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moon away 虚度时光

Dont“t moon away the Mid-autumn Festival。找点事儿做吧,不要虚度了中秋佳节哦。

over the moon 欣喜若狂

She is over the moon about the two holidays。连着两个节假日,她高兴极了。(呵呵,的确让人感到over the moon呢。)

aim/level at the moon 想入非非,野心太大

脚踏实地,Don”s aim at the moon哦~

as changeable as the moon 象月亮一样善变,反复无常


What can I do with her? She is as changeable as the moon。她反复无常,我真拿她没办法。

bark/bay at the moon/bay the moon 空嚷嚷,徒劳,枉费心机

狗有时会对着月亮吠叫,借以吓唬月亮,可是无论它再怎么凶猛咆哮都只是白费力气而已。后来人们就用bay the moon或bark at the moon来比喻“空嚷,徒劳,无事空扰”。

boast above/beyond the moon 捧上天,海阔天空地吹牛

对着月亮叫(bark at the moon)都是枉费心机了,boast above the moon更是吹大牛了。

cast beyond the moon 痴心妄想; 胡乱猜测,想入非非

cover oneself with the moon 露宿(指流浪汉与失业者)


cry/ask/wish for the moon 想做办不到的事情,想要得不到的东西

不要向你的男朋友ask for the moon了,有些幼稚了啊。

dark of the moon 月黑时

full of the moon 月圆; 满月时

(make)believe/think that the moon is made of green cheese

(要人)相信最荒唐的事; 愚蠢到极点,愚弄人

old moon in new moon"s arms 新月抱残月(指上弦月出现时,另外半边受地球的反光,隐隐显出圆月的轮廓)

once in a blue moon 极少; 千载难逢

“blue moon”本意指“一个月中的第二次满月”,据推算,这种天文现象至少要相隔32个月才会出现一次,也算很罕见了。因而日常生活中,人们常用“once in a blue moon”来形容机会难得,千载难逢。

pay/offer the moon 支付一大笔款项


praise above/beyond the moon 过分颂扬; 捧天上

promise sb.the moon 对某人作无法兑现的许诺

shoot the moon(为避债)乘黑夜搬家

the man in the moon 月中人(指月面的黑斑); 假想的人

The moon does not heed the barking of dogs.(=Does the moon care for the barking of a dog?)

“月亮不理狗的狂吠”; 对无稽责难置之不理。

这句与上面的“bark at the moon徒劳,枉费心机”对应。

The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not。


The moon is not seen where the sun shines。




热15已有 96 次阅读 2010-09-21 15:05 标签: 英语 短语 词汇 月亮 中秋节快到了,和家人在一起边吃月饼边赏月很惬意吧,今天就分享一些与月亮有关的词汇和短语,一起看看吧。


moon away 虚度时光

Dont't moon away the Mid-autumn Festival。找点事儿做吧,不要虚度了中秋佳节哦。

over the moon 欣喜若狂

She is over the moon about the two holidays。连着两个节假日,她高兴极了。(呵呵,的确让人感到over the moon呢。)

aim/level at the moon 想入非非,野心太大

脚踏实地,Don's aim at the moon哦~

as changeable as the moon 象月亮一样善变,反复无常


What can I do with her? She is as changeable as the moon。她反复无常,我真拿她没办法。

bark/bay at the moon/bay the moon 空嚷嚷,徒劳,枉费心机

狗有时会对着月亮吠叫,借以吓唬月亮,可是无论它再怎么凶猛咆哮都只是白费力气而已。后来人们就用bay the moon或bark at the moon来比喻“空嚷,徒劳,无事空扰”。

boast above/beyond the moon 捧上天,海阔天空地吹牛

对着月亮叫(bark at the moon)都是枉费心机了,boast above the moon更是吹大牛了。


cast beyond the moon 痴心妄想; 胡乱猜测,想入非非

cover oneself with the moon 露宿(指流浪汉与失业者)


cry/ask/wish for the moon 想做办不到的事情,想要得不到的东西

不要向你的男朋友ask for the moon了,有些幼稚了啊。

dark of the moon 月黑时

full of the moon 月圆; 满月时

(make)believe/think that the moon is made of green cheese

(要人)相信最荒唐的事; 愚蠢到极点,愚弄人

old moon in new moon's arms 新月抱残月(指上弦月出现时,另外半边受地球的反光,隐隐显出圆月的轮廓)

once in a blue moon 极少; 千载难逢

“blue moon”本意指“一个月中的第二次满月”,据推算,这种天文现象至少要相隔32个月才会出现一次,也算很罕见了。因而日常生活中,人们常用“once in a blue moon”来形容机会难得,千载难逢。

pay/offer the moon 支付一大笔款项



praise above/beyond the moon 过分颂扬; 捧天上

promise sb.the moon 对某人作无法兑现的许诺

shoot the moon(为避债)乘黑夜搬家

the man in the moon 月中人(指月面的黑斑); 假想的人

The moon does not heed the barking of dogs.(=Does the moon care for the barking of a dog?)

“月亮不理狗的狂吠”; 对无稽责难置之不理。

这句与上面的“bark at the moon徒劳,枉费心机”对应。

The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not。


The moon is not seen where the sun shines。





越来越多的人学英语的目的,是因为旅游,那么我们在旅行签证时的单词儿,你都认识吗? 今天我们就来学习一些签证中你必须要知道的单词儿。

>visa application form: 签证申请表

>passport No: 护照号

>issue at: 签发地

>issue date: 签发日期

>expiry date: 失效日期

>visa type(class): 签证种类


>business visa: 商务签证

>tourist visa: 旅游签证

>work visa:工作签证

>studentvisa: 留学签证

>long-term/short-term visa: 长/短期签证

>single-entry visa: 一次入境签证

>multiple-entry visa: 多次入境签证

>visa on arrival: 落地签证

>individual/group visa:个人/团体签证

>dependantvisa: 家属签证

>exchange visitor: 交流学者

>admission number: 准许入境编号

>arrival/departure record: 入境/出境记录

>extension of stay: 延长居留期限


>studying certificate: 在读证明

>certificate of the scholarships:奖学金证书

>certificate of house property:房产证明

>visa officer: 签证官

>certificate of deposit: 存款证明

>economical warranty letter of my parents: 父母经济担保书

>working and income certificate of my father/mother:父/母亲在职收入证明 >annual salary: 年工资


体验式英语教育先锋美联英语 与结婚相关的英语词汇和短语

求婚: Proposal [prə'pəʊzl] 媒人: Matchmaker 订婚: Engagement 婚姻: Marriage 未婚夫: Fiance [fɪ'ɑːnseɪ] 未婚妻: Fiancee 婚宴: Wedding Party 婚纱: Wedding dress 新郎: Bridegroom/ Groom 新娘: Bride 男傧相: Groomsman 女傧相: Bridesmaid 证婚人: Witness of wedding 婚誓: Wedding vows [vaʊs] 男花童: Ring bearer ['beərə(r)] 女花童: Flower girl 蜜月: Honeymoon A honeymoon is the traditional holiday taken by newlyweds to celebrate their marriage in intimacy(亲密)and seclusion(隔绝).Today,honeymoons by Westerners are often celebrated in destinations considered exotic(异国的)or romantic(浪漫的).新婚夫妇: Newlyweds 交换誓言:Exchange vows




穿衣服get dressed,Wearing Clothes 制服uniform 刷牙brush one's teeth 洗脸wash the face 整理床铺make the bed,bedmaking 打扫房间clean the room 锁门lock the door 离开公寓Leave the apartment 去餐厅Go to restaurant 吃早餐have breakfast 早锻炼Morning Exercises 跑步running 早读morning reading 列队fall into rank 集合gather,解散dissolve 上课go to class 老师好Hello Teacher,Teacher well 做笔记take notes 玩手机 fiddle with her phone 下课class is over 去卫生间Go to the bathroom 打水fetch water 喝水drink water 吃午饭have lunch,go to lunch 午休noon break,midday rest 去北广North Garden square 去超市Go to the supermarket 去饭 go to the restaurant 叫外卖Ordenng Takeout 去女生公寓楼下To the girl's apartment downstairs 等人wait for someone 等你Waiting for you 约会make an appointment 约了人吃晚饭 About a person for dinner 我可以约你去散步吗 Can I take a walk around you 我可以约你去看电影吗Can I go to the movies about you 吃晚餐have dinner,have supper 去吃晚餐go to dinner 去图书馆go to the library 借书borrow books 还书return a book 晚自习self-study at night,Night classes 回公寓 back to the apartment 用电脑use computer 看新闻Read the news 打电话making telephone calls 看球赛watch ball game 看电影see films 听音乐listen to music 玩游戏play games 聊天Chatting,have a chat 洗澡take a bath,have a bath,take a shower 睡觉go to bed,go to sleep 关灯turn off the lights 取快递Take delivery 晚点名evening roll-call 辅修法学A minor in law 理发have a haircut 社团活动Club Activities,Community activities 打篮球play basketball 洗衣服wash the clothes 晾衣服hang clothes out



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