跨国婚姻利与弊 英文 Cross-culture marriage5篇

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第一篇:跨国婚姻利与弊 英文 Cross-culture marriage

Nowadays, with the development of economy and science, people could communicate easilier than before, the world also become smaller.So the cross-culture marriage turns a new question to the younger.Some of us would like to take a try, but others may not.Holding a traditional opinion, there must be some difficulties in a cross-culture marriage.Primarily, two different countries both have their own cultures, which always lead to misunderstanding during the normal live.For example, the western country will educate the children in an “open” way which may take them to the adult’s world early, but in China, it’s incredible.Secondly, it can’t be ignored that our eating habits are so important.Food culture plays a big role in the culture of a country.It’s difficult to guess “What’s the weather like in your stomach today?” Even in the same country, people from different area will not choose the same thing.In a word, different countries have different tastes.What’s more, a cross-culture marriage has to face the public concern.In fact, a lot of people still can’t accept it, especially the old.The couples in a cross-culture marriage have to endure some strange talking, and their children also have to endure some pressure.If they can’t deal with them well, they may break up in the end.Last but not the least, it takes a person a long time to join the life in a foreign country.It’s a world of totally strange even you’re the student abroad.The cross-culture marriage draws a wall between you and your family which means “hometown problems”.So we must take serious consideration ask ourselves if we have prepare to be in a cross-culture marriage when we have the chance to marry foreigners.

第二篇:跨国婚姻 英文演讲稿

Transnational marriage With the development of the world, everything is changing, including people'smind,one respect is transnational marriage.What is the transnational marriage? The transnational marriage could easily be used to describe a marriage between two people of different races, like between a Chinese and an American.In the 19th century, transnational marriage was illegal in most states in the US,in 1967, the landmark Supreme Court case, Loving V.Virginia, put an end to legal discriminationin transnational marriage.Today this phenomenon has became more and more popular, our presentation is going to talk about this phenomenon, mostly about the marriage between two people of difference races, especially about a Chinese and a foreigner.The famoustransnationalmarriage

Marriage is a romantic and pure, as famous people, stars also have their marriage, some of them aretransnational marriage, and now let me introduce them.1、Wei Wei(韦唯)&Michael Joseph Smith December23,1995,Michael Joseph Smith watched a Chinese sing show, when he knewWeiWei, quickly,they fell in love.In 1994, they got married in The Kingdom of Sweden, and they had three sons in five years.It looks hopeful, but the marriage ended in 2004,because of Michael Joseph Smith'sCharacter and the different culture.2、Bruce Lee(李小龙)& Linda Emery March 27, 1961, Bruce lee came to America, and learned in Washington University, during the university, they were acquainted, and fell in love.Finally, they dropped out of the university, and got married in august 12,1963.Later, they worked together, and had two children, a son and a daughter.Their life are full of sunshine, unfortunately, Bruce Lee leave the world in 1973, Even it, their marriage still is a successful transnational marriage.3、Ning Jing(宁静)&Paul Kersey

In 1996,movie Red River Valley come out, people knew the actress, Ning Jing, she became a star, and she was known the actor Paul Kersey by the movie, After a very short period of time, they completed the married, and they have a son.In 1998, they acted the film Yellow River Love.Form then, Ning Jing started to stay at home to look after their son, but she still wanted to work, she had a contradiction with her husband.In 2011, Ning Jing recognized she has ended the marriage, because of the different culture.As the famous marriage, more and more in the world, such as Liu Ye(刘烨)and his French girlfriend, Deng We Di(邓文迪)and Rupert Murdoch, Jiang Wen(姜文)and his French wife, and so on.But in the end, most transnational marriage ended up with a failure, a few couple hasa successful life.The different attitudes towards transnational marriage How do people think about this phenomenon? There are some different answers from them.I conclude some main reasons about two different sides, Supporter or Opponent.In opponent opinion, transnational marriages can cause many problems within the family.First the couple has a different family background, culture, and tradition, eating habits, especially the religion, many disagreements can occur.Second, the language is important for communicate, but in the transnational marriage, the couple use the different language, the barrier for communication has brought a lot of trouble, Third, about the children, they grow in a family including two and more culture, it can be challenging in accepting both cultures at the same time.How to teach the child right thinking is the general problem for the transnational family.Finally and foremost, most people call transnational marriage“worship and have blind faith in foreign things”, because of the traditional culture, they cannot accept transnational marriage, so in fact, most people object the transnational marriage, now that a marriage which no people understand and support, it must be failed.On the other hand, in supporter opinion, it isn‟t trouble, it is chance.First as the member of the transnational family, you can experience a new lifestyle, pursue a better welfare services, say goodbye to the past, even have a mixed-race baby, it is a nice life.Second, International marriages can promote knowing about different cultures and customs, even if different language.Third, you and your children will have the chance to learn a new language.Of course, finally and foremost, purpose of marriage is for love rather than for the family, if the couples understand each other, no barrier exists between them.My opinion for transnational marriage In my opinion, there is no distinction between right and wrong.In fact, the understanding of transnational marriage is not like what we see as the terrible and mysterious, only a person marriedanother personwho from a different country.Since the choice is a two-way and double-pass, it also needs more humility, tolerance, play and responsibilities, if they understand each other, why object the transnational marriage? As for our attitude, I think we should give more respect and understanding.It is said by Tagore that love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it.True love is inclusive cross each other„s cultural habits and eating habits, mutual tolerance, mutual adaptation.Love is the greatest refreshment in life, loving a person is difficult, but giving up the person you loved is more difficult than it, so if you sincerely love a person, please accompany her forever.Thank you!





Famous Chinese TV host Sa Beining officially married Lisa Hoffman, a Chinese-speaking Canadian celebrity, on Monday.本周一,中国著名电视主持人撒贝宁宣布和加拿大名人丽萨·霍夫曼结婚,丽萨会讲中文。

The two fell in love last year and many photos of them together were posted online.It was reported that Sa proposed to Hoffman, a Guinness World Record adjudicator for the Greater China area, at beginning of the year.两人于去年相爱,他们的许多合照都被贴在了网上。据报道,撒贝宁在年初向霍夫曼求婚。霍夫曼是大中华区的吉尼斯世界纪录裁判员。

Hoffman, whose Chinese name is the same as China's most famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, once was a lead singer in a girl group named “Wuzhou,” or “Five Continents,” featuring five women from the countries of Uganda, Canada, Australia, France and China.The group rose to prominence after winning the preliminary round of the Avenue of Stars.霍夫曼中文名叫李白,和中国最著名的唐朝诗人李白同名。她曾是女子团体“五洲”组合的领唱歌手,这个组合由来自于乌干达、加拿大、澳大利亚、法国和中国的五名女生组成。在获得星光大道初赛的胜利后,这支组合开始成名。

Lisa speaks fluent Mandarin and has also participated in several Chinese TV shows, while taking a job as an English teacher in China.丽萨在中国做英语(精品课)老师,同时她还能操一口流利的中文;不仅如此,她还参加了多档中国电视节目。

Sa and Hoffman will host a wedding ceremony in Wuhan, Hubei Province in April, where Sa grew up.撒贝宁和丽萨会在四月时去武汉举办婚礼,因为撒贝宁在武汉长大。

Sa Beining once had a short relationship with Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi beginning in September 2011, but they eventually broke up in 2013 and Zhang married rock singer Wang Feng afterwards.2011年9月,撒贝宁曾和中国女演员章子怡有过一段短暂的恋情。但两人最终于2013年分手,之后章子怡嫁给摇滚歌手汪峰。



首先,小撒和李白是闪婚,闪婚的对应说法就是flash marriage;flash engagement;flash-marry;Lightning Marriage等,形象又容易记忆。其意思就是指男女双方结婚迅速。当然,有关婚姻的说法还有“奉子结婚”(shotgun marriage)等。

其次,小撒于2013年同章子怡分手,从而遇见了如今的李白。分手的对应说法有很多,常见的有:break up;split up当然,也可以用say goodbye to sb来表达和某人分手和离别,不过这个词组表示分手时有一点惋惜和伤心的感觉。

文章来源:www.xiexiebang.com 外教一对一


另外,小撒和李白国籍不同,那这段婚姻就是跨国婚姻啦。“跨国婚姻”的对应说法一般有以下几种:mixed marriage;Transnational marriage;Marriage across Nations;international marriage;Marriage Across The Nations等。

最后,我们都知道丽萨在加拿大也是个名人(celebrity),celebrity和star都表示名人,有什么区别呢: celebrity指的是名人,名人可以包括各类,比如商界名人,政界名人,学术界名人,艺术界名人等等;star指的是明星,这个“明星“指的是娱乐界里面的各类星,比如歌星,影星等。





在这辞旧迎新的美好的日子里,我们迎来了魏大淇小姐和Mr.Richard喜结良缘、幸福的结合。在这里首先请允许我代表二位新人对各位来宾的光临表示最衷心的感谢和热烈的欢迎!我是主持人**,很荣幸能为我的朋友主持今天的结婚庆典仪式,与朋友们共同见证这个美好的时刻。现在正是良辰吉时,我宣布新婚庆典仪式现在开始,请我们的音响师 奏响庄严的婚礼进行曲,让我们大家以最热烈的掌声有请二位新人登场!……(新人登场——)(走上台的过程中礼花响,新人站定礼花再次响)






















(四)通婚男女基本情况。在某某乡农村男子与越南女子通婚情况调查过程中,一方面由于语言不通,另一方面越南女子顾虑多,不愿意透露过多信息,造成调查困难,越南女子基本信息难以收集。调查统计显示:某某乡与越南女子通婚组成家庭的50名男子,中专文化的有1人,占2%,初中文化的有10人,占20%,小学文化的有35人,占70%,文盲的人4人,占8%; 50名越南女子,初中文化的有7人,占调查人数的14%,小学文化的有19名,占调查人数的38%;文盲的有24人,占调查人数的48%。在这些家庭中,男女文化水平普遍偏低,特别是越南女子,她们掌握的越南语言文字在中国不适用,连交流也极困难,但她们大多为苗族,使用苗语,少部分为其他民族,交流较为困难,50名越南女子均无中国籍和户口。




(二)所生子女落户难,权利难享受。由于通婚男女没有结婚证,女方又无中国国籍,造成所生子女难以落户,办理不了身份证,成为 “黑人”。在现行户籍制度下,没有户口的人可谓寸步难行。黑户在求学、求职、结婚、生子方面遇到重重障碍。没有户籍,也就等于被剥夺了许多权利,难以享受到国家和社会的各种权利。









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