
时间:2019-05-13 04:45:59下载本文作者:会员上传


如何写出一篇合格的 PS(个人陈述)

作者:郝海龙 来源:朗播英语 2015-06-03

在申请美国或欧洲的大部分大学(本科 / 研究生1)时,一般都会要求提交一篇个人陈述,英文是 Personal Statement,也就是我们常说的 PS。2要撰写一篇合格的个人陈述,我们首先需要知道我们所申请的大学希望在我们的个人陈述上看到什么,其实也就是大学对我们个人陈述的要求。这一点几乎所有的大学都没有太大区别,一般来说一篇合格的个人陈述要包含以下几点:



4.一般要求篇幅不超过两页 A4 纸或更少。(字数限制)

我建议在申请任何一所大学之前,一定要先去阅读该大学对申请材料的要求,自然也包含对 PS 的要求。但就我看到的绝大多数大学的要求而言,如果你的 PS 能够准确覆盖到上面的四项基本要求,然后再针对具体大学的要求做一些细节调整和修改的话,基本上可以算是一篇合格的 PS。在本文剩下的部分我将分别针对这四点——动机、现在的水平、未来展望、字数限制——给出撰写的方法和建议。













如果有,是什么样的触动? 这样的触动是否能够让你作出接下来的几年从事该专业学习或研究的理由?


从上面这几点建议,你也可以看出,个人陈述是一个整体,动机部分和下面的第 2 部分(现在的水平)和第 3 部分(未来展望)内容密切相关。事实正是如此,个人陈述的其他部分主要作用就是用来证明你自己有能力追随你现在内心的动机,并且有决心坚持下去。说白了,其实就是说明在这个项目学习或研究是你真正内心所向,而不是一时冲动:

 如果你真正想学这个专业,那么你肯定会花很长时间准备,所以你应该证明你准备过了,准备好了,这正是下面第 2 部分(现在的水平)要证明的事情。

 如果你真正想学这个专业,那么你肯定对未来的学习或研究有自己的计划或想法,这正是下面第 3 部分(未来展望)要证明的事情。

2.现在的水平就对申请的作用而言,这部分其实才是 PS 最重要的部分。所谓「现在的水平」,并不是一句「我水平很高」就可以解决的,除了对自己现在水平简单的描述之外,至少要做到以下两点:

 你需要用具体的经历和事实证明自己水平很高;

 你需要证明你如此高的水平对未来的学习或研究有帮助。



 使用一些时间管理软件。如果你一直有使用时间管理软件的习惯,并且这些软件可以在云端存储你放到任务列表的每一件事情的话,你想回顾这几年所做的事情,无非就是把任务列表按照项目分类梳理一遍而已。有很多时间管理方法能让你很方便得做到这一点。从今天起开始使用,几年后你想看你做了什么就会变得无比容易。

 写日记或周记。同样道理,如果你今天开始写日记,几年后翻翻日记本或者日记软件就知道这些年做了什么。

 制作一份随时更新的简历。假设自己现在就要去求职或申请,那么我的简历应该是什么样子,然后每个月更新一个版本。这个简历最终可以用到你的申请中,通过历史版本的对照,你也可以知道自己究竟做了哪些事情。


 LinkedIn 领英。如果你有在这个网站上更新信息的习惯,那就太好了。他的作用无异于一份随时更新的简历,而且你一般不会删除上面的信息,你所做的事情基本上可以一目了然地呈现出来。 豆瓣网。如果你是一个豆瓣网的忠实用户,上面应该会有你看过的书、电影、听过的唱片的信息,甚至会有你用过哪些东西、参加过哪些同城活动的记录。这些信息的记录也是你过去几年经历的重要线索。比如我知道一本书对我选择这个专业有很重要的影响,同时看这本书的时候还正在和某老师从事一些其他工作,也对申请有帮助,这些信息也许可以通过你读这本书的时间串联起来。

 Facebook / 校内网(人人网)。很多校内活动可能会在这些平台发布,对于你大学四年参加了哪些活动应该会有记录。

 微博 / 微信朋友圈及其他社交网络。上面分享的信息因人而异,如果你正好是个社交网络话痨的话,一定也能从中忆起自己的似水年华。


等你收集好了自己的经历之后,你需要简单地分类整理,比如你可以按学习、实习、课外活动这样的角度分类,也可以按照时间去划分。我们把自己过去扒了个底朝天之后,发现自己水平确实很高(如果没有这感觉,请把申请学校的排名往后调整 10 位,如果还不行,再调整 10 位,以此类推),那么接下来要做的事情就是,证明自己如此之高的水平对于之后的学习和研究有帮助。




在证明自己了自己确实有实力完成未来的学业或研究工作之后,接下来要做的是证明自己确实也想这么干——如果你真想了,不会没有什么计划吧? 未来展望这部分可以结合自己的动机进行书写。如果你明确了为什么要申请这个项目,那么在未来展望部分你需要提供一个计划,这个计划完成之后,可以实现你的目标,或者至少离你的目标更近。撰写时需要注意:

 确保你的计划在这个项目中是可行的。比如,如果申请的是偏应用型的硕士,而你未来的计划是在项目中锻炼自己的学术能力,为之后申请博士打基础,那么你的计划在可行性方面就会打折扣。这种情况下显然一个研究型硕士更适合你。

 确保你的计划可以给该项目或学校作出贡献。申请本科的朋友可以不用考虑这一点,但如果你申请的是硕士或博士,你能给这个项目带来什么,可能就非常重要了。尤其是博士,你的科研成果本身也是项目荣誉的一部分,而如果你技能出众,可以解决项目原本解决不了的一些问题,很有可能就成为你申请成功的理由。


最后要注意的一点是,绝大多数个人陈述都有字数限制,而且一般要求不超过两页。即使没有特别字数要求,我们通常建议的篇幅也是一页半到两页之间。如果你能够按照前面的要求认真收集材料,那么我相信写到这个篇幅应该没有任何问题。事实上,我们经常碰到的一个问题其实是材料过多,以至于 PS 的篇幅过长,这个时候我们就需要对材料进行一些删减。这着实是个难题。


 删掉与你申请的专业或项目无关的信息。在第二部分我建议你按照相关性对自己的材料排序,其实有一个很重要得目的就是帮你删减材料,但一定要注意在搜集资料的时候先不要管相关性的问题,否则容易限制思路,而且有些相关性并不是一下子能想到的。

 删掉其他申请材料中已经明确体现出来的信息。比如如果你已经提交了成绩单,学习成绩方面的内容似乎就可以删掉,除非你的学习成绩是一个独一无二的特点。

 优先保留和其他材料相互印证的信息。这一点和上一点并不矛盾,由于学校的公信力,你的成绩单可以直接证明你的学术能力。但要证明你在其他方面的能力,尤其是和他人合作的一些故事,就不能只听你一面之词了。比如你和学校某老师一起合作完成了某个项目,关于这个项目的故事如果既能出现在 PS 中,又能出现在这位老师的推荐信里的话,那么故事的说服力就会增强,除非这位老师写的内容和你写的有出入。

 优先保留体现自己独特性的信息。这一点很重要,想要在人群中脱颖而出,一定要讲明白我和别人哪里不一样,而这种不一样如果对未来的学习和研究有帮助,那么你就变成了不可替代的选择。

如果你能够听取上面的建议,那么我相信你能够写出一篇合格的 PS,但注意这只是一篇「合格」的 PS,它只满足了对 PS 的最基本的要求。不过有一点可以放心,当你做到「合格」的时候,你已经比大多数人强了。


郝海龙,诗人,独立 Podcast《比特新声》《保持冷静》《海龙一声吼》主播,《动物庄园》译者,法国 UCP 经济分析硕士,GRE 与批判性思维讲师,现任朗播 GRE 讲师兼产品经理。喜欢音乐,偶尔也写歌词。


2.3.不同学校或许会有不同的要求,比如一些学校会要求提交动机信(Statement of Purpose),还有一些学校会让你填表回答他们针对你个人的问题,撰写手法略有差异,但需要准备的材料大致相同。↩ 4.


Personal Statement


When occasionally reading the master piece Letter to a Young Lawyer by Alan Dershowitz, I was deeply attracted by words such as Lawyer, Justice, Practice Mentality, and Creed of Life.These words led to my further meditation on the qualities of a lawyer---critical thinking, efficient methods to defend one’s opinions, logical mentality.Living in a society in desperate need of justice and rightness, I had determined to devote myself to the cause of law resolutely.And the first thing is to be equipped with professional knowledge and practice skills.Thus, after graduation next year from Chongqing University, which is listed in 211/985 project, I intend to further my study at your university due to your prestigious reputation in this area

With great determination and sense of mission, I devoured the pages to learn and think in and out of class, resulting in the top-ranking score at various courses, for instance, 87% for Lawyers, Notarization and Arbitration Practice;85% for Corporate and Business Law;85% for Financial Law;and 90% for Jurisprudence.Nevertheless, I know that a consistent praise is far away to make my dream realized.Hence I submerged myself in the sea of reference books in the law field, such as The Concept of Law by H.L.A.Hart,An Introduction To The Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremy Bentham,Justice in Robes by Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously by Ronald Dworkin, Constitution Law of United States, The laws by Plato, etc.Since many cases concerns economic disputes and my second major is economics, I also read some books in this field such as The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets by Frederic.S.Mishkin, Economics by Paul.A.Samuelson,The Problem of Social Cost by Ronald Harry Coase, etc.Apart from that, after a half year’s training, now I am very confident to pass the Judicial Vocational Qualification Test in the near future.I had been the programme manager of SIFE(Student In Free Enterprise)programmes at my university, which is an international non-profit organization that works with leaders in business and higher education to mobilize university students to make a difference in their communities while developing the skills to become socially responsible business leaders.There I had leaded my team taking a series of social cases among which I would like to share the most unforgettable ones.Our first programme was the Bangbangjun Program.“Bangbangjun” is a typical Chongqing way to call the luggage porters, who are the migrant workers.Suffering from frequent discrimination, they live their lives at the foot of the social ladder.There are some companies to manage their business.Through on-site inspection we found that the situation was worse than our imagination in those companies.Deficiencies and shortages existed everywhere such as in legal security, internal systems, labor rights, and the financial management.With the help of the supervisor

as well as lawyers and business consultant we tried to find universal business modes to benefit as more porters as we can.After 3 years’ endeavor we succeeded in bringing the company with advanced business modes and legal aids, setting up websites and establishing brands, perfecting taxing structure and internal regulations;strengthening employees’ protection and helping the company in refunding.There, my tasks were to lead my team to supervise the operation of the procedures, provide legal guidance in equity and interest allocation, social insurance and the process of refunding.Additionally, I also did researches on the life status of migrant workers and guided them to protect their legal rights.In the end I wrote the annual report for the programme.Much as I applied of my professional skills and felt about the hardships of the migrant works, I congratulated myself that I had chosen such a noble cause.Moreover, I had participated in another programme named FedEx Migrant Workers’ Children Success Skills Program.The aim of the programme was to achieve better communications between migrant worker parents and their children, promote more educational opportunities for these children, and help them to establish a scientific life and social value.In order to lead my team to fulfill the task, I invited professionals to come to offer psychological consultation;gave inspiring speeches, recruited volunteers to teach them social etiquette and hygiene knowledge;and organized books and stationery donation activities.With these management experiences I had a more comprehensive understanding on how to lead a team to fulfill a task, making it so easier in the third programme called Global Entrepreneurship Week in Chongqing University.By patrols speeches and entrepreneur interviewing did we provide a communication and resource-sharing platform for university students.In this way did students could learn from the entrepreneurs’ experience and knowledge in a more vivid way.This time I followed up the whole process from scheme, arrangement, implementing, leading the team to solve problems encountered, especially in the status limitation, content prescription, and school official approval convincing.Besides, I took other programmes as well such as GSVC(Global Social Venture Competition), in which I was responsible for checking agreement and compliance;and EOP(Economic Opportunity Program), in which I took charge of protocoling the framework of their cooperation with primary school.Apart from my practice experience in SIFE, I had another internship in summer vacation in Beijing’s No.1 Intermediate People’s Court, where I had learned basic criminal litigation procedures, connecting processes with public security organ and procuratorial organ and the criminal litigation defending skills.One other internship I had was in Bangbangjun Moving Company from 2009~2011.In that company I helped the staff with my professional advice in checking agreement and compliance;

formulating the regulations, explicating the division and assign of stock rights, etc.When I was exhausted from my work and studies, I would do some exercise to get myself refreshed and revitalized.As the reward of unceasing efforts of being the national second-level athlete, I did a good job in 2008 Swimming Competition of the University Games in Chongqing, and won the third place of 50-meter freestyle, the third place of 100-meter butterfly, and the first place of 4 × 100-meter freestyle respectively.Additionally, I also performed well in 2009 Swimming Competition of Healthy Campus Games in Chongqing, and won the first place of 50-meter backstroke, the second place of 4 × 100-meter mix-style and freestyle respectively.As for career planning, I intend to pursue my further study of international business law or trade law after passing the Judicial Professional Qualification Test;In order to be a partner of law office, I would accumulating my experience mainly in non-lawsuit legal matters and foreign matters;afterwards there would be some further academic demands such as applying for Phd degree.The legal system in P.R.China now is changing with a higher pace compared with that of the economics globalization, resulting in a greater demand for qualified lawyers who can deal with international cases such as political disputes among countries, business disputes among enterprises, and cultural transmission.I want to be one of them who can handle international affair easily due to their domestic education and experience abroad.Wherefore hoping that by contrasting, coordinating and coalescing could I view law and justice from a new and unique angle, I intend to apply to study at your honored university.Sincerely hope that you would spare a careful thought on my considerate decision and I am looking forward to your favorable reply.Thank you!



服诺网告诉您:个人陈述,就是Personal Statement(简称PS)是在申请英美澳加等国家的大学、研究生录取的时候,由申请人写的一篇关于自我陈述的文章。PS的写作是出国留学申请中技术含量相对比较高的一个步骤,要想淋漓尽致地描述好自己是一件相当难的事情。那么怎样写好个人陈述呢?下面就为大家一一介绍。







即你为什么有兴趣在这个行业?哪些事情促使你对这个专业的兴趣不断增加加深? 为什么觉得此专业在未来很重要?为什么会选择这所学校?有哪些具体的研究经历和研究项目吸引你?你认为自己对该研究领域有没有价值?







将上面的这些内容领悟,那么一定能够轻而易举的写出一篇优秀出色的个人陈述。如有任何问题,可咨询400 800 8180。亦可直接咨询,美国留学|


出国留学申请个人陈述英文模板Personal Statement

Born in Beijing, China’s political capital, cultural center and economic hub, and nurtured in a well-cultured family and an empowering community, I have developed a meaningful outlook on lie.I identify myself with such values that one gives meaning to life when one lives to give.Success stories of my parents , relatives and friends along their career-path have entrenched my belief in being independent and confident as a contributing memeber of the community.As I look back on early days of my schooling , I am just as grateful to my working parents for having sent me to one of the best boarding schools in Beijing where I received quality primary education and learned to appreciate independence.As I recall , being independent was probably the biggest asset I gained as a teenager with the absence of parental guardianship for most of those 6 years.After I upgraded to secondary school, I offered to go to school by bike.Though hesitant at first, my parents gave their well-thought-out consent to the 15-km ride average Chinese parents would simply veto in the first place given the “one-child policy”and subsequent “little emperors” pampered by parents and grandparents.Thankfully, that day-to-day routine bike trip,rain or sunshine,tempered my strong character.I have been holding myself to highest standards, academically and physically from primary school days

through to college life.I have grown up all these years amongst top cohorts and have been exposed to varied horizons and dimensions of school life in and outside of classroom.I am perfectly healthy and stong with a sharp mind and demonstrated commitment to teamwork.I was handpicked to play for school baseball team when I was in primary school.Back then, my proven leadership and excellent skills in the field assured my coach that I was born to be a team leader.And I did justice to his well-timed appointment by heading a team of Beijing to compete in Shanghai and Hong Kong several times.And the strong track record of out outstanding performances each time still fills me with pride and excitement today.During one match tour to Hong Kong in the 1990s, I was immediatel exposed to the enviable luxury and prosperity of the city,the dynamic economic center of Asia.That trip awakened me ,for the first time, to the value of wealth and finance.And it was that very journey to the thriving metropolis that shaped my ambition to be a financer.Years later,when the colleg entrance exam came,that moment of life and death for most of senior high school students in China,my top preference was Finance Colllege of Beijing Technology and Business Unversity.The result came as a sad surprise as I was admitted to Computer Science College instead.But I stuck with my dream major and decided to minor in finance.I have since worked hard to equip myself with systematic knowledge of finance.As a result , I amd now well on my

way to graduation with double degrees in both computer science and finance in 2012.During my college days,I led my cohorts in starting up a micro company as I dabbled into the real business world.We settled for newspaper as our maiden attempt..As a new horn,I took a hands-on approach, from editing to circulating, from cost control to market survey.My strong leadership and sunergy of the entire team kept this mini organization going pretty well in its infancy.Yet inexperience in operation and cost management led to a failed business in the end.But I saw the silver lining in the failed venture.I now know more about where I need to work on.When I was a little boy, my parents taught me how to manage money in the safest way.They helped me put my pocket money in the bank and get interest as a return.Now, as a grown-up already,I recognize that systematic learning and book knowledge can truely help me know how much more about what finance is all about.Naturally, as one’s knowledge about swimming increases, the desire to swim in the sea grows.Yet, with more academic exposure, I have come to realize how I am ill-equipped with the knowledge needed to stay afloat in the trubulent sea of finance.That self-conscious humbleness versus the profundiy of finance as a much-respected discipline has led me to opt for further study in the US,home to a number of world-class colleges of finance.After meticulous comparision and cross-checking, I have settled for

Clark University,the birthplace of the first-ever graduate school in the US.I trust that demanding academic standards here and ,best of all ,great mastermind of finance that Clark can offer will undoubtedly broaden my horizon and update my vision as financier of the future.To me,Clark is the best and right place that can surely make the difference, academically and professionally alike.I am more than anxious to embrace those best minds in Clark and contribute my humble part to its huge wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas.I am therefore very much looking forward to a positive reply from Clark, my dream campus.May that offer come just in time for my journey towards a rewading learning experience in one of the greatest colleges in the US.


Personal Statement

I found my faithful love for finance quite early as my uncle, a financial accountant, began to teach me some simple financial knowledge when he provided me with additional coaching of mathematics since I was young.Then as I learned more academic knowledge in finance, E-Finance for example, in college, I gradually made up my mind to develop it as my future career.Thus I’m now applying to your programme of Accounting and Finance MSc to enrich me with more in-depth knowledge in finance.During undergraduate study, I’ve got a systematic learning in Microeconomics, E-Finance, E-Commerce, E-Marketing and Logistics Management of E-Commerce.In particular, I performed excellent in E-Finance as I scored 91, the highest mark in my class, and I became much more familiar with e-banking, online securities trading and the working processes of call center.In the final year of undergraduate study, I’m now learning Principle of Management, Case Study of the Security of E-Commerce, The Criteria and Law in E-Commerce, Customer Behavior and International Trade Affairs.In terms of quantitative courses, I have learned Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra and Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics and in the last course I’ve mainly studied central limit theorem, the principal distributions, testing of statistical hypotheses, parameter estimation, linearity regression and equal analysis, and stochastic differential equations.With my great efforts, I got 85.66 for current overall average and 87.64 for the average of E-Commerce major specializations and ranked of 5/53 and 4/53 respectively in my class.In addition, I was awarded B-class scholarship and won the title of ‘Excellent Student’ as well in 2008.Besides focusing on professional study, I also pay a great attention to improving leadership.Shortly after I entered into the college, I joined in the Literature & Art Unit of the Student Union.In a year, I perfectly accomplished my work, such as field arranging and programme planning, etc., in holding the award ceremony of the Webpage Design Competition and the English Culture Festival.For my excellent leadership and organizing ability showed in the above activities, I was elected as the president of the Unit in September 2007.Thereafter, I successfully organized many ceremonies and festivals which were widely appreciated by students and teachers.When being active in extra-curriculum activities, I also grasped chances to develop my English capacity.I once participated in the shows of English Culture Festival---the English dramas Beauty and the Beast, and Titanic---in which my oral English was well practiced.Meanwhile, I also focused on cross-culture communication as I made friends with several oversea students from England, Finland, and France.I was quite fascinated with the European culture they introduced to me which impelled me to get my postgraduate study in UK.Through the above preparation, I’m sure that I’ve got ready to study in Manchester.I believe with a hard work I can have a deep insight in the accounting and financial courses you provide and what I would learn can greatly contribute to my career development---after graduation, I will work as a financial analyst in a key investment firm in China, and when being experienced with practical financial investment operations, I then plan to be a senior financial advisor in a world famous investment bank.



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    个人陈述 我叫李彬,来自中国陕西西安。我在22年的生命历程中,练就了坚韧、顽强的性格,2004年我以优异的成绩考入西安财经学院,现正攻读金融专业的金融学学士学位。我的大学是一......


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    个人陈述申请课程:翻译与双语交流硕士课程 申请人:某某某(写本人的名字)双语交流及教学一直是我的追求。真诚希望成为贵校“翻译与双语交流硕士课程”的学员。 汉语粤语是我的母......


    入学申请材料中的个人陈述(PERSONAL STATEMENTS)无疑是申请人向学校推荐自己的最好机会。然而这关键的一步却令许多申请人不知从何落笔。现向大家介绍书写个人陈述过程中的......


    Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University Personal StatementFor nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work o......


    Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University Personal StatementFor nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work o......

    留学美国 个人陈述

    个人陈述:重点(每一个段落都要有一个主题,第一句话是主题,下面以此来展开,支持第一句。)个人PS分以下几点: 一:个人基本信息及情况(包括家庭状况,学习情况,性格,个人特长)。 二:个人特长(对......