四六级作文经典十篇 校园攀比 环境问题等 英语作文

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第一篇:四六级作文经典十篇 校园攀比 环境问题等 英语作文

四级作文练兵: 校园的攀比现象






Some 20-somethings ,supposed to dedicate themselves to studies, are in hot pursuit of fashion.The craze to vie with each other is prevalent in colleges and universities.Undoubtedly, they have every reason to reverse the trend.Students should concentrate themselves exclusively on studies, which should be on the top of their agenda.Holding the right concept of value makes sense.To earn an impressive academic performance, we college students must pour determined efforts into study and pay no attention to vogue.Keeping up with the Jones results in the unavoidable distraction from studies.And college students are vulnerable to business promotional campaign.They are heavily targeted by ads.We should compete with our peers for better scholarly achievement instead of more expensive items.六级作文练兵:大学生毕业后的去向:






The prospect of uncertainties is putting a heavy strain on a growing number of college graduates.A major decision facing these freshmen of the real world is to choose a suitable life path.Some are bent on furthering their education abroad or going to graduate school, with the aim of acquiring more knowledge or increasing their chances of finding more gainful employment after they return home or graduate.Others decide to plunge themselves into the tight job market.Still others, who are in the minority, intend to set up their own business because they are more ambitious than their peers.These are tough choices.Next June, I will say good bye to my college days.Although a couple of options lie ahead of me, I have made up my mind to land a job with one of the big companies in some affluent areas, such as Yangtze Delta, Canton and so on.I was born into an impoverished urban family.My parents are laid-off and have been working feverishly to fund my college education.As a grown-up, I have to shoulder more responsibilities and strive to lighten my parents’ load.四级作文练兵:欢迎辞

Direction: A foreign delegation is to visit your university.You are assigned to make a welcome speech on behalf of your class.Now write A welcome speech to express your welcome, amd make a brief introduction to your university.题材与体裁连接:



It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our university.Thank you very much for visiting our university in spite of your busy schedules.Huatsing University, under the direct leadership of the China State Ministry of Education, boasts a tradition of academic excellence.Founded in 1943, Huatsing University has grown to a comprehensive university combining science, engineering, law and liberal arts.HU has an enrollment of 9527 degree candidates and 2046 members at faculty.HU, with the outstanding scholarly achievement, eclipses any other universities and colleges in China.HU students display their talents in a wide array of extracurricular activities and win a range of national awards.That's all.Thank you.六级作文练兵:城市交通问题






There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas.Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours.The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem.How to solve the headache?.The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads.Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level.Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation.It is a cheap and good way.We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail.The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic.六级作文练兵:学习与锻炼身体的关系




参考范文: How to arrange/allocate time? This issue splits college students apart.Some individuals' schedules are packed with various tasks related to study.They immerse themselves in books and don't do regular physical exercise.But most of the college students support the value of physical exertion.To develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health, we must involve in regular sports practice.Chen Jingrun, a Mathematics towering figure, planted himself in complex questions without physical exercise.His premature death highlighted the significant health benefits from sports.Historically, physical activity has been associated with health.Today, science has confirmed the link, with overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to die early, or to experience major illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancers.A vast majority of college students do not meet recommended levels of moderate physical activity.Just do it!Let's participate in more physical exercise.(丁晓钟老师提供范文)







The advent of the Internet ushered in a new era of interpersonal communications and business operations.Undoubtedly, the Net are revolutionizing the daily lives of the people who have an access to it.The primary reason behind the Internet boom roots in its multifunction.It provides a vehicle for netizens to shop, search, publish blogs and browse WebPages.A range of problems lurking behind the frenzy of Internet impressively stand out.A vast majority of Internet users' mail boxes are saturated with junk mails, an issue which sparks strong criticism and generates the loss of corporate productivity.It's not alone.Porn websites lure a growing number of young people's visits.False news via the e-mail, BBS and chat room increasingly poses a threat to the social prosperity and stability.To crack down them, we should push for a more effectively tough law.We should join our forces to launch a nation-wide campaign, including imposing stiff penalties on spammers, shutting down or blocking the lewd sites and introducing a real-name registration system to curb fraudulent messages.We can fully believe that our combined efforts will reap rewards.A clean cyberspace will paint our lives more colorfully.An economically booming and technologically advanced global web will play a vital role in the national economic and cultural advancement.四级作文练兵:记叙文练习:

1.描述一下你在公共场所所亲眼目睹的扒窃事件 2.谴责这种不文明行为


Yesterday , I witnessed a theft incident on my way home.A woman took her wallet out and paid for a newspaper at Xinzhuang around 9:00 am.She put her wallet back and turned to leave when a mid-aged man brushed past him muttering “Excuse me”.She didn't notice his wallet was missing.The rampant pickpocket has become a national epidemic and poses a grave threat to residents' and visitors' property safety.Pickpocket prevention, a daunting task for police, makes sense.All sides involved in this problem must join their forces to remove this social cancer.We all expect “ A World Without Thieves”.Everyone shares the huge responsibility for demonstrating his/her justice at proper time.Personal responsibility is vital to building a socialist harmonious society.(丁晓钟老师提供范文)


假设你是李明,请你就本校图书馆的状况给校长写一封信,反映如下问题: 1.图书馆内本专业藏书偏旧,不利于学生及时了解国内外新的学术发展。2.阅览室灯光太暗、没有空调设备。


Dear President: I'm Li Ming.I venture to write to you and unveil the existing problems of the library under your charge.We exhaust our patience to look for items related to our major on shelves crammed with outdated shabby books.Most of them should be weeded.The newly published counterparts need to be purchased, displayed and circulated.The library armed with these fresh books enables us to track the newest information concerning scientific discoveries and scholarly accomplishment.We all suffer the dim light and the absence of air conditioner in the reading room.This intolerably terrible scenario pressingly needs improving.The newly introduced library system is to be updated, for its search engine skips some valuable materials.We are waiting for your response to these problems.8、环境问题

Directions: Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should 1)describe the pictures briefly;2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and

3)give your point of view.The pictures symbolically illustrate pollution is becoming increasingly serious around the globe.In the first cartoon, a man is scorching the earth on a chimney.In the second one, a famous ancient Chinese poet, Wang Bo is astonished by the heavy smoke poured by chimneys into the air and dirty river polluted by a factory.We are informed that “the autumn river is the same color with the sky”.The drawer is sending a message about the significance of the need for everyone to fight against the danger of environmental pollution.There is no denying that the industry is indications of civilization, progress and development.Unfortunately, as industry develops, so will the number of factories, and the amount of industry pollutants.We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice our blue sky and pure water in order to obtain a little material gain.As a consequence, it is imperative for us to take drastic actions.On the one hand, the factories should be equipped with devices which can dispose of waste gas and water so as to prevent them from polluting our planet.On the other hand, there should be an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm actions against poisonous gas sent off and unhealthy water polluted by factories.



校园攀比现象 谚语作文





Some 20-somethings ,supposed to dedicate themselves to studies, are in hot pursuit of fashion.The craze to vie with each other is prevalent in colleges and universities.Undoubtedly, they have every reason to reverse the trend.Students should concentrate themselves exclusively on studies, which should be on the top of their agenda.Holding the right concept of value makes sense.To earn an impressive academic

performance, we college students must pour determined efforts into study and pay no attention to vogue.Keeping up with the Jones results in the unavoidable distraction from studies.And college students are vulnerable to business promotional campaign.They are heavily targeted by ads.We should compete with our peers for better scholarly achievement instead of more expensive designer clothes.


Do not keep up with Joneses Recently, a record which is created by short for Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia shows that the growth of China’s luxury-goods market is booming.There will increase 60% at least in the China’s market ion the ten years.It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, butt it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.Why China’s market is so crazy? I think there are some reasons.Frist of all, China’s economy has developed a lot.In the past years, people are so busy trying to make a living that they didn’t care what the Joneses were doing.With the economy developed, more and more people started feeling they are not good enough.And then, they started to but luxury-goods to show that they are fashion and rich.I think it’s so stupid that I cannot say any words.So, the ad infinitum vicious cycle stated.It’s not good, and miserable.I think these words are true.Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it.The more a man has, the more he wants.Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.





 Ⅰ.对比选择型—作文模板(1) 第一段:简介。(简单介绍某一现象或事物。) 第二段:主要对比观点或事物。(分析某一观点或事物的正反两面,或比较两种不同的观点或事物。) 第三段:结论。(得出结论,或提出自己的看法。)

 【模板一】

 1 Nowadays, wherever you go, you will hear people talk about

.2 Whether you like it or not, it had become a part of our life. 3 Some people who are in favor of

maintain that

.4 In their view,.5 While those who are against

argue that

.6 Apart from above mentioned,.Everything has two sides and

is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

As far as I am concerned, I stand on the side of

.8 First of all, 9 Furthermore,.10 Thirdly,.11 Therefore,. Ⅰ.对比选择型—作文模板(2)

 第一段:主要观点或事物甲。(简单提及某一现象或事物,并分析该现象或事物的好处。) 第二段:主要观点或事物乙。(分析该现象或事物的利弊。) 第三段:结论。(得出结论,或提出自己的看法。) 1 Views/Opinion on(Attitudes towards)

vary from person to person.2 Some people think that

.3 They hold this opinion because(they think)


Others, however, take a negative / positive attitude to

.(Others, nevertheless, are more pessimistic / optimistic about it).When it comes to

, people’s ideas/views/notions/opinions vary from person to person/from one to another. 5 From their point of view,.6 Besides,.

Weighing up the arguments on both sides, I’m inclined to believe that

.If asked my attitude, I am more in favor of

.8 I stand in / hold this attitude /opinion / view because

.9 It’s true that

, but it doesn’t mean that

.10 Therefore / In a word/ In short,.11 Instead, we should

. Ⅱ.现象解释型—作文模板

 第一段:概述。(简要描述某一现象或某一观点。) 第二段:具体阐述。(具体阐释现象或观点的正确性或危害性等。) 第三段:个人见解。(表明自己的态度或看法。) 3 First and foremost,(结果1).4 That is to say,(细节,说明结果1).5 Second,(结果2).(细节,说明结果2).6 Last and not lest,(结果3).(细节,说明结果3). 1 In recent years,(描写现状或趋势).What caused these changes? 2 There are many reasons for it, but generally, they come down in three major ones. 7 Since

is such a serious problem, we should take effective measures to

.8 First, we should

(措施1).9 Besides,(措施2).10 And finally,(措施3). Ⅱ.现象解释型—作文模板

 第一段:概述。(简单描述某一现象或观点。) 第二段:具体阐述。(具体阐述引起这种现象的或持有这种观点考虑的主要因素。) 第三段:个人评价。(对现象或者观点进行评价。) 1 At present/ In recent years/ Nowadays,(描写现状或趋势).2 What caused these changes? It may someday become the main trend when


Many factors contribute to

.Three major elements/factors







(doing sth).4 First of all,(主要因素1).That is to say,.5 Moreover,(主要因素2).6 Last,(主要因素3).7 From their perspective,.Everything has both positive and negative aspects, and

(这种现象或观点)is of no exception.9

(这种现象或观点的正确性).10 However,(这种观点或现象的危害性). Ⅲ.原因阐释型—句子模板

 1.一果多因:

 ⑴ Why

? For one thing,.For another,. ⑵ The answer to this problem involves many factors.For one thing,.For another,.Still another,. 2.一因多果

 ⑴ It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on. ⑵ It involves some serious consequence for. ⑶ There are a number of dreadful consequence of.Perhaps the most serious/disastrous consequence is. ⑷ It may cause/result in/lead to a host/number of problems. ⑸ It leaves/involves some serious consequence of

 ⑹ The immediate result it produce is.And perhaps the most obvious result of is. Ⅲ.原因阐释型—作文模板

 第一段:现象。(对某一社会现象进行描述。) 第二段:原因阐释。(阐释产生这一社会现象的原因。) 第三段:评述或提出解决方法。(发表个人看法,或提出解决思路。) 1 Nowadays, we often hear that

(提出现象).2 This phenomenon is not accidental, and there is social and individual background.

A number of factors, both physical and psychological affect/both individual and social contribute to

.4 For one thing,(原因1).5 For another,(原因2).6 For instance,(举例说明).7 From that, 8 we


As far as I am concerned, I agree that

.10 I think that


. 第三段或为:9 We should take measures to

.10 First,(措施1).Second,(措施2).11 Finally,(措施3). Ⅳ.问题解决型—作文模板

 第一段:引言。(描述现状、形势、提出问题。) 第二段:解决方案。(提出解决问题的方法。) 第三段:评价或个人选择。(简要评价提及的方法,或选择其中

一、两种自己认为合适的方法并说明理由。) 1 Today, with

, a serious social problem has arisen —

.(目前的现象及存在的问题).2 Many ways can contribute to

(要解决的问题), but the following ones may be effective.

How can we solve this problem? I think there are three approaches.First of all,(方法1).4 At first thought, the problem seems far too involved(复杂的), but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt with.Besides,(方法2).5 Finally,(方法3).

In conclusion/ To sum up, the ways I have mentioned above should(希望).never





other. Ⅴ.应用型(信函)—作文模板

 同学间的日常信件作文模板:  1 Dear


2Excuse me for not writing to you for so long a time.

Words cannot express my joy of receiving your letter of May 8th.

I am glad to know that

.3 As for ____ , I suppose that

can be a good choice for you.(首先用一句话来回应收到的信,然后进入此次写信的主题。)4


.6 What’s more,.7 To

, you are supposed to


are also of great importance,.(对来信的第二问题进行答复)Now let’s talk about

.10 First of all, you should

.11 In addition,.(转至第三个问题)12 If any further questions come to you, do not hesitate to write to me.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

All the luck in the world to you.

Please give my best regards to your family/parents. Yours, Ⅴ.应用型(通知)—作文模板

 活动通知作文模板:  Volunteer Needed With the approaching of


(组织者)is to organize

and is now recruiting volunteers.

This program is planned to

.3 It aims to

.4 By participating in the activity, volunteers can

.5 Volunteers are expected to

.6 The program will be carried out


are needed.8 Fellow students who meet the requirements and want to take part in the activity, please call us at

or email us at

.Come and join us! Ⅴ.应用型(演讲稿)—作文模板

 竞赛演讲稿作文模板:  A Campaign Speech

 1 ,(选择一个合适的称呼。)

Thank you for

.3 , 4 I am delighted to announce that


, I have always been considered as

.6 Meanwhile,.7

.8 In addition,if I get elected.(层次清楚地陈述自己的优势,突出重点)

.10 If elected, I am confident that

.11 I will

.(工作规划的简要陈述,点到为止)Thank you very much for your attention.(结束语套话)

 Ⅴ.应用型(导游词)—作文模板

 导游解说词作文模板:  1

, 

Welcome to

.3 First of all, I’d like to introduce myself: I am , It’s my honor to be here with all of you, and I wish you a wonderful trip today.(表示欢迎,自我介绍,开场白套话。)Here is the schedule of the day.5

is the first place we are going to visit this morning.6 Then

will be our destination in the afternoon.(简要介绍行程安排,无需赘述。)7 Now we are on the way


That’s the introduction to

.9 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.(结束语套话)

 Ⅵ.综合叙事型—句子模板

 1.表示时间顺序的连接词:

 ⑴ Early in the morning/In the early morning  ⑵ In the middle of the day/At noon  ⑶ Late in the afternoon/In the late afternoon  ⑷ Far/Deep into the night  ⑸ In the past;At present,;In the future  ⑹ First;Second;Next;Then;Finally  ⑺ At first/In the beginning;At last/In the end  ⑻ Shortly




a sudden/Suddenly/Soon  ⑼ The moment …/As soon as…/The first time …;Not … until…, Next time …, Before …, After …, etc. Ⅵ.综合叙事型—作文模板

 第一段:引出主题。(交待清楚事情发生的背景,如时间、地点及人物等。) 第二段:主体。(描述事情发生的起因、经过和结果。) 第三段:事件分析。(分析事件发生的原因或者写出个人的感受。) 1 It is


(事件)took place.2


I saw


(描写情景,注意描写的顺序).5 To begin with,.6 And then,.7 Eventually,.8 As a consequence,(结束语).

In my opinion, three factors contribute to

.10 First,(原因1).11 Second,(原因2).11 Last ,(原因3).12 All these led to

(结束语). 第三段或为以下模式:

I do believe

(个人感受). Ⅶ.图表型—句子模板

 1.图表内容总括性描述:

 ⑴ As can be seen from the table, great changes have been taking place in

. ⑵ From the above table it can be seen that

. ⑶ As it is shown in the table,. ⑷ According to the graph,. ⑸ It is clear from the table that

. ⑹ The survey/study shows/suggests that

. ⑺ According to the figures given in the table

. ⑻ As you may see from the diagram,. ⑼ The two charts above tell us something about

.(4)总结归纳 / 说明影响 / 表明作者态度 / 以作者个人为例:  1.Through the analysis, we can draw a conclusion that

. 2.In short/ In brief,. 3.To solve the problem of

, we

. 4.From all the facts given above, we can see

. 5.Considering all these /Taking all these into consideration/account, I believe

. 6.As to/for me, I believe

. 7.Take me as an example/In my own case, I

. Ⅶ.图表型—句子模板


14.has been growing faster and faster since

 1.increase/decrease by …

15.less than  2.increase from … to

16.up to  3.increase steadily from …

17.compared with  4.There was a marked increase in …

18.the number of … remains the same as …

Account for占比重  5.There has been a rapid increase in …

13.continue to grow  6.an increase of  7.decline in …

 8.four times as much as …  9.amount to  10.fall from … to …  11.appear stable  12.reach(+数字)

 Ⅶ.图表型—作文模板

 第一段:描述图表反映的总情况。(总体说明图表所反映的趋势、问题、现象,并选用典型数据进行说明。) 第二段:分析原因。(分析该问题或该现象的原因或后果。) 第三段:结论。(提出解决问题的办法、建议或进行展望。) 1 According to/As shown in the table/chart/graph, the period

 from


,increased significant, while____

 decreased/ dropped sharply.There are a huge number of reasons behind this  phenomenon./The reasons of the changes lie in several  aspects./There are many reasons for it, but generally, they come down in three major ones. 3 First of all,(原因1).4 Secondly,(原因2).5  Thirdly,(原因3). 6 All in all, we can see that in the past

years/months/weeks,has/have been rising/dropping year by year.7 We can also expect that

(展望发展趋势).From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future.7 The trend described in the table/chart/graph will continue for quite a long time(if necessary measures are not taken).二.经典从句总结  1)主语从句

1.It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.

2.It is well-known that…

3.It is self-evident/ conceivable / obvious / apparent that… 

4.It goes without saying that… It is universally acknowledged that…

 2)宾(表)语从句

 1.We cannot understand why he was so cruel to his roommates. 2.The problem is not who will go, but who will stay. 3)定语从句(限定性和非限定性)

1.As is shown/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ depicted/ described…in the cartoon/ picture/ graph/ table…, 

2.There are many reasons why I want to study in your university.

3.It is estimated that tens of billions of pounds spent on cigarettes every year in our country, which is a huge waste. 4)状语从句(时间,原因,地点,条件,让步,转折等)

1.When the man is enjoying the cigarette, the smoke becomes a monster(怪物)which will devour him.

2.Whatever the reason, there are still some problems with student use of computers. 5)倒装句

Only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.

Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots. 6)被动句

Some measures should be taken to deal with the problem.

He is said to have accomplished a lot of great deeds.Many people believe that…(It is believed that…)


1)图表分析型 范文欣赏

As is clearly shown in the chart, students are now spending much more time on the computer, from one hour to four hours per week between 1990 and 1995.Especially, it increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of 2000.There are three reasons for this phenomenon.To begin with, due to the sharp decline in price of personal computer, most college students now can afford one.In addition, they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun with.For example, they can chat through QQ or playing games online.Last but not least, from Internet, they can learn things much more quickly than simply from reading books so that they can secure a good job in the future.In short, low price, increasing awareness of having fun or getting information from Internet make students use computers a lot.As far as I’m concerned, there are some complaints from both teachers and students.On one hand, students complain about the less availability of computers and slow speed of the network.On the other hand, some teachers worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing online will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their own.In brief, in spite of problems concerning the use of computer, we

can’t deny that computer is of more merits than defects.(2)对比论述型 范文欣赏

When it comes to the test of spoken English, people’s opinions differ.Many people believe that it is necessary to adopt such a test.For one thing, fluent speaking ability is badly needed in today’s society that is experiencing reform and opening-up.For another, in a more competitive society such as ours today, fluent spoken English means more advantage you have to beat your rival in competing for a position with much appeal to both of you.Some people, however, take a different attitude.They regard the test as being unnecessary.In their views, fluent spoken English does not necessarily mean a better job;sometimes, opportunity plays a more important role.Furthermore, many people do not use spoken English at all in their work.As far as I am concerned, I am really in favor of the test.On the one hand, it can encourage college students to try every means to improve their spoken English.On the other hand, college students will benefit endlessly in their future career if they can speak fluent English.So I decide to make use of every opportunity to practice my spoken English, and surely it will do me much good.(3)问题解决型 范文欣赏

With the development of our modern society, the interview is becoming more and more important in job-hunting.So it is of great importance for us to master skills on interview.On the one hand, if a job seeker can leave a good impression on the mind of the interviewer, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.On the other hand, if the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview, he is unlikely to stand a chance.To be successful in a job interview, we have figured out many ways to make an excellent performance in an interview.First, the applicant ought to pay attention to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second, he is supposed to display his ability.Finally, a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence.In a word, if the interviewee displays these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during the interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.To sum up, the job interview is indeed important.It is high time for us to pay attention to the skills.Therefore, if the interviewee has made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.4)观点论证型 范文欣赏

It is well-known that nowadays dishonesty is a common phenomenon in society.For example, many good-hearted doctors would not tell dying patients about their real condition.And poor students tend to cheat on exams.What’s more, greedy advertisers, armed with misleading advertisements, may lure customers into buying fake commodities.Even such “decent” and famous figures as Liu Xiaoqing, once considered China’s movie queen, have cheated the government on income taxes.However, honesty is always seen as an important part of the human character.First of all, if you treat others fairly, those associating with you will certainly profit from your sincerity.Meanwhile, a sense of trust builds up in their hearts, which, in turn, will earn you more true friends.And that will benefit you in the long run.Therefore, it is essential for everyone to maintain an honest attitude towards the whole society.In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor.So it pays to be honest.5)应用文类型

A Letter in Reply to a Friend

December 27, 2008 Dear Tom, I am very pleased to know that you are going to apply for admission to one university.It has been several years since we parted last time, and soon we will probably meet again.In my opinion, you should major in English.On one hand, English is a very popular major at our university and we have modern teaching methods and prestigious professors.On the other hand, you seem to have a gift for language learning and you are really good at English.As to the preparation for applying for the English major of our university, I suggest you pay more attention to spoken English.If you make a good performance in oral test, you will have the priority.It is unnecessary for you to be nervous.In addition, when making preparation you should do more model tests.I am sure you will succeed in the exam.Please inform me if there is something I can do for you.I am looking forward to meeting you on our campus.Sincerely yours,Li Ming(6)现象分析型 The Safety of Food Despite the decline in the number of cases related to fake foods and foods of poor quality, problems remain serious in the market.Food-born diseases remain responsible for high levels of sickness and mortality in the general population, particularly for at-risk groups, such as infants, young children, and the elderly.The most notorious case involved low-quality milk powder in Fuyang, in east China’s Anhui Province, which caused the death of a dozen babies.In my personal opinion, I think the responsibility goes for the most part to the food producers, especially those who fail to meet safety standards.In order to sell more products, some food producers may even intentionally use various chemicals, such as pesticides, animal drugs etc., during manufacturing and processing just to make food look or taste good without taking people’s life into consideration.As we all know, food additives and contaminants can adversely affect the health.In this regard, in order to reduce the incidence and economic consequences of food-born diseases, the supervision of food production should be stepped up.What’s more, it is important to drastically increase penalties on those who neglect food safety statutes.After all, the Food Safety Department in our country should educate consumers about the risks presented in food and the safe food handling behaviors that can help minimize those risks.Nevertheless, it is our own awareness of good life style and hygiene habit that a healthy life relies on.祝大家能考出好的成绩。



现象 原因及后果 解决措施

第一段Along with the advance of society,more and more problemsare brought to our attention,one of which is that---------,---------plays a critical role in-------in a long run(比较严肃的与社会发展有关的)

Recently the issue of----has been brought into focus.one of the urgent problems are faced with is---(普通的,生活的)

第二段 There are some ample reasons for the popularity of____

First of all,-----.In addition,------.Last but not least,------.However everything has two sides.It also bring out many troubles and problems to our life.第三段 As far as i am concerned,effective measures should be taken to-----(do sth).To begin with ,laws and re3gulations must be set up to(ban/prohibit)-------.what's more,the importance of(内在精神或品质)should be widely spread..Only in this way can we embrace the harmonious society/campus

加分句子:二段开头: As a matter of fact,this phenomenon has become a serious problem in current society/campus and many reasons are responsible for it.对比类型

有些人认为 另一些人认为 我的看法

一段A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of----some argue that-----,but others set forth a totally different argument about the issue of-------

二段Why are an increasing number of_-----?one reason is _----another is-----。Perhaps the main reason ,however ,centers on-----(分析现象主要原因)

三段From my view,I'm in favor of-------Because-------(我的看法)

常用短语:fierce competitionthe majority of people

The significance of make sb fully aware of the importance of

Relieve us of the fatigue from work

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