
时间:2019-05-13 02:16:49下载本文作者:会员上传



keep down 控制,镇压

keep off 不接近,避开

keep up 保持,维持


let down 降低,使„失望

let off 开枪,放炮


make sense of 理解,了解

make up 构成,组成,虚构


pass away 去世

pass off 终止,停止

pass out 赔偿,化妆


put across 解释清楚,说明

put aside 储存,保留

put away 收好

put forward 提出

put off 推迟 go

go in for 支持,投身

go after 追求

go in to 研究,调查

go through 经历,经受

go with 伴随,与„协调

go off 爆炸,离开


hand in 上交

hand out 分发,散发

hand over 移交,让出


look into 调查

look over 查看,检查

look through 浏览


see to 注意,照料

see off 给„送行

see through 看穿;识破


hold on 继续,坚持

hold out 维持,坚持

hold up 阻挡,抢劫 bring

bring about 带来,造成 bring forth 产生,提出

bring down 打倒,降低

bring out 公布,出版


carry on 继续从事

carry out 贯彻,执行


drop by 顺便来访

drop out 退出


get across 解释清楚,使人了解

get away 逃脱,离开

terminate v.终止,结束(term-到了,终,到期)

transmit v.传播,传递(mit-投,掷,扔)

get around 传递消息

get by 通过,经过

get over 克服,恢复

get through 结束,完成 give

give away 泄漏,赠送

give off 释放,放出

give out 分发

verify v.证实,证明(very-非常,真是,真实)view v.视为,看做(v=w=watch)

wreck v.(船只)失事


account for 说明原因


appeal to 呼吁 要求


breakin/into 闯入,打断

break off 断绝,结束

break through 突破

break up 终止,结束,打碎,折断

break down 损坏,分解

break out 爆发 突然发生


call for 邀请,要求

call off 放弃,取消

call on 访问,号召

call up 召集,动员

radiate v.辐射状发出,从中心向各方伸展出(rad-散射,用“radio-收音机,声波” 来记忆)

reconcile v.使和好,调解(concil=consult-商讨)

refresh v.提神,使清新 refute v.证明„„不对(是错误的),驳诉(整词变化自refuse-拒绝)

remain v.停留,保持,依旧是(main=man-手)

repel v.抗御,抵拒(pel-拍,推)

rescue v.营救,救援(sc-看见)

resort v.求助,凭借,诉诸

resume v.重新开始,继续(sume-抓,摘)

revenge v.报仇,报复(v-war)

scan v.细察,审视(sc-看)

tempt v.引诱,劝诱

scrape v.剥下,刮下(scr-爪子)

induce v.劝诱,诱导

scratch v.抓,搔(scr-爪子)

intend v.意欲

shrink v.收缩,减少(shr=short-短,缩短)

interpret v.解释,说明(pr=pl-说)

strengthen v.加强,使更强壮

jeopardize v.危及,损坏 00-6-65(整词谐音“捡破袋子”,这种行为有危害)

linger v.逗留,徘徊,留恋;迟缓,拖延(ling=long)

magnify v.放大(大,mag来自major-绝大多数)

mingle v.混合起来,相混合(ming=mix-混乱)

minimize v.对„„做最低估计

monitor v.检测,监测(mon=memor-记忆,提醒)

neglect v.忽视(neg-不,lect-说)

occupy v.占领,使忙碌

oppress v.压迫

originate v.首创,起源

overlap v.部分重叠

overwhelm v.压倒,浸没,使不安

permeate v.渗入,渗透(me-弥漫[谐音])

prescribe v.处方,开药

stretch v.伸展(str-拉扯,伸)

subscribe v.预订,订阅

suppress v.镇压(压,压力)

sustain v.承受(stain-站着)

tackle v.解决,处理(tack=take-着手,解决)

preside v.主持

propel v.推进,推动(pel-拍,推)

protest v.抗议,反对(t-talk-tell-说)

provoke v.引起,激起

drain v.渐渐耗尽(dr=dry)

duplicate v.复制,重复

eliminate v.消除(limin=limit-界线)endure v.忍受,忍耐

enhance v.提高,增加

enroll v.使成为„„的成员,注册(roll-转动,名册)

evoke v.引起,唤起

exclaim v.呼喊,欢呼(cl-cr-叫)

expire v.到期,期满

sexplore v.探险,探索(pl-折叠,折,ex-打开。打开一个折叠:探索)

flap v.(鸟)振翅(飞行)(fl-fly)是词根含义)

furnish v.配备,装饰(furn-火炉,家饰,家具)

gear v.使适应,使适合(gear-齿轮,g-go)

grieve v.使伤心,使悲伤(gr-cr-cry-哭泣)

hamper v.妨碍,限制(hamp-harm-伤害,碍事)

haul v.拖,拉(h-hand-手)

hinder v.阻碍,妨害(hind-后面,所谓“扯后腿”,用behind来记忆“hind-后面”)

hoist v.举起,升起,吊起(h-high-高)

identify v.认出,确认

ignite v.引燃

immerse v.使浸没

impose v.把„„强加于

conflict v.冲突,战争(fl-折,弯,突起)

conform v.符合,遵守,适应

confront v.面对,面临




side by side

并排,并肩 learn … by heart

用心学习combine … with …


in that circumstances

如果是那样的话 replace … with …

用…代替… keep a record of


comments on …

关于…的意见 at least

至少来源 speak about


expect of / from …

从…当中期待 in return


the survey on …

关于…的调查 differ in …

在…不同 emerge from …

从…出现 be satisfied with …

play … roles


lean over …

弯下身子,俯身于…之上 turn out

结果是,证明是 in silence


burst into laughter

突然笑出声来 concentrate on …

全神贯注于… be replaced by


for the purpose of …

为了…,因…起见 distinguish … from …

区分…与… communicate with …

与…交流 one another

彼此,相互 by means of …


at the approach of … 在…快到的时候 differ from …

与…不同 for instance


divide … into …


enable sb.to do …

使某人能够做某事 wave goodbye


in sympathy with

同情;赞成;和…一致 look over

察看,检查 a lack of …

缺少… check with …


tend to do …

趋向于做…,喜欢做… call after

追喊,以…命名 call for


fight against

与…作战(敌人之间)fight with



all over


all over again

再一次,重新 all the time

一直,始终 all the same

仍然,照样的 as regards

关于,至于 anything but


as a matter of fact

实际上 apart from

除…外(有/无)as a rule


as a result(of)


as far as … be concerned

就…而言as far as

远至,到…程度 as for

至于,关于 as follows

如下 as if


as good as

和…几乎一样 as usual

像平常一样,照例 as to


all right

令人满意的;可以 as well

同样,也,还 as well as

除…外(也),即…又 aside from

除…外(还有)at a loss

茫然,不知所措 at a time

一次,每次 at all

丝毫(不),一点也不 at all costs


at all events

不管怎样,无论如何 at all times

随时,总是 at any rate

无论如何,至少 at best

充其量,至多 at first


at first sight

乍一看,初看起来 at hand

在手边,在附近at heart

内心里,本质上 at home

在家,在国内 at intervals

不时,每隔… at large

大多数,未被捕获的 at least

至少 at last


at length

最终,终于 at most

至多,不超过 at no time

从不,决不 by accident


at one time



hand in hand

手拉手,密切关联 head on

迎面地,正面的 heart and soul

全心全意地 how about

…怎么样 in a hurry

匆忙,急于 in case of


in a moment

立刻,一会儿 in a sense

从某种意义上说 in a way

在某种程度上 in a word


in accordance with

与…一致,按照 in addition


in addition to

除…之外(还)in advance

预先,事先 in all

总共,合计 in any case

无论如何 in any event

无论如何 in brief


in charge of

负责,总管 in common

共用的,共有的 in consequence(of)

因此;由于 in debt

欠债,欠情 in detail


in difficulty

处境困难 in effect

实际上,事实上 in general

一般来说,大体上 in favor of

支持,赞成 in front of

面对,在…前 in half


in hand

在进行中,待办理 in honor of

为庆祝,为纪念 in itself

本质上,就其本身而言 in line with

与…一致 in memory of

纪念 in no case


in no time

立即,马上 in no way


in order

按顺序,按次序 in other words

换句话说 in part


in particular

特别,尤其 in person

亲自,本人 in place


in place of



nothing but

只有,只不过 now and then

时而,偶尔 off and on

断断续续,间歇地 off duty


on a large/small scale

大/小规模地 on account of



平均,通常 on behalf of


on board

在船(车/飞机)上 on business


on condition that

如果 on duty

上班,值班 on earth

究竟,到底 on fire

起火着火 on foot


on guard

站岗,值班 on hand

在场,在手边 on occasion(s)

有时,间或 on one's own

独立,独自 on purpose


on sale

出售,廉价出售 on schedule

按时间表,准时 on second thoughts

经重新考虑 on the contrary


on the grounds of

根据,以…为由 on(the)one hand

一方面 on the other hand

另一方面 on the point of

即将…的时刻 on the road


on the side

作为兼职/副业 on the spot


on the whole

总的来说,大体上 on time


once again


once(and)for all

一劳永逸地 once in a while

偶尔 once more

再一次 once upon a time

从前 one another

相互 or else

否则,要不然 or so

大约,左右 other than


out of

从…中;由于;缺乏 out of breath



外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com 大学英语四六级写作常用短语及句型总结

1.to attract much attention 2.do harm to somebody 3.to guard against its bad side-effects/be aware of its bad side-effects 4.be determined to do sth.5.to help alleviate(减轻)job-hunting pressures on those new college graduates 6.upgrade, improve 提高,改善 7.do good to sb.(对某人有好处)8.in the long run(从长远来看)9.to behave oneself(举止得当)10.to get rid of bad habits

11.to stand on other’s shoes 站在他人立场 12.to apply theoretic knowledge into practice 13.co-ordination and co-operation 14.a glorious future

15.sb.is expected to do sth(某人应该做。。)16.on the part of sb.从某人角度

17.to find better ways to cope with and solve problems 18.to set realistic goals for their life 确立实际目标 19.to conclude(用于最后一段的开头,对文章进行总结)20.to pay more attention to


外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com 21.to put more efforts into sth.更加努力做某事 22.to stay positive and optimistic 积极乐观

23.to bring negative influences in spite of its advantages(尽管有其优点,但也有负面影响)24.at the expense of 以。。为代价

25.cannot …too much 再怎么样也。。cannot emphasize too much 再怎么强调也不过分

26.accumulated wisdom 智慧结晶 27.cultural awareness 文化意识

28.to broaden sb’s knowledge and widen their horizon 增长知识,开阔视野

29.to expose knowledge and new ideas to 向。。传授新知识、新理念 30.behind the times 过时的,落伍的 31.to bear sth.firmly in mind 牢牢记住 32.cater for one’s taste 迎合某人的口味 33.to spoil the interest of 扰乱了。。兴趣 34.There is no denying the fact that。。

不可否认 35.to launch a new reform推行一项新的改革 句型

1.This program is of far-reaching social significance in that it helps …此项工程具有深远的社会意义在于。。

2.Just as the saying goes: “No garden is without weeds”, computer


外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com games have also some disadvantages.正像常言所说:“没有无杂草的花园”,计算机也有一些不足之处。用以引出事物的另一面。3.Every coin has two sides.(用法同2)4.First and more important… What’s more…..Last but not least 过渡词使文章连贯性加强

5.For one thing…For another…Furthermore

6.It is high time that our government should take all measures to make sure(虚拟语气)7.Obviously, the Internet has become an indispensable part of college life.8.Opinions vary concerning the effect of the Internet on college students’ life.(用来引导不同的观点)9.Working in the countryside may provide them with decent salary and valuable life experience.10.Statistics show shat there has been a great increase in the number of college students participating in voluntary services in the past several years.(用于图表作文)11.A recent survey reveals that…

12.Several factors have contributed to this phenomenon.(用来阐述原因的重点句型)

13.They not only develop their work skills and make new friends, but also take much pleasure in helping others.外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com

外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com 14.All the uncivilized behavior has caused bad effect.It has brought inconveniences to local people.15.to leave a bad impression on sb 16.I think the key to being a popular tourist is to “Do in Rome as the Romans do.”

17.Only in this way can our experience abroad be pleasant and fruitful.(倒装句)18.Some students think that the best way to keep a harmonious relationship is to be considerate.19.I’m in favor of the above opinion.赞成

20.I learned from Guang Zhou Daily on July 26 that your company is offering a position for a secretary and it’s a great pleasure for me to write to explore the possibility of seeking the job.(用于求职申请信的开头)21.People’s opinions differ greatly over this issue.22.Enclosed please find my resume and some relevant documents.随言附上

23.One compelling argument involves something 一个很有说服力的论据是

24.The sad fact is that mental health is becoming an increasingly troublesome issue for undergraduates.25.But solving the problem calls for collaborative efforts between sb.and 外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com

外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com sb.26.Digital products/Internet have/has fundamentally transformed our way of work, education and life.27.To start with, the last decades have witnessed immense changes in the workplace owing to the advent of computers.28.One of the most fundamental changes that have taken place is how… 29.All the above opinions make sense, from my point of view, Internet game is neither good nor evil.As the old proverb says, fire is a good servant, but a bad master.Internet game serves as a good servant;how to use it depends on us the masters.外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com



1.to guard against its bad side-effects/be aware of its bad side-effects

2.to help alleviate(减轻)job-hunting pressures on those new college graduates

3.upgrade, improve 提高,改善

4.in the long run(从长远来看)

5.to behave oneself(举止得当)

6.to get rid of bad habits

7.to stand on other’s shoes 站在他人立场

8.to apply theoretic knowledge into practice

9.co-ordination and co-operation

10.a glorious future

11.sb.is expected to do sth(某人应该做。。)

12.on the part of sb.从某人角度

13.to find better ways to cope with and solve problems

14.to set realistic goals for their life 确立实际目标

15.to put more efforts into sth.更加努力做某事

16.to stay positive and optimistic 积极乐观

17.to bring negative influences in spite of its advantages(尽管有其优点,但也有负面影响)

18.at the expense of 以。。为代价

19.cannot …too much 再怎么样也。。cannot emphasize too much再


20.accumulated wisdom智慧结晶

21.cultural awareness 文化意识

22.to broaden sb’s knowledge and widen their horizon 增长知识,开阔视野

23.to expose knowledge and new ideas to 向。。传授新知识、新理念

24.behind the times 过时的,落伍的25.to bear sth.firmly in mind 牢牢记住

26.cater for one’s taste迎合某人的口味

27.to spoil the interest of扰乱了。。兴趣

28.There is no denying the fact that。。不可否认

29.to launch a new reform推行一项新的改革句型

1.This program is of far-reaching social significance in that it helps …此项工程具有深远的社会意义在于。。

2.Just as the saying goes: “No garden is without weeds”, computer games have also some disadvantages.正像常言所说:“没有无杂草的花园”,计算机也有一些不足之处。用以引出事物的另一面。

3.Every coin has two sides.(用法同2)

4.First and more important… What’s more…..Last but not least过渡词使文章连贯性加强

5.For one thing…For another…Furthermore

6.It is high time that our government should take all measures to make


7.Obviously, the Internet has become an indispensable part of college life.8.Opinions vary concerning the effect of the Internet on college students’ life.(用来引导不同的观点)

9.Working in the countryside may provide them with decent salary and valuable life experience.10.Statistics show shat there has been a great increase in the number of college students participating in voluntary services in the past several years.(用于图表作文)

11.A recent survey reveals that…

12.Several factors have contributed to this phenomenon.(用来阐述原因的重点句型)

13.They not only develop their work skills and make new friends, but also take much pleasure in helping others.14.All the uncivilized behavior has caused bad effect.It has brought inconveniences to local people.15.I think the key to being a popular tourist is to “Do in Rome as the Romans do.”

16.Only in this way can our experience abroad be pleasant and fruitful.(倒装句)

17.Some students think that the best way to keep a harmonious

relationship is to be considerate.18.I’m in favor of the above opinion.赞成19.I learned from Guang Zhou Daily on July 26 that your company is offering a position for a secretary and it’s a great pleasure for me to writeto explore the possibility of seeking the job.(用于求职申请信的开头)

20.People’s opinions differ greatly over this issue.21.Enclosed please find my resume and some relevant documents 随言附上

22.One compelling argument involves something 一个很有说服力的论据是

23.The sad fact is that mental health is becoming an increasingly troublesome issue for undergraduates.24.Digital products/Internet have/has fundamentally transformed our way of work, education and life.25.To start with, the last decades have witnessed immense changes in the workplace owing to the advent of computers.26.One of the most fundamental changes that have taken place is how…



1.to attract much attention

2.do harm to somebody

3.to guard against its bad side-effects/be aware of its bad side-effects

4.be determined to do sth.5.to help alleviate(减轻)job-hunting pressures on those new college graduates

6.upgrade, improve 提高,改善

7.do good to sb.(对某人有好处)

8.in the long run(从长远来看)

9.to behave oneself(举止得当)

10.to get rid of bad habits

11.to stand on other’s shoes 站在他人立场

12.to apply theoretic knowledge into practice

13.co-ordination and co-operation

14.a glorious future

15.sb.is expected to do sth(某人应该做。。)

16.on the part of sb.从某人角度

17.to find better ways to cope with and solve problems

18.to set realistic goals for their life 确立实际目标

19.to conclude(用于最后一段的开头,对文章进行总结)

20.to pay more attention to

21.to put more efforts into sth.更加努力做某事

22.to stay positive and optimistic 积极乐观

23.to bring negative influences in spite of its advantages(尽管有其优点,但也有负面影响)

24.at the expense of 以。。为代价

25.cannot …too much 再怎么样也。。cannot emphasize too much再怎么强调也不过分

26.accumulated wisdom智慧结晶

27.cultural awareness 文化意识

28.to broaden sb’s knowledge and widen their horizon 增长知识,开阔视野

29.to expose knowledge and new ideas to 向。。传授新知识、新理念

30.behind the times 过时的,落伍的31.to bear sth.firmly in mind 牢牢记住

32.cater for one’s taste迎合某人的口味

33.to spoil the interest of扰乱了。。兴趣

34.There is no denying the fact that。。不可否认

35.to launch a new reform推行一项新的改革


1.This program is of far-reaching social significance in that it helps …此项工程具有深远的社会意义在于。。

2.Just as the saying goes: “No garden is without weeds”, computer

games have also some disadvantages.正像常言所说:“没有无杂草的花园”,计算机也有一些不足之处。用以引出事物的另一面。

3.Every coin has two sides.(用法同2)

4.First and more important… What’s more…..Last but not least过渡词使文章连贯性加强

5.For one thing…For another…Furthermore

6.It is high time that our government should take all measures to make sure(虚拟语气)

7.Obviously, the Internet has become an indispensable part of college life.8.Opinions vary concerning the effect of the Internet on college students’ life.(用来引导不同的观点)

9.Working in the countryside may provide them with decent salary and valuable life experience.10.Statistics show shat there has been a great increase in the number of college students participating in voluntary services in the past several years.(用于图表作文)

11.A recent survey reveals that…

12.Several factors have contributed to this phenomenon.(用来阐述原因的重点句型)

13.They not only develop their work skills and make new friends, but also take much pleasure in helping others.14.All the uncivilized behavior has caused bad effect.It has brought inconveniences to local people.15.to leave a bad impression on sb

16.I think the key to being a popular tourist is to “Do in Rome as the Romans do.”

17.Only in this way can our experience abroad be pleasant and fruitful.(倒装句)

18.Some students think that the best way to keep a harmonious relationship is to be considerate.19.I’m in favor of the above opinion.赞成20.I learned from Guang Zhou Daily on July 26 that your company is offering a position for a secretary and it’s a great pleasure for me to writeto explore the possibility of seeking the job.(用于求职申请信的开头)

21.People’s opinions differ greatly over this issue.22.Enclosed please find my resume and some relevant documents.随言附上

23.One compelling argument involves something 一个很有说服力的论据是

24.The sad fact is that mental health is becoming an increasingly troublesome issue for undergraduates.25.B

sb.26.Digital products/Internet have/has fundamentally transformed our way of work, education and life.27.To start with, the last decades have witnessed immense changes in the workplace owing to the advent of computers.28.One of the most fundamental changes that have taken place is how…

29.All the above opinions make sense, from my point of view, Internet game is neither good nor evil.As the old proverb says, fire is a good servant, but a bad master.Internet game serves as a good servant;how to use it depends on us the masters.



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