高考英语 形容词副词比较级 北师大版选修9

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第一篇:高考英语 形容词副词比较级 北师大版选修9


1.One day they crossed the ___bridge behind the palace.A.old Chinese stone B.Chinese old stone C.old stone Chinese D.Chinese old stone 1. The two sisters are very much____in appearance.A.like B.equal C.similiar D.alike 2.---What do you think of the movie?

---I doubt whether we will see it next time.It couldn’t have been _____in fact.A.so bad B.any better C.the best D.any worse 4.-----Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for?

-----I had planned to, but I was $50____.A.fewer B.less C.cheap D.short 5.A rough estimate, Nigeria is ____Great Britain.A.three times the size as B.the size three times of C.three times as the size of D.three times the size of 6.Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ____she was getting.A.heavier B.heavy C.the heavier D.the heaviest 7.Is the dictionary you were talking about_________ ? I’d like to have one.A.reasonable B.available C.responsible D.fashionable 8.After we compared the two, we find this design is ____that one.A.more superior to B.far superior than C.more superior than D far superior to 9.What a bad job you have done!Your boss will be ____with it.A.far from satisfying B.far from satisfied

C.from far satisfied D.far from being satisfying

10.When you make a decision to buy something, you must remember that a good name of product doesn’t ___mean good quality of it.A.purposefully B.simply C.necessarily D.essentially 11.Classical music achieve a simplicity that only a genius can create, ___popular belief that it is too complex.A.subject to B.contrary to C.familiar to D.similar to 12.While fruit juices do contain vitamins, they are _________fresh fruit, which contains a lot of fiber.A.as healthy as B.no healthier than C.less healthy than D.healthier than 13.I think this exhibition is ____of the two.I have never seen______exhibition.A.by far better;the better B.far better;a better C.by far the better;a better D.far the better;a better 14.--Have you read the book?

--Yes.But that one is ___worth reading.A.best B.more C.better D.much 15.When I took his temperature, I found it was two degrees above ___.A.average B.ordinary C.common




1.形容词是用来描写或修饰名词或代词的一类词。在句中主要做定语和表语等成分。做定语时修饰名词或代词(一般为不定代词),修饰名词时常放于名词前,修饰不定代词时常放于不定代词后,做表语时和系动词(简称系词)连用,构成一个系表结构。例如: Can you hear the loud noise?(定语)The noise is very loud.(表语)The quiet girl is my sister.(定语)My sister looks very quiet.(表语)

2.常和形容词连用构成系表结构的连系动词有: look(看起来,看上去),feel(感觉),taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来),get(变得),turn(变),become(成为,变得),sound(听起来)等。

例如:The flowers smell sweet.这些花闻起来很香。The soup taste nice.3.副词是用以修饰动词,形容词,其他副词以及全句的词 例如: The men and the women walk quickly.这些男女走得很快。The children walk slowly.孩子们走得很慢。1.原级的构成和用法


2)用法:表示双方在程度,性质,特征等某方面相等时,用“ as 十原级形容词或副词十 as”的结构;表示双方不相等时,用“ not so(as)十原级形容词或副词十 as”的结构;表示一方是另一方的若干倍时,用“倍数十 as十原级形容词或副词十 as”的结构. 例如:This building looks not so(as)high as that one. Ms.Sun speaks English as well as you. This room is three times as large as that one.2.比较级的构成和用法 1)比较级和最高级的构成:

①单音节形容词以及少数以-er,-ow结尾的形容词和副词加“ er”/ “est” great greater narrow narrower fast faster clever cleverer ②以 e结尾的单音节形容词和副词后以及少数以-ble,-ple结尾的双音节形容词和副词后,加“ r”,.large larger able abler simple simpler ③以一个辅音结尾的单音节形容词,其前的元音字母发短元音时,该辅音字母要双写,然后加“ er”,“.hot hotter ④以辅音加 y结尾的形容词和少数不是形容词加 ly构成的副词要将 y改为 i,再加“ er”,easy easier early earlier happy happier ⑤一般双音节词、多音节形容词和副词在原级前

beautiful more beautiful carefully more carefully ⑥少数单音节形容词也加 more和 most构成比较级。tired more tired pleased more pleased ⑦下列形容词、副词的比较级可有两种构成方法.

cruel crueler more cruel often oftener more often strict stricter more strict friendly friendlier more friendly ⑧下列形容词,副词的比较级的构成不规则.

good,well better bad, ill worse many,much more little less far farther further old elder/older 2)比较级的用法

①双方比较,表示一方超过另一方时,用“比较级十 than”的结构表示. 例如: This pen is better than that one.②表示一方不及另一方时,用“ less十原级十 than”的结构表示.例如: This room is less beautiful than that one.

③表示一方超过另一方的程度或数量时,可在比较前加表示程度的状语,如:even,a lot,a bit,a little,still,much,far,yet,by far等修饰. 例如:He works even harder than before.

注意:英语的比较级前如无 even,still,或 yet等时,译成汉语时可用“较”或“„„一些”或不译出,一般不可用“更”,如: She is better than she was yesterday.她比昨天好些了. Please come earlier tomorrow. 请明天早点来. 注意:by far通常用于强调最高级.用于比较级时,一般放在比较级的后面,如在前面,应在二者中间加“ the”.如 He is taller by far than his brother He is by far the taller of the two brothers.④表示一方随另一方的程度而变化时,用“ the 十比较级(主语十谓语),the 十比 较级(主语十谓语)”的结构.

例如: The harder he works,the happier he feels.

⑤不与其它事物相比,表示本身程度的改变时,用“比较级十 and十比较级”的结构.如: The weather is getting colder and colder.The girl becomes more and more beautiful.

⑥某些以一or结尾的形容词进行比较时,用 to代替 than.(这些词有inferior,superior,junior,senior,prior等.例如:

He is superior to Mr Wang in mathematics.

⑦在比较从句中为了避免重复,我们通常用 that(those),one(ones)代替前面出现的名词。that指物,one既可指人,也可指物.that可代替可数名词单数和不可数名词,而one只能代替可数名词.例如:

The book on the table is more interesting than that on the desk.A box made of iron is stronger than one made of wood. ⑧表示倍数的比较级有如下几种句型:

A)A is three(four,ete)times the size(height,length,width,ete)of B 例如; The new building is four times the size(the height)of the old one. 这座新楼是那座旧楼的四倍大(四倍高)。(这座新楼比那座旧楼大三倍[高三倍]).

B)A is three(four,etc)times as big(high,long,wide,etc.)as 例如: Asia is four times as lareg as Europe,亚洲是欧洲的四倍大.(亚洲比欧洲大三倍.)C)A is three(four,etc.)times bigger(higher,longer,wider,etc.)than B. 例如:Your school is three times bigger than ours,你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍.(你们的学校是我们学校的四倍大.)用 times表示倍数,一般只限于表示包括基数在内三倍或三倍以上的数.表示两倍可以用 twice或 double



绝大多数形容词有三种形式,原级,比较级和最高级, 以表示形容词说明的性质在程度上的不同。

一、形容词的原级: 形容词的原级形式就是词典中出现的形容词的原形。例如: tall good bad

二、比较级的定义:大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。其中比较级表示“更……”,用于两者之间的比较,用来说明“前者比后者更……”,比较级前面一般用much, even, a little,a lot修饰,其中even, much 只能修饰比较级。


(1)规则变化:①一般在词尾加-er,最高级在词尾加-est e.g: high—higher—highest tall--taller--tallest short--shorter--shorter ②以字母e结尾的比较级直接在词尾加-r,最高级加-st.e.g: nice--nicer-nicest fine--finer-finest late—later--latest ③以“辅音+y 结尾的词,变y为 i,比较级加-er”,最高级加-est.e.g: early—earlier-earliest happy—happier-happiest busy—busier-busiest ④以重读闭音节的单个辅音字母结尾的词,双写辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est e.g: big—bigger-biggest fat-fatter-fattest thin—thinner-thinnest hot—hotter-hottest ⑤多音节或部分双音节的形容词,比较级在原级前面加more,最高级在原级前加most

e.g: popular--more popular—most popular

important--more important—most important(2)不规则变化:少数形容词的比较级变化是不规则的:good/well—better--best bad/badly—worse--worst many/much—more--most little—less--least far--farther/further—farthest/furthest

比较级的用法:(一)当两个人或事物(A和B)进行比较时,我们需要用到形容词(副词)的原级或者比较级 1. 表达“A和B一样”,用as…as的结构。公式: A+be动词+as+形容词原级+as…+B


e.g I am as tall as you.我和你一样高。He runs as fast as I.他跑得和我一样快。2.表达“A不如B”用not as/so…as的结构。

公式: A+be动词的否定形式+as/so+形容词原级+as…+B


e.g I am not as/so tall as you.我没有你高。He doesn’t run as/so fast as I.他没有我跑得快。

▲as…as 前还可以加倍数,如:The room is two times as large as that one.3. 表达“A大于B”用“比较级+than”的结构。公式: A+be动词+形容词比较级+than+B… A+实义动词+副词比较级+than+B…

e.g I am taller than you.我比你高。He runs faster than I.他跑得比我快。(二)关于形容词、副词比较级的更多用法

1.比较级前面可以加上表示“优劣程度”的词或短语,意思是“更…”,“…得…”。(4)比较级前可用much/a lot //far/ a little /a bit/even 等修饰.如:

This book is much more interesting than that one.The blouse I bought

yesterday is a little less expensive.To play basketball is far more enjoyable to the boy.(1)两者相比: Which is+比较级,A or B? 如: Which is bigger, the sun or the moon?

(3)有"of the two”, 用the+比较级.如: Lucy is the more careful of the two.(5)比较级+and+比较级,表“越来越……” It becomes warmer and warmer.(6)“ the+比较级,the+比较级”,表“越……,越……” The higher you stand, the farther you will see.3.“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越……”。

It is getting warmer and warmer.天气越来越暖和。He is running faster and faster.他跑得越来越快。

0ur country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们祖国越来越美了。4.“the more…,the more…”表示“越……,就越……”,The more,the better.多多益善。The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make.你越细心,犯错就越少。



公式:主语+be动词+the +形容词最高级+(名词)+表示范围的介词短语或从句 主语+实义动词+(the)+形容词最高级+表示范围的介词短语或从句

e.g He is the tallest(student)in our class.He jumps the highest of the three boys.This is the best book that I have ever read.1)三者或三者以上相比较用“the+最高级+名词+范围(of/all+---

This is the cleanest place of the city.Hu Yun is the fastest of all the girls in our class.2.表示“最…的…中一个”,用“one of +the +最高级+复数名词”的结构来表达。e.g He is one of the best students in our class.他是我们班最好的学生之一。This is one of the most beautiful flowers in the garden.这是花园里最漂亮的花之。

2)表示“最……之一”,用“one of the+

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest buildings in the world.中国的长城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。

This is one of the most interesting books that I've ever read.这是我读过的最有趣的书之一。


(正)This is my best friend.(误)This is my the(the my)best friend.(正)Today is the happiest day of my life.(误)Today is happiest day of my life.题练习

一.基础练习1.If I had___, I would visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.A.a long enough holiday

B.an enough long holidayC.a holiday enough long

D.a long holiday enough 2.These oranges taste___.A.good


C.to be good

D.to be well

3.How beautifully she sings!I have never heard___.A.the better voice

B.a good voice

C.the best voice

D.a better voice 4.I would be___, if you could give me an early reply.A.pleasant



D.helpful 5.Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a(an)___price of $19 in the shopping center.A.regular



D.ordinary 6.Mr Smith bought a___purse for his wife.A.small black leather

B.black leather small

C.small leather black

D.black small leather 7.—— How was your job interview?—— Oh, I couldn’t feel___.I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked.A.better



D.happier 8.Longjing tea, Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous,but which do you think__?A.tastes best

B.smells most

C.sounds best

D.drinks mostly 9.—— Can Li Hua help me with my English?—— I regret to tell you her English is_____yours.A.as good as

B.no more than

C.no better than

D.as much as 10.Although he sometimes loses his temper, his students like him_____for it.A.not so much

B.not so little

C.no more

D.no less 11.When they came in, Mr Harris______like a baby.Nobody would like to wake him from a good dream,because he needed rest.A.fell asleep

B.was sound asleep

C.got asleep

D.went to sleep 12.This year they have produced___ grain ___they did last year.A.as less; as

B.as few; as

C.less; than

D.fewer; than 13.—— Can I help you? —— Well, I’m afraid the box is___heavy for you,but thank you all the same.A.so



D.too 14.—— How did you find your visit to the museum? —— I thoroughly enjoy it.It was_____than I expected.A.far more interesting

B.even much interesting

C.so far interesting

D.a lot much interesting 15.—— Would you like some wine?—— Yes, just_____.A.little

B.very little

C.a little

D.little bit 16.It takes a long time to go there by train; it’s ____by road.A.quick

B.the quickest

C.much quick

D.quicker 17.If there were no examinations, we should have___at school.A.the happiest time

B.a more happier time

C.much happiest time

D.a much happier time 18.I’m surprised that you should have been fooled by such a(an)_____trick.A.ordinary



D.simple 19.The salesman showed her several bags and she chose___one as she didn’t want to spend too much money on it.A.the less expensive

B.less expensive

C.the least expensive

D.least expensive 20._____box cannot be lifted by a boy of five.A.So a heavy

B.So heavy a

C.A such heavy

D.Such heavy a 二.提高练习

1.To plant the tree, we must dig _____.A.a three feet deep hole B.three-foot-deep a hole C.a hole three feet deep D.a three-feet-deep hole 2.I think he is one of the best men you've ____ found.A.never



D.once 3.____ the boy’s grown!He is almost ___ his father.A.What, as tall as

B.What, taller than

C.How, as tall as

D.How, taller than 4.I haven’t got ____ nails to mend the cupboard.I need another three of them.A.enough big

B.big enough

C.much bigger

D.many enough 5.Henry knows little of physics _________ of chemistry.A.as well as

B.no less than

C.and still more

D.and still less 6.— The dish is delicious!— Well, at least it's ___ the one I cooked yesterday.A.as bad as B.no worse than C.as well as D.no better than 7.— Do you think the weather is good enough for a picnic? — Yes.You couldn't hope for ____ at this time of the year.A.a nice day

B.the nice day

C.a nicer day

D.the nicest day 8.It makes Thomas no better, and it makes you ____A.best



D.worse 9.With the help of the new equipment, our factories produced ___ VCD players in 2000 as the year before.A.as many as twice

B.twice more than

C.as twice many

D.twice as many 10.I had invited 50 guests to the party, but actually twice ____ came.A.more than

B.as many

C.as much

D.less than 11.— Why didn't you go to the cinema last night?

— It was something ____ interesting.A.far less

B.more or less

C.much more

D.any further 12.The population of many Alaskan cities has _____ doubled in the past five years.A.larger than

B.more than

C.as greatly as

D.as much as 13.— This is a good place for a picnic.— Yes, it couldn't be ____.A.better



D.worse 14.— How do you like your teacher of English?

— Well, no one teaches _____ here.A.well



D.better 15.In the poor parts of America's big cities there is a lot of crime, _____.A.and much of it is serious

B.much of it is seriousC.and many more is serious

D.more of it is serious 16.— Do you like cats?— Of course.They are ____ a kind of pet.They can do much good for their masters.A.better than

B.more than

C.no more than

D.no better than 17.The newly-built theatre is ____ the old one.A.as twice big as B.twice more bigger than

C.twice the size of

D.twice so big as 18.I'm afraid that your conclusion is ____ from correct.A.far B.free C.different D.short 19.Thank you very much.It's ____ of you.A.kindest B.a most kind C.the most kind D.most kind 20.Whoever is never _____ with the progress he has made will be a success.A.content



D.enough 参考答案

一.1.A2.A 3.D4.B5.B6.A7.C8.A9.C10.D11.B12.C13.D14.A

15.C。用a little表示“少许”。16.D。题意为“乘火车去那儿要花很长时间;乘汽车更快些。”




20.B。表示“如此重的箱子”可以用“so heavy a box”或“such a heavy box”。二.1-10: CCCAD BCDDB 11-20: ABADA BCADA




long _______ ________

wide ________ ________

thin ________ ________ heavy ___________ __________ slow _______ _______ few_________ _______ short ________ ________ badly _________ __________ far ________ ________ quickly ______ ______happy _______ ________careful ___________ ___________


1.She will be much ____________(happy)in her new class.2.The short one is _______________(useful)of the five.3.His sister is two years _____________(young)than him.4.This ruler is twice as _____________(long)as that.5.The _________(cheap)bags are usually the best ones.6.Gold is much ____________(expensive)than iron.7.The boy is not so ___________(interesting)as his brother.8.Of the three girls, I find Lucy is ____________(clever).9.Jack sings ___________(well), he sings ____________(well)than Tom, but Mary sings_____________(well)in her class.10.John’s parents have four daughters, and she is _____________(young)child.三、选择填空:

()1.It is _____ today than yesterday.A.hot

B.more hot C.hotter D.much hot()2.This line is ____ than that one.A.not longer B.more longer C.much more longer D.many more longer()3.Of the five toys, the child chose_____.A.the expensive one B.one most expensive C.a least expensive

D.the most expensive one()4.Which do you like _____, coffee, tea or milk? A.the best


C.the better

D.best()5.They bet to see who could run _____ in the sports meeting.A.the fastest B.the faster


D.faster()6.This book is ____ of all.A.thinner B.the thinner C.more thinner

D.the thinnest()7.She looks ____than she really is.A.the more younger B.much younger

C.very younger D.more younger()8.Our country is becoming ______.A.more beautiful and more

B.more beautiful and beautiful / 8 C.more and more beautiful

D.more beautiful and beautifuler()9.The earth is ________ the moon.A.49 times as big as

B.49 times as bigger as C.as 49 times big as

D.as big as49 times()10.This kind of drink is different ______.A.and it is also better

B.and better than the other C.but also than others

D.from the other, and better



He is ________ _________ __________ than I.2、今天比昨天冷得多。

It is _______ __________ today__________ it was yesterday.3、这个故事不如那个有趣。

This story is _______ ________ __________ as that one.4、她的身体一天天好起来。He is getting _________ ___________ ___________ every day.5、他对英语越来越感兴趣。

He is becoming ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ English.6、他吃的越多,就越胖。

The ______ he eats, the _______ he is.一、写出以下各形容词的比较级和最高级:

1.nice _________ _____________2.fat _________ ___________ 3.slow __________ ___________ 4.dry _________ ___________ 5.busy _______ ___________ 6.wet ___________ ____________ 7.much ________ ____________ 8.ill __________ ___________ 9.little _____________________ 10.bad ________ ___________ 11.exciting ________________ _____________12.early _________ ____________


1.Bob is _________(young)than Fred but ___________(tall)than Fred.2.Yingtian is not as ___________(tall)as Yongxian.3.Almost all the students' faces are the same but Li Deming looks _______(fat)than before.4.Which is _________(heavy), a hen or a chicken? 5.--How _________(tall)is Sally?--She’s 1.55 metres ________(tall).What about Xiaoling?

--She’s only 1.40 metres ________(tall).She is much _________(short)than Sally.She is also the __________(short)girl in the class.6.He is __________(bad)at learning maths.He is much ___________(bad)at Chinese and he is the ____________(bad)at English./ 8 7.Annie says Sally is the ________(kind)person in the world.8.He is one of the ____________(friendly)people in the class, I think.9.A dictionary is much ____________(expensive)than a story-book.10.An orange is a little ______(big)than an apple, but much ________(small)than a watermelon.11.The Changjiang River is the _______(long)river in China.12.Sue is a little ____________(beautiful)than her sister.13.My room is not as _________(big)as my brother’s.14.--How difficult is physics?--I' m not sure.--Is it ____________(difficult)than maths?--I don’t think so.15.--Annie plays the piano very ___________(well).--Sue plays it _____(well)than Annie.And Sally plays it the _______(well).16.Saturday is my _______(busy)day in a week.17.Her mother is getting ______(fat)and ________(fat).18.I think it’s too expensive.I’d like a ______(cheap)one.19.He comes to school much _____(early)than I.20.This book is not as _____________(interesting)as that one.21.Your classroom is __________(wide)and ___________(bright)than ours.22.Practise as __________(much)as you can.23.The ________(much), the ____________(good).24.Nowadays English is ________(important)than any other subject.25.Most of the students think a lion is much ____________(dangerous)than a bear and it is the ____________(dangerous)animal in the world.26.Mr.Smith is _________ man in this office.(rich)27.Winter is _________ season of the years.(cold)28.This radio is not so ________ as that one.(cheap)29.It is much _____________ today than yesterday.(hot)30.She is a little ____________ than her classmates.(careful)31.______________ people came to the meeting than last time.(many)32.Which book is ______________, this one or that one?(easy)33.My room is _____________ than yours.(small)

34.Hainan is _____________ from Beijing than Hunan.(far)35.Skating is ____________ than swimming.(exciting)36.Jim is ____________ than all the others.(honest)37.Things are getting _______ and _______.(bad)38.The higher you climb, the _____________ it will be.(cold)39.There are ____________ boys than girls in our class.(few)/ 8 40.Now his life is becoming ______________ and ____________.(difficult)


1.He is as taller as I am.2.She is a little thiner than she looks.3.Bob is heavier than any other boys in the class.4.The girls study the better than the boy.5.It is one of the most interesting book than I have ever read.6.He says Mary is most friendliest person in the class.7.Which city is most beautiful, Beijing or Guangzhou? 8.Jack works hard.Mike works very harder than Jack.9.London is the bigger city in Britain.10.Bob plays football badly but Fred plays football much badlier than Bob.四、单项选择

()1.This box is________ that one.A.heavy than B.so heavy than C.heavier as

D.as heavy as()2.When we speak to people, we should be __________.A.as polite as possible

B.as polite as possibly C.as politely as possible

D.as politely as possibly()3.This book is______ that one, but______ than that one.A.as difficult as;expensive

B.as more difficult as;more expensive C.as difficult as;more expensive

D.more difficult as;as expensive()4.I think the story is not so ___as that one.A.interesting B.interested

C.more interesting

D.most interesting()5.His father began to work______ he was seven years old.A.as old as

B.as early as C.since

D.while()6.I think science is _______ than Japanese.A.much important

B.important C.much more important

D.more much important()7.This pencil is ______ than that one.A.longest B.long C.longer D.as long()8.My mother is no _______ young./ 8 A.shorter B.longer C.little D.few()9.These children are ________ this year than they were last year.A.more tall

B.more taller C.very taller D.much taller()10.It was very hot yesterday, but it is__ today.A.even hotter

B.more hotter

C.much more hot D.much hot()11.Mrs.Black has got_______ instead of getting any better.A.more bad B.a little worse C.much badly D.a lot of worse()12.When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with_______ students.A.quite a few B.only a few C.few D.a few quite()13.The house is _______ small for a family of six.A.much too

B.too much C.very much D.so()14.Through the window we can see nothing but _______ buildings.A.tall very many B.very many tall C.very tall many D.many very tall()15.---What's your brother like?

---He is_______.A.a driver

B.very tall

C.my friend

D.at school()16.The jacket was so_______ that he decided to buy it.A.much



D.cheap()17.Our classroom is________ larger than theirs.A.more



D.much()18.The earth is about___ as the moon.A.as fifty time big

B.fifty times as big C.as big fifty times

D.fifty as times big()19.Your room is ________ mine.A.twice as large than

B.twice the size of C.bigger twice than

D.as twice large as()20.Your room is ________ than mine.A.three time big

B.three times big C.three times bigger

D.bigger three times()21.His father is________ than his mother.A.older four years

B.as four years older C.four years older

D.bigger four years()22.Maths is more popular than____.A.any other subject B.all the subjects

C.any subject

D.other subject()23.China is larger than _________ in Africa.A.any other country B.other countries C.the other country D.any country()24.Tom is stronger than ________ in his class.A.any other boy

B.any boys

C.any boy

D.other boy()25.When spring comes, it gets_________.A.warm and warm

B.colder and colder / 8 C.warmer and warmer

D.shorter and shorter()26.By and by, _________ students in our class came to like English.A.more and more B.much and much C.many and many D.less and least()27.At last he began to cry __________.A.hard and hard

B.more hard and more hard C.harder and harder

D.less hard and less harder()28.When spring comes the days get _______ and nights ________.A.short;long B.long;short C.longer;shorter D.shorter;longer()29._______ I look at the picture, _________ I like it.A.The best;the more

B.The more;the less C.The more;less

D.More;the more()30._______ he read the book, _______ he got in it.A.The more;the more interesting

B.The less;the more interesting C.The more;the more interested

D.More;more interested()31._______ you come back, _______ it will be.A.The quicker;the best

B.The sooner;the better C.Faster;the better

D.The sooner;better()32.I like _______ one of the two books.A.the older


C.the oldest

D.older()33.The book is ________ of the two.A.thinner

B.the thinner

C.more thinner

D.the thinnest()34.Of the two cups, he bought ________.A.the smaller

B.the smallest


D: smaller()35.Which do you like _______, tea or coffee? A.well



D.most()36.This work is ____ for me than for you.A.difficult

B.most difficult

C.much difficult

D.more difficult()37.Which do you think tastes _______, the chicken or the fish? A.good



D.well()38.Bob never does his homework_____ Mary.He makes lots of mistakes.A.so careful as B.as carefully as C.carefully as D.as careful as()39.Now air in our town is ____ than it used to be.Something must be done to it.A.very good

B.much better

C.rather than

D.even worse()40.I feel __ better than yesterday.A.more



D.far()41.China has a large population than __ in the world.A.all the countries B.every country

C.any country D.any other country()42.I liked to play football when I was young_______.A.So he was

B.So was he

C.So did he

D.So he did / 8()43.The sick boy is getting ______ day by day.A.worse



C.worst()44.This necklace looks ______ and _______ sells _______.A.well, well

B.good, nice

C.nice, good

D.nice, well()45.Usually Xiao Li spends __ time doing homework than XiaoChen does.A.little

B less


D.fewer()46.The population of Shandong is _________ than that Sichuan.A.smaller



D.large()47.I didn’t go shopping yesterday.He didn’t _______.A.so



D.neither()48._______ delicious the food is!A.How

B.how a


D.What a()49.What animal do like ___? I like all kinds of animals.A.better



D.well()50.Hainan is a very large island.It’s the second _____ island in China.A.large



D.most large()51.If you want to book a round –trip ticket, you’ll have to pay _______ $30.A.more


C.the other

D.another()52.A horse is _______ than a dog.A.much heavy

B.more heavier

C.much heavier

D.more heavy()53.Which is ________ season in Beijing? I think it’s spring.A.good



D.the best

五、用Of, than, in, as填空。

1.This table is as big __________ that one.2.The yellow book is bigger ____________ the blue one.3.Tom is the best student ___________ the class.4.This lesson is more interesting ____________ that one.5.This apple is the largest ____________ all the apples./ 8 八年上册形容词和副词比较级、最高级专练答案


longer, longest;wider, widest;thinner, thinnest;heavier, heaviest;slower, slowest;fewer, fewest;shorter, shortest;worse, worst;farther, farthest;more quickly, most quickly;happier, happiest;more careful, most careful


1.happier2.the most useful3.younger 4.long 5.cheapest6.more expensive 7.interesting 8.the cleverest9.well, better, best 10.the youngest

三、选择填空:1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D


1.two years older 2.much colder, than 3.not so interesting 4.better and better5.more and more interestedin 6.more, fatter

一、1.nicer / nicest 2.fatter / fattest 3.slower / slowest 4.drier / driest5.busier / busiest 6.wetter / wettest7.more / most 8.worse / worst9.less / least 10.worse / worst 11.more exciting / most exciting 12.earlier / earliest 13.more careful / most careful

二、1.younger, taller 2.tall 3.fatter 4.heavier5.tall, tall, tall, shorter, shortest 6.bad, worse, worst7.kindest

8.friendliest 9.more expensive10.bigger, smaller 11.longest 12.more beautiful13.big 14.more difficult

15.well, better, best16.busiest 17.fatter, fatter 18.cheaper 19.earlier20.interesting 21.wider, brighter 22.much 23.more, better 24.more important

25.more dangerous, most dangerous 26 richest 27.coldest 28cheap 29hotter 30 more careful 31 More 32 easier 33smaller 34 farter [further] 35more exciting 36 more honest 37 worse, worse 38 colder 39 more, more difficult 40 fewer

一.1-5.DACAC 6-10.CCBDA 11-15.BAADB 16-20.DBBCC 21-25.CADAC 26-30.ACCBC 31-35.BABAB 36-40.DBBDD 41-45.DCADB 46-52.BBABCDCD / 8



乌东德学 罗晓艳


二.教学内容分析及教法学法分析 1.教学内容分析





2)“ Who is+ 比较级,„or„?”

3)„最高级+of(in)„4)What /Who is the +最高级,„..or„..? 通过复习,让理解并熟练运用,三)80%的学生对1)一些副词如much/ a little/a lot 等可以修饰形容词的比较级;

2)very /really/quite 等副词修饰形容词的原级,3)„one of the+形容词的最高级+名词复数句式通过复习,掌握并会运用。


1).肯定句: as+形容词原形+as „ „和„一样„.2)否定句: not as+形容词原形+as„ „和„ 不一样




2)“ Who is+ 比较级,„or„?”

3)„最高级+of(in)„4)What /Who is the +最高级,„..or„..? 在新授时大多数同学都能掌握,通过复习,让全体同学理解并应用。

三)1)一些副词如much/ a little/a lot 等可以修饰形容词的比较级;

2)very /really/quite 等副词修饰形容词的原级,„one of the+形容词的最高级+名词复数 句式有一部分学生不会灵活运用,所以通过复习,让学生掌握并会运用。


1).肯定句: as+形容词原形+as „ „和„一样„.2)否定句: not as+形容词原形+as„ „和„ 不一样








2)“ Who is+ 比较级,„or„?”

3)„最高级+of(in)„4)What /Who is the +最高级,„..or„..? 通过复习,让理解并熟练运用,三)一些副词如much/ a little/a lot 等可以修饰形容词的比较级; 2)very /really/quite 等副词修饰形容词的原级,3)„one of the+形容词的最高级+名词复数句式通过复习,掌握并会运用。


1).肯定句: as+形容词原形+as „ „和„一样„.2)否定句: not as+形容词原形+as„ „和„ 不一样





教学过程:利用播放图片导入创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过自由会话,把学生吸引到课堂中来;通过练习,总结形容词比较级,最高级的构成规则,及其基本用法,感知原级以及“„比较级+and+比较级„”„one of the+最高级+名词复数的用法;通过分析和归纳法总结语言结构;通过机械操,情景教学法来运用知识,通过家庭作业来巩固延伸所学知识。

五 教学过程


Step 1 Lead-in用图片 句子引入

Step 2 列出形容词的比较级,最高级的构成规则 Step 3 Practice Step 4 Summary Step 5Homework

下载高考英语 形容词副词比较级 北师大版选修9word格式文档
下载高考英语 形容词副词比较级 北师大版选修9.doc


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