
时间:2019-05-13 19:39:16下载本文作者:会员上传


1.It is + 被强调部分 + that...该句型是强调句型。将被强调的部分放在前面,其它部分置于that之后。被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语。强调的主语假如是人,that可以由who换用。假如把这种句型结构划掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子。这也是判定强调句型与其它从句的方法。It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.It was they that(who)cleaned the classroom yesterday.It was in the street that I met her father.2.It is not until + 被强调部分 + that...该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语"直到...才...",可以说是 not...until...的强调形式。

It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.= Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star.= I didn’t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.3.It is clear(obvious, true, possible, certain....)that.....该句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句,常译为"清楚(显然,真的,肯定...)" 是主语从句最常见的一种结构。It is very clear that he’s round and tall like a tree.= That he’s round and tall like a tree is very clear.4.It is important(necessary, right, strange, natural...)that...该句型和上一个同属一个句型。由于主句中的形容词不同,that 后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省去。建议记住该句型中的形容词。It is important that we(should)learn English well.It is necessary that he(should)remember these words.5.It is said(reported, learned....)that...该句型中的it 仍是形式主语,真正主语是that 引导的主语从句。该结构常译为"据说(据报道,据悉...)"。

It is said that he has come to Beijing.It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.6.It is suggested(ordered...)that...该句型和上一个同属一个句型。主句中的过去分词是表示请求,建议,命令等词时,that 后的从句要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省。常译为"据建议;有命令...)

It is suggested that the meeting(should)be put off.It was ordered that we(should)arrive there in two hours.7.It is a pity(a shame...)that...该句型中,that后的从句一般用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should可省去.表示出乎意料,常译为"竟然"。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。It is a pity that such a thing(should)happen in your class.这种事竟然发生在你们班上,真是遗憾!

It is a pity that he is ill.他生病了,真遗憾!

8.It is time(about time ,high time)that...该句型中that 后的从句应该用虚拟语气,值得注重的是① 常用过去时态表示虚拟.② 有时也用should + 动词原形,should 不能省。常译为"是(正是)...的时侯..."。

It is time that children should go to bed.= It is time that children went to bed.9.It is the first(second...)time that...该句型要和上一个句型区别开来。该句型中的 that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用完成时态。至于用什么完成时态,由主句的谓语动词的时态决定。假如是一般现在时,后面从句用现在完成时态;假如是一般过去时,后面从句则用过去完成时态。该结构中 that 可以省去;it有时用 this 替换.常译为"是第一

(二)...次..."。It is the first time I have been here.= This is the first time I have been here.10.It is....since...该句型主要用作处理瞬间动词的完成时,又要和表示一段时间的时间状语连用的问题。主句中是时间作表语,其时态是现在时或完成时,since 引导的从句通常是一般过去时态,而且是瞬间动词。假如主句是一般过去时,从句则用过去完成时。It is(has been)5 years since his father died.11.It is...when...该句型中的 when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,主句中的 it 指时间,表语由具体的时间充当。常译为"当...的时候,是..."。

It was 5 o’clock when he came here.12.It be...before...该句型主句中的 it 指时间, 主句中的时态常是将来一般时或过去时两种时态.主句中的表语多是long, not long , 3 days , 2 weeks 等表示时间段的词或短语。常译为"...之后..."。

It was 3 days before he went to Beijing.It will be not long before he finishes his job.13.It happens(seems, looks, appears)that...该句型中it是形式主语,that 引导的是主语从句,主句中的happen , seem等词是不及物动词.

It happened(so happened)that he met his teacher in the street.碰巧..

It seems that he will be back in a few days.看来...

14.It takes do sth.该句型中的不定式是真正的主语,it是形式主语,句型中的直接宾语是时间。常译为"做...要花费某人..."。

It took thousands of people many years to build the Great Wall.15.It is no good(use)doing sth.该句型中的真正主语是动名词短语,主句中的表语可以是no good ,(not any good), no use ,(not any use)。

It is no good learning English without speaking English.16.It doesn’t matter whether(if)...该句型中whether(if)引导的从句是真正主语,该句型常译为 "不论(是否)...没关系...。

It doesn’t matter if they are old.17.It is kind(of sb.)to do sth.该句型中的不定式短语是真正主语,假如不定式的逻辑主语是由 of引起,主句中的形容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的形容词。常见的有: bad , brave , careless, clever , cruel , foolish , good(好心的), honest , horrible , kind , lazy , modest , naughty , nice(有教养的), polite, rude , silly , stupid , wise , wrong(错误的)等。这个句型可以改写为 kind to do sth.It is kind of you to say so.= You are kind to say so.18.It is necessary(for sb.)to do sth.该句型与上一个同属一个句型。假如不定式的逻辑主语是由for引起,主句中的形容词通常是表示重要性,紧迫性,频繁程度,难易,安全等情况的形容词。常见的形容词有:① important, necessary, natural ② easy , safe , common , normal , hard , difficult , dangerous , unusual, rare , impossible , pleasant等。


It is important for her to come to the party.= It is important that she(should)come to the party

19.It looks(seems)as if...该句型中it无意义。as if 引导一个状语从句。常译为,"看起来好象..."假如与事实不相符合,则用虚拟语气.

It looks as if he is ill.(真的病了)

It looks as if he were ill.(没有生病)

It seemed as if he were dying.20.We think it important to learn a foreign language.该句型中的it 作形式宾语。常用的动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel;

We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day.He felt it important learning English well.They found it difficult that they would finish their work in two days.

第二篇:It 句型小结

It 句型小结

1.It is/was + 被强调部份 + who/ that + 句子的其它成份 2.It be/become + adj./n.+(for sb.)+ to do…/ that…

3.It took/was/will take/will be + 一段时间 + before… 过多久才(就)…, …之后才…

此句型中谓语动词多用过去时和将来时.4.It is time + for sth./ to do sth./ that … 该是…的时候了。


5.It is the first/second…time(that)… 第一/二次…


6.It looks/seems as if … 看起来好像…

7.It is said/reported/thought/considered/believed/announced/expected… + to do…/that…


8.It takes(sb.)some time to do sth.做某事花费多少时间 9.It is no use/good + doing sth.做某事是没用/好处

10.It seems/looks/appears/happens + that … 似乎/看起来/好像/碰巧

11.think/make/believe/find/feel/consider+ it + adj./n.+ to do/doing/that-clause

There be句型的小结

1.There used/seem/ happen/appear to be 2.There is no sense in doing 做某事是没有用的,没有意义的 3.There is no use /good doing 做某事是没有用的,没有必要的 4.There is no need to do 没有必要做某事

5.There is thought/said/reported to be 人们认为有/据说有/据报道有 6.There is no doing(口语)不可能…….

第三篇:There be句型的小结

There be句型的小结

There be表示 “存在有”,即当我们告诉某人某事存在(或不存在)常用这种结构。其中there是引导词,本身无词义;be为谓语动词,后面跟的是名词,也就是主语,也就是说there be结构的运用也就是倒桩的具体运用。其真正的主语在there be 之后。在新课标中对此的考试要求是:掌握There be句式的结构特征和基本用法。在我们的课本中也出现了大量的There be句式如:

There are a few simple safe measures to follow while training.There are also records of gymnastics being performed in China and some other Asian countries.There were lots of good English language programs broadcast on TV or on the radio in China.一、注意事项: there be 结构中的be 是可以运用各种时态的。

There is going to be a meeting tonight.。

There was a knock at the door.There has been a girl waiting for you.There will be rain soon.2动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be 的单复数形式。

如: There is a book on the desk.How many people are there in the city? There is a pen and two books on the desk.There are two books and a pen on the desk.3 在there be引起的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式主动形式和被动形式均可。

There is no time to lose(= to be lost).时间紧迫

There is nothing to see(=to be seen).看不见有什么 There is nothing to do.(=to be done)无事可做。


在there be 结构中还可把be 改变从而使得there be结构有了一些改变具体总结如下:There used/seem/ happen/appear to be 如:

There might be snow at night.There appeared to be nobody willing to help.There used to be a building here.There happened to be a man walking by.There doesn't seem to be much hope.在there be的 be 前还可以加上各种情态词,如:

There must be something wrong.一定有问题。

There ought not to be so many people.不应该有这么多的人。

There might still be hope.可能还有点希望。在there be句型中的be还可以换成其他的动词与there连用,这些词都是表示状态的如:live stand exist remain等或用来描写某事的发生或某人的到达如come, appear, enter, follow, occur等。

There lived a rich man.Then there came a knock at the door.Long, long ago, there lived a king.There followed a terrible noise.Suddenly there entered a strange man.三、特殊的表达方式:1There is no sense in doing 做某事是没有用的,没有意义的

There is no sense in making him angry

There in no sense in going alone.4 There is no use /good doing 做某事是没有用的,没有必要的

There is no use trying to explain it.There is no good/use going there.5 There is no need to do

There is no need to worry.There is no need to give him so much money.6 There is thought/said/reported to be 人们认为有/据说有/据报道有

There is thought to be an army between in these two countries。

There is reported to be a better way to cure cancer.7 There is no doing(口语)不可能…….There is no telling when he will be back.无法知道他什么时候回来。

There is no knowing what he is doing.无法知道他在做什么。

四、there be句式的非限定形式。

There be 的非限定形式有两种,即there to be 和there being。需要掌握以下几个情况:


当作主语时,一般是There being结构,当句式中有for时,一般用there to be如:

There being a shop here is a great advantage.It is impossible for there to be any more.There being a house with a garden is of great value.2 作宾语

作动词宾语时,一般用there to be 结构。常见动词有:expect, mean, intend want, prefer等:

We expect there to be no argument.People don't want there to be anther war.作介词的宾语一般用There being句式,但当是for时一般用there to be句式。

This depended on there being a sudden change.这需要有一个突然的改变。

The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.3 作状语

用作状语的there be的形式通常用there being结构。

There being no buses, we had to walk home.There being no nobody in the room, we realized that there was no use crying.There being nothing else to do, we went home happily.注意:如果句中出现for时应用there to be。

It was too late for there to be any buses.There be句型的多种形式及用法 1.There be与情态动词连用

There be句型中的谓语动词be可与各种情态动词连用,表示“一定有”、“可能有”、“应该有”等含义。如:There oughtn’t to be too great discrepancy in our views.

He felt that there must be something wrong.

There can’t have been much traffic so late at night.

There might be drinks if you wait a bit. 2.There be与含有情态意义的动词或短语连用

英语中有些动词或短语具有一定的情态含义,我们称之为半助动词。There be句型中的谓语动词be 可与这些半助动词连用,表达更为复杂的意念。能用于There be句型中的这类词语主要有:happen to(碰巧),appear /seem to(似乎),be going to(将会),used to(曾经),have to(必须),be likely to(很可能),be bound to(必定)等。例如:

There happened to be an old friend of mine in the club.

There appear to be several reasons for changing our plans. There used to be a cinema here before the war.

Is there going to be a dancing party tonight?

There are bound to be obstacles for us to get over.

3.There be的非限定形式及用法

There be结构也可以以不定式(there to be)、动名词(there being)和现在分词(there being)的形式出现在句子中,作主语、宾语或状语。这种非限定形式中的there在形式上起着逻辑主语的作用,因此,不定式there to be前有时需加介词for,从形式上满足引出不定式逻辑主语的需要,而分词there being则具有独立主格结构的意味。例如:

I don’t want there to be any more trouble.(不定式作宾语)

I expect there to be no argument about this.(不定式作宾语)

It was unusual for there to be so few people in the street.(不定式作主语)

What’s the chance of there being an election this year?(动名词作介词宾语)

There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.(动名词作主语)

There being nothing else to do,we went home.(分词作状语)4.由there be构成的固定句型

由there be构成的一些固定句型在英语中很活跃,需很好地掌握。常见的有:

There is no point in +v-ing:没道理,没用,没必要

There is no use(in)+v-ing:毫无用处

There is no sense in +v-ing:毫无道理

There is no need to +v:没有必要

There is no +v-ing:不可能,无法。

例如: There is no use in hiding that fact from him .

There is no point in arguing further.

There was no mistaking his intentions this time.





1.admit doing sth 承认做某事。如:

I admit breaking the window.我承认打破了窗玻璃。

He admitted having stolen the money.他承认偷了这笔钱。

2.admit of 容许有,有……的余地,有……的可能。如:

The matter admits of no delay.此事刻不容缓。

The word admits of no other meaning in the case.该词在此例中不可能有其它的意义。

3.admit to 承认。如:

He admitted to the murder.他供认了谋杀罪。

He admitted to having taken the money.他承认拿了那笔钱。

注:由于 admit 表示“承认”可用作及物动词或不及物动词,所以上面各例中的介词 to 有时也可省略(省略 to 后 admit 为及物动词)。


They admitted him to [into] their organization.他们接受他参加了他们的组织。

How many students have been admitted into the school this year? 今年这所学校有多少学生入学?


He was admitted to(into)the Party.他被吸收入党。

He was admitted as a Party member.他被接纳为党员。



[ 2008-4-15 9:08:00 | By: 蚂蚁 ]

在学习中,同学生们对“It ”的基本句型结构经常混淆不清,下面进行简单分析。

一、It引起的几个易混淆的时间句型 1,It + be + 时间 + since-clause

这个句型表示从since 从句谓语动作发生以后到现在或过去所经过的一段时间,意为“自从......以来已多久了”,主句多用一般现在时,从句用一般过去时,如果表示过去的情况,主句用一般过去时,从句用过去完成时,或主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。例如:

It is three years since his father passed away.(从现在算起)It was 10 years since they married.(从过去算起)

It had been fifteen years since she left Shanghai.(从过去算起)30 years has passed since we joined the Party.(从现在算起)2,It + be + 时间 + before-clause

这个句型中的时间一般为表示一段时间的词语(如:long years , months , weeks , days ,hours , minutes),主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才......”。

主句的谓语动词是否定式时,意为“没过多长时间就......”。主句的时态可用过去时was或将来时will be;用was 时,before从句的动词用一般过去时;用will be 时,before从句常用一般现在时。例如:

It was not long before she learned those poems by heart.她没过多久就背会了那些诗歌。

It was long before the police arrived.过了很久警察才来。

It will be hours before he makes a decision.要过好几个小时他才会作出决定。It will not be hours before meet again.要不了几个小时我们还会再见面的。3,It + be + 时间 + when-clause

这个句型中, it 指时间,而且表示时间的词语前没有介词(时间一般为具体时间)。主句中的谓语动词和从句中的谓语动词在时态上一般是一致的,主句是will be,when从句用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:

It was already 8 o'clock when we got home.It was the next morning when we finished our work.It will be midnight when they get there.4,It + be + 时间 + that-clause 这个句型是个强调句型。例如:

It was two years ago that he made an important invention.(原句是:He made an important invention two years ago.)

It was at 5 o'clock that he practised playing the violin in the morning.(原句是:He practised playing the violin at 5 o'clock in the morning.)比较:It was 5 o'clock when he started in the morning.(5 o'clock前没有介词,这是个定语从句)5,It + be + time + that从句

这个句型属虚拟语气结构,不管主句中用的是 is 或 was,that从句都须用动词的过去式或should + 动词原型(但不及用过去式普通),在time之前有时可加上high或about 以加强语气。例如:

It is time(that)we handed in our exercises.(= It is time that we should hand in our exercises.)

It is high time(that)she wrote a letter to her boyfriend.6,It / This / That + the first(second , third …)time + that从句 这个句型表示截止到说话时为止的某人的一种经历,关键是注意time前有序数词,主句是 is 时,从句要用现在完成时;如果主句用一般过去时was,则从句须相应地用过去完成时。例如:

This is the first time(that)these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.It was the fifth time(that)I had paid a friendly visit to Africa.二、It代替从句作形式主语的常见句型

1,it 代替连词 that 引导的从句作形式主语。1)it + be + 过去分词 + that 从句

It's said that Tom has come back from abroad.据说汤姆已经从国外回来了。It was reported that dozens of children died in the accident.据报导,数十名儿童在事故中死亡。

可用于该句型的过去分词还有:known , thought , told , believed , hoped , announced ,expected , decided , suggested等,该句型常可以转换成含有宾语从句的复合句或者含有不定式作主补的简单句。如:

It's said that Tom has come back from abroad.→People say that Tom has come back from abroad.→He is said to have come back from abroad.2)It + be + 名词词组 + that 从句

It's a pity that he can't swim for his age.真遗憾,就他的年龄来讲,他竟不会游泳。

It's a wonder that you could finish such a hard task in such a short time.真奇怪,你竟能在如此短的时间内完成艰巨的任务。

可用于该句型的名词词组还有:an honour , a good thing , a fact , a surprise , good news等。

3)It + be /seem + 形容词 + that 从句

It is likely that they will beat us tonight.今晚很可能他们会赢我们。

It doesn't seem that she will give us a hand.她帮我们的可能性似乎不太大。可用于此句型的形容词还有;wonderful , true , good , right , wrong ,(un)important ,useless , surprising , clear , possible , unusual , lucky , certain 等。

4)It + seem / appear / happen + that 从句

It seems that he enjoys pop songs very much.看来他非常喜欢流行歌曲。It appears that Tom might change his mind.看来汤姆会改变主意。It happened that I went out that day.碰巧我那天外出了。


He seems to enjoy pop music very much./ Tom appears to change his mind./ I happened to go out that 代替连接代词或连接副词引导的从句作形式主语。

1)It is known(not decided , not made clear , found out , discussed , being discussed , being considered , a question , uncertain等)+ 连接代词或连接副词引导的从句。如:

It is still a question when we shall have our sports meet.我们将什么时候举行运动会还是一个问题。

It is uncertain whether he can attend this conference or not.他能否来开会还不能确定。

2)It doesn't matter(doesn't matter too much , doesn't make too much difference等)+ 连接代词或连接副词引导的从句。如:

It doesn't matter whether we go together or separately.我们一起去还是分开去都可以。

It doesn't matter too much to me what you do or where you go.你做什么或去什么地方,对我都无关紧要。


例1,Was it in this palace _______ the last emperor died ? A.that which where D.which

答:案A。解析:测试it 用在强调结构中,为了强调句子的某一成分(通常是主语、宾语或状语),常用强调It is(was)+ 被强调成分 + that(或who)…。被强调部分指人时用 that 或 who,在其它情况下(包括强调时间或地点状语)用that。

例2,I don't think ______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.this B.that C.its

答案:D。解析:测试 it 用作形式宾语,代替由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正宾语。当宾语有自己的补足语时,用it作形式宾语,真正宾语放在补足语之后。常用这种句型的动词有think , make , find , feel , consider 等。

例3,Is _______ necessary to tell his father everything? B.that C.what D.he 答案:A。解析:测试 it 用作形式主语,代替由不定式(或不定式复合结构)、动名词或从句表示的真正主语。

例4,Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder , but ______ didn't help.A.he B.which C.she

答案:D。解析:测试 it 用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物。



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