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工行09笔试写作题: 题目大意:






工行10苏州分行写作 作文时以尊严为话题写一篇不少于800字的文章














便条的特点在于内容简短,大多是临时性的询问、留言、通知、要求等。与正规书信相比,便条的语言更为口语化,比如要通知某事只需这样开头:Just a line to tell you that...而无须像正规书信那样This is to inform you that...开头。有急事需要告诉别人而又不能面谈时,就可以写便条,如请假条、留言条等。一般不写地址,与普通书信基本相同。结尾时也无需要结尾礼词,只需要写上便条者姓名。




便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但必须包括以下四个基本要素; 1)Date:便条日期2)Salutation:称呼3)Body:正文 4)Signature:署名


1.词句简洁,尽量避免应酬语和敬词 2.切忌内容空洞、言不达意。分类举例

1)请假(Asking for Leave)

例1 Directions: You are about to write a Business Leave Note of about 100 words.Please describe the information clearly.1)the reason you ask for the leave 2)the time and how long you will leave

Aug.22nd Secretary Li, I’m sorry to apply for ten days’ leave from the Aug.23rd to sept.3rd instant.As I have to leave with the time is urgent.My father now in the hospital is badly ill.I have to go to see him and take care of him for a few days.You know I’m the only child in my family.Of course I will show you the telegram about my father’s illness which is received from my mother to support my application.As concern as the missed lessons during my absence, I promise I will do my best to catch them on after I come back to the campus.Wish for your allowance.Yours respectfully,××× 本文是一封请假条,一般我们要向上级或老师请假,通常用的是ask for leave这个短语,请三天假可写作:ask for three days’ leave;因病请假则是ask for sick leave.leave在这里是名词用法,文中用的短语是apply for意为“申请”,含有更加郑重的意味,常用于下级对上级或晚辈对长辈的书面语中,“Only child”意为“独生子女”相应的,“独生女”译作“only daughter”而“独生子”译作“only son”.As concern as后面跟名词性结构,意为“涉及到,至于”与Concerning同义,两者可以互换。

例2 Directions: Your father is seriously ill, and you want to go back home.Write a note to the secretary and it should include 1)the cause for leaving;2)the days: from 16th to 21st;3)Catch on the lesson after returning school.July 5th Dear Miss Huang, My sister called me last night, and she said that my father is dangerously ill.I beg to apply for seven days’ leave of absence from 16th to 21st instant, in order that I can see my beloved father.I should be much obliged if you would grant me my application.As regards the lessons to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make up for them as soon as I get back from home.Sincerely yours,××× I should be much obliged if you would...是一种客套语,表示“……,我当不胜感激。”“补课”的英文是to make up for the lessons。2)约请(Invitation)Directions: You have a ticket to the Russian National Ballet Troupe, which is visiting and you want to give it to your friend Alice.Write a note to her and say: 1)the time of the show, 2)the place where you will wait for her.Sunday Dear Alice, Here is a piece of good news for you.The Russian National Ballet Troupe, which is now on a visit in Beijing, will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening.I am sure that you will be happy to watch it.Here I leave you an admission card.The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp.I will wait for you at the theater entrance.Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming or not.××× 约朋友一起去看戏,可是朋友不在家,只好留下票子和一张便条,但又怕朋友来不了,所以在便条最后特地写上“如果你来不了,告诉我一声”(Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming)3)道歉(Apology)


例1 Directions: You have missed a date of your friend, now you have to write a letter for appologization in about 100 words.May 20th Dear Lily, I am sorry I missed seeing you yesterday.I know that you must have been disappointed.I also feel worried and anxious in my heart.The fact is that my manager at the last moment asked me to prepare a urgent plan while I could not get to a phone to call you and yesterday I have worked late until about 8:30 p.m.I am terribly sorry.However, I would like to ask you out this weekend to make up for yesterday.Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply.××× 临时有事未能赴约,一定要把事情解释清楚并真诚的道歉,最好能有弥补(to make up),邀请对方周末再碰头(I would like to ask you out this weekend)注意句子you must have been disappointed中情态动词的用法:情态动词+完成时态,表示过去行为。这句话应该理解为“你当时一定感到很失望”。

例2 Directions: You have received a invitation from your friend, but you have already had some guests in your house.Please express the reason you can’t go clearly in about 100 words.6.April Dear Lucy, I do apologize for having to send this letter about Saturday night.When I accepted your invitation, I simply forgot that Saturday was a holiday and that my own guests were not leaving until Sunday morning.It is difficult for me to make a choice.Though I also wonder to meet you very much.I could not very well go out by myself and leave the guests at my home.I hope you know how sorry I am not to be with you this Saturday.Should I make a visit to you in my other spare time? Thank you very much.××× 自己家里有客人,自然不方便再接受别人邀请去做客所以可以明正言顺的表示拒绝或可另约时间。英文要强调谓语动词,可以加上助动词,例如:I do apologize for being late.例3 Directions: You are already have a date with your friend but suddenly have another thing to do and you have to tell your friend that you can’t go.Express your reason clearly in about 100 words.Monday 9:00 am Dear Jane, I am sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to come this afternoon because I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p.m.to meet an overseas visitor from Australia.I really have kept our date in my mind all these days, however, I received my boss’s e-mail this morning, he asked me to go to the airport to meet one of his friends from abroad, it’s urgent and I must go.Please forgive me.Would you please ring me up to make another time? Many thanks.××× 因有事而不能赴约,只能另约时间(to make或to fix another time)。英国人一般把“打电话”说成to ring somebody up,还可以说 to give somebody a ring,不要错以为别人要送你个戒指。美国人通常说to call somebody。与别人已经定好的约会却临时不能赴约时,应说明原因并诚恳地道歉,以期获得别人的谅解。4)借物(Borrowing)Directions: You are going to write a note for borrowing sth.Please describe these information clearly 1)the thing you ask 2)what you are going to do with it 3)how long will you take it.Tuesday Dear Xiao Wang, I wonder if I could borrow your electronic dictionary for a few days.Now I am translating some important articles.There are many new words which I have to look up the dictionary usually.I just have a paper dictionary but of course it’s not as convenient as the electronic one, which has a bad effect upon my velocity of my translating.So I think your electronic dictionary is more suitable for me to complete my work.I promise that I must be very careful of your dictionary and make no damage done on it.Thank you very much!

Yours ever,××× 字典是我们日常生活中常用的学习工具,但千万不能从字面上认为“查字典”就是“check the dictionary”,而应该用“look up”这个固定短语来表达。“影响……”有一个很地道的短语。“have effect upon/on”,如果是积极影响就在have和effect之间加a good,反之,就加“a bad”其他的形容词例如great,remarkable也可以用来修饰effect,此词在这里是名词。5)回复友人问候(Reply for Regards)Directions: You have just had an operation, and received a note of regards from your friend Jenny.Now please write a reply to her to tell her your current situation.Jan.8th.Dear Jenny, Thanks for your letter of sympathy I received the day before yesterday.The operation on my leg was a wonderful success.You know I had been suffering a lot from my leg since my childhood.The operation removed the cause of trouble.It is quite worth having the operation.I am daily recovering from my illness.I’m confident I will soon be in the office again after proper treatment.Thank you for kind wishes.My best wishes to all your family

××× 这是对好友问候便条的回复。形式简单,内容明了。过去完成进行时“I had been suffering…my childhood”表示动作从过去一直持续到现在。便条写作中的语言表达:



July 6

Dear Tom,I am sorry to inform you that I won't be able to go to dance with you this weekend.My mother is suddenly taken ill.In order not to disappoint you,I have asked Shi Dai to take my place.She is a better dancer,I think.

My regrets.

Joe 从便条中可看出,英语表达先“果”—I won't be able to go to dance with you this weekend后“因”—my mother is suddenly taken ill,即所谓“先果后因”。

一般来说,在单个句子中,英语句子也是先中心,也就是将主要思想、结果放在句首,放在主句里表达;而汉语正相反,一般为后中心,主要的观点、信息往往放在句末。如:He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill.(因为他病了,昨天他不得不呆在家里。)

Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life.(生活中既然有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。)


专业四级便条写作范例: 1.A note of Invitation Dear Mrs.Hudson:

Will you and Mr.Hudson be able to join us and a couple of friends on Saturday evening, October 5th, for dinner? Later we plan to go to the City's Performance Hall to see a Huangmei opera.Dinner starts at six-thirty to allow plenty of time for the drive into town and arrival before curtain time.We do hope you can come.Sincerely yours, Ma Ming

2.A note of thanks Dear Betty, The beautiful electronic translator for me arrived today.Thank you so much for sending me such a nice present.It is very useful for me to study English with, especially when I come across some new words while reading.Thanks to your gift, vocabulary is no longer my headache now.Besides, it is lovely and the size is perfect for me to carry.It is the best gift I have ever received.Thank you again.Jenny

3.A note of apologies Mrs.Katy,I'm terribly sorry I wasn't present on time in your class yesterday morning.I met with the traffic jam on my way to school so that I spent thirty minutes longer than before.I know you are a little angry, anyhow it's my fault, so 1 wish you can forgive me.Later I will try to avoid such accident.Thanks.Tony

4.A Note of Appointment Dear Betty,I wonder if I could see you in your office tomorrow, at 10:15.I have many problems to talk over with you on my current work.It makes me very puzzled.So I hope you could give me some good advice.Please give me a phone call and let me know whether it is ok, or when you are convenient.Rain

5.A Note of Congratulations Dear Jacky, I am so glad to hear that you won the first place in the National English Debating Contest.Congratulations!How great you are!You set a good example for us.All of our class are proud of you excellent performance.Later I want to share your joy.You can talk with me in details.Let's call a day.See you.Henry

6.A Note of Application Dear Professor Wang, It is said you need a part-time teacher from newspaper.I am interested in teaching English in your training center.I am a second-year student of English major.I am qualified to teach reading, writing and speaking.In the past I had ever worked as a teacher in a school.I firmly believe I am competent in this job.I am looking forward to your reply.Henry



Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You've read on the notice board that the university library is looking for a par t-time library assistant who can work at weekends.You think that your classmate, George, is a suitable person for this vacancy.Write him a note, telling him what you know about the vacancy and trying to persuade him to go for an interview.2001 SECTION B NOTE-WRITING

Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher, Profess or Wang.Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting.You should also suggest the time for the requested meeting.2002 SECTION B NOTE-WRITING

Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman.Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.2003 SECTION B NOTE-WRITING

Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Your friend Clare has invited you to her house-warming party this weekend.However, you will be away then.Write her a note politely declining her invitation and expressing your best wishes to her.2004 SECTION B NOTE-WRITING

Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Your friend, Jane, has failed in the final exam, and is feeling very unhappy about it.Write a note to comfort her and give her some encouragement.2005 SECTION B NOTE-WRITING

Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band/orchestra.Write a note to your friend, Hilda/Mike, describing briefly what it is and inviting her/him to come with you.2006 SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write on answer sheet two a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: you have got to know that you classmate, Michael, is organizing a weekend excursion for the class.And you are thinking of joining the trip, write him a note expressing your interest in the excursion and asking for information on two details related to the excursion.历年短文写作真题

1992 My View on Reading Extensively 1993 My Idea of Becoming a Teaching in the Future 1994 TV: a good thing or a bad thing? 1995 Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.1996 Every college student would agree that life in college is not the same as it was in the middle school.Now,you have been asked by the Student's Union to write a passage entitled: The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life 1997 Some of your classmates think that more pressure from academic studies is not beneficial to students.You either agree or disagree with them:More pressure from academic studies does(does not)good to us 1998 It is now generally accepted that vehicles(cars,trucks,etc.)are a major source of air pollution in cities.You are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem.One way to solve the problem 1999 We see advertisements on television everyday.Some people think that TV advertising brings as benefits,but others don't think so.What is your opinion?A major advantage/disadvantage of advertising on television 2000 College life should be varied and colorful.And extracurricular activities are an important aspect of it.However,at present,there is much room for improvement in this regard.Write an article to the university radio entitled:The importance of extracurricular activities 2001 Travel has become part of our life.And more and more of us have come to know the significance of travel through our own experience:Travel broadens the mind 2002 Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health.And they have different ways to stay healthy.For example,some exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet.What do you think is the best way to stay healthy?The Best Way to Stay Healthy 2003

People in modern society live under a lot of pressure, from education, career, or family.So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.Write on answer sheet one a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: The importance of Keeping A Good Mood 2004

Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other.So, some say that phones will kill letter writing.What is your opinion? Write on answer sheet one a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? 2005

The students' Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.Write on answer sheet two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My Idea of A University Arts Festival 2006 Recently a Beijing information company did a survey of student life among more than 700 students in Beijing, Guangzhou, xi 'an, Chengdu , shanghai , Wuhan, nanjing ,and Shenyang.The results have shown that 67 percent of students think that saving money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrow's money today is better, what do you think? Write on answer sheet two a compositions of about 200 words.You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what you opinion is In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate detail.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.VI.SECTION A Nowadays the Internet has become part of people's life, and millions of young people have made friends online.Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Your classmate, Jimmy, is head of the university's swimming club.He has invited you to join the club, but you like some other sport.Write him a note, declining his invitation and explaining why.Marks will be awarder for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Benefits of Volunteering

You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate details.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN] Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

Jane, your classmate, is thinking of subscribing to an English-language newspaper.And you would like to recommend one to her.Write a note, telling her which newspaper it is and describing two features of the paper.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.转自[英美者]-英语专业网站:http:///TEM/Test4/4057187062_5.html 专四短文写作范例

2010年Should College Students Hire Cleaners Buying or Borrowing Books?

Books are close friends of humanity.They can arm us with knowledge and information we need to make success of life.Through books we can obtain skills and techniques for survival and development.Through books we can enlighten our spirits and live a fuller life.There are generally two ways in which we can access to books: borrowing or buying.While millions are borrowing books, I still think buying them best suits me and gives me the greatest enjoyment.Admittedly, there are a few merits for borrowing books.For one thing, borrowing books can save us huge amounts of money.And of course, with the money saved we can do other more worthy things.And also, as we borrow books from the library and friends, we normally have deadline to finish them, and consequently we can read more books in a limited time.And we can, above all, better our efficiency of our reading, just as a famous Chinese saying goes, “books can not be read unless borrowed.”

However, some advantages for buying books are more obvious and compelling.One of them, definitely not shared by the choice of borrowing books, is the abundance of freedom that buying books can offer us.Since we can keep the books as long as we wish, we can read as much as we want.Another strength of owing books is that we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books.And finally, the process of selecting and keeping books can be a great fun that borrowing books can by no means offer.While borrowing books can, to some extent, quench our thirst for knowledge, buying books gives us greater pleasure of selecting and keeping the best of the world treasure.Can we think of any thing else more delightful and rewarding?



1992 My View on Reading Extensively 1993 My Idea of Being a Teaching in the Future 1994 TV: a good thing or a bad thing? 1995 Nowadays it has bee fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.1996 Every college student would agree that life in college is not the same as it was in the middle school.Now, you have been asked by the Student’s Union to write a passage entitled: The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life 1997 Some of your classmates think that more pressure from academic studies is not beneficial to students.You either agree or disagree with them:,More pressure from academic studies does(does not)good to us 1998 It is now generally accepted that vehicles(cars, trucks, etc.)are a major source of air pollution in cities.Your are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem.,One way to solve the problem 1999 We see advertisements on television everyday.Some people think that TV advertising brings as benefits, but others don’t think so.What is your opinion?,真的不掉线吗??、????????????

A major advantage/disadvantage of advertising on television

2000 SECTION A POSITION Write on answer sheet one a position of about 150 words on the following topic: College life should be varied and colourful.And extracurricular activities are an important aspect of it.However, at present, there is much room for improveme nt in this regard.Write an article to the university radio entitled: The Importance of Extracurricular Activities SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You've read on the notice board that the university library is looking for a par t-time library assistant who can work at weekends.You think that your classmate , George, is a suitable person for this vacancy.Write him a note, telling him w hat you know about the vacancy and trying to persuade him to go for an interview.2001 SECTION A POSITION Travel has bee part of our life.And more and more of us have e to know the significance of travel through our own experience.Write on answer sheet one a position of about 150 words on the following topic: Travel Broadens the Mind  SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher, Profess or Wang.Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting.You should also suggest the time for the requested meeting.2002 SECTION A POSITION Nowadays people are being increasingly aware of the importance of health.And they have different ways to stay healthy.For example, some exercise every day;others try to keep a balanced diet.What do you think is the best way to stay healthy? Write a position of about 150 words on the following topic: The Best Way To Stay Healthy SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman.Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.

April 23th Dear Jack,

Hearing that you wish to sell your walkman, I’m so glad to know it because my walkman has been lost several days ago, and I need it to help study English now.真的不掉线吗??、????????????

Could you give me a description of your walkman? The price I can offer is no more than 100 yuan.Hope the deal can be done between us.Yours, John 2003 SECTION A POSITION People in modern society live under a lot of pressure, from education, career, or family.So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.Write on answer sheet one a position of about 150 words on the following topic: The importance of Keeping A Good Mood SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Your friend Clare has invited you to her house-warming party this weekend.However, you will be away then.Write her a note politely declining her invitation and expressing your best wishes to her.

2004 SECTION A POSITION Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other.So, some say that phones will kill letter writing.What is your opinion?Write on answer sheet one a position of about 150 words on the following topic: Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: Your friend, Jane, has failed in the final exam, and is feeling very unhappy about it.Write a note to fort her and give her some encouragement.2005 SECTION A POSITION The students' Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.Write on answer sheet two a position of about 200 words on the following topic: My Idea of A University Arts Festival SECTION B NOTE-WRITING Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You have got two tickets to a concert given by a famous pop band/orchestra.Write a note to your friend, Hilda/Mike, describing briefly what it is and inviting her/him to e with you.2006 PART Ⅵ WRITING Section A position 真的不掉线吗??、????????????

Recently a Beijing information pany did a survey of student life among more than 700 students in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi 'an, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing, and Shenyang.The results have shown that 67 percent of students think that saving money is a good habit while the rest believe that using tomorrow's money today is better, what do you think? Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a positions of about 200 words.Section B Note-writing Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You have got to know that you classmate, Michael, is organizing a weekend excursion for the class, and you are thinking of joining the trip.Write him a note expressing your interest in the excursion and asking for information on two details related to the excursion.怎样获得专业四级写作高分


写作是人们表达思想的一种重要手段,我们称之为prehensive test的综合测试,体现的是学生综合运用语言的能力。因为它不仅考核考生对词汇的掌握、对语法的应用,同时也考查了学生的表达能力、思维的逻辑性和条理性。我们知道,学习英语需掌握四种技能:听、说、读、写。听和读是语言的input(输入)过程,因而对于听力和阅读的测试是考查学习者的被动英文技能;说和写是语言的output(输出)过程,对于口语和写作的测试则是考查学习者的主动英文技能。学习者的被动英文水平往往高于主动英文水平,因此听力理解材料的难度往往大于口语的内容,阅读理解材料的难度往往要大于写作。由此可见,在经过两年基础专业课的学习后,学习者应该将重点放在把被动英文水平转化成主动英文水平上。一旦我们的大脑有了大量的语言输出之后,就能达到出口成章、下笔有神的境界。








(1)测试目的:按照英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲的要求,检查学生在基础阶 段末期的英语写作能力。

(2)题型:主观试题,分为Section A和Section B两个部分。

Section A: position写作文

Section B: Note-writing写便条

(3)测试要求: a)作文。














很多学习者翻开作文书籍,就如同想打开一本武功秘籍,只希望看到5个字母trick(技巧)。技巧固然十分重要,但在应试准备中,常常需要70%的基础和30%的技巧。这里要提醒 大家的是,不可高估技巧的作用,犹如在武打片中,要想得到某某宝典和剑法,是需要付出惨痛的代价的。

1.在考场中,常常感到无话可说,该怎么办? 的确,在考场中有些考生由于紧张,常常会出现大脑一片空白,在10分钟之内动不了笔。对于这种在考场中思维短路的现象,有两种对策。

对策一:从特殊到一般的联想法。考生在拿到一个作文话题、但不知该如何动笔时,可以去联想有关该 话题的具体事件,从具体事件中提炼出观点,再将观点反弹回去,即topic具体事件观点。例如看到The Advantage and Disadvantage of TV这个文章题目时,如果不知如何下笔,可以去联想一些具体的电视节目。一提到电视节目,就会自然而然地想到《新闻联播》。《新闻联播》有哪些好处呢?当然是开拓视野,了解世界。同时,还会联想到一些暴力片和色情片,它们对儿童的身心健康发展不利。

对策二:正说反说法。考生在写作中感到观点空洞茫然,不易理论清楚,甚至不知从何谈起时,可以从正、反两个方面对议题进行“摆事实,讲道理”,即“如果这样,就会怎么样; 如果不这样,又会怎么样”。


对于母语是中文的学习者,其中文词汇量往往大于英文词汇量,在英文写作中遇到不能表 达的词语是最正常不过的事情了。但有的考生在遇到不会拼写的单词时,往往绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想,结果造成思维短路,得不偿失。其实,对于这种情况,也有两种对策。


如在写Student Use of puter这篇作文时,很多同学以“在 最近10真的不掉线吗??、????????????

年里,学生使用电脑的小时数一直在增加”这句话来开头。“10年”可以用decade表 示,“增加”可以用ascend表示。但是不知道这两个词或对于它们的拼写没有把握时,可用 其近义词表示,如“10年”直接用ten years就可以,“增加”还可用increase, go up, rise, grow, jump, climb等。在这个时候,考生必须遵守“宁为瓦全,不可玉碎”的原则。这就要求在平时注意多收集一些同义词。如在每一篇作文中都会用到的一个单词“认为”,英文中有很多单词来表达此义,如think, agree, claim, maintain, argue, believe, h old, suggest, view…as, regard…as, consider…(as)。又如另一个单词“目前,最近”,可用nowadays, these years, recently, lately, currently, at present。此外,同义词的收集与运用有助于考生在写作中用词多样化。

对策二:当考生在写作中,既找不到该词 的近义词,又不能用解释性的语言进行阐述时,考生可以考虑用其上义词或下义词来代替。

上义词是对事物的概括性、抽象性说明;下义词是事物的具体表现形式。如Owing a Car这 篇文章谈到拥有汽车的弊端,其中有一点是汽车会排放出一氧化碳(carbon oxide)和二氧化 碳(carbon dioxide),对空气造成污染。当然,如果不知道如何拼写,更不知该如何去 释义一氧化碳和二氧化碳时,可以用它们的上义词poisonous gases来表示,因为不 论是一氧化碳还是二氧化碳都是有毒气体。又如Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus(大学生该如何走出校园了解世界),提纲的第二点要求是大学生了解社会的途径(大众媒体、社会服务等)。“大众媒体”为mass media,“社会服务”为social service。如果考生不会表达,但是在提纲里又明确规定不能不写时,可以用其下义词来代替。大众媒 体的具体表现形式是TV,radio, newspaper, inter;社会服务的具体表现形式则为par t|time job, tutoring等。因而,考生在写作中遇到不会表达的单词时,应该沉着冷静,考虑用其近义词、上义词或下义词来代替。



首先,作文的写作时间为35分钟,合理的时间安排为10+20+5,前面的10分钟用来读题审题,构思并列提纲,接着的20分钟用来按照提纲写作,最后5分钟用来检查及润色。合理的时间安排是写出优秀 作文的必不可少的第一步。真的不掉线吗??、????????????

 其次,卷面的设臵。要想让阅卷老师对你的作文试卷有一种赏心悦目的感觉,作文的排版应该不多于2/3,不少于1/3,要留有余地,不要将卷面写得密密麻麻。字体不要过大或过小。字迹要工整。段落方面,英语专业四级考试作文的特点决定了作文写法的基本框架为三段论。另外,应当注意的是,每段开头都应该有缩进,留有两个单词的位臵。

再次,除了形式之外,作文 的内容也尤其重要。阅卷老师阅卷一般是从第一段看语言,从第二段看结构。这就要求考生的作文开头部分以及每一段的第一句一定要写得像英文,不要出现任何的拼写或语法错误。除了语言的地道外,还要求作文有层次感。可以用一系列表示逻辑关系的连词,即过渡语词来表示思路的清晰,如and, however, furthermore, also, what’s more等。此外,还可以用对等的句式结构,如for one thing, for another;On the one hand, on the other hand等来增加文章的层次感。

总之,议论文对语言的要求主要体现在三个方面:①用恰当的逻辑词表现文章的逻辑性。②要注意自然段与主题句的运用,即用自然段表现出文章 的逻辑性,并在每段中用主题句说明要点,给人一目了然的感觉。③要注意句型结构,注意 每句的重心和句与句之间的衔接,使句意一环扣一环,避免松散。




1.文内语言尽量通俗口语化,简单扼要,直截了当,无需使用客套语言。In a roundabout way 2.便条虽简单,但中心务必突出,更要注明活动的时间及地点。



便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素: 1)Date 2)Salutation称呼


4)Signature 真的不掉线吗??、????????????



超字数或字数达不到扣1分 语法、拼写错误3个扣1分。主要内容是否交待清楚占最大比重。





1. Yours写成Your 2. 结束语后不加逗号

3. 语言不得体,比如,对于很随便的情景,使用很正式的句子结构和用词。Jan.1, 2003 Feb.1 March 9April 9May 9June 9July 9Aug.9Oct.9Nov.9Dec.9 实例分析:

Oct.12 日期写在右上角,在年份与月日之间必须用逗号隔开。月日不用。

Dear Jenny,(左边顶格写起并自成一行,称呼后需要加标点,英国人习惯语用逗号,美国人习惯用冒号)“Star Wars” is on at Cinecenter at 7:30.We’ll meet you there at 7:15 for a quick coffee first.It’ll probably go on for 2 hours.Pizza afterwards.Yours, Tom 在正文结束前,通常需要采用结束语,告知对方信的正文部分已经写完。


1.Awaiting your good news.2.Looking forward to your early reply.3.Hoping to hear from you soon.4.We wait your good news.5.I hope to hear from you very soon.6.We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.7.I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles.8.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.9.The help you give me is sincerely valued.10.I hope everything will be well with you.11.Please let us know if you want more information.12.I hope you always enjoy yourself.13.I wish you every success in the ing year.真的不掉线吗??、????????????

14.Please remember me to your family.15.With best regards to your family.16.All the best.17.With love and good wishes.Salutations: Dear Mr.Smith: Dear Sir or Madam: Dear Smith: Dear Mrs.Smith/Miss Smith

plimentary closings: Sincerely yours, Cordially yours,(Cordially, or Sincerely, alone may be used if we address the reader by his first name;in this case, it is not good practice to use any of the following closes)Yours truly, Yours very truly, Very truly yours, Yours faithfully, Yours, Cordially, Sincerely, 其他样例:


January 26

thDear Li, As the Spring Festival is drawing near, I’m very glad to invite you to e to a dinner party with several other friends of ours.I’m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly.Would you like to e on time at 5:00 p.m.today, to Room 6 of Lijing Hotel? 真的不掉线吗??、???????????? Yours always, Jiayang


Jan.10th Dear Ms.Jiang, I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two periods of English Class due to a bad cold and high fever.Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days.I will go back to school as soon as I recover.Yours respectfully, Tian Ye


Jan.1 Dear Laura: We are going to have a tea party to celebrate my parents’ fiftieth anniversary of their marriage and certainly we wish you and John would e.It’s next Thursday, August 10, at six O’clock.th We do hope you can make it, as Peter and I are expecting with great pleasure to see you both.Yours, Amy

Oct.12 Dear Jenny, “Star Wars” is on at Cinecenter at 7:30.we’ll meet you there at 7:15 for a quick coffee first.It’ll probably go on for 2 hours.Pizza afterwards.Yours, Tom 欠条:留下字据,表示欠某人某物。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。

Sept.16th, 2002 Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows: A copy of English History and Anthology of English Literature by Wu Weiren,a copy of A Survey of American Literature by Chang Yaoxin,and a copy of World Literature by Jiang Chengen.Wu Zhuo From the Office of Social Science Department 真的不掉线吗??、????????????





NH4是+1价 OH、NO3、HCO3是-1价





模型与符号 原子、分子和离子,元素符号


A、H2O B、表示方向的指向标 C、电流I D、沙盘中的校园





4、构成物质有三种微粒: ;构成原子核的微粒是、。由于 所带正电和 所带负电,电量相等,电性相反,所以原子显电 性

5、第一个提出原子概念的人是 ;第一个发现电子的人是


A 分子始终在做无规则运动 B 分子之间存在空隙

C 分子之间存在引力和斥力 D 分子是保持物质化学性质的一种微粒


①分子由原子构成;②分子是由一种原子构成的;③分子是由不同的原子构成的; ④分子构成了所有物质;⑤分子是构成物质的微粒之一。

A.①②⑤ B.③④ C.①②④ D.①⑤

8、证明分子在化学变化中可分的是()A、铁矿石磨成粉末 B、碘受热升华

C、加热水有水蒸气生成 D、水通电,生成氢气和氧气

9、下列关于原子的说法错误的是(A、原子是化学变化中的最小粒子 B、原子在不断地运动)C、有些物质是由原子直接构成的 D、原子是不可再分的粒子


A 钙单质 B 钙元素 C 钙原子 D 钙离子


A 氢原子和氧原子组成 B 一个氢分子和一个氧分子构成

C 氢元素和氧元素组成 D 两个氢分子和两个氧原子构成

12、关于二氧化硫、二氧化碳、二氧化锰、氧气四种物质的说法正确的是()A、都含有氧分子 B、氧元素的化合价都相同

C、都是氧化物 D、都含有氧元素



A、原子是化学变化中的最小粒子 B、原子在不断地运动

C、有些物质是由原子直接构成的 D、原子是不可再分的粒子


A.质子数为1,中子数为2 B.质子数为2,中子数为1 C.质子数为1,电子数为l D.质子数为2,电子数为1





2015年1 月 10日雅思写作真题

The leaders directors of organizations are often older people.But some people say that young people can also be a leader.What do you think?

2015年 1月 17日雅思写作真题

Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish.Discuss both view and give your opinion.2015年 1月 29日雅思写作真题

Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as south pole, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.2015年 1月 31日雅思写作真题

Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to protection wild animals and birds.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2015年 2月7 日雅思写作真题

Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people.Why? What can be done to attract local people?

2015年2 月12 日雅思写作真题

Some people think that the age limit for driving should be increased in order to make driving safer.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2015年 2月 14日雅思写作真题

The use of mobile phone is as antisocial as smoking.Smoking is banned in certain places so mobile should be banned like smoking.To what extend do agree or disagree?

2015年 2月 28日雅思写作真题

Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work.Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?

2015年 3月 12日雅思写作真题

some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing.To what extend do agree or disagree?

2015年 3月 14日雅思写作真题

Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for their children, others believe that family members like grandparents can do a better job.Discuss both sides and give your opinion?

2015年3 月21 日雅思写作真题

Some people believe famous people's support towards international aids organizations draws the attentions to problems.Others think celebrities make the problems less important.Discuss both sides and give your opinion?

2015年 3月28 日雅思写作真题

Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people's writing and reading skills.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2015年 4月11 日雅思写作真题

Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people.What problems will be caused? And what are the solutions?

2015年 4月 18日雅思写作真题

Some people think only best students should be rewarded, others think we should reward students who make progress.2015年 4月25 日雅思写作真题

Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a rubbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2015年4 月 30日雅思写作真题

how important it is for individuals and countries to think about the future,rather than focusing on the present?

2015年5 月9 日雅思写作真题

Development of technology cause environmental problems.Some people think people should choose a simpler way of life.Others think that we should use technology tosolve these problems.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2015年5 月 16日雅思写作真题

To improve the quality of education, people think that we should encourage our students to evaluate and criticise their teachers.Others believe that it will result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2015年5 月21 日雅思写作真题

In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life.What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?

2015年 5月30 日雅思写作真题

Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open area which in towns and cities than build more housing.To what extend do agree or disagree?

2015年 6月6 日雅思写作真题

Some people think only best students should be rewarded;others think we should reward students who show improvement.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2015年 6月13 日雅思写作真题

Because of traffic and housing problems in the cities,the government encourages business to to the rural area.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

2015年 6月18 日 雅思写作真题

Some people believe famous people's support towards international aids organizations draws the attentions to problems.Others think celebrities make the problems less important.Discuss both sides and give your opinion?

2015年 6月27 日雅思写作真题

Many people nowadays don't feel safe either at home or out.What are the reasons? And what can we do to solve this problem?

2015年 7月 4日 雅思写作真题

It has been suggested that all young adults should be required to undertake a period of unpaid work helping the people in the community.Would the drawbacks be greater than benefits to the community and the young adults themselves?

2015年 7月11日 雅思写作真题

Some people think that advertising discourages us from being different individuals, as all people want to do the same and look the same.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2015年 7月23日雅思写作真题

Some people say government should give the health care the first priorites,some others believe there are more important priorities to spend the tax payers' money.Discuss.2015年 7月 25日雅思写作真题

As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities.Do you agree or disagree?

2015年 8月 1日雅思写作真题

The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate.What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?

2015年 8月 8日雅思写作真题

Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later.Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2015年 8月 13日雅思写作真题

International travel sometimes lead people have some prejudices rather than broad minds,why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit? 2015年 8月 29日雅思写作真题

Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between countries as a positive development.Others, however, feel these leading to loss of national identities.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2015年9月3日雅思写作真题之雅思大作文TASK2

Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crimes.Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2015年9月12日雅思写作真题之雅思大作文TASK2

Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources(eg Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?


Some people think everyone should be a vegetarian, because we do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials(eg.Paper, glass and cans.)What are the reasons and solutions?


In some countries, secondary school aims to provide a general education across a range of subjects.In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career.Which do you think is appropriate in today’s world?


Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help people prevent illness and disease.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every aspect.Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2015年10月24日雅思写作真题之雅思大作文TASK2

Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every aspect.Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2015年10月31日雅思写作真题之雅思大作文TASK2

Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supported by government.Others think they should find financial support from other resources.Discuss both sides and give your opinion.2015年11月7日雅思写作真题之雅思大作文TASK2

A 卷:

School leavers g travelling or work before theygo directly to university.Are there more advantages or disadvantages on their study?

B 卷:

For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than parents.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


题目A: The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 话题:教育 题型:观点类

题目B:Consumption of the world’s resources(such as oil, fresh water, etc.)is increasing at a dangerous rate.What are the causes of this increased consumption? What can people do to reduce it? 话题:能源 题型:报告类

2015年11月19日雅思写作真题之雅思大作文TASK2 A卷

The government should spend money in promoting sport and art in school, rather than sponsoring professional sports and art events in communities.To what extent do you agree or disagree? B卷

Nowadays, more and more jobs and tasks are done by machines which involve hard physical work.Does these effects of this trend outweigh the negative effects?

2015年11月21日雅思写作真题之雅思大作文TASK2 A卷:

In some countries, the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father.Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future? B卷:

Nowadays, most people learn academic study in university, but others think we should encourage to learn vocational skills more, do you agree or disagree?


Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies.Some people think it is unreliable.There are some other better methods.Do you agree or disagree?


People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life.Does the positive effect of this trend outweigh negative effects?


Some people think reading stories in book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


2008清华美院考题 造型专业

素描:男青年胸像带手写生 色彩:女青年胸像带手写生 创作:等车

速写:人物动态全身速写写生 设计专业



创作:以运动为题画一张平面设计,要求画面中必须出现sport字样 速写:人物动态全身速写写生

2007清华美院考题 造型专业








素描:带白帽子的女青年头像写生?3小时?8开 要求:写实画法?形象生动?限用铅笔和炭笔


面包?一个橙子?一块蓝灰色衬布?一块白衬布?一张报纸?8开?3小时 要求:构图完整?色彩丰富?限用水彩和水粉 速写:由同一个模特先后摆3个姿势?第一个是坐在椅子上看报纸?第二个是蹲在地上手扶椅子?第三个


要求:1?创意新颖?构图完整?2?用色彩?表现?25×20?8开?3小时 创作:“我爱家园”



素描:带白帽子的女青年头像写生 3小时 8开 要求写实画法 形象生动 限用铅笔和炭笔

色彩:乘半杯的红茶透明玻璃杯,半瓶红茶(娃哈哈),2个苹果,一个梨,一个不锈钢盘子里盛着3片面包,一个橙子,一快蓝灰色衬布,一块白衬布,一张报纸.8开 3小时 要求 构图完整 色彩丰富限用水彩和水粉

速写:由同一个模特先后摆3个姿势,第一个是坐在椅子上看报纸,第二个是蹲在地上手扶椅子,第三个是站立一个腿放在椅子并用手扶着.每个15分钟中间休息3次 每次5分钟 8开 共一小时

设计:以“奥运”为体结合身边的人和人,人和物,物和物画一与奥运有关的设计 要求1创意新颖,构图完整 2用色彩表现 25*20 8开 3小时 创作:“我爱家园”

2004清华美院考题? 素描:带眼镜男青年头像 写生

色彩:透明花瓶里有黄花,两个梨,一本杂志,一个玻璃杯,写生 速写:坐姿、拉小提琴 设计:沟通

2003清华美院考题 清华工艺美院 素描:男子头像写生

色彩:静物写生:一方凳上平铺一块白色桌布?玻璃器皿(啤酒瓶或者花瓶)内插一浅色花卉 白色或者黄色?几本杂志书无色杯子半杯可乐?两个黄色苹果或者梨 散落几朵小花

速写:人物写生或者默写?男子青年坐姿?默写 拉提琴的人 教师 或者收割农民 任选一


2002清华美院考题 清华工艺美院



2009清华美院艺术设计专业考题 色彩考题

一块黄白布,一杯橙汁内有一吸管,一打钙奶饼干 一个鸡蛋,一个绿色的梨,一个盘子 设计考题




北京理工大学艺术设计学院专业考题: 素描:

我的邻居 并速写一个与职业相关的物件 色彩:一个罐子 盘子 水果任选三种 两块布 设计:人与自然


素描:女子四分之三侧面头像或正面女子头像 或 正面男子头像或四分之三男子侧面头像? 色彩:蔬菜类或 水果类 两块布 冷暖两个小色稿 创意速写:钥匙表现韵律 五金表现沟通?椅子表现互爱


素描:男子中年像 3/4 侧面 色彩:蔬菜类?两块布




首都师范美术学院 素描:青年男子头像写生

色彩:米黄色布 剥开的橘子 白盘子 刀 放在椅子上


素描:军人带帽子3/4 侧面照片 画成素描 色彩:蔬菜照片 画出蔬菜静物色彩 两块布 自选 创意速写:烟筒 树 地球 表达生机与污染

天津师范大学艺术学院 素描:中年男子3/4侧面像默写

色彩:默写出 绿布 大蒜 菜刀 醋瓶子 土豆 一块点缀性布

中国美术学院专业考题 油画

色彩:一个棕色的陶罐,一个平底漆盘,一个长颈酒瓶,台面上放三个橙子和一个小陶罐,两块布。素描:半身带手 公共艺术(壁画与漆画)





2009年山东工艺美术学院专业试题 素描:默写微笑的中年妇女 8开 3小时 色彩:以我的早餐为题默写 8开 2小时


2009年湖南师范大学艺术类专业试题 素描:画自理想中的男老师形象。默写


2009年辽宁师范大学艺术类专业试题 素描:男青年。写生

水粉:褐色陶罐一个。黄瓜一条。两个西红柿。洋葱一个。苹果若干。深红色衬布、橘黄色衬布各一块。默写 2009年长春大学艺术类专业试题


水粉:一个啤酒瓶。白色盘子一个。不锈钢刀一把。一个深色陶罐。苹果、梨、橘子三种水果不少于五个。默写 2009年海南大学艺术类专业试题 素描:男青年。写生


2009年南昌大学 艺术类专业试题 素描:男青年头像默写


2009年湖南城市学院艺术类专业试题 素描:3/4 带眼镜男青年默写

水粉:一瓶橙汁。一个梨。三节葱。一个茶杯。一块白色衬布。默写 2009年大连工业大学艺术类专业试题


速写:左手叉腰的男青年。默写 男青年写生



2009年南京林业大学艺术类专业试题 素描:女青年全侧(后面来光)照片

水粉:大可乐一个。白纸杯一个。坛子一个。一TING雪碧。一TING可乐。三个香蕉。两个苹果。一个橘子。红衬布一块。黑白照片 2009年桂林工学院艺术类专业试题 素描:3/4 女青年默写


2009年河北省美术联考试题 素描:男青年写生


水粉:一个大可乐瓶。香蕉三到五个。一桶橘黄色方便面。两个苹果。一个白盘子。一把刀。蓝灰色、白色衬布各一块。默写 2009年天津市美术联考试题 素描:正面男老人头像默写 速写:两位女青年一起看报纸默写

水粉:深灰色、白色衬布各一块。不锈钢水壶一只。玻璃杯(内装半杯黄色果汁)。橘子三个以上。苹果两个以上。山楂若干。默写 2009年北京美术联考考试题 素描:正面女子照片 头像默写

色彩:按照照片上的速写稿 画出水粉静物画 蔬菜类 速写:考场上的考生两张速写



2007年美术高校专业试题 北京工业大学艺术设计学院








(设计专业)? 色彩:静物写生 塑料袋、四个橘子、一袋芹菜、一个矿泉水瓶

设计 夏天 有关夏天的三件物品

(造型专业)? 创作:我家的厨房 色彩:女半身水粉?? 北京林业大学2006年高考试题

 素描:半素描(静物)给纸上复印的泥人(黑白)加苹果、橘子、果盘、梨

 色彩:半色彩 纸上复印黑白电话一部加书若干、一只钢笔,自己任选

 速写:半速写 默写场景不少于2个人


 素描:默写我的男同学头像

 色彩:默写一个书包、一个果盘子、两块面包、一杯可乐、三个香蕉、两个鸡蛋、一块衬布??  速写:创意速写“电话、嘴、手”要求表达“关爱和疏远”两个主题


 素描:我的一位女同学,角度自选(动画专业)?  色彩:默写

8开 2/3葡萄酒瓶、白盘子、苹果、高角杯、水果刀;1/3暖色调,冷色调 ?  创意速写:用一个行李箱进行创作,表现“沉重”


 素描:半身男青年像

 色彩:静物写生 白色衬布、酒瓶、水果刀、梨一个、白磁盘、三个橘子、高脚杯

 速写:三个人(考试一角画面要求3个人)


 素描:默写女青年胸像 微胖 扎辫子 西服 ?  色彩:默写一个陶罐、两块暖色衬布、两个苹果、一把刀子、一个装酒的高脚杯子、两个梨、两个橘子

2005年: 一:清华大学美术学院


色彩写生:蓝灰色衬布和白布、报纸(压在盘子下)、白盘子(或不锈钢盘),康师傅冰红茶、?半杯红茶、3片面色、两个橘子(或苹果)和一个梨子 速写:



3、一脚踩椅子一手拖腮的人 创作:“我爱我家“ 设计:以“奥运”为题,选择“衣、食、住、行、用”中任一领域中的人与人,人与物、物与物之间搓系进行设计 表现(三个小时)







(一)设计专业: 素描默写:“母亲”,“父亲”,“你喜欢的女教师”,角度不限

色彩默写:陶罐、盘子、玻璃杯各一个,面包两块,梨(橘子、苹果、鸡蛋)两个,衬布两块,水果刀一把,要求色彩统一,构图完整,写实手法 图形设计:




(二)绘画专业: 素描写生:男青年(八开)


三 :首都师范大学美术学院





(一)造型专业: 素描:男青年胸像(带手)

色彩:女青年头像 创作:“两代人” 速写:两个人物速写,一个场景速写 书法:一个小时内完成四十个楷体字



色彩:“秋天的景色”要求用五种颜色,采用平涂色块的方式进行绘画平面:以“春、夏、秋、冬"为题进行图形创意 立体:切割五刀后的立方体,画三视图



色彩:“秋天的景色“要求用五种颜色,采用平涂色块的方式进行绘画 立体:把一个立方体切割五刀后重新进行组合,画三视图












要 求:可选择人物、动物、景物进行创作,也可用“点、线、面”进行创作,具象、抽?象均可

速 写:一坐一站(1月29日,头向右看站姿,手叉腰翘二郎腿坐姿)、(2月20日,一脚踩椅子站姿,手拿报纸坐姿)



速写默写:扫地的女青年,着春秋装 色彩默写:一个盘子、一个瓶子、两个橘子、一个梨、衬布两块、一串葡萄,画面为 暖色调










作为主物体,再加上指定添加物品和自由活加的物品任意构图,完成一幅暖色调 静物色彩画(要求:构图完整,形体准确,色彩丰富,以写实手法表现)







2、装饰部分:根据写生部分的内容画出一幅装饰画(30分钟)色彩考 试时间共计150分钟



























色彩写生:自由组合,灰布、罐子、香蕉、玻璃杯(半杯橙汁)素 写:一站一从(30分钟)油画专业:人像油画











素描:深色瓶子、矮罐子、葡萄、苹果、橘子、香蕉、梨、盘子、白布、橘红色衬布、灰 绿布 色彩:同上












三个),检有橘子五个,苹果两个,梨两个。3小时,8开 速写:






个,苹果两个,梨两个,玻璃杯一个(冷色调)3小时8开 速写:正面女青年双手叉腰?30分钟?8开


素描:打碎的镜子的静物默写?3小时 8开

色彩:半身带手写生,(绘画专业)着白色上衣的男青年,(设计专业)秋天风景(平涂,五 套色)3小时 8开


素描:男青年头像写生 2.5小时?8开

色彩:静物默写,陶罐、苹果、西红柿、香蕉、白盘、五件物体选三种,白色衬布 3小时 8开

速写:站姿、坐姿人物各一个 20分钟 8开





设 计:







素 描:“足球和球衣的组合”,画面主题突出,构思构图完整,素描表现形式不限,四开


色 彩:根据主体物添加静物默写一幅色彩画主体物为一把白色的瓷制茶壶,添加与其相适












5、“心”形图形具有丰富的情感表现性,图例为其中一种形式;请另设计3种不同 的“心”形图形(形态简洁、表现性强、形态轻松有趣,50分)










计,填充图案,可酌情使用其他图形元素辅助表现(作品要装饰性和寓意性15CM X 15CM,不超过六套色,含白色)















素描默写:两把榔头或锤子(可以是部分残缺,也可以添加一至二件其他物品,形体透视比例关系 正确,表现形式不限)




素描写生:男青年 色彩写生:静物


一、专业:国画人物、油画、版画、综合绘画 素描(复试)时间:4小时 题目:肖像写生 内容:男子中年头像





二、专业:版画、综合绘画 色彩时间:4小时 题目:水粉色彩静物写生 内容:蔬菜静物

要求:以写实的表现手法,用色彩整体地表现特定光源下 对象的画面 色彩关系

道具:绍兴酒罐或孔府酒罐一个,大白菜一棵,小红辣椒三 个,白萝卜四个,洋葱二个,大葱二根。

三、专业:油画 油画色彩时间:4小时半 题目:油画胸像写生 内容:着羊毛衫的女青年胸像




四、专业:国画人物 写生时间:4小时 题目:老人半身肖像写生



1、表现膝以上,注意人物神情的表达,形体结构、动态正 确,充分发挥专业的技巧。










六、专业:工业设计专业设计时间:4小时 题目:多功能文具盒设计




2、草图中选出一个,画出彩色效果图(水粉、水彩或其他形式均可)各三视图(铅笔),标出尺寸。 3、50~300字设计说明。


素描:男女青年头像写生 3小时 4开

色彩:女中青年头像写生 3小时 4开

速描:站姿、坐姿各一个 60分钟 8开







色彩:静物写生,可乐瓶一个,报纸一张,塑料袋一个,(白色)红色衬布一块,光盘一张 3小时 8开

速写:两个站姿,一个坐姿 60分钟 8开


素描:手拿报纸半身带手写生 3小时 4开


3小时 6开

速写:考场一角,(三个以上人物)30分钟 8开

2000年北京 服装学院,装潢专业


默写 一瓶饮料。一个苹果。一个盘子里放几片面包,一个碗装有刚打进去的去壳鸡蛋,一个完整的鸡蛋 两块衬布 颜色自设。2001北服电脑专业



静物写生 啤酒瓶。一块褐色布,两只番茄,一个白盘子 2002天津理工

写生色彩 一块有条纹的衬布 三只苹果 一只白瓷盘 一片面包 一只盛有红酒的酒杯,两只梨 可增加其他物品 1998西北纺织工学院

默写 一只瓷盘 盘中打开的鸡蛋盘外有两个完整的鸡蛋 几根剥好的葱 一个酱油瓶 两块暖色台布



灰绿色台布。鸡蛋 白盘子 深色罐子 土豆两三个 黄瓜两根 2001西北纺织 装潢设计

默写 蓝色花瓶一个 白盘子一只 切口的苹果若干块 刀一把 梨两个 橘子一个

1998中国美院 版画系

默写 橘子 苹果 水果刀 白盘子 白灰色布 蓝灰色布 六小时 2001中国美院 版画 综合绘画专业

写生 白布一块 砂锅一个 酒瓶一只 玻璃杯一只(内城橙色水)白瓷盘一只 大叶子树枝(附图)

2001中国美院 服装 陶艺

默写 橘子若干 水果盘一只 装有橙汁的玻璃杯一只 深色罐子一只 白布一块 2002

默写 七个苹果 一块白布 一个白盘子 一把水果刀 两只橘子



默写 一只白色瓷盘 一把白水壶 一块台布 一个白杯子 一只橘子 两只香蕉 1999 上大油画专业

冷水壶 咖啡壶 白瓷盘 水果刀 柠檬 灰衬布 梨

小玻璃杯 内放一片柠檬


写生 不锈钢咖啡壶一只,一只玻璃碗中放有果汁或果块 白盘子放面包 餐刀一把 灰衬布一块


写生 陶罐

深色酒瓶 白色瓷盘 香蕉和苹果若干个 酒杯 背景 和衬布

默写 几本书 苹果 白盘子 刀 两块衬布 色调自调


一只罐子 一只铝制茶壶 三只半 苹果 一个梨 一只白盘子 两块布 颜色不限

默写 一只深色罐子 一只啤酒瓶 一只成有酱油的白盘子 两只鸡蛋 四只青椒 一块白布 和一块棕色布

南艺 写生 鲜花 玻璃杯 啤酒瓶 白盘子 苹果 香蕉 橘子

默写 蓝色布一块 浅色背景布一块 白色瓷瓶一只 瓷质圆盘一只 成有橙汁的玻璃杯 一只 苹果若干个 梨若干个


默写 一块布 几只苹果 一个白盘子 一只有葡萄酒的瓶子 一把刀


默写 砂锅一只 面包一块 白盘子中有一个打开后的生鸡蛋 橘子水一杯 刀一把 衬布两块 褐色一块 白色一块


深色罐子一个 青瓷碗一个 酒瓶一个 玻璃杯一个 白盘子一个 梨五个 衬布两块 颜色自定

默写额啤酒瓶一个 方形面包数片 白色瓷瓶一个 香蕉一串 牛奶一杯 衬布两块深浅各一块




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    幼儿园教师资格证历年写作题 1、2016年上半年:阅读下面材料,根据要求作文 常言道:“上山容易,下山难。”这句话是说,上山虽然费力,但是不容易发生危险;下山虽然省力,但却容易失足跌......


    2010年 教师节 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay in honor of teachers on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. You should wr......


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