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Unit 7 Topic1

1.Happy Birthday!生日快乐!2.take photos拍照 3.work out作出,解决

4.how about/what about如何,怎样 5.fly kites放风筝 6.row a boat划船

7.perform ballet ]表演芭蕾舞 8.dance the disco跳迪斯科 9.make model planes做飞机模型 10.draw pictures画画 11.show sb.sth.给某人看某物 12.two years ago两年前 13.be in hospital(生病)住院

二、句型: 1.What are you going to perform at Kangkang’s birthday party?你打算在康康的生日晚会上表演什么?

“be going to+动词原形”的句型常用来表示打算、准备做某事或即将发生或肯定要发生某事,be是助动词,有人称和数的变化,如: He is going to have a swim this afternoon.2.What about /How about +名词、代词或动名词,意为“……怎么样?”常用来表示对……的看法,或表示建议、询问的方式,如:

How/What about sitting here to look at the moon?坐在这儿赏月怎么样? 3.I only can sing English songs.我只会唱英文歌曲。(情态动词can的用法)

They couldn’t sing any English songs two years ago.两年前他们不会唱英文歌曲。一段时间+ago:表示在……时间以前,如:three months ago三个月以前

4.What will you buy for Kangkang as a birthday present?你要给康康买什么礼物? “will+动词原形”表将来。5.I can play the guitar.三、定冠词the 的用法

1)定冠词特指某(些)人或某(些)事物, 以区别于同类中其他的人或事物。

The bag in the desk is mine.桌子里的书包是我的。

Is this the book you are looking for?


Do you know the man in back? 你知道穿黑色衣服的人是谁吗?

It is not the car we are looking for.这不是我们要找的车。

The man has found his child.那个人找到了他的孩子。


I bought a book from Xinhua book-shop.The book costs 15 yuan.我从新华书店买了一本书.这本书值十五元。

I saw a film yesterday.The film was ended at eight o'clock.我昨天看了一场电影。电影八点钟结束的。

Lucy bought a radio yesterday, but she found something was wrong with the radio.露西昨天买了一台收音机,但是她发现收音机有问题。


the sun the moon the earth the sky the world the sea

The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。

I can see a bird in the sky.我能看到天空中有一只小鸟。

I like to have a walk with the bright moon light in the evening.我愿晚上在明亮的月光下散步。


The dog is not too danger.狗不太危险。

The cat is an animal.猫是一种动物。

The umbrella in the shop is very cheap in this season.这个季节商店里的雨伞很便宜。

5)定冠词与某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化, 表示某一类人。

the poor, the rich, the wounded, the sick, the deaf.The wounded were brought to the hospital.受伤者被送到了医院。

He always helps the poor.他经常帮助穷人。

The deaf can go to this special school.耳聋者可以进这所特殊学校上学。

6)用在序数词, 形容词最高级和表示方位的名词前。

This is the biggest city in China I have ever visited.这是我在中国参观的最大的城市。

I saw a plane coming from the east.我看见一架飞机从东方飞来。

He is the last one to help me.他不会来帮助我的。


The little girl likes to play the violin.小女孩喜欢拉小提琴。

They are going to the cinema tonight.他们今晚要去影院看电影。

The theater was on fire last week.剧院昨天着火了。


I am reading the China Daily now.我现在正读中国日报。

Have you got the Evening Paper yet? 你拿到晚报了吗?

The Times is a foreign newspaper.泰晤士报是一家外国报纸。

The Peking Review is on the desk.北京周报在桌子上放着。


We live near the Yellow River.我们住在黄河边上。

The Changjiang River is the biggest one in China.长江是中国最大的河。

The Himalayas is located in Tibet.喜马拉雅山位于西藏。


The Greens is very kind to us.格林一家人待我们很好。

The Whites like the classic music.怀特一家喜欢古典音乐。



China is a largest country in the world.中国是世界上最大的国家。

I think water is a kind of food, too.我认为水也是一种食物。

Cotton feels soft.棉花摸起来柔软。

2)表示日常餐食名词之前不用冠词,但如果指具体的饮食时用定冠词 the。

It's time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。

What do you have for lunch?


The dinner I had at that restaurant was expensive.我在那家饭店吃的饭很贵。


Summer is hot and winter is cold here.这儿夏天热冬天冷。

New Year's Day is coming.新年就要到啦。

Today is the first day of May.今天是五月的第一天。

We are going to play basketball this afternoon.今天下午我们要去打篮球。

We don't like bridge very much.我们不太喜欢桥牌。


Can you speak English?


It's difficult to learn Chinese well.要学好中文很难。

Tom knows English but he doesn't know French.汤姆懂英语但不懂法语。


by air, on foot, at night, after school, at home, go to class, in fact, from morning till night.I'm going to Chicago by air next week.下周我要乘飞机去芝加哥。

In fact, I don't know him at all.实际上,我一点也不认识他。

He is at home today.他今天在家。

I go to school on foot.我步行去学校上学。


一、词汇: 1.first of all首先

2.have a birthday party举行生日晚会(聚会)3.have a special dinner吃一顿特殊的晚餐 4.forget to do sth.忘记去做某事 5.That’s a good idea!真是好主意!6.make a cake做蛋糕 7.be born出生

8.the shape of ……的形状 9.I’m afraid…我恐怕,我担心……

二、句型: 1.When is your birthday, Kangkang?康康,你的生日是什么时候? May the eighteenth.五月十八日。

①“when”可以就年、月、日和钟点进行提问,而“what time”只能就钟点进行提问。②英语中日期有几种表示方法:

a.把月份写在日期前面,这通常是美国写法。如:March 21st,2001

读作March the twenty-first, two thousand and one(2001年3月21日)b.先写日子,再写月份和年,这通常是英国写法。如::21st March,2001读作the twenty-first of March, two thousand and one 2.---I beg it’s going to be fun.我敢断定肯定有趣。---You bet.当然了。3.What day is it today? It’s Friday.询问星期用What day…? 回答用It……如:

What day is it today? It’s Wednesday.或Today is Wednesday.4.What’s the date today? It’s May 21st,2004.询问日期用What’s the date…?如:What’s the date the day afternoon?

5.Tomorrow is your mom’s birthday.名词所有格表示名词之间的所属关系。一般有两种表示方式,一种是在名词后加 's 构成,一种是用 of 所有格。

(1)表示有生命的人或物的名词,在词尾加 's 来表示从属关系,如:

Mary’s school bag

my sister’s cat

(2)以 s 结尾的名词,表示所有格只在后面加’, 如:

the boys’ game

the teachers’ chairs

(3)由 and 连接两个或两个以上的单数名词,表示共有关系,这时只在最后一个名词后加 's,如: Tom and Mike’s sister Jack and John’s room Tom’s and Jack’s fathers

(4)无生命东西的名词,一般都与 of 构成短语,表示所属关系,如:

a map of China

a picture of my school 6.How shall we celebrate it?我们要怎样庆祝呢?

Shall we have a special dinner?我们吃一顿特别的晚餐怎么样?

“Shall I…/Shall we…”用于示表示建议或征求意见,也可用“疑问词+shall +I / we…”如:Shall we go swimming this afternoon?今天下午我们去游泳好吗? What time shall we start?我们该什么时候出发?

7.Don’t forget to buy a birthday cake.别忘了买生日蛋糕。



I forget his name.我忘了他的名字。

Don’t forget me.别忘了我。


Please don’t forget to close the door when you leave.你离开时请别忘了关门。(3)接动词ing形式,意为“忘记做过某事”,如: I forget meeting you in Beijing.我忘了在北京见到过你。

8.Kangkang is going to be thirteen on May the eighteenth.介词on ,in和at放在时间前的用法:


on August 18th,1980 在1980年8月18日

on Sunday 在星期天

on Saturday evening在星期六的晚上

on a cold day 在一个寒冷的日子

on Children’s Day在儿童节(2)in表示在一段时间,多放在年、月、季节等时间前,如:

in summer在夏天

in July在七月

in the morning在早上(3)at用在某一时刻、年纪、夜晚、中午等时间前,如:

at 8 o’clock在八点

at night在夜晚

at noon在中午

at the age of ten 在十岁时

9.When were you born?你什么时候出生?

I was born in June ,1970.我生于1970年6月。

10.Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t.I’m afraid往往相当于I’m sorry, but…可用来引出带有歉意的句子,表求一种担忧,语气较缓和,如:I’m afraid I can’t come.(=I’m sorry, but I can’t come.)



1)序数词1━19 除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九, 第十二变化不规则外, 其余均由在 基数词后加上-th。

2)十位整数的序数词的构成方法是, 是将十位整数基数词的词尾-y 变成 i 再加-eth。

3)几十几的序数词,只是把个位数变成序数词, 十位数不变。序数词的用法: 序数词主

要用作定语,表语。前面要加定冠词 the。

Topic3 词汇:

1.lots of=a lot of 许多 2.tell a lie撒谎

3.in fact事实上,实际上

4.fall down跌倒 5.be funny有趣

6.have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快 7.blow out 吹灭

8.not…at all一点也不,根本不 9.not …till/until直到……才 10.hurt oneself受伤 11.as well也 12.magic tricks魔术

13.rock songs摇滚歌曲 14.cross-talk相声

一、句型: 1.He performed magic tricks.一般过去时的句子构成.(1)My mother didn’t go to work yesterday.(2)Did you go to the zoo last Sunday?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.2.I have a lot of work to do as well.我还有许多工作要做。

as well意为“除……之外,也,又”,只能放在句末作状语,与too的用法相同,可互换使用。as well as是连词,用来连接两个名词形容词等,如:

Lu Xun is a great writer, and a fearless fighter as well.鲁迅是个伟大的作家,也是个无畏的战士。

He gave the beggar food, as well as money.(=He gave the begger food , and money as well.)他除了给那个乞丐食物外,还给他钱。3.You know I don’t like video games at all.not…at all根本不,一点都不,at all多放在否定句末,加强否定语气,如: My mother can’t ride a bike at all.Thanks very much.Not at all.4.Did the movie go on until midnight?电影一直演到午夜吗?


①肯定句中,until只与持续性动词连用,意为“到……为止”。如: We had to wait until he came back.我们只好等到他回来。

②until在否定句中,通常与瞬间性动词连用,构成“not……until”,意为“直到……才”,如:The children didn’t leave school until five o’clock.③引导时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,如:

I won’t go until he comes back.我将等他回来再走。

三、动词的一般过去时态 I.一般过去时的概念

一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:last year, yesterday等; 也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作,常和often, always等频率副词连用。

例如:①I saw him in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上看见他了。

②Li Mei always went to school on foot last year.去年李梅总是步行上学。









(2)不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。如:am(is)-was, are-were, go-went, come-came, take-took, have(has)-had等。III.一般过去时的几种句型

肯定句结构为:主语+动词的过去式+其它。如:He went to the toy store yesterday.他昨天去玩具店了。

否定句结构为:主语+did not(didn't)+动词原形+其它。如:He didn't go to the toy store yesterday.他昨天没去玩具店。


1)--Did you go to Beijing last week?

--Yes, we did.(No, we didn't.)

2)--Did you meet the businessman before?--No, I didn't.(Yes, I did.)



1)--What did you do last night?--I did my homework.2)--Where did you go last week?--I went to Shanghai with my parents.一般过去时口诀:



否定句很简单,didn't 站在动词原形前,其它部分不要变。





仁爱英语七年级下短语知识点总结 Unit 5 Topic 1

1.come on 快点; 加油; 2.the same to----对……也一样; 3.on foot 步行;

4.by plane/ bike/ the subway----乘飞机/自行车…… 5.net bar 网吧;

6.on weekdays 在周末;

7.the early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟有虫吃; 8.walk to---= go to-----on foot 走着去…… 9.fly to---= go to----by plane 乘飞机去…… 10.drive to----= go to----by car 开车去……

11.take a bus to----= go to---by bus 坐公共汽车去…… 12.play computer games 玩电脑游戏; 13.know about 知道;了解;懂得; 14.take / have a break / rest 休息一下; 15.in one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间; 16.and so on 等等; 17.read books 读书;

18.clean the house 打扫房间; 19.play the guitar 弹吉他; 20.three times a week 一周三次; 21.for a little while 一会儿; Topic 2

1.at the moment = now = at the present time 2.dining hall 食堂; 3.of course 当然;

4.lost and found 失物招领处; 5.in the center of------在……的中间; 6.next to = beside 紧挨着;

7.have / take a-------class 上一节……课;8.on the playground 在操场上;

现在; 9.do well in 在某方面做得好;

10.look for-----寻找(强调动作,find 强调结果)11.in time 及时; 12.on time 准时; 13.talk to sb 找某人谈话 14.talk with sb 和某人谈话; 15.talk about sth 谈论…… 16.a plan of sth ……的计划; 17.plan to do sth 计划做某事; 18.at the back of---在……的后面; 19.on the left / right 在左边/右边; 20.be over 结束;

21.between-----and------两者之间; 22.from----to----从……到/ 去…… 23.every day 副词,每天; 24.everyday 形容词,每天的;日常的; 25.love doing sth.= love to do sth 喜爱做某事; 26.one day(将来)某一天; Topic 3

1.What day is it today ? It’s-----询问周几? 2.outdoor activities 户外活动; 3.draw picture 画画;

4.work on = work at 从事于…… 5.work on the problem 做题; 6.learn about sth 学习……

7.learn from sth / sb 向某人/物学习8.after school 放学后; 9.hard work 坚苦的工作; 10.work hard 努力地工作; 11.best wishes 最好的祝福; Unit 6 Topic 1 1.on the + 序数词+ floor 在几楼; 2.go upstairs / downstairs 上/下楼; 3.have a look 看一下;

4.in front of---在……的前面(范围之外)5.in the front of----在…的前面(范围之内)6.play with sb 和某人一起玩; 7.what’s + 介词短语? 8.There is / are-----9.in the wall 在墙里 10.on the wall 在墙上 11.put----away 把收起来; 12.How many + 名词复数……? 13.How much + 不可数名词……? 14.living room 起居室 Topic 2

1.at noon 中午; 2.post office 邮局; 3.parking lot 停车场; 4.clothing store 服装店;

5.at the end of-----在……的末端。6.close to 靠近;

7.right now = at once 立即;马上;

8.what’s-------like ? 询问……怎么样?(给出评价;看法)9.for rent 出租;

10.a family of three 三口之家; 11.call sb at + 电话号码

12.rent sth to sb 把……租给某人; 13.keep money 存钱; 14.see the doctor 看医生;

15.hear/ watch /see/find sb doing sth ……某人正在做某事 16.hear/ watch / see/ find sb do sth ……某人做了某事 17.be sorry about 对……感到报歉; 18.be afraid of sth 害怕……

19.be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事; 20.be far from---离……远; 21.call sb for help 向某人求助; 22.bus stop 汽车站;

23.there is something wrong with---------…… 有问题了。24.= something is wrong with-------25.get sb to do sth 让某人去做某事; 26.move to 搬往……

27.the cost of living 生活费; Topic3

1.问路 Is there a-------near here ? 2.=Where is--------? 3.=How can I get to-------? 4.=Which is the way to------?

5.=Could you tell me the way to-----? 6.=Could you tell me how to get to--------? 7.=Do you know the way to-------? 8.=Can you find the way to-------?

9.go up /down /along /straight = walk on 直走; 10.go across the bridge = cross the bridge 过桥; 11./turning left / right at the +序数词 + street / crossing 转弯;

= take the +序数词 +turning / crossing on the left / right cross from 对着; die in 死于……之中

die of 死于(疾病;饥饿;年迈)die from 死于外伤;

die v.dead adj.death n.dying 分词 traffic accidents 交通事故; the traffic rules 交通规则; on the street 在路上; be late for--------迟到

22.at the foot of------在……的脚下; 23.some of-------……中的一些; Unit 7 Topic1

1.be born 出生;

2.hundreds / thousands/ millions/ billions of 成……上…… 3.at 具体时间点之前;

4.in 用于年;月;季节之前。一天的早、中、晚 5.on 用于具体某一天的早中晚,及周几之前; 6.What’s the shape of-----? 询问形状? 7.== What shape is--------? 8.a moment ago 刚刚;

9.use sth to do sth == use sth for doing sth 用某物做某事 10.计量:数词+ 单位+ 形容词

11.例如:10.7米深.10.7 meters deep Topic 2

1.at the party 在晚会上; 2.perform ballet 表演芭蕾舞;

3.have a good /great /nice /wonderful time =enjoy oneself 过得愉快;

4.no way 没门;

5.take photo/ picture 照像; 6.be good at + n./ v-ing 擅长……

7.with one’s help == with the help of---在……的帮助之下; 8.begin to do sth == start to do sth 开始做某事 Topic 3

1.recite a poem 背诗; 2.magic trick 魔术;

3.enjoy doing sth = have fun doing sth 享受做……的乐趣; 4.tell a lie 说谎;

5.in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上 6.blow out 吹灭;

7.a set of – 一串/ 一套…… 8.at last 最后;

9.in one breath 一口气; 10.hurt oneself 伤着自己; 11.happen to sb.某人了生意外; 12.happen to do sth.突然发生某事; 13.at that / this time 在那/这时 14.play video games 玩电动游戏;

15.go to the movies = go to the cinema = see a film /movie看电影;

16.true adj.truth n.truly adv.17.bring----for sb.为……带来某物; 18.by hand 手工; 19.make a wish 许愿; Unit 8 Topic 1

1.What’s the weather like----? 询问天气; 2.== How is the weather----? 3.make snowmen 堆雪人; 4.take a walk = go for a walk 散步;

5.you’d better do sth = You had better do sth 你最好做某事;

6.summer holidays 暑假;

7.remember to do dth 记得做某事(事没做)8.remember doing sth 记得做过某事 10.all the year round 一整年; 11.the same as------与……一样; 12.come back to life 复活;复苏;

13.be busy doing sth = be busy with sth 忙于做…… Topic 2

1.hope /wish to do sth 希望做某事; 2.wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事; 3.get together 聚在一起; 4.places of interest 名胜; 5.each of-----……中的每一个 6.the Palace Museum 故宫; 7.take off 脱下;起飞; 8.put on 穿上; 9.gift money 压岁钱;

10.be different from-----与不同; 11.point to / at 指向……

12.pass sth to sb = pass sb sth 把……传给某人; 13.the day before yesterday 前天; 14.wrap sth in------用……包裹…… 15.go on a trip 去旅行; Topic 3

1.Spring Festival 春节; 2.Lantern Festival 元宵节; 3.Christmas 圣诞节; 4.Thanksgiving 感恩节;

5.each other = one another 彼此; 6.not-----until 直到……才……

7.play a trick/ joke on sb 开……的玩笑; 8.show sth to sb 展示某物给某人; 9.prepare for----为……做准备; 10.put up 举起;挂起; 11.stay up 熬夜; 12.at midnight 中午夜; 13.knock on 敲;打…… 14.go up 上升;

15.start with----以……开始; 16.congratulations on sth 祝贺某事 17.congratulations to sb 祝贺某人 18.后加doing 的词组 19.practice doing 20.enjoy doing 21.feel like doing 22.finish doing 23.can’t help doing 24.look forward to doing 25.pay attention to doing 26.make a contribution to doing 27.give up doing

第三篇:七年级仁爱英语下Unit7 Topic3 SectionA说课稿

七年级仁爱英语下Unit7 Topic3 SectionA说课稿






①学习并熟练掌握新单词:did, recite, poem, magic, trick, Kung fu, enjoy oneself, himself, list, yesterday.②学习并基本掌握一般过去时用法;


④学习并掌握部分不规则动词的过去式。如:did, sang.(2)能力目标:学会能用一般过去时简单描述活动或事件。














录音机,简笔画图片, 纸条。








2.说学法及学法指导 *课前预习法。对即将学习的内容布置预习思考题,让学生带着问题自习课文,初步掌握基本内容。*循序渐进法。新课开始,要求学生按以下几个步骤循序渐进:读—划—查—思—写—用。*循环复习法。遗忘是心理活动的普遍现象,具有先快后慢的规律。要防止遗忘就要定期循环复习,及时巩固。在时间间隔上,采用先短后长的形式。




T: What is the date today?

S: It is „

T: What was the date yesterday?

S: It was „

T: Can you ride a bike now?

S: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.T: Could you ride a bike when you were twelve?

S2: Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t.从而引出动词的过去式和一般过去时。

板书:am/is→was;are→ were;can→ could



运用简笔画给学生展示一些活动图片,复习有关活动的单词,并学习本课重点词汇perform kung fu,recite poems等。



(1)听录音1a并回答问题:What did Sally do?(设计理念:由于学生自主学习性比较差,因而布置任务,让学生带着问题听录音,了解对话大意。)




(4)圈出对话中出现的动词过去式。然后依次回答:What did Jane/Helen/Tom do?



















(2)抄写单词did---yesterday 五遍。

(3)完成同步训练Section A。


(5)预习Section B,完成1b和2b。



UNIT 7 TOPIC 3 SECTOIN AMay 5th, 2009


are→ were① 一般情况v+ed;

can→ could② 以不发音的e结尾的+d;

do→ did③ 以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y为i+ed;

2.What did he/she do?④ 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读

He/ She sang a song /闭音节词, 先双写辅

音字母,danced /再加ed.recited Chinese poems /⑤不规则动词的过去式见

书本performed magic tricks /P142。

performed kung fu

3.enjoy oneself

=have a good time

4.It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事

e.g.It’s your turn to perform ballet.教学反思:




1.go on vacation 去度假2.trek through the jungle 徒步穿越丛林 3.some day 有朝一日

4.one of the liveliest cities 最有活力的城市之一 5.be supposed to do sth.应该干。6.pack light clothes 收拾打包薄衣服 7.take a trip 去旅行

8.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb为了某人提供某物

9.be away 离开,远离

10.the answer to the question 问题的答案 11.according to 根据。按照。1 2.work as tour guides 做导游的工作 13.dream of 梦想,想到14.less realistic dreams 不现实的梦想 15.be willing to do sth.愿意干。16.achieve one’s dreams 实现梦想 17.sail across the pacific 横渡太平洋 18.hold on to 保持,不要放弃(卖掉)19.take it easy 从容 轻松 不紧张

20.on the one hand,on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

21after finishing school 接受完学业后,毕业后 22.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院 23.this time of year 一年中的这个时候 24.in general 通常 ,大体上, 一般而言


1.where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to trek through the jungle.2.l like places where the weather is always warm.3.I like to go somewhere relaxing 我喜欢去休闲的地方

4.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris?


5.Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱

6.So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.因此,除非你自己会讲法语,否则最好与一个能为你翻译的人一起去。

7.We’d like to be away for three weeks.我们大约要去三个星期.8.The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation.度假中这个人有很多钱可以花.9.I hope you can provide me with some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer我希望能给我提供一些贵公司能经营的旅游项目的信息.10.Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?


11.You need to pack some warm clothes if you go there.你如果去那里,需要带一些暖和的衣服。12.I’d love to sail across the Pacific.我想横渡太平洋。

This is a finding of a survey about dreams,in which thousands of students across China took part.这是一个有关梦想的调查,全中国成千上万的学生参与了这项活动。

It seems that some students would like to start work as soon as possible.Some students seem to would like to start work as soon as possible.看起来有些学生想尽可能快地工作。

If you hold on to your dreams,they may come true one day.如果你坚持梦想,总有一天它们就会成真。Some students hope to continue studying after finishing school,so that they can help provide better lives for their parents.一些学生希望毕业后继续深造,这样可以改善父母的生活

Quite a few students are willing to work hard to achieve their dreams.相当多的学生愿意拼命工作来实现他们的梦想。According to the survey,the most popular choice of job is computer programming.根据调查最受欢迎的职业选择是计算机编程。



Unit 5 Topic 1

1.on foot步行;

2.by plane/ bike/ the subway----乘飞机/自行车……

3.on weekdays在周末;

4.walk to---= go to-----on foot走着去……

5.drive to----= go to----by car开车去……

6.take a bus to----= go to---by bus坐公共汽车去……

7.ride to….=go to….by bike骑自行车去。。

8.know about知道;了解;懂得;

9.take / have a break / rest;have a short rest休息一下

10.in one’s free time在某人的空闲时间;

11.and so on等等

12.three times a week一周三次

13.for a little while一会儿

Topic 2

1.at the moment = now = at the present time现在;

2.in the center of------在……的中间

3.next to = beside紧挨着

4.have / take a-------class上一节……课

5.do well in= be good at在哪方面做得好/擅长于

6.look for-----寻找(强调动作,find 强调结果)

7.in time及时;on time准时;

8.talk to/with sb和某人谈话;

9.talk about谈论……

talk with sb.about sth与某人谈论某事

11.plan to do sth计划做某事;

12at the back of---在……的后面;

13.on the left / right在左边/右边;


15from----to----从……到/ 去……

16.like/love/enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事;

17.one day(将来)某一天;

Topic 3

1.What day is it today ? It’s-----询问周几?

2.What’s the date today?今天几号?

2.outdoor activities户外活动;

3.work on = work at从事于……

4.work on the problem做题;

5.learn about sth学习……

6.learn from sth / sb向某人/物学习

7.hard work坚苦的工作;

work hard努力地工作;

8.best wishes最好的祝福;

Unit 6 Topic 1

1.on the + 序数词+ floor在几楼;

2.go upstairs / downstairs上/下楼;

3.have a look看一下;

4.in front of---在……的前面(范围之外)

5.in the front of----在…的前面(范围之内)

6.play with sb和某人一起玩;

7.in the wall在墙里on the wall 在墙上

8.put----away;put it/them away把收起来

9.How many……+ 名词复数……?

How much ……+ 不可数名词……?

Topic 2

1.at the end of-----在……的末端/尽头

2.close to靠近;

3.right now = at once= right now立即;马上;

5.call sb at +电话号码打电话给某人

6.rent sth to sb把……租给某人;

7.keep money存钱;

8.hear/ watch /see/find sb doing sth听见看见……某人正在做某事

9.hear/ watch / see/ find sb do听见看见……某人做了某事

10.be sorry about对……感到报歉;

11.be afraid of sth/doing sth.害怕……

12.be afraid to do sth害怕做某事;

13.be far from---离……远;

14.call sb for help向某人求助;

15.There is something wrong with---------…… 有问题了。

= something is wrong with-------

16.get sb to do sth让某人去做某事;

17.the cost of living生活费;


1.问路 Is there a-------near here ?附近有。。吗?

=Where is--------?。。在哪里?

=How can I get to-------?我怎样才能到达。。?

=Which is the way to------?哪一条路是到。。的?

=Could you tell me the way to-----?

=Could you tell me how to get to--------?你能告诉我去。。的路怎么走吗?=Do you know the way to-------?

=Can you find the way to-------?你知道去。。的路吗?

2.go up /down /along /straight=walk on直走;

3.go across the bridge = cross the bridge过桥

go across=cross过(马路,街道,桥)

4.turn left / right at the +序数词 + street / crossing /turning转弯;

5.= take the +序数词 +turning / crossing on the left / right

6.cross from对着;在…对面

7.be late for--------迟到

8.Don’t be late for class/school!上课/上学别迟到!

9.at the foot of------在……的脚下;

10.some of-------……中的一些; Unit 7 Topic1

1.be born出生;

2.hundreds / thousands of成……上……




4.What’ the date today ?今天是几号?;

5.What day is it today ?今天是星期几?

6.What’s the shape of-----?== What shape is--------?询问形状?

7.a moment ago = just now =a few minutes ago刚刚,8.use sth to do sth == use sth for doing sth用某物做某事

9.buy sth for sb.= buy sb.sth为某人买某物 Topic 2have a good /great /nice /wonderful time=enjoy oneself过得愉快enjoy yourself/yourselves/himself/herself/ourselves/themselves

3.take photos/ pictures照像;

4.with one’s help == with the help of---在……的帮助之下;5begin to do sth == start to do sth开始做某事

6.take …… to …..带……去 ……

7.It’s time to do …..=it’s time for sth./doing sth该做……

8.at the age of …… = whensb.was ……在 …… 岁时

9.not …… anymore/longer不再 ……

Topic 3

1.enjoy doing sth = have fun doing sth享受做……的乐趣;

2.tell a lie说谎;

lie to sb.对某人说谎

3.in fact事实上

4.tell sb.the truth跟某人说实话

5.blow out吹灭;

6.fall down摔倒

7.hurt oneself伤了某人自己

8.lose the game输掉比赛

9.at last最后;

11.happen to sb.某人了发生意外;

13.at that / this time在那/这时

14.go to the movies = go to the cinema = see a film /movie看电影;

15.bring ……for sb.为……带来某物;

16.by hand手工;

17.make a wish许愿;

18.sit around围着…… 而坐Unit 8 Topic 1

1.What’s the weather like----? == How is the weather----?询问天气

2.make snowmen ;堆雪人

3.climb hills爬山

4.It’s a good time /season for doing /to do是做什么事的好时候或好季节

5.take a walk = go for a walk散步;

6.take a trip旅游

7.It’s hard to say.这很难说。

8.You’d better do sth = You had better do sth你最好做某事;

had better(not)do sth最好(不)做某事

He/She/They’d better do sth.9. remember to do dth记得做某事(事没做)

remember doing sth记得做过某事

forget to do sth.忘记做某事

forget doing sth忘记做过某事

10.later on后来

11.It’s the best time to do sth做。。的最好时间

12.come back to life复活;

come out开花,出版;

come after / come before在…… 之后到来/在…… 之前到来

13.be busy doing sth / be busy with sth.忙于做某事

14.see/hear sb.doing sth.看见/听见某人正在做某事

16.right away =at once=right now马上,立刻

17.all the year round一整年;

18.the same as------与……一样;

Topic 2

1.hope /wish to do sth希望做某事;

2.plan to do ……计划做某事;

3.want to do …/would like to do …..想要做……

4.wish sb.to do sth希望某人做某事;

5.travel around the country周游全国 ;

6.all over the world/around the world遍及全世界

7get together聚在一起;

8.places of interest名胜;

9.each of-----……中的每一个

10.prepare for为 …… 做准备

11.share ……with sb.与某人分享……

12.put on穿上;

13.be different from与……不同;

14.point to / at指向……

15pass sth to sb = pass sb sth把……传给某人;

16keep away from远离 ……

17arrive in /at到达

18.the day before yesterday前天;

19.go on a trip去旅行;

20.go for a holiday 去度假 ;go for a walk去散步

Topic 3

1.each other = one another彼此;

2.not ……until直到……才……

3.play a trick/ joke on sb开……的玩笑;

4.show sth to sb展示某物给某人;

5.prepare for……为……做准备;

6.go to church去做礼拜

7.put up举起;挂起;

8.stay up;stay up late熬夜

9.at midnight中午夜;

10.knock on敲;打……

11.go up上升;

12.start to do sth.=begin to do sth/ begin doing sh =start doing sth开始做某事

13.start/begin with----以……开始;

14.on the eve of..在 ……前夕

15.shout to sb.对某人大喊大叫

16.a one-day holiday一天的假期



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