MA in Bilingual/Bicultural Studies(Academic Track)Academic Track not leading to certification MA in Bilingual/Bicultural-Studies 33 Points(Minimum)For students interested in the role of bilingualism and biculturalism in or outside of schools, but who are not interested in teacher certification.Note: Required courses may not be substituted.Electives are taken to complete 33 points. Breadth Requirement: The breadth requirement consists of 3 courses at a minimum of 2 points each(a minimum of 6 points total);these courses must be taken outside of the BBE Program, and within TC. A&HB 4150 should be taken in your final Fall semester before you plan to graduate.The Integrative Project is based on an inquiry that starts in this course. If you already have your own classroom, take the Practicum for 3 credits.If you need a classroom placement, you must take the Practicum for 4 credits.
Required Courses Fall I
A&HB 4021 Foundations of Bilingual/Bicultural Education(3 points) A&HB 4801-04 Language Workshops in Bilingual Education(1 point)
Spring I
A&HB 4024 Linguistic Foundations of Bilingual/Bicultural Education(3 points) A&HB 4075 Cross-Cultural Communication and Classroom Ecology(3 points) Fall II
A&HB 4150 Teacher Inquiry: Bilingual Education(1-3 points) A&HB 4323 Practicum in Bilingual Institutions(3-4 points)
Policy elective courses(recommended)
A&HB 4199 Current topics in bilingualism & bilingual education(3 points)A&HB 5024 Bilingual/multilingual ed: International perspectives(3 points)C&T 4032 Gender, difference and curriculum(2 points)EDPP 5042 Urban politics and education(3 points)EDPP 5045 Race, ethnicity and U.S.educational policy(3 points)EDPS 4000 Education and public policy(3 points)ITSF 4025 Languages, Societies and Schools(3 points)ITSF 4013 Literacy & Development(2-3 points)ITSF 4199 Issues in Anthropology & Education(3 points)ITSF 5199 Issues & Topics in International Education(3 points)MSTU 4005 Equity, ethical and social issues in educational technology(3 points)Research elective courses(recommended)
A&HL 4003 School of linguistic analysis(3 points)A&HL 4104 Discourse analysis(3 points)A&HL 4106 Text and textuality(3 points)A&HL 5008 Interlanguage analysis(3 points)EDPS 5020 Survey research methods(3 points)EDPS 5022 Sociology of educational systems(3 points)HBSK 5085 Observing and assessing preschool children(3 points)HUDM 4050 Introduction to measurement(3 points)HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical inference(3 points)HUDM 5122 Applied regression analysis(3 points)HUDM 5123 Linear models and experimental design(3 points)ITSF 4015 Introduction to computers, language, and literacy(3 points)ITSF 4060 Latinos in urban schools(3 points)ITSF 5000 Methods of inquiry: ethnography & participant observation(3 points)ITSF 5016 Ethnography of education(3 points)ITSF 5519 Research in language and literacy I(3 points)ITSF 5520 Research in language and literacy II(3 points)Teaching elective courses(recommended) A&HB 4020 Foundations of Bilingual Special Education(3 points)A&HB 4028 Teaching Literacy in Bilingual Settings(3 points)A&HB 4121 Bilingual/bicultural curriculum design(3 points)A&HB 4133 Curriculum & Methods for Bilingual Ed: Science(1-3 points)A&HB 4134 Curriculum & Methods for Bilingual Ed: Math(1-3 points)A&HB 5123 Guidance techniques for bil/bic child & family(3 points)A&HL 4076 TESOL Methodologies for K-6(3 points)C&T 4052 Designing curriculum and instruction(2 points)ORLD 4051 How adults learn(3 points)
Pedagogy of Social Imagination in Language Learning and Teaching(PSILLT)Project The PSILLT project is a federally funded project aimed to support teacher candidates in gaining experience working with bilingual learners.It involves participating in planning meetings with a Professor to develop the curriculum for children in an after-school program and teaching primary grade students, mostly during the Spring of Year 1.Stream A students will receive an invitation to participate in the project and the BBE faculty will choose a maximum of 10 Spanish/English bilingual students and 10 Chinese/English bilingual students to participate.While it is designed for Stream A students, those in other tracks can volunteer and participate.For more information: psillt.pressible.org/about-psillt
Columbia University in the City of New York Columbia University in the City of New York, or simply Columbia University, is an American private Ivy Leagueresearch university located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Upper Manhattan in New York City.It is the oldest institution of higher learning in the State of New York, the fifth oldest in the United States, and one of the country's nine Colonial Colleges founded before the American Revolution.Today the university operates Columbia Global Centers overseas in Amman, Beijing, Istanbul, Paris, Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago and Nairobi.The university was founded in 1754 as King's College by royal charter of George II of Great Britain.After the American Revolutionary War, King's College briefly became a state entity, and was renamed Columbia College in 1784.The University now operates under a 1787 charter that places the institution under a private board of trustees, and in 1896 it was further renamed Columbia University.That same year, the university's campus was moved from Madison Avenue to its current location in Morningside Heights, where it occupies more than six city blocks, or 32 acres(13 ha).The university encompasses twenty schools and is affiliated with numerous institutions, including Teachers College(which is Columbia University's Graduate School of Education), Barnard College, and the Union Theological Seminary, with joint undergraduate programs available through the Jewish Theological Seminary of America as well as the Juilliard School.Columbia annually administers the Pulitzer Prize,101 Nobel Prize laureates have been affiliated with the university as students, faculty, or staff, the second most of any institution in the world.Columbia is one of the fourteen founding members of the Association of American Universities, and was the first school in the United States to grant the M.D.degree.Notable alumni and former students of the university and its predecessor, King's College, include five Founding Fathers of the United States;nine Justices of the United States Supreme Court;43 Nobel Prize laureates;20 living billionaires;28 Academy Award winners;and 29 heads of state, including three United States Presidents.Campus Morningside Heights The majority of Columbia's graduate and undergraduate studies are conducted in Morn ingside Heights on Seth Low's late-19th century vision of a university campus where all disciplines could be taught in one location.The campus was designed along Beaux-Arts principles by architects McKim, Mead, and White.Columbia's main campus occupies more than six city blocks, or 32 acres(13 ha), in Morningside Heights, New York City, a neighborhood that contains a number of academic institutions.The university owns over 7,800 apartments in Morningside Heights, housing faculty, graduate students, and staff.Almost two dozen undergraduate dormitories(purpose-built or converted)are located on campus or in Morningside Heights.Columbia University has an extensive underground tunnel system more than a century old, with the oldest portions predating the present campus.Some of these remain accessible to the public, while others have been cordoned off.The Nicholas Murray Butler Library, commonly known simply as Butler Library, is the largest single library in the Columbia University Library System, and is one of the largest buildings on the campus.Proposed as “South Hall” by the university's former President Nicholas Murray Butler as expansion plans for Low Memorial Library stalled, the new library was funded by Edward Harkness, benefactor of Yale's residential college system, and designed by his favorite architect, James Gamble Rogers.It was completed in 1934 and renamed for Butler in 1946.The library's design is neo-classical in style.Its facade features an arcade of columns in the Ionic order above which are inscribed the names of great writers, philosophers, and thinkers, most of whom are read by students engaged in the Core Curriculum of Columbia College.As of 2012, Columbia's library system includes over 11 million volumes, making it the eighth largest library system and fifth largest collegiate library system in the United States.Several buildings on the Morningside Heights campus are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.Low Memorial Library, a National Historic Landmark and the centerpiece of the campus, is listed for its architectural significance.Philosophy Hall is listed as the site of the invention of FM radio.Also listed is Pupin Hall, anotherNational Historic Landmark, which houses the physics and astronomy departments.Here the first experiments on the fission of uranium were conducted by Enrico Fermi,and the uranium atom was split there ten days after the world's first atom-splitting in Copenhagen, Denmark.A statue by sculptor Daniel Chester French called Alma Mater is centered on the front steps of Low Memorial Library.McKim, Mead & White invited French to build the sculpture in order to harmonize with the larger composition of the court and library in the center of the campus.Draped in an academic gown, the female figure of Alma Mater wears a crown of laurels and sits on a throne.The scroll-like arms of the throne end in lamps, representing sapientia and doctrina.A book signifying knowledge, balances on her lap, and an owl, the attribute of wisdom, is hidden in the folds of her gown.Her right hand holds a scepter composed of four sprays of wheat, terminating with a crown of King's College which refers to Columbia's origin as a Royalist institution in 1754.A local actress named Mary Lawton was said to have posed for parts of the sculpture.The statue was dedicated on September 23, 1903, as a gift of Mr.& Mrs.Robert Goelet, and was originally covered in golden leaf.During the Columbia University protests of 1968 a bomb damaged the sculpture, but it has since been repaired.The small hidden owl on the sculpture is also the subject of many Columbia legends, the main legend being that the first student in the freshmen class to find the hidden owl on the statue will be valedictorian, and that any subsequent Columbia male who finds it will marry a Barnard student, given that Barnard is a women's college.“The Steps”, alternatively known as “Low Steps” or the “Urban Beach”, are a popular meeting area for Columbia students.The term refers to the long series of granite steps leading from the lower part of campus(South Field)to its upper terrace.With a design inspired by the City Beautiful movement, the steps of Low Library provides Columbia University and Barnard College students, faculty, and staff with a comfortable and spacious outdoor platform and space for informal gatherings, events, and ceremonies.McKim's classical facade epitomizes late 19th century new-classical designs, with its columns and portico marking the entrance to an important structure.On warm days when the weather is favorable, the Low Steps often become a popular gathering place for students to sunbathe, eat lunch, or play frisbee.Other campuses In April 2007, the university purchased more than two-thirds of a 17 acres(6.9 ha)site for a new campus in Manhattanville, an industrial neighborhood to the north of the Morningside Heights campus.Stretching from 125th Streetto 133rd Street, the new campus will house buildings for Columbia's Business School, School of International and Public Affairs, and the Jerome L.Greene Center for Mind, Brain, and Behavior, where research will occur on neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.The $7 billion expansion plan includes demolishing all buildings, except three that are historically significant, eliminating the existing light industry and storage warehouses, and relocating tenants in 132 apartments.Replacing these buildings will be 6,800,000 square feet(630,000 m2)of space for the university.Community activist groups in West Harlem fought the expansion for reasons ranging from property protection and fair exchange for land, to residents' rights.Subsequent public hearings drew neighborhood opposition.Most recently, as of December 2008, the State of New York's Empire State Development Corporation approved use of eminent domain, which, through declaration of Manhattanville's “blighted” status, gives governmental bodies the right to appropriate private property for public use.On May 20, 2009, the New York State Public Authorities Control Board approved the Manhanttanville expansion plan and the first buildings are under construction.
哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),全称纽约市哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称哥大,是一所位于美国纽约市的私立研究型大学,常春藤盟校之一。它坐落于曼哈顿的晨边高地,濒临哈德逊河,在中央公园北面。它于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,命名为国王学院(Kings College),是美洲大陆最古老的学院之一。美国独立战争后更名为哥伦比亚学院,1896年成为哥伦比亚大学。哥伦比亚大学是最早接受中国留学生的美国大学之一。
哥伦比亚大学校训:In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen(拉丁语)
哥伦比亚大学的校训为“In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen”(拉丁语)。可汉译为“借汝之光,得见光明”。典出《旧约·诗篇》:“Quoniam apud te fons vitae in lumine tuo videbimus lumen”(拉丁文)。英译为:“For with thee is the fountain of life;and in thy light we shall see light.”中文为:因你就是那生命之源;借着你的光,我们得见光明。校训具有浓烈的宗教气息,但它并不妨碍人们追求真理、寻找光明的决心和勇气。
哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)是世界最具声望的高等学府之一。它位于美国纽约市曼哈顿的晨边高地,于1754年根据英国国王乔治二世颁布的《国王宪章》而成立,命名为国王学院,是美洲大陆最古老的学院之一。美国独立战争后为纪念发现美洲大陆的哥伦布而更名为哥伦比亚学院,1896年成为哥伦比亚大学。
STEVEN J.LORRENCE3242 South Lexis Ave Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone:(555)782-4322 Email:EXPERIENCE2002-Present
POLYMER RESEARCHMilwaukee, WI General Manager Managed research-oriented polymer start-up through product design and development;oversaw sales/marketing initiatives of several patented products for footwear and medical markets. Created and supervised team of 25 including 11 professional engineers and researchers;team has produced 14 different projects to date, accounting for $13 million in revenue Developed “C-Tech” patented custom forming system for footwear – licensed to global footwear manufacturer Established joint venture in Dominican Republic to integrate C-Tech into customer’s production line Increased sales 500% in two years MULTI-SPORT HELMETMilwaukee, WI Technical Director Orchestrated product design, testing, and production of multi-sport protective helmets for start-up company. Advised President on general management issues and assisted with marketing and sales efforts Coached team through 15-month design-to-production cycle of first product;ultimately captured 5% of $130 million market BOSTON MARINABoston, MA General Manager Led management team and designed organizational structure for newest and largest marina in Milwaukee area, while simultaneously managing phase one construction;coordinated 500 boats with $2 million in annual revenue. Hired, trained, and reviewed six department managers and over 50 full and part time employees Maintained optimum occupancy while expanding capacity 800% Served as general contractor during construction of utilities, docks, buildings, and landscaping Project Engineer Hired and supervised consulting engineers, architects, and contractors for $6 million phase one design and construction of marina on undeveloped site;worked directly with owner and functioned as General Contractor. Directed $4 million construction of harbor, site, buildings, docks, utilities Personally designed and contracted fabrication and installation of 300’ floating breakwater MACKIN COMPANYMilwaukee, WI Project Leader, R&D Technician Conducted research and development for entrepreneur, including composite mountain bicycle and automotive projects. Designed valve cover/oil baffle that became standard equipment in over 1 million Chrysler automobilesCOWELL UNIVERSITYChicago, IL Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology, June 1995.Graduated Cum Laude Captain of 4 intramural teams Trustee, Milwaukee Heritage Association – Downtown Milwaukee community planning and development organization Interests include: camping in national parks without amenities, skiing in Western Europe, reading Ayn Rand novels
The University of Brotish Cloumbia