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为大家提供点模具方面的中英对照 top view----俯视图 front view----前视图 side view----侧视图 plane view----平面图 contour------外型铣削 pocket------挖槽

flow line----罩一曲面 multisurf------多重曲面 filter-----过滤 ellipse-----椭圆 polar-------极坐标

arc endpoints-----两点画弧 extrude------------------挤压 cold drawn-------------------冷拉

corrosive plastics-----------------防腐塑料 tough-----------------硬度 anneal-----------------n.退火

service life--------------------注塑寿命 high viscosity-----------------粘度较高的 extension plug------------------延伸尾塞 angle plug-------------------斜角尾塞 thermocouple connector---热电偶连结头 hydraulic system---(注塑机的)油压系统

temperature control zone-------------------温控区 barrel heating capacity----料筒加热能力 polygon-------多边形 isometric-------等角视图 zig zag-------双向 one way-------单向 spline-------圆滑曲线 blend-------顺接

guide pin--------导针;边针;直边 support pin---------拉杆;水口边

support pin collar--------拉杆定位;水口边定位介子 tapped hold for eyebolt-------吊模螺孔

thermal expansion coefficient-------热膨胀系数 welding rod-------熔接棒

cavity plate;A bolster plate-----母模板(A板), 前模板 stripper plate---------活动板,推料板 core plate--------公模板(B板),后模板 spacer block-----------间隔板

ejector retainer plate-----------上顶针板 ejector plate-----------下顶针板

pin point gate system---------小水口系统 side gate system-----------大水口系统 infrared-transmitter--------红外线发射器 infrared-receiver------------红外线接受器 synthetic resin------------合成权脂

air blow gun(with nozzles&hose)-------------气枪 spiral hose-------------螺旋形的;盘旋的 guide strip---------------行位导轨 ejector rod--------------斜坊 set screw---------固定螺丝

countersunk screw---------沉头螺丝 hex screws--------胚头螺丝

shoulder screw-----------------带肩螺丝 residual stress-----------------残余应力 tensile--张力 electricity erode-----------------电蚀刻 ohm meter-------------------电阻表 tubular dowel-----------------管钉,销钉 abrasive stone-----------------研磨石材

SPI Mold Finish Comparison Kit--SPI模具抛光比照工具 rolled------------------热轧 forged------------------热锻 screw torque----------------螺杆力矩 screw speed-------------------螺杆速度 screw stroke----------------螺杆行程 nozzle contact force--------热嘴接触力 screw L/D ratio------螺杆长度/直径比例 theoretical shot volume---理论的注射容量 clamp force--------------------合模力 lock force---------------------------锁模力 internal heated------------------------内部加热 external heated------------------------外部加热 heating rod-------------------------加热棒

air-gap insulation------------------------空气隔绝层 spare part(accesory)-------------备用件 insulating ring-----------------------绝缘圈 sealing washer-------------------垃圾钉 adaptor---------------------适配器

hole gauge----------------------孔深量测仪 high-temperature grease------高温油脂 thermal conductivity paste--------导热膏 data cable--------------数据线

compression mold base-------压缩模胚

countersunk-----------------埋头孔 锥孔,沉孔 mill--------------压榨机;磨坊;碾磨;drill---------------钻头;钻床钻孔;钻通 grind-----------------磨擦;磨碎;磨光 turn---------------转动;旋转;翻转 adapter plate-----------------适配模板

leader pin;shoulder leader pin----导针;带肩导针(实心)angle pin(horn pin)---------斜针;斜边 straight bushing----------直导套(空心)shoulder bushing----------带肩导套 sprue puller pin----------唧咀扣针 sprue spreader-----------浇口分流锥 runner spreader-----------流道分流锥

tapered interlocks(round & rectangular)---------啤把锁 bronze plated bushing------镀铜导套 guided ejection bushing------导向导套

toggle-lock early ejector return----切换式早期回撞装置 accelerated knock-out----------加速顶棍 accelerated ejector------------加速顶针 collapsible core---------可折迭式的型芯 slide retainer------------行位固定装置

jiffy latch-lock assemblies-------------快速拉杆锁定装置 tapped hole------------------螺丝孔

no resettable shot counter-----------非复位注射计数器 profiled ejector pin------------底面在有倾斜截面的顶针 copper-------红铜 brass-------黄铜 bronze--------青铜 BeCu--------铍铜

counterbore---------------拔头,介子托 fan gate-----------------扇形入口 fillet----------------圆形入口 guide pin 直边 screw thread 螺纹 air pump 空气泵 alloy 合金

alloy steel 合金钢

fixed clamp plate;top clamping plate;top plate定模座块 动模座块 moving clamp plate;bottom clamping plate 上模座块 upper clamping plate 下模座块 lower clamping plate 凹模固定板 cavity-retainer plate 型芯固定板 core-retainer plate 突模固定板 punch-retainer plate 模套 chase;bolster;frame pin point gate-------------细水口 hose clip--------------入喉箍 jiggle----------------斜顶

British Standard Whitworth thread BSW--英制螺丝(粗牙)British Standard Fine Thread BSF-------英制螺丝(幼牙)British Standard Pipe Thread(BSP)--------英制喉牙

National Pipe Thread-----------------------美制螺牙 pressure plug----------------喉塞

pressure spring-----------------压力弹簧 vent------------------疏气孔

alignment strip--------------------斜锁 ball catch---------------------弹弓波子 bridge piece------------------水口铁

Jiffy-matic connector---------------------快速连接喉

All ejector blades must have key to avoid rotating.扁顶针要止转 ejector bearing length 弹弓压缩长度 reinforcement rib 加强筋 steel pad 方铁 latch 拉杆

sprue puller insert 扣针导套 stage ejector=knock out 顶棍 ejector retainer plate 上顶针板 ejector base plate 下顶针板 stripper plate 活动板

runner stripper plate 脱料板 P/L flash 分形面披锋 scrape 拖花 burn 烧黑

safety strap 码板

side gate system 大水口系统

three plate type system 简化型细水口系统 pin point gate system 细水口系统 guide pin/guide bush 直边/托司 top clamp plate 工字板 stripper plate 推板 spacer block 方铁

bottom clamp plate 底板 shoulder guide pin 带肩导针 shoulder guide bush 托司

straight guide bush 直司/直导套 支承板 backing plate;support plate 垫块 spacer;parallel

支架 ejector housing,mould base leg 斜销 angle pin,finger cam 滑块 slide,cam slide

侧芯型滑块 side core slide 滑块导板 side guide strip

楔紧块,撑鸡 heel block,wedge bock 斜槽导板 finger guide plate 弯销 dog-leg cam

斜滑块 angle-lift splits


导柱 guide pillar;guide pin;leader pin

推板导柱 ejector guide pillar;ejector guide pin 带头导套 guide bush;guide bushing

推板导套 ejector guide bush;ejector bushing


锥形定位件 mould bases locting elements 复位杆 ejector plate return pin,push-back pin 限位块 stop block;stop pad 定距拉杆 length bolt;puller bolt 定距拉板 puller plate;limit plate


推流道板 runner stripper plate

分流道拉料杆 runner puller;runner lock pin 拉流杆;扣针 sprue puller

钩形拉料杆 sprue puller, Z-shaped 球头拉料杆 sprue puller,ball-headed

圆锥头拉料杆 sprue puller,conical headed 连接推杆 ejector tie rod

推板 ejector plate;ejection plate 推杆固定板 ejector retainer plate 推件环(盘)stripper ring(disk)推件板 stripper plate 推块 ejector pad

推管(司筒,导筒)ejector sleeve 推杆 ejector pin 圆柱头推杆 ejector pin with cylindrical head 带肩推杆 shouldered ejector pin 扁推杆 flat ejector pin 塑料成型模具的主要设计要素 脱模距 stripper distance 脱模斜度 draft 投影面积 projected area 最大开距 maximum daylight;open daylight 闭合高度 mould-shut height 抽芯距 core-pulling distance 抽芯力 core-pulling force 脱模力 ejector force 开模力 mould opening force

表面缩水 shrinkage

料位过薄/砸穿 thin wall stock 走水不平行 uneven fill pattern

夹水纹/流纹 witness line;mismatch;stress marks 走水纹 knit lines 走水不齐 short shots orifice 料口

nozzle seat 热嘴垫圈 nozzle plate 射嘴板 cross pin 十字头销 sled 射台

seal ring 封密圈 spacer rail 介子座

模内压力 internal mould pressure;cavity pressure 成型压力 moulding pressure 背压环 back-up ring 1 bar = 14.5psi 高压接头 bite type fitting 液压马达 hydraulic motor 冷却水流量计 waterflow regulator 打磨器材 abrasive material 打磨砂轮 grinding wheels 切割砂轮 cutting wheels 码模夹(注塑机使用)mould clamps;lifting clamps 小五金工具 piping tools 高压力软管 high pressure hose 风管,水软管 air.water hose 高压油表 pressure gauge 压力油喉 hydraulic hoses 光塑检测 photoelastic testing 吹塑模 plastic blow mould 注塑模 plastic injection mould 冲扎复合模 blank & form compound die 精密冲模 precision blanking die 熔料流动率 MFR=melt flow rate 熔料流动指数 MET=melt flow index 推板导柱 guide pin for ejector plater 座板 clamping plate 垫块 space block(plate)推板 ejector block(plate)afdek plate 档尘板 guide stripe 行位后板 cavity sub-insert 前模镶件 core sub-insert 后模镶件 sprue puller insert 扣针镶件 stage ejector 顶棍

spacer rock(risers)间隔板 变形 distortion 弯曲 warp 拖花 drag marks 火花纹 EDM marks 困气 venting 烧黑 burns heater groove 发热管槽

heater cement 发热管的结合剂 soak 浸泡 seat 垫圈

ream 铰大圆孔直径 grind 磨床 drill 钻床 mill 铣床 caliper 卡尺

G-caliper 分厘卡 Depth Gauge 深厚计 hardness tester 硬度计 angle gauge 角规 marble table 云台石 projector 投影仪 height gauge 高度仪 microscope 显微镜 plug gauge 塞规

leveller 水平器 R gauge R 规

Inter caliper 内分厘卡 surface平面仪

item number 细目编码

catalog number 材料分类编码 undercut lip 倒扣口

hot tip = hot drop = nozzle 热嘴 blow-off strip 放气板 blow-off nozzle 吹风口 spiral hose 螺旋式的连接喉 rust solvent 除锈剂 shaft 曲轴

tensile strength 拉伸力 yield strength 屈服力 spark erosion 电火花蚀刻 etch(photo-etch)电蚀 harden 淬硬

copper electrode 铜公

corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀 anneal 退火

heat treatment 淬火 FEM(finite elemnet method)有限元法 preliminary tool design 初期模具设计图 zone 热流道区域 reverse taper 倒啤把 clamp plate 码板 toggle clamp 快速夹 vacuum furnace 真空炉

cavity insert rounds 圆柱镶件 cavity insert b0locks 方柱镶件

tensile strength 抗张强度,抗拉强度 Concept drawing 概念图 Assembly drawing 装配图 mismatch;witness line 夹纹 piston 活塞 plunger 柱塞 carrier 导轨 rest 支架

item number 项目编号 catalog item 商品目录编码 dimensional datum 尺寸基准

heat treatment certification 淬硬证明文件 back-up bushing 支撑导套

jacking screw 起重螺丝,千斤顶

tapped hole(带有螺旋角度的)螺丝孔 diagonal corner 成对角的角落 burn mark 烧痕


venting valves 疏气阀 venting plug 疏气塞 valve casing 阀门罩 twist drill 旋钻 harden/nitride 碎硬 anneal 退火 temper 回火

stess crack 应力断裂

corrosion resistance 防腐,防锈

tensile strength 物】抗张强度,抗拉强度 split mould(分离)组合式的模具 inclined plate 斜面 inclined bolt 斜栓

jaw(工具,机械等)夹住东西的部分,钳口 step change of the P/L 分形面枕位的改变 thin steel section 较薄的料位 clean-up 清理,清除,清扫

Mold Dating Insert 模具日志镶件 Hot Sprue Bushing 热浇口套 semi-automatic 半自动

quick disconnector 快速断开接头 full shot 足量注射 mismatch 夹痕;夹水纹 ejector mark 顶痕

screw boss 螺丝孔,螺丝基座 sink mark 缩坑

15% glass filled ABS 掺有15%玻璃的ABS spraying mold release 脱模剂 drag mark 拖痕 stress mark 应力痕

reinforcement rib 加强筋 slght stoning 轻度磨砂 soliid line 实线 dotted line 虚线

internal diameter 内径 external diameter 外径 nickel-plated 电镀的

handling hole;lifting hole 吊装孔 parallel平行块 hot runner mainfold(热流道板)分流板 texuring 蚀纹

clamping screw(注塑机)码模螺丝 imperial 英制的 metric 公制的

puller bushing 水口套 puller bar 水口铁

drool bushing 防漏胶套筒 safety switch 限位制

water line connected internally or hard tubing 不可用胶喉连接运水

lifter on square rod or locked from rotation 用方形柱或用管钉止转

gate insert 入水镶件

gate shut-offs 流道开关配件 guided ejection 中托司

parting line shutoff 前后模接触面

waterlines clear tie bars.运水喉咀接驳位要避开啤机呵林柱.BGV=Balanced Gate Value平衡入水值 spacer 垫块 pocket 挖槽 rough 粗加工 finish 精加工

plunge rate 进刀率 retract rate 提刀速率 splindle rate 主轴转速 coolant 冷却液

SPLIT RING 开口环(钥匙圈)

侧向抽芯力 side pulling-core force convert.transfer 转图 guide pin 边针

Tee slot cutter T形SLOT CUTTER zigzag 双向切削

constant overlap spiral 等距环切 parallel spiral 环绕切削

parallel spiral clean corners 环切并清角 morph spiral 依外形环绕 true spiral 螺旋切削 one way 单向 end mill平铣刀 spher mill 球刀 bull mill 圆鼻刀 face mill 面铣刀 rad mill 圆角成型刀 chamfer mill 倒角刀 slot mill 槽刀

taper mill 推拔铣刀 dove mill 鸠尾铣刀 lot mill 棒状 drill 钻孔 reamer 纹刀 bore bar 搪刀 tap RH 右牙刀 disk gate;disphragm gate 盘形浇口 spoke gate;spider gate 轮辐浇口 pin-point gate 点浇口 edge gate 侧浇口

submarine gate;tunnel gate 潜伏浇口 fan gate 扇形浇口 tab gate 护耳浇口

runner plate 流道板(或冷或热)secondary nozzle 二级喷嘴

torpedo;torpedo body assembly 鱼雷形组合体 catridge heater 管式加热器 heat pipe 热管

valve gate 阀式浇口

Tap LH 左牙刀 ctr Drill 中心钻 spot drill 点钻 cntr bore 沉头孔刀 c.sink 鱼眼孔钻 loft surface 举升曲面 coons surface 昆氏曲面 ruled surface 直纹曲面 revolved surface 旋转曲面 swept surface 扫描曲面 draft surface 牵引曲面

grinding wheel 磨砂使用的轮子 quench steel 将...淬火,使冷却 stress relieving 应力消除 molten 熔热的 oxide film 氧化层

guide pin and sleeve, locating ring ,导边,司筒,定位圈

ejector ,ejector balde, ejector sleeve,顶针,扁顶针,顶针司筒, lifters, wear plate,horn pin,斜坊,磨损板,气顶针, O ring, water baffle, water pipe plug,O形圈,隔片,运水管道塞, water line connector,wear plate ,运水管道转接头,耐磨板 air cylinder,hydraulic cylinder,氯压缸,液压缸

micro switch,oil nipple, spring,开关装置,油枪接头,弹弓 sprue bushing,early return system,浇口套,早期回撞装置, accelerated ejectors, slied holder,加速顶针,注塑周期计数器, cycle counter,date stamper,滑块固定板,生产日期铭牌, hot runner system,热流道系统 chemical composition

化学成份 thermal conductiivity

导热性能 thermal diffusivity

热扩散性能 dimensonal stablity

尺寸稳定性能 cooling effiency

冷却效率 easiler ejection

易于脱模 alloy insert

合金镶件(cooling)duct 输送管;导管 maintenance cost 维护费用 ultrasonic testing 超声波检测 crack 断裂

direct gate 直接浇口 ring gate 环形浇口 force plunger;pot plunger 柱塞 flash groove;spew groove 溢料槽

impression;cavity block;cavity plate 凹模 punch;force 凸模

movable insert;loose detail 活动镶件

cavity splits;core splits(凹模拼块)(型芯拼块)拼块 side core 侧型芯

thread plug;threaded core 螺纹型芯 thread ring;threaded cavity 螺纹型环 cutting wheel 切割砂轮 grinding wheel 打磨砂轮 abrasive material 打磨器材

mould clamps;lifting clamp 砂模夹(注塑机使用)air(water)hose 风管,水轮管 pressure gauge 高压油表 hydraulic hose 压力油喉 plastic blow mould 吹塑模 plastic injection mould 注塑模

blandk&form compound die 冲扎复合模 precisiion blanking die 精密冲模 MFR=melt flow rate 熔料流动率 MFT=melt flow index 熔料流动指数 handling hole 拉铃孔 stop plate 限位块 linder bush 衬套

spacer block(plate)垫块,方铁 back-up ring 背位环 standoff 限位块

American Safety Hoist Rings.英制安全吊装环 Mechanical Properties 机械性能 Tensile Strength(MPa)抗拉强度 elongation 延伸率 hardness(Brinell)硬度 shear stength(MPa)剪切力 impact strength 冲韧性

Physical Properties 物理性能

solidification shrinkage 凝固收缩率 freezing range 凝固与熔范围 thermal expansion 热膨胀系数 specific heat 比热 thermal conductivity 热导率 electrical conductivity 电导率 micro-structure 金相分析 hot work tool steel 热作钢 circular motion 环形运动 variable 变数,参数

graphics window 图形窗口

degree entry and a zero degree exit.进刀口45度,退刀口0度 runner stripper plate 脱料板 stripper plate 活动板

spacer rock(risers)间隔板 stage ejector 顶棍

sprue puller insert 扣针导套 angle pin

斜针 fan gate

扇形入水 fillet


ball catch

弹弓波子 blade ejector

扁顶 bottom clamping plate 底码板 free length

自然长度 bridge piece


helix spindle

锅杆 hose clip

水喉箍 bubbler

隔气运水 jiggle

斜顶 jiggle witness line


guide strip 行位后板 afdek plate 挡尘板 side gate 大水口 pinpoint gate 细水口 SHCS 杯头螺丝 FHCS平头螺丝 set screw 无头螺丝 ball catch 波子螺丝 wedge 行位较杯

gib 线条,(撑鸡的导轨)latch 拉杆 clamp 码仔

spring guide pin 弹弓导柱 steel pad disc 橙仔方 ejector cam insert 斜顶块(screw)nut 螺母 taper 嗲把/ 斜度

taper interlock 嗲把锁 texture 花纹

toggle-lok 回撞装置

top clamping plate 顶码板

unified national coarse(UNC)美制螺丝(粗牙)unified national fine(UNF)美制螺丝(幼牙)set screw 喷头螺丝 side gate

大水口 slide retainer

行位管位 water junction

喉咀 spacer block

登仔 jiffy-matic socket 喉咀套 jiffy-tite plug

喉咀公 spring plunger

弹弓座 sprue puller

勾针/勾粒 spring washer

弹簧塑圈 stepped ejector pin 有托顶针

strippers plate

推板/细水口板 submarine gate

潜水口 support pin

拉杆 support plate

暗板 surface finish

光洁度 alignment strip

斜锁 center distance(CRS)山打距离(中心线距离)clamp

码仔 contour

外形 leader pin


location ring(flange)

法兰 counterbore

拔头,介子托 mock-up;prototype


die cast

合金压铸 national pipe thread(NPT)美制喉牙 overflow


ejection sleeve

司筒,顶套 epoxy

胶样 pin point gate

细水口 pressure plug

喉塞 pressure spring

压力弹簧 parting line flash 披锋 burned

烧黑 underfilled 缺料

insert mismatch 镶件夹口

ejector pins not flush 顶针有高低 ejector pins skid 顶针滑动 insert flash 镶件披锋

pressure transducer 压力探测头

hydraulic schematic 油积筒油路接驳图

jiffy connector recessed 安装喉嘴后不可突出模胚

knock out pullback stud-flush with clamp plate 顶棍镶件与底板有否空间

safety switches 限位开关 stop block 限位块 safety strap 安全带

drool bushing 防漏胶套筒 insert mismatch 镶件夹口 EDM visible 明显火花纹 lifter scrapes 斜顶拖花 short shots 走水不齐 wall stock 料位厚薄 knit lines 走水纹 stress marks 夹水纹

uneven fill pattern 走水不平行 drag marks 拖花 sprue pretrusion 唧嘴突出高度

sprue orifice and radil size 唧嘴R尺寸 sprue bushing-keyed 唧嘴有管钉 English Chinese program name 产口名称 part name 零件名称 tool name 模具名称 tool source 模具来源 tool steel 模具钢材 resin 塑 料

program number 产品编号 part number 零件编号 tool number 模具编号 customer 客户名称 No of cavities 内模编号 machine size 啤机吨数 drum miller 鼓形铣床

duplex horizontal miller 复式卧铣床 face miller 端面铣床 grinding miller 研磨机 plain miller平面铣床

planer-type miller 刨式铣床 rack miller 齿条铣床 slab miller 大型平面铣床 slot miller 键槽铣刀 spline miller 花键铣刀 thread miller 螺纹铣刀

vertical miller 立式铣刀,立辊,立辊轧机 endmill 立铣刀

plastic mould steel 塑料模钢 cold work steel 冷作钢 hot work steel 热作钢 high speed steel 高速钢

electric magnetic clutch 电磁离合器 pad printer 移印机 screen printer 丝印机 hot stamper 烫印机

solid carbide slitting saw 钻石钢锯片 convex cutter 凸锣刀片 concave cutter 凹锣刀片

side&face cutters,staggered teeth 正侧双用镶钻石钢锣刀 end-mill 锣刀 semi-rod 半圆刀

split double end 双头刀 single end 单头刀 2-flute 两辨 3-flute 三辨 4-flute 四辨 reamer 直拈

centre drill 中心钻 solid carbide drill 钻咀 zinc ingot 锌锭

aluminium ignot 铝锭

tin ignot 锡锭

heater cement 发热管的结合剂 heater groove 发热管槽 spacer rail 介子座 cross pin 十字头销 nozzle plate 射嘴板 nozzle seat 热嘴 addendum 齿冠 dedendum 齿根

air compressor 空气压缩机 air exhauster 抽气机 air intake 进气口 air seal 空气隔离层




top view----俯視圖front view----前視圖side view----側視圖plane view----平面圖contour------外型銑削pocket------挖槽

flow line----罩一曲面multisurf------多重曲面filter-----過濾ellipse-----橢圓polar-------極座標

arc endpoints-----两點畫弧polygon-------多邊形isometric-------等角視圖zig zag-------雙向one way-------單向spline-------圓滑曲線blend-------順接

guide pin--------導針;邊針;直邊support pin---------拉杆;水口邊

support pin collar--------拉杆定位;水口邊定位介子tapped hold for eyebolt-------吊模螺孔

thermal expansion coefficient-------熱膨脹系數welding rod-------熔接棒

cavity plate;A bolster plate(holder material)--------母模板(A板), 前模板

stripper plate---------活動板,推料板core plate--------公模板(B板),后模板spacer block-----------間隔板

ejector retainer plate-----------上頂針板ejector plate-----------下頂針板

pin point gate system-----------小水口系統side gate system-----------大水口系統

infrared-transmitter------------紅外線發射器infrared-receiver------------紅外線接受器synthetic resin------------合成權脂

air blow gun(with nozzles&hose)-----------------气槍spiral hose-----------------螺旋形的;盤旋的guide strip---------------行位導軌ejector rod--------------斜坊set screw---------固定螺絲

countersunk screw---------沉頭螺絲hex screws--------胚頭螺絲

shoulder screw-----------------帶肩螺絲residual stress-----------------殘余應力tensile--張力electricity erode-----------------電蝕刻ohm meter-------------------電阻表tubular dowel-----------------管釘,銷釘abrasive stone-----------------研磨石材

SPI Mold Finish Comparison Kit------------------SPI模具拋光比照工具

rolled------------------熱軋forged------------------熱鍛extrude------------------擠壓cold drawn-------------------冷拉

corrosive plastics-----------------防腐塑料tough-----------------硬度


service life--------------------注塑壽命high viscosity-----------------粘度較高的extension plug------------------延伸尾塞angle plug-------------------斜角尾塞

thermocouple connector-----------------熱電偶連結頭hydraulic system----------------------(注塑機的)油壓系統temperature control zone-------------------溫控區

barrel heating capacity--------------------料筒加熱能力screw torque-----------------------螺杆力矩screw speed-----------------------螺杆速度screw stroke-------------------------螺杆行程

nozzle contact force---------------------熱嘴接觸力screw L/D ratio---------------螺杆長度/直徑比例theoretical shot volume--------------理論的注射容量clamp force--------------------合模力lock force---------------------------鎖模力

internal heated------------------------內部加熱external heated------------------------外部加熱heating rod-------------------------加熱棒

air-gap insulation------------------------空气隔絕層spare part(accesory)--------------------------備用件insulating ring-----------------------絕緣圈sealing washer-------------------------垃圾釘adaptor---------------------適配器

hole gauge----------------------孔深量測儀high-temperature grease-------------高溫油脂thermal conductivity paste--------------導熱膏data cable--------------數據線

compression mold base---------------壓縮模胚countersunk-----------------埋頭孔 錐孔,沉孔mill--------------壓榨機;磨坊;碾磨;drill---------------鑽頭;鑽床鑽孔;鑽通grind-----------------磨擦;磨碎;磨光turn---------------轉動;旋轉;翻轉

adapter plate--------------------適配模板

leader pin;shoulder leader pin----------------導針;帶肩導針(實心)

angle pin(horn pin)-------------------斜針;斜邊straight bushing----------直導套(空心)shoulder bushing----------帶肩導套sprue puller pin----------唧咀扣針sprue spreader-----------澆口分流錐runner spreader-----------流道分流錐

tapered interlocks(round & rectangular)------------啤把鎖bronze plated bushing-------------------鍍銅導套

guided ejection bushing----------------------------導向導套toggle-lock early ejector return-------------------------切換式早期回撞裝置

accelerated knock-out---------------------加速頂棍accelerated ejector---------------------加速頂針collapsible core---------------------可折疊式的型芯slide retainer----------------------行位固定裝置

jiffy latch-lock assemblies---------------------快速拉杆鎖定裝置

tapped hole------------------螺絲孔

no resettable shot counter--------------------非复位注射計數器

profiled ejector pin--------------------底面在有傾斜截面的頂針



counterbore---------------拔頭,介子托fan gate-----------------扇形入口fillet----------------圓形入口

pin point gate-------------細水口hose clip--------------入喉箍jiggle----------------斜頂

British Standard Whitworth thread BSW--------------英制螺絲(粗牙)

British Standard Fine Thread BSF-------------------英制螺絲(幼牙)

National Pipe Thread-----------------------美制螺牙pressure plug----------------喉塞

pressure spring-----------------壓力彈簧vent------------------疏气孔

alignment strip--------------------斜鎖ball catch---------------------彈弓波子bridge piece------------------水口鐵

Jiffy-matic connector---------------------快速連接喉

All ejector blades must have key to avoid rotating.扁頂要管定,以防旋轉.ejector bearing length彈弓壓縮長度reinforcement rib加強筋steel pad方鐵latch拉杆

sprue puller insert扣針導套stage ejector=knock out頂棍ejector retainer plate上頂針板ejector base plate下頂針板stripper plate活動板

runner stripper plate脫料板P/L flash分形面披鋒scrape拖花burn燒黑

safety strap碼板

side gate system大水口系統

three plate type system簡化型細水口系統pin point gate system細水口系統guide pin/guide bush直邊/托司top clamp plate工字板stripper plate推板spacer block方鐵

bottom clamp plate底板shoulder guide pin帶肩導針shoulder guide bush托司

straight guide bush直司/直導套guide pin直邊screw thread螺紋air pump空气泵alloy合金

alloy steel合金鋼

定模座塊fixed clamp plate;top clamping plate;top plate動模座塊moving clamp plate;bottom clamping plate;bottom plate

上模座塊upper clamping plate下模座塊lower clamping plate凹模固定板cavity-retainer plate型芯固定板core-retainer plate突模固定板punch-retainer plate


支承板backing plate;support plate墊塊spacer;parallel

支架ejector housing,mould base leg斜銷angle pin,finger cam滑塊slide,cam slide

側芯型滑塊side core slide滑塊導板side guide strip

楔緊塊,撐雞heel block,wedge bock斜槽導板finger guide plate彎銷dog-leg cam斜滑塊angle-lift splits


導柱guide pillar;guide pin;leader pin

推板導柱ejector guide pillar;ejector guide pin帶頭導套guide bush;guide bushing

推板導套ejector guide bush;ejector bushing


錐形定位件mould bases locting elements复位杆ejector plate return pin,push-back pin限位塊stop block;stop pad定距拉杆length bolt;puller bolt定距拉板puller plate;limit plate


推流道板runner stripper plate

分流道拉料杆runner puller;runner lock pin拉流杆;扣針sprue puller

鉤形拉料杆sprue puller, Z-shaped球頭拉料杆sprue puller,ball-headed

圓錐頭拉料杆sprue puller,conical headed連接推杆ejector tie rod

推板ejector plate;ejection plate推杆固定板ejector retainer plate推件環(盤)stripper ring(disk)推件板stripper plate推塊ejector pad

推管(司筒,導筒)ejector sleeve推杆ejector pin

圓柱頭推杆ejector pin with cylindrical head帶肩推杆shouldered ejector pin扁推杆flat ejector pin

塑料成型模具的主要設計要素脫模距stripper distance脫模斜度draft

投影面積projected area

最大開距maximum daylight;open daylight閉合高度mould-shut height抽芯距core-pulling distance抽芯力core-pulling force脫模力ejector force

開模力mould opening force

模內壓力internal mould pressure;cavity pressure成型壓力moulding pressure背壓環back-up ring1 bar = 14.5psi

高壓接頭bite type fitting液壓馬達hydraulic motor

冷卻水流量計waterflow regulator

打磨器材abrasive material打磨砂輪grinding wheels切割砂輪cutting wheels

碼模夾(注塑機使用)mould clamps;lifting clamps小五金工具piping tools

高壓力軟管high pressure hose風管,水軟管air.water hose高壓油表pressure gauge壓力油喉hydraulic hoses光塑檢測photoelastic testing吹塑模plastic blow mould注塑模plastic injection mould

沖扎复合模blank & form compound die精密沖模precision blanking die熔料流動率MFR=melt flow rate熔料流動指數MET=melt flow index推板導柱guide pin for ejector plater座板clamping plate墊塊space block(plate)推板ejector block(plate)afdek plate檔塵板guide stripe行位后板

cavity sub-insert前模鑲件core sub-insert后模鑲件sprue puller insert扣針鑲件stage ejector頂棍

spacer rock(risers)間隔板變形distortion彎曲warp

拖花drag marks火花紋EDM marks困氣venting燒黑burns


料位過薄/砸穿thin wall stock走水不平行uneven fill pattern

夾水紋/流紋witness line;mismatch;stress marks走水紋knit lines走水不齊short shotsorifice料口

nozzle seat熱嘴墊圈nozzle plate射嘴板cross pin十字頭銷sled射台

seal ring封密圈spacer rail介子座

heater groove發熱管槽

heater cement發熱管的結合劑soak浸泡seat墊圈


G-caliper分厘卡Depth Gauge深厚計hardness tester硬度計angle gauge角規marble table雲台石projector投影儀

height gauge高度儀microscope顯微鏡plug gauge塞規leveller水平器R gaugeR 規

Inter caliper內分厘卡surface平面儀

item number細目編碼

catalog number材料分類編碼undercut lip倒扣口

hot tip = hot drop = nozzle熱嘴blow-off strip放氣板blow-off nozzle吹風口

spiral hose螺旋式的連接喉rust solvent除鏽劑shaft曲軸

tensile strength拉伸力yield strength屈服力spark erosion電火花蝕刻etch(photo-etch)電蝕harden淬硬

copper electrode銅公

corrosion resistance耐腐蝕anneal退火

heat treatment淬火

FEM(finite elemnet method)有限元法preliminary tool design初期模具設計圖zone熱流道區域reverse taper倒啤把clamp plate碼板toggle clamp快速夾vacuum furnace真空爐

cavity insert rounds圓柱鑲件cavity insert b0locks方柱鑲件

tensile strength抗張強度,抗拉強度Concept drawing概念圖Assembly drawing裝配圖mismatch;witness line夾紋shut-off(n.)枕位

venting valves疏氣閥venting plug疏氣塞valve casing閥門罩twist drill旋鑽


stess crack應力斷裂

corrosion resistance防腐,防鏽

tensile strength物】抗張強度,抗拉強度split mould(分離)組合式的模具inclined plate斜面inclined bolt斜栓

jaw(工具,機械等)夾住東西的部分,鉗口step change of the P/L分形面枕位的改變thin steel section較薄的料位clean-up清理,清除,清掃

Mold Dating Insert模具日志鑲件Hot Sprue Bushing熱澆口套semi-automatic半自動

quick disconnector快速斷開接頭full shot足量注射

mismatch夾痕;夾水紋ejector mark頂痕

screw boss螺絲孔,螺絲基座sink mark縮坑

15% glass filled ABS摻有15%玻璃的ABSspraying mold release脫模劑drag mark拖痕stress mark應力痕

reinforcement rib加強筋slght stoning輕度磨砂soliid line實線dotted line虛線

internal diameter內徑external diameter外徑nickel-plated電鍍的handling hole;lifting hole吊裝孔parallel平行塊piston活塞plunger柱塞carrier導軌rest支架

item number項目編號catalog item商品目錄編碼dimensional datum尺寸基準

heat treatment certification淬硬証明文件back-up bushing支撐導套jacking screw起重螺絲,千斤頂

tapped hole(帶有螺旋角度的)螺絲孔diagonal corner成對角的角落burn mark燒痕

hot runner mainfold(熱流道板)分流板texuring蝕紋

clamping screw(注塑機)碼模螺絲imperial英制的metric公制的puller bushing水口套puller bar水口鐵

drool bushing防漏膠套筒safety switch限位制

water line connected internally or hard tubing不可用膠喉連接運水

lifter: on square rod or locked from rotation用方形柱或用管釘防止斜頂轉動

gate insert入水鑲件

gate shut-offs流道開關配件guided ejection中托司

parting line shutoff前后模接觸面

waterlines clear tie bars.運水喉咀接駁位要避開啤機呵林柱.BGV=Balanced Gate Value平衡入水值spacer墊塊pocket挖槽rough粗加工finish精加工

plunge rate進刀率retract rate提刀速率splindle rate主軸轉速coolant冷卻液

SPLIT RING開口環(鑰匙圈)

側向抽芯力side pulling-core forceconvert.transfer轉圖guide pin邊針

Tee slot cutterT形SLOT CUTTERzigzag雙向切削

constant overlap spiral等距環切parallel spiral環繞切削

parallel spiral clean corners環切並清角morph spiral依外形環繞true spiral螺旋切削one way單向end mill平銑刀spher mill球刀bull mill圓鼻刀face mill面銑刀rad mill圓角成型刀chamfer mill倒角刀slot mill槽刀

taper mill推拔銑刀dove mill鳩尾銑刀lot mill棒狀drill鑽孔reamer紋刀bore bar搪刀tap RH右牙刀Tap LH左牙刀ctr Drill中心鑽spot drill點鑽

cntr bore沉頭孔刀c.sink魚眼孔鑽

loft surface舉升曲面coons surface昆氏曲面ruled surface直紋曲面revolved surface旋轉曲面swept surface掃描曲面draft surface牽引曲面

grinding wheel磨砂使用的輪子quench steel將...淬火,使冷卻stress relieving應力消除molten熔熱的oxide film氧化層

guide pin and sleeve, locating ring ,ejector ,ejector balde, ejector sleeve,lifters, wear plate,horn pin,O ring, water baffle, water pipe plug,water line connector,wear plate ,air cylinder,hydraulic cylinder, micro switch,oil nipple, spring,sprue bushing,early return system, accelerated

ejectors, slied holder,cycle counter,date stamper, hot runner syste導邊,司筒,定位圈,頂針,扁頂針,頂針司筒,斜坊,磨損板,氣頂針,O形圈,隔片,運水管道塞,運水管道轉接頭,氯壓缸,液壓缸,開關裝置,油槍接頭,彈弓,澆口套,早期回撞裝置,加速頂針,注塑周期計數器,滑塊固定板,生產日期銘牌,熱流道系統chemical composition化學成份thermal conductiivity導熱性能thermal diffusivity熱擴散性能dimensonal stablity尺寸穩定性能cooling effiency冷卻效率easiler ejection易于脫模alloy insert合金鑲件

(cooling)duct輸送管;導管maintenance cost維護費用ultrasonic testing超聲波檢測crack斷裂

direct gate直接澆口ring gate環形澆口

disk gate;disphragm gate盤形澆口

spoke gate;spider gate輪輻澆口pin-point gate點澆口edge gate側澆口

submarine gate;tunnel gate潛伏澆口fan gate扇形澆口tab gate護耳澆口

runner plate流道板(或冷或熱)secondary nozzle二級噴嘴

torpedo;torpedo body assembly魚雷形組合體catridge heater管式加熱器heat pipe熱管

valve gate閥式澆口

force plunger;pot plunger柱塞flash groove;spew groove溢料槽

impression;cavity block;cavity plate凹模punch;force击模

movable insert;loose detail活動鑲件

cavity splits;core splits(凹模拼塊)(型芯拼塊)拼塊side core側型芯

thread plug;threaded core螺紋型芯thread ring;threaded cavity螺紋型環cutting wheel切割砂輪grinding wheel打磨砂輪abrasive material打磨器材

mould clamps;lifting clamp砂模夾(注塑機使用)air(water)hose風管,水輪管pressure gauge高壓油表hydraulic hose壓力油喉plastic blow mould吹塑模plastic injection mould注塑模

blandk&form compound die沖扎復合模precisiion blanking die精密沖模MFR=melt flow rate熔料流動率MFT=melt flow index熔料流動指數handling hole拉鈴孔stop plate限位塊linder bush襯套

spacer block(plate)墊塊,方鐵back-up ring背位環standoff限位塊

American Safety Hoist Rings.英制安全吊裝環Mechanical Properties機械性能Tensile Strength(MPa)抗拉強度elongation延伸率hardness(Brinell)硬度

shear stength(MPa)剪切力impact strength沖ren性Physical Properties物理性能

solidification shrinkage凝固收縮率freezing range凝固與熔范圍thermal expansion熱膨脹系數specific heat比熱

thermal conductivity熱導率electrical conductivity電導率micro-structure金相分析hot work tool steel熱作鋼circular motion環形運動variable變數,參數

graphics window圖形視窗

degree entry and a zero degree exit.進刀口45度,退刀口0度runner stripper plate脫料板stripper plate活動板

spacer rock(risers)間隔板stage ejector頂棍

sprue puller insert扣針導套guide strip行位后板afdek plate擋塵板side gate大水口pinpoint gate細水口SHCS杯頭螺絲FHCS平頭螺絲set screw無頭螺絲ball catch波子螺絲wedge行位較杯


spring guide pin彈弓導柱steel pad disc橙仔方ejector cam insert斜頂塊(screw)nut螺母taper嗲把/ 斜度

taper interlock嗲把鎖texture花紋


top clamping plate頂碼板

unified national coarse(UNC)美制螺絲(粗牙)unified national fine(UNF)美制螺絲(幼牙)set screw噴頭螺絲side gate大水口

slide retainer行位管位water junction喉咀spacer block登仔

jiffy-matic socket喉咀套jiffy-tite plug喉咀公spring plunger彈弓座sprue puller勾針/勾粒spring washer彈簧塑圈

stepped ejector pin有托頂針strippers plate推板/細水口板submarine gate潛水口support pin拉杆support plate暗板surface finish光潔度alignment strip斜鎖angle pin斜針fan gate扇形入水fillet圓口

ball catch彈弓波子blade ejector扁頂

bottom clamping plate底碼板free length自然長度bridge piece水口鐵

British Standard Fine Thread(BSF)英制螺絲(幼牙)British Standard Pipe Thread(BSP)英制喉牙

British Standard Whitworth Thread(BSW)英制螺絲(粗牙)helix spindle鍋杆hose clip水喉箍bubbler隔氣運水jiggle斜頂

jiggle witness line斜頂片位置

center distance(CRS)山打距離(中心線距離)clamp碼仔contour外形leader pin導針

location ring(flange)法蘭counterbore拔頭,介子托mock-up;prototype手辦die cast合金壓鑄

national pipe thread(NPT)美制喉牙overflow垃圾位

ejection sleeve司筒,頂套epoxy膠樣

pin point gate細水口pressure plug喉塞

pressure spring壓力彈簧parting line flash披鋒burned燒黑underfilled缺料

insert mismatch鑲件夾口

ejector pins not flush頂針有高低ejector pins skid頂針滑動insert flash鑲件披鋒

pressure transducer壓力探測頭

hydraulic schematic油積筒油路接駁圖

jiffy connector recessed安裝喉嘴后不可突出模胚

knock out pullback stud-flush with clamp plate頂棍鑲件與底板有否空間

safety switches限位制stop block限位塊safety strap安全帶

drool bushing防漏膠套筒insert mismatch鑲件夾口EDM visible明顯火花紋lifter scrapes斜頂拖花short shots走水不齊wall stock料位厚薄knit lines走水紋stress marks夾水紋

uneven fill pattern走水不平行drag marks拖花

sprue pretrusion唧嘴突出高度

sprue orifice and radil size唧嘴R尺寸sprue bushing-keyed唧嘴有管釘EnglishChinese

program name產口名稱part name零件名稱tool name模具名稱tool source模具來源tool steel模具鋼材resin塑 料

program number產品編號part number零件編號tool number模具編號customer客戶名稱No of cavities內模編號machine size啤機噸數drum miller鼓形銑床

duplex horizontal miller復式臥銑床face miller端面銑床grinding miller研磨機plain miller平面銑床

planer-type miller刨式銑床rack miller齒條銑床slab miller大型平面銑床slot miller鍵槽銑刀spline miller花鍵銑刀thread miller螺紋銑刀

vertical miller立式銑刀,立輥,立輥軋機endmill立銑刀

plastic mould steel塑膠模鋼cold work steel冷作鋼hot work steel熱作鋼high speed steel高速鋼

electric magnetic clutch電磁離合器pad printer移印機screen printer絲印機hot stamper燙印機

solid carbide slitting saw鑽石鋼鋸片convex cutter击鑼刀片concave cutter凹鑼刀片

side&face cutters,staggered teeth正側雙用鑲鑽石鋼鑼刀end-mill鑼刀semi-rod半圓刀

split double end雙頭刀single end單頭刀2-flute兩辨3-flute三辨4-flute四辨reamer直拈

centre drill中心鑽solid carbide drill鑽咀zinc ingot鋅錠

aluminium ignot鋁錠tin ignot錫錠

heater cement發熱管的結合劑heater groove發熱管槽spacer rail介子座cross pin十字頭銷nozzle plate射嘴板nozzle seat熱嘴addendum齒冠dedendum齒根

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Whether the administrative subject has to give the reasons why making negative administrative decision on administrative counterpart, which appears accompany with the development of democracy and the rule of law.The administrative procedure law in France, Germany, the United States, Japan, Taiwan and Macao of china has relative regulations, and giving the reasons has become an important system in administrative procedure system.When the administrative subject takes administrative actions that will impact the rights and obligations of the administrative counterpart, it should explain to the administrative counterpart the fact and foundation and the law, on which it take the action, also it should explain the public interests, social habits, policy considerations and other factors that it has to take into account when make discretions.on one hand, this is conductive to standardize the administrative subject to execute administrative power according to the law, and guarantee the administrative legality and rationality, reduce administrative arbitrariness and abuse of administrative power;on the other hand, to inform the administrative decision basis of facts, law and discretion factors to the administrative counterpart could enhance the understanding and recognition of the decisions for the administrative counterpart.Besides, if the administrative counterpart doesn’t accept the decisions, could according to the foundations and reasons of the administrative decisions seek for legal redress to protect his/her legal interests.This report base on the reasons explanation system to summarize the characteristics and existing problems of the persuasive administrative penalties notifications in our country’s industrial and commercial systems, and make suggestions on how to improve it, in order to make the administrative decision be applicable to administrative penalty, administrative compulsory enforcement and other executive fields, to enhance the rationality and legitimacy of the administrative decision, effectively regulate the use of the administrative power, protect the legal rights and interests of the citizens.本文分为五部分:

The report has five parts:


The brief introduce the general situation of the study of the reasons explanation system in administrative procedure of our law circles, and illustrates the focus and hot issues in current study of the reasons explanation system.第一部分为全文概述,简要介绍选题依据和来源,从宪政角度分析行政决定的说理性理论基


The first part is the general overview of the report, give a brief introduction to the basis and resource of the selection of the topic, analyze the rationality theory foundation of the administrative decision from the constitutional perspective, and analyze the value of the administrative decision rationality from the administrative organ, the administrative counterpart and the request of the controversy dispute acceptance organ.Part two focuses on the study of the cases on the persuasive administrative penalty notification pushed by our country’s industrial and commercial system, and summarize the characteristics and existing problems of the persuasive administrative penalties notifications in our country’s industrial and commercial systems.第三部分对我国目前关于行政决定说理性的立法规范进行分析,指出当前我国相关立法存在的缺陷和问题。

The third part analyzes the current legal regulations in our country on the rationality of the administrative decisions, and point out the existing defects and problems in our country’s relative laws.









Carrying Faggots to Put Out a Fire In the last years of the Warring States period, the State of Qin attacked the State of Wei on a large scale repeatedly and occupied large areas of land, for the State of Wei was too weak to defend itself.In 273 B.B., the qin army launched another attack upon the State of Wei with a momentum more vigorous than ever.The king of the State of Wei summoned his officials,and asked with a worried look if anyone could propose a way to defeat the Qin army.After years of chaos caused by the wars,the officials trembled when fighting was mentioned, and no one dared to speak ofresistance.At the critical moment when a large enemy force was bearing down upon the border, most of the offinials persuaded the king to sue for peace, at the cost of giving away to the State of Qin the large area of land north of the Huanghe River and south of the Taihang Mountain.However Su Dai, a counsellor, did not agree.He hurried up to the king and said:“Your Majesty, they don't think about the interests of the country at all.It is just because they are cowardly and afraid of death that they ask you to sue for peace by betraying the country.Of course you can temperarily satisfy the ambition of the king of the State of Qin is insatiably greedy.It will never stop assaulting us until our land is totally given away.”Once there was a man whose house was on fire.People told him to put out the fire with water, but he would not listen.Instead, he carried a faggot to put out the fire, only to make the fire fiercer.That was because he didn't know that,instead of putting out the fire, faggots could only make it burning more vigorously.Isn't it equivalent to carrying faggots to put out a fire if you agree to sue for peace at the cost of the land of the State of Wei?“Though Su Dai's argument was very convincing, the king accepted the suggestion of those officials and gave away to the State of Qin a large area of the land of the State of Wei.For the king of the State of Wei was cowardly and only cared for peace at the moment.As might be expected,the Qin army assaulted the State of Wei on a large scale in 225 B.C.,surrounding the capital city Daliang and flooding it by digging open the dykes of the Huanghe River.The State of Wei was finally destroyed by the State of Qin.This story appears in the Historical Records Written by Sima Qian.The set phrase”carrying faggots to put out a fire"is used to mean adopting a wrong method to save a situation and ending up by making it worse.



Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined.Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems.As a major service provider to NASA, Boeing operates the Space Shuttle and International Space Station.The company also provides numerous military and commercial

airline support services.Boeing has customers in more than 90 countries around the world and is one of the largest U.S.exporters in terms of sales.波音公司一直是航空航天业的领袖公司,也素来有着创新的传统。波音公司不断扩大产品线和服务,满足客户的最新需求,包括开发更高效的新机型,通过网络整合军事平台、防御系统和战斗机,研发先进的技术解决方案,制订创新型的客户融资方案。

Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation.The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs.The broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family;integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-centric operations;creating advanced technology solutions;and arranging innovative customer-financing solutions.波音公司的总部位于芝加哥,在美国境内及全球70个国家共有员工160000多名,主要业务基地集中在美国华盛顿州的普吉特湾、南加州和圣路易斯。公司2007年营业额为664亿美元。Headquartered in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 158,000 people across the United States and in 70 countries.This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere.More than 90,000 of our people hold college degrees--including nearly 29,000 advanced degrees--in virtually every business and technical field from approximately 2,700 colleges and universities worldwide.Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.波音公司下设两个业务部门:波音民用飞机集团和波音防务、空间与安全集团。支持这两大业务部分的有:提供全球融资服务的波音金融公司,为全球的波音机构提供各种服务的共用服务集团,以及开发、收购、应用及保护创新性技术和流程的波音工程、运营和技术部。Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security.Supporting these units is Boeing Capital

Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions;the Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide;and Boeing

Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes.波音民用飞机集团


Boeing has been the premier manufacturer of commercial jetliners for more than 40 years.With the merger of Boeing and McDonnell Douglas in 1997, Boeing's

leadership in commercial jets, joined with the lineage of Douglas airplanes, gives the combined company a 70-year heritage of leadership in commercial aviation.Today, the main commercial products are the 737, 747, 767 and 777 families of airplanes and the Boeing Business Jet.New product development efforts are

focused on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and the 747-8.The company has nearly 12,000 commercial jetliners in service worldwide, which is roughly 75 percent of the world fleet.Through Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, the company provides unsurpassed, around-the-clock technical support to help operators

maintain their airplanes in peak operating condition.Commercial Aviation Services offers a full range of world-class engineering, modification, logistics and

information services to its global customer base, which includes the world's

passenger and cargo airlines, as well as maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities.Boeing also trains maintenance and flight crews in the 100-seat-and-above airliner market through Boeing Training & Flight Services, the world's largest and most comprehensive provider of airline training.波音防务、空间与安全集团


Boeing Defense, Space & Security(BDS)provides end-to-end services for

large-scale systems that enhance air-, land-, sea-and space-based platforms for global military, government and commercial customers.In addition to designing,producing, modifying and supporting fighters, bombers, transports, rotorcraft, aerial refuelers, missiles, munitions and spacecraft for military, civil and commercial use, BDS is developing enhanced capabilities through network-centric operations, communications and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance technologies.BDS also supports the U.S.government as a system integrator on several programs of national significance--NASA's space shuttle and International Space Station programs, the Missile Defense Agency's Ground-Based Midcourse Defense

program, the Army's Brigade Combat Team Modernization program and SBInet, a critical component of the Secure Border Initiative managed by the Department of Homeland Security.波音金融公司

波音金融公司是全球融资解决方案提供商。该公司与波音民用飞机集团和波音综合防御系统密切合作,负责安排、组织和/或提供资金,以促进波音民用飞机和军用飞机、卫星以及运载火箭的销售和交付。波音金融公司2007年底的资产总额为65亿美元,其优势在于整合了波音的融资实力、全球性业务、对波音客户和设备的充分了解、以及经验丰富的金融专家队伍。Boeing Capital Corporation is a global provider of financing solutions.Working closely with Commercial Airplanes and Defense, Space & Security, Boeing Capital Corporation arranges, structures and/or provides financing to facilitate the sale and delivery of Boeing commercial and military aircraft, satellites and launch vehicles.With a year-end 2009 portfolio of approximately $5.7 billion, Boeing Capital Corporation combines Boeing's financial strength and global reach, detailed knowledge of Boeing customers and equipment, and the expertise of a seasoned group of financial professionals.波音共用服务集团


Shared Services Group allows business units to focus on profitable growth by providing the infrastructure services required to run their global operations.The group provides a broad range of services worldwide, including facilities services, employee benefits and services, staffing, recruitment, wellness programs, security, fire protection, site operations, disaster preparedness, construction, reclamation, conservation programs, virtual workplace, creative services, transportation,business continuity and the purchase of all non-production goods and services.It also offers comprehensive travel services to Boeing employees and manages the sale and acquisition of all leased and owned property for Boeing.By integrating

services, Shared Services Group delivers greater value, creates “lean” processes and operations, leverages buying power and simplifies access to services for all of Boeing.工程、运营和技术部

波音工程、运营和技术部在正确的时间和地点,为分布在全球各地的波音机构提供合适的人员、技术、流程和性能,以支持波音各业务部门及发展战略。这一目标战略由特种工程部、知识产权管理部、信息技术部等主要下属部门完成,其在工程、运营、质量和信息技术流程委员会中的领导地位也发挥了重要作用。工程、运营和技术部通过提供先进的新战略方案、创新性的技术和流程方案,致力于将波音转变为以网络为中心的全球化企业,同时强化并保护公司的知识财富,加强创新的文化,确保波音取得成功。Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology supports Boeing's business units and growth strategy by providing the right people, technologies, processes and performance at the right time and in the right place across the company worldwide.This strategy is delivered in various ways by the primary organizational groups--Research & Technology, Intellectual Property Management, and Information Technology, and its leadership role in the Engineering, Operations, Quality, and Information Technology process councils.Through all its activities, Engineering, Operations & Technology helps ensure the future success of Boeing by winning strategic new programs, providing innovative technology and process solutions, transforming Boeing into a global network-centric enterprise, enhancing and

protecting the company's intellectual capital, and fostering a culture of innovation.



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