Biceps Brachii肱二头肌
cable biceps curl滑轮胸前弯举dumbbell biceps curl哑铃胸前弯举incline dumbbell curl哑铃斜托弯举machine biceps curl器械胸前弯举seated preacher curl坐姿牧师凳弯举stabilizing pushup平衡俯卧撑standing biceps curl站式胸前弯举swiss-ball seated curl平衡球坐姿弯举zottman curl左特曼弯举
angled prone curl角度俯卧弯举angled prone reverse curl角度俯卧反握弯举hammer curl锤式弯举standing
concentration curl站式单臂哑铃弯举swiss-ball preacher curl平衡球弯举
arnold press阿诺德推举bar military press坐姿颈前推bar upright row斜方肌拉力cable front raise滑轮前平举cable rear lateral raise俯身滑轮侧平举cable side lateral raise滑轮侧平举corkscrew螺旋运动dumbbell lateral raise哑铃侧平举dumbbell shoulder press哑铃肩膀推举external rotation(no weights)肩关节向外转动(无重量)high pull高拉machine lateral raise器械侧平举machine rear raise器械三角肌后伸展machine shoulder press器械肩膀推举rear lateral raise俯身哑铃侧平举seated reverse fly坐姿反向飞鸟standing scarecrow站式螺旋运动swiss-ball shoulder press平衡球肩膀推举upright row直立划船
alternating seated calf raise坐姿交互提踵barbell standing
calf raise站式哑铃交互提踵calf raise提踵dumbbell calf jump哑铃弹跳single-leg standing calf raise站式单腿提踵
barbell overhead squat杠铃过顶深蹲dead lift提举
dumbbell front squat肩上哑铃深蹲kettlebells side lunge壶铃侧弓步kettlebells squat壶铃深蹲lunging step up上下台阶lying hip extension(no weights)仰卧臀屈伸(无重量)offset squat单腿侧深蹲power clean高翻side lunge杠铃侧蹲superman超人(姿势)swiss-ball glute bridge平衡球架臀桥
back raise提背cable hamstring curl滑轮腿后腱弯举decline leg curl倾斜腿弯举good morning杠铃压肩俯身machine leg curl器械腿弯举reverse hyperextension方向腹背训练swiss-ball leg curl平衡球腿弯举
Latissimus Dorsi背阔肌
assisted pull-up助力引体向上barbell bent-over row俯身杠铃划船cable close grip pulldown滑轮颈前下拉cable seated high row坐姿滑轮高位划船cable straight arm pull-down滑轮单臂下拉chinup反手引体向上kettlebells bent-over-row壶铃前倾划船lat pulldown坐姿滑轮下拉machine lateral pull-down坐姿滑轮侧下拉neutral-grip pullup宽握引体向上one-arm row单臂划船single-arm pulldown单臂下拉t-bar bent-over row丁字架前倾划船Lower Back下背肌
bar squat杠深蹲dumbbell romanian deadlift罗马尼亚哑铃提举prone cobra眼镜蛇式俯卧romanian barbell
deadlift罗马尼亚杠铃提举romanian deadlift罗马尼亚提举zercher squat泽奇深蹲
abdominal twist腹部弯曲barbell side bend杠铃体侧举cable torso rotation滑轮扭腰cable woodchopper滑轮伐木clam屈腿提身crunch twist仰卧扭体dumbbell side bend哑铃体侧屈dumbbell torso twist哑铃扭腰figure-8 crunch仰卧夹球扭腰side crunch侧卧起身standing oblique crunch站式斜身下拉swiss-ball crunch平衡球仰卧起坐swiss-ball oblique crunch平衡球侧卧起身swiss-ball torso twist平衡球哑铃扭腰twisting crunch仰卧扭体(保持)twisting windmill风车扭腰
barbell bench press杠铃卧推bosu kneeling pushup博苏膝式俯卧撑cable chest flye滑轮扩胸cable chest press滑轮卧推cable crossover滑轮夹胸deline close-grip bench press下斜式窄握卧推dive-bomber pushup俯冲轰炸机式俯卧撑dumbbell flye哑铃飞鸟dumbbell incline bench press下斜式哑铃卧推dumbbell pull-over俯卧哑铃弯举incline barbell bench press下斜式杠铃卧推machine chest flye器械夹胸machine chest press器械推胸pushup仰卧起坐rotational pushup旋转式俯卧撑swiss-ball press平衡球哑铃卧推swiss-ball pushup平衡球俯卧撑towel fly(no weights)滑式俯卧撑two-point bridge两点架桥unilateral high cable fly高位单侧滑轮飞鸟unilateral low
cable fly低位单侧滑轮飞鸟weighted pushup负重俯卧撑Quadriceps四头肌
back squat杠铃压背深蹲barbell hack squat杠铃后拉深蹲barbell lunge杠铃弓步barbell squat杠铃深蹲
beginner squat初学者深蹲bulgarian split squat保加利亚深蹲bulgarian split squat(no weights)保加利亚深蹲(无重量)cable front squat前置滑轮深蹲cable leg extension滑轮腿伸展dumbbell lunge哑铃弓步dumbbell reverse lunge哑铃反弓步front squat杠铃前置深蹲hack squat后拉深蹲machine leg extension器械腿伸展machine leg press器械深蹲ski squat(no weights)滑q1an9深蹲(无重量)sumo squat相扑式深蹲swiss-ball wall squat平衡球深蹲walking lunge twist负重前冲扭腰
Rectus Abdominis腹直肌
ab crunch on a ball平衡球仰卧起坐ab crunch machine器械仰卧起坐abdominal reverse curl腹部反向弯举bar crunch持杠起身barbell cable rollout滑轮杠铃外移bench side bridge条凳侧桥bicycle kick脚踏车式踢击dumbbell toe touch哑铃触脚hanging knee raise吊杠提膝hanging leg raise吊杠提腿high woodchopper高位伐木inclined reverse crunch斜面提腿jackknife对折kneeling cable crunch膝式滑轮下压oblique v-up斜式两头起pulse up仰卧举腿reverse crunch反向捲腹rollback伸臂起身saxon side bend撒克逊侧弯seated twist坐式转体situp仰卧起坐sprinter奔跑式起身steam engine肘碰膝toe touch触脚traditional crunch传统仰卧起坐twisting hip raise扭腰提腿v-up两头起weighted swiss-ball
crunch平衡球负重仰卧起坐wheel rollout转轮移出Rotator Cuff肩关节旋转肌群
rotator cuffinternal肩关节旋转肌群——内部
bent over row(no weights)俯身上拉(无重量)cable seated close row坐姿滑轮划船cable seated low row坐姿低位滑轮划船cable standing close row站式滑轮划船shrug耸肩swiss-ball close row平衡球划船
Triceps Brachii肱三头肌
bench dip架桥式板凳撑体cable triceps overhead
extension滑轮三头肌过顶伸展cable triceps pushdown滑轮三头肌下压chair dip(no weights)凳上双臂屈伸(无重量)diamond pushup钻石式俯卧撑dip屈臂伸french press法式拉举kettlebell pullover壶铃拉举lyingpullover卧式拉举lying triceps extension卧式三头肌伸展
machine triceps extension器械三头肌伸展overhead bar press头上杠铃推举parallel bar dip负重臂屈伸triceps assisted dip三头肌助力屈伸triceps kickback三头肌后撑Wrist Extensors伸腕肌
dumbbell wrist twist哑铃旋腕reverse wrist curl反握弯举Wrist Flexors屈腕肌
wrist curl屈腕练习
Whether the administrative subject has to give the reasons why making negative administrative decision on administrative counterpart, which appears accompany with the development of democracy and the rule of law.The administrative procedure law in France, Germany, the United States, Japan, Taiwan and Macao of china has relative regulations, and giving the reasons has become an important system in administrative procedure system.When the administrative subject takes administrative actions that will impact the rights and obligations of the administrative counterpart, it should explain to the administrative counterpart the fact and foundation and the law, on which it take the action, also it should explain the public interests, social habits, policy considerations and other factors that it has to take into account when make discretions.on one hand, this is conductive to standardize the administrative subject to execute administrative power according to the law, and guarantee the administrative legality and rationality, reduce administrative arbitrariness and abuse of administrative power;on the other hand, to inform the administrative decision basis of facts, law and discretion factors to the administrative counterpart could enhance the understanding and recognition of the decisions for the administrative counterpart.Besides, if the administrative counterpart doesn’t accept the decisions, could according to the foundations and reasons of the administrative decisions seek for legal redress to protect his/her legal interests.This report base on the reasons explanation system to summarize the characteristics and existing problems of the persuasive administrative penalties notifications in our country’s industrial and commercial systems, and make suggestions on how to improve it, in order to make the administrative decision be applicable to administrative penalty, administrative compulsory enforcement and other executive fields, to enhance the rationality and legitimacy of the administrative decision, effectively regulate the use of the administrative power, protect the legal rights and interests of the citizens.本文分为五部分:
The report has five parts:
The brief introduce the general situation of the study of the reasons explanation system in administrative procedure of our law circles, and illustrates the focus and hot issues in current study of the reasons explanation system.第一部分为全文概述,简要介绍选题依据和来源,从宪政角度分析行政决定的说理性理论基
The first part is the general overview of the report, give a brief introduction to the basis and resource of the selection of the topic, analyze the rationality theory foundation of the administrative decision from the constitutional perspective, and analyze the value of the administrative decision rationality from the administrative organ, the administrative counterpart and the request of the controversy dispute acceptance organ.Part two focuses on the study of the cases on the persuasive administrative penalty notification pushed by our country’s industrial and commercial system, and summarize the characteristics and existing problems of the persuasive administrative penalties notifications in our country’s industrial and commercial systems.第三部分对我国目前关于行政决定说理性的立法规范进行分析,指出当前我国相关立法存在的缺陷和问题。
The third part analyzes the current legal regulations in our country on the rationality of the administrative decisions, and point out the existing defects and problems in our country’s relative laws.
Carrying Faggots to Put Out a Fire In the last years of the Warring States period, the State of Qin attacked the State of Wei on a large scale repeatedly and occupied large areas of land, for the State of Wei was too weak to defend itself.In 273 B.B., the qin army launched another attack upon the State of Wei with a momentum more vigorous than ever.The king of the State of Wei summoned his officials,and asked with a worried look if anyone could propose a way to defeat the Qin army.After years of chaos caused by the wars,the officials trembled when fighting was mentioned, and no one dared to speak ofresistance.At the critical moment when a large enemy force was bearing down upon the border, most of the offinials persuaded the king to sue for peace, at the cost of giving away to the State of Qin the large area of land north of the Huanghe River and south of the Taihang Mountain.However Su Dai, a counsellor, did not agree.He hurried up to the king and said:“Your Majesty, they don't think about the interests of the country at all.It is just because they are cowardly and afraid of death that they ask you to sue for peace by betraying the country.Of course you can temperarily satisfy the ambition of the king of the State of Qin is insatiably greedy.It will never stop assaulting us until our land is totally given away.”Once there was a man whose house was on fire.People told him to put out the fire with water, but he would not listen.Instead, he carried a faggot to put out the fire, only to make the fire fiercer.That was because he didn't know that,instead of putting out the fire, faggots could only make it burning more vigorously.Isn't it equivalent to carrying faggots to put out a fire if you agree to sue for peace at the cost of the land of the State of Wei?“Though Su Dai's argument was very convincing, the king accepted the suggestion of those officials and gave away to the State of Qin a large area of the land of the State of Wei.For the king of the State of Wei was cowardly and only cared for peace at the moment.As might be expected,the Qin army assaulted the State of Wei on a large scale in 225 B.C.,surrounding the capital city Daliang and flooding it by digging open the dykes of the Huanghe River.The State of Wei was finally destroyed by the State of Qin.This story appears in the Historical Records Written by Sima Qian.The set phrase”carrying faggots to put out a fire"is used to mean adopting a wrong method to save a situation and ending up by making it worse.
Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined.Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems.As a major service provider to NASA, Boeing operates the Space Shuttle and International Space Station.The company also provides numerous military and commercial
airline support services.Boeing has customers in more than 90 countries around the world and is one of the largest U.S.exporters in terms of sales.波音公司一直是航空航天业的领袖公司,也素来有着创新的传统。波音公司不断扩大产品线和服务,满足客户的最新需求,包括开发更高效的新机型,通过网络整合军事平台、防御系统和战斗机,研发先进的技术解决方案,制订创新型的客户融资方案。
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation.The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs.The broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family;integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-centric operations;creating advanced technology solutions;and arranging innovative customer-financing solutions.波音公司的总部位于芝加哥,在美国境内及全球70个国家共有员工160000多名,主要业务基地集中在美国华盛顿州的普吉特湾、南加州和圣路易斯。公司2007年营业额为664亿美元。Headquartered in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 158,000 people across the United States and in 70 countries.This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere.More than 90,000 of our people hold college degrees--including nearly 29,000 advanced degrees--in virtually every business and technical field from approximately 2,700 colleges and universities worldwide.Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.波音公司下设两个业务部门:波音民用飞机集团和波音防务、空间与安全集团。支持这两大业务部分的有:提供全球融资服务的波音金融公司,为全球的波音机构提供各种服务的共用服务集团,以及开发、收购、应用及保护创新性技术和流程的波音工程、运营和技术部。Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security.Supporting these units is Boeing Capital
Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions;the Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide;and Boeing
Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes.波音民用飞机集团
Boeing has been the premier manufacturer of commercial jetliners for more than 40 years.With the merger of Boeing and McDonnell Douglas in 1997, Boeing's
leadership in commercial jets, joined with the lineage of Douglas airplanes, gives the combined company a 70-year heritage of leadership in commercial aviation.Today, the main commercial products are the 737, 747, 767 and 777 families of airplanes and the Boeing Business Jet.New product development efforts are
focused on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and the 747-8.The company has nearly 12,000 commercial jetliners in service worldwide, which is roughly 75 percent of the world fleet.Through Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, the company provides unsurpassed, around-the-clock technical support to help operators
maintain their airplanes in peak operating condition.Commercial Aviation Services offers a full range of world-class engineering, modification, logistics and
information services to its global customer base, which includes the world's
passenger and cargo airlines, as well as maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities.Boeing also trains maintenance and flight crews in the 100-seat-and-above airliner market through Boeing Training & Flight Services, the world's largest and most comprehensive provider of airline training.波音防务、空间与安全集团
Boeing Defense, Space & Security(BDS)provides end-to-end services for
large-scale systems that enhance air-, land-, sea-and space-based platforms for global military, government and commercial customers.In addition to designing,producing, modifying and supporting fighters, bombers, transports, rotorcraft, aerial refuelers, missiles, munitions and spacecraft for military, civil and commercial use, BDS is developing enhanced capabilities through network-centric operations, communications and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance technologies.BDS also supports the U.S.government as a system integrator on several programs of national significance--NASA's space shuttle and International Space Station programs, the Missile Defense Agency's Ground-Based Midcourse Defense
program, the Army's Brigade Combat Team Modernization program and SBInet, a critical component of the Secure Border Initiative managed by the Department of Homeland Security.波音金融公司
波音金融公司是全球融资解决方案提供商。该公司与波音民用飞机集团和波音综合防御系统密切合作,负责安排、组织和/或提供资金,以促进波音民用飞机和军用飞机、卫星以及运载火箭的销售和交付。波音金融公司2007年底的资产总额为65亿美元,其优势在于整合了波音的融资实力、全球性业务、对波音客户和设备的充分了解、以及经验丰富的金融专家队伍。Boeing Capital Corporation is a global provider of financing solutions.Working closely with Commercial Airplanes and Defense, Space & Security, Boeing Capital Corporation arranges, structures and/or provides financing to facilitate the sale and delivery of Boeing commercial and military aircraft, satellites and launch vehicles.With a year-end 2009 portfolio of approximately $5.7 billion, Boeing Capital Corporation combines Boeing's financial strength and global reach, detailed knowledge of Boeing customers and equipment, and the expertise of a seasoned group of financial professionals.波音共用服务集团
Shared Services Group allows business units to focus on profitable growth by providing the infrastructure services required to run their global operations.The group provides a broad range of services worldwide, including facilities services, employee benefits and services, staffing, recruitment, wellness programs, security, fire protection, site operations, disaster preparedness, construction, reclamation, conservation programs, virtual workplace, creative services, transportation,business continuity and the purchase of all non-production goods and services.It also offers comprehensive travel services to Boeing employees and manages the sale and acquisition of all leased and owned property for Boeing.By integrating
services, Shared Services Group delivers greater value, creates “lean” processes and operations, leverages buying power and simplifies access to services for all of Boeing.工程、运营和技术部
波音工程、运营和技术部在正确的时间和地点,为分布在全球各地的波音机构提供合适的人员、技术、流程和性能,以支持波音各业务部门及发展战略。这一目标战略由特种工程部、知识产权管理部、信息技术部等主要下属部门完成,其在工程、运营、质量和信息技术流程委员会中的领导地位也发挥了重要作用。工程、运营和技术部通过提供先进的新战略方案、创新性的技术和流程方案,致力于将波音转变为以网络为中心的全球化企业,同时强化并保护公司的知识财富,加强创新的文化,确保波音取得成功。Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology supports Boeing's business units and growth strategy by providing the right people, technologies, processes and performance at the right time and in the right place across the company worldwide.This strategy is delivered in various ways by the primary organizational groups--Research & Technology, Intellectual Property Management, and Information Technology, and its leadership role in the Engineering, Operations, Quality, and Information Technology process councils.Through all its activities, Engineering, Operations & Technology helps ensure the future success of Boeing by winning strategic new programs, providing innovative technology and process solutions, transforming Boeing into a global network-centric enterprise, enhancing and
protecting the company's intellectual capital, and fostering a culture of innovation.
在企业快速发展的同时,蒙牛乳业集团积极致力于社会公益事业:2003年率先捐款、捐奶1200万元抗击非典;2004年为全国教师捐奶3000多万元;2005年出资1000万元参与呼和浩特市奶牛风险基金的设立; 2006年积极响应温家宝总理号召,率先向全国贫困地区500所小学捐赠牛奶一年,受益小学生达到6万多人,总价值达1.1亿元。2007年,蒙牛乳业集团再度选择500所小学,继续开展免费送奶活动。2008年,率先向遭遇严重雨雪冰冻灾害的南方地区捐助1000万元,向遭受重大地震灾害的四川地区捐赠超过1200万元。十年来,蒙牛乳业集团累计投入各种公益事业资金超过5亿元,原董事长牛根生更是捐出全部个人股份设立“老牛专项基金”,用于开展各类公益事业。此外,蒙牛乳业集团还与中国奶业协会、中国教育发展基金会、国家学生奶办公室、国家公众营养与发展中心、人民日报经济部等7家单位,联合启动了以“每天一斤奶,强壮中国人”为主题的“中国饮奶运动”,并会同国家体育总局训练局、NBA关怀行动、联想、微软、新浪、华润万家、家乐福、利乐中国公司等联合发起了“中国牛奶爱心行动”,为促进国人饮奶观念的树立,提升国人身体素质做着自己的贡献。
Founded in 1999 and with headquarter in the core of China Dairy Capital Shengle Economic Zone in Helingeer County of Huhhot, Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy(Group)Co., Ltd.(Mengniu Dairy Group)has a total asset of RMB 8 billion and 30,000 employees, and the production capacity of dairy products reaches 5 million metric tons per year.So far Mengniu Dairy Group has established over 20 production bases including Helin base in 15 provinces of China and owned 5 major series of products which are liquid milk, yogurt, ice cream, dry milk and cheese in which are incorporated over 200 categories.Relying on the supreme quality of its products, Mengniu’s products cover all Chinese market and are exported to overseas market such as America, Canada, Mongolia Republic, Hong Kong, Macao and other Southeast Asian countries.Targeting to the corporate positioning of building a dairy production and service enterprise who commits to the health of mankind, Mengniu Dairy Group has created the miraculous rapid development that draws the worldwide attention in a short period of 9 years.By the end of 2007, the sales revenue had reached RMB 21.3 billion with a CAGR of 121% which made Mengniu the first dairy company that exceeded RMB 20 billion sales revenue in China;the profit and tax payment of Mengniu had reached RMB 1.087 billion and RMB 1.035 billion with the CAGR of 159% and 138% respectively;the market share of main products had surpassed 35%;the sales of UHT milk had ranked No.1 in the world and that of liquid milk, yogurt and ice cream No.1 in China;the export volume and the number of regions exported to also had ranked No.1 in China.According to the statistics of The 1st Annual Competitiveness of Top 500 Large Corporations of China released by National Bureau of Statistics of China in September of 2006, Mengniu ranked 11 among the rivals.The 1st Annual Charts of Top 500 Brands of Asia in 2006 showed that Mengniu ranked No.3 among the dairy enterprises in Asia(the No.1 and No.2 were all Japanese Companies).The latest data from 2008 Top 500 Enterprises of China showed that Mengniu ranked No.225 which was unparallel to Chinese dairy makers.China Mengniu Dairy’s stock was selected by the world famous financial service firm Morgan Stanley as one of Global Top 50 Blue Chip until 2012.As a key national leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, Mengniu Dairy Group has established more than 3000 milk collection depots at marginal sites around each production base nationwide.Mengniu also has contract relations with 3 million dairy farmer households, and the volume of fresh milk collection and milk payment to the farmers exceeds 13 million metric tons and nearly RMB 30 billion respectively.Now the volume of milk collection has firstly broken through 10,000 metric tons per day among the industry, whom has been vividly honored as the biggest employment creation company since China’s Western Development started.Over 9 years, guided by the principle of independent development, strengthening synergy, developing competitive products and predominating the high technology, Mengniu Dairy Group has invested over RMB 100 million on research and development by which Mengniu could set out on a distinctive road of independent innovation.Mengniu has applied for and been approved 330 brand registrations in and out of China and 615 national patents(including 63 invention patents, 12 utility model patents and 540 product design patents).What’s more, Mengniu has constructed the first dairy bio-technology platform in China;launched two premier brand Milk Supreme and Milk Deluxe;independently developed the world’s first OMP milk which can not only help intake calcium but also maintain it;tackled 3 world-level technical difficulties to create an innovative fruit milk drink Zhenguoli;collaboratively developed LABS probiotics fitted for Chinese and premier infant formula;founded the globally advanced dairy research and development center;mastered the world leading Sex-Control Technology of cows with 93% accuracy and full independent
intellectual rights, which played a decisive role in upgrading the breed structure of dairy cows in China.In March of 2006, Mengniu Dairy Group gained the honorary appellation of The Most Creative Enterprise of China, which made Mengniu the only food product maker to win this glorious title.Relying on the overwhelming advantage in technology, brand, quality and processing compared to competitors, Mengniu’s premier product Milk Deluxe finally won the Award of IDF New Product Development at the 27th Word Dairy Congress held in October of 2006, which realized a breakthrough from zero on international highest award record in China’s dairy history.The breakthrough wins honor for the nation and adds glory to the Dairy Capital of China.While maintaining the rapid development, Mengniu Dairy Group has also been actively devoting himself in public welfare undertakings.In 2003, Mengniu Dairy Group took the lead to donate money and milk to fight against SARS and the total value of which are worth of RMB 12 million;in 2004, Mengniu Dairy Group donated milk worth of RMB 30 million to nationwide teachers;in 2005, Mengniu financed RMB 10 million to jointly fund the Huhhot Dairy Cow Risk Foundation;in 2006, in order to respond to Premier Wen Jiabao’s call, Mengniu Dairy Group took the initiative to donate milk worth of RMB 110 million to pupils from 500 primary schools in poverty-stricken areas for one year, and the total number of benefited students amounts to 60,000;in 2007, Mengniu Dairy Group chose extra more 500 primary schools to launch the donation;in 2008, Mengniu Dairy Group took
the initiative to generously donate RMB 10 million and RMB 12 million to the frozen attacked area in the south and earthquake stricken area in Sichuan Province respectively.Moreover, Mr.Niu Gensheng, the chairman of board of directors, even donated all his personal stock shares to establish Laoniu Foundation which aims at developing various public welfare undertakings.Furthermore, Mengniu Dairy Group led the way to make joint efforts with 7 organizations such as Dairy Association of China, China Education Development Foundation, State Office of School Milk, Public Nutrition Development Center and the Economic Department of People’s Daily to launch The China Milk Action in the theme of 500 Grams of Milk Each Day Helps Strengthen the Nation.Joint with Training Bureau of General Administration of Sport of China, NBA Cares, Lenovo, Microsoft, Sina.com, Vanguard, Carrefour and Tetra Pak China, Mengniu Dairy Group initiated the China Milk Love Action which helps to renew the concept of milk drinking and strengthen the constitution for Chinese people.Meanwhile, Mengniu Dairy Group also actively contributes to the cause of environmental protection and circular economy.The total investment on environmental protection has outstripped RMB 400 million, and all processed sewage from production meets the first grade state effluent standard.The sewage processing capacity reaches 15 million tons per year and the reduction of chemical oxygen demand exceeds 38,000 tons and by which all recycled water is reutilized.The concept of circular economy is introduced to the construction of large scale dairy farms.Methane power generation project effectively resolves the problem of pollution from large amount of manure, which not only achieves social and economic benefits, but also set a positive model and example for the construction of China’s large dairy farms.Constructing the international dairy capital and building a world famous brand is a steadfast pursuance for Mengniu Dairy Group.In 2007, Mengniu Dairy Group built the world’s most advanced intellectualized workshop and high-tech dairy R&D center in Helin production base, and 119 technical innovations were successfully utilized there.In 2007, Inner Mongolia•China the 1st International Dairy Festival sponsored by Mengniu Dairy Group was held in Huhhot, which attracted wide attention from domestic and overseas personages of various circles on dairy industry of Inner Mongolia.In addition, Mengniu Dairy Group jointly held the television program Win in China with CCTV, which provided with pioneers a platform to demonstrate themselves.The TV program Friendship between Cities jointly sponsored by Mengniu and CCTV stirred up nationwide tidal wave of
recreational sport meeting.All the remarkable work done effectively promoted the brand honor and influence of the world dairy capital.Mengniu Dairy Group has been exerting unceasing efforts towards the goal of ranking to world top 15 dairy companies before the year 2011, increasingly developing China’s dairy industry, strengthening the constitution of Chinese and booming economy of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.