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1、p94The transfer function can be obtained in several ways.One method is purely mathematical and consists of taking the Laplace transform of the differential equations describing the components or system and then solving for the transfer function;nonzero initial conditions, when they occur, are treated as additional inputs.A second method is experimental.A known input(sinusoids and steps are commonly used)is apply to the system, the output is measured, and the transfer function is constructed from operating data and combination of the known transfer functions of the individual elements.This combination or reduction process is termed block diagram algebra.2、p93 In Eq.(2-1B-2)the denominator D(s)of the transfer function is called the characteristic function since it contains all the physical characteristics of the system.The characteristic equation is formed by setting D(s)equal to zero.The roots of the characteristic equation determine the stability of the system and the general nature of the transient response to any input.The numerator polynomial N(s)is a function of how the input enters the system.Consequently, N(s)does,however, along with the specific input, determine the magnitude and sign of each transient mode and thus establishes the shape of the transient response as well as the steady-state value of the output.3、p94 The Laplace transformation comes from the area of operational mathematics and is extremely useful in the analysis and design of linear systems.Ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients transform into algebraic equations that can be used to implement the transfer function concept.Furthermore, the Laplace domain is a nice place in which to work, and transfer functions may be easily manipulated, modified, and analyzed.The designer quickly becomes adept in relating changes in the Laplace domain to behavior in the time domain without actually having to solve the system equations.When time domain solutions are required, the Laplace transform method is straightforward.The solution is complete, including both the homogeneous(transient)and particular(steady-state)solutions, and initial conditions are automatically included.Finally, it is easy to move from the Laplace domain into the frequency domain.4、p96 Analytical techniques require mathematical models.The transfer function is a convenient model form for the analysis and design of stationary linear systems with a limited number of differential equations and by block diagram algebra.From the deferential or intergro-differential equations describing the behavior of a particular plant, process, or component, using the Laplace transformation and its properties can develop the transfer functions.5、p97 The stability of a continuous or discrete-time system is determined by its response to inputs or disturbance.Intuitively, a stable system is one that remains at rest(or in equilibrium)unless excited by an external source and returns to rest if all excitation are removed.The output will pass through a transient phase and settle down to a steady-state response that will be of the same form as, or bounded by, the input.If we apply the same input to an unstable system, the output will never settle down to a steady-state phase;it will increase in an unbounded manner, usually exponentially or with oscillations of increasing amplitude.6、p97 Stability can be precisely defined in terms of the impulse responsey(t)of a continuous system, or Kronecker delta responsey(k)of a discrete-time system, as follows:

A continuous(discrete-time)system is stable if its impulse responsey(t)(Kronecker delta responsey(k))approaches zero as time approaches infinity.An acceptable system must at minimum satisfy the three basic criteria of stability, accuracy, and a satisfactory transient response.These three criteria are implied in the statement that an acceptable system must have a satisfactory time response to specified inputs and disturbances.So, although we work in the Laplace and frequency domains for convenience, we must be able to relate these two domains, at least qualitatively, to the time domain.7、p99 The Routh Criterion: All the roots of the characteristic equation have real parts if and only if the elements of the first column of the Routh table have the same sign.Otherwise, the number of roots with positive real parts is equal to the number of changes of sign.The Hurwitz criterion is another method for determining whether all the roots

of the characteristic equation of a continuous system have negative real parts.It has the same principle with the Routh criterion in substantial although their forms or patterns are different, so they are commonly called Routh-Hurwitz criterion.8、The three basic performance criteria for a control system are stability, acceptable steady-state accuracy, and an acceptable transient response.With the system transfer function known, the Routh-Hurwitz criterion will tell us whether or not a system is stable.If it is stable, the steady-state accuracy can be determined for various types of inputs.To determine the nature of the transient response, we need to know the location in the s plane of the roots of the characteristic equation.Unfortunately, the characteristic equation is normally unfactored and of high order.9、The root locus technique is a graphical method of dertermining the location of the roots of the characteristic equation as any single parameter, such as a gain or time constant, is varied from zero to infinity.The root locus, therefore, provides information not only as to the absolute stability of a system but also as to its degree of stability, which is another way of describing the nature of the transient response.If the system is unstable or has an unacceptable transient response, the root locus indicates possible ways to improve the response and is a convenient method of depicting qualitatively the effects of any such changes.10、If the part of the real axis between two o.l.poles(o.l.zeros)belongs to the loci, there must be a point of breakaway from, or arrival at, the real axis.If no other poles and zeros are close by, the breakaway point will be halfway.In Fig.2-3A-2d, adding the polep3pushes the breakaway point away;a zero at the position ofp3would similarly attract the breakaway point.11、The frequency transfer function of a system or of its KZjPjfunction can be represented either by the single Nyquist diagram(a polar plot)or by plots of the amplitude ratio and the phase angle against the input(forcing)frequency.It is customary to plot the amplitude ratio in decibels and the phase angle in degrees against the common logarithm of the input frequency.In this form, the

two plots are known as Bode plots(after H.W.Bode).12、In Bode plots, the magnitude M in dB and the phase angle  in degrees are plotted against  on semilog paper.The development has shown the following:Bode magnitude and phase-angle plots of KZjPj are obtained by summing those of its elementary factors.These plot are much easier to make than polar plots or Nyquist diagrams, and can readily be interpreted in terms of different aspects of system performance.13、the plots are the mirror images of the corresponding integrator relative to the 0dB and 0axes.This is also true for the leads corresponding to the simple and quadratic lag below.The asymptotes meet at the break frequency or corner frequency given by1(or)on the normalized plot.14、Gain factor compensation: It is possible in some cases to satisfy all system specification by simple adjusting the open-loop gain factor K.Adjusting of the gain factor K does not affect the phase angle plot.It only shifts the magnitude plot up or down to correspond to the increase or decrease in K.15、Lead compensation: The addition of a cascade lead compensator to a system lowers the overall phase angle curve in the low-to-mid-frequency region.Lead compensation is normally used to increase the gain and/or phase margins of a system or increase its bandwidth.An additional modification of the Bode gain KB is usually required with lead networks.16、Lag compensation: The lag compensation is employed in some cases to decrease the bandwidth of the system, and it is also used to improve the relative stability for a given value of error constant, or to reject the noise of high-frequency.17、Lag-lead compensation: It is sometimes desirable to simultaneously employ both lead and lag compensation.Although one each of these two networks can be connected in series to achieve the desired effect, it is usually more

convenient to mechanize the combined lag-lead compensator.18、The transfer function can be obtained in several ways.One method is purely mathematical and consists of taking the Laplace transform of the differential equations describing the components or system and then solving for the transfer function;nonzero initial conditions, when they occur, are treated as additional inputs.A second method is experimental.A known input(sinusoids and steps are commonly used)is applied to the system, the output is measured, and the transfer function is constructed from operating data and curves.The transfer function for a subsystem or complete system is often obtained by proper combination of the known transfer functions of the individual elements.This combination or reduction process is termed block diagram algebra.19、Design of a feedback control system using Bode techniques entails shaping and reshaping the Bode magnitude and phase angle plots until the system specifications are satisfied.These specifications are most convenient expressed in terms of frequency-domain figures of merit such as gain and phase margin for the transient performance and the error constants for the steady-state time-domain response.And shaping the asymptotic Bode plots of continuous-time systems by cascade or feedback compensation is a relatively simple procedure.



Ohm’s law states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance.法拉第定律

Faraday’s states that the voltage across the inductor is proportional to the rate of change with time of the current through the inductor.基尔霍夫第一定律

Kirchhoff’s first law states that the algebraic sum of the voltages around a closed loop is 0,or,in any closed loop, sum of the voltage rises must equal the sum of voltage drops.运放

The first law states that in normal op-amp circuits we may assume that the voltage difference between the input terminals is zero, that is, U+=U-.The second law states that in normal op-amp circuits both of the input currents may be assumed to be zero: I+=I-电路理论 theory of circuit

模拟电子技术analog electronics technology

数字电子技术digital electronics technology

电力电子技术power electronics technology

电磁场electromagnetic field

电机与拖动electric motor and electric drive

电力拖动自动控制系统electric drive automatic control system 自动控制理论automatic control theory

现代控制理论modern control theory

智能控制intelligent control

微机原理principle of microcomputer

计算机接口技术computer interface technology

计算机控制技术computer control technology

自动调节装置automatic regulators

过程控制系统process control system

过程检测及仪表process measurement and instrument

单片机原理与应用principle and application of single-chip computer 可编程序控制器系统programmable logical controller system 现场总线技术fieldbus technology

嵌入式系统embedded system

供电技术power supplying technology

计算机仿真computer simulation

信号分析与处理signal analyzing and processing

集散控制系统distributed control system

楼宇自动化building automation


GTOgate turn-off thyristor门极可关断晶闸管 GJTbipolar junction transistor双极结型晶体管 SCR

第三篇:自动化专业英语 考试 重点单词


circuit components电路元件root mean square values 均方根值 Conductor导体effective value有效值

Wire导线sinusoidal time function正弦时间函数 Circuit diagram电路图circuit parameters:电路参数 Voltage drop电压降Time-invariant: 时不变的 Non-linear characteristic非线性特性Storage battery:蓄电池 ideal source理想电源Load characteristic:负载特性 ideal voltage source理想电压源Terminal voltage:端电压

ideal current source理想电流源Active circuit elements有源电路元件 potential电位

series and parallel equivalent circuit 串并联等值电路

internal resistance 内阻

complex number 复数

vector 向量

absolute value 绝对值

complex peak value 复数幅值

rotating vector旋转变量

logic circuit 逻辑电路

digital circuit 数字电路

chance variable 随机变量

decimal number 十进制数

logic condition 逻辑状态

output lead 输出端

logic OR function 逻辑或函数

logic AND function 逻辑与电路

logic NOT function 逻辑非电路

logic NOR function 逻辑或非电路

an assembled circuit 集成电路

the processing, the storage and the transmission of information 信息处理、存储和传送

assembly cost 装配成本

single chip microcomputer 单片机

process control过程控制

Microprocessor 微处理器

modular design 模块化设计

interface 接口

manual supervision 手动操作

general-purpose elements 通用元件

the large scale integrated circuit — the silicon chip


software engineering 软件工程

civilian use 民用

biometric security 生物识别安全系统

security alarm system 防盗报警系统

structured cabling 结构化布线

router 路由器

gateway 网关

ventilation 通风

air conditioning units 空调设备

illumination 照明

electron 电子

heating, ventilating, air conditioningand refrigeration 暖通空调制冷


performance map性能图

compressor 压缩机

Micro-electromechanical Systems 微型机电系统 automated diagnostics 自动诊断

Intelligent Building智能建筑

smart home智能家居

Centralized management, decentralized control集中管理、分散控制


analog circuit模拟电路

feedback 反馈

amplifier 放大器



Artificial intelligence人工智能

word recognition 文字识别

Adaptive Control自适应控制

telecommunication 电信

terminal 终端

water supply and discharge给排水

weak electricity弱电


manipulate 操作

office automation 办公自动化

运算放大器 operational amplifier





single phase circuit 单相电路

transducer 传感器HVAC&R


1)the parameterization of the0controller0isC=X+MQ/Y-NQ。where N,M are right coprime factors of P,X,Y satisfy NX+MY=1,Q∈RH∞

2)According to the right coprime factorization of P, N=,M=,X=,Y=By the performance of the closed-loop system

N(0)[X(0)+M(0)Q(0)]=1 N(10j)[Y(10j)-N(10j)Q(10j)]=0,So take Q in the form Q(s)=x1+x2·1/s+1+x3·1/(x+


we can get the solution of Q。x1=,x2=,x3=,Q=Finally,the controller is C=

步骤:S=1-λ/λ代人 P(λ)=λ²/6λ²-5λ+1

X=-q2/r2 ,y=1+q1q2/r2 λ=1/s﹢1


M(s)=(s-1)(s-2)/(s+1)² X(s)=19s-11/s+1Y(s)=s+6/s+1


N(0)[X(0)+M(0)Q(0)]=1 N(10j)[Y(10j)-N(10j)Q(10j)]=0

Q(0)=6,Q(10j)=-94+70j Q(s)=x1+x2·1/s+1+x3·1/(x+


x1=-79 x2=-723 x3=808 Q(s)=(-79s²-881s+6)/(s+1)²C(s)=[-60s4-598s32


A control system is stable if the number of encirclements of the(-1,0)point by the GH plot is equal to the number of poles of GH with positive real parts.The direction of encirclement must be in a direction opposite to τs.GH is on open loop transfer function.τs is open right half of s-plane.一个控制系统是稳定的数量是否包围的(1,0)点的GH图的数量相等的两极与积极的真实部分GH。被包围的方向都必须在一个τs的相反方向。


二.The process of designing a control system generally involves many steps.A typical scenario is as follows:

1.Study the system to be controlled and decide what types of sensors and actuators will be used and where they will be placed.2.Model the resulting system to be controlled.3.Simplify the model if necessary so that it is tractable.4.Analyze the resulting model;determine its properties.5.Decide on performance specifications.6.Decide on the type of controller to be used.7.Design a controller to meet the specs, if possible;if not, modify the specs or generalize the type of controller sought.8.Simulate the resulting controlled system, either on a computer or in a pilot plant.9.Repeat from step 1 if necessary.10.Choose hardware and software and implement the controller.11.Tune the controller on-line if necessary.r.reference or command inputvsensor outputuactuating signal, plant inputdexternal disturbanceyplant output and measured signaln.sensor noise


凝固技术国家重点实验室 材料学院 黄卫东


动力与能源学院 高正红鱼雷制导技术国家级重点实验室 航海学院 宋保维


级重点实验室 航天学院 何国强无人机特种技术国家级重点实验室 国防研究院 周洲 6 超高温结构复合材料国家级重点实验室 材料学院 成来飞 7

航天飞行动力学技术国家级重点实验室 航天学院 袁建平



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