
时间:2019-05-13 06:16:39下载本文作者:会员上传


Hello everyone!Today I am going to talk about PEP Grade 5 Book 1 Unit 6 In a nature park ,section A, Let’s try, Let’s talk.I will divide this topic into four parts :analysis of teaching material and students、teaching and learning methods、teaching procedures and black board design.First let me talk about analysis of teaching material and students.This part is the first lesson of this unit.It’s a new class.Our students have already learntunit 5 whose topic is “there is a big bed.”So they have a knowledge of “there be” pattern.Today we will learn more about it and its different forms.As is known to us,“there be” pattern is very important in the whole primary English.And according to teaching material and students’ characteristics I set the following teaching aims and teaching key and difficult points: First knowledge aims:

(1)Enable the students to grasp the words: sky, mountain, forest, river, lake bridge etc.Second ability aims:

(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of working in pairs and groups.(2)To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.(3)Enable the students to use the drills “there be…”in daily life.Third emotion aims :

(1)Train the students’ sense of loving nature and protecting the environment.(2)Inspire the students’ interest in English study,and make students to build up the confidence of learning English.Then it comes to teaching key and difficult points.Teaching key point is let Ss grasp key structures such as “Is there...? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.Teaching difficult point is how to understand and use the general question of “there be” pattern and its affirmative answer and negative answer.OK next one is about teaching methods and learning methods.To make sure that students can study English in very funny way and help them build up confidence, I mainly apply communicative method,task-based method game method.As for learning methods,I will let students use the task-based method to work in pairs or groups to make a dialogue by using the words and sentences we learnt today Finally it’s time for procedures.Step one warming up Before the class let Ss sing a song namedat a nature park the purpose is to arose their interest in learning and gain the ABC of this lesson.Step two guess game I will use ppt to show some pictures about naturepark Then let students talk about what is in the nature park using “there be ”patterns learnt before.Then let them guess What else is in the nature park ? Use“Is there...?” to ask.For example, “Is there a mountain in a nature park? Ss: Is there a forest/river/lake/hill/...in a nature park? Finally help Ss answer completely like this: Is there a lake in the nature park? Yes ,there is./No,there isn’t.The purpose is to train Ss’s skills of speaking English.and at the same time ,drive them to use new structure.Step threelistening I will play the tape three times.for the first time ,Ss just listen ,for the second time ,they finish the task ,for the third time ,we will check together.The purpose is to make Ss have a sense of new knowledge while listening.And it is designed for the following study.Step four presentation First let Ss look at the picture in let’s talk.and say something about it.like what are they talking about? Then make them listen to the tape with several questions such as, Is there a river in the nature park ?and find the answer.Then check and say something about the dialogue Finally role play the dialogue in pairs.The purpose is to let Ss understand the new knowledge.Step fivewho is your friend? make a group of four and give them minutes to do the group work ,every one in the group need draw a picture about the nature ,then let the partner guess , like this A:is there a lake in the forest? B:yes ,there is.you are my friend./no, there isn’t.you are not my friend.Then ask some group to act it out in front of the class.The purpose is to consolidate the new knowledge in a funny way,which will make a good effect.Step six homework Write some sentences about the nature with what we have learnt today.



Good afternoon , Ladies and Gentlemen!My name is Wu Dan.I come from Yu Hong Primary School.I am very glad to be standing here and talking about Lesson 10 ,which is from Fun with English Book 3 Unit 2.My teaching report includes four parts.Part 1 To analyze the book 1.There are 3 units in Book 3.This is Lesson 10.The central item is how to master another sentence to express “ What’s the time ? ” and how to buy something.Using “ What’s the time ? ” hungry , cakes, bread and so on.We’ll study and drill the sentences and the word ’s pronunciation.2.According to the teaching outline and combining the students ’ situation , I make the teaching aims of this lesson as follows.a.The first is the aim of knowledge.It’s to learn and master two sentences.What time is it? I am hungry and then using them to express the time and go shopping fluently and freely b.The second is the aim of abilities The

creative spirit is quite important to the students.So I will pay much attention to train it in my class.Otherwise.I will try to train the students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, Mainly improve their communicative abilities and encourage them to speak more English.C.The third is the aim of emotion Make the students have successful feeling and achievement.And make them be in English study.3.Important points The first is to master and use the two sentences.What time is it? I’m hungry.The second is to master the usage of the words hungry, cakes and bread.4.Difficult points.It’s the pronunciation of the two words.hungry, cakes, and how to use them fluently and freely.Part 2.Teaching and learning methods Make the students take part in class.Ask and answer in pairs and groups.I’ll use communicative method , discussing method and seeing and hearing method to teach this lesson.Part

3.Teaching aids.In order to interest the students.I’ll use a clock , recorder , cards and some food as my teaching aids.Part 4.Teaching procedure.Step 1 Revision Before my class , I’ll get the students to sing an English song to keep themselves relax.Then I’ll use a clock to act it.What’s the time ? What’s the time ? It’s eight o’clock.I’ll show three numbers.When the students answer It’s ten o’clock.I’ll say : It’s ten.Today we’ll learn Lesson Ten.Then I'll put the clock on the blackboard.Step 2 Presentation and drill First I’ll point to the clock and ask , what time is it ? Students answer It’s ten.Then I go on moving the hands and ask.What time is it ?Students answer quickly.Second I’ll drill the sentences What time is it ? It’s-----.pairs in pairs or row by row.Third When the students answer It’s 12:00 o’clock.I’ll point to my stomach and say.Oh I’m hungry.and I’ll eat a cake.Then I’ll go on saying I’m hungry.and I’ll eat another cake.I’ll act it four or five times.Then I ask a student to act it.I’m hungry , too.I’ll say two cakes , please.and the sentences.I’m hungry.Two cakes ,please.Forth :Listen to the dialogue and answer my questions.1.What time is it? 2.How many cakes? Step 3 Consolidation I’ll train the creative spirit of the students.I’ll give them three please.To act the dialogue freely.First at the 219 Park,second fruit shop Third department store.Step4.Homework Encourage my student to the market to buy something with his friends or parent.小


Good morning/evening, everyone.It is my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.My number is _______, the content of this lesson is __________.I have been ready to finish this lesson in 7parts.(我准备从以下7个方面来完成这次说课内容)

Part 1 analysis of the teaching material

(第1部分 分析教材)

The content of this lesson unit is talk about words, phrases and patterns, such asThis lesson is in the important position of this unit.If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.Part 2 analysis of the Ss

(第2部分 分析学情)

They are active,curious and interested in new things.After learning English morn than 2 years, they have some basic English background knowledge, so I should attach the inportance to the communication with Ss, and providing them the chances of using language.Part 3 teaching aims

(第3部分 教学目标 分为知识目标,能力目标,情感目标)Aims on the knowledge

By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to read, recoginze and use these words and phrases, such as patterns, such as 2 Aims on the abilities

By the end of the lesson.The Ss can , and get useful information from the listening and reading.Ss will be able to talk about ’ listening and speaking abilities will be developed.Aims on the emotion

In this lesson, the emotional aims is to arouse Ss’ interest of english learning, to foster Ss’consciousness of good-cooperation and proper competition.To help Ss to recognize and identify the differences between Chinese and English cultures on

.Part 4the important and difficult points

(第4部分 重点和难点)

The important points is how to help Ss ask and answer the following questions: And how to help Ss be able to listen,speak readDifficult poins are how to help Ss use the important words and patterns correctly

Part 5 teaching methods

(第5部分 教学方法)

As we all know, the main teaching aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupil’s basic abilities of listening, speaking and their good sense of their english language.So in this lesson, I will mainly use “Task-based teaching method, communicative language teaching method, and TPR teaching method”

Besides, I will also arrange 4 kinds of activites: they are singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.Part 6 the teaching procedure

(第6部分 教学过程。我会从以下5个步骤来完成教学过程。第1步热身和复习,第2步新课呈现,第3步进行练习,第4步巩固提高,第5步复习和作业)Now , I will mainly talk about my teaching procedures.I will follow five steps.Step 1 waring up and revision

It is important to set up a better english learing situation for the pupils.So I will design two acitvities.Activity 1 sing a song with Ss.Purpose: the purpose of this step is to form a better english learning surrounding for the Ss, and the same time, it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2 presentation

’ interest of the lesson.By playing the PPT, I will present the phrases: Purpose :the purpose of this is to present the new words and setences in the situation, which relates to the Ss’ real life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easily and naturally.Secondly, play a guessing game.Divide the whole class into four groups to have a competition.Purpose;the purose of this is to review the key words and phrases one by one.And proper cometiton can arouse the Ss’ interest in english learning.Thirdly , with the help of the CAI to set a situation to present let Ss understand it easily.Then play the cassette, let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue.Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.Purpose : CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue better.And tell the Ss to Step 3 practice

This step includes mechanical activity and activities in the meaningful situation.Mechanical activity is to help Ss to recognize and read the new words and

sentences.activities in the meaningful situation to make Ss use the new words and sentence structure in a real situation.Purpose : the purpose of this is to draw the whole Ss’ attention to the spelling of the words.It is to help Ssto consolidate the words and structures through a true situation.Step 4 development

In this step , I will give Ss a free space to show their abilities.First I will help the Ss finish a survey, and then let them make a new dialogue and act it out.Task-based teaching method and communicative language teaching method are used here.Purpose : the purpose of this step is to develop Ss’ability of communication and cooperation.Making a new dialogue is to check if Ss can use the key words, patterns and structures correctly and skillfully.Step 5 conclusion and homework

After step 4, some pupils can grasp the knowledge well, but some pupils can’t.so revision is important, pupils should speak english after class as much as they do in class.It is necessary for the pupils to do some exercise after class.So I design the following homework.listen and read the content of this unit


Part 7 blackboard design

(第7部分 板书设计)

A good Bb design can make Ss get key information in limited time.I will make a design like this:

The title of this lesson is on the top of the blackboard.Divide the rest of Bb into three parts.The left is for the key words and phrases, the middle is for the main patterns and structures, while the right is for the other unimportant things.结束语:

That’s all for my teaching design.Thanks a lot for your attention.




Good moning, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my geat hono and pleasue to be hee shaing my lesson with you.I have been eady to begin this epesentation with five pats.Analysis of the teaching mateial, the teaching aims, the impotant and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching pocedue.Pat 1 Teaching Mateial

The content of my lesson is New Senio English fo China Book___ Unit____________________.This unit is about____________________(topics)。By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the inteest in___________________.At the same time, let the students lean how to____________________(functional items)。Fom this lesson, it stats___________________________(stuctues)。(As we all know, eading belongs to the input duing the pocess of the language leaning.The input has geat effect on output, such as speaking and witing.)Theefoe, this lesson is in the impotant position of this unit.If the Ss can maste it well, it will be helpful fo them to lean the est of this unit.Pat 2 Teaching Aims

Accoding to the new standad cuiculum and the syllabus(新课程标准和教学大纲),and afte studying the teaching mateial, the teaching aims ae the followings:

1.Knowledge objects(语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

(1)The Ss can maste the usage of the impotant wods and expessions.(2)The Ss can use the __________________(gamma)in the pope situation.(3)The Ss can undestand the content of the lesson, talk about _______________________(infomation)and get thei own idea about _______________________________.2.Ability objects(技能目标:听,说,读,写)

(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, eading and witing

(2)To guide Ss to set up effective studying stategies.(3)To impove the student’s eading ability, especially thei skimming and scanning ability.(4)To tain the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and coopeating.3.Emotion o moal objects(情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

(1)By completing the task, the Ss incease thei inteest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moal education in the language study.Pat 3 the Impotant and Difficult Points

Based on the equiement of the syllabus.The impotant points ae__________________________ such as ______________.The difficult points ae_________________________ fo example_____________.Pat 4 Teaching Methods

As is known to us all, a good teaching method equies that the teache should help Ss develop good sense of the English language.Fo achieving these teaching aims,(afte the analysis of the teaching mateial and teaching aims,)I will use the following methods accoding to the moden social communication teaching theoies(现代社会交际教学理论).1.Communicative Appoach(交际教学法)

2.Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法)

3.Task-based Language Teaching(任务教学法)

4.Total Situational Action(情景教学)a “scene — activity” teaching method , it establishes a eal scene and the inteaction between the teache and the Ss.At the same time, CAI(电脑辅助教学)can povide a eal situation with its sound and pictue, it can develop the Ss ceativity in leaning English.Pat 5 Teaching Pocedue

Step 1.Lead-in.(_____min)


Pupose of my design:(1)to catch Ss’ attention about the class/topic/passage.(2)To set up suspense/develop inteest in _______________.Step 2.Pe-eading

Task 1.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)

Let Ss _____________________________________________________________

Task 2.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)


Now, let’s see what happened to the_______________/ let’s check whethe it is ight o not.Pupose of my design:(1)to get to know something about the _________________.(2)To have a bette undestanding about the impotance of ___________________.Step 3.While-eading

Task 1.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)

Skimming: Ss should ead the mateial fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence fo each paagaph.Paa 1 ___________________

Paa 2 ___________________

Paa 3 ___________________

Task 2.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)

Scanning: Listen to the tape pat by pat to finish ___________________________.Task 3.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)

Scanning: Guide Ss to ead the mateial caefully and take some impotant notes, then answe the following questions.Task 4.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)

Scanning: Ask Ss to ead the mateial caefully and find out the coect answes to finish the following chat.Pupose of my design: Enable students to undestand the given mateial bette by using diffeent eading skills.And pope competition can aouse the Ss’ inteest in English leaning.“Task-based” teaching method is used hee to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also thei ability of co-opeation will be well tained.Step 5.Post-eading

Task 1.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)

(接task3)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summay accoding thei notes.(接task4)etell the stoy /Sum up the passage in Ss’ own wods accoding to the chat.Task 2.(Individual wok, pai wok, goup wok, class wok;_____min)

Discuss _______________________________________________with othe goup membes and then choose a epote to shae thei opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole class.Pupose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in thei spoken English.Most Ss can take thei pats in the activities, especially fo the Ss who have touble in English study.Step 5.Homewok



Pupose of my design: Homewok is so impotant and necessay fo to maste the knowledge they leaned afte class.It will check whethe the Ss achieve the teaching aims.英语全英说课稿

(二)The lesson I am going to talk about is fom the teaching mateialBook One ,Unit 8.the thid pat that is used by the kids in Gade One.一、Analysis of the teaching mateial(说教材)

This is a dialogue that happens in the fuit shop.seveal sentences suound selling and buying the fuit will be leaned.Duing the fist and the second pat in this unit ,the kids have undestood simple instuctions and act accodingly ,and they can say simple wods ,phases o sentences by looking at objects and the pictues.eg: lychee, banana, apple,“What’s this ?It’s an apple.”In Unit seven ,we gasped the numbes fom one to ten.The main language points in this unit is to make sentences using the fuit and numbes feely and communicate with othes in English in the fuit shop.And pay close attention to the single and plual foms of the nouns.Accoding to the kids’ English level and the coesponding content in the daily life ,I give them some exta extending.To tain thei ability of communicate with the othes in English ,I pepae the following design.Teaching aims(教学目标)

1.knowledge and skill aims :(知识技能目标)

eview the names of the ten diffeent kinds of fuit and ecognize the numbes fom one to ten.Undestand simple instuctions about the numbes and act accodingly.Pactice English and communicate with othes in the situation.2.Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals :(情感、态度、价值目标)

Cultivate the spiit of co-opeations in the goup wok

Bing up the good quality of potect and make fiends with the animals.Teaching impotance :(教学重点)

1.Make sentences using the fuit and the numbes.“Six oanges ,please.’

2.Distinguish the diffeence between the single fom and the plual foms of the nouns.”one apple / two apples …“

3.The sentences used when selling and buying the fuit in a fuit shop.Teaching difficulties :(教学难点)

1.Distinguish the diffeence between the single and the plual foms of the nouns.2.Tain thei ability of communicating with othes in English.Teaching aids;(教具准备)

Multimedia , flash cads ,fesh fuit and aangements and decoations of the fuit shop.Teaching methods :(教学方法)

Task objective teaching method.TP method , pefomance and games methods.二、Analysis of the leanes :(说学习者)

We ae facing the 5 to 6-yea-old little kids who just gaduated fom the kindegaten ,and they can not tell the diffeence between kindegaten and the pimay school.sometimes they even don’t know how to behave in the class.So ,I think the most impotant thing fo me to do is to attact thei inteests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject.so ,I will play some inteesting games with them ,show them the funny catoon movie and ole the plays in the text o have a competation.we should not only focus on the language point itself ,but also set up the eal cicumstance whee I can encouage them to expess themselves bette.What I ty my best to do is to aouse the kids’ inteests and potect thei enthusiasm.三、Analysis of the teaching methods(说教法)

says that duing the Foundation Education peiod ,the total goal fo English lesson is to impove the pupils’ ability of compehensive using language.It pomotes task teaching stuctue.Accoding to the little kids’ physical and psychological chaacteistics of keeping cuios ,active and imitating and showing themselves.I adopt the ”task –eseach—constuct “ teaching methods and oganize the class to focus on the impotance and solve the difficulties.I give the pupils an open and elaxed cicumstance in which they can lean to obseve ,think and discuss.duing this pocedue ,the pupils’ ability of thinking and using language is developed vey well.四、Analysis of the teaching pocedues.(说教学过程)

1.Wam up.(歌曲热身)

All the class sing English song ”Ten little Indian boys “ to aouse thei inteests and help them to step into English leaning cicumstance happily.2.eview the fuit and the numbes those we leaned in the fist and the second pat in this unit.(复习数字和水果)

A.Watch a funny video.and answe the questions.(lean moe fuit and pactice moe sentence pattens eg: stawbey / watemelon/ pineapple /chey)ask some questions.What’s this ?

What colou is it ?

How many bananas ae thee ?

Do you like eating bananas ?

What is you favouite fuit ?

Encouage them to open thei mouth and speak English as much as they can.B.Play guessing game.to eview the spelling of the wods using the basic ponunciation knowledge.C.Play a game named ”up and down “.emphasis on distinguishing the single and plual foms of the nouns.3.Guide the pupils to the main teaching points.(引入新课)

To compehensive use the numbes and the fuit that is a needed in a fuit shop.Ask two voluntees to come to the font and choose the ight numbe cads and stick it beside the ight fuit accoding to the othe pupils’ instuctions.The quicke one will be the winne.Eg: Six oanges ,please.4.Time to pactice fo all the class(全体同学操练)。

The pupils choose the ight cads they have pepaed and put them up above thei heads when they hea the teache’s instuctions and give them to the teaching answeing loudly: ”Hee you ae.’

5.Watch a video(观看多媒体,了解本课故事情节)

undestand what’s happening in the stoy ,(This pat is impotant, easonable and effective)and guide them to potect and make fiends with the animals.Pesent the situation of a fuit shop.the teache will act a shopkeepe and invite a bette pupil to be the custome and finish all the buying steps.Shopkeepe : Good moning.Custome : Good moning.Shopkeepe : Can I help you ?

Custome : Yes ,six oanges ,please.Shopkeepe : Hee you ae.Custome : Thank you vey much.Shopkeepe : You ae welcome.6.Consolidation and Pactice(巩固和练习)

Goup wok : Divide the class into eight goups and evey goup will be decoated into a fuit shop, ask one pupil to be the shopkeepe and the othe membes in this goup will be the customes.Encouage them to buy and sell the fuit with what they leaned in this pat ,I design a eal situation that is common in ou daily life and the kids will not feel uncomfotable o unfamilia with it, The teache will go aound the class and supply the help to the unable ones.In such a peace and pleasant situation they like to speak the dialogue they leaned to expess themselves.They can feel the success and become confident in speaking English.7.Conclusion(总结

The teache would lead the class to ead the sentences on the boad and ask some moe difficult questions.Maybe the pupils can not undestand them clealy ,but it doesn’t matte.we just give the pupils moe infomation about the language and give them the bette language cicumstances that can help them in the futue leaning.8.Homewok :(家庭作业)

Encouage the pupils to design a little fuit shop at home and teach thei family the dialogue in the fuit shop.When they pactice this , they should take photos and show the othe pupils the next day.In this lesson , what I design(not only the pesentation of the main teaching points ,but also the activities)attact the pupils inteests.They lean and pactice while playing.I think it’s eally a good lesson of high quality.9.Black design(板书设计)


小学英语优秀说课稿模板《More About Animals》(2/2)

更新时间:2011-02-26 好评度: 1473


T: Are you a frog? Sa: Yes.T: How does a frog go to school? Sa: The frog hops to school? T:(深港版教材第二册第四单元Part E): I’m a frog on a log.I can hop, hop, hop.I’m a puppy in the sun.I can run, run, run.T: You are frogs.Hop, please.What are the frogs doing? Ss: The frogs are hopping.T: What else can hop? Ss: The rabbits can hop.鼓励学生根据基础语音教学法拼出单词hop, 将其板书出来。T: Can you spell hopping? 学生拼出来的一定是hoping,此时纠正错误,改为hopping.swim:

T: Sa, Swim!Swim fast!Swim slowly!What is Sa doing? Ss: Sa is swimming.鼓励学生根据基础语音教学法拼出单词swim, 将其板书出来。T: Can you spell swimming? 此时会有聪明的学生拼出来swimming。

T(强调): How many letter“m”s are there? T(全班同学一起游泳): What are you doing? We are running.T:Who can’t swim? The chairs/desks/birds can’t swim.B Read the verbs and their present participles,then play the video of Part A-words.(设计意图:通过体态、语言、夸张的表情、小游戏来启发诱导学生学习新单词,并对现在分词有个初步的印象。)

Step Three Teach sentence patterns T:Open your mouth!(很仔细地看着学生的嘴,假装很惊讶地问)What’s this?(假装把手伸到学生嘴里拿出一样东西)

Look!It has two big ears.It has a long nose.It has a small tail.What is it? Ss:It’s an elephant.T: What is the elephant doing? Ss guess.(引导学生说)The elephant is …ing.T:(出示PPT声音文件)The elephant is sleeping.How many elephants are there? Ss: There is only one.以上教学过程是针对句子主语为单数的,如果主语为复数的,就可以假装从孩子嘴里掏出两个或者更多的小动物。通过这种方式将课文里的四个句型引导出来。


Step Four Game T: Sa, are you a rabbit? Sa: Yes.T: What is the rabbit doing? Don’t tell her.Don’t tell him.Just tell me.Ss(在老师耳边小声说): The rabbit is eating.T(ask the whole class): What is the rabbit doing? Ss guess.T(The winner stands up): You are a turtle.What is the turtle doing? 重复上面的过程,但这次,由学生提问学生回答,由老师带领学生学习英语转换为学生自主学习。在对单数的句型练习几次后,改为对复数句型的练习,即叫两个人起来一起扮演小动物,并自己小声商量做什么动作,然后提问同学What are the… doing?(设计意图:通过游戏让学生练习新句型,在由老师带领学习逐渐转向学生自主学习,在反复的操练过程中让学生对主语为单复数的现在进行时句型进行区别和理解。)

Step Five Game

让学生戴上小动物头饰,老师大声说,“The elephant are sleeping.”所有戴着大象头饰的同学必须迅速站起来边做出睡觉的动作边抢一个座位,最慢的那个没有抢到座位的同学走到讲台前,自己选择一个小动物说:“The rabbits are eating.”戴小兔子头饰的同学边做出吃的动作边找座位……


Step Six Playing Video



Step Seven Exercises and practice



(设计意图:通过附加的练习题了解学生对现在进行时的掌握情况,及时纠 正错误。)Step seven Home work

学生自己画一个Happy Zoo, 根据自己的图用现在进行时来描述,并在班级用英语展示。



Unit4 More about animals What is the … doing? eat-eating The … is …ing.sleep-sleeping What are the … doing? fight-fighting The … are …ing.hop-hopping swim-swimming run-running



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