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A Ⅱ.Read the following short passages and answer the questions or do the assignment that follow(40 points).Question 1: a.lexical differences(5 points): length, formalityb.syntactic differences(5 points): length, structure Question 2: sample 2:oral,informal(2 points)

sample 3: formal,written(2 points)

sample 1: the style is between that ofsample1&2

Question 3: antithesis(2 points): not that……but that……

Rhetorical question(2 points): had you……to live all


Parallelism: complete parallelism(2 points): as…I…

partial parallelism(2 points):tears for his love, joy

for his fortune……

repetition:(2 points)if any, speak, for him have I offended

Question 4(10 points):

without you have read=if you have not read2 pointsthat ain’t no matter=that isn’t matter2 pointsI never seen= I have never seen2 points Without it was Aunt Polly=it was not Aunt Polly2 pointsAunt Polly and Mary, and the widow Douglas is all told=Aunt Polly and Mary, and the widow Douglas are all told Question 5(5 points): lower class, less educated

III.Read the following passages and analyze the stylistic features of the following passages(30 points).1.total: 15 points

1)lexical(5 points): word length;word color;structure of

noun/verb group

2)syntactic(5 points): structure & type, tense, length

3)textual(5 points): news report;inverted pyramid;

paragraphing;inverted commas 2.total: 15 points

1)lexical(5 points): technical terms;word length;word color;structure of noun/verb group

2)syntactic(5 points): tense, structure, length, passive voice3)textual(5 points): research abstract;goal;method;


IV.Read the poem below and analyze its language and style(10 points).1.phonological(3 points): iambic tetrameter;rhyme scheme

(aabb ccdd)

2.lexical(2 points): common words with one syllable and two


3.syntactic(2 points): using coordinated sentence structure to

weave contrasting ideas or elicit action.4.theme(3 points): describing the miserable life of British

people and giving them suggestions.B

Ⅱ.Read the following short passages and answer the questions or do the assignment that follow(40 points).Question 1: a.lexical differences(5 points): length, formalityb.syntactic differences(5 points): length, structure Question 2: sample 2:oral,informal(2 points)

sample 3: formal,written(2 points)

sample 1: the style is between that ofsample1&2

Question 3: antithesis(2 points): not that……but that……

Rhetorical question(2 points): had you……to live all


Parallelism: complete parallelism(2 points): as…I…

partial parallelism(2 points):tears for his love, joy

for his fortune……

repetition:(2 points)if any, speak, for him have I offended

Question 4(10 points):

without you have read=if you have not read2 pointsthat ain’t no matter=that isn’t matter2 pointsI never seen= I have never seen2 points Without it was Aunt Polly=it was not Aunt Polly2 pointsAunt Polly and Mary, and the widow Douglas is all told=Aunt Polly and Mary, and the widow Douglas are all told Question 5(5 points): lower class, less educated

III.Read the following passages and analyze the stylistic features of the following passages(30 points).1.total: 15 points

1)lexical(5 points): word length;word color;structure of

noun/verb group

2)syntactic(5 points): structure & type, tense, length

3)textual(5 points): news report;inverted pyramid;

paragraphing;inverted commas 2.total: 15 points

1)lexical(5 points): technical terms;word length;word color;structure of noun/verb group

2)syntactic(5 points): tense, structure, length, passive voice3)textual(5 points): research abstract;goal;method;


IV.Read the poem below and analyze its language and style(10 points).1.phonological(2 points): main metrical pattern(iambic

pentameter), rhyme scheme(abab)

2.lexical(2 points): common words with one syllable and two


3.syntactic(2 points): simple coordinated sentence structure 4.theme(4 points): living to love nature and pursue art rather

than strive for fame and fortune














A Stylistic Analysis of the Speech I Have a dream

Course: English Stylistics and Rhetoric Lecturer: Zhang Xuhong Credit: 2 Time of Assigned on 28/11/2013 Time of Submission:19/12/2013 Student No:2010010225 Name:杜敏

Class:(Grade 2001)Class 1English Dept, Harbin Normal Univ.从文体学的角度分析演讲稿《我有一个梦》




A Stylistic Analysis of the Speech I Have a dream


Abstract: On the base of the definition of stylistics, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of some the of stylistic devices used in the famous speech by the well-known American civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and then probes into the stylistic characteristics of speech as a style.Key words: Stylistics, Stylistic devices, Analysis, Speech.Introduction As an interdisciplinary field of study, stylistics promises to offer useful insights into literary criticism and the teaching of literature with its explicit aims and effective techniques.It is very useful in the analysis of various styles of writing.In this thesis, the author tries to offer a stylistic analysis of the famous speech by Martin Luther king, Jr.I Have a Dream.1.Introduction: Definition of Stylistics and Stylistic Analysis As far as the definition of stylistics is concerned different scholars define the branch of study in different ways.Wales defines stylistics simply as “ the study of style”(1989:437), while Widdowson provides a more informative definition as “the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation” and takes “a view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other is that it is essentially a means of linking the two”(1975:3).Leech holds a similar view.He defines stylistics as the “study of the use of language in literature”(1969:1)and considers stylistics a “meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study”(1969:2).From what Widdowson and Leech say, we can see that stylistics is an area of study that straddles two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics.It takes literary discourse(text)as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end.Stylistic analysis is generally concerned with the uniqueness of a text;that is, what it is that is peculiar to the uses of language in a literary text for delivering the message.This naturally involves comparisons of the language of the text with that used in conventional types of discourse.Stylisticians may also wish to characterize the style of a literary text by Systematically comparing the language uses in that text with those in another.Halliday points out, “The text may be seen as „this‟ in contrast with „that‟, with another poem or another novel;stylistics studies are essentially comparative in nature…”(1971:341).On this points, Widdowson is of the same opinion as Halliday.He says:“All literary appreciation is comparative, as indeed is a recognition of styles in general”(1975:84).Thus, we may conclude that stylistic analysis is an activity that is highly comparative in nature.2.A Stylistic Analysis of the Speech(An analysis of some of the stylistic devices used in the speech.Martin Luther King‟s speech of August 28, 1963 is widely regarded as one of the most powerful ever delivered in the United States.Although this address was delivered orally, it was read from a written text composed with GREat care.It is an example of formal English with a convincing style.Here are some of the stylistic devices(which maybe considered traditionally as rhetorical devices)used by Dr King to inspire and persuade.2.1 Repetition Throughout the speech, Dr.King repeats words and sentence.This is a very outstanding feature in this speech called repetition.It belongs to the stylistic device of syntactic over-regularity.The term repetition is restricted to mean the case of exact copying of a certain previous unit in a text such as a word, phrase or even a sentence(Leech, 1969), because all the over-regular features in literature are in some sense repetitious.Used in speech, repetition not only makes it easy for the audience to follow what the speaker is saying, but also gives a strong rhythmic quality to the speech and makes it more memorable.In paragraphs 8 through 16, for example, King uses the words “I have a dream” nine times.This repetition helps to achieve the function of coherence in discourse and the function of reinforcement in mood and emotion, expressing the speaker‟s strong emotion of longing for freedom, justice, righteousness and a much more united nation of all of God‟s children.If we study the whole speech more carefully, it is easy for us to find many other examples of repetition used.(1)But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free.One hundred years later, the life of the Negro(2)is still sadly crippled by the manacles of seGREgation and the chains of discrimination.One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.Here the phrase “one hundred years later” has been repeated three times, seemingly indicating that it is really a long time for the Negro to wait for the coming of the time of justice and righteousness.(3)But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the GREat vaults of opportunity of this nation.(Par.4)(4)Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of seGREgation to the sunlit path of racial justice.Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God‟s Children.Now Is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.(Par.4)In this short passage, the clause “Now is the time to…” has been used four times to emphasize the fierce urgency of “NOW” and to encourage and persuade the blacks to take immediate action to rise above and gain their own rights and freedom.2.2 Use of Parallelism Parallelism is another syntactic over-regularity.It means exact repetition in equivalent positions.It differs from simple repetition in that the identity does not extend to absolute duplication, it “requires some variable feature of the pattern-some contrasting elements which are „parallel‟ with respect to their position in the pattern”(Leech, 1969:66).To put it simply, parallelism means the balancing of sentence elements that are grammatically equal.To take them parallel, balance nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, prepositional phrases with prepositional phrases, clauses with clauses, and so forth.In his speech, Martin Luther King uses parallelism to create a strong rhythm to help the audience line up his ideas.Here are few examples:(5)…by the manacles of seGREgation and the chains of discrimination…(Par.2, two parallel noun phrases)(6)“This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drag of gradualism.”(Par.4, two parallel infinitive phrases: “to engage…to take…”)

(7)“there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America…”(Par.5, two parallel nouns joined with “neither…nor”)

It is traditionally believed that parallelism is used for the purpose of emphasizing and enhancing, esp.in speech, the ideas expressed by the speaker(or author in written versions), thus always encouraging and inspiring the audience.We need not to be very carefully to find out many more examples of parallelism used in King‟s speech and classified as is followed: 2.2.1 Parallel Nouns:(8)This not was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.(Par.3, three parallel nouns as attributive)(9)1963 is not an end, but a beginning(Par.5, two parallel nouns joined with “not…but…”)(10)Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.(Par.6)2.2.2 Parallel Noun Phrases:(11)So we have to came to cash this check-a check that will give as upon demand the riches of freedom and The security of justice.(Par.4)(12)I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brother hood(Par.10)2.2.3 Parallel Infinitive Phrases:(13)It would be fetal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro.(Par.5, two parallel infinitive phrases)(14)With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to straggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.(Par.7, five parallel infinitive phrases).2.2.4 Parallel Prepositional Phrases(15)I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.(Par.12)(16)…, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, …(Par.25)

E.Parallel clauses:(17)…, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and(that)their freedom is inextricably bound t our freedom.(Par.6, two parallel objective clause)2.3 Use of Similes and Metaphors As two very important types of meaning transference in literature, similes and metaphors are comparisons that show similarities in things that are basically different, which can be used to add vividness and vitality to writing.As Leech points out, metaphor is associated with a particular rule of transference which may be called the “metaphoric rule”(1969: 151).That is, the figurative meaning is derived from the literal meaning or it is, as it were, the literal meaning.Throughout the speech, King makes extensive use of similes and metaphors.In paragraph 1, for example, King compares The Emancipation Proclamation to two forms of brilliant light cutting through darkness.The first-“a joyous daybreak”-compares it to the sunrise, which(in this case)ends “the long night of captivity”.In paragraph 2, he speaks of “the manacles of seGREgation and the chains of discrimination,” comparing segregation and discrimination under which the Negro people live to the manacles and chains once used on slaves.Therefore, it is very clear that the using of similes and metaphors can definitely add vividness and vitality to writing and make it easy for the readers or audience to understand.Now let‟s cite some of the similes and metaphors used in King‟s speech.(18)One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.(Par.2, metaphors)(19)But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the GREat vaults of opportunity for this nation(Par.4, metaphors)(20)This is no time … to take the tranquilizing drag of gradualism.(Par.4, metaphor)2.4 Use of Contrast Although maybe a rhetorical device instead of a stylistic one, contrast has also been used effectively, like repetition, in this speech, achieving the function of making clear the ideas of the speaker.In paragraph l, for example, “GREat beacon light of hope” is contrasted with “flames of withering injustice,” and “joyous daybreak” with long night of captivity.”

As it is defined, contrast is used to show the difference between two things.Therefore, it is not very difficult for us to understand why the speaker king uses so many contrasts in his speech.(21)One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.(Par.2)(22)Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of seGREgation to the sunlit path of racial justice.(Par.4)(23)Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood(Par.4)


As we have analyzed above, stylistic devices are frequently used in the discourse of literary works especially in speech, to achieve certain specific purposes.Thus making the style of a speech somewhat particular to the others.Generally speaking, a speech may have the following stylistic characteristics: To begin with, it must be very persuasive.Thus the sentence patterns are very well-organized, with repetitions, parallelism and contrasts frequently used.Secondly, it should be emotional so as to be convincing, because the speaker should face the audience directly and his words should not only be orderly and informative but also be expressive and inspiring.Therefore, the stylistic devices such as similes and metaphors are often involved.Finally, in many cases, written-conversational style is usually used with not very formal diction and not very complicated sentence structure.Reference [1].Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 28, 1963 [2].Wang Shouyuan, Essentials of English Stylistics, Shandong University Press, July, 2000 [3].Pan Shaozhang, English Rhetoric and Writing, Shanghai Transportation University Press, December, 1998 [4].Widdowson, H.G.Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1975

[5].Leech, G.N.“ „This bread I break‟ Language and interpretation”.In D.C.Freeman.(ed.).Linguistics and Literature Style.New York:Holt, Rinhart & Winston.






法语修辞研究的内容很广,它研究一切非语言因素对语言运用活动的作用。众所周知,语言是人类的交际手段(Moyen de communication),人们在运用这一手段进行交际时会受到很多因素的制约,我们可以把这些因素简单地分为语言因素和非语言因素。语言因素是指语言本身的一些规律,例如其中的语法。人们在讲话或写作时应遵循语法来组词、造句,不能随心所欲,否则就无法使人理解了。非语言因素是指言者本身的情绪、年龄、地位、职业、文化修养等因素,以及交际场合、听者或读者的情绪、年龄、地位、职业、文化修养等因素。这些非语言因素也会对写、说者产生一种制约力,使之自觉、不自觉地考虑这些因素来修饰自己的辞语。法语修辞主要是研究后一类因素即非语言因素对语言运用的影响,下面略举几例说明:

a.-C’est laid.这很丑。

--Qelle horreur!真是丑死了!


b.–Dis-moi su ce spectacle t’a plu.告诉我,你喜欢这场演出吗?

-Ce spectacle vous a-t-il plu,monsieur?先生,您是否喜欢这场演出?


c.-Il est atteint de surdité.他失聪了。

-Il est sourd.他是聋子。


d.-Je suis las de cet homme.我对此人感到厌烦。

-J’en ai assez de cet homme.我讨厌这个人。

-Ce type-là,ras de bol!这家伙,真讨厌!




“准确”即选用的词和句型能真正反映言者的思想感情和意图,语气要适当。例如,对于一般的违法行为,如果你不想夸大其辞,就应选用“délit”而不是“crime”(指杀人放火等罪行)来表达;当你对某人的行为感到气愤时可以说:Ça,c’est le comble!(这简直糟糕透顶!);若对某人行为只想一般性表示异议就应该改换口气:Je ne compends pas ce que vous avez fait.(我对你的行动很不理解);如果你想告诉别人你是在上海长大的,可以说:J’ai grandi à Shanghai.若你想突出强调你成长的地方是上海而不是别的地方就应该说:C’est à shanghai que j’ai grandi.“得体”即选用的词和句型要适合言者自己的身份、年龄、社会地位、文化修养。例如成年人就不应该使用小孩子的语言;教师不应该对学生使用粗俗的语言。在此同时,还要注意使自己的语言适合对方的年龄、身份、地位、文化修养。例如,对小孩与对大人讲话的口气应是不一样的;对高级知识分子讲话一般可以用较规范的语言,而对一般文化水平的人讲话就必须使用通俗易懂的语言;对下级、对下属讲话可以用命令式口吻讲话,但对上级、长辈一般不能使用这种口气。





课程编号:ENGL3002 课程类别:专业选修课

授课对象:英语、英语师范专业 开课学期:秋(第7学期)学

分:2 主讲教师:王军



第一课 Introduction to Stylistics 课时:第一周,共2课时

教学内容:What is stylistics and how is it associated with other linguistic studies? 第一节:

The position of stylistics in general linguistics.The importance of studying stylistics.第二节:

What is stylistics?

The major contents of this study.Issues that need to be born in mind.思考题:

1.How to do stylistics in the framework of literature or translation? 2.What do you expect to learn from this course?


Style and Stylistics 课时:第二周,共2课时

教学内容:The development and scope of stylistics 第一节:

The definition of style and stylistics.The relationship between appreciation and research.第二节:

The development of stylistics.The scope of stylistics.思考题:

1.What are the major differences between style and stylistics? 2.What areas in society can the knowledge of stylistics be applied to?

第三课 Procedure of stylistic analysis(1)


教学内容:Linguistic description 第一节:

Linguistic description: methods and procedures.第一节:

A checklist of linguistic description.The functions of each one.思考题:

1.Why do we need linguistic description? 2.Think about the significance of conducting linguistic description.第四课 Procedure of stylistic analysis(2)课时:第四周,共2课时

教学内容:Textual analysis and contextual factors analysis 第一节:

What is textual analysis?

How to conduct textual analysis? 第二节:

A classification of contextual factors.How to analyze contextual factors? 思考题:

1.How do you understand the relationship between understanding and textual analysis? 2.Are there other ways to classify contextual factors?

第五课 Stylistic functions of linguistic items 课时:第五周,共2课时

教学内容:Stylistic functions as defined at different levels 第一节:

Stylistic functions of speech sounds.Stylistic functions of graphological items.第二节:

Stylistic functions of lexical items.Stylistic functions of syntactic/grammatical items.思考题:

1.How do you evaluate the different kinds of stylistic functions? 2.What is the significance of studying stylistic function?

第六课 Varieties in relation to regions 课时:第六周,共2课时 教学内容:Regional English 第一节:

A brief introduction to British English.The appearance of American English.第二节:

Differences between British English and American English.British and American regional dialects.思考题:

1.What are the major causes for the differences between British English and American English? 2.How to deal with the use of the two regional English in actual learning or daily communication?

第七课 Varieties in relation to media 课时:第七周,共2课时

教学内容:Spoken English and written English 第一节:

Major features of spoken English and written English.What are the standards of using spoken English or written English? 第二节:

Electronic English.思考题:

1.What is the situation like if one is only skilled in using spoken English or written English? 2.What is the role of electronic English in the course of learning English?

第八课 Varieties in relation to attitude 课时:第八周,共2课时

教学内容:Attitude-related styles 第一节:

Degree of formality.Politeness.第二节:


1.Think about the relationship between meaning and emotion expressions.2.What do you think of the relationship between formality and politeness?

第九课 Varieties in relation to social factors 课时:第九周,共2课时

教学内容:Social factors and their constraints on language 第一节:

Women’s English.Black English.第二节:

Taboo and euphemism.Cultural factors involved in social factors.思考题:

1.What are the reasons that maintain the existence of women’s English?

2.How do you understand the status of black’s English and the black’s social status?

第十课 Review of the past lessons 课时:第十周,共2课时

教学内容:A summary and comment of the past lessons 第一节:

The watershed of the whole course.Recall what have been learned.第二节:

What are the sections that interest you the most?

Is there possibility for you to conduct further research?

第十一课 The English of conversation 课时:第十一周,共2课时

教学内容:Conversational English 第一节:

A general introduction to what to learn in the latter half of the term.About conversation.Phonological features.第二节:

Lexical features.Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.How do you understand conversation in terms of direct speech and indirect speech? 2.Is conversational English always informal?

第十二课 The English of public speaking 课时:第十二周,共2课时

教学内容:Public speech and its features 第一节:

What is public speech?

Public speeches’ phonological features.Lexical features.第二节:

Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.What are the major differences between public speaking and conversation? 2.What are the major differences between public speech and written English?

第十三课 The English of news reporting(1)课时:第十三周,共2课时

教学内容:General knowledge about news reporting 第一节:

What are news reports?

Different kinds of newspapers and magazines.第二节:

The make-up of news reports.A sample analysis of a piece of newspaper(New York Times/China Daily)思考题:

1.Is there any difference between formal news report and informal news release? 2.Specify the make-up of some pages of newspaper, both English and Chinese.第十四课 The English of news reporting(2)课时:第十四周,共2课时

教学内容:Stylistic features of news reporting 第一节:

Graphological features.Lexical features.第二节:

Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.What are the functions of each group of stylistic features in news reporting? 2.What are the stylistic features that distinguish news reporting from other textual styles?

第十五课 The English of Advertising 课时:第十五周,共2课时

教学内容:The language styles in advertising English 第一节:

Something about advertisements.Graphological features.第二节:

Lexical features.Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:

1.What are the major purposes of advertisements? 2.Give some advertising examples that show the violation of some basic language rules in advertising.第十六课 Literary English 课时:第十六周,共2课时

教学内容:Literary English: novel and poetry


Some basic facts about the novel.Aspects for the analysis of the novel.General stylistic features of the novel.第二节:

Some basic facts about the poetry.Prosody.General stylistic features of poetry.思考题:

1.Between fiction and reality, what kinds of stylistic features are most suitable for the novel? 2.What effects does it have on appreciation to analyze the novel’s stylistic features? 3.How to balance meaning expression and poetic features in poetry? 4.What are the common stylistic features between poetry and novel?

第十七课:The English of science and technology 课时:第十七周,共2课时 教学内容:Technical English 第一节:

Graphological features.Lexical features 第二节:

Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.思考题:

1.How to handle formality and politeness issues in technical English? 2.How is objectivity achieved in technical English?

第十八课:Review and answer questions 课时:第十八周,共2课时

教学内容:Review and answer questions 第一节:


Answer questions.参考书目:

1.王守元.《英语文体学要略》.济南:山东大学出版社,2000.2.徐有志.《英语文体学教程》.北京:高等教育出版社,2005.3.Thornborrow,J.Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.4.Wright, L.Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.



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    题目:1) stylistic analysis of …………..2) comparative study of a and b from the perspective of stylisticsabstract in englishkey words (3-5)introduction(the text yo......


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    实用文体的认识 语言是用来沟通的桥梁,一旦沟通的桥梁垮了或堵塞那么人与人之间也传递不了准确的信息。在日常交流中,我们可以用简单的主谓宾结构去表达自己的意思,再者加上手......


    常用文体写作教程 单选题: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 3......


    单选题 1、 (B)原则是科研选题的前提。 (单选 ) A.创新 B.价值 C.科学 D.可行P200 2、 (C )的特点是技术性、专业性、实用性强。 (单选 ) A.综合性科学期刊 B.学术性科学......

    文学文体常识 答案[范文大全]

    1、毛泽东革命家《沁园春·长沙》 2、郑愁予郑文韬“浪子诗人”“中国的中国诗人”《错误》 拟人化手法春天使者爱的天使《郑愁予诗的自选Ⅰ》 3、江河于友泽顾城、北岛、食......


    黄遵宪的外交活动 (1)答案:答D给3分,答B给2分,答E给1分,答A、C不给分。 解析:本题考查筛选并整合文中的信息。黄遵宪在日本居住两年后,学习了日本的文字,才开始与日本人交往,开始了《......