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Buns 圆形小面包 Meat 肉 Cheese 奶酪 Mayo 蛋黄酱 Lettuce 生菜 Tomato 番茄

Salt & pepper 盐&胡椒

1-Choose the bread.选择面包

Sliced breads are the norm in most Western grocery stores and these are what is used to make most “standard” sandwiches, like peanut butter and jelly.切片面包是西方大多数杂货店的常规商品而且被用做最常规的三明治,就像花生酱和果冻一样。

Loaf breads are basically sliced breads that haven't been cut yet, but get used in much the same way.This bread is usually fresher and cut thicker than normal sliced bread.块状面包基本上就是还没切的切片面包,但基本用法都是差不多一样的。这种面包通常比较新鲜而且比正常的切片面包切得厚一些。

 Buns are small round or oval loaves that get cut in half to make the sandwich.This is common with hamburgers or Brioche sandwiches, but you can also use things like pretzel buns. 圆形小面包是小的圆形或椭圆形的,切成两半来做三明治。这在汉堡和奶油蛋卷三明治中非常常见,但你也可以用椒盐卷饼面包。 Raised flat breads include breads like focaccia bread or panini.These have a similar texture to pizza dough or true flat breads but are thicker, which means they can be sliced to create a true sandwich. 厚扁平面包包括意式香草橄榄油面包和意大利热三明治。他们和披萨面团或者真正的扁平面包成分差不多,只是更加厚一些,也就是说他们可以被切开来做三明治。

 Flat breads include things like pita bread, naan, and tortillas.These do not make a true sandwich but instead make wraps or are cut in half and stuffed between the natural bread layers. 扁平面包包括皮塔面包、烤饼和玉米粉圆饼。这些不能做真正的三明治,但是可以做外面的面包,或者切开放在两个面包层之间。

2-Choose your condiments.选择调味品。

Condiments are meant to make the bread more moist.They aren't required, but they can really add to the flavor and texture of the food.When placed on the bread, the condiment should be spread as close to the edge of the bread as possible, making sure the bread is fully covered.Some condiments include: 调味品是为了使面包更加湿润。它们不是必须的,但它们可以增加食物的口感。当被放在面包上时,调味品撒的越靠近面包的边儿越好,而且要撒匀。调味品包括:

   Butter 黄油 Mayo 蛋黄酱 Mustard 芥末酱     Ketchup 番茄酱 Pesto 蒜香酱

Barbecue Sauce 烧烤酱 Hollandaise 酸辣酱 3-Choose your fillings.选择填充物

Different sandwiches will include different things between the bread layers.This is where you can really get creative!Usually what's inside the sandwich determines which meal it's “appropriate” for, but don't let this stop you: if you want a bacon-and-egg sandwich for dinner, go for it!Fillings come in a few categories: 不同的三明治会在面包层之间包含不同的填充物。这是就是要发挥创造力的时候了!通常,三明治里面的东西决定了它们适合哪一餐。但是,不要让这些阻拦你:如果你想晚餐吃培根鸡蛋三明治,那就吃吧。填充物分以下几个种类:

 Meats like deli meat, sausage patties, loose meat(usually ground and in a sauce), or chicken breast. 肉类比如熟食肉类、香肠肉饼、肉松(通常是磨碎的而且拌了酱)、或者鸡胸肉。

 Vegetables like salad leaves, stir-fry vegetables, sliced tomatoes, sliced onions, etc. 蔬菜比如沙拉蔬菜、炒蔬菜、番茄片、洋葱圈等。 Cheese, which is generally always sliced for ease of use, though some cheese may be crumbled(like blue cheese).Good sandwich cheeses include swiss, muenster, brie, gouda, pepperjack, or cheddar. 奶酪,为了使用方便,奶酪通常是成片的。有的奶酪也可能是碎的(比如蓝纹奶酪)。好的三明治奶酪包括瑞士奶酪、明斯透干酪、法国布里白乳酪、古达干酪、辣椒杰克奶酪、英国切德干酪。

 Other items like egg salad, fried eggs, chili, peanut butter, jelly, marmite, and nutella. 其他元素比如鸡蛋色拉、煎鸡蛋、红辣椒、花生酱、果冻、酵母调味品、能多益巧克力酱。

4-Make breakfast sandwiches.做早餐三明治

Breakfast sandwiches are usually served hot, but don't feel like you can't eat them cold!Some breakfast sandwiches you can make include: 早餐三明治通常是热的,不会让你感觉太冷了不能吃。您可以做的早餐三明治包括:

       Fried egg and ham sandwich with butter 带黄油的煎蛋火腿三明治

Sausage and egg sandwich with hollandaise 带酸辣酱的香肠鸡蛋三明治

Bacon and cheese sandwich with mayo 带蛋黄酱的培根奶酪三明治

Tomato and cheese sandwich with pesto  带蒜香酱的番茄奶酪三明治

5-Make lunch and dinner sandwiches.做午餐晚餐三明治

Lunch sandwiches are usually cold, while dinner sandwiches are usually hot, but you don't need to follow those rules!These include sandwiches like: 午餐三明治通常是冷的,晚餐三明治通常是热的,但你不需要一定这样做。这些三明治包括了:

   BLT, which is bacon, lettuce, and tomato with mayo 培根生菜番茄三明治:培根、生菜、番茄加蛋黄酱。

Reuben, which is sauerkraut, mustard or Russian dressing, corned beef, and swiss cheese   鲁本三明治:酸菜、芥末酱或者俄式调味酱、咸牛肉和瑞士奶酪。Sloppy Joe, which is ground beef mixed with tomato paste and seasoning   碎牛肉三明治:碎牛肉、番茄酱和佐料。

Italian sandwich, which is salami and similar meats, with mayo, lettuce and tomato   意大利三明治:意大利腊肠或者类似的肉类加蛋黄酱、生菜、番茄 Meatball sub which is meatballs and red sauce, covered in Parmesan cheese. 肉丸包:肉丸、红酱、包在帕尔玛奶酪里。 Tunafish sandwich, which is canned tuna mixed with mayonnaise, mustard, onions and pickles  金枪鱼三明治:金枪鱼罐头、蛋黄酱、芥末酱、洋葱、酸黄瓜。


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邀请信及回复Invitation Letters and Reply

We would like to extend a formal invitation for you to visit our Corporate Headquarters in Michigan.We would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at our annual conference to be held at ….Hotel at 2 o’clock, June 18.It is our great honour to have you all witness the ceremony with us.Your accommodation during your stay would be made at our expense.We are eagerly anticipating your arrival to discuss face-to-face the possibilities of working together.Please send your reply to us by May 30.Thank you so much for your warm invitation …..But I find the rush of business makes my acceptance of the invitation impractical.Please accept my regards, and I will try to make it next time.I regret that I’ve already made plans for that evening and will not be able to attend.推荐信Letter of Recommendation

I’m writing to recommend to you Mr.…, one of my best students, for acceptance to your college.I am very glad of this opportunity to give Li Wei a reference.I’ve found her to be an innovative, ambitious and reliable employee.I wish you will gain a great deal from Tony’s presence at your company.求职信Letter of Application

内容包括: 1)你是怎样知道有空缺的2)简述你感兴趣的理由,为何相信自己能胜任 3)要求面试 4)告知联系方式

I saw your advertisement for an export manager in the China Daily of July 8 and I would like to apply for the position.I would be grateful if you could send me an application form and further information about the salary and working conditions.Enclosed please find a photocopy of my university diploma, grade report as well as two letters of recommendation.I would appreciate an interview at your earliest convenience.辞职信 Letter of Resignation

I regret to inform you that I will be resigning my position with the company on August 26.I would like to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed working with you here.I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for all the help that I have received in the past 5 years.I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.My new position will give me an increase in salary and greater possibilities for promotion.1

感谢信Thank-you Letters



I am writing to thank you for the nice present.I am writing to you just to tell you how much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to my colleague Ms.Jenny Wilson when she visited your company last week.投诉信与索赔信:Letters of Complaints and Claim



I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the delivery service in your company.Much to my regret, I’m writing the letter in order to place a complaint against the attitude of the staff …..It is my sincere hope that the problem will be solved in a mutual agreeable way.道歉信 Letter of Apology

I am writing in response to your letter of complaint about a refund for an unsatisfactory digital camera.I would like to express my apologies for missing our 10 o’clock appointment owing to some urgent business.We are sorry about the trouble and the inconvenience this has caused to you.祝贺信 Letter of Congratulation

I am writing to convey my warm congratulations upon your appointment as ….manager Please accept my heartiest congratulation and best wishes for the future.表扬信 Letter of Compliment

The purpose of this letter is to compliment your store on the excellent service.慰问信 Letter of Sympathy / condolence

How grieved I am to hear of your illness.I am truly sorry to hear of your sickness.I cannot tell you how sad I felt when I was informed of your illness.I am anxious to know how you progress, and will therefore inquire about you daily.I was deeply concerned to learn that an earthquake had just attacked your city.介绍信 Letter of Introduction




I am writing to introduce Chen Qian, one of my colleagues.Please allow me to introduce to you Mr.Xu , the bearer of this letter.Any assistance you may offer him will be regarded as a personal favor to me.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.2



一、平垫片(Flat Washer---F/W)

二、弹簧垫片(Spring Lock Washer---L/W)

三、齿形垫片(Toothed Lock Washer)

1.外齿垫片(External Tooth Lock Washer---EXT L/W)

2.内齿垫片(Internal Tooth Lock Washer---INT L/W)

3.内外齿垫片(Combination Tooth Lock Washer---INT/EXT L/W)本文版权所属标准件之都网,如需转载、摘编或以其它方式使用本文内容,请在授权范围内使用,并标注“来源:标准件之都”














好简历当然会被保留,如果背景又恰好是公司急需的,可能马上就会约见求职者,不好的简历就会被扔掉,事实上,不好的简历就会被扔掉,事实上,连看都不看,任何一个知名的大公司,每天都有成百上千人递简历。如果写得太差,根本就不值得保留,因为这些公司认为,一个人连自己的简历都写不好,将来进了公司,对行文质量不够;对内说件事情也不清楚,公司不需要这样的人,大家经常说大公司的人训练有素,实际上这也是其中一方面,即使不进大公司, 简历写得不好,也会显得不懂基本格式,没有智慧。


Your resume is scanned,not read.(“TRIS”)。一方面简历要写得好,另一方面招聘人员看简历只是扫描式的,最初看也就是5秒种左右,第一印象不好就扔了,这会儿你就该问了:“如果我写得好,短时间他看不出来怎么办?”不用担心,他们是可以看出来的,因为招聘人员干的就是这一行,如果您怀疑他看不出来,说明两点:第一,您对招聘人员的工作性质还不了解。假设您是司机,经常走北京那么多胡同,自然就记住了,而一般人都觉得很难记。第二,说明你对行文格式,专业写作形象还不熟悉。美国很多职位很高的大老板,在看下属写东西时,一点点小错,哪怕只是换了一种字体,漏了一个逗号,多了一个空格都能及时指出来。说明他们眼很尖速度很快。另外,写的内容千万不要多,而且要控制在一页纸内。





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