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Unit 6 1.Words Computer programmer cook doctor engineer violinist pilot pianist scientist driver college university education medicine London article send team foreign able promise beginning improve physical themselves hobby paint weekly schoolwork question meaning discuss own personal relationship 重点讲解:


vt.发送,寄;派遣;使进入;发射vi.派人;寄信 Eg:a.打发,派遣,差遣,派„前去(请人等): to send somebody to do something 派某人去做某事

to send(someone)for a doctor 派某人去请大夫

b.使前往;使进入(to): to send to the prison 进监狱

C.寄,发送(信件,邮包等): to send a letter to somebody 给某人寄信

Please send the book along to me.<拓>短语

send out 发送;派遣;放出 send in 递送;呈报;命„进来

send for 召唤,派人去叫;派人去拿 send back 送回;退还 send a message 发信息 send mail 发送邮件 send a letter 寄信

send by 通过„方式寄出

send off 寄出;派遣;给„送行 2)Able adj.能

Eg:You won't able to stuff him.你不可能一下子就把他打败。<拓>be able to 能够做 Eg:We were able to do this.我们可以做到这个。will be able to 将能够 be able to do 能够做

be able to take 经受得住某事(指困难、痛苦的事)able person 能人;有能力的人;有用的人才

3)Promise n.许诺,允诺;希望vt.允诺,许诺;给人以„的指望或希望vi.许诺;有指望,有前途 Eg: n I give you a promise.我为你许下承诺。V They promised that the work would all be finished by next week.他们保证到下星期完成全部工作。<拓>短语

promise oneself 指望 keep promise 守信

show promise 有成功的希望 make a promise 允许;允诺

great promise 前程远大;大有前途

4)Beginning n.开始;起点v.开始;创建(begin的ing形式)

Eg:This is only the beginning.这仅仅是开始。

At the beginning of each class, I count off the students.每节课开始我先数一下学生的人数。<拓>短语

at the beginning 首先;从一开始;起初;从头开始 at the beginning of 在„„的开始 from beginning to end 自始至终

from the beginning 从一开始;从开始到现在;从开始一直 in the beginning 开始,开端;起初


vt.改善,增进;提高„的价值vi.增加;变得更好 Eg:Your work will get by,but try to improve it.你的作业还过得去,但要努力改进。<拓>短语

improve on 改进;对„加以改良 improve in 在„方面有改进

to improve the environment 改善环境 improve upon vt.改进


vt.油漆;绘画;装饰;涂色于;描绘; vi.油漆;描绘;绘画;化妆

n.油漆;颜料,涂料;绘画作品; Eg: n.They spotted the wall with green paint.他们用绿色涂料装饰墙壁。

V,The boy could not paint on,because his mother wanted him to be a teacher.这男孩不能再绘画了,因为他母亲想让他成为一名教师。

7)Question n.问题,疑问;询问;疑问句vt.询问;怀疑;审问vi.询问;怀疑;审问 Eg: N.He deliberated with them over that question.他和他们商量了那个问题。Do you realize the importance of this question? 你意识到这个问题的重要性吗? <辨>problem和question都有“问题”的意思,但用法却不尽相同:

I.problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词 solve或settle(解决)搭配。而 question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用。试比较:

①The problem is difficult to be solved.这个问题很难解决。

②May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?


①Can you work out this maths problem ?你能算出这道数学题吗?

②It's a question of money / time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题。


We are going to talk about several problems(questions)at the meeting .我们在会上要谈到一些问题。

The problem now is a lot of question to ask.现在的麻烦事就是有太多的问题要问了。8)Personal

adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的 Eg: She has no personal ambition.她没有个人野心。

He loved to recite his personal experiences.他喜欢述说他个人的经历。2.Phrases 1)grow up 成长,逐渐形成

Eg:All plants like to grow up towards the sunlight。所有植物都喜朝阳生长。His daughter is grown up.他的女儿已长大成人。

<辨>grow up v.长大, 成人, 崛起

Eg:He was grew in a small village grow.vi.生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 vt.种植, 栽培, 培育

He grows vegetables.他种植蔬菜 2)Be sure about

对„有把握;确信 Eg: You can make books, but you will never be sure about the results, they are unpredictable.你可以创作,但你无法控制结果,结果总是未知的。3)Make sure 确信;证实

Eg:Treat it that way yourself and make sure others do so as well.这种方式对待自己和他人作出一定也这样做。4)Write down 写下,记下

Eg:He wrote down every word the teacher said.他把老师讲的一字不漏地记下来。5)Have to do with


Eg:What does that have to do with you? 那与您有什么关系吗? 6)Take up 拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)Eg:They took up arms and fought for their faith and liberty.他们拿起武器为信仰和自由而斗争。

I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。7)Be going to do

是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形。含有be going to 结构的句子中往往有表示将来的时间状语,如:tomorrow, next week等。


Eg:We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.今天下午我们打算开班会。(安排)


Eg: Look at the black clouds.It's going to rain.看那些乌云,快要下雨了。(推测)

I”m not feeling well, I”m going to be ill.我感觉不是很好,可能要生病了。(表示说话人的感觉而已)

be going to 在肯定句中的形式 be going to 结构中的助动词be很少用原形,be随主语人称和数的变化而变化,它一般有三种形式,am , is , are。而going to 固定不变。即:当主语是 I 时用am ;当主语是第三人称单数时用is;当主语是其他人称时用are。

Eg:I am going to buy something tomorrow morning.明天早上我要去买些东西。

She is going to see Mr.Wang this afternoon.她打算今天下午去看望王先生。

含be going to 的句子变否定句和一般疑问句的变法 由于句子中有助动词be,因此be going to 的否定句和一般疑问句的构成很容易,即在be(am, is, are)的后面加上not 就构成了否定句;把be(am, is, are)放到句首,在句末加问号就构成了一般疑问句,其答语为:Yes, 主语+ am/is/are./ No, 主语+ isn't/aren't./ No, I'm not.不过 I am...在改为一般疑问句时常常改为“Are you....?”。eg: They are going to see the car factory next week.(肯定句)They are not going to see the car factory next week.(否定句)—Are they going to see the car factory next week?

—Yes, they are.(No, they aren't.)(一般疑问句及其回答)使用be going to 应注意的两点 : 1.There be 句型的be going to 结构为:There is / are going to be...(注意句型中going to 后面的be不能改为have。)常用来表示将有某事发生。eg: There is going to be a football match next Saturday in our school.下周六我们学校将有一场足球比赛。

2.come, go, leave, arrive等表示位置移动的动词常用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作,它们很少与be going to 结构连用。

eg: Miss Sun is coming tonight.今晚孙小姐要来。

They are going to the park next Friday.下星期五他们打算去公园。3.“be going to +动词原形”结构与表示将来的时间状语是否连用,在意思上有所差别。如果其后有明确的时间状语,则表示该动作或状态发生的可能性较大;反之,则表示一种推测,表示未来可能发生的事情。eg: There is going to be a film in our school this evening.今晚我们学校将有一场电影。(一定会发生)

Hurry up!We are going to be late.快点!我们要迟到了。(仅表示一种推测)8)Keep on

<辨>keep doing / keep on doing 1)均可表示“继续做某事,反复做某事”,可互换,只是 keep on 更加强调时间的间隔性和动作的反复性,及某人做某事的决心。

He kept on working until midnight though he was tied.虽然他佷累了他依旧继续行进直到午夜。

The boy kept /kept on asking some silly questions in class.男孩不断地在课堂上问一些傻里傻气的问题。

2)若表示一连续不段的动作,或某一动作的持续状态,只宜用keep doing.She kept waving to her husband until he was out of sight.她不断的挥手直到她老公淡出视线。Keep lying here;I will be back soon.躺在这别动,我马上回来。

3)若表示今后或将来继续做某事,则只宜用keep on doing。

We must keep on working hard in the coming new year.接近新年之际我们必须持续的努力工作。

He kept on smoking though we advised him to stop to smoke.虽然我们都建议他不要吸烟,但他依旧不停的抽烟。9)Try one’s best 尽力

Eg:I’ll try my best to prepare this exam.我会尽力准备这次考试。

10)Make a promise 作承诺 11)Get back a.回去,回来

When do you get back from the country?

你什么时候从村里回来? b.收(或送)回

I have to get these books back to the library before it closes.在图书馆闭馆之前我必须把书还回去。c.恢复原来的状态

His only desire is to be cured and to get back to work

他唯一的愿望就是治好病然后重新工作。3.grammar 1)一般将来时(be going to)P116 2)Want to be


Eg:We want to be quite clear on this point.关于这一点,我们想要完全弄清。I want to be a teacher when I grow up.当我长大以后,我想成为一名教师。3)职业的单词

farmer 农民worker 工人soldier 军人students 学生business people 商人doctor医生nun : 尼姑nurse: 护士office clerk : 职员office staff 上班族

operator: 接线员parachutist: 跳伞人.personnel 职员pharmacist药剂师photographer:摄影师pilot: 飞行员planner: 计划员policeman: 警察

postal clerk: 邮政人员postman :邮差President: 总统priest: 牧师teacher: 教师technician : 技术人员tour guide: 导游traffic warden: 交通管理员.translator: 翻译(笔译)TV producer: 电视制作人

typist: 打字员vet: 兽医veterinarian兽医waiter: 侍者(服务生)waitress: 女侍者(服务生)welder : 焊接工writer: 作家chef: 厨师 chemist : 化学师clerk : 店员clown :小丑cobbler: 制(补)鞋匠

computer programmer :程序员construction worker :建筑工人cook:厨师 cowboy :牛仔customs officer :海关官员dancer : 舞者dentist: 牙科医生 designer: 设计师desk clerk: 接待员detective 侦探doctor: 医生

door-to-door salesman: 推销员driver: 司机dustman: 清洁工editor : 编辑electrician :电工engineer:工程师


八年级上册Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.第1课时

学习内容:Section A,1a-1c.学习目标:1.掌握本课时单词、短语及重点词的用法。






1.My cousin is going to be a pilot when he _________(grow)up.2.Uncle Wang is a race car _________(drive).He loves his jobs very much.3.Do you want _________(be)a pilot? 4.If you want to be an actor, you have to take __________(act)lesson.5.Chen Han is going __________(move)to shanghai when he finishes his studies.二、合作探究




be going to 一般将来时,表示打算,将要,to+动词原形。

肯定句:主语+be(am / is / are)+ going to +动词原形+其它

否定句:主语+be(am / is / are)+ not+ going to +动词原形+其它。一般疑问句:Be(am is are)+主语+going to+动词原形+其它

特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am is are)+主语+ going to+动词原形+其它 eg.I am going to go to the park this afternoon.否定句 一般疑问句 表示将来时间的词:this morning, this afternoon, this evening, at night, tomorrow, this weekend, next week,soon和它们连用。



1.Jim and Li Lei __________(watch)the football match this evening. 2.__________ she __________(have)a Chinese lesson tomorrow? 3.—What __________ you __________(do)tomorrow morning? —I __________(see)my grandparents.

4.__________ they__________(go)fishing this Friday afternoon? 5.There __________(be)a birthday party this evening.




审核2:冯敏 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.第2课时

学习内容:section A 2a--Grammar focus.学习目标:1.掌握本课时单词、短语及重点词的用法。

2.能听懂用be going to结构谈论自己及他人理想职业的对话,并能用这种结构进行相关话题的会话。





1.When I grow up, I want to be an e _____________.2.My uncle is a computer p_________________, he is good at computer.3.Computer s_________________ is Jake's favorite subject.4.Mary's father is an airline p____________.5.I hope your d will come true.二、合作探究

1.检查预习情况,解决存在的问题。(小组汇报)。2.Section A , 2a , 完成2a听力训练。

3.Section A , 2b.完成听力, 能听懂用be going to结构谈论自己及他人理想职业的对话,并能用这种结构进行相关话题的会话。4.Section A 2c.两人一组仿照示例,编写对话谈论未来。5.2d.同学演示对话。


“be going to”结构的用法。

1.be going to经常与表示将来的时间状语连用,译作“将要 ”。

2.be going to结构还可以表示根据某种迹象,主观上判断将于发生某事。

3.be going to 后接,其中 be要根据主语的不同变换成相应的。

4.be going to结构也可以用于there be 句型中,其结构为:

there be going to+be+其他。



1.Mary _______________(go)fishing with her mother next week.2.I ___________(meet)a famous actor last Sunday.3.I'm going to _______________(take)some acting lessons in ShangHai.4.Tom started ___________________(ride)a bike when he was six years old.5.My brother __________________(take)these photos two days ago.2.句型转换。

1.Wang Na is going to be an actress when she grows up.(对划线部分提问)________ ________Wang Na _________ ___________ _________ when she grow up? 2.I’m going to be an engineer when I grow up.(改为一般疑问句)________ you _______ ___________ _________ an engineer when you grow up? 八年级上册Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.第3课时

学习内容:Section A 3a--3c







1.上表演课 ____________________2.专业的篮球运动员 3.学习计算机科学 ______________4.练习打篮球 5.真的努力学习数学_____________6.移动到,搬到 7.药;医学____________________8.我长大后将成为一名演员____________


1.检查预习情况,解决存在的问题。(小组汇报)。2.Section A ,3a,学生完成题目要求,然后练习。3.Section A ,3b.学生自主练习。4.Section A ,3c.三、精讲释疑

1.在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,主句如果是一般将来时时,从句应用一般现在时。eg.When I grow up, I’m going to be an actor.When he grows up,he’s going to be an actor.2.somewhere adv.在否定句和疑问句中要变成anywhere.形容词与其连用时要后置,eg.somewhere interesting



1.You need to take notes at the meeting, so make sure _______ a pen and some paper with you.A.bring B.bringing C.to bring D.not bring 2.---How are you going to become a write?---I’m going to keep on _______stories.A.writing B.write C.to write D.to writing 3.---There is a new movie Let Bullets Fly.Let’s watch it.---That _______ a good movie.A.sounds B.sounds like C.looks D.looks like 4.I want to be an engineer.So I am going ________ than before.A.work hard B.to work hard C.work harder D.to work harder 5.Nelly is going to be a teacher.She is going to ________.A.take acting lessons B.study computer science C.study education D.practice basketball




审核2:冯敏 Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.第4课时

学习内容:Section B , 1a-1e 学习目标:1.掌握本课时单词、短语及重点词的用法。





(二)根据用be going to 写出英语句子,标点符号已给出。

1.Peter, make a new year resolution ____________________________.2.Lingling, learn to play the piano ____________________________? 3.Tom, get good grades__________________________________________.4.Henry, get lots of exercise, keep fit_________________________.二、合作探究

1.检查预习情况,解决存在的问题。(小组汇报)。2.Section B 1a.完成练习。

3.Section B 1b.合作学习学习1b对话,谈论自己将来的意向。4.Section B 1c,1d.重点词组听力训练 完成1c、1d。

5.Section B 2c.Pairwork.实践活动组内同学分别运用本节所学短语讲述自己的新年愿望及实现方法。


1.Sound interesting 听起来有趣

sound为系动词后面跟形容词。又如:听起来无聊_______________觉得身体好________________ 2.next year 与the next的区别:Let’s hold a meeting next week.我们下周开一个会吧。/He started the next day.第二天他出发了。



1.Next year, I’m going to learn __________(play)the guitar.2.I want ___________(write)for international magazines when I am older.3.She is going to eat ________(healthy)food than before.4.Beijing a pilot sounds ______________(interest).5.What’s the _____________(mean)of this word?


1.Lots of students are interested in soccer, so we are going to _____a soccer team this term.A.grow B.have C.do D.make 2.This piece of music ____ beautiful.A.feels B.looks C.do D.make 3.Tony wants to be a writer, so he needs to get ________.A.much writing practice B.many writing practice C.practicing writing D.much writing practices 4.There _____ a sports meeting in our school next Friday.A.is going to hav B.will have C.is going to be D.is 4 八年级上册Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.第5课时

学习内容:Section B ,2a-2d 学习目标:1.掌握本课时单词、短语及重点词的用法。





1.承诺 2.能够做某事_________________ 3.改进____________ 4.写下_________________ 5.业余爱好 6.身体的__________ 7.在„„开始的时候_______________


1.检查预习情况,解决存在的问题。(小组汇报)。2.讨论2a问题。3.Section B 2b.(1)学生自读Section B 2b部分,完成相应的任务。(2)在小组讨论这文章的大意。(3)叫同学译出这篇文章。

4.Section B,2c.填空,然后在组内交流,最后在全班汇报。5.Section B,2d.写一篇作文,并在班内交流。


1.exercise作名词,意为锻炼,运动时是不可数名词,常构成do /take exercise;意为体操,练习时,是可数名词,常用复数。eg:Most peple need to do more exercise.Doing morning exercises is good for our health.2.too„..to„可以与so „..that„.或者not„ enough to„相互转化。eg:This box is too heavy for me to carry.=This box is not light enough for me to carry.=This box is so heavy that I can’t carry it.四、达标练习


1.I don’t know what ____________(do)next.2.This is my _____________(person)opinion.I hope you can think it over.3.Listening to music can make us __________(feel)happy.4.John is going to work____________(hard)than before.5.My first resolution is about ____________(improve)my physical health.(二)完成句子 1.I’m going to ______________________________.(学习一门外语)2.I want ________________________________(组建球队)3.Some girls are going to _______________________________.(多锻炼保持健康)主备:李晓芳



审核2:冯敏 Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.第7课时

学习内容:2e-Self Check 学习目标:1.掌握本课时单词、短语及重点词的用法。2.完成这一课时的练习题。学习过程:




1.开车去上班_____________________2.多锻炼_______________________________ 3.上大学_________________________4.学习计算机科学_______ __________ 5.学习表演课程_______ _____6.取得好成绩___________________________ 7.吃更健康的食品_________________8.进行大量锻炼_________________________ 9.听起来像_______________________10.完成高中学业_______________ __




本单元语法总结: 结构: be going to表达“计划、打算、准备去做„„”的意思。

eg.I am going to sell this old car, and buy a new one.我打算卖掉这辆旧车,然后买辆新车。

用法: be going to与表示将来词如this afternoon, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow以及next系列时间短语等连用。

意义: 1.事先经过考虑、安排近期要做的事情。

They are going to the park this weekend.2.根据目前某种迹象判断某事非常有可能发生。What bad weather!It is going to snow tomorrow.四、达标练习


1.He is going to go to a cooking school.(对划线部分提问)is he going to ?

2.My father wants to be a pilot.(写出一般疑问句)your father to be a pilot? 3.It’s a good time to make resolutions at the beginning of the year.(写出同义句)The of the year is a good time for resolutions.4.Will you make a model plane for her?(写出同义句)you to make a model plane for her? 5.The resolution is so hard that he can’t keep it.(写出同义句)The resolution is hard for him keep.



unit6 单元总结

1.He has shorter hair than Sam.他的头发比萨姆的短。


2.He‟s calmer than Sam.他比萨姆更冷静。


【辨析】: calmstillquiet 与silent

calm:意为:镇静的,平静的,指不受干扰时的宁静,平静,如海洋的平静;用于人时,指沉着,镇定,安定。When we face danger, we should keep calm.still:意为不动的,静止的,寂静的,仅仅指物理上的安静状态。

The baby kept still when she was taking photos.quiet:意为安静的 静止的,指寂静的状态,没有吵闹或指人的,文静,也可指


Be quiet,everyone.The teacher is coming.silent:意为沉默的,无言的,主要用于人,指不发出声音或不说话,强调无声的状态。

We shouldn‟t keep silent when the teather asks us some questions.3.wildadj.轻率的,鲁莽的。

相关词组:be wild with joy 欣喜若狂/be wild to do sth.渴望做某事 /be wild about sb./sth.4.smartadj.聪明的,伶俐的在句中作表语。


clever:多指 聪明伶俐的,侧重于才思敏捷的也可以用于指主意,办法之妙。smart:侧重指 领悟力强的,含精明,不会被人蒙骗之意。

5.Here are photos of me and my twin sisiter Liu Ying.这是我和我的双胞胎姐姐刘英的照片。

1)photos 以o结尾的名词变复数,有生命的+es/无生命的+s例:potatoes,tomatoes,zoos,radios

2)表示“某人的照片” 用„s和of的区别。

This Liu Ying‟s photo.这是刘英的照片。(指照片是属于刘英的,但照片的人不一定是刘英本人)

This is a photo of Liu Ying‟s.这是刘英的一张照片。(表示的是照片是刘英所拥有的照片中的一张。

This is a photo of Liu Ying.这是一张刘英的照片。(表示的是照片上的人是刘英,而照片属于谁不知道)。

3)take photos 照相,拍照。

6.As you can see,in some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different。正如你所看见的,在一些方面我们看起来一样,而在一些方面我们看上去不同。


注意:as在不同的语境中,有许多不同的含义。(阅读理解出现频率较高) prep.作为;以……为职业。He finds a job as an editor. adv.像……一样;如同。I can run quickly.My sister can run as quickly.德学一百

 conj.和……一样;像:It isn‟t so easy as you think.这不像你想的那么容易。当……时候:As I was coming here.I met your brother.按照:Do as you are told.因为,由于:As it was raining,I stayed at home.关于as的词组: as soon as possible尽快地/ as if 好像/ such as 比如/ as for 关于。至于

/the same…as 和……一样

2)in some ways在一些方面

关于way的词组:by the way顺便说一下/lose one‟s way 迷路/on one‟s way to…在某人去……的路上/in the way 挡路/in a way在某种程度上/go the wrong way 走错路

3)look the same 看上去一样。look different 看上去不同look like…看起来像

7.We both have black eyes and black hair,although my hair is shorter than hers..尽管我的头发比她的短,但我们都是黑眼睛,黑头发。


 用在be 动词后,行为动词前。You are both too young./They both speak

English. Both of …..+名词复数(复数谓语)

 both…and…两者都……反义词组:neither…nor…两者都不……

注意:botheitherneither 与 none的辨析是 中考热门考点

2)although 和but 不能同时出现在一个句子里


8.However,we both enjoy going to parties.不过,我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。

1)enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

2)enjoy oneself=have fun=have a good time过得愉快,玩得开心

9.Liu Li has more than one sister.刘丽不止有一个姐姐。

1)more than one+n.“ 不止一个……” 作主语时。谓语用单三

2)more than超过,多余。=over

10.Liu Li and Liu Ying have some things

11..Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘英不如她的妹妹擅长体育。

1)not as…as… 不如……。和……不一样。

注意:中间省略号的部分要+形容词和副词的原级。as tall as

在not as…as… 结构中,第一个as可以换成so 即:not so…as…:不如

2)be good at : “ 擅长……,在……方面成绩好。”+动词ing :

= do well in在……方面做得好。

12..My friend is the same as me.我的朋友和我一样。

the same as… “和……一样”。反义词组:be different from…“ 与。。不同的”

13.No,I am a little taller than her.a little, much a lot a bit ,far,any,no等可以+比较级


14.I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友能使我开心。

牢记:make sb.do sth.使 某人做某事/make+宾语+形容词。

15..We asked some pepple what they think and tiis is what they said.我们询问了一些人在他们所想的,这是他们所说的。

1)what they think 是宾语从句 what所引导的从句表示“所……的”

2)what they said 是表语从句

16.I like to have friends who are like me.我喜欢拥有像我一样的朋友。

1)who are like me 是定语从句。

2)第一个like:动词“ 喜欢”。第二个like:介词“像,跟。。一样”

17..most of…..:大多数

most of +单数名词+单数谓语/ most of+复数名词+复数谓语

18..It‟s not necessary to be the same.完全一样是没有必要的。

It‟s+adj.+to do sth.(It是形式主语,to do sth.是真正主语。

19..He always beats me in tennis.辨析beat/win相同点:都是动词,表示“赢”



21..be good with children 善待孩子们

相关词组:be good with sb.=be good to sb.善待某人。对某人好

be good for sb.对某人有好处/be good at 擅长

22..So do you think should get the job,Ruth or Rose?

本句中who作句子的主语,do you think是插入语。在有此类插入语的情况下,疑问代词,疑问副词位于句首,后面的句子要用陈述语序。

Who do you think is the most outgoing in your class?

23..He can‟t stop talking.牢记:stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情

stop to do sth.停下来去做另外一件事




long—longer—longest,nice—nicer—nicest,big—bigger—biggest。以辅音字母加y为结尾的双音节形容词应将y改为i再加上er或est,如:early—earlier—earliest dirty—dirtier—dirtiest,busy—busier—busiest。多音节的形容词比较级应在前面加上more,最高级应在前面加上most,如:important—more important—most important,difficult—more difficult—most difficult。





The weather in Shanghai is hotter than that in Beijing.上海的天气比北京的天气热.Which subject is more important, English or math?

英语和数学, 哪个学科更重要?

形容词的最高级前应加上定冠词the,句型中应给出比较范围,如:The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流.The third truck carries the most books of all.第三辆卡车在所有的卡车中载书最多.两个人或物比较时,如果只说明两者相同或不同,则可使用as...as...句型,否定句为not as(so)...as...句型,这里形容词仍使用原级,如:

Mr.Green is as old as Mr.Brown.格林先生和布朗先生年龄一样大.Mr.Green is not as(so)old as Mr.Brown.格林先生和布朗先生的年龄不一样大.


Unit 8 1.Words Milk shake

blender spoon oven plate pot yogurt honey watermelon salt sugar sandwich cheese turkey butter pepper peel pour add mix fill cover finally corn machine dig piece tradition autumn traveler England celebrate serve temperature 重点讲解:



milk shake Eg:握手:

They shook and greeted with each other.他们握了握手,互致问候。

(说话)结结巴巴,吞吞吐吐,(声音)颤抖: Her voice shook with emotion.她的声音因激动而颤抖。使震惊,令„感到震撼:

The experience shook him badly.这次经历令他大为震惊。<拓>短语

shake off 摆脱;抖落

shake hands with 与„„握手

milk shake 奶昔(牛奶和冰淇淋等的混合饮料)

2)Pour n.倾泻;流出;骤雨vt.灌,注;倒;倾泻;倾吐vi.倾泻;斟茶 Eg:使流,灌;倒;注;

Mother poured sugar out of a bag into a pot.母亲把糖从袋中倒入罐内。

喷散(液体、粉、粒、光线等);流(血等);倾注;源源不断地输送: The Yangtze River pours itself into the sea.长江流入大海。不断流出;泻;流:

Sweat poured down from her face.汗珠不断地从她的脸上流下。下倾盆大雨:

Wear your boots and take an umbrella;it's pouring out.穿上你的靴子,再带把雨伞,外面正下着大雨呢!<拓>短语

pour out v.倾吐;诉说 pour into 川流不息地涌入

pouring rain 瓢泼大雨;倾盆大雨 pour in 大量地涌入,倾倒;蜂拥而来

3)Add vi.加;增加;加起来;做加法vt.增加,添加;补充说;计算„总和 Eg:加上,增加,添加;附加;掺加(to): She added sugar to her tea.她在茶里加了糖。

附带说明,进一步(或进而,接着,补充)说(或写),附言,再言: He added philosophically.他富于哲理地补充说。

把„加起来,合算;合计,加,计算„的总和,总共,共得(常与 up 连用): If you add 5 to 5, you get 10.5加5得10。

把„包括在内,加进,插入(常与 in 连用): Don't forget to add in the tip.别忘了把小费也算上。扩大;扩建;增加(to):

The palace had been added to from time to time.这座宫殿曾一再扩建。<拓>短语

add up v.合计

add in 添加;把„包括在内 add on 插入;另外加上去

4)Dig vt.挖,掘;探究vi.挖掘

Eg:(如用铲或其他工具或用手、爪、动物的口、鼻部等)掘,挖掘;掘地;采掘;发掘: I dug with a spade. 我用铁铲挖掘。

They were digging in the tunnel the whole day.他们整天在隧道里挖掘。

If those moles carry on digging,there will soon be no grass left.如果那些鼹鼠继续掘地,很快将没有草留下。(伸手至深处)挖掘似的掏,摸索: He dug for coins in his pocket.他伸手到衣袋里摸硬币。

He dug into the bag and pulled out a loaf of bread.他把手伸进包里掏出一块面包。

掘进,挖进,挖入,开凿(隧道等);掘进似的费劲前进(through,into,under): They dug through the mountain to build a tunnel.他们掘穿大山筑一条隧道。<拓>短语

dig out 掘出;发现

dig deep ◎挖深 , ◎[美国英语]掏出来;交出来(指财物), ◎[美国俚语]付出很高的价钱

dig up 挖出;掘起;开垦;发现

dig in 掘土以掺进;掘土把„埋起来;[口]开始认真工作;[军]掘壕固守 dig into v.钻研;掘进去

5)Piece n.块;件;篇;硬币vt.修补;接合;凑合 Eg:She ripped a piece of cloth in two.她把一块布撕成两块。

Two suits can be cut out of this piece of material.这块料子可以裁两套衣服。<拓>短语

a piece of 一片,一块 one piece adj.整体的,单片的 , n.上下身相连的衣服 a piece of paper 一张纸

6)Celebrate vt.庆祝;举行;赞美;祝贺;宣告vi.庆祝;过节 Eg:公开举行(宗教仪式等);主持(弥撒等): The priest celebrated High Mass in church.神父在教堂中举行大弥撒。庆祝(或纪念),欢庆:

The Chinese people celebrated the golden jubilee of the founding of their People's Republic on October 1st,1999.中国人民在1999年10月1日欢庆人民共和国建立50周年。We had a tea party to celebrate our headmaster's silver wedding.我们为庆祝校长的银婚举行了一次茶会。歌颂,赞美:

His heroic deeds were celebrated in all the newspapers.他的英雄事迹受到所有报纸的赞扬。

celebrate with 庆祝

celebration n 庆祝

7)Mix vt.混淆;使混和;使结交vi.相混合;交往n.混合;混合物;混乱 Eg:使混合;掺和,拌和: I'm mixing a cake.我在拌和配料做蛋糕。

The painter was busy mixing his colours.画家在忙着调颜色。和入,掺进(in,into): to mix water into the flour 面粉里和入水

拌成;调制(酒类等);配制: His wife mixed him a hot drink.他妻子为他调制了一杯热饮。把„结合起来,使同时进行:

Many women successfully mix marriage and career.许多女人能成功地将婚姻和事业结合起来。<拓>短语

mix with 和„混合 mix in 混合;相处

8)Fill vt.装满,使充满;满足;堵塞;任职vi.被充满,膨胀 Eg:填满,盛满,塞满,注满,充满: to fill the tub for a bath 把浴盆注满水洗澡 to fill one's life with joy 使生活充满欢乐

(几乎)全部占据,占满,挤满,坐满,住满: The crowd filled the room.人群挤满了房间。使遍及;弥漫;渗透: Smoke filled the room.烟雾弥漫着整个房间。<拓>短语

fill in 填写;填充;替代 fill out 填写;变丰满,变大 fill up 填补;装满;堵塞 fill with 装满,充满 fill in the blanks 填空

9)Cover vt.包括;采访,报导;涉及

n.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物;幌子,借口vi.覆盖;代替 Eg:盖,覆盖,遮盖:

She covered her face with her hands.她用双手蒙住她的脸。


She covered the baby up with a blanket.她用毯子把婴儿盖好。

使(自己)蒙受(耻辱等);给(自己)带来(荣誉等);得到,获得: He covered himself with honors at college.他在学院里获得多种荣誉。<拓>短语

under cover 隐藏着;秘密地 cover up 掩盖,盖住 cover for 代替 cover with 覆盖

10)Serve vt.招待,供应;为„服务;对„有用;可作„用 vi.服役,服务;适合,足够;发球;招待,侍候 Eg:帮佣,作仆人:

to serve in the duke's house 在公爵家当仆人 供职,服务;工作: to serve under somebody 在某人手下供职 服役;当兵:

to serve in the Army 在陆军服役

侍候进餐;上菜;上饮料: to serve at table No.two 侍候二号桌的客人用餐 作„的仆人;给„干活: to serve the landlord 为地主干活

为„服务;为„尽职责: to serve the Empire 为帝国尽职 侍奉(上帝、君王等): to serve the king 侍奉国王

在„处服兵役;为„执勤: to serve a year in the Air Force 在空军服役一年 <拓>短语

serve as 担任„,充当„;起„的作用 serve for 充当;被用作;起„的作用

serve the people 为人民服务

serve under someone 在某人部下服役,在某人麾下

2.Phrases 1)turn on v.打开;发动;取决于;使兴奋;攻击

Eg:拧开,旋开,打开(水源、煤气、电源等);打开(水龙头等);拧开(电器): He turned on the light after he went inside.他走进去以后把灯打开了。Please turn on the radio.请把收音机打开。

突然(或无意识地)表现出;突然装出: The girl turned on the charm.女孩一下子露出迷人的样子。

She turned on a bright smile to fool her friends.她露出爽朗的笑容来哄骗她的朋友。<拓> turn down 关闭 2)Cut up vt.切碎

Eg:She cut up the carrots and put them in the pot.她把胡萝卜切碎放入锅中。<辨> cut down 1.削减

He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.他试图少抽烟,但没成功.2.缩短

Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.把文章缩短一些,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中.3.砍倒 cut up 1.切开;切碎

Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot.把胡萝卜切碎后再放进锅内.2.抨击

The article was severely cut up by some critics.那篇文章曾受到一些评论家严厉的抨击.cut off 1.切除

He had a finger cut off by a machine while working.他在工作时被机器切掉了一个手指.2.切断;中断

I was cut off on my line to London.我打伦敦长途时,电话线被切断了.3.使死亡

He was cut off in his prime.他在壮年时过世.3)Put...in 提出,提交;放入;种植;使就职

Eg:开进(港口、码头等);(船、全体船员等)靠岸(或入港);进入(旅店等小憩): The boat put in at Shanghai for repairs.那艘船进了上海港进行检修。作短时间停留,停留一下:

Shall we put in at the bar for a drink? 我们在那家酒吧停下来喝一杯好吗? 插(话等);替人说(好话):

Could I put in a word at this point? 我现在说几句行吗? 插入;加入;使进入;加进;把„放进;伸进:

You need to put in a comma here.Otherwise it is not clear in meaning.你需在此加一个逗号,否则意思不清楚。安装,安置:

We put new central heating in when we moved here.我们搬到这儿的时候安装了集中供暖设备。

<辨>put into一般表示动作,而put in一般表示状态

He quickly put the money into his pocket.(他快速把钱放到口袋,是动作)He put the money in his pocket.(他把钱放在口袋,是状态)4)Fill...with 装满,充满

Eg:(使)装满;(使)盛满;(使)充满: He filled the bottle with wine.他用酒装满了那只瓶子。使(某人)充满(某种情感等): His heart is filled with hope.他满怀希望。<辨>full;fill full是形容词;fill是动词.full,fill二者均与“满”有关.full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语.fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用„„把„„装满”.3.Grammar 1)可数名词和不可数名词



不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如:some water;a lot of bread

二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词a(an);而不可数名词不能用a(an)。Eg: Li Hong is a driver.I am a teacher.李红是一名司机,我是一名教师。

We can’t see milk on the table.我们看不见桌上有牛奶。

在表示特指时,不可数名词和可数名词前都要用定冠词the,Pass me the ball,please.请把球传给我。

The chicken on the plate is yours.盘子里的鸡肉是你的。

三、可数名词表示复数意义时可用many等词修饰。如:many apples;a lot of tomatoes;a few pens

不可数名词则要用much、a little等词修饰。

much meat;a little bread;little water

这两类名词都可以被some、any、a lot of(lost of)等修饰。

如:some eggs/paper(纸)。

A lot of(lots of)knives/orange juice

四、可数名词前通常可用具体的数词来修饰。如:three women ten babies


two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶

five pieces of bread 五片面包


There is some rice in the bowl.碗里有些米饭。

All the students are in the classroom.所有的学生都在教室里。

如果不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词须用复数形式。如:There are two bags of rice in the room.房间里有两袋大米。

六、对可数名词的数量提问用how many;对不可数名词的数量提问要用how much,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用how many。

I can see two pictures on the wall.→ How many pictures can you see on the wall?

There is a lot of pork in the basket.→ How much pork is there in the basket?

I want three glasses of water.→ How many glasses of water do you want?


首先first,at first,to begin with,first of all,firstly 接着secondly,then,besides,what's more,in addition,thirdly,...as follow,next 最后at last,last but not the least,above all,all in all,to sum up,on the whole,finally


Unit 3(比较级的使用,both的用法,描述性格的单词)1.Words Outgoing both better loudly quietly hard-working competition fantastic which clearly win though talented truly care laugh serious mirror kid grade should saying reach hand touch heart fact break arm share loud similar primary information

重点讲解: 1)both 两个都 一般和of连用

Eg:Both of pens are mine.两支钢笔都是我的。2)hard-working

adj.工作努力的,辛勤的 Eg:I admire their hard-working spirit.我钦佩他们的辛勤工作的精神。3)Which 哪一个

Which class are you in?你在哪个班? Which one is yours?哪个是你的? 4)Serious adj严肃的,稳重的

Eg:Ian is a serious guy.伊恩是一个认真的人。(伊恩是一个稳重的人)This is a serious decision.这是个严肃的决定。<拓>adv seriously 认真地,严肃地

Eg:Let’s talk about it seriously.让我们认真的来谈一谈。(让我们严肃认真的来聊聊)

5)Truly adv 真正,确实 Eg:He truly loved his children.他由衷地爱他的孩子们。<拓>典型地

Eg:Spain was truly a European nation.西班牙是个典型的欧洲国家。

6)Necessary adj.必要的,必须的 Eg: s that really necessary? 那真有必要吗?

It is necessary that buy some papers when we are in art class.当我们上艺术课的时候买些纸是很必要的。7)Should 情态动词 “应该”

Eg:We should go outside to buy some papers.我们应该去外面买纸。You should be quiet.你应该安静点。8)Break v.损坏,断,裂,破 Eg:Did your dress break? 你的衣服破了吗? Did you break the table? 是你损坏了桌子吗?

My pen was broken yesterday.我的钢笔昨天被弄坏了。<拓>名词


Let’s take a break.休息一会儿。短语:

Break down 出故障

Eg:Their car broke down.他们的车出故障了。9)Share v.分享

Eg: Children should learn to share.小孩应该学会与人分享东西。Share sth with sb与某人分享某物

Eg:You should share your apples with your sister.你应该把你的苹果和你妹妹分享。10)Primary adj 最初的,最早的

Eg:My father is the primary investigators on that case 我父亲是最早参加那个项目的研究员。总结形容词变副词: 形容词变副词的一般规则

形容词变副词通常是加ly, 其变化有规律可循 口诀:


quick-quickly;true-truly;happy-happily;possible-possibly 2.Phrases 1)care about 担心,关心,在意

Eg:I really care about my work.我真的关心我的工作.<辨>take care of;look after ;care about;Take care of;look after 都是照看,照顾的意思。

Eg:He spent years taking care of his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.He spent years looking after his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲.Care about 侧重于关心某种情况。

Don't you care about anybody?你难道谁也不关心吗? 2)As long as 只要,既然,如果

Eg:As long as there is life there is hope.留得生命在,不怕没希望.(留得青山在,不怕没柴烧)You can go out, as long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来.<拓>as long as=so long as.I'll accept any job so long as I don't have to get up early.只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受.3)Be different from 与什么不同;不同于

Eg:My way of life is very different from hers.我和她的生活方式差别很大。(hers=her way of life)<拓>be different from 一般指同一种类型的东西在某点上不同 be different with一般是指不同类型事物的比较。

Eg:He's always noisy with us, but he is different with girls。和我们在一起他很吵闹,和女孩在一起就不一样了。4)Bring out 使显现,使表现出

Eg:Difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities. 艰难困苦方能显示出一个人的优秀品质。<拓> 其他含义: 出版

Eg:They try to bring out one new book each month.他们争取每月出版一本新书。生产

Eg:The factory is bringing out a new type of recorder.这家工厂正在生产一种新型录音机。

5)The same as和„„一致;与„„一样

Eg:His dream is the same as mine.他的梦想和我的一样。<拓>as...as的含义为“和„„一样”,用于形容词、副词的同级比较。需要注意的是,两个as的词性和用法不一样,第一个as是副词,后面接形容词或副词的原级,第二个as多为连词,后面多接比较状语从句,其基本结构为:as + adj + as和as+adv+as。

Eg:This dictionary is as useful as you 这本字典和你想象的一样有用 He speaks English as well as Zhang Ming 他讲英语和张明一样好。6)In fact 事实上,实际上,确切地说

Eg:In fact ,I've never liked you,事实上,我从没喜欢过你。<拓>really, truly(同义)下面是in fact 的句中用法。

Eg:I thought Betty was in the garden, but in fact she was in her room.我以为贝蒂在花园,其实她在自己的房间里。

In fact the earth is actually a bit nearer to the sun during our winter.在冬天地球离太阳实际上还要近一些。

No one believed it, but in fact, Mary did pass her exam.尽管没有人相信,但实际上玛丽确实考试及格了。7)Be similar with 与„„相似;类似的 Eg:I have no similar with Tom.汤姆和我毫无共同之处.<拓>be similar to后边既可以加物主代词又可以加人,即:be similar to sth/sb be similar with后边只可以加人,即be similar with sb Eg:My problems are similar to yours.我的问题与你的类似。

8)Be taller than(比较级)比„„高 Eg:I am taller than my sister.9)Talk about谈论(事情或人)

Eg:Please don't talk about it in front of the children.请不要当着孩子们谈论那事.10)That’s why 这便是为什么;这就是„„的原因 Eg:That’s why he was late this morning.这就是他今天早上迟到的原因。3.Grammar 1)形容词副词比较级



如: small---smaller(2)以不发音的e字母结尾的加r,:

如: late---later

(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为I加er: 如: easy---easier

(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词双写最后一个辅音字母再加er: 如: big---bigger 以er,ow结尾的双音节词加er 如: slow---slower(5)多音节词前加more.如: important---more important 2.不规则变化

good / well---better 好

bad / badly / ill---worse 坏 many / much---more 多

little---less 少

old---older / elder 老, 旧

far---farther / further 远 2)一般疑问句

一、含有be动词的一般疑问句,通常把be动词调到句首。eg: 陈述句:They are in the swimming pool.一般疑问句:Are they in the swimming pool? <注意>:一般疑问句句末要用“?”。

二、含有情态动词的一般疑问句(can, may...),把情态动词调到句首。eg: 陈述句:He can drive a car.一般疑问句: Can he drive a car?

三、含有have的一般疑问句,have译为“有”。一般疑问句式有两种形式: 1.把have/has调到句首。eg: 陈述句:Tommy has a computer.一般疑问句:Has Tommy/he a computer? 2.加助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其他人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主 语 + have...? Does Tommy have a computer? 四、一般动词的一般疑问句,也要借助助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形+其它? 陈述句:Amy speaks English.一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English? 如何回答一般疑问句。首先要有人称的改变。当主语为名词时,在答语中要改成其相应的代词。另外,答语有两种,肯定的回答(用yes)和否定的回答(用no),否定式常用缩写形式。一、一般疑问句含be动词时,用be动词回答,句末用句号。eg:-Is Mary your sister?-Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.(缩写)二、一般疑问句含有情态动词(can, may, should等)时,用情态动词回答。eg:-May I come in?-Yes, you may./ No, you can’t.三、一般疑问句含有have(译为“有”)时,有两种回答方式。1.直接用have/has回答。eg:-Have they any pictures?-Yes, they have./ No, they haven’t.2.用助动词do/does回答。eg:-Does Millie smoke?-Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.四、一般动词的一般疑问句回答时也用助动词。eg:-Do the workers live in London?-Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.一般疑问句也可称为“yes / no questions”,因这种问句通常用yes / no来回答,相当于汉语中的“„„吗?”其语序是:系动词be / 助动词/ 情态动词+主语+其他成分?

eg:Are you from Japan? Yes I am. / No I'm not.

Is her sister doing her homework now?Yes she is./No she isn't.Does he work in a bank? Yes he does. / No he doesn't.Do you live near your school? Yes I do./ No I don't. Can you speak French?Yes I can. / No I can't.

May I go home now?Yes you may. / No you mustn't.

1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am is are „)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。eg:

I'm in Class 2Grade 1. → Are you in Class 2Grade 1? We're watching TV. → Are you watching TV?

2.陈述句中有情态动词(can may must „)时,也可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句。

eg:He can swim now.→ Can he swim now?

3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形。Eg:I like these animals. → Do you like these animals?

She wants to go to the movies. → Does she want to go to the movies? 描述性格的词:


optimistic乐观independent独立的 out-going外向的 active 活泼的

able 有才干的,能干的;adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的; aggressive 有进取心的 outgoing外向的 quietly 安静地 hard-working 勤奋的 Talented 有才能的 serious 稳重的 kind 和蔼的 nice 亲切的smart 聪明的 Friendly 友好的



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