表达: A.Breakfast is time.B.It’s time for breakfast. C.Eat breakfast.()2.当你对朋友说“让我们把我们的礼物放在树下’’时可以这样表达: A.Let’s put our gifts under the tree.B.We put our gifts under the tree. C.Let’s put our gifts on the tree.()3.当你说“我的书在桌子上。你的在哪里?”时可以这样表达: A.My book is on the desk.Where is you?B.My book is on the desk.Where is your? C.My book is on the desk.Where is yours?()4.当你想说“晚饭吃什么?’’时可以这样表达: A.What supper for eating? B.What’s for supper? C.What is supper?

2.for lights bring Christmas I tree the(.)3.open this we gifts our morning(.)4.in family lives China my(.)5.I from live far school too(.)

五、Read and choose.给下列问句选择正确的答语。(10分)()1.How many seasons are there in a year?()2.What do you like to do in winter?()3.How many lines make a square?()4.HOW’s the weather in winter?()5.Does Jenny’s name always have a big letter“J”?

A.Four. B.It’s cold and snowy. C.Yes. D.I like to skate on the ice E.There are four seasons in a year.


1.There are four(season)in a year. 2.This is(Li Ming)bedroom. 3.There are many(toy)on the bed. 4.Jenny and Danny(be)good friends.

5.How many(dish)are there in the sink? 6.Miss Li(teach)us English. 7.I usually do(I)homework at six in the evening. 8.He(want)to buy something for his family. 9.She wants(send)her friend a Christmas card. 10.I(buy)a gift for my teacher tomorrow.

七、Rewrite the sentences.句型转换o(10分)1.He usually goes to school by bike.改为一般疑问句 2.This is a box.(改为复数句子)3.It ls rainy and warm.(根据答语写问句)4.He walks to work.(用tomorrow改写句子)5.He went to school on foot yesterday.(改为否定句)

八、Reading comprehension.阅读理解。(20分)I get up at 6:30 every morning.Then I put on my clothes and shoes.And I eat my breakfast at 7:20.I eat bread for my breakfast.At 7:30 I go to schoo1 by bus.I arrive at school at 8:O0.Then I have my lessons at 8:20.I go home at 5:30 after schoo1.()1.I——at 6:30 every morning. A.get work B.get up C.woke up()2.My breakfast is at—— A.7:20 8.7:30 C.7:00()3.I go to school——.A.by bike B.by train C.by bus()4.I——school at 8:00.A.arrive at B.arrive in C.arrive()5.——at 5:30. A.go home B.play C.sleep Mr.Green is from Engtand(英国).He and his wife are teachers.They teach English in Beijing.They have a boy and a girl.They are Jack and Mary.Mary is a student,but Jack is not.He is only four.They have two bikes.One is big,but the other(另外)is small.The big one is for Mary.The small one is for Jack.The Greens like China.They have many Chinese friends. 根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)()1.The Greens are in China now.()4.Jack has a big bike.()2.Mr.Green and his wife are English teachers.()3.Jack and Mary are their son and daughter.()5.The Greens like China very much,but they have no friends. 专项突破卷(语法)

一、Read and write.写出下列单词的适当形式。(50分)1.写出下列名词的复数 boot card dish line toy child man woman bus pencil book dress tooth

sheep star 2.写出下列动词的第三人称单数 have go stay make give open invite fly come watch teach cook study brush do 3.写出下列动词的现在分词 put give fly get sit run stand take swim cook make write have bring teach 4.写出下列动词的过去式 is/am fly give are put play go do make eat think open learn teach bring


one two three five nine twenty eighty eight twenty first tenth ninety sixth 6.写出下列单词的主格和宾格 我 她 他们 你 他 7.写出下列单词的形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词

I we he she they 8.写出下列单词的比较级 tall fast young late short cold slow big careful old

二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(35分)一般现在时专项练习: 1.He often _______(have)dinner at home. 2.Danny and Jenny _______(be)in Class one. 3.We _________(not watch)TV on Monday. 4.Li Ming _______(not go)to the zoo on Sunday.

5. ________ they ________(1ike)the world cup?

6.What _____ they often ___(do)on Saturdays? 7._____ your parents ________(read)newspapers every day? 8.The girl _______(teach)us English on Sundays.9.She and I ______(go)for a walk together every evening.10.There ______(be)some water in the bottle. 现在进行时专项练习:

1.The boy _________(draw)a picture now.2.Listen!Some girls ________(sing)in the classroom-.3.My mother ___________(cook)now. 4.What ____ you ______(do)now? 5.Look!They ________(have)an English lesson. 6.They_________(1ook)out the window now.7.Look!The girls ______________(dance)in the classroom. 8.一What is our daughter doing?一She——(1isten)tO music. 9.It’s five 0’clock now.We __________(have)supper now.10.一________ Jenny __________(wash)clothes?——Yes.she js.一般将来时专项练习:

1.Today is a sunny day.We _________(fly)kites this afternoon.2.My brother _____________(go)to Shanghai next week.

3.Tom often ___________(go)to school on foot.But tomorrow he _______(go)to school by bike.

4.~Where are you going?I _____________(watch)TV at home. 5.She _______________(shop)with her mother tomorrow. 一般过去时专项练习:

1.He ________(1ive)in Wuxi two years ago. 2.The cat ________(eat)a bird last night. 3.We ___________(have)a party last week. 4.I__________(make)a chart yesterday.

5.Tom ____________(pick)up oranges on the farm last week. 6.They _______(play)a game in the classroom just now. 7.My mother ____________(cook)a nice food last night.

8.The girls _________(sing)and __________(dance)at the party.9.I___________(watch)a cartoon an hour ago.10.We ________(go)to school last Sunday.

三、Rewrite the sentences.句型转换。(15分)


1.Danny watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)2.She likes spring.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)3.Jenny comes from Canada.(对画线部分提问)4.We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)

5.She is always a good girl.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)现在进行时专项练习:

1.They are doing their homework.(改为一般疑问句)2.She is doing her homework.(改为否定句)

3.The students are cleaning the classroom.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)

4.I am playing football on the playground now.(对画线部分进行提问)

5.Tom is reading books.(对画线部分进行提问)一般将来时专项练习:

1.I’11 go to see them.(改为否定句)

2.I’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)3.They will meet at the bus stop at l0:30.(改为一般疑问句)4.She is going to read a book after sch001.(对画线部分提问)5.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(对画线部分提问)一般过去时专项练习:

1.Jenny took some photos at Christmas.

否定句: 肯定、否定回答:一般疑问句:

2.Danny went to school yesterday.

否定句: 肯定、否定回答:一般疑问句:

3.We sang English songs last night.

否定句: 肯定、否定回答 一般疑问句:

第四篇:2014 练习6 胡锦涛财富论坛致辞(英)


Dear Richard D.Parsons, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,Good evening!I am very delighted to be with you here to join in the opening ceremony of the 2005 FORTUNE Global Forum in Beijing on this beautiful evening.To begin with, I'd like to, on behalf of the Chinese government, and also in my personal name, to express my sincere welcome to all of you, and congratulations to the forum sponsor, Time Warner Inc.!

The forum, themed “China and the New Asian Century”, show the great concern over the prospects of development of China and Asia, and the roles of China nad Asia in the global economy.It also indicates that with surging economic globalization, China and Asia are quickly becoming a new growth engine for the world while the global boom is also generating more important opportunities for China and Asia.Continued mutually-beneficial economic cooperation and rising interdependence among the world's countries will usher in an even better future for global economy in development.Since 1949, when the New China was proclaimed, and particularly since the implementation of reform and opening-up program pioneered by Mr.Deng Xiaoping in 1978, China has undergone a profound transformation never seen in the country before.In a short span of 26 years from 1978 to 2004, China's GDP increased from 147.3 billion US dollars to 1.6494 trillion US dollars with an average annual growth rate of 9.4 percent.Its foreign trade rose from 20.6 billion US dollars to 1.1548 trillion US dollars, averaging an annual growth rate of over 16 percent.China's foreign exchange reserve increased from 167 million US dollars to 609.9 billion US dollars.The number of rural poor has dwindled from some 250 million to 26 million.The overall national strength of China has increased remarkably and the texture of life of its people improved steadily.While inheriting and carrying forward their proud past, the 1.3 billion Chinese people are writing a new chapter in history as they march of one mind on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.We in China have identified the goal for the first 20 years of this century.That is to firmly seize the important window of strategic opportunities to build a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard in an all-round way for the benefits of our over one billion people.By 2020, we will quadruple China's GDP of 2000 to approximately 4 trillion US dollars with a per capita level of some 3,000 US dollars, and further develop the economy, improve democracy, advance science and education, enrich culture, foster greater social harmony and upgrade the texture of life for the people.We are deeply aware that China, for a considerably long period of time to come, will remain a developing country.The population figure of 1.3 billion alone will make the fulfillment of the above goal a formidable challenge, and we must be prepared for a long and uphill journey ahead.We believe, as long as we firmly follow the path of development that is consistent with China's national conditions, we will be able to realize our goal and play a greater and more constructive role in the promotion of world peace and common development.Ladies and Gentlemen, China and the rest of Asia and the world at large are closely related when it comes to development.A developing China will, as always, generate cooperation opportunities with win-win results for other countries in Asia and the world over.By the end of 2004, China had attracted a total of 562.1 billion US dollars in FDI, approved the establishment in China of more than 500,000 foreign-funded enterprises and created a huge import market of some 560 billion US dollars annually.At present, most countries and regions have had enterprises with investment in China, and over 400 firms out of the FORTUNE 500 have invested in China.The number of R&D centers set up by foreign investors in China has exceeded 700.As China becomes more developed, its cooperation with the other countries and their corporations of various types is bound to increase in scale.China will keep opening up its market, find new ways of using foreign capital, improve on legislations and regulations for encouraging and protecting foreign investors, revamp foreign economic management, step up protection of intellectual property rights, and work still harder to help foreign investors and create an even better environment for trade and economic cooperation between China and the rest of the world.Ladies and Gentlemen, All of you are important corporate leaders participating and promoting international economic activities.Many of you and the companies you represent have been vigorously involved for years in pushing economic and technological cooperation with China and made significant contribution to China's sustained economic growth and technological upgrading in certain industries.Facts have proved that such cooperation serves our mutual interests.We look forward to continued expansion of your investment in China and your still closer economic and technological cooperation with Chinese enterprises.I believe that you will give greater scope to the advantages of your companies and your rich managerial expertise and play a critical role in facilitating international economic and technological cooperation and promoting economic development in regions and globally.Let us join hands and work together to contribute a greater share to world peace and common development.May I conclude my remarks by wishing the 2005 FORTUNE Global Forum in Beijing a complete success.Thank you!2

第五篇:八下Unit 6全英教案

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

Period 1 Section A I.Teaching aims and teaching demands:

In this unit students learn to talk about how long you have been doing things.II.Teaching key and difficult points:


collect, inline, marathon, skate, stamp, shell, globe, monster,particularly, run out of, be interested in,last year, times, numbers, How long…? birthday, penguin, hobby, kite B.Target language How long have you been skating? I’ve been skating since nine o’clock.When did you start skating? I started skating at nine o’clock.Students are skating at the Hilltop School.C.Structures Present perfect progressive Simple past tense Present progressive tense III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder V.This unit is divided into eight periods.Period2 Section B I.Teaching aims and demands : Students practice using the target language.II.Teaching key and difficult points:

A.Vocabulary stamp, collect stamps, kites, B.Target language ①What does he collect? He collects kites.②How long have you been collecting these kites? Since I was ten years old.③How many do you have?

I have about 35.④I collect shells because they are beautiful.⑤I’d like to collect stamps because they are interesting.Step 1 Grammar Focus

Go through grammar focus with the students together.Step 2 Reading(3a.)Task 1.Read the passage.Task 2.Explain some difficulties by the teacher.① talk to sb.② raise money

③ the first one to

④ an hour ago ⑤ How long have you been playing Task 3.Find the sentences of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense by students.Step3 Group work

Finish 3b and 4.Step 4.Pairwork 2b This activity reviews and introduces selected vocabulary.Task 1.Ask a student to read the sample answers and then fill in the chart and tell your partner what you collect and what you would like to collect, say why.Task 2.First read the conversation in the box, then ask students to work in pairs to talk about their answers.Task 3.Have some pairs act their conversations to the class.Step 5.Listening 2a This activity gives students practice writing the target language and understand it in spoken conversation.Task 1.Read the instructions.Say you will hear three conversations.They are about Bob, Marcia , and Liam and their collections.First of all, let’s look at some key words.so far 到目前为止

stuffed animals 填充玩具动物

an interesting collection 一个有趣的收藏 theater and movie tickets 电影票

Task 2.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Task 3.Play the recording a second time.Ask the students to fill in the table.Then correct the answers.Step 6.Listening 2b Listen carefully.Then check the answers.Step 7 lead in Look at the four pictures and answer the following questions.1.What can you see in the pictures? 2.What are they? Step 8 Reading(3a)1.Read the passage by students and draw lions connecting each snow globe and its description.2.Explain some difficulties by the teacher.3.Find the sentences of The Present Perfect Progressive Tense.Step9Writing(3b)

1.First ask students to complete the message according to Activity 2a.2.Check their answers.3.Show a sample message on screen by a projector and ask students to read by themselves.Step 6 Group work(4a)

Make a survey about everyone’s hobby.Find out how long they have been doing their hobby.Task 3.Teach these words:

1.因为做某事而感谢某人:thanks /thank sb for doing sth.=give/return thanks to sb for doing sth 2.因为某事而感谢某人:thanks/thank sb for sth=thanks to sb for sth 3.事实上:in fact=as a matter of fact 4.我最喜爱的(人、物):my favorite 5.不得不(客观因素):have to do sth I had to work for a boss in order to make a living.(为了生存,我不得不为老板工作)

6.一定、必须(主观因素):must do sth I must work hard.(我必须努力工作)7.用完:run out of 无意碰到,跑过:run across 追赶:run after 逃跑:run away 自来水:running water 8.使某事由别人做/遭受了……、:have sth/sb+过去分词

I'm going to have my shoes mended tomorrow.(明天我去补鞋子)She had her hands burned.(她烧伤了她的手)①使某人做某事:have/let/make sb do sth ②使……处于……、状态:have sb/sth doing sth ③have a good time/a lesson/a meeting/a rest/a talk/a swim.....④穿着 :have on ⑤和某人讲话:have a word with ⑥最好:had better do sth 9.北极熊:polar bears 10.别人:anyone else=anybody else 别的一些事情:something else 别的任何事情:everything else 没有别的事情:nothing else 别的什么事情:what else 11.在某人……岁生日:on one's +序数词 birthday

on my seventh birthday(在我7岁生日的时候)12.到处:be all around

13.带有动物的玻璃器:globes with animals 14.让(使)某人做某事:let/make/have sb do sth 有这种用法的还有一些感官动词:

see sb do sth

hear sb do sth

notice sb do sth

feel sb do sth

watch sb do sth

如果接-ing形式,则表示动作正在进行。15.顺便说一句:by the way 16.在去……、的路上:on the way(to)....17.挡路:in the way 18.用这种(那种):in this(that)way 19.在某种程度上:in a way 20.决不:in no way 21.迷路:lose one's way 22.喜欢做某事:like to do sth/like doing sth 23.大约两年:about two years 24.告诉关于……、:tell about...25.制作一个……的清单:make a list of....26.完成做某事:finish doing sth 27.对……感兴趣:be/become interested in....28.每两年:every two years.29.把某物送给某人:send sth to sb=send sb sth 30.停止做某事:stop doing sth 31.停下来做某事:stop to do sth Step 6.Writing

Task 1.Read the instructions.Task 2.Ask the students to write the e-mails on their own.Task 3.Ask some students to read their e-mails to the class.Step 7Homework 1.Review the vocabulary.2.Write your own conversations about your collections.Period3 Reading and writing I.Teaching aims and demands : Students practice the target language by reading and writing.II.Teaching key and difficult points: A.Vocabulary

the capital of,a city with a very colorful history,in Russian style,more than,be welcomed by,Chinese history,be far from,be certain B.Target language

① This is an teresting city with a very colorful history.② Since I came to China, I’ve been learning a lot about my family history.③ I think if you study hard, you’ll be able to understand any culture III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and Control-writing.IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder V.Teaching procedure Step1 Dictation Step 2 Selfcheck(Part 1)1.Get students to fill in the blanks and then check their answers.2.Make their own sentences with the words.Step 3 Self check(Part 2)1.Get students to read the ad.2.Ask students to finish the letter on the own.3.Check their answers and five some explain.Step 4 Reading: I’ve been studying history in China.Section 1 Before you Read:

Ask students to answer the following questions: ① How mush so you know about history? ② How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? ③ How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of?(make a list)④ Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries Step 5 Section 2 While You Read: Reading strategy

Let students scan the text quickly to find details that they are looking for.Tell students they can find information quickly without reading the whole text Step 6 Section 3 After You Read:

Ask students to go through the reading again.Then have them complete the sentences below.1.Leo has been teaching in China for_______.2.Some buildings in Harbin are______.3.The _______ welcomed the first Jewish settlers to China.4.In Australia, students usually study _______ and ______ history.5.The more Leo learns about ________, the more he enjoys ______ in China.Step 7 Group work(3b)1.Divide students into groups of three.2.Show the conversations in 3b on th3e screen.3.Ask students to practice the conversations, then let them make their own conversations according to3b.Step 8 Summary Key words: 1.the capital of …的省会/首都 2.with a very colorful history有着非常丰富的历史 3.European influence 欧洲化影响 4.be in…style 具有……的风格 are in Russian style俄罗斯风格

5.So it was very interesting for me to learn that a lot of Jews came to live in Harbin many years ago.很多年前就有很多犹太人来到哈尔滨居住,这对我来说了解这一历史是非常有趣的。

6.In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago, and were

welcomed by the Song Emperor.事实上, 最早的犹太人可能一千多年前就来到了开封, 他们受到了宋朝皇帝的热情欢迎。

7.It is + 形容词+for sb to do sth 对于某人而言, 做某事很…… 如: 对你来说完成此工作很容易。It’s easy for you to finish this work.对外国人来说学中文有点难。

It’s a bit difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese.8.However, when I heard that I was going to work in China, I started studying Chinese history.然而, 当我听说我将在中国工作的时候,我开始学习中国历史。I’ve been studying for over two years now.我已经学习两年了。(现在完成进行时)9 9.For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.对于一个象我这样的外国人来说, 了解中国历史越多, 我越喜欢住在中国。10.the more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.the +比较级……, the +比较级…… 越……越…… 你学习越认真, 你的成绩就会越好.

The harder you study, the better your grades will be.11.Although I live quite far from Beijing, I’m certain I will be here for the Olympic Games in 2008!quite adv.相当;十分

quite far from

距离……相当远 certain

adj.确实的;无疑的 be certain 确信……, 肯定…… =be sure the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

12.自便。You ______ _____ to come and go as you please.13.If you know where she is,please________(告之我)14.We have_______(用尽)money to buy the house.15.Tom _______(对……感兴趣)science ten years ago.16.He would like to ______(交些朋友)in China.17.The poor man had to________(谋生)by begging.



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