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人教版八年级下册英语第六单元基础知识点总结 短语归纳(学生必背内容)

l.work on从事 例句展示:The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching 10.come out出现;出版;结果是 例句展示:

12.the weak 弱者

-----outer space.----科学家们仍致力于发明到达外层空间的新方法。-----2.as soon as一……就…..场----例句展示:

考-线-I will tell him the news as soon as I see him.----我一见到他,我就就告诉他这个消息。-----3.take away带走

----例句展示:Please take away your clothes.请把你的衣服带走。-----4.put on 穿上----例句展示:

-----It’s cold outside,put on your coat at once.外面冷,马上穿上外套。号----5.a little bit 有点儿;稍微 学 订--例句展示:

-----The people in the room are new for him,so he is a little shy.-----房间里的人都是陌生人,所以他感觉有点害羞。----6.seem very possible似乎很可能-----例句展示:

----It seems very possible to rain tomorrow.似乎很可能明天下雨。-----7.give up 放弃 名---姓-例句展示:

----装Never give up your dream.永远不要放弃你的梦想。---8.because of因为----例句展示:

-----Because of the rain,I was late for school.因为下雨,我上学迟到了.----9.once upon a time 从前-----例句展示:

-级----Once upon a time,there lived an unhappy king who slept badly and didn’t feel 班----like eating.从前,那里住着一位不开心的国王,他睡不好觉也不想吃东西。-----10.turn….into….把...变成…----例句展示:

-----His bad luck unexpectedly turned into a good thing.他的坏运气意外地变成了----一件好事。

----例句展示:We should protect the weak.我们应该保护弱者。13.make a dress 做一条连衣裙

Sarah’s mother made a dress for her yesterday.沙拉的妈妈为她做了一条连衣裙。14.fall in love 爱上;喜欢上 例句展示:

He fell in love with that girl since last year.自从去年,他就爱上了那个女孩。15.get married 结婚 例句展示:

He got married last year.他去年结的婚。16.think ofways 想出方法 例句展示:

He thought of ways to work out that math problem yesterday evening.昨天晚上,他相出方法解决那道数学题。17.all over the world 全世界 例句展示:

That funny picture is spread all over the world.那张搞笑的图片传遍了世界。18.in the forest 在森林里 例句展示:

He was almost lost in the forest last time.上次他差点在森林里迷路。19.the whole family 全家 例句展示:

The whole family were astonished when they saw the funny actor.看到那个滑稽的演员,全家都很惊奇。20.make a plan 制订计划 例句展示:

You should make a plan to review your lessons.你应该做计划复习你的功课。21.be quiet 安静 例句展示:

You should be quiet in the library.在图书馆你应该安静。22.go to sleep 去睡觉


You should go to sleep before ten.你必须在十点前睡觉。23.get up起床 例句展示:

As a student,you should get up early every morning.作为一名学生,你应该每天早起。24.along the way 沿路 例句展示:

You may make mistakes along the way.一路上你们可能会犯错。25.be lost 迷路 例句展示:

Don’t be lost!不要迷路。26.wake up 醒来 例句展示:

Don’t wake up late in the morning.早上不要醒的那么晚。27.go out 出去 例句展示:

You should remember not to go out alone at night.你应该记住晚上不要一个人出去。28.pieces of bread 面包屑

例句展示:Don’t make pieces of bread on the ground.不要把面包屑弄在地上。29.never mind 不要紧 例句展示:

--I have made your clothes dirty.--Never mind.30.find one's way out找到出路 例句展示:

When you are lost in the forest,you should think ways to find your way out.当你在森林里迷路了,你应该想办法找到出路。31.inside the house 在房子里面 例句展示:

You should put your things inside your house.你应该把东西放在房子里面。32.learn about 了解 例句展示:

We should learn about the history.我们应该了解历史。33.a good way to solve his problem 解决他的间的好办法 例句展示:

You should find a good way to learn English well.你应该想个好办法把英语学好。34.for example例如 例句展示:

He,for example,is a good student.例如他是一个好学生。35.neither of 两者都不 例句展示:

Neither of them made mistakes.他们两个都没有犯错。36.for the first time 首次 例句展示:

I saw that for the first time in my life.我第一次见到那东西。37.in fact 事实上 例句展示:

In fact,he is a good girl.事实上,她是一个好女孩。38.become interested in 对...感兴趣 例句展示:

He has become interested in English recently.最近他对英语感兴趣。39.instead of代替;反而

He goes to school by bike instead of driving a car.他骑自行车而不是开车去上学。


1.try to do sth.尽力做某事 例句展示:

He tries not to make mistakes.他尽力不犯错。2.finish doing sth.完成某事 例句展示:

He has finished reading the book.他读完了这本书。3.continue to do sth.继续做某事 例句展示:

He continues to read the book.他继续读这本书。4.make sb.do sth.让某人做某事 例句展示:

The boss makes him work late.老板让他工作到很晚。5.keep doing sth.一直做某事 例句展示:

He keeps working.他一直工作。

题 答 许 不 内 线 封 密----------------------------装-------订-线--------------------

6.be able to do sth.能够做某事 例句展示:

He is able to finish the work.他能完成这项工作。7.love doing sth.喜欢做某事 例句展示:

He loves listening English song.他喜欢听英文歌。

8.a new TV program called Monkey一个叫《美猴王》的新电视节目 例句展示:I saw a new TV program called Monkey yesterday.9.It takes/took some time to do sth.花费一段时间做某事。例句展示:

It takes two hours to finish his homework.完成家庭作业花费了他两个小时。10.have no time to do sth.没有时间做某事 例句展示:

I have no time to play computer games.我没有时间玩电脑游戏。11.can't stop doing sth.忍不住/情不自禁做某事 例句展示:

I can’t stop stand up when I saw new situation.当我看到新情况时,我忍不住站了起来。12.hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正在做某事 例句展示:

I heard him singing a song when I passed by his room yesterday.昨天我经过他房间时,他正在唱歌。

13.lead sb.to someplace(道路等)引导某人到某地;带领某人去某地 例句展示:

He lead me to the animal yesterday.昨天他领我去了动物园。14.leave sth.at/in someplace 把某物遗忘在某地 例句展示:

I left my schoolbag in the library.我把书包忘在图书馆了。I5.show sb.sth.向某人展示某物 例句展示:

He showed a new book yesterday.昨天他让我看了一本书。

班 级 姓 名 学 号 考 场



unit6 单元总结

1.He has shorter hair than Sam.他的头发比萨姆的短。


2.He‟s calmer than Sam.他比萨姆更冷静。


【辨析】: calmstillquiet 与silent

calm:意为:镇静的,平静的,指不受干扰时的宁静,平静,如海洋的平静;用于人时,指沉着,镇定,安定。When we face danger, we should keep calm.still:意为不动的,静止的,寂静的,仅仅指物理上的安静状态。

The baby kept still when she was taking photos.quiet:意为安静的 静止的,指寂静的状态,没有吵闹或指人的,文静,也可指


Be quiet,everyone.The teacher is coming.silent:意为沉默的,无言的,主要用于人,指不发出声音或不说话,强调无声的状态。

We shouldn‟t keep silent when the teather asks us some questions.3.wildadj.轻率的,鲁莽的。

相关词组:be wild with joy 欣喜若狂/be wild to do sth.渴望做某事 /be wild about sb./sth.4.smartadj.聪明的,伶俐的在句中作表语。


clever:多指 聪明伶俐的,侧重于才思敏捷的也可以用于指主意,办法之妙。smart:侧重指 领悟力强的,含精明,不会被人蒙骗之意。

5.Here are photos of me and my twin sisiter Liu Ying.这是我和我的双胞胎姐姐刘英的照片。

1)photos 以o结尾的名词变复数,有生命的+es/无生命的+s例:potatoes,tomatoes,zoos,radios

2)表示“某人的照片” 用„s和of的区别。

This Liu Ying‟s photo.这是刘英的照片。(指照片是属于刘英的,但照片的人不一定是刘英本人)

This is a photo of Liu Ying‟s.这是刘英的一张照片。(表示的是照片是刘英所拥有的照片中的一张。

This is a photo of Liu Ying.这是一张刘英的照片。(表示的是照片上的人是刘英,而照片属于谁不知道)。

3)take photos 照相,拍照。

6.As you can see,in some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different。正如你所看见的,在一些方面我们看起来一样,而在一些方面我们看上去不同。


注意:as在不同的语境中,有许多不同的含义。(阅读理解出现频率较高) prep.作为;以……为职业。He finds a job as an editor. adv.像……一样;如同。I can run quickly.My sister can run as quickly.德学一百

 conj.和……一样;像:It isn‟t so easy as you think.这不像你想的那么容易。当……时候:As I was coming here.I met your brother.按照:Do as you are told.因为,由于:As it was raining,I stayed at home.关于as的词组: as soon as possible尽快地/ as if 好像/ such as 比如/ as for 关于。至于

/the same…as 和……一样

2)in some ways在一些方面

关于way的词组:by the way顺便说一下/lose one‟s way 迷路/on one‟s way to…在某人去……的路上/in the way 挡路/in a way在某种程度上/go the wrong way 走错路

3)look the same 看上去一样。look different 看上去不同look like…看起来像

7.We both have black eyes and black hair,although my hair is shorter than hers..尽管我的头发比她的短,但我们都是黑眼睛,黑头发。


 用在be 动词后,行为动词前。You are both too young./They both speak

English. Both of …..+名词复数(复数谓语)

 both…and…两者都……反义词组:neither…nor…两者都不……

注意:botheitherneither 与 none的辨析是 中考热门考点

2)although 和but 不能同时出现在一个句子里


8.However,we both enjoy going to parties.不过,我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。

1)enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

2)enjoy oneself=have fun=have a good time过得愉快,玩得开心

9.Liu Li has more than one sister.刘丽不止有一个姐姐。

1)more than one+n.“ 不止一个……” 作主语时。谓语用单三

2)more than超过,多余。=over

10.Liu Li and Liu Ying have some things

11..Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘英不如她的妹妹擅长体育。

1)not as…as… 不如……。和……不一样。

注意:中间省略号的部分要+形容词和副词的原级。as tall as

在not as…as… 结构中,第一个as可以换成so 即:not so…as…:不如

2)be good at : “ 擅长……,在……方面成绩好。”+动词ing :

= do well in在……方面做得好。

12..My friend is the same as me.我的朋友和我一样。

the same as… “和……一样”。反义词组:be different from…“ 与。。不同的”

13.No,I am a little taller than her.a little, much a lot a bit ,far,any,no等可以+比较级


14.I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友能使我开心。

牢记:make sb.do sth.使 某人做某事/make+宾语+形容词。

15..We asked some pepple what they think and tiis is what they said.我们询问了一些人在他们所想的,这是他们所说的。

1)what they think 是宾语从句 what所引导的从句表示“所……的”

2)what they said 是表语从句

16.I like to have friends who are like me.我喜欢拥有像我一样的朋友。

1)who are like me 是定语从句。

2)第一个like:动词“ 喜欢”。第二个like:介词“像,跟。。一样”

17..most of…..:大多数

most of +单数名词+单数谓语/ most of+复数名词+复数谓语

18..It‟s not necessary to be the same.完全一样是没有必要的。

It‟s+adj.+to do sth.(It是形式主语,to do sth.是真正主语。

19..He always beats me in tennis.辨析beat/win相同点:都是动词,表示“赢”



21..be good with children 善待孩子们

相关词组:be good with sb.=be good to sb.善待某人。对某人好

be good for sb.对某人有好处/be good at 擅长

22..So do you think should get the job,Ruth or Rose?

本句中who作句子的主语,do you think是插入语。在有此类插入语的情况下,疑问代词,疑问副词位于句首,后面的句子要用陈述语序。

Who do you think is the most outgoing in your class?

23..He can‟t stop talking.牢记:stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情

stop to do sth.停下来去做另外一件事




long—longer—longest,nice—nicer—nicest,big—bigger—biggest。以辅音字母加y为结尾的双音节形容词应将y改为i再加上er或est,如:early—earlier—earliest dirty—dirtier—dirtiest,busy—busier—busiest。多音节的形容词比较级应在前面加上more,最高级应在前面加上most,如:important—more important—most important,difficult—more difficult—most difficult。





The weather in Shanghai is hotter than that in Beijing.上海的天气比北京的天气热.Which subject is more important, English or math?

英语和数学, 哪个学科更重要?

形容词的最高级前应加上定冠词the,句型中应给出比较范围,如:The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流.The third truck carries the most books of all.第三辆卡车在所有的卡车中载书最多.两个人或物比较时,如果只说明两者相同或不同,则可使用as...as...句型,否定句为not as(so)...as...句型,这里形容词仍使用原级,如:

Mr.Green is as old as Mr.Brown.格林先生和布朗先生年龄一样大.Mr.Green is not as(so)old as Mr.Brown.格林先生和布朗先生的年龄不一样大.



Unit1 1.be scared of sb./sth.恐惧某人/某物

2.go up 上升,与rise 同义,与go down 或set 相反 3.make a noise 发出声响,吵闹

4.arrive in 到达,表示到达某一城市、国家等大地方时,用介词in;表示到达某一村庄、车站等小地方时,用介词at ;到达的地方用副词表示时,可不用介词。

5.not„until„直到„„才„„ 6.see„doing„停止做某事

7.go cycling 相当于 go to ride a bike ,意思是去骑车。

8.nit sb.on the head 表示“打某人的头”,表示的“打某人的脸”要用hit sb.in the face。9.turn around 转身 10.fall off 摔下来

11.give sb.a push 推某人一下

12.help sb.do sth.= help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 13.get off 从„„下来,通常指下火车、巴士、轮船、飞机等。14.think about 思考、想起、想到(某人或某事)15.all day 一整天

16.one by one 一个接一个地,类似有year by year 一年又一年;day by day 一天又一天。17.hold on 有两个意思,一个是“(电话)不挂断”;一个是“抓紧”。18.come down 下来 Unit 2 1.grow into 长成„„

2.pass sb.sh.= pass sth.to sb.递给某人某物

3.billions of 数十亿的,hundred, thousand, million , billion等词前面有具体数字时,其本身用单数形式,直接修饰名词;表示一个笼统的概念时,这些词用复数形式,而且常与介词of连用修饰名词。

4.look after = take care of 照顾,照料。5.be full of 满,充满=be filled with 6.be made of/from由„„制成,be made of 表示在制成的过程中,原材料没有发生质的变化;be made from 表示在制成的过程中,原材料发生质的变化。be made by 被(某人)制造;be made in 在(某地)制造

7.carry away 把„„搬(移)走

8.on the tree 在树上,指的是树上本身的东西,即长在树上;in the tree 也表示在树上,但它所指的是外来的东西,不是树本身的东西。

9.make „into 把„„制成„„

10.half of „„中的一半,当它所指代的是不可数名词时,代表单数,如果half of 后边所接的是可数名词的复数,那么它所代表的也是复数概念。

11.look like 看起来像

12.use „ to do sth.用„„来做„„,其中to do sth.表示目的和用途。13.put „ outside /on /into„把„„放在„„的外边/上面/里面 / 4

14.turn into 变成;turn„into„ 把„„变成„„ Unit 3


1.play with与„„一起玩;拿„„来玩 2.slow down 慢下来 3.come from = be from 来自

4.all kinds of 各种各样的; different kinds of 不同种类的; a kind of 一种 5.protect sb./sth.against/ from sth.保护、保卫某人/某事物不受„„的侵害。6.go extinct 灭绝

7.stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事(在主动语态中from可以省略,在被动语态中from不可以省略)

8.make friends with 与„„交朋友 9.take photos of „给某人照相 10.wake up 醒来

11.have a good day 玩的愉快

12.play a joke on „开某人的玩笑,戏弄某人;have a joke with sb.与某人一起以某事取笑;make a joke about/of sb./sth.拿某人(某事)开玩笑

13.stand still 一动不动地站着

14.get out of 除外走动;get out of sth./doing sth.逃避(责任或义务),不做份内的事,(使某人)放弃、停止或戒除(习惯等)

15.be famous / well-known for 以„„著名,以„„闻名; be famous as 著名的„„ 16.get married 结婚


1.through ,across穿过

through 指“从里面(中心)穿过”,其含义与in有关,尤指森林、人群等。across 指“从表面通过”,其含义与on有关 2.nearly , almost 几乎,差不多

almost 表达的程度比nearly更接近一些。nearly不能用于修饰否定词,但可被not修饰。3.above , over 在„„上方

above 是介词,表“在„„上方”,“比„„还高”,与below相反。

over 也有“在„„上方”的意思,但是它着重指正上方,或盖在上面的意思,而above 并不强调在正

Unit 4 1.look into 研究,调查

2.do an experiment 做一个试验

3.fill/cover with用„„把„„装满/盖住;fill in 填上 4.upside down 向下翻转过来 5.right side up 正面朝上 6.turn over 使„„翻转

7.in front of 在„„前面(在范围外);in the front of 在„„前面(在范围内)8.on top of 在顶端 / 4

9.takesth.offsth.使某物离开或脱离(一表面或边缘);take off(指飞机等)起飞,匆忙离去;takesth.off(从身上)除掉、脱下(衣物等)

10.be ready for 准备 11.take away 取走 12.be surprised 使惊奇 13.a spoonful of 一匙 14.dissolve in 溶化,溶解 15.half full of „一半 16.use up 用光,用完

17.enough to do sth.足够„„做某事


1.find , look for , hunt 找 find 强调找的结果,意为“找到” look for 强调动作过程,“寻找”

hunt, hunt for sb.sth.意思寻找,寻找某人某物,与look for 同义。Unit 5 1.go to...on foot=walk to...:步行去...2.Of course.=Sure.=Certainly:当然!3.take a ship:坐轮船

4.a new type of :一种新型的...5.high-speed trains:高速列车 6.in large numbers:大量的

7.had better+动词原形:最好...否定:had better not+动原 8.in a hurry:匆忙

9.make presentation:发言;演讲 10.gluesth onto...:把某物粘到...上

11.at the front of:在...前面(强调平面空间)in the front of强调立体空间。12.get+形容词=be+形容词:变得...13.in the future:在将来

14.send sb from one place to another place:把某人从一个地方送到另一个地方 15.learn about:学习关于...think about:思考;考虑 16.present sth to:向...展示某物

Unit 6 1.connect to:连接到...2.hear from sb:收到某人的来信 3.in small groups:在小群体中 4.in a short time:在短时间内

5.thousands of:数以千计的 hundreds of:数以百计的 6.answer the phone:接电话

7.right now=at once:立刻;马上;现在 8.take a message for sb:给某人留口信 / 4

9.wait a moment:等一下 10.chat on the Internet:网上聊天 11.millions of:成千上万的

12.get/buy sth for sb:为某人买某物 13.fail to do sth:做某事失败

14.feel like doing sth=want to do sth:想要做某事 Unit 7 1.be abroad:在国外 go abroad:出国 2.pen pal:笔友

3.travel around the world:环游世界 4.four main oceans:四大洋 5.give a report:作报告 6.at the end=finally:最后 7.keep doing sth:一直做某事

8.look up:查找八年级英语第八单元知识点归纳 1.pick up:捡起 2.clean up:清理

3.finish doing sth:做完某事 4.throw away:扔掉;乱丢

5.reusable bags:可重复使用的袋子 6.give prizes:颁奖 7.leaking toilet:卫生间渗漏 8.make into:制作成 9.worry about:担心 10.try not to do:试着不要做

11.make the most pollution:造成最大的污染 12.make less pollution:减少污染 13.the next day:第二天 14.take a walk:散步 15.sort into:分类成 16.make out of:用...制造 / 4



Unit 1 What’s the matter?


1.What’ s the matter? 怎么啦?出什么事情了?

【解析】matter/ ' mætə(r))/n.问题;事情

What’ s the matter with you?= What’s the trouble with you? = What’ s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

【注】: matter 和trouble 为名词,其前可加the 或形容词性物主代词,wrong 是adj.不能加the


What’s the matter with sb.? = What’s your trouble? = What’s up? = What happens to sb.?

— What’s the matter with you ? — I have a bad cold.2.I had a cold.我感冒了。have a cold=catch a cold=have the flu感冒

have a fever 发烧 have a cough咳嗽 have a stomachache胃疼,肚子疼 have a toothache牙疼 have a headache头疼


stomach+ache=stomachache head+ache=headache tooth+ache=toothache back+ache=backache后背痛

4.much too+ 形容词,意为 太......,too much+名词,意为 很多,大量。

5.enough【形容、副词】足够的/地,enough放在名前后,形副后。good enough足够好,enough money=much money

6.lie down躺下,lie 躺,躺着,过去式lay;lie说谎,过去式lied

7.maybe “或许”,常用于句首,表示可能性,后加句子。Maybe you are right.may be,是情态动词+be的结构,意为“可能,也许”,后加名词、代词或形容词。He may be angry.sound like+名词代词和从句:It sounds like you don’t know the truth.It sounds like a good idea.sound+形容词,“听起来,好像”,The music sounds nice.9.need 需要,实义动词need+名词,需要某物;

need to do sth.需要做某事,主语通常是人,表示人主动的动作:You need to listen carefully during class.need doing sth.主语通常是物,表示被动的动作:Your dirty clothes need washing.10.get off(the bus)下(公交车)get on 上车

11.agree 同意,赞同;

agree with sth.同意某事 如:I agree with that idea.agree to sb.同意某人的意见 如:I agree to LiLei.12.trouble问题,麻烦;be in trouble遇到麻烦,make trouble 制造麻烦,have trouble(in)doing sth.=have difficulties(in)doing sth做......有麻烦。

13.right away=right now=at once,意为 马上。

14.advice [不可数名词]劝告,建议,向…征求意见,give sb.advice on sth.就某事给某人建议;advise [动词] advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事

advise sb.doing sth.【复习】exercise 练习、锻炼

当exercise意为“练习”时,为可数名词 即可加s

当exercise意为“锻炼”时,为不可数名词 即不加s

16.hurt 及物动词,使……疼痛,……受伤,He hurt his leg while exercising.不及物动词,……(部位)疼。His leg hurt badly.clean 【动词】打扫,clean the classroom打扫教室,【形容词】 干净的,cleaner意为 清洁工。

18.hit(用手或器具)打;击打 The boy hit the dog with a stone.hit sb.on the head/ nose/ back打某人的头、鼻子、后背,on用在所打较硬的部位;

hit sb.in the face/ eye/ stomach 打某人的脸、眼睛、肚子,in用在所打较软的部位。

be used to sth./ doing sth.习惯于、适应了……、做某事,强调状态;His grandpa was used to country life.Mary is not used to getting up early in the morning.get/ become used to sth./ doing sth.“变得习惯,逐渐适应……”强调过程、动作:

It’s difficult for one to get used to another country’s habit.20.【复习】free [形容词]空闲的free time;免费的the drink is for free;自由的I want to become a free bird.free【动词】使……解脱,得到自由:He could not free his arm.run out用完,用尽 When his water run out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life.物sth.run out.某物用尽了。

人sb.run out of sth.人用尽了某物。He run out of all his money last night.22.risk(sb.)to do sth.冒险去做某事 take a risk=take risks 冒险

23.the importance of(doing)sth.(做)某事的重要性

We students should know the importance of(learning)English.importance n.重要(性),important adj.重要的,unimportant adj.不重要的 decision 【名词】决定;抉择;make a decision 做决定;

make a decision to do sth.= decide to do sth.。

25.be in the control of …掌管,管理 The headmaster is in the control of this new school.be out of control无法控制,无法管理 be under control被控制住,在控制之中

26.【复习】mind意为 介意,mind doing sth.介意做某事 ,Would you mind my opening the window?

27.give up(doing)sth.放弃(做)某事,give up(playing)computer games;

give up后可接名词、代词和动词ing形式,也可不接,如: Never give up easily.二、重点语法


数 人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称

单数 myself yourself himself herself itself

复数 ourselves yourselves themselves



如:Maria bought herself a scarf.We must look after ourselves very well.2.可用作表语,指的是表语和主语表示同一个或同一些人或事物。如: She isn’t quite herself today.3.可用作主语或宾语的同位语,常用来加强语气。

如:She herself will fly to London tomorrow.I met the writer himself last week.4.用在某些固定短语当中。

look after oneself / take care of oneself 照顾自己 teach oneself sth./ learn sth.by oneself自学

enjoy oneself 玩得高兴,过得愉快

help oneself to sth 请自用……(随便吃/喝些……).hurt oneself摔伤自己

say to oneself自言自语

leave sb.by oneself把某人单独留下

buy oneself sth.给自己买……东西

introduce oneself 介绍……自己



(误)Myself can finish my homework.(正)I myself can finish my homework./ I can finish my homework myself.2.反身代词表示“某人自己”不能表示“某人的东西”,因为它没有所有格的形式。表达“某人自己的(东西)”时,须要用one’s own.如:我用我自己的蜡笔画画。(误)I’m drawing with myself crayons.(正)I’m drawing with my own crayons.Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks


1.sick 生病的,有病的;可在句中作表语Mary could not come because she is sick.也可作定语a sick child

【区别ill】ill与sick同义;但是只在句中做表语,不做定语。Mary could not come because she is ill.2.cheer(sb.)up(让某人)变得高兴;振奋起来The good news cheered up everyone in our class.3.give out分发;散发,相当于hand out,The teacher is giving out/ handing out the test papers.give sth.out to sb.意为 把某物分发给某人。

4.volunteer 【名词】志愿者 【动词】义务做,自愿做(某事)volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事,The girls could volunteer in an after-school study program.5.used to do sth.过去/曾经(常)做某事,表示过去的习惯、动作或状态,并强调现在已经不再存在或发生。

There used to be a cinema here.这里曾有一个照相机。

They told me stories about the past and how things used to be.他们告诉我关于这里过去的故事。

6.alone 【形容词】独自一人的,无感情色彩:The musician enjoyed living alone and writing songs himself.lonely(感到)孤独寂寞的,带有很强的感情色彩,可做表语或定语。The lonely boy is not lonely now.7.care for sb./sth.照顾;照料……

care 【名词】小心,关心take care of=look after →【动词】care about sb./sth.关心,在意某人/事

→【形容词】careful 仔细的 / careless 粗心的 →【副词】carefully 仔细地

8.such “这样的,这种,如此”,用于修饰名词

such+ a/ an+形容词+单数名词:such a good day 多么美好的一天 /such an exciting match 多么 精彩的比赛

such+形容词+复数名词/不可数名词:such important decisions 多么重要的建议 such delicious food 多么美味的食物

如果名词前被many, much, few, little修饰时,只能用so,而不用such:so many sick children/ so little time

9.try out for…参加…选拔,争取成为…Thirty football players tried out for the Best Player of the year.try out试用,试验

10.journey 【名词】(尤指长途)旅行,行程;trip【名词】多指短途旅行;

travel【名词、动词】travel around the world →【名词】traveler旅行者

11.【复习】be busy with sth.忙于(做)什么事情 be busy doing sth.忙于(做)什么事情

12.【复习】try doing sth.试着去做某事 try to do sth.尽力去做某事 try one’s best(to do sth.)尽某人最大的努力去做某事

13.【复习】be worried about sb./ sth.= worry about sb./ sth.担心某人、某事

14.raise money集资,筹钱;raise money for…为……筹钱




make it possible(for sb.)to do sth.使(某人)做某事成为可能,You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.make it +形容词(+for sb.)to do sth.使(某人)做某事成为…;

think/find it +形容词to do sth.18.make a difference to…对……有影响;对……有作用,difference前可以用no, any, some, much等修饰,如

The rain made no difference to the game.Hard-working makes much difference to study.19.difficulty【可数/不可数】表示抽象意义的“困难”时为不可数;表示具体的“难题、难事”时为可数;

have difficulty(in)doing sth.= have trouble(in)doing sth.做某事有困难

20.train【动词】训练,trained为过去分词,可做定语,意为“受过训练的”a trained dog

21.be excited about sth.对某事感到兴奋,Everyone is excited about the good news.【复习】excited意为 兴奋的,修饰人;exciting意为 令人兴奋/激动的,修饰物。

22.order【名词】命令,指示;顺序,次序【动词】订购;点(菜)follow the order。

23.change【动词】变化,改变It’s hard for a person to change his life(style).【名词】变化;零钱

change A for B用A换成B:When you travel in China, remember to change US dollars for RMB.repair 【动词】修理,修补;fix【动词】安装;使固定 【fix up修理=repair】

Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

Peter ,could you please take out the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗?

Could you please do sth ?请你(做)......好吗? 用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,说话的语气比较客气委婉。

Could 不是can的过去式,是委婉、礼貌的说法。回答用can.【常用答语】肯定回答:Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./No problem.否定回答: Sorry , I can’t2、take out 取出(v+ adv)

【注】: 跟代词做宾语,代词放中间;跟名词做宾语,可放在中间,也可放在后边

His teeth hurt badly.The dentist take them out.【短语】take out the trash 倒垃圾 take a walk 散步 take away 拿走,取走

take back 收回 take place 发生 take off 脱下;起飞

3.Can you do the dishes.?那你可以洗盘子吗?

do the dishes 洗碗

【结构1】do the +名词: do the dishes/ laundry 洗餐具/衣服

【结构2】do the +动词-ing do the cleaning 打扫卫生

【结构3】do one’s + 名词 do one’s housework/ homework 做家务/家庭作业

【结构4】do some +动词-ing do some reading/ shopping 读写书/购物

Could I at least finish watching this show? 至少让我看完这个节目可以吗?

1】Could I do a sth? 我可以做......吗?

用于表达请求,语气比较委婉。Could I go out with my classmate this weekend?

2】at least 至少,多指数量或程度上的最低限度。(反)at most 至少,不超过

Now all of us exercise at least an hour a day and outside school.3】finish v 结束;完成 finish doing sth 做完某事

— Can you finish __reading__ these books before 10 o'clock? — Yes, I can.5、I think two hours of TV is enough for you!我觉得你看两个小时的电视已经足够了。

1】two hours of TV 表示时间、距离、金额、度量等词语作主语时,通常被视作整体,谓语动词用单数形式。

How time is flies!Three years __is_____(be)really a short time.足够的,充分的(在句中作定语或表语)

【解析2】enough I don’t have enough money with me.足够;充分(放在形容词;副词后)The river is deep enough for swimming.【记】 Mr.Smith has enough money ,but he isn’t kind enough to help others.【注意】enough 修饰名词时,置于名词前;修饰形容词时,置于形容词之后。

6、Could you take out the rubbish,fold the clothes and do the dishes?


【解析】take out 拿出;取出

take 的用法:

Please take some books to the classroom.Take this medicine three times a day.take

They usually take the bus to work.It takes me two hours to do my homework every day.【拓展】take 构成的短语:

take a walk 去散步 take a rest 休息 take care of 照顾 take off 脱下;起飞 take up 占据 take down 拿下 take one’s time 不急;慢慢来 take one’s temperature 量体温

7.The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over.我刚坐在电视机前面,我妈妈就过来了。

【解析1】the minute = as soon as “一......就......” Please write to me the minute you get there.【解析2】 in front of


There is a bike in front of the classroom.【辨析】


Our teacher is standing in the front of the classroom

【记】 The driver sat _____in the front of___________ the car.The policeman stood ___in front of________ the car.【注意】有the无the区别大:

at table 吃饭;进餐 in hospital 住院

at the tabel 在桌边 in the hospital 在医院(不一定看病)

【解析3】come over 过来

【拓展】 come 短语:

come across(偶然)发现 come back 回来 come up with想出

come true实现 come down下来 come from=be from来自,出生于

come in/into进入,进来 come on赶快,加油 come along走吧,过来,快点

come and go来来去去 come up上来 come out出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来

7.You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house!你总是看电视,从不帮忙做家务!

all the time = always 一直;总是

8.I’m just as tired as you are!我和你一样累!【解析】as...as...和......一样......9.For one week , she did not do any housework and neither did I.一周的时间,她不做任何家务,我也不做。

【解析】neither +助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语 “某人(主语)也不”

⑴ neither两者都不

neither …nor… 既不…也不…,连接两个词做主语,谓语动词由后一个主语确定Neither Tom nor Jim is a student

⑵ 表达“…也不……” 则用 “Neither /Nor + be / V助 / V情 + 主”

—The first one wasn’t bad.— Neither was the second.10.The next day , my mom came home from work to find the house clean and tidy.第二天,妈妈下班回到家后发现房间很干净、整洁。

【解析】find +宾语+宾语补足语

【注】find → found →found v寻找

(1)find sb.doing sth 发现某人做某事

(2)find it + adj.+ to do sth 发现做某事很……

◆find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难 She found _it__ hard to finish the work by herself.11.She asked in surprise.她吃惊地问道。

【解析】in surprise 惊奇地;吃惊地

surprise v 使吃惊→surprising adj.令人吃惊的 →surprised adj.吃惊的

to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是 in surprise 吃惊地 be surprised at 对……感到吃惊

To my surprise_(使我吃惊的是),he got the first prize in the exam.12.“ I’m do sorry, Mom.I finish understand that we need to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home.” I replied.“对不起,妈妈。我终于理解为了拥有一个干净、舒适的家我们需要共同来分担家务。” 我回答说。

【解析1】need v 需要


(1)人做主语,sb.need to do sth 某人需要做某事

(2)物做主语,sth need doing sth= sth need to be done

①Students need ___to have_______(have)a good rest in studying.②The watch needs__mending___(mend).用于否定句或疑问句,是情态动词

(1)needn’t = don’t have to 没有必要

(2)need ,must 引导的一般疑问句,肯定会的用must,否定回答用needn’t

— Must I go there now? — Yes,you must/No, you needn’t

【解析2】share 分享;共用 share sth 分享或共用某物 share sth with sb.与某人分享某物

(All his friends __Shared___ his happiness when he won the match.13.Could I hang out with my friends after the movie? 看完电影后我能和朋友们一起闲逛吗?

【解析】hang out 闲逛 hang up 把......悬挂/挂起

14.Could you please pass me the salt?你能把盐递给我吗?

【解析】pass ⑴v 给;递;走过;通过 pass sb.sth 把某物递给某 Pass on 传递

Please pass the paper on to the other students.⑵ v 通过;路过 I pass your home.⑶ v 通过(考试);及格 Tom can pass his math exam.15.Could I borrow that book?我能借下你那本书看吗、Could you lend me some money?你能借我一些钱吗?

【解析】borrow /lend/keep

(1)borrow 借入 ,与from 连用,尤指主语“【借进来”】

borrow sth from sb.从某人那里借某物 You can borrow the book from the library.(2)lend 借出 ,与to 搭配 【指借出去】

lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人He doesn’t want to lend his book to others.(3)keep 保留,保存(延续动词,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用)【指借一段时间】

【记】 I want to __borrow__ a bike from my friend but he didn’t _lend___ it to me,because Tom had _kept____ it for two days.16.I cut my finger and I’m trying not to get it wet.我的手指割伤了,伤口不能弄湿。

【解析】try(not)to do sth努力(不)做某事。

try v 试图,设法,努力

【拓展】(1)try on 试穿

(2)try to do sth 努力做某事 【侧重尽力做】

(3)try doing sth 试图做某事 【侧重尝试做】

(4)try one’s best to do sth= do one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事

17.I hate to do chores.我讨厌做家务。

hate to do sth 讨厌做某事, 表示某次具体行为或动作。I hate to trouble him.hate doing sth不愿意做某事 表示经常或习惯性行为或动作。She hates smoking in her room.18.Could I ask you to help me with some chores then?


【解析】ask sb.to do sth 要求某人做某事。

ask for 请求,要某物

ask sb.about sth 向某人询问关于某事

(1)ask sb.for help 向某人请求帮助

(2)ask sb.(not)to do sth请求某人做某事


短语 含义

ask sb.to do sth 请某人做某事

ask sb.not to do sth 不让某人做某事

ask sb for sth 向某人要某物

ask for help 寻求帮助

19.I’ll finish my homework while you help me with the dishes.当你帮我洗盘子的时候,我将完成我的家庭作业。

【解析1】finish doing sth 完成某事

— Can you finish _reading__ these books before 10 o’clock? — Yes, I can.【解析2】while conj.“在……期间;当……的时候”

While 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词只能是延续动词。

_While __ the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons on the beach.【解析3】help sb.with sth.在某事上帮助某人。

【注】help v 帮助 → helpful adj.有帮助的

(1)help sb.do sth.=help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事

(2)with the help of sb.=with one’s help在某人的帮助之下

(3)without the help of 没有在…的帮助之下

①I think reading is very __helpful____(help).② __Without____ your help, we couldn’t catch the thief.20.Could I invite my friends to a party? 我能邀请我的朋友们来聚会吗?

【解析】invite sb.to Sp.邀请某人去某地

【解析】invite v → invitation n邀请

(1)invite sb.to do sth 邀请某人做某事

(2)invite sb.to +地点 邀请某人去某地

21.I don’t understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home.我不理解为什么有些父母在家让孩子们帮忙做家务和杂务。

【解析】make sb.do sth 让某人做某事

make → made →made v.做,制作,使得

(1)make sb/sth + 形容词 “让某人或某物…” make you happy

(2)make sb/sth do sth 使某人做某事 make me laugh.Colors can change our moods and make us _feel__ happy or sad, energetic or sleep.22.They don’t have time to study and do housework,too.他们也没有时间来学习家务和做家务。

【解析】have time to do sth.有时间做某事

have time =be free 有空

23.Housework is a waste of their time.做家务是在浪费他们的时间。

【解析】a waste of 浪费 a waste of time 浪费时间 a waste of money 浪费金钱

waste v “浪费”

waste time/money on sth waste time / money(in)doing sth 在做某事上花费时间/金钱

Don’t ____waste______water.Can’t you see the sign “save water”?

24.They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and

get into a good university.为了取得好成绩并考上一所好大学,他们应该把时间用在学习上。

【解析1】spend...on sth 在某事上花费......spend/pay/cost/take 花费

(1)spend→spent→spent v 花费,主语是人

◆ sb.+ spend +时间/钱+on sth ◆sb.+spend +时间/钱+(in)doing sth

◆spend on= pay for 支付

He spends too much time on the computer games.Remember to spend some time _with_ your loved ones, because they’re not going to be around forever.My father __spent___ one hundred thousand yuan on his new car.(2)pay →paid →paid v 支付,主语是人

◆sb.+ pay + 钱+for sth I pay 10 yuan for the book.— How much did you __pay__ for this computer? — Five hundred dollars.(3)cost→ cost→ cost v 花费,主语是某物或某事

◆sth cost sb.+钱 某物花费某人多少钱

A new computer costs me a lot of money.I bought a new sweater last weekend.It ___cost_ me 120 yuan.(4)take→took → taken v 花费

◆It takes /took sb.some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间

It takes him 3 hours to do his homework.【解析2】in order to “目的是;为了” 后接动词原形。in order to do sth 为了做某事

He ran quickly in order not __to be___ late for the meeting.【解析3】get into =enter 进入


get up 起床 get back 返回 get over 克服

get dressed穿衣 get into进入 get/be lost丢失 get off/on下/上车

get on well with sb.与某人相处得好 get out of从…出来 get warm 变暧

get ready for +n.为…做准备 get ready to do sth.准备做某事

get well康复 get a chance 有机会、得到机会

get/go to sleep(fall asleep)入睡 相关:(be asleep睡着)

25.Also,when they get older, they will have to do housrwork so there’s no need for them to do it now.而且,当他们长大的时候,他们也将会做家务,因此,他们没必要现在在做。

【解析】get older 长大

get/ become/ go辨析:

⑴ get+adj较多地与形容词比较级连用。The days are getting longer and longer.⑵ become 强调变化的结果 It's becoming colder and colder.⑶go+adj.''表示令人不快的事情 go bad变坏,go blind变瞎,go hungry挨饿

26.It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.在家为孩子们提供一个干净、舒适的环境是父母的义务。

【解析】provide sth.for sb.为某人提供某物

provide v 提供

provide sb.with sth.(sb 前介词用for)=provide sth for sb.(sth 前需加介词with)供应某人某物

相当于:offer sb.sth.= offer sth to sb.provide 为应急等做好准备而“提供;供给” provide sb.with sth.=provide sth for sb.提供某人某物

offer 侧重表示“愿意给予” offer sb.sth.= offer sth to sb.对某人提供某物 offer to do sth 主动提出干某事

supply 定期“供应” , 强调替代或补充所需物品 Supply sb.with sth=supply sth.to sb.为某人提供某物

①The Internet provides us _with__a lot of _information___we need.② —Could you please provide us _with___ some information about the students’ health? — Of course, it’s my pleasure.27.And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult.无论如何,我认为做家务并不那么难。

【解析】anyway 无论如何,(一般放在句首,用逗号和句子隔开)

28.I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework.我认为对孩子们来说,学习如何做杂务并帮助他们的父母做家务是很重要的。

【解析】It is important for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是重要的

29.Children these days depend on their parents too much.现在的孩子太依赖他们的父母。

【解析】depend on 依靠;信赖

—— Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? —— Well, it all ___depends on____ the weather.30....Everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.每个人都有责任保持家里的干净和整洁。

【解析1】 do one’s part 尽职责;尽本分 Do one’s part in doing sth 在做某事上尽职责

【解析2】keep +sth /sb.+adj.“使......处于某种状态”

Her mother asked her to keep the windows __open__ and the door __closed__.keep 系动词 “保持” keep + adj.We must keep healthy.实义动词 “保持;继续”

(1)keep(on)doing sth 继续做某事 He was in great pain but he kept on working

He kept on __ talking__ after the ball rang for class.(2)keep sb.Doing sth 让某人一直做某事 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.My teacher kept me __doing___ homework all the afternoon.31.Doing chores helps to develop children’s independence and teaches them how to look after themselves.做杂务不仅可以培养孩子们的独立性还可以教 他们如何照顾自己。

【解析】develop independence 培养独立意识

develop v→development n 发展→developing adj.发展的→developed adj.发达的 a developing country 一个发展中国家a developed country 一个发达国家 China is a __developing___country.32.Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.既然他们和父母同住在一个房子里,他们应该知道保持家里干净、整洁每个人都应该参与。

【解析】since conj.既然(表示对方已知的事实或理由,常放在句首)

.—You have been in Neijiang very long? —Yeah.__Since___my parents came here.33.Our neighbor’s son got into a good college but during his first year, he had n idea how to take care of himself.我们邻居的儿子上一所好大学,但是在第一年的时候,他还不知道如何照顾自己。

take care of 照顾Thanks for your invitation, but I’m so sorry I can’t go.I need to ___take care of___ my baby at home.【拓展】与take相关的短语:

take photos/pictures 照像 take away拿走 take out取出(work out算出)take care当心 take a walk散步

take medicine服药 take place发生take one’s temperature量体温 take one’s time别着急

34.As a result , he often fell ill and his grades dropped.结果,他常常生病,功课也落下了。

【解析1】as a result 结果(插入语,放在句首,用逗号隔开)

Don’t ask him too late into the night, __As a result___ , he is only a small child.【解析2】fall ill 生病 fall asleep 入睡

35.The earlier kids learn to be independent , the better it is for their future.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来越好。

【解析】the + 比较级,the + 比较级 “越......越......”

The more you smile, the ___ happier____ you will feel.


Unit 3.Could you please clean your room?


1、take out 带出去;取出;拔出;除掉 动副词组


2、come over 固定短语

过来,顺便来访,拜访。后面加介词to,后接表示地点的名词作宾语。拓展:take out of 把---从---取出/带出

3、hang →hung→hung

hang out 闲逛;溜达。

4、throw down扔下;随手丢下

其中throw可用作及物或不及物动词,意为扔,掷→threw→thrown 拓展:throw at向----扔去(带有攻击性)throw to 扔给---(不含恶意)throw away扔掉 SectionB

1、take care of 照顾;照料。相当于 look after后可接名词、(反身)代词作宾语。Take good care of相当于look after well


1、finish 及物动词 完成后跟名词、代词或动词ing形式作宾语。拓展:与finish一样用法的动词或动词短语有:enjoy/look forward to/mind/have fun/practice/be busy/consider/feel like/give up


给;递; pass sb sth =pass sth to sb把某物递给某人。



3、borrow sth from sb向某人借某物。


Lend(lent;lent)sb sth=lend sth to sb借给某人某物。非延续性动词

Keep 由“保存”引申为“借”,延续性动词,可与时间段连用。四川-----Excuse me,can I_____your pen?-----sorry,I have_____it to Bob.A.borrow;lend B.borrow;borrowed C.lend;borrowed D.lend;lent



Hate sb/sth不喜欢某人或某物

Hate to do/doing sth 厌恶做某事(某一次或经常性的)相当于like的用法。




名词invitation 邀请;请帖。

Invite sb to +地点名词。邀请某人到某地。

Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事。

2、make sb do sth 让某人做某事。





含义 Spend(spent)

sb spend time/money on sth

Sb spend time/money doing sth Pay(paid)

sb pay money for sth Cost(cost)

sth cost sb some money Take(took)

it作形式主语 it takes sb some time to do sth 四川:-----I_________a lot of time palying computer games everyday.----oh,boy.it’s bad for your eyes.A.spend B.takes C.pay

4、provide sth for sb =provide sb with sth给某人提供某物

Offer sb sth =offer sth to sb主动给某人提供某物

Offer to do sth 主动提出做某事。

5、depend on依靠;依赖 independent独立的 independence独立性



Developed/developing 前者是发达的后者是发展中的。

7、Have no idea 相当于don't know



She was scared and dropped the cup.她吓坏了,丢落了茶杯。

The glass dropped from her hand.玻璃从她的手中掉了下来。


The price of the rice has dropped.大米的价格已经降下来了。

Don't drop math.别放弃数学。


A drop of rain fell on my face.一滴雨落在我的脸上。


There was a sudden drop in the temperature yesterday.昨天气温大幅下降。

拓展:drop behind 落后 drop in/by偶然拜访

eye drops 眼药水 a drop in the ocean沧海一粟

Drop out of school辍学


1、rubbish 不可数名词



杂乱;不整洁。常用短语:in a mess 乱七八糟





不可数名词 SectionB


Under the stress of 在---压力之下。

2、waste 名词


a waste of time 浪费时间










1、anyway 副词


The coat is too expensive and anyway I don’t like the color.还可意为“不管怎样,无论如何,即使这样。

Anyway ,it’s worth trying.The water was cold but he took a shower anyway.六、介词短语

1、in front of在---面前;是指在一定范围外。

in the front of 在----前部,是指在一定范围内。广东中考----why are you standing,Alice?-----I can’t see the blackboard clearly.two tall boys are sitting_________me.A.behind B.next to C.between D.in front of

2、in surprise 惊讶地;惊奇地,常用作状语。

拓展:to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊的是,常放在句首,作状语。


1、in order to目的是;为了 后接动词原形,引导目的状语。位置可放在句首,也可放在句中。否定为:in order not to do.In order that 后面接从句,表示目的,从句中常含有情态动词。广东:in order _______for the meeting,my sister forced herself to get up early this morning.A.not to be late B.not being late C.to be late D.being late

3、as a result 结果;因此

拓展:as a result of 由于----;作为------的结果。


1、the minute意为“一----就----”引导时间状语从句,其后省略了引导词that相当于the moment或as soon as(通常情况下主从句时态要一致。但若主句用一般将来时,从句则要用一般现在时表将来。)哈尔滨:boys and girls,calm down and focus on the test paper____you begin to think about the answers.Be confident.you can do it.A.as if B.as soon as C.although

2、when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间; while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。

②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。

③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导,如: a.When the teacher came in, we were talking.当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为:

While we were talking, the teacher came in.b.They were singing while we were dancing.SectionB

1、since 由于;因为;既然,引导原因状语从句,通常放在句首。




否定形式:not as/so---as---,不如----












福建----last night I didn't watch the TV show。A Bite of China 2

-----_______did I.I was preparing for today’s test then.A.So B.Either C.Neither SectionB

1、do one’s part in(doing)sth 尽某人的职责做某事。




表示越来越------贵州:__________children there are in a family,________their life will be.A.the less;the better B.The fewer;the better C.Fewer;richer D.More;poorer

九、语法专项 1.can 的用法:

(1).表示能力、许可、可能性。表示能力时一般译为“能、会”,即有种能力,尤其是生来具备的能力,此时may 和must 均不可代替它。如:She can swim fast, but I can’t.她能游得很快,但我不能。I can see with my eyes.我用眼睛看。

(2).表示许可,常在口语中。如:You can use my dictionary.你可以用我的字典。

(3).表示推测,意为“可能”,常用于否定句和疑问句中,此时can’t 译为“ 不可能”。—Can it be our teacher?那个人有可能是我们老师吗?—No, it can’t be our teacher.He is on a visit to the Great Wall.不可能。咱们老师正在游览长城呢。2.could的用法:

(1).can的过去式,意为“ 能、会”,表示过去的能力。如:He could write poems when he was 10.他十岁时就会写诗。

(2).could在疑问句中,表示委婉的语气,此时 could 没有过去式的意思。如:Could you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?—Could I use your pen? 我能用一下你的钢笔吗? —Yes, you can.可以。(注意回答)

—________ you pass me a pen? I’d like to write down the phone number.—Sure.Here it is.A.Can B.Need C.Might D.Must The man in the office___be Mr.Black, because he went home just now.A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t —___ I take the newspaper away? —No, you mustn't.You____read it only here.A.Must;can B.May;can C.Need;must D.Must;must



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