
时间:2019-05-13 07:09:40下载本文作者:会员上传



【原题回放】 题目一:

生活里总会遇到“山重水复疑无路”的困境,要想收获“柳暗花明”的欣喜,我们就需要坚守希望,勇于探索,团结协作„„请你根据自己的经历或思考,以“走向柳暗花明”为题目,写一篇文章。不限文体(诗歌除外)。【提纲挈领】 写作对象:

自己或自己所在团队 选材范围:

现实生活:家庭(家里、外出)校园(课内学习、课外活动)写作内容: 关键词 释义 山重水复 问题、困难 柳暗花明












【原题回放】 题目二: 不久的未来,学生的校服随着科技的进步会越来越智能化:身份识别、智能考勤、自动定位、自动温度调节、运动状态自动跟踪与分析„„假如有一天你穿上了这样的智能校服,将会有什么奇妙的事情发生呢?请你发挥想象,以“智能校服”为题目,写一篇记叙文。【判分点】


2、想象:丰富、合理 智能校服


3、主题:科学素养/人文情怀 【一类文范文】





1.Where are _____ keys? I can’t find them.A.IB.meC.myD.mine

2.In China, Spring Festival always comes _____ January or February.A.inB.onC.atD.to 3.-______ did you go last summer vacation, Kathy?

-I went to Harbin.A.WhatB.WhyC.WhenD.Where 4.I’m hungry, mum.Can I have some______? A.booksB.cakesC.drinksD.sports

5.Bob, it’s 7:30.Hurry up, _____ you’ll be late for school.A.butB.andC.orD.so 6.–Have you seen Harry Potter V?

-Of course, it is one of _____ movies this year.A.popularB.more popularC.most popular D.the most popular 7.–How can I get to People’s Hospital?

-You’d better _____ a taxi.It is far from here.A.takeB.tookC.takingD.to take 8.–You’ve told Mary the good news, haven’t you?

-No.I’ll tell her as soon as she ______ back.A.comeB.comesC.cameD.will come 9.-_____ you play tennis?

-No.But I am good at playing football.A.CanB.MayC.MustD.Should

10.My teacher asked me _____ a speech in front of the whole school the next week.A.giveB.gaveC.to giveD.giving 11.My twin sister _____ to music when I got home.A.listensB.listenedC.is listeningD.was listening 12.My uncle is a computer programmer in IBM.He ____ there for 5 years.A.worksB.workedC.will workD.has worked

13.Yesterday we visited an old church.It _____ more than 100 years ago.A.builtB.is builtC.was builtD.has built 14.I enjoy my life here.I have ____ friends, and we meet quite often.A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little 15.–What can we do to help the kids in the poor areas?

-We could _____ signs asking for old books.A.put upB.put onC.put downD.put off 16.Dad, I think you should stop _____.It’s bad for your health.A.smokeB.smokedC.smokingD.to smoke 17.–I’m flying to Paris tomorrow.-_____!

A.That’s all rightB.That’s a good idea C.Thank you very muchD.Have a good trip 18.Can you tell me _____ tomorrow evening?

A.when will the party startB.when the party will start C.when did the party startD.when the party started 二.完型填空

Kid in the digital age

Sammy Liu, a six-year-old boy from Kowloon, has become a hero recently.One day he used the family’s __19___ to stop an attempted robbery.While the thief was busy searching the flat, Sammy went into his bedroom ___20__and used his computer to call the police, who __21__ five minutes later and caught the thief.These days ,it is ___22__ for children as young as Sammy to be so computer literate.Many children use computers at home or at school and some __23___ even have their own websites.Such websites not only offer students the opportunity to learn new skills but also mean that people all over the world can __24___ out more about their school.Some parents think that spending too much time using a computer can be harmful, when really the __25___ is true.“Kids should be __26___ to use computers as early as possible,” said Tony Roberson, a software developer.“Children learn really fast.Many children __27___ much more about technology than their parents.”In Hong Kong, the “IT 2010” project __28__ to provide every student with a computer by the year 2010.Schools, hospitals, shops and homes will all be interconnected by an island-wide network.__29___ at home or school, the digital

age has certainly opened the __30___ to a whole new world of learning.19.A.radioB.computerC.recorderD.telephone 20.A.quietlyB.slowlyC.easilyD.excitedly 21.A.leftB.returnedC.answeredD.arrived 22.A.hardB.usualC.commonD.dangerous 23.A.schoolsB.homesC.shopsD.hospitals 24.A.giveB.findC.sendD.work 25.A.opposite B.unknownC.sameD.new 26.A.invitedB.forcedC.allowedD.encouraged 27.A.thinkB.rememberC.knowD.discuss 28.A.prepares B.appearsC.plansD.starts 29.A.WhenB.WhereC.EitherD.Whether 30.A.heartB.doorC.eyesD.minds 三.阅读理解


Last week we asked students to write about their favorite school events in the year.Here are some of their replies.School Events

1.I really like sports(I’m on the basketball team and the swimming team), so I

enjoy all the sporting events in our school.My favorite event of the year is our School Olympics.Paul(8th grade)

2.My favorite subjects at school are physics and chemistry, so for me, the best

event of the school year is the Science Fair in the spring.I really enjoy taking part in this event and seeing other students’ projects.Mary(9th grade)

3.The best part of the school year is School Camping.At the camp there are

always exciting things to do.Last year we went rock-climbing, and this year we are going hiking.Tony(9th grade)

4.There are many social events in the school year, but my favorite is the School

vest clothes, and we danced all evening!31.What’s Jenny’s favorite school event? A.School Olympics B.Science Fair C.School CampingD.School Party.32.Who likes Science Fair best? A.PaulB.MaryC.TonyD.Jenny.33.Last year Tony went _____.A.swimming B.dancing C.rock-climbing D.hiking


My Daddy on Campus

I was late on my first day of high school.My next class, scared me.As the second bell rang in the hallway, I ran to the door of the classroom.At the door, a hand reached out and shook mine firmly.I looked up.A man smiled and introduced himself as Profe, which means teacher or professor in Spanish.Right away, his warm smile and welcoming words eased my fears.I enjoyed his classes a great deal because I learned more than just Spanish.I admit I only speak a little Spanish.But I try to live out the life lessons I learned from Profe every day.“Everyone is worth your time.”Profe stood outside his classroom door every day before and after class.During lunch, his room was always filled with students.He would stay after school to listen to and chat with students.He taught me that every person is special“Don’t fear the difficulties.”One time, I ran into his class crying.My friends had ’t even sure why they always left me alone.Profe told me, “Linda, life gives you ashes(灰尘), But learning its lessons will turn those ashes to jewels.The hard stuff will help you become a better person.” I learned to look at my troubles differently because I know I’ll grow in difficult times.A year ago, I visited my old high school hoping to see Profe.But he had retired.My high school helped me contact him.Now we stay in touch through e-mail.The author William Arthur Ward wrote: “The ordinary teacher tells.The good teacher explains.The superior teacher shows.The superior teacher shows.The great teacher

34.Profe was a teacher of _____.A.EnglishB.GermanC.FrenchD.Spanish35.Which of the following is NOT true? A.The writer could speak very good Spanish B.Profe spent a lot of time with his students.C.The writer enjoyed Profe’s classed very much.D.Profe and the writer stay in touch through e-mail now.36.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The writer missed her high school life very much B.The writer learned lots of life lessons from Profe.C.Profe helped the writer deal with difficulties D.Profe was good at teaching language.37.The underlined word “rejected” means _____.A.refusedB.acceptedC.annoyedD.frightened


Sugar-free beets that still taste sweet, tastier tomatoes and brighter-col0red fruits and vegetables that stay ripe(熟的)longer are all foods that are being grown now.How can they carry traits, such as being tastier, brighter, and riper? They are genetically engineered.Genetic engineering(基因工程)is like making a change in a recipe.For example, when you make cakes, you mix together all of the usual lingredients.If you add an extra ingredient, like salt, the cakes will taste differently.Genes are ingredients in the recipe for life.THEY CARRY THE TRAITS OF LIVING THINGS.Your genes dictate what color hair and eyes you’ll have, how tall you’ll be, as well as many other traits.Genes carry traits for plants, too.By adding genes to a plant, you can sometimes create new traits.For example, adding farmers happy because they don’t have to use chemicals to keep bugs away(虫子).This makes some farmers happy because they don’t have to use chemicals to keep bugs away from their plants.It sounds great, but some people are opposed to the idea of food that is genetically engineered.Ronnie Cummins, from the Campaign for Food Safety, is don’t always label foods that are genetically engineered.A customer could unknowingly buy food that has an added gene gene from another plant that he or she is allergic to.It could be dangerous.Gary Burton from Monsanto, a seed(种子)company that engineers food, disagrees.He says his company tests for allergies.Bruton believes that genetic engineering is a valuable fool for making better food.The technology can help farmers use less insecticide(杀虫剂)and grow healthier crops.Burton thinks there are many advantages.But Cummins says that we just don’t know what will happen in the future if we keep adding genes to foods.We could mistakenly create a monster.People have different opinions about genetic engineering.One side supports it and thinks it will only help us.The other side is opposed to playing with nature and fears health risks.Which side do you think is right?

38.What could be a good thing about food that is genetically engineered? A.It’s more expensive.B.It could taste different

C.It requires less insecticide.D.It’s not labeled in the supermarket.39.In general, who does not support the idea of genetic food? A.People from seed companiesB.Farmers who use engineered seeds.C.People from the Campaign for Food SafetyD.Scientists who create genetically engineered food.40.It can be inferred that _____.A.growing genetic foods will make farmers richer B.people will eat more genetic foods in the future C.using fewer chemicals could make the food tastier D.there could be unknown dangers about genetic foods 41.What is the best title of this passage? A.Future FarmingB.Foods with a Difference

C.Genetic Engineering D.Genetically Engineered Fruits 四.选择方框中的合适单词Tree, look, live, is, lovely, dog, but, friend

Hello.My name is Rufus.I __1__ in New York with my mum and dad and two brothers.We’ve also got two __2__ and one cat.My parents keep the __3__ cat.My elder brother Tom __4__after his dog Dan and my younger brother Ben takes care of his dog Holy.How many children are there in your family? Have you got any pets at home?Tom and I are in City High School, and Ben __5__ in Garden School.We all work hard.Which grade are you in?My best __6__ is Sally.She is in the same grade as me __7_ in a different class.We’ve known each other since we were born.We’re still neighbours and often play together.Who is your best friend? 五.根据中文意思完成句子


It’s 7:30 am now.__________________ together.2.我昨晚工作得很晚,知道九点才回家挨。I worked late night.I _________________ 9 pm.3.谢谢你寄给我这张CD,我非常喜欢它。Thanks for ________________.I love it very much.4.约翰无法用计算机工作,因为它出毛病了。

John can’t work on his computer, because ________________________ 5.小明是我的好朋友,他不仅学习好,而且乐于助人。

Xiao Ming is my good friend.He ________________________________ 六.阅读与表达

What’s the word?

Next time you eat potato chips in the bathtub during a blizzard, think about this: potato chips, bathtub, and blizzard are all words that were born in the USA!Americans have added thousands of words to the English language.“These words make up the story of America,” says Allan Metcalf, co-author of a book called America in So Many Words.“They show our goals, hopes, worries, and attitudes over time.”Need a Ride? becoming more aware of(意识到)the environment.To help protect the air,people began to share, or “pool”, car rides.Teen IdolCan you wait to be a teenager? Eighty years ago, there was no such thing as a “teenager”.Until the early 1900s, kids, age 13 or 14, were viewed as adults.At that age, many kids ended their schooling and went to work.But new laws, which ended child labor, required kids to finish high school.People in their teens were no longer children, but they weren’t yet adults, so teenager was the perfect word to give these 13-to-19 year-olds an identity.Words Get a New LookSome words change their mening over time.If you were hit by a blizzard in 1825, you wouldn’t be clearing snow.But, you might have a black eye.Back then, a blizzard meant a knockdown punch in boxing.Through the years, the word developed.Soon a knockdown snowstorm was called a blizzard.Imagine trying to catch a skyscraper!In 1866, it was possible.At that time, fans referred to a highflying baseball as a skyscraper.But when American cities started growing “up”, the old term was given a new meaning.The tall buildings that appeared to scrape the skies became known as skyscrapers.Words have a wonderful way of changing.You never know when they’ll change.In 50 years, you might be driving a hamburger to work!1.Was the word “bathtub” born in America or in England?

______________________________________________________ 2.Why did people begin to share car rides?

_______________________________________________________ 3.Did new laws allow child labor?

______________________________________________________ 4.What word was once used in boxing?

_________________________________________________________ 5.What does the passage mainly tell us?



一.单项选择 1.C2.A3.D4.B5.C6.D7.A 8.B9.A10.C 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 二.完形填空

19.B 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.D 27.C 28.C 29.D30.B 三.阅读理解

31.D32.B33.C34.D35.A36.B37.A38.C39.C40.C D41.B 四.根据方框中的词填空

1.live 2.dogs 3.lovely 4.looks 5.is 6.friend 7.but 五.完成句子

1.Let’s go to school 2.didn’t go home until 3.sending me the CD

4.There is something wrong

5.not only studies well, but also likes helping others 六.阅读回答问题 1.In America

2.To help protect the air 3.No, they didn’t 4.Blizzard

5.Words were invented and developed with time in America















这种双层可能是“正反两方面”“虚实两方面” 本次题目中的“你”可分为虚实两方面去理解


虚指的“你”:理想、目标、私欲 其次对其进行补充






(我/你/他)为了你(实际的人、物 / 虚拟的理想、欲望)+ 结果在曲折中完美收尾



母亲/老师为了我付出了很多心血,我对他们表示感激; 朋友为了我能够容忍我的缺点,我自己倍加珍惜




3、文化类 我为了知识徜徉在书籍的海洋里与名人对话(可选择自己熟悉的名人、偶像进行延伸)










环境保护 道德反思








刘慈欣《写给女儿的一封信》 刘慈欣《圆圆的肥皂泡》 杨鹏《愿望茶》










































第五篇:初三上学期期末作文大纲 203-403


1. It is very important to protect the environment

2.As students, we should reduce the waste and save energy. We should use both sides of the paper and reuse plastic bags. We ought to turn off the lights and the taps when we aren’t using them. Use cloth bags when shopping. Try to ride a bike when we travel. We should plant more trees and grass.3. 4.Then our earth will become better and better day by day.301

1.English is widely used in the world.2.It is useful in many areas, such as business, tourism, leisure and technology.    us to enjoy English songs, movies and programs.3.302  skills.  In order to practice our oral English, we should speak English with our teachers,friends

 Studying grammar is important while leaning English. We must and

2.Unit 4

1.Computers are becoming very important in our lives.  and better. 2.’t have enough time to study or do sports.So we should use computers properly.



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