
时间:2019-05-13 06:11:17下载本文作者:会员上传


【口语素材】old person feminist n.男女平等主义者,女权扩张论者

unruly a.不受拘束的,不守规矩的,蛮横的,难驾驭的 allure n.魅力,吸引力

escendant n.子孙,后裔,后代

rhetoric a.花言巧语的 bloodshed n.血缘关系

stature n.声望,地位

foster vt.养育,培养

flattering a.讨人喜欢的,奉承的traumatic a.痛苦而难忘的

insecure a.不可靠的,不安全的,He is aging fast.他老得很快。


compelling a.引人注目的 score vt.成功的获得

fraudulent a.欺诈的,欺骗性的,骗得的wig n.假发

thrilling n.惊心动魄的,使人感动的privilege n.特权,特别待遇

eccentric n.古怪人

lovable a.可爱的 shrewd a.精明的town folk n.镇上的人

eccentricity n.怪癖 legendary a.传奇似的 severely a.严厉地 intensely ad.强烈地

elaborate a.精心构思的 conscious a.意识到的 on another occasion 还有一次

sense of humour 幽默感

Sb.have a good sense of humour 某人很有幽默感

rely on sb./ sth.依赖

be weak with age 年老体弱

a strong and decisive leader 强有力而又坚决果断的领导人

Some people consider his behavior a little bit odd,however,I appreciate him very much.More recently,historians have studied her as a feminist icon, exploring the ramifications of her position as a woman in authority.True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add color to the dull routine of everyday life.真正古怪的人从不会故意做些事情来引人注目,他们玩世不恭,却没有意识到他们正在做着与众不同的事情。这种做法常常使他们赢得别人的爱戴和尊敬,因为他们给单调的日常生活增添了色彩。Up to the time of his death,John was one of the most notable figures in our town.JOHN生前是我们镇上最负盛名的人物之一。

He was a shrewd and wealthy business-man.他是个精明有钱的生意人。He is bald and has large ears.She is the funniest person I have ever come across.经典句型:It takes sb.some time to do sth.The old man was on the point of death.老人快要死了。

To be in the elder's company is like reading a thick book of de luxe edition that fascinates one so much as to be reluctant to part with.和老年人在一起就像读一本厚厚的精装书,魅力无穷,令人爱不释手。We are all going to be old one day.有朝一日我们都会变老的。

Nowadays in North America it’s common to see older people holding hands on the street and I think it’s nice, because they still have some romance left in the relationship.如今在北美大街上常能遇到上年纪的夫妻拉着手,我觉得那样真好,因为那表明他们仍然很浪漫。

☆ 老人在中国和西方的生活:

It a common tradition in China that children live together with their parents until they are married, and often children still live with the parents after they are married.在中国,孩子们结婚前一直与父母生活在一起是很普遍的,许多人婚后仍和父母共同生活。

In China the grandparents stay on with the family and look after the grandchildren while the parents are at work.中国的祖父母一直和全家人住在一起,儿女们一起去上班时的时侯,他们照看孙子孙女们。

In North America, old people usually live alone.If they are too old to take care of themselves, or if they’re really old, day over 75, then they usually live in old-folk’s homes, nursing homes, or special apartment complexes designed for senior people.在北美,老人们一般是单独生活。如果他们年纪太大生活不能自理,或者已逾古稀之年,比如说过了75岁了,他们便住进老人院、疗养院或专为老年人设计建造的有综合设施的公寓。

I do think that living together with the parents when we marry would be nice for the child’s stability and would also let the parents feel like an important part of the family.我的确认为何老人们共同生活可以使孩子有稳定感,同时也让老人们觉得自己仍是家庭的重要成员。

It looks like it depends on how rich a family is weather to live with the parent when we marry or not.婚后是否与父母一起生活似乎要看一个家庭的富有程度。

That’s the trouble in some cases.Living with people of different generations isn’t always easy.It requires some sacrifices and tolerance of other’s behavior.在有些情况下,那也很麻烦。几代人一起生活并不总是很容易相处的,这需要做出几点牺牲,并能宽容别人的行为。

In China it’s often the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law who don’t get on well enough, until both sides agree to live apart.And it’s socially acceptable if the younger couple help the old couple in ways that are necessary.Well, for example, when the parents are strong enough to live on their own the children are expected to help when needed.When the parents are too old to take care of themselves, they should be moved back to the children’s home where they are properly fed, clothed and sheltered.在中国经常是婆媳关系不好,只要双方同意分家。社会也能接受这种做法,只要小夫妻能以必要的方式帮助两位老人。嗯,比如说,父母体力尚好能独立生活的时候,儿女们只在需要的时候帮忙。父母年事已高不能自理时,让他们搬回儿女家,衣、食、住都能得到周到的照顾。

A common stereotype of older Americans is that they are usually “put away” in nursing homes and forgotten about.Actually, only about 5 percent live in some type of institution.More than half of those 65 or older live with or near at least one of their children.The vast majority of the elderly live alone and take care of themselves.According to the U.S.Census Bureau, 75 percent own their own homes.Over a million senior adults live in retirement communities.These provide residents with meals, recreation, companionship, medical care and a safe environment.一般人对美国老人家的刻板印象是被「遣送到」养护院去,然后被人遗忘。然而事实上,只有百分之五的人住在此类机构中,超过半数的六十五或六十五岁以上老人,是与孩子同住或住在其中一个孩子的附近。绝大部份的老年人是自己住并自己照顾自己的,根据美国户口调查局的统计,他们百分之七十五拥有自己的房子,超过一百万名老年人住在退休者的社区中,这些社区为其居民提供饮食、娱乐、友谊、医疗照顾、以及安全的环境。

☆ 关于代沟:

One important cause of the generation gap in the China nowadays is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles.In the past, China is more traditional, and when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their people know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation.But now, a increasing number of young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family home at an early age, marry—or live with—people whom their parents have never met and choose occupations different from those of their parents.Also, the speed at which changes are taking place in China is another cause of the gap between the generations.In the past, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but now the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.☆ 关于一位老人的病逝,看看你得到什么启发:

At 82 he was ready to die, and I was ready to let him go so that his suffering would end.We laughed and cried and held hands and told each other of our love and agreed that it was time.I said,“Dad, after you have gone I want a sign from you that you are fine,” He laughed at the absurdity of that;Dad didn't believe in reincarnation.I wasn't positive I did either, but I had had many experiences that convinced me I could get some signal“ from the other side”.My father and I were so deeply connected I felt his heart attack in my chest at the moment he died.Later I mourned that the hospital, in their sterile wisdom, had not let me hold his hand as he had slipped away.父亲82岁那年,生命垂危,将撒手人寰,我已做好准备,这样他的痛苦能够终止。我们开心地笑,我们痛苦地哭,我们牵着彼此的手,我们告诉彼此是多么地相爱,我们坦然面对这分手的时候。我说,“爸爸,您去后我要您给我个信号,告诉我您一切都好。”爸爸对这荒唐的想法哈哈大笑;他不相信来世转生。不过,我也不能说我就相信,但我有很多经历让我确信我可以从“那个世界 ”得到一些信号。

父亲和我是如此血肉相连,以致他死的那一刻,我胸中也感到他的心力衰竭。后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染,父亲悄然离世时,没让我握着他的 手。

☆ 关于老龄化问题(Old-age Boom)

It’s time-honored virtue to respect the elderly.That’s why their own flesh and blood are supposed to look after them.Well-being / Farewell is something, because seniors will lead a much more comfortable life.☆关于美国老年人(可以与中国老人比较)

We all like to imagine that we're getting wiser and not just older.Most of us enjoy observing the miracle of growth in others, as well.For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud.我们都喜欢想象着自己能够越来越有智能,而不只是变老,我们大部份人也同时较喜欢观察别人成长的奇迹。例如:看到我们的孩子长大并学习新的事物使我们感到骄傲。

Growing old is not exactly pleasant for people in youth-oriented American culture.Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young.As the old saying goes, “You're as young as you feel.” Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old.People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom.But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least “young at heart.”

在美国这个以年轻人为中心的社会中,老化对人们而言并不是一件愉快的事,大部份的美国人都希望自己看起来年轻、行动年轻、并且感觉年轻,如一句古老的名言说:「你感觉自己有多年轻,你就有多年轻。」老年人说自己的年龄时常开玩笑说自己是多少 years young,而不说多少 years old。某些文化中的人视老年人为经验与智能的资源,可是美国人似乎比较喜欢年轻人,或者至少是「心里年轻」的人。

Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be anything but golden.Economically, “senior citizens” often struggle just to get by.Retirement-typically at age 65-brings a sharp decrease in personal income.Social Security benefits usually cannot make up the difference.Older people may suffer from poor nutrition, medical care and housing.Some even experience age discrimination.In 1987, American sociologist Pat Moore dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets.She was often treated rudely-even cheated and robbed.However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect.Of course, not all elderly Americans have such negative experiences.But old age does present unique challenges.许多美国的老年人觉得他们的「黄金年代」一点都不黄金。在经济上来说,老年人常是挣扎着勉强度日。退休--通常在六十五岁的时候--使个人收入骤减,而社会保障制度的福利并不能补足差额,老年人常遭遇营养、医疗照顾、和居住环境的问题。有些人甚至曾经碰到年龄歧视的问题,在一九八七年有一位美国的社会学家派特·摩尔装扮成老人在街上游荡,结果人们多半对她很粗鲁,甚至骗她或抢她的东西,可是当她穿著年轻时,人们就对她尊重多了。当然也不是所有的美国老人家都有这样糟糕的经验,不过年纪大确实会遭遇一些特别的挑战。

Ironically, the elderly population in America is expanding-fast.Why? People are living longer.Fewer babies are being born.And middle-aged “baby boomers” are rapidly entering the ranks of the elderly.America may soon be a place where wrinkles are “in.” Marketing experts are already focusing on this growing group of consumers.And even now the elderly have a great deal of political power.The American Association of Retired Persons(AARP), with over 30 million members, has a strong voice in Washington.而很不幸偏偏美国老年人口又正在扩增中--很快速地扩增,为什么呢?因为现在的人越来越长命,婴孩的出生却减少,而当初在婴儿潮时出生现在是中年人的很快地就要进入老年阶段了,美国恐怕马上会成为一个皱纹「很流行」的国度。行销专家们已经开始注意这群人口持续增加中的消费者,而这群老年人现今甚至在政治上也相当有力,因为美国退休人员协会拥有超过三千万的会员,对华盛顿具相当的影响力。

Despite the challenges they face, Americans in their “twilight years” generally refuse to give up on life.They find a variety of ways to keep themselves active.To help them stay in shape, they may join mall walkers clubs, fitness programs and even the “Senior Olympics.” They can enjoy hours of entertainment at senior centers and adult amusement parks.Many enroll in continuing education programs to maintain their mental skills.纵然他们遭遇挑战,处在迟暮之年的美国老年人通常还是不愿意放弃他们的生活,他们寻求各种不同的方法使自己更有活力,为了保持强健的身体状况,他们参加购物中心的竞走俱乐部、健身课程、甚至奥林匹克老人运动会。他们可以在老人中心和成人公园里逍遥好几个小时,许多人报名参加延伸制教育以维续他们的心智技能。☆关于年轻人与老年人:

The young live in the present rather than in the past or future.The young should feel grateful to the older generation, who has created a good life for them.The older generation fought in the two world wars.They faced real problems, but the young have an easier life.





Some people believe that modern technology has made our lives simpler.Others believethat modern technology has made our lives more complicated.What is your opinion?

让我们首先一起来阅读这篇On science and good life.既可以积累素材,也可以激发灵感:

There is probably no limit to what science can do in the way of increasing positive excellence.Health has already been greatly improved;in spite of the lamentations of those who idealize the past, we live longer and have fewer illnesses than any class or nation in the eighteenth century.With a little more application of the knowledge we already possess, we might be much healthier than we are.And future discoveries are likely to accelerate this process enormously.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


So far, it has been physical science that has had most effect upon our lives, but in the future physiology and psychology are likely to be far more potent.When we have discovered how character depends upon physiological conditions, we shall be able, if we choose, to produce far more of the type of human beings that we admire.Intelligence, artistic capacity, benevolence—all these things no doubt could be increased by science.There seems scarcely any limit to what could be done in the way of producing a good world, if only men would use science wisely.迄今为止,对我们生活影响最大的当数自然科学,但是在将来,生理学和心理学的影响很可能远在它之上。当我们发现了性格如何依赖于生理条件时,只要我们愿意,我们就能产生出大量我们所称羡的那种人。智力,艺术能力,仁慈---所有这些东西无疑可因科学而增加。只要人们明智地利用科学,在创造美好世界方面所能做的事情,几乎是没有止境的。

There is a certain attitude about the application of science to human life with which I have some sympathy, though I do not, in the last analysis, agree with it.It is the attitude of those who dread what is ‘unnatural.’ Rousseau is, of course, the great protagonist of the view in Europe.In Asia, Lao-Tze has set it forth even more persuasively, and 2400 years sooner.I think there is a mixture of truth and falsehood in the 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

admiration of ‘nature, which it is important to disentangle.To begin with, what is ‘natural?’ Roughly speaking, anything to which the speaker was accustomed in childhood.Lao-Tze objects to roads and carriages and boats, all of which were probably unknown in the village where he was born


Rousseau has got used to these things, and does not regard them as against nature.But he would no doubt have thundered against railways if he had lived to see them.Clothes and cooking are too ancient to be denounced by most of the apostles of nature, though they all object to new fashions in either.Birth control is thought wicked by people who tolerate celibacy, because the former is a new violation of nature and the latter an ancient one.In these ways those who preach ‘nature’ are inconsistent, and one is tempted to regard them as mere conservatives.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


Nevertheless, there is something to be said in their favor.Take for instance vitamins, the discovery of which has produced a revulsion in favor of ‘natural’ foods.It seems, however, that vitamins can be supplied by cod-liver oil and electric light, which are certainly not part of the ‘natural’ diet of a human being.This case illustrates that, in the absence of knowledge, unexpected harm may be done by a new departure from nature, but when the harm has come to be understood it can usually be remedied by some new artificiality.As regards our physical environment and our physical means of gratifying our desires, I do not think the doctrine of ‘nature’ justifies anything beyond a certain experimental caution in the adoption of new expedients.Clothes, for instance, are contrary to nature, and need to be supplemented by another unnatural practice, namely washing, if they are not to bring disease.But the two practices together make a man healthier than the savage who eschews both.然而,他们并非一无是处。例如,维生素的发现使人们复而赞成‘自然的’食物。不过,维生素似乎也可由鱼肝油和电光提供,此二者无疑不是人类‘自然的’食物。这个例子表明,如果缺少知识,一种违反自然的新做法也许会带来意想不到的危害,但是当那危害被认识到时,往往可以用某种新的人造物去补救。就我们的自然环境和满足我们欲望的物质手段而言,我认为,有关‘自然’的这套理论,除了证明在采取某种新的做法时应谨慎外,并不能证明别的什么三立教育www.xiexiebang.com





Number Do you have a favourite number or a number that is special to you?(8 幸运)Yes, 8 is my lucky number which often gives me a lot of surprsie and I love this number(心灵)Do any numbers have special meaning in your country?(18 意味着成年)Absolutely, certain ages are very special particularly for young people(特征).For instance, 18 is very important for a young guy which means he is already an adult.Are you good at remembering numbers? Why / why not?(不好,直接存手机)

Actually no, remembering numbers is difficult for me(心灵).I don't think it's necessary to learn them by heart;sometimes I simply save them on my mobile phone(手脚).Housework Do you like doing housework?(心灵:让人觉得累)No,I dislike housework, it’s just so tiring(心灵).I am the only child in my family so my parents seldom ask me to do housework.But I must wash the dishes after dinner(手脚)this kind of simple thing is must-do.In the future I wish I will be rich enough to have a robot as a housekeeper(头脑).How do you think housework could be made more interesting?(听觉:放流行音乐,一边放一边做家务,可带劲了!)

I often play some music, particularly pop music, just because music can make me shake my body like a dancer(手脚).Such《let it go》, just like magic, when I listen to this music(耳朵), I can’t control myself to wave my hands(手脚).Did your parents ask you do any housework when you were a child? Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能



Yes they did, in some of the Chinese festivals like spring festival,they often asked me to do some simple housework such as do the dishes or take out the trash(手脚)Do you think children should do some housework?(当然,头脑:可以学会变得更加独立,心灵:生活会更加美好!)

Absolutely yes, they can learn to be more independent(头脑)by doing some houswork.For example, when they grow up, they can rely on themselves and have a better life.Which do you think is better for doing housework, a machine or a person?(当然,机器,效率:快,方便,特别是在忙的时候

I think using a machine to do housework is more convenient and efficient(效率)especially when we are quite busy ,then we can have more time to focous on our work or study.In the future, do you think machines will replace humans for doing housework?(不好说,心灵:感觉不太合适,可以使家庭更和谐)

Generally speaking, it’s better not for machines to replace humans, mainly because doing housework together as a family has a particular significance in our life and may make the whole family more harmounious.TV How much TV do you usually watch?(喜欢看综艺节目,特别是周末的时候,一看一整天,心灵:忘记烦恼)I often watch a lot of TV such as variety shows(特征), especially at weekends when I spend whole day watching TV,which always helps me forget my worries.What is your favourite TV program?(舌尖上的中国,有很多美食,我特别喜欢川菜)

Well, I’m interested in “A bite of china” where there are a lot of great food.Every time when I watch this program , my mouth can’t help watering(嘴巴)and I prefer Chuan flavor food.Did you watch much TV when you were a child ?(还好,比较喜欢看动画片,特别是暑假的时候,海尔兄弟,视觉:画面很精致 Not too much, but I was very keen on watching animation for example “Haier brothers ”, I usually watched it in summer vacaition.What’s more, it was really eyecatching.(视觉)

Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能


Do you think television has changed in the past few decades?(是的,视觉:画面效果更好,听觉:背景音乐更丰富,心灵:现在感觉看电视是一 种享受

Yes I think so.There are more channels available.Plus the visual effects(视觉)are more vivid and there are many sorts of background music(听觉).Therefore, I feel it is very enjobable to watch TV when I have some leisure time.Has television changed your life in anyway? 是的,头脑:从电视上可以获取更多的有用信息和快乐(心灵),我最喜欢看的是快 乐大本营,没有这个节目,我的周末是很无聊的!

Certainly.Watching TV is a shortcut for me to get more updated information(头脑)and happiness.(心灵)The TV program I like best is“happy camp” which always can lift my spirit(心灵).Without it, I would feel bored(心灵)at weekends.Time management Are you good at organizing time?(不是,心灵:内疚)Not really.Actually I feel guilty about wasting time on something unimportant(心灵).but I have too many distractions,especially at weekends(特征), I make a plan then I always couldn't follow it.How do you usually organize time?(手机Diary , 效率:非常方便)

Well,time is super important, so I usually list my tasks(手脚)in my phone dairy every morning and sum it up every night to remind me what to do.(效率)

Do you think planning is important for time management?(当然 更加有效率)Definitely yes.Time never comes back when it’s gone, so planning is very necessary.Especially for office workers(特征), planning helps them to achieve their goals without wasting time(效率)Otherwise, it’s easy to forget some deadlines(假设).Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?(时间就是金钱,头脑:想学习一些实用的技巧,尤其是一些老板)Well,for some bosses, Time is just like money.it’s an efficient(效率)way to learn some practical skills(头脑)for them to manage their companies.It’s quite useful.(效率)Do you think children should learn to manage time?(很重要,做事更加有效率,我小时候就是不知道怎么管理时间,作业经常迟交,然后考试不及格)

Yes,time management is very important for children, which helps them to get things done more efficiently.I still remember when I was a primary school student, I had no idea about time management ,which always made me put off my homework(手脚)and Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能


so I failed in the exams.(心灵)

Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans?(心灵:人的本性都是很懒的,尤其是一些独生子女,容易轻易放弃)Well, most of us are lazy(心灵)particularly those who are the only child in the family, some of them are spoiled by their parents.It is not such a big deal not to follow the plans in their mind.They are more likely to give up.Do old people and young people organize time in a similar way? Not really.Old people tend to have more time to do something at will(心灵),like chatting with neighbours(嘴)in a park and doing workouts(手脚)in the early morning.However, for young people, their time management would be more work-oriented or study-oriented.Forest/tree Did you climb trees when you were a child?(爬过,有时候就是为了视觉看看周围的风景)

Yes I did especially when lived with my grandparents in the small village during summer vacation.When I was a kid, climbing trees was the most interesting game we had(心灵)Therefore,I often climb trees which was also a good way to see the beautiful scenery(视觉)in the countryside Do you like to go to the forest? Why?(喜欢,听到鸟叫声,呼吸新鲜空气)Definitely, I love the feeling of walking in the forest in the early morning, listening to the birds chirping in the trees(耳朵)and breathe fresh air(鼻子)that is the best way to start a new day(心灵).Do people need to protect trees?(重要,如果没有这些树木,空气污染变严重,心灵:我们会觉得很难受)

Obviously yes.we really need to protect trees or even plant more trees to protect our living environment.Without trees, air pollution will get worse and worse(假设).Maybe one day we might have a dirty world which will make us feel extremely uncomfortable(心灵).Is it comfortable to live in a place with lots of trees?(是的,可以慢跑,欣赏迷人的景色)

Yes, personally, I think it is very enjoyable(心灵)to go jogging in a place with lots of trees(手脚), enjoying the lovely view(视觉)and listening to the birds chirping in the trees(鼻子).By the way, my favorite place is Hangzhou Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能

舌尖上的雅思/专注于做中国最好的雅思口语教育/新浪微博@雅思钱多多 Weekends How do you usually spend your weekends?(购物,聚会,有时候在家看书)It really depends,If the weather is nice, I usually hang out(手脚)with my close friends.There’re many options such as going shopping, having a small get-together which really add a lot of spice(心灵)to the weekends.However, if the weather is lousy, I normally just stay at home like a couch potato or read(眼睛)my favourite books, which can always bring me great joy.(心灵)

In your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things on weekends?(男人手脚:徒步 骑行 女人通常购物,在家看肥皂剧)

Men are more interested in doing some physical activities, like hiking, cycling(手脚)to loosen up.(心灵)Simply because they are usually under a lot of pressure(心灵)at work.But women prefer shopping(手脚)and have chit-chat(嘴)with their besties or stay at home curling up(手脚)on the sofa with the latest soap operas.When do you spend time with your family?(一般周末,心灵:感觉挺舒服的,经常在一起看电影)

Probably every weekend,the main reason is that I’m a family type of person I find that spending time with my family is a perfect way to wind down and enjoy myself(心灵).We often watch good movies together.Last weekend ,we enjoyed a blockbuster named “speed and passion”.What did you do last weekend?(打篮球,交了新朋友)

Well, I had an awesome weekend with my close friends.we played basketball(手脚), which offers me an excellent way to get fit(健康)and spice up my life(心灵).Besides, we had a big meal in granny’s house that night which made me very happy.I just got to know a new friend who could speak English fluently(心灵).We had a lot in common.Is anything new that you would like to do on weekends?(视觉:看演唱会,最期待Eason的)

Yes, I’m looking forward to watching(视觉)a live concert.I’m a big fan of Eason who is such a brilliant and charming singer.When I was a primary school student,I often bought(手脚)his albums, which was definitely a hit with me.(心灵)

Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?(重要,心灵:工作压力大,没有时间和朋友家人在一起。)

Definitely.The main reason is that I got a job now which gives a lot of stress.We don’t have

too much time with friends or family.Some people I know work long days and only have a rest day on Sunday.So it’s quite necessary to take some time off and relax(心灵)at weekends to relieve our pressure(健康).Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能


Weather What's the weather like today?(晴天,适合慢跑,感觉很舒服)

Today is a sunny day.The whole world is just so warm and cosy.(心灵)I feel it is extremely comfortable(心灵)jogging(手脚)in the sunshine.What kind of weather do you like(best)?(Why?)(晴天,可以踢足球)

I love sunny days most, especially sunny days in spring.I can do a lot of outdoor activities like play football or walk(手脚)in the park, breathing(鼻子)fresh air, feeling(心灵)the gentle breeze blowing over my face.It always puts me in a great mood.(心灵)

What do you usually do during your favourite weather(or season)?(很多事,和父母打羽毛球,小时候爱看别人捉迷藏)There are plenty of things I can do when it’s lovely and sunny.I usually play badminton(手脚)with my parents when I’m home, which enables me to spend some quality time with them.In my childhood I often went jogging(手脚)with my dad or watching(眼睛)kids play hide-and-seek.It was so enjoyable.(心灵)What’s the weather(usually)like in your hometown?(经常变 ,一会下雨一会晴天,心灵有点受不了)

Changealbe and I dislike it.Sometimes it’s wet and cold and sometimes it’s hot.But in summer it’s quite pleasant(心灵)because I live near the sea.In my childhood, there was a fantastic sea view(视觉)and in the summer, I usually walked along the beach(手脚)and felt the sea breeze.(心灵)Wow.It was so mind-blowing.(心灵)Do you like that weather(or, that kind of climate)?(Why? /Why not?)(超级不喜欢,不能出去和朋友玩)

Definitely not.I’m always in a bad mood(心灵)when it rains.Mainly because I can’t

hang out(手脚)with my friends which makes me so depressed.(心灵)How often is the weather good in your hometown?(每周两三天吧,一到天气好的时候,我就心灵:心情特别好)

Two or three days each week.I feel that weather is such a magic thing.(心灵)When the weather is wonderful, I’m always in high spirit and full of energy,(心灵),then I can work more efficiently(效率).What did you do the last time the weather was good?(出去手脚爬山,吃烧烤)Well, a couple of days ago I went to mountain hiking(手脚)with my friends cause I’m

quite keen on visiting natural places.The scenery(眼睛)is often very beautiful and of course the air(鼻子)is clean and fresh.We had a terrific barbecue,(嘴巴)and listening to music(耳朵)and played cards(手脚)which is so enjoyable.(心灵)

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Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?(不太确定,就是没有以前冷,雪下得少)

I’m not quite sure.But I feel that the winter isn’t as cold as before and we have fewer snowing days.I kind of dislike the long and harsh winter, which makes me feel miserable.(心灵)

Does the weather ever affect what you do?(当然,一下雨我就不想出去,呆在家里视觉看电视,有点无聊)

Yes, I’m a sort of weather sensitive guy.I often feel depressed(心灵)when the weather is lousy.I hate rainy days because I have to stay home and watch(眼睛)a few DVDs, which seems so boring.(心灵)

Do you like snow?(Why?)(喜欢,经常手脚堆雪人,现在拍照片和朋友分享)Yes and I was so fascinated by snow when I was a little kid.I usually made a snowman or had a snowball fight(手脚)with my friends which made me very excited.Now,I often take some nice pictures(手脚)and then share them with my friends by twitter.Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season that lasts the whole year or a place with different seasons?(有四季呀,因为可以做不同的事情,比如春天郊游,夏天吃西瓜)

My preference is absolutely having four clear cut seasons mainly because I can have totally different things to enjoy, for example, we can go on an outing(手脚)and have a picnic in spring.And during summer we can eat delicious fruits such as watermelon(嘴), which is my favourite.Do people(in China)play the same sports in different seasons of the year?(看情况吧,足球一年四季都可以,夏天一般游泳)

It varies.It depends on different kinds of sports.For example we play football during the whole year(手脚), however ,most people only choose to swim in summer which can help them to feel cooler(心灵).Collection Do you like to collect anything?(嘴巴:喜欢收集巧克力)

Yes, I have a sweet tooth, so I’m very interested in collecting different kind of chocolates, which can make life more colorful.How much time do you spend on your collection?(每周几个小时,特别是在周末)A couple of hours each week especially at weekend.I think it’s a fantastic way for me to wind down(心灵)and I often share my chocolates with good friends.Would you keep your collection in your future?(是的,心灵:回忆过去的美好)

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Well, for me, collecting things can be a lifetime hobby, which keeps a lot of unforgettable memories.(头脑)Thinking back I do remember my dad usually brought(手脚)a lot of chocolates for me during travelling to show his love for me.(心灵)Why do people keep old things?(金钱:特别是古币,可以升值,寓意:代表一段历史)

I guess people especially old generations keep old things like antiques and old coins in order to increae their wealth金钱).What’more,they prefer these old things ,because some of them carry historic stories(意义).What kinds of things do Chinese people like to collect?(各种,玩具,古玩,心灵:自娱自乐)

It varies.Different strokes for different folks.Some people collect things for personal pleasure,(心灵)such as toys, CDs, and novels.Others collect stuff in order to increase their wealth,(金钱)like artworks, precious stones or coins.Sky Do you like to watch the sky?(心灵:压力大的时候喜欢)Yes!I do love to watch the sky especially(举例)when I am under a lot of pressure.Every time I look up to the vast and blue beautiful sky(视觉), it makes me so relaxed and carefree.What is the sky like at night in your hometown?(视觉:美丽,梦幻,漫天星星)I enjoyed watching the countless shiny stars(视觉)when I was a child.However, because of the severe air pollution,(环境)you can hardly watch those shiny stars any more.Do you like to watch stars?(是的,头脑:总会联想起一些神话故事)

Yes I truly like to watch stars especially when I feel lonely.(举例)I still remember when I was a child,I often watched the early evening stars(眼睛)after school, which accompanied me all the way back home.Have you ever taken a course about stars ?(没有,视觉:从杂志中看到过一些介绍)

Actually no,I haven’t taken a course about stars.You know my major is not about astronomy.But I have learned a little bit about it from a famous magazine called ‘the

secret world’(举例).And what’s more I can read the news(视觉)about stars using the app on my smart phone , which is so convinient.(修饰)Is it important to study stars?(头脑:探索宇宙的奥秘)

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Sure,I do believe we human beings have the ability(头脑)to explore the universe.And it's very funny(心灵)to find something mysterious in another world , in this way we can get a huge sense of achievement.(心灵)

What is your favourite star?(月亮 寓意:嫦娥奔月的故事)

The start I like best is moon,which has different meaning in ancient times.(介绍功能)There is a famous traditional tale that I can remember very clearly is Chang’e Bengyue(举例), which is a really romantic love story.(心灵)In a word, the moon is close to my heart.(心灵)

Museums Are there many(or, any)museums in your hometown?(有,一般都是历史博物馆,我很少去,心灵感觉没什么兴趣)。

Yes, we have many museums but most of them are history museums which are not relevant to our daily life(心灵)and always make me feel bored(心灵), therefore, I seldom go there.Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?(当然了,博物馆可以让游客了解我们的家乡或国家,比如你可以看到一些古董)Sure, they are very useful.Museum are the places where we can display antiques(手脚)and things from the past.This is a quick and easy way(效率)for visitors to learn about the culture of the my hometown/country.Do you often visit a museum?(前面说了,很少去,有时候朋友来,带他们去参观)As I mentioned above, I almost never go there.But when my friends visit my hometown, I often invite them to go to these museums.They take a lot of pictures(手脚)and then have a better understanding of my hometown(头脑).Did you go to any museum when you were a child?(是的,我唯一记得的博物馆是我们家乡的历史博物馆,里面有好多家乡的老照 片,心灵感觉非常有意义。)Yep.The only museum I can remember is the local history museum where there are many old photos of my hometown.I feel they are very meaningful for the local people and me(意义).When was the last time you visited a Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能


museum?(记不清楚了,未来我可能会考虑多去,尤其是其他城市的博物馆。)Frankly speaking, I can’t remember the last time I visited a museum.If I had the chance(假设), I would consider going to museums in different cities such as Shanghai and Hangzhou , which can enable me to know more various cultures and customs(功能).Do you think museums are important?(重要!我曾经视觉看到过中国明朝用的碗,当时就被震惊了,心灵感觉太 美了)Sure.Once I saw a Ming dynasty bowl which was extremely eye catching(眼睛)and its beauty totally shocked(心灵me.Without museums, I couldn’t tell you about these things.Do you think it’s suitable for museum to sell things to visitors?(看情况吧,用来修缮可以)

It’s hard to say.If people who are in charge of the museum spend those money repairing or decorating the museum, then selling things is much more meaningful.(心灵).But I don’t think it’s reasonable to sell things just for making money.Writing Do you often write things?(心灵:很多作业,无聊)

Yes I have to write a lot because of too much cumbersome homework, which is always boring.(心灵)Sometimes I write some moments.(手脚)Do you write everyday?(一般夜间写日记,缓解压力)Oh yes, I always write some diaries at night,(手脚)which can release my pressure from busy study or work in the daytime.(心灵).Not only that ,writing diaries can help me keep the unforgettable moments which happened in my life.(心灵)What do you usually write?(很多,经常写信给女友,分享生活)

I usually write diaries, e-mails, letters and so on.I often write letters to my girlfriend who is studying abroad now(修饰), just for sharing my life with her(心灵), and we probably get married soon.Do you like writing to people?(喜欢写给朋友,头脑:分享彼此的生活经历)No doubt about that, I like writing to people so much especially my friends.I always like Pass IELTS Speaking and More 专注于雅思口语的提分提能


to share life experiences with my friends through writing letters,(头脑)which we could keep until we all grow old.How often do you send e-mails?(每周几次,发学术报告)

A couple of times a week.Basically I often send academic reports to the professors abroad,(手脚)which are good ways for us to keep close touch.And I can also get a lot of useful feedback, which has a great impact on my further study(意义).What are your main reasons for using e-mails?(效率:方便)

Wow,One of the reasons why I use e-mails is its rapidity.If you send an e-mail to your friend, the e-mail will be sent to his mail box in no time.(效率)Secondly, I use e-mails because it is quite convenient.I can send e-mails to any of my friend at any time if free wifi is available.(效率)Do you like to send e-mails?(喜欢,尤其是QQ邮箱,效率:容易找到别人的邮箱地址)

Sure.I use many kinds of e-mails such as yahoo mail, g-mail, hot-mail, QQ mail.QQ mail is my preference just because it is not so difficult to find the email adress of your friends.(效率)

Do you usually write by hand or write use a computer(typewriter or wordprocessor)?(电脑,效率:速度快,还可以放照片)

Normally I often write by using my laptop, which is a time-saving way(效率).Just like I mentioned before, I can use my computer to write emails ,it is much faster than writing letters.In addition, I can put some photos in the words writen by myself(手脚).Nowadays, how do most people write things?(电脑,IPAD,效率:方便。但人们逐渐丧失写字的能力)

Nowadays, more and more people especially young generations tend to use laptops and IPADs.Sometimes this is such a chore(心灵)and I really think people are losing the ability to write.(头脑)

Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?(不会,心灵:手写可以传递情感和尊重)

No,I don’t think so.Handwriting is much easier for us to convey our feelings and showing respect,(心灵), sometimes we can also keep it as memory.I still remember that my girlfriend wrote many letters to me when I was in middle school.(大脑)I still have those letters and never throw them away.When do children begin to write in your country?(小学,头脑:会有一些课程,同时也可以上网学)

Maybe the first year of primary school when I was having a Chinese lesson at school, we Pass IELTS__







我的老师默默地在教育岗位上耕耘了几十个年头,她把自己的一生无私地献给了教育事业,献给了他的学生……她,是伟大的.记得那是一年前的一个夏天,我们正等着老师来上课,忽然,窗外一个霹雳打破了夏日的沉寂,刹时间,电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,如黑锅似的天越压越沉,仿佛快要掉下来了,又一声巨响,“黑锅”被划破,暴雨如瀑布般倾泄而下.雨点像子弹般射向大地……看着这暴雨如注的天气,大家都说:“老师肯定不会来了.”于是,我们个个垂头丧气地拿起书来自学.不一会,老师竟冒着雨来了,顿时,教室里想起了雷鸣般的掌声.“同学们对不起,今天我迟到了,你们能原谅我吗 ”望着老师湿淋淋的头发,那被雨水淋湿的衣衫,激动,热爱……一股脑涌上了我的心头.老师拿出课本,给我们讲起课来.她那可亲的面孔微笑着;那亲切的声音如母亲般给我们温暖……窗外大雨瓢泼,而教室里却到处充满了温欣……四五年来,老师几年如一日,从没给我们缺过半节课.这,就是我们的老师,一个对工作尽职尽责的老师,一个伟大切又平凡的老师!






从小到大,在我接触的人中,我最尊敬的人就是我的爸爸。爸爸给我的整个感觉就是严肃、认真,不过他才不是那种老板着脸,别人不敢靠近的人,有时爸也爱笑,笑得比谁都开心,活像个小孩子,天真无邪。我尊敬爸爸,欣赏爸爸为人处事的那份执着,稳定,还有极负责任的态度。爸爸是一乡之长,可算是个父母官。平时大事小事都得找他,如果是工作中的正事,爸爸肯定会卖力地完成,但如果是些私人的琐事,爸会坚决拒绝的。为什么这样说呢?下面请听我给你说两件事: 第一件事,记得是去年冬天的一个晚上,我和家里人准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐,正等爸爸回来,因为那天是爸爸的生日,一会儿,爸爸回来了,刚坐下来,突然又站了起来,他只说了一句话“你们先吃”,就出门了。后来才知道,原来那天在分发五保户救济品时,差了一份没发。爸爸突然想到,今晚天气会很冷,就连饭都没有吃就出去了。还有一件事,我的姑丈因为赌博被派出所抓了,家里人让爸爸出面说情,爸爸听了,气极了,他说:“我这人最恨的就是赌博,既然是给派出所抓了,该怎么惩罚就怎么惩罚”,爸爸就是这样一个人,从不利用权力为家人办事。爸爸对我们姐妹要求很严格。我小时候就因为做错事而被爸爸狠狠的批评过。不过我还是很尊重他。












我心里想:“做任何事都不是那么简单,一定要用心去做才能把它做好。” 从那以后我尝到了成功的喜悦,我越来越喜欢画画了。











亲爱的妈妈,我喜欢足球!但也请你放心,明日的足球明星 也可以是今天的学习标兵的!我爱足球



















植物园中另一个引人注目的就是多肉植物园圃。它为巨型透明螺壳,有盆栽仙人掌、仙人柱、仙人球、仙人鞭等。其中仙人柱高达 3米,算是全国罕见的一种。据说,厦门仙人掌科植物有500多种,名列全国第一。








Topics for the final SET

1)Can you name one of the fairy tales(for example, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and Beast, Cinderrella)?

Do you like the story? Why or why not?

2)What fairy tale has influenced you most? Please explain.3)Please exemplify/use an example to tell us that most fairy tales have deep/remarkable meanings.We can learn a lot from them.4)Fairy tales can influence us a lot.Do you agree? Why or why not?

5)If you had magic power, what would you do with it?

6)Why do magic stories always have a natural attraction to all of us?

7)Why do you think the Internet is so popular?

8)Why are computers so widely used?

9)If you have a computer, what can you do with it?

10)What the world would be like if there were no Internet?

11)How should we make use of the Internet?

12)Do you often use a computer? [If yes] For what purposes? [If not] Why not?

13)Some people say that the computer is the most important invention of the last century.Do you

agree? Why or why not?

14)Have you personally benefited from using the computer in your study? Please give an example.15)How much time do you spend surfing the net every week? Which items interest you most?

16)What natural disaster do you know best? Say something about it?

17)Can you give some suggestion on how to escape from a burning building?

18)Do you think floods can be prevented? Please give your reasons.19)What can we do to prevent a forest fire?

20)Do you think it necessary for schools to offer courses on how to survive a natural disaster? Why

or why not?

21)Do you agree that animals are friends of Man? Why?

22)Do you think man can conquer nature?

23)Do you think the environment is becoming worse and worse? Give your reasons.24)What attitude do you adopt/take towards problems that come up in your life?

25)Some people take a pessimistic attitude towards life.What do you think you can do to help them?

26)Do you think wealthy people enjoy a happier life?

27)Suppose your parents has been working pretty hard, what will you suggest them to do to spend

more time together?

28)If parents spend less time with the entire family, especially their children, what negative effects

will that have?

29)If you were Harry, would you be contented with your present job? Why or why not?

30)Do you think working for a big company is a challenge? Give your reasons.31)Do you think it necessary to talk about your career changes to your children? Why or why not?

32)Where would you like to work after you graduate, in a big city or in a small town?

33)What job do you think is best for you after you graduate?

34)If you were offered a job not related to your major, would you accept it? Why or Why not?

35)As a working mother what do you think you could do to deal with your career and your role as a

mother successfully?

36)Who would you ask for advice if you were faced with the same career choice as Marylin? 37)What’s your most important consideration

when looking for a job?

38)What factors influence you most in your choice of a job?

39)Do you think it is necessary to keep your friendship with classmates or friends after graduation?

Why or why not?(You can take Robbie and Alexandra for example.)

40)Why do people often say camping out is such great fun?

41)What is the relationship between work

and play?

42)In what ways can camping out benefit us?

43)Suppose there is someone in your class who works hard and never has time for hobbies or

entertainment.What advice would you offer to him or her?

44)What is considered to be a waste of time in the US?

45)You learn more about yourself


46)How to uphold and carry forward athleticism sportsmanship?

47)What are two things your teachers taught and inspired you?

48)Try to describe the person who influences you most?

49)Would you mind marrying a person form a different culture or nation? Why or why not?

50)Will you be friend with those of different characterspersonalities?

51)What is your personality?

52)What do you think are the defects or

demerits of personality?

53)Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of making boygirl friend on campus?

54)What’s your idea on those lovers who are arm in arm, hug or even kiss in public?

55)How to be realistic while being idealistic in love?

56)How do you understand “Doubt meant no action”?

57)Have you gone through any experience in which “you would rather act now and worry later”?

58)What do you think will be the main barrier in marriage across nations?

59)List the advantages and disadvantages of marriage across nations.60)Do you think love needs testing? Give your reasons.61)Nature or nurture in cultivating and developing relationship?

62)Do you think a person’s name and appearance affect his or her life or work?

63)What do most people base their selection of a name on?

64)Do you like your own name? Why or why not?

65)What are the major causes of stress in your life? And How to deal to ease them ?

66)How do you understand there is a lot more to life than a job?

67)What do you think is the aim of education?

68)How do you understand “We ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives?

69)If you were able to go back to ancient time, which dynasty would you go to?

70)If possible, which country would you choose to live? Why?

71)What are Germany famous for?

72)If possible, what kind of company would you choose to work in, big or small one? Or a big one with

low pay or a small one with high pay?

73)What youngsters expect in life?

74)How to improve writing ability?

75)Do you think a lasting world peace is possible? Give your reasons.76)How to obtain the utmost outcome of the class?

77)Give your personal viewpoint on how to strike the balance between work, study and life?

78)Motivation-oriented or test-oriented learning? How to balance them? Why?

79)Generalist or specialist? Why?

80)“China’s Increasing Role and Responsibilities in Global Development;Challenges and Opportunities

for Our Younger Generation




84)The Power of Sports in Personal Development: Lessons about Life that We Get from Sports.My views on the expansion of college enrollment.The importance of recycling.Globalization: challenges and opportunities for China's younger generation85)There is an old saying “Jack of all trades but master of none.” Do you think that it is better aim to be “a Jack of all trades” or “a master of one” in today’s world?

86)China has set up nearly 300 Confucius institutes around the world to teach Chinese language and culture.How do you view the enthusiasm for learning Chinese? What underlies this trend?

87)In matters of principle, stand like a rock;in matters of taste, swim with the current.88)Due attention should be paid to Chinese.89)韩寒is quite good at driving as well as at writing.Can we say that those who are good at playing presumable good at working ?



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